Bewitching Books Tours May 2013

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Bewitching Book Tours Magazine Issue 11 May 2013 Bewitching Book Tours Magazine is a publication of Bewitching Book Tours and Bewitching Books. Editor: Roxanne Rhoads Design Editor and Layout: Lisa McGeen Contributors include Bewitching Book Tours Authors and Tour Hosts learn more at Submission details- for every issue we are accept: Articles- topics include writing, research, paranormal, vampires, advice for authors, publishing advice, and more Flash Fiction- paranormal, urban fantasy and erotica (for other genres please query) True tales of paranormal encounters Recipes Poetry Book reviews Please send submissions to place “Bewitching Magazine Submission” in subject line Ad space rates are: $40 full page ad $20 half page ad $10 quarter page ad

You can subscribe to this magazine at bewitchingbooktours © Copyright 2013 Stock images from

Contents Auntie Ann’s Homespun Advice The Missing Mechanical Mouse Cindy Spencer Pape Interview The Hunters and the Queen Tarot In Fiction Green Living Tips Jillian Stone Feature Review—Jillian Stone Living In Montana Promotion and Authors Touched Review The Zombie Story Maer Wilson Interview Michigan Steampunk Events Saskia Spotlight My Favorite Steampunk Gadgets The Legend Chronicles Reviews Naughty Nook Aromatherapy for Lovers Carole Remy Interview Remote Control Publish or Perish vs. Law of Attraction

4 6 14 20 23 26 28 35 38 40 43 44 46 49 50 52 55 58 59 61 65 66

Happy spring, everyone! Family was the top topic this month. Keep those letters coming to Dear Auntie Ann, My husband’s twentieth high school reunion is coming up this summer. While I understand I should go with him to support him, my sister is going to Europe at the same time and invited me

along. I’d really rather go with her. When I told my husband that, he blew a fuse. I didn’t go to his high school. In fact, I attended high school in a different state, so his reunions are incredibly

boring for me since it’s people I don’t know (except for him, of course) talking about other people I don’t know. I’m not sure what to do. Every time I’ve tried to bring this up so we could talk more about it, he stomps out of the house. CJ

Dear CJ, Do you suppose he’s hurt because you and your sister didn’t invite him to come to Europe? There will always be another high school reunion. They come around regularly. It sounds like he’s conflicted about the reunion. Maybe he secretly hates them as much as you do, but it feels disloyal for him to admit it. In any event, you two do need to talk. You don’t say how long you’ve been married, but it shouldn’t be impossible to get him to agree to a time to sit down. Or maybe you could go for a walk. Sometimes it’s easier to discuss things when you’re moving. I’d bring along a list of possibilities, including him joining you and your sister. (If your sister’s not jazzed about that, maybe you and hubby could go on a fun vacation with just the two of you either instead of or in addition to the reunion.) The important thing is figuring out why your husband is so upset. To find out, you’ll need to ask a few questions and sit back and listen. Be sure to write back and let me know what happened.

Dear Auntie Ann, When I married my husband five years ago, I knew he had two teenaged boys who lived with his ex in another state. They’re not teenagers anymore. One is 20 and the other 21. Long story short, the ex kicked them out. Frankly, I don’t blame her. They sloughed off through high school and weren’t working or going to college. They were just sponging off her. Well now they’re sponging off us. I

couldn’t believe it when my husband told them they could move in. They go out every night, roll in very late, and sleep until afternoon at which point they raid the kitchen and leave a mess.

I finally told my husband either they go or I do, which means all three of them leave since it’s my

house. I expected my ultimatum would get through to him, but he just told me to develop a sense of humor and grow a thicker skin. Then he told me he had “problems” growing up too.

Neither one of us are all that young. I’m in my early fifties and he’s forty-eight. We got along fine until his sons moved in. Should I follow through on my ultimatum? RY Dear RY, I can’t tell you what to do. What I will tell you is no one takes advantage of you without your permission. Since the young men are actually adults, I’d sit down with everyone immediately and tell the boys they’re welcome to stay if: They get jobs or start college or do both within the next thirty days. Since they need income, the job part is critical.  They contribute to the household financially. A few hundred bucks a month to cover room and board will make them grow into responsible adults.  They come home by a reasonable hour like ten p.m. on weeknights.  They clean up after themselves. 

If they refuse, I frankly don’t see what you gain by playing den mother to a bunch of Peter Pans who not only never grew up, but don’t understand why it’s important. Best of luck to you. Write back and tell me how it goes.

The Missing Mechanical Mouse A Cara Devon story By A. W. Exley

Cara pulled aside the green damask curtain.

bird needs your help." His lips twitched in amusement,

Taking a sip of coffee, she watched sparrows play on

as his fingers held out a small rose coloured visiting

the front lawn, as they dive bombed each other and

card. Cara was one of the few people who saw beneath

fought over seed heads. Their antics came to an abrupt

his icy faรงade, to the dark depths swirling far below.

halt when the gardener rounded the corner and the little Small ticks on the surface a mere echo of deeper ripbirds all flitted to the protective hedgerow. Behind her, ples, a tug of his lips meant he was amused as hell at the aethergram ticked away on the corner of the desk, spitting a coded message into the waiting wicker basket and signalling the start of another work day.

her new role. She blew a snort of air and dropped the coffee mug to the desk top. Society turned its collective back

With another fortifying java hit, she crossed the on her, but under the covers, they all wanted her help. Persian carpet to the desk, and cast an eye over the

She never realised how many upstanding, virginal,

message. The machine drew each letter from the aether young women of the ton concealed such sordid and with laborious precision. Sentences took long minutes

grubby secrets. By some collective agreement, which

to appear, and the cargo manifesto crawled along the

nobody ever consulted Cara about, she had been nomi-

ticker tape like a blind caterpillar missing half its legs.

nated the problem solver, for young ladies with indis-

She wondered what contraband would soon arrive at

cretions liable to tarnish their sparkling reputations.

the Thames airship dock, when the echo within her

Cara took the slip of heavy paper and glanced at

chest shifted, to beat almost in sync with her heart. She the name and address. Nate dropped his arm around her raised her eyes to the door just as it swung open. Na-

waist and pulled her close to the heat of his broad

thaniel Trent, also known as the villainous viscount,

chest. His lips nuzzled up her neck and fire skated over

the man who shared her heart beat and made her toes

her skin at the electric touch. A sigh broke from her

curl, strode towards her.

lips, as she toyed with forgetting about injured birds

"Helene left a message for you, another injured and perhaps encouraging a lion back to bed instead.

Running her hands down the soft linen shirt covering

men's lounge and headed her way. His imposing mass

his chest, she hooked her fingers under the waistband of intimidated everybody, except Cara. She knew his his pants. Perhaps for once, society could await her

weakness for Belgian white chocolate, and if he got out

pleasure, and not vice versa?

of hand, she could always shoot him. Again.

A growl rumbled through Nate's torso. Even without her wandering fingers, her intentions leaked

"What about the carriage?" A frown fought for space on his scarred and lined face.

along their shared bond and flowed to him. "Don't tempt

She shook her head. "We're walking."

me, I have work to do. A large shipment is due this

The henchman regarded her as though she an-

morning of rather a fragile nature. I cannot be distracted nounced he was to don tights and take to the stage as or tired." More kisses burned through her senses, the

Oberon, King of the Fairies. "You're bleedin' kidding

sensual haze fighting the coffee alertness, and she won- me?" dered who was distracting whom. "Miguel wants to come with me," he murmured against her skin. "So Jackson will be your tail for the

She held the solid wooden door opened and gestured outside. "Chop, chop. Fresh air is good for you." "You're a noble, love, you're supposed to take

day, try not to lose him, he takes it rather personally.

the flippin' carriage everywhere, not walk." He mut-

Tonight, cara mia, I will make it up to you." With a

tered, grumbled and complained all the way down the

swift, hot kiss that stole her breathe, he unravelled his

curving driveway and along the street. He only shut up

arms from about her, and disappeared from the study.

when he paused to light a cigarette and shoved it be-

Cara took a deep breath, and tried to remember

tween his teeth. The process of inhaling and exhaling

what she was doing before Nate muddled her thoughts.

distracted him from moaning about the exercise. The

The aethergram gave a short violent cough, before fall-

glare he gave the other pedestrians ensured Cara walked

ing silent. She ripped the ticker tape off and held up the in her own little unimpeded bubble. message. One item caught her attention.

Cara stopped outside her destination and Jack-

Three tonnes of rice flour.

son took it upon himself to prop up a nearby lamp post,

She laughed when her brain decoded the true

feigning exhaustion. He grumbled, but his immaculate

nature of the cargo. Explosives. No wonder he didn't

suit hid hard muscle and old battle scars. All of Nate's

want to be distracted while dividing the shipment.

men were fit, strong, and capable of fighting their way

A short while later, with her immediate paper work concluded and nothing urgent to attend, she left the calm sanctuary of the study.

out of a myriad of situations. Jackson's complaints about tagging behind Cara were all bark, with no bite. "I won't be long," Cara called, rapping on the

"Come on, Jackson," she hollered like a barmaid dark blue front door. down the hallway, as she walked across the marble floor toward the front door. The large bodyguard stuck his head out the

The butler showed her through to a small parlour, decorated in tones of yellow and green. Books were scattered over sofas and end tables, adding a lived

in touch. A long haired cat occupied most of a sofa.

"Do you still love him?"

The feline cracked one green eye open, surveyed Cara

Rich blue eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

and promptly went back to sleep. She barely completed "Yes. But he has chosen his path, and father has since a circuit of the cheery room when the door opened to

brokered my marriage to an older noble, in need of a

admit Dianne Forsyth. Her warm blonde colouring was new wife." perfectly offset by an outfit of pale green and the blush of new rose. Blue eyes held an open regard and the

A shudder worked down Cara's spine at the thought of being traded like cattle at market.

trace of a smile touched her pink lips.

Dianne drew another deep breath and clapped

"Cara Devon," she breathed, before holding out her hands together, dispelling the sombre air gathering her hand to offer a steady handshake. "I never thought

in the gaily decorated room and startling the cat.

to meet you in person. You are so lucky."

"Anyway, I have a small token of some, sentimental

Cara rocked back on her feet. Being called lucky was a new label. "Pardon?" she asked, sure she

value, which Samuel is withholding. I wish to have it returned to me."


"All right. What is it?"

"You and Viscount Lyons are so. . . open, about your relationship, you engage no subterfuge."

The other woman fidgeted, her fingers tugging on the cat's ears, before a sigh worked from her chest.

Cara blinked, unused to such a direct approach, "A small mechanical mouse with my name carved on the other woman's candour as welcome as a spring

the underside. I believe Samuel keeps it about his per-

breeze. "The worse has already happened to me. I


stopped caring what society thought after that."

A mechanical mouse? Cara puzzled over the

"While the rest of us turn society's expectations woman wanting a toy returned, the motives of other into bars for our pretty cages." Dianne gave a sad smile nobles beyond her. Who was she to say what they and Cara's heart melted round the edges. I'm in danger of liking this one. "You have a matter that needs my assistance?" She prompted with a soft tone. "Samuel Denning and I had an understanding; he wanted to wait until he came into his title, before making our engagement official. I believed him, and I

placed value upon? "Where will I find him?" "His club, Red's. He has taken to spending most of his time there, so I cannot send a servant to him. They will not admit a woman." A slow smile spread across Cara's face. Challenge accepted, her brain cried. "We'll see about that." Dianne's hands stroked down the long body of

gave myself fully. He recently became the Earl of

the cat for a moment, and then she turned to Cara.

Stoke, and found a far larger fortune than mine, with

"Would you satisfy my curiosity? Is it true, that you

which to garnish his title." The other woman cast her

reside under Viscount Lyon's roof?"

eyes down and drew a deep breath. Cara moved closer, to lay a hand on her arm.

Cara laughed, she could understand curiosity and she liked the other woman's direct manner. "It suits

me to live there. I have an office in Nate's house and I complete paperwork for Lyons Cargo." Dianne fell back onto the sofa, a hand grasping

from beyond. She fixed the attendant with a stare and cocked her head to the doors. "Is Samuel Denning within?"

at her chest. "Work?" She made the single syllable into

"Yes, miss. But he cannot be disturbed."

an exclamation of surprise. "You mean like paid em-

"I'll only be a moment." She turned to left, only

ployment?" "Yes." Her brows knitted together in concern. "Well I never."

to find he blocked her path with his larger body. He waved at the small brass plaque attached to the wall. "I am sorry, miss, but no women allowed beyond this point."

"I'll see myself out. I should have your mouse back by this afternoon." Once out the front door Cara tapped the top of

Cara's gaze flicked to the sign and read the three words embossed on brass. "You adhere to the sign?" "Yes. No women."

Jackson's bowler hat to wake him up. "Come on, we're

"Humour, me. Read it aloud."

off to Red's."

"Strictly no skirts."

Jackson scowled as he pushed off the post to fall

"No skirts." Cara repeated, as her fingers slid

in step beside her. He let out a long suffering sigh as he under the back of her corset and found the hook and eye corrected the angle of his hat. Cara turned on him and threw up her arms. "All

closure of her skirt. "Well it means no women, it’s the same thing,

right, hail us a cab to St James, can't have you sulking

isn't it?" He gave an indulgent smile, as though dealing

all afternoon."

with someone of diminished mental capacity.

He flashed a toothy grin and promptly flagged

Cara wrinkled her nose with laughter. "No, actu-

down a chuffing hansom cab, the driver sat at the back

ally, they're not the same thing." Her fingers released

with the controls and access to coal for the fire. The

the hooks and the soft wool skirt slid to the floor, pool-

passengers sat with nothing in front of them, except the ing around her feet. She stepped out of the puddle of snub nose housing the engine. They alighted in St James and Cara stared up at the discreet exterior of the building, soft grey stone with austere columns. The only extravagance the front door,

fabric and scooped it up, handing it to the stunned attendant. "Hold that, would you?" Pushing aside the double doors she paused on the entrance. Heads swung at the intrusion and numer-

painted a rich glossy red. The colour signalled the name ous wide eyes took in her attire; someone started coughof the club, without the need for a name plate. Cara bounced up the stairs and down the short

ing, or had a heart attack, another hacked up a fur ball. Her laced boots stopped just below the knee, striped

hallway, which opened into a small reception area. An

woollen stockings rose to mid-thigh to meet silk French

ornate set of panelled doors occupied a large portion of

knickers, the same dark chocolate brown as the stock-

wall space. Muted laughter and chatter could be heard

ings. Strapped to her thigh, she wore a four-inch blade.

Her swallow-tailed corset dipped to graze the back of her knees and obscured their view of her derriere, as she passed amongst the assembled gentlemen, giving cheery greetings on her way.

has my back, I rather think I am." "He's not as untouchable as he thinks he is." A sneer touched the corner of his mouth. Cara frowned, about to ask what he meant,

One rose from his chair, nearly tipping over the when a growing commotion echoed from the foyer. small table holding an in-progress chess game. "Now

Filing away the comment, she walked back through the

just a minute—" he levelled a finger at her.

haze filled room, and past the slack jawed members.

"Keep your pants on and don't get over excited. I have business to discuss with Denning." A man unwound himself from a fireside wing

Exiting the double doors, she found the small spaced crammed with Inspector Fraser and the hulking Sergeant Connor. Jackson lounged against the street

backed chair, and turned to stare at her. "I say," he

side door jamb, not allowed admittance any further into

murmured, his eyes racking over her form.

the exclusive club. He raised one eyebrow, shook his

Cara held out a hand, ignoring the glint in his eye. "Dianne's mouse, if you please." "What if I refuse?" He ran a fingertip down the side of his moustache. A smile curled her lips, but never touched her eyes. "Do I look like I'm here to play games?" She

head and then returned to his cigarette. Connor took one look at her state of undress, turned beetroot red and developed an instant fascination for the ceiling mouldings. Fraser kept unwavering eye contract. "Miss Devon," he murmured, as though they met in the street.

pulled the Smith and Wesson from the chest holster

"Fraser. Here to arrest me?"

and aimed it, low. "You can hand it over, or I shoot

"Not at all, the attendant was concerned you

your dick off. You have three seconds to decide." He laughed, a retort rising to the tip of his tongue.

may need assistance." He plucked the skirt from the outstretched arm of the attendant and handed the garment to her.

"One‌" Cara cocked the pistol. Frantic hand movements pulled the ivory mouse from his trouser pocket in under two seconds. He thrust the tiny object in her direction. "Smart boy." Cara replaced the pistol and de-

"Assistance to leave the premises?" Cara stepped into the skirt, flipped out the tails of the corset, and refastened the back. He gave her a shy smile, warming his hazel eyes behind their wire rimmed glasses. "As always, we

posited the mouse in the leather pouch hanging from

understand one another completely." He gestured for

her belt.

her to proceed him from the building, and Cara stepped

"You're not a law unto yourself, you know." Denning found his spine, now he didn't have a pistol pointed at his family jewels. Cara cocked her head to one side. "Given who

outside to the amused gaze of Jackson. "I trust you won't be returning to Red's today?" Inspector Fraser enquired. "No, I don't think so." She gave him a wink and

waited while Jackson waved his arm and hailed a steam each movement. powered cab. When it puffed to a stop beside them, he

"Reunited with her mouse, which, I suspect, she

helped her up. Once on their way, she extracted the

wants for when she is buried alive in the countryside

mouse to examine the object. Made of smooth polished

stuck with some decrepit toff." She rolled to her side

marble, the rough size and shape resembled a chicken

and followed a faint scar with a fingertip.

egg, but with a more tapered, triangular end, forming

Nate captured her hand. "Well, if you ever find

the mouse's head. Delicate ears, eyes and whiskers were yourself buried in the countryside, or bored with your carved into the stone. A thin silver chain formed the tail, old toff . . . ." he pulled a small object from his pocket the end wrapped around a tiny key.

and placed it in her palm.

Turning the mouse over, she found a tiny key

Cara recognised the shape and laughed. A retort

hole and succumbed to the constant curiosity. She in-

rose to her lips, only to be swallowed down by the ever

serted the end of the tail and turned the key several

present curiosity.

times. Once the key slid free, the mouse began a gentle

Perhaps, just this once…?

pulsating motion. Cara stared at her hand, the small oval Nefertiti’s Heart A. W. Exley

creature vibrating across her palm. She knew what it was, the answer so close, dancing just at the edge of her

Genre: Steampunk Publisher: Curiosity Quills

reach. "Got it yet, doll? Figured out why a man would

ISBN 10: 1620071797 ISBN-13: 9781620071793 ASIN: B00BFTMRBA

give such a toy to his lover?" The words toy and lover buzzed until realisation slammed into her brain. "Ewww…" she cried, as her

Number of pages: 280 Word Count: 83,000

hand jerked, the mouse leaping for freedom to be caught by the swift reflexes of Jackson.

Cover Artist: Ricky Gunawan

He gave a hearty laugh and dropped the critter

Amazon ebook Amazon paperback Kobo Barnes and

back into the pouch at her side. Later that night, Cara lay on her stomach, read-


ing, when Nate entered the bedroom. The tiredness van- Book Description ished from his eyes as he drank in her sprawled form. He sat on the bed next to her, to remove his boots. "How is your injured bird?" He stripped the shirt over his head next, and Cara lost any pretence of interest in her book. She loved watching the muscles in his back bunch and stretch with

Cara Devon has always suffered curiosity and impetuousness, but tangling with a serial killer might cure that. Permanently. London, 1861. Impoverished noble Cara has a simple mission after the strange death of her father - sell off his damned collection of priceless artifacts. Her plan goes awry when aristocratic beauties start dying of broken hearts, an eight inch long brass key hammered through their chests. A killer hunts amongst the nobility, searching for a regal beauty and an ancient Egyptian relic rumored to hold the key to immortality. Her Majesty’s Enforcers are in pursuit of the murderer and they see a connection between the grue-

some deaths and Cara. So does she, somewhere in London her father hid Nefertiti’s Heart, a fist sized diamond with strange mechanical workings. Adding further complication to her life, notorious crime lord, Viscount Nathaniel Lyons is relentless in his desire to lay his hands on Cara and the priceless artifact. If only she could figure out his motive. Self-preservation fuels Cara's search for the gem. In a society where everyone wears a mask to hide their true intent, she needs to figure out who to trust, before she makes a fatal mistake. Excerpt Nefertiti’s Heart Sunday, June 23 There was something cathartic about wielding a crowbar. Cara used one end to loosen the tacks, before ripping up the expensive, patterned carpet. She tossed the strip in a growing pile by the wall. She never intended to remove all the carpet, but with the cool metal bar in her hand, she lost herself in the rhythm of tearing away a layer from her father's sanctuary. Pushing a deep auburn spike of hair from her forehead, she took a moment's break from the dusty work. As spring gave way to summer, Cara found the air inside the narrow terrace house stuffy and oppressive, a situation exacerbated by her current labour. She flung open the second-storey window, took a large breath of London air, and coughed. Coal smoke and steam belched from the horseless carriages below and spiralled past her window. The combination of the narrow street and tall buildings forced the vehicle emissions skyward. She blinked the stinging smog from her eyes and leaned on the casement as she surveyed her work. She had taken up most of the library carpet, the floor underneath finally revealed. Coated in several years of dust and grime, the boards appeared dull in the morning light. Pacing the floor, she knew she was close; a spot to one side called to her. The hairs on the backs of her arms rose as she walked the bare boards. Ah. There. She saw wooden planks stained a slightly darker colour. A maid spent hours on her knees there. With a scrubbing brush and bleach, she had tried to wash away the blood before the new carpets were laid. There was an old saying: blood will out. Cara wondered if this was what her grandmother meant. You can scrub as hard as you want, but you can never remove the taint, not once it leached into the porous fibres of the wood. The stain became a permanent reminder of the violence committed. Cara remembered she lay on the floor, unaware her blood soaked the carpet and seeped into the floor beneath. Darkness crept over the floor and surrounded her numb body. Oblivion wove tendrils around her, sight the last sense she relinquished. Her vision turned black as her fourteen-year-old self watched her father. He took a book from the shelf and pressed the hidden lever, before the waiting darkness swept her into blessed unconsciousness.

About the Author Books and writing have always been an enormous part of my life. I survived school by hiding out in the library, with several thousand fictional characters for company. At university, I overcame the boredom of studying accountancy by squeezing in Egyptology papers and learning to read hieroglyphics. Today, I write steampunk novels with a sexy edge and an Egyptian twist. I live in rural New Zealand surrounded by an assortment of weird and wonderful equines, felines, canine and homicidal chickens.

What Inspired you to become an author?

It was a gradual process for me—I think it had always been dancing around in the back of my mind. At one point I had a job where I had a desk and computer, but not always much to do. I decided to see if I could write a novel to keep looking busy. It worked! Do you have a specific writing style? That’s something else that’s more organic than choice. I write with a dry sense of humor, strong emotion, and lots of detail. I don’t really write humor intentionally, it just kind of shows up, even when I think I’m being dark and brooding. Do you write in different genres?

I have, just about everything that can be considered romance. Contemporary, historical, futuristic, erotic, and paranormal. For the last year or so, though, I’ve been focusing mostly on the steampunk romance. If yes which is your favorite genre to write? The steampunk is definitely loads of fun. I can smash together all my favorite aspects of other genres, like the elegance of the Victorian era, the imagination of science fiction gadgets and creepy paranormal creatures, plus, of course, lots of family interaction, and tons of steamy romance. Is there a genre(s) that you’d like to write that you haven’t tackled yet? I haven’t written a straight up mystery or even a heavy -duty romantic suspense. I’m kind of afraid of those, I think. Get- ting all the clues right and not having the

protagonists make it look too easy. If this book is part of a series…what is the next book? Any details you can share? The next book I have scheduled is a Gaslight Chronicles novella, from Carina Press, set for January 2014. It doesn’t have a title yet, and isn’t finished, but I’m having a little fun exploring the middle class in my steampunk world. There will be two more full-length novels later in 2014. Can you share a little of your current work with us? This is really rough, very first draft, but here’s a peek: Icy fingers of wet winter fog lanced through Minerva Shaw’s thin cloak and pierced her chilblained cheeks. She’d forgotten her breathing mask but she couldn’t let that stop her from her task. Coughing soot from her lungs, she ducked her face into her muffler and pushed forward, into the wind. Strong as it was, she fought to even hold her ground. Finally, she allowed it to take her back at an angle, until she was out of the street and up against a storefront. In the dark, she couldn’t tell what kind of store, but it didn’t really matter. In the distance, she heard a steam engine clank, but no lights burned on this street of modest shops, and no carriages or steam cars ventured out in

the wind and fog in this unexceptional part of London. Somewhere train whistle sounded and a church bell tolled two. Eight hours then. She’d spent eight hours going from doctor to doctor, trying to find one who would help. Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? After over 50 books/novellas, keeping names and such different is getting tougher. I totally stink at titles, and I do tend to get bogged down in the middle if I’m not careful. When you’re not writing what do you do? Do you have any hobbies or guilty pleasures? I’ve always loved museums, outdoor festivals, and especially dressing up for Renaissance faires, but writing the Gaslight Chronicles has brought me to a whole new hobby: steampunk social events. It turns out that southern Michigan, where I live, has a huge, thriving steampunk community. In the last six months or so, I’ve dived right in, going to dance parties, museum outings, and I’m even helping plan and put on an brand new steampunk convention right here in the Detroit area. Up in the Aether—the Steampunk Convention, will be held Memorial day weekend at the Hotel Doubletree, Dearborn. We have lots of amazing authors, musical acts, and steampunk vendors lined up, so it ought to be a great party! I’ve included a bunch of photos of me and the spouse doing the steampunk thing. The people are warm and friendly, the attire is anything-goes, and

the whole idea of adults playing dress up is loads of stress-relieving fun. For more on the Gaslight Chronicles, or any of my other books, you can visit me on my website, blog, Facebook or Twitter. (Though I’m kind of a total newb at Twitter.) I’m also part of four group blogs: Steamed! Here Be Magic, Naughty Author Chicks, and Romance Books ‘4’ Us. The Gaslight books are currently all available as e-books at all the major e-tailers, or as audio files from

Here’s a nice steamy excerpt from my newest release: Cards & Caravans, Gaslight Chronicles book #5: “Sir Connor?” Shite, just hearing her say his name while she was in bed was enough to have him hard as an axe handle. “What?” He hoped she didn’t need to be held again. He didn’t think he could stand it without either making love to her or dying. “And just call me Connor. We’re supposed to be married, after all.” Which made no sense, given that he’d shamelessly used Tom’s name instead of his own. “Very well, Connor.” Her voice was husky, deep for a woman’s and erotic as hell. “You don’t have to sleep on the floor.” He dragged in a breath. “No, I’d be better off down in the tap, but I don’t want to leave you alone. I’m trying hard not to take advantage of you, Belinda.” Her chuckle was sultry. “How about if I take advantage of you? I’ve been widowed a long time. Women—we have physical needs too, you know. We’re only human.” “I’m well aware of that.” He spoke through gritted teeth. “Does admitting it make me an immoral woman?” “Not by my standards. I’ve no quarrel with anyone who isn’t hurting anyone else.” He reminded himself that she was still liable to be in shock from her ordeal. “Are you married, or promised to someone else?” Connor shook his head, although she proba-

bly couldn’t see it. “No, I’m remarkably unattached.” And likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future, although a germ of an idea had begun to form—one he wasn’t ready to look at directly, at least not yet. “Then come to bed with me,” she coaxed. “After everything that happened, I need to feel alive, instead of imagining the flames. I don’t want to be alone tonight.” “That’s a dangerous road you’d start us down.” He had just enough grip on his sanity to remember the hazards. “Not so dangerous,” she said on a sigh. “I’m a widow, not a virgin, and I’m barren, so there’s no risk of a child.” “Are you sure? Sometimes it’s the man’s problem.” It was ridiculous to get into the science of things at a moment like this, but Connor’s brain wasn’t working clearly enough to filter out irrelevant thoughts. Instead, it seemed to take refuge in the minutiae. Furthermore, he discovered he didn’t like to think of her having lain with—having loved—another man. Wasn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? “I’m sure. My husband had a daughter with his first wife,” she replied. “I met him several years after they both died of a fever.” “I’m sorry.” Somehow he thought that might be the right thing to say. He’d heard something about that from the squire, hadn’t he? Again, his brain wasn’t exactly in working order at the moment. “Unless…” She paused. “I could understand if you were too tired—or if you simply didn’t want me. I am older than you, and not as pretty or lighthearted as I might once have been.” “Oh, good lord, woman, a few years is nothing. And you’re stunning.” Had she really missed his attraction to her? “I want you so much my eyes are crossing.” “Then come to bed.” He wasn’t an idiot. Somewhere in the back of his brain, that plan firmed and shifted, but Connor still didn’t acknowledge it. Instead, he shucked his smalls and climbed onto the bed. A surprise greeted him. Belinda was naked too. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him farther under the covers. Their bodies fit together as if they’d been designed for each other. She was small but strong and curvaceous, not some fragile waif he’d have to worry about breaking in half. Connor was a big man, and he’d just discov-

ered that a short, sturdy woman suited him fine. Refusing to let her take complete control, he rolled her to her back as he kissed her, pinning her hands to the bed with his. Their lips tangled in long, drugging kisses, their tongues dueling for dominance as they explored each other’s mouths. Finally, Connor broke the kiss, smiling as he kissed his way down to her breasts. He sent a spell winging to the candle beside the bed, sparking it to life. Belinda was beautiful with clothes on, and he wanted rather desperately to see her without them. The dim and flickering light didn’t reveal much but skin darker than the typical British notion of beauty, yet smooth and lovely. Her breasts were bountiful and flushed, her generous nipples dark and pearled. He couldn’t wait any longer to taste them, so after swirling around each with his tongue, he drew one into his mouth. Belinda whimpered and clutched his head closer. Connor took that as assent and suckled harder, loving the salty taste of her skin, scented with rose petals and plain soap, while one of his hands delved lower, across the slightly rounded curve of her belly to the juncture of her thighs. The crisp curls he found were delightfully wet and slick. When he slid his fingers along her crease, she bucked her hips and whimpered his name. “So bloody beautiful,” he murmured as he switched to the other plump breast. Her responsiveness thrilled him. He eased one finger deeper, testing her readiness, and found her tight—far tighter than he would have expected for a widow. Lifting his head he said, “There’s been no one since your husband, has there?” He didn’t know why that pleased him, but it did. “No. I’ve never wanted to take a lover before.” Something savage and possessive began to coil in Connor’s gut. He wasn’t thinking clearly enough to label it. All he knew was he needed to see to her pleasure because once he got inside her, it would be over far too quickly. He found the pearl of her sex and began to stroke it gently, then with a slightly firmer touch as her body told him with moans and small movements, exactly where and how she liked to be petted. In just moments, her hands fisted in the sheets and she cried out his name as her body convulsed. He continued to kiss her breasts, to stroke her sex, until she’d almost calmed. Then he moved over her and once again plundered her lips. Meanwhile, he positioned himself at her entrance and slowly pushed his way in, feeling the little ripples of her climax fluttering around him. Nothing, nothing, had ever felt this good.

Cards & Caravans Book Five of The Gaslight Chronicles Cindy Spencer Pape Genre : Fantasy Romance Science Fiction Steampunk Word count: 52,000 words eISBN: 9781426896194 Book Description Belinda Danvers isn't a witch. But that won't stop them burning her at the stake... Connor McKay can tell at a glance that Belinda's magickal powers are minimal at best. She can't be guilty of murdering village children. There's something suspicious about her arrest and lightning-quick sentence. Unfortunately, telling anyone how he knows would mean revealing his own powers. He's been sent by the Order of the Round Table to help and he can't just let her die.

Engineer Winifred "Wink" Hadrian has been in love with Inspector Liam McCullough for years, but is beginning to lose hope when he swears to be a lifelong bachelor. Faced with a proposal from a Knight of the Round Table and one of her closest friends, Wink reluctantly agrees to consider him instead. Because of his dark werewolf past, Liam tries to keep his distance, but can't say no when Wink asks him to help find her friend's missing son. They soon discover that London's poorest are disappearing at an alarming rate, after encounters with mysterious "mechanical" men. Even more alarming is the connection the missing people may have with a conspiracy against the Queen. Fighting against time—and their escalating feelings for each other—Wink and Liam must work together to find the missing people and save the monarchy before it's too late... Kilts & Kraken

Escaping from jail and running from vindictive villag- Book Three in the Gaslight Chronicles ers in her grandfather's steam-powered caravan is more excitement than Belinda's had in years. And despite the Cindy Spencer Pape danger--or maybe because of it--she loves the time spent with her sexy rescuer. But there's more to his Category: Romance Steampunk magick than he's letting on... eISBN: 9781426893841 There's something going on that's bigger than the two of them. It's time for good to make a stand. 37,000 words Moonlight & Mechanicals Book Foor in the Gaslight Chronicles Cindy Spencer Pape Genre: Steampunk Romance Publisher: Carina Press ISBN: 978-14268-9452-7 Number of pages: 276 Word Count: 74,000 Amazon

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Book Description: London, 1859

Book Description Magnus, Baron Findlay, longs to bring the wonders of the steam age to his remote island home, but his hands are full fighting the vicious kraken ravaging the coast. When he's swept to sea during battle and washes up on the shore of an isle in the Hebrides, he is near death. Struggling to establish herself as one of the first female physicians in Edinburgh, Dr. Geneva MacKay is annoyed when The Order of the Round Table sends her north to care for an injured highlander. To heal him, Geneva escorts the handsome warrior home, just in time to defend the villagers from another onslaught. As the attacks escalate and they work together to fight off the threat, neither Geneva nor Magnus can resist the overwhelming attraction between them. But as their

relationship deepens, a new threat arises--from within the village itself... Photographs & Phantoms Book Two in the Gaslight Chronicles Cindy Spencer Pape

Book Description Sir Merrick Hadrian hunts monsters, both human and supernatural. A Knight of the Order of the Round Table, his use of magick and the technologies of steam power have made him both respected and feared. But his considerable skills are useless in the face of his greatest challenge, guardianship of five unusual children. At a loss, Merrick enlists the aid of a governess.

Genre : Historical Romance Mys- Miss Caroline Bristol is reluctant to work for a bachelor but she needs a position, and these former street tery Romance Steampunk children touch her heart. While she tends to break any mechanical device she touches, it never occurs to her 20,000 words that she might be something more than human. All she knows is that Merrick is the most dangerously attraceISBN: 9781426891533 tive man she's ever met--and out of reach for a mere governess. Book Description: When conspiracy threatens to blur the distinction between humans and monsters, Caroline and Merrick As a member of the Order of the Round Table, Kendall must join forces, and the fate of humanity hinges upon their combined skills of steam and sorcery... Lake is overqualified to be investigating strange phenomena at a seaside photography studio. But since the About the Author: photographer is related to the Order's most powerful sorcerer, Kendall reluctantly boards a dirigible to Award-winning author of over forty popular books and Brighton. novellas in paranormal, historical, and erotic romance, Cindy Spencer Pape is an avid reader. According to Amy Deland is haunted by a shadow that appears in The Romance Studio, her plots are “full of twist and some of her recent portraits. In each case, the subject turns that keep the reader poised at the edge of their died within days of the sitting. Does she have her seat.” Joyfully Reviewed said, her “colorful characters grandmother's gift of foresight, or has she somehow and plot building surprises kept me spellbound,” and caused the deaths? Romantic Times Magazine says her “characters are apAs Kendall and Amy search for answers, their investi- pealing, and passionate sex leads to a satisfying rogation draws them together in a most improper way— mance.” but it seems the evil presence in the studio is deterCindy firmly believes in happily-ever-after. Married for mined to keep them apart... more than twenty-five years to her own, sometimeskilted hero, she lives in southern Michigan with him Steam & Sorcery and two college-age sons, along with an ever-changing Book One of the Gaslight Chroni- menagerie of pets. cles Cindy has been, among other things, a banker, a teacher, and an elected politician, but mostly an environmenCindy Spencer Pape tal educator, though now she is lucky enough to write Category: Fantasy, Romance, Sci- full-time. Her degrees in zoology and animal behavior almost help her comprehend the three male humans ence Fiction, Steampunk who share her household. eISBN: 9781426891281 76,400 words Brighton, 1855

The Hunters and the Queen Virginia Vayna Excerpt Hadrian didn’t care about what Akuji was currently doing at the moment; he violently said, ‘Return to Komi. Do not waste time, do not waste resources, but return on the next flight out of England.’ Akuji said, ‘I still have to finish one more assignment. I need to find and follow this girl named Jolán.’ The mere sound of such a name caused Hadrian’s stomach to turn, and his unnerving sensation returned. Hadrian dryly inquired, ‘Who is Jolán?’ As soon as Hadrian spoke Jolán’s name, he felt his insides turn and his stomach ache. Hadrian felt weak. Akuji said, ‘She’s some assignment I have to figure out, but I’m not having any success.’ Hadrian gathered as much strength as he could for the moment, and he said to Akuji, ‘Get on the next flight back to Russia. We have heavy issues of concern we need to assess for action.’ At that moment, Akuji heard several voices come through her phone; but she was unsure what had happened or where the voices were located. She asked Hadrian, ‘Are you ok?’ All Akuji could hear was the sound of a thousand whispers. Hadrian kept saying, ‘Akuji are you there? Answer me.’ Hadrian received no response from Akuji. Hadrian finally hung up the phone, but Akuji still heard the voices. Akuji was caught in a trance for several minutes until she received a piercing headache. The Hunters and the Queen The Element Series-Book One Virginia Vayna Genre: YA Paranormal Romance ISBN: 9781301592753 ASIN: B00BX9H36G

Number of pages: 191 Word Count: 88,176 Cover Artist: Andrei Titus Amazon Smashwords BN Kobo Sony

Book Description: While working on her studies at the Churchill Military Academy in Kinsburgh, England, Jolán Vajnbirg’s final year at the academy develops into a year of competition, aristocratic love, reincarnated spirits, and a calling from the sky world to help save earth from the death and destruction caused by the order of the hunters. Jolán Vajnbirg is an often reserved, yet occasionally outspoken young woman living in Kinsburgh, England. She has a relatively easy life living in her quiet England town. She has a full-ride swimming scholarship to the Churchill Military Academy. She has a strong mind, she has an athletic body and she has a loving family and caring friends. Even though her family has a modest income, Jolán makes the best of her situation and excels at anything she puts her focus towards. The sky world is steadily preparing Jolán for her future fate. Jolán will need her friends to help her battle the order of the hunters. The hunters have upset the universal balance of earth, and the hunters have upset the sky world About the Author: Virginia Vayna was born in Dayton, Ohio. During 1999, she moved to Long Beach, California, where she lived on a sailboat for three-years. She currently holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, and she holds a Master of Social Science. Virginia enjoys writing historical fiction, fantasy, paranormal romance, mystery and YA. Her first book, The Hunters and the Queen, is the first book in her Element series.

I love using Tarot cards to help me develop characters and ideas. Whenever I get stuck on a character or concept, I shuffle and draw a card. Sometimes, the results are thought-provoking. Other times, I follow the image down a rabbit hole of whimsy.

times too blunt. He also tends to be overbearing, and will charge ahead with what he wants. He's very intelligent - and will often let you know it. Because One of the things I've learned is that every card he's an avatar of the has its positive and negative meanings...just element of air, he like people. In that spirit, I'd like to introduce will often view you to four exceptional gentlemen...the Knights people too logicalof the Tarot. They're the embodiment of the ro- ly, discounting their mantic ideals of the chivalrous knights of old, feelings. but in very different ways. In short, he'll come First up is the Knight of Swords. He's your man to your rescue. But of action, riding his white horse at breakneck he might be a bit of speed over the an ass when it landscape. His comes to cuddling. sword is lifted, and he's rushing Up next is the Knight of Wands. Like the into battle. He's Knight of Swords, he's in armor, rushing forthe fellow who ward on a fiery red steed. The pattern of his tubrings dramatic nic is one of salamanders, revealing him to be change, expansive an avatar of fire. He cuts an impressive figure, vision. He's brave all gold in the shining sunlight. He's all about and full of derring adventure, passion, and charm. He's an ideal -do. He'll build a lover, and acts on his emotions...all of them. business empire from a single idea. That can be something of a problem. While the Knight of Wands is great in the bedroom, he But he also has tends to be a bit superficial. He's thrilling, but his drawbacks. tends to have the attention span of a gnat. He's He's blunt, some- easily distracted by the next horizon to con-

quer. He tends to be a little shallow.

the avatar of water, and can be as temperamenHe'll rock your world, for a day or even a sea- tal as the sea. He can be son. But after that, consider him gone. over-emotional. He'll cry at sad movies. His Third is the Knight of Pentacles. He arrives on daydreaming can cause a majestic black warhorse in full armor. His him to lack motivation. horse is standing still, however, and he's look- He can be moody. Maying thoughtfully at a giant pentacle in his hands. be too moody. He'll He's loyal - the kind of knight who'll stand by while away an afteryour side 'til the end of time. He's also tied to noon contemplating the the element of earth, and represents wealth. shapes of clouds. He's a pragmatic guy who knows how to make and hold onto money. He works hard and sees The Knight of Cups can things realistically. woo you and make your heart melt with heartfelt poetry. But be prepared to deal with sulkBut all that hard work can make the Knight of ing, jealousy, and running hot and cold. Pentacles a dull boy. He can be serious, maybe The Knights represent different archetypes, diftoo serious and tends to depression. He can be- ferent ideas. None of them, like people in real come obsessively married to his work. Though life, is ever ideal. you don't need to fear that he's found another damsel to rescue, he can be gone on quests for a But it sure is a lot of fun to watch 'em joust. long time. The Knight of Pentacles is a steady partner. But there won't be much spice to that partnership. Last is the Knight of Cups. He's very shiny, sitting atop his prancing steed. He is more beautifully dressed than any of the other Knights...and he's bringing you a gift of a chalice. He's romantic, sensitive, artsy. He can be a dreamer. He'll paint your portrait or sing beneath your window. He enjoys the finer things in life and will love to see you in beautiful clothes... When he's done admiring himself. He's

Wenona’s Review: I received the ThermaCell Mosquito Lantern for review. I was a little dubious that it would work well. Most mosquito repelling products never work like they say they will. Fortunately the ThermaCell Lantern did. Not only did it help keep the mosquitoes away it looks fabulous lit up. And it is very long lasting. My daughter had a sleepover and the lantern stayed lit all night and kept the mosquitoes away- and even after being on all night it still lit up the next day when we turned it on. We thought for sure it would dead. Now this lantern goes outside with us for every camp out, cookout, bonfire, etc. I think we;ll be purchasing an additional lantern for when we go on our camping trip later this summer. Yeah it's that great. It provides great outdoor lighting and mosquito repellent all in one. I love it. Info From the website: Mosquito Repellent Patio Lantern 

      

It's up to 98% effective at repelling black flies, mosquitoes, and other flying nuisances. When you're choosing mosquito lamps or bug repellent lights for your patio, consider the benefits of this dual-function outdoor lantern bugs hate. Effective protection from pests: Keeps away up to 98% of mosquitoes and other pests within a 15 x15-foot area, the size of an average patio or deck Safe: No open flames or hot wax, no DEET, approved by U.S. EPA Comfortable: No smelly lotions, sprays, or oils Convenient: Attractive size, portable, lightweight Quiet: Silent operation Dual-function: Repellent and light features can be used together or separately Ideal for backyards, decks, picnics, barbecues, camping, and outdoor parties

     

Mosquito repellent operates on a single butane cartridge (included) The butane warms an insect repellent mat that releases allethrin Allethrin is a synthetic copy of a natural repellent found in pyrethrum flowers, a member of the chrysanthemum family 4 LED lights have "low" and "high" illumination settings; lights operate on 4 AA batteries (not included) Decorative design for patio and backyard entertaining Contains: 1 reusable Mosquito Repellent Patio Lantern, 1 butane cartridge (lasts up to 12 hours), 3 insect repellent mats (lasts up to 4 hours each)

Refills sold separately

Coming June 25 The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter-Book Three in the Phaeton Black, Paranormal Investigator Series by Jillian Stone This book will be touring with Bewitching and this gorgeous steampunk pendant below is the awesome tour giveaway

Chapter One THE MISS EDUCATION OF DR. EXETER 22 Half Moon Street Mayfair, London 1889 MIA CLAWED AT HER BALL GOWN as she climbed the stairs. There it was again, that tingling feeling—more of an itch than an urge, as if her skin was stretched too tight over the wrong body. At the first signs of a metamorphosis, they had made their excuses, left the ball at Stafford House, and returned home. “Coming to bed, darling?” Her question was a flippant snarl, not a sultry invitation, for she knew he would not condescend to answer. She reached the landing and turned, surprised to see him just a few steps behind her. As her guardian drew close, her nostrils flared. The scent of Royal Lime No. 5 layered with hints of his shaving soap assaulted her senses. She was drawn, however, to a more intoxicating musk—the very masculine essence that was Doctor Asa Exeter, enigmatic half-blooded Persian prince and English Baron. “Will you let me help you, Mia?” He stood one step be- low her, bringing them eye to eye. “You know that is impossible.” A momentary flash of fantasy intruded— her bare breasts exposed to his anguished gaze, nipples peaked in anticipation of the brush of his thumb. Mia shivered. The sudden surge of arousal could have caused an instantaneous shift. She shook her head gently so her

tears would not spill. “The change comes faster now, you could be injured." She lifted her chin. “Let me be, Om Asa.” She turned to leave, and he caught her hand. “At least let me mix a powder for the headache.” Exeter had spent a week in the library of secrets studying her condition. He well understood that her migraine warned of an impending, involuntary shift. The pain had quickly become intolerable, and he had escorted her out of the ballroom. In the carriage, she had tried to make light of it. “It seems this is my coming out season—in more ways than one.” Now, here on the stairs, she met his gaze, that of a protector, of caring and affection. The same look of concern she had known since childhood. The one that now caused her heart to break. “The discomfort will pass, shortly.” Exeter rattled off a litany of symptoms. “Neuralgia, generalized body aches, a sinus drip—not sniffles from a cold, but the kind one gets from exposure, when one is out in the snow for too long.” He examined her carefully. “Typically these signs begin within a few hours of the transformation. Are they all present?” She rolled her eyes upward. “Yes, Doctor Exeter.” The wild thing inside her stirred. The beast humped its back and stretched, languidly. The headache had eased somewhat, which was all the more terrifying. This meant the reshaping of her body was imminent. Mia’s gaze lingered on the seraphim painted on the ceiling. God’s burning angels. “We were fortunate tonight,” she murmured. Sometimes, there were no warning signs—the shift just happened. “Jersey says as I gain experience I will be able to better anticipate the onset of change.” As intimate as it was to be alone with Exeter, things had felt a bit desolate this evening, without the Nightshades. She had grown used to having bodyguards, most everywhere they traveled. Jersey Blood and his consort, Valentine, had been assigned to she and Exeter. Jersey was a seraph shifter who rarely allowed himself to transform. He had become something of a mentor in these early months of her transformation. “Gradually you will learn to manipulate these shifts; then you may change at will, if you so choose,” Jersey had assured her. His promise of control had cheered her some, even as she fought back the urge to rip off her dress and expose herself— to rub against Exeter and purr. “I must go.” She ran the rest of the way up the stairs and down a length of carpeted corridor. This

longing to mate with her guardian was not new, exactly. But there were times now, when her desire was almost too strong to bear. Upsetting to say the least, and beyond perplexing for the good doctor. The untamed feline urge was so strong that, on one occasion, she had used coarse language and disrobed in a provocative way. Shocking behavior on her part. Now her belly trembled at the memory of Exeter’s palm cupping her breast, the moment when his thumb had stroked and she had exhaled a low, throaty rumble. He had stepped away in horror. Mia shook off the painful memory and burst into her bed- chamber. She made it as far as her dressing table before she realized her mistake and turned back. Exeter stood in the open doorway holding an oil lamp, his gaze penetrating, measured. “I believe you need me to undress you.” She bit her lip and nodded. Several weeks ago there had been a close call with Lucy, her maid. One evening, as she helped Mia ready for bed, a sudden, unexpected shift had occured. No warning signs. She had hissed so ferociously, the terrified girl had fled the house in the middle of the night. Exeter entered the room and set the lamp on her dresser. “Come, Mia.” She hadn’t noticed how dark it was—mostly because her night vision was extraordinary now. She could read the ancient codex at her bedside without illumination, if she cared to be illuminated. Placing her hands on her hips, she turned her back to Exeter. “Please assure me you will not frighten the Metropolitan police on patrol in Green Park. . . again.” “I often have no control over her . . . she’s— ” Mia shifted away and he pulled her back. Persistent, gentle fingers loosed the strings of her corset. Even as her cheeks flushed with heat, cool air wafted over skin moist with perspiration. His knuckles brushed against the flesh of her back, causing a shiver she failed to conceal. A hand slipped around her waist and he turned her toward him. “As the codex advises—assert yourself but do not force her to your will.” “She always wants...” Mia avoided his gaze, until she couldn’t any longer. “You know what she wants.” Exeter’s exotic green eyes, the color of imperial jade, stayed with her. The stubble on his chin and jaw made him look swarthy, and exceedingly masculine, and yet he was also her protector. “Gentle persuasion, Mia, the more you struggle with her—”

Inexplicably, before she could gain control over her hand, she reached out and stroked the dark, tempting ruff of his whiskers. She traced a faint, cream-colored scar that ran along the edge of a powerful jawline. Her touch stopped his conversation midsentence. What inexplicable behavior! But this is how she had become with him. Heat flushed her cheeks and she withdrew her hand from his face. Shaking her head, even managing an uneasy laugh, she apologized. “I don’t know what came over me, please excuse . . .” “No, please, continue.” Covering her hand in his, he guided her fingers over the stubble below his cheekbone to his handsome, well-formed mouth. Her gaze lingered on his generous bottom lip and the upper, with its strong cupid’s bow. Another scorching flush of heat crept up her neck. Gently, he turned her hand palm up and brushed his lips over the faint pulse on the inside of her wrist. “Forgive me, Mia.” A tingle shivered through her body, curling her toes. She had never seen him smile, not like the one she now experienced, and she was positive he felt her tremble. Sweeping a stray wisp of hair off her cheek, he took a long moment to examine every feature on her face. “You are changing, Mia, from a precocious, adorable girl into a most sultry beauty. From here on out, I will have to keep a close watch on myself.” Exeter backed away and shut the door quietly. Mia blinked. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of his speech—apology, confession, or warning? All she knew was the ends of her mouth tilted upward. She disrobed and left nothing on, having learned the hard way. Any clothes on her body would end up in tatters. The evening chill was soothing, even sensuous. She moved to the tall paned windows and opened French doors. A waft of air hardened her nipples and prickled her skin. Touching herself, she imagined his fingers . . . there. The shift was instantaneous. Painless.

Less than an hour ago, a large blue-black cat sprang from Mia’s bedchamber window to the roof of the townhouse. She had put up a merry chase, and he had followed after, hurdling gables, vaulting chimneys, using potent energy for the impossible jumps. Still, it amounted to vigorous calisthenics, keeping up with the agile feline. Exeter leaned against the steep pitch of an attic roof, and squinted. The dark cat crept down the mews lane, but he could not make out what she stalked. Further away, a dust bin toppled to the ground with a crash. Mia froze, fixing on something down the narrow row. Shoulders hunched, she crouched low and waited. He suspected rats or alley cats, until he heard the scoffs and shouts that followed. Exeter stepped out from behind the chimney for a better view. Three young street rowdies sauntered down the row, up to no good. One of them emptied the last of a whiskey bottle and gave it a toss. The glass shattered against a wall. Mia backed into a corner and hissed. “Well now, what ‘ave we here?” A brawny young man stepped closer and she took a swipe at him. “Watch yourselves— this pretty puss has claws.” The drunken sot swayed backward, then pitched forward. One of his mates had the good sense to yank him away and prop him between cohorts, who hung back. “Look at her—big ain’t she?” Another boy gasped. “Some big green eyes on her . . .” She curled her lip with a snarl. “Fangs, as well.” The bolder, drunker lad stuck a thumb under his cap and scratched. “What do you suppose?” All three ruffians stared as one spoke up. “I say this pussycat likely escaped from some rich lord’s private zoo, don’t you know.” The rowdy beside him nodded. “Mattie works fancy balls at a duke’s house in Belgravia. She says he’s got a leopard— one of those big cats with spots. Rides ‘im in an open carriage through Hyde Lean sinew rippled under a coat of sleek, Park.” black fur. Exeter stood on the rooftop and admired the Exeter stood at the edge of the roofline and panther’s agility and stealth as she dropped down be- observed the cornered panther that was Mia. She tween buildings and into the alley north of Curzon paced back and forth eye- ing the young men. Jersey Street. A gray ghost of fog crept over stone pavers. Blood had warned him about tracking Mia in her shift“So, the huntress is on the prowl.” state. “Unless she’s in dire straights—leave her be. Anytime now, she would return to human She needs to learn her own strengths, how to defend form. These in- voluntary shifts never lasted long. Ex- herself.” eter hooked a finger into his waistcoat pocket and Mia lunged at the doddering bullies and tipped out his watch. Nearing the stroke of three. hissed. She was testing them.

“You suppose this one’s escaped?” one of the boys asked. “There’s a bloke named Jamrach, has a shop over on Radcliff Highway in Shadwell—Jamrach’s Menagerie. He deals in wildlife, birds mostly, but large cats as well. I wager she’ll fetch a thumping-good sum.” The boisterous de facto leader kicked over an empty dust bin, and picked up the lid. “Hand me a stick and grab one for yourselves, lads.” Using the lid as a shield, he tried poking and prodding at her. “Let’s see if we can get this pretty puss into the bin. Go around to the side there—don’t let her escape.” A gnash of bared teeth ended in a snarling growl that quickly grew into the loudest call of the wild ever heard in the borough of Westminster. She leapt directly at the large bloke, teeth bared. At the last second, as bully boy staggered to one side, the sleek cat veered off and took a jaw dropping spring into the air. She jumped from window ledge to roof and landed not far from Exeter. If he wasn’t mistaken, Mia had incorporated a bit of what Ping referred to as relic dust and champagne, or potent energy, to assist in those breathtaking leaps. Until now, he hadn’t seen such skillful maneuvering from Mia. And she had manipulated the physical universe in cat form. The wild creature stared down at the astonished hooligans below who dropped their sticks and lids and hurried out of the alley. “Impressive, Mia.” The cat turned, flashing green eyes of . . . was that recognition? His heart thumped hard inside his chest. He stood his ground and held his breath as she crept closer. At the last moment, she turned her head and rubbed against his leg, arching her back. Glancing over his shoulder, he watched her curl back around for another pass. He descended to his haunches and she allowed him to rub her neck and scratch behind her ears—with one hand, then both. Her robust rumble modulated into a low purr as she closed her eyes and collapsed into his body. A flesh and blood young lady lay in his arms. Exeter removed his coat and covered her. She opened her eyes momentarily and shivered. Lifting her up, he bent the physical world just enough to make it home in several leaps—from rooftop to rooftop, until he dropped down onto the balcony of her room. He pushed open the window and was greeted by Mr. Tandi, who waited beside a small copper bath. His manservant poured a steaming kettle of water into the tepid water, as he angled Mia through the French door.

“That will be all, Mister Tandi.” Exeter lowered Mia into the warm bath and stayed until she was revived enough to begin to bathe herself. “Are you well enough, Mia?” She looked up and nodded. Still he waited until she smiled softly. “Leave me—you look tired, Om Asa. Get some rest.” His servant stood in the corridor holding a brandy on a sil- ver salver. These strange, middle of the night rituals had be- come routine of late. Exeter slumped onto one of upholstered chairs in the hallway. For months now, the Nightshades had kept vigil from these chairs—only tonight it would be Mr. Tandi. He took a sip of the warm amber liquid. “How long has it been since you and Mia announced yourselves at my door, Mr. Tandi?” His manservant’s eyes lit up at the memory. “My word— seems very long ago—ten years, I believe, sir.” Exeter recalled the tall, soft spoken African man standing in the foyer, holding the hand of a doeeyed waif of a child, the young Anatolia Chadwick. Mia, as she was called, even by her parents, was at best a distant relation. But, it seemed, he and his father were all the child had left in the world. Mr. Tandi had recounted a hair-raising tale of a bloodthirsty raid on a small town built around a mining operation. Mia’s parents had been murdered. Wearing the clothes on their backs and carrying a hidden pouch filled with diamonds, Tandi and the child had made their way to Cape Town, sold a few gems, and booked passage on the first ship bound for London. A last swallow of brandy slipped down his throat. Exeter closed his eyes and pictured the scrawny little girl and the African man––as dark as midnight–– standing at the door. He set down his glass and rose from the comfortable chair. At Mia’s bedchamber, he tapped lightly on the door before slipping inside. Silently, Exeter stood at the edge of the canopy bed. He swept back a veil of diaphanous curtain and watched her breathe, tempted to get out his stethoscope and listen to her heart. She had always looked like an angel in her sleep; since when had she become the devil’s own temptress? For several months now, there had been provocative mo- ments between them including a few ardent displays of affec- tion. Some of Mia’s advances had been quite shocking and affected him deeply. So much so, he wasn’t so sure he could still say that the attraction was entirely one sided. This evening, as was his custom, he had waited on a neighboring rooftop for her. From this vantage point, he had spied Mia seconds before her shift.

Her nude figure bathed in soft moonlight . . . so breathtakingly beautiful, he had thought her as stunning as a painting he had once seen by Jules Lefebvre in the National Gallery of Victoria. Just hours ago, she had stood on tiptoe and stroked the stubble along his jaw. He had captured her hand, and his lips had found the sensitive flesh on the inside of her wrist. His tongue traced a light blue vein, and her pulse had quickened. “Carus Deus, you are torture.� How long was he going to be able to resist her?

episode of the Phaeton Black series. Gaspar Sinclair can't go after Phaeton. His physical body is unraveling before everyone's eyes. America Jones is large with child, but only she has the preternatural ability to locate Phaeton and bring him back. And Doctor Exeter's beautiful charge, Mia, has her claws in him. Quite literally.

To accomplish Phaeton's rescue, the doctor must let loose forces he hasn't the foggiest clue Miss Education how to control, including his attraction to Mia. of Dr. Exeter While in the dimension of magnetic opposites, Book Three in the doctor and Miss Jones attempt to reverse the Phaeton polarity to retrieve Phaeton and stop Gaspar Black, Paranormal In- from unraveling. Can America and Phaeton vestigator Series find a way to return together, or Jillian Stone will this final test Genre: Histori- rip them apart cal paranormal forever? romance with steampunk and erotic elements The Moonstone and Miss Jones Paperback: 320 pages Book Two in the Publisher: Kensington Phaeton Black June 25, 2013 Paranormal Investigator Series ISBN-10: 0758269005 By Jillian Stone ISBN-13: 978-0758269003 Genre: ParanorBook Description: mal romance with steampunk Plunge deeper into the curious world of the and erotic elements deadly Nightshades. Publisher: Kensington Brava The Moonstone is having a destabilizing effect on the time/space membrane leaving Phaeton Date of Publication: September 26, 2012 trapped in a parallel mirror world where everything is opposite or upside down, yet oddly ISBN-10: 075826898X the same. He is held captive by Domina Valour ISBN-13: 978-0758268983 and tested sorely in this darkly sensual third

Number of pages: 300

vestigator Series Jillian Stone

Amazon Barnes & Noble Indiebound The Kensington Brava Book Depository Book Description: The Moonstone and Miss Jones is the dark and sexy sequel to The Seduction of Phaeton Black. Phaeton returns to England in time to help Doctor Exeter and the mysterious deadly Nightshades rescue London once again––this time from Professor Lovecraft's destructive tinkering.

Genre: paranormal romance with steampunk elements Amazon Barnes & Noble Book Description

THE YEAR IS 1889 and Queen Victoria, exemplum of decency and sobriety, is in her fiftysecond year of reign. Paranormal Investigator, As the threads of existence begin to unravel, Phaeton Black, on the other hand, couldn’t be the eccentric scientist attempts to save his son’s less interested in clean-living. deteriorating condition by replacing body parts with mechanical apparatus. Ah, but how to He has recently taken up residence in the basepower them? The near mad professor believes ment flat of London’s most notorious brothel. A he has found a way to unleash the arcane ener- dedicated libertine with an aptitude for abgy inside the Moonstone and he needs Phaeton sinthe, he wrestles with a variety of demons Black to help him do it. both real and self-inflicted. Unfairly linked to Scotland Yard’s failure to solve the WhitechapWhen Phaeton is shanghaied in Shanghai, el murders, Phaeton is offered a second chance America Jones assumes the worst––that he has to redeem himself. A mysterious fiend, or vamabandoned her in the Orient. An angry Miss pire is stalking the Strand. After a glass and a Jones returns to London, where their spirited consult with the green fairy, he agrees to take partnership takes an unexpected turn––a new on the case. business venture MOONSTONE INVESTIGATIONS. No unOn his first surveillance, Phaeton pursues an common psychical elusive stranger and encounters several curious, disturbance rehorrifying beings. But the most intriguing creafused. ture of all is a Cajun beauty who captures him at knifepoint and threatens to spirit away his Well, why not mix heart. business with pleasure? About the Author: The Seduction of Phaeton Black Book One Phae- In 2010, Jillian won the RWA Golden Heart for An Affair with Mr. Kennedy and went from no ton Black Paranormal In- agent or publisher to signing with Richard Cur-

tis and being offered a three book contract by Pocket Books. That summer, she also won the erotica category of the 2010 Romance Through the Ages contest for The Seduction of Phaeton Black and was offered a three book contract by Kensington Brava. Needless to say, she has been busy writing books this past year and a half! Jillian lives in Southern California. show/4946569.Jillian_Stone Twitter: @gJillianStone

Reviews of Jillian Stone’s The Seduction of were objects, whorehouses were in the middle of town, Phaeton Black and The Moonstone and Miss and propriety of unmarried ladies was of utmost imJones by Sapphyria's Steamy Book Reviews portance, Phaeton breaks the mold with America Jones. She's a sexy, young woman of color who finds herself shacked up with Mr. Black in the basement of a brothel. Unmarried and broke, Ms. Jones is bound and determined to prove that her father's former business partner is the thief that stole her father's ships. In exchange for Mr. Black's help with her case, America, in turn, becomes Phaeton's live-in housekeeper and tamer of his breeding tool, "The Duke." I wonder if John Wayne is opposed to this reference?

Saph's Review Book One:

Phaeton Black has many demons in his life--some that are recent but many that have been buried for years. Due to some pain afflicted when he was younger, he has taken the vow to never laugh--which he upholds even though Ms. Jones is quite the character and lets some funny comments slip out. He refuses to believe in love, except the carnal acts of it, but as the book progresses you see a definite shift in Phaeton's thinking: "...a new wave of uncomfortable, disturbing sentiments nearly overwhelmed him. Truth be told, he was more than taken by her." (J. Stone, 2012, pg. 220).

I love the dual plotlines within this book. They are "The Seduction of Phaeton Black" takes place in merry clearly developed and cleverly intertwined. They bring ol' England circa 1889. two unlikely characters together and we get to slowly see something beyond carefree sex blossom between Phaeton Black has been dismissed from Scotland Yard them. There is an emotionally charged section near the due to his inability to figure out who's behing the end of the book that literally had me in tears; not blubWhitechaple murders. He is a carefree bachelor curbery, slobbery, and snotty but the kind that gently roll rently living in the basement of a convendown your face and make it nearly impossible to read ient for a man described by 2 characters in the book as anything else for that moment. I read this section 3 "a Lothario, libertine, adulterer, and a profligate detimes because I absolutely loved the emotional feelbaucher" (J. Stone, 2012, pg. 223). When a blood suckings. ing female apparition starts attacking humans in the Strand, it would seem that Scotland Yard has a deciThe book takes us down to the dark underbelly of the sion to make--hire Phaeton back or be plagued with a what is the prim and proper English society. We see creature that no one else can stop. thievery, lust, erotica, fornication, paranormal creatures, and other things that people of society chose to While investigating this mysterious creature, Phaeton ignore. The author crosses the Paranormal line and crosses paths with a Miss America Jones. As she atbrings us a fantastic look at ancient Egyptian Gods and tempts to flee the clutches of a group of pirates who Godesses that mixes quite nicely with the elements of she knows stole her father's cargo ships, she holds up mystery. Phaeton with a knife and demands he protect her. What she got was a surprise sex session in the middle of **Please Note: This book is for mature audiences only town. And this my dear friends, is how our story be(18+). There are many, many adult scenes. gins. "The Seduction of Phaeton Black" is a hot, sexy, promiscuous good time. In a time period when women

the other books that I've read by author Jillian Stone, absolutely rocks. I enjoyed every single bit of it. Again, as with Book 1, we have a couple different plot lines that snake their way across the pages of the novel. Each plot line is clearly developed and, due to the nature of each, are completely intertwined. The entire novel is strong and the plot flows along really well. This novel is fast paced but not so fast that you are left unsatisfied. The characters are solid and I really enjoy their interactions; all of them...not just Phaeton and America. I was hooked by the steampunk, humor, suspense, mystery, and character development. Phaeton is still a horny cad but it's "mostly" focused toward America. America is still a strong, sassy gal, but she is a bit more cautious in this book. They have an interesting relationship, those two. Very sexual, and spicy but the inability of Phaeton to completely and sincerely commit to America is a source of frustration....not just for America but me, as well. He may or may not get over it in this book. We get to meet some pretty interesting characters in this novel; some with mechanical attributes and others Saph's Review Book Two: that are just plain, not quite human. Phaeton and This is book 2 in the Phaeton Black, Paranormal InAmerica now require constant protectors, two of vestigator series. You may read my review of Book 1 whom are male, and two are female. I really enjoyed here: "The Seduction of Phaeton Black" the discussions between America and two of the female guardians when they were discussing their male "The Moonstone and Miss Jones" doesn't begin where counterparts one evening before dinner. "The Seduction of Phaeton Black" left off. There is a short time span where we learn that Phaeton and There is a serious cliffhanger ending too, so be preAmerica have been separated and Phaeton kidnapped. pared to gasp! While hunting Phaeton down, America lands back in London and is attacked while one her way back to Review Copy Courtesy Of: The Author, Jillian Stone, their room under the brothel. Phaeton mysteriously in exchange for an honest review! appears back in London about the same time, as well. They reunite amid strange goings-on. There is an alternate London, mechanical moonstone stealing spiders, succubi, and treachery abounds. Phaeton Black is a catalyst in a plan that requires his energy and that of the moonstone; the moonstone given to him by an ancient Egyptian Goddess. Now that the moonstone has been stolen from Dr. Exeter, it is up to Phaeton, America, and their new band of protectors to retrieve it and keep it out of the hands of evil. America also has a secret that takes about half of the book to reveal---ooooh! Mysterious, indeed!! I don't want to reveal too much so I'll move on to my review of the book as a whole. This book, like all of


Living in Montana By Danica Winters I consider myself blessed to live in a place in which the pounding of horse hooves and the song of the blackbird are its heartbeat. At night the sky is filled with the brilliance of a million stars, the Milky Way, and on some occasions the Aurora Borealis. I live in a place where grizzly bears, mountain goats, and elk are not strangers, but instead the stewards of the craggy, timbered mountains and the endless wheat-filled plains. I live in the Last Best Place, under the Big Sky, and in the unforgettable state we call Montana. Right now my ‘backyard’ has finally seen the last bit of the winter snows melt and the soil has begun to churn with the new lives of the delicate yellow kisses of the Glacier Lilies and the native purple and sage green Lupines. Soon the beautiful, but deadly, soft-leaved Arnicas will begin to dot the ground, filling the land with untouchable beauty. As beautiful as the spring and summer are in Montana everything is appreciated with a bated breath—nothing in this land of enchantment lasts long—nothing is permanent except the stars in the sky and the passing of time. The constantly changing beauty serves as the backdrop for my new novel Montana Mustangs (published May 6, 2013), the second book in the Nymph Series. In fact, Montana Mustangs takes place in Somers, Montana which lies just south of the (small and humble) city of Kalispell—the city that many fly into in order to visit Glacier Park, one of the best and most picturesque parks in the contingent United States.

Image Courtesy Somers, Montana lies at the edge of one of the largest (and coldest) freshwater lakes in the U.S., Flathead Lake. At the beginning of Montana Mustangs we first get the chance to meet our characters as they are standing at the edge of this picturesque lake, where they have made a macabre discovery—one in which sets the book into motion. My love of life, horses, and Montana are represented in every aspect of this book, but please know that just like our beautiful spring flowers, to everything there is possible impermanence—especially for the main character, Aura, a nymph cursed to never keep true love. Like the others of her kind, she has been struck with a curse by Zeus that if she falls in love, the man is fated to die a tragic death. When her sister is kidnapped, she must team up with a local Sheriff’s deputy, Dane, and work together to solve a case steeped in mythology, lies, and deeply hidden secrets. If you have a love of Montana, horses, the unexplained, and paranormal romance (which is centered in the not-sosupernatural world) then this book is a must read. Montana Mustangs is my own spring flower, a story filled with such beauty it will never be forgotten even long after you have turned the last page.

Promotion and Authors Promotion. by Roxanne Rhoads Promotion- it’s a bad word for many authors…downright evil… but a necessary evil. Yes, there’s that damn word again but honestly it’s what can make or break your book. The A small percentage of authors revel in the other, I swear, is simply luck, and maybe a spotlight and have no problem talking, propact with the devil. moting, and selling. I’ve seen amazing books totally tank in sales But most of us…well we’d rather be writing. and crap books, poorly written with sentences And not writing about our books or ourselves, that run on and are hard to read, make the just writing the books. bestseller list on Amazon, repeatedly. What happened to the days when the reclusive author typed away in their little hermit like abode, sent the manuscript off to a publisher who handled everything and the author sat back and got rich while writing more books?

Why? Promotion.

What can an author do to stand out from the crowd?

They Google it.

For the past several years I have been on a quest to learn everything I can about the book business and book world, from all angles- author, editor, publicist, reviewer, book blogger, I think that image is a fairy tale, I’m not sure even publisher (I self-published a short story if that was ever a reality at all but when I was collection this year)- and I’ve learned a lot. young that’s how I envisioned the author’s world. Then I started writing books- and So what words of wisdom can I share with authought that once a publisher accepted and thors who are looking for the secrets to book published my work the hard part was over. success? Boy was I wrong. First of all- web presence. Thanks to the internet and technology more books than ever are being published every day What’s the first thing many people do when - and it’s very easy to get loss in the ever they hear about something- whether it’s a growing a sea of pages and book covers. book, business, or new product?

That’s why an author should have a website- a good one, a professional one that showcases their author/book brand. If you write paranormal books your website should have a hint of the paranormal in it- should it showcase screaming skulls and blood dripping fangs? Probably not. Keep it tasteful and professional while making it clear you are a paranormal author, or romance author, or whatever. Your website can sell you and your books 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all over the world. Nothing else can reach as wide an audience 24/7. The author website should have 6 key things to be successful- a way to contact you, your bio, your bookshelf (if you write in different genres or have a couple different series then you should have separate pages for each genre or series), a calendar or schedule of author appearances whether in the real world or online, a page of fun stuff and/or links that relate to your books, and your media page which should contain an author photo, media ready bio, sample author Q and A, and your most recent book cover and blurb. I also suggest having a regularly updated blog and newsletter that readers can subscribe to.

you can link all your accounts together through apps at Twitter and Facebook or through outside apps like HootSuite. An author should also stay up to date on what’s popular and working in the online book world- for example: book trailers, book soundtracks, Twitter parties, virtual book tours. Do book trailers or soundtracks sell books? In my opinion no, but they are great tools for sharing your book (these would fall under that fun stuff category above to include on your website). Virtual book tours, however, are one of the best ways to spread the word about your book. You can reach a worldwide audience without ever leaving your home at a tiny fraction of the cost of a real world book tour. The goal is not just book sales but reaching out and gaining new followers. After a book tour you should see the subscribers list to your newsletter has grown, you have more Twitter and Facebook followers, and the number of blog followers you have has increased- and hopefully your book sales have skyrocketed.

Also be sure to utilize Author Central at Amazon, you can add your links and blog feed to your author page.

So what do you do during a book tour? You’ll write guest posts, fill out and interviews, and sometimes participate in live chats and podcast and radio interviews at different blogs and sites around the web. The book tour company will schedule everything.

Which brings me to the next thing an author needs to utilize…social media- Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads- these are some of the most popular social media outlets for connecting with readers and other authors. The idea is to build is solid foundation of reader and author followers. Do this by posting fun and informative tweets and updates- not just promo. And

The key is choosing the best company for your book- find a company that has handled many books in your genre and that shows a good track record. If you only see one or two previous tours done by this company perhaps you should move on to the next book tour company - and new ones pop up every day. Do your homework before laying down the cash. While

no book tour business can guarantee sales or great reviews they should be able to provide you with proven capability, organization and a certain amount of tour stops based on what you paid for. Are real live book events things of the past? No, not at all. By all means go out to local book stores, libraries, seasonal and holiday events and set up signings, schedule fun events that will bring people in- work with other authors to create group things that draw a crowd. For instance if you write paranormal books- get out there at Halloween events and sell your stuff. Set up tables for sales and signings at Halloween reading and parties at local libraries, (schools too if your book is kid oriented), hayrides, even haunted houses. Work with your community to promote your book. You might be surprised at how many local businesses and event planners will be thrilled to have something unique and special (like an author) be a guest at their holiday event. And be sure to bring business cards, bookmarks or even the hot new thing in real world book promo- book trading cards, to all your live book promotions. Pass them out at local libraries and bookstores too. The key is- get out and promote. You are not going to get anywhere as an author being a hermit and hiding in your house tapping away at the keys of your computer. Publication is only the beginning of the process…promotion is the road to success.

Review of Touched by A.J. Aalto Review by Jocelyn Dex Original Post Here: review-of-touched-by-aj-aalto-urban.html Touched The Marnie Baranuik Files, Book One A. J. Aalto Genre: Urban fantasy Publisher: Booktrope Editions ISBN: 978-1935961574 Number of pages: 454 The media has a nickname for Marnie Baranuik, though she’d rather they didn’t; they call her the Great White Shark, a rare dualtalented forensic psychic. TwiceTouched by the Blue Sense--which gives her the ability to feel the emotions of others, and read impressions left behind on objects-Marnie also has a doctorate in preternatural biology and a working knowledge of the dark arts. She is considered without peer in the psychic community.

Review Holy sh*t balls! I debated for hours on whether or not to read Touched and I'm SO glad I ultimately chose to! Marnie's, the heroine's, voice worked perfectly for me. She was smart and sassy and had a way of stringing together cuss-phrases that cracked me up several times. Her revenant (vampire), Harry, spoke in a proper, polished way and turned several phrases that left Marnie (and me) wondering what the hell he was talking about but that was funny too and added an extra quirk to the story. The idea of the Daysitter and Revenant relationship was a new one on me and it worked really well. Their relationship was kind of sweet and romantic without it actually being a romance. There was a lot of action in Touched and some horror with some grotesquely graphic description. The ending action sequence was awesomely written and I'm pretty sure my eyes were wide and my breathing sped up while reading it. Touched has vampires, witchcraft, sexual tension, ghouls, action, danger, horror, witty writing, witty dialogue and more. It was a fantastic read and I can't wait to read the next installment, Death Rejoices!

Then her first big FBI case ended with a bullet in one shoulder and a chip on the other, a queasy heart and a serial killer in the wind, leaving her a public flop and a private wreck. When the FBI’s preternatural crimes unit tracks her down at a remote mountain lodge for her insight on a local case, her quiet retirement is promptly besieged by a stab-happy starlet, a rampaging ghoul, and a vampire-hunting jackass in tight Wranglers. Marnie figures the only real mystery is which one will kill her first. Too mean to die young, backed up by friends in cold places, and running with a mouth as demure as a cannon’s blast, Marnie Baranuik is about to discover that there’s no such thing as quitting time when you’re Touched.

The Zombie Story My story is about Magick and Zombies, a little different take on the Zombie genre and follows the adventures of Orlando as he arrives in a new city. Orlando Drake is an enigma. He relocated to Los Angeles with his parents and grandfather only to discover that the city was over-run with zombies. Following in his grandfather’s footsteps, he becomes a hunter-in-training under the guidance of his grandfather’s good friend, Maxwell. Orlando is not a natural and has much to learn, but that is not all, he also is very gifted in the magical arts; something that his parents have worked hard to conceal. Without a teacher this has left him vulnerable. He finds escape on his Harley Davidson and as he explores the new city he discovers that in L.A. there are worse things than monsters.

more than one reason for relocating him to Los Angeles. He has no idea that they are connected to the troubles that are happening around him. Everything is being done to keep him safe from those who want to exploit him for his powers. The Zombie Story By M.M. Shelley The Zombie Story is the first novella in a young adult series.

Orlando has a lot of questions about his powers, but he’s told to ignore his natural gifts by those training him to fight zombies. He’s told that he needs to focus and anything else is just a distraction. Yet his powers are not to be denied and emerge at the most inopportune times; like in the middle of a battle which nearly gets his training partner killed.

Unfolding on the streets of Los Angeles is a new breed of monster...

There’s nothing like the desire to blend in with everyone else. It would certainly make things Orlando, fresh from the mid west, arrives at his easier for him, but he has found himself making new high school on his Harley Davidson. more enemies than friends. His own parents had

All he wants is to make it through the day, and looked in every day life. M.M. Shelley is a nabegin his training as a Zombie Hunter. tive of southern California, and a student of mythology from which she gets much inspiraBut someone has different plans for him. tion. Visit M.M. Shelley: Currently free for your Kindle Dead Relatwitter tives Book 2 facebook goodreads After discovering what was hidden in Mexico and having to sneak back across the border Orlando returns to Los Angeles, but is unable to return to his home. Instead of hunting Zombies he is now hunted. Betrayed by those he thought he could trust, Orlando must keep the truth of what he knows to himself. That is until dead relatives return with dire warnings. About the Author: M.M. Shelley is a storyteller, word smith and dreamer. She has traveled the world extensively in search of the magic which is often over-

Thank you so very much for having me here today!

After it’s done usually. However, Book 3 in The Thulukan Chronicles already has a working title that will probably stick.

Do you have a specific writing style? Of all the characters you’ve ever written, I think I do. It’s a causal, conversational style, who is your favorite and why? with a touch of quirky humor. Hopefully it makes the reader feel comfortable…right up That would have to be La Fi, although I really enjoy creating characters and love until I pull the rug out from under them. :) all my characters. La Fi, though, is the one who is in my head the most, demanding I Do you write in different genres? tell her story. I’m enjoying how she is I write Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Horror and evolving as the series goes on. She’s someone I’d like to hang out with. Historical Fantasy. If yes which is your favorite genre to write? If this book is part of a series…what is the next book? Any details you can share? I love them all, but since my series is in UF Portals, Book 2 of The Thulukan Chronicles, that’s probably my fave. is complete and going through the last round Do you title the book first or wait until after with my beta readers before I submit to my publisher. It picks up a month after Relics it’s complete? ends. Let’s just say things have been…

interesting…on Earth since the end of Relics. Oh and, Thulu, La Fi and Reo get to go off-world for the first time. If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor? That would have to be Tim Powers, who first encouraged me to keep writing Relics. We’ve known each other for years and I sent a few chapters to him for his opinion early on. Fortunately, he told me to keep writing it. What is next for you? Do you have any scheduled upcoming releases or works in progress? I’m almost ready to submit Portals and then I’ll get into book 3, which I’m quite excited about. I’m a pantser and this series is going places I never dreamed it would. I can’t wait to really explore those places in Book 3. Thanks again for letting me chat with you today. Relics Book 1 of The Thulukan Chronicles Maer Wilson Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: Crescent Moon Press Date of Publication: 5/1/13 Number of pages: Approx 293 Word Count: 105,000 Book Trailer: Book Description: When the creatures of myth and magic return to Earth, they're nothing like your mother's fairy tales. Most of Thulu and La Fi's clients are dead. Which is perfect since their detective agency caters to the supernatural. So, a job finding relics for an ancient daemon should be simple. The daemon needs the relics to keep a dangerous portal closed. His enemy, Gabriel, wants the relics to open the portal and give his people access to a new feeding ground – Earth. Stunning humanity with their existence, portals to other worlds begin to open and the creatures of magic return to Earth. When Gabriel threatens their family, Thulu and La Fi's search becomes personal. They'll need powerful allies in the race to find the relics before Gabriel does. But maybe that's what grateful dead, magical allies and daemonic clients are for.

About the Author: After a successful career being other people, and later teaching others the many tricks of that trade, Maer Wilson has decided to be herself for a while. Turns out she's a writer. She's always loved stories, especially fantasy, mystery and sci fi. Maer was born in the Year of the Dragon and has a dragon-themed room in her home, but sadly no dragons in the back yard. When she's not writing, Maer plays online video games, teaches college and reads. She also co-hosts the literary podcast, “MythBehaving�. She lives in the high desert of Southern Nevada with her two dogs, a chihuahua and a poodle. Relics is her first novel and will be released by Crescent Moon Press on May 1, 2013. You can visit her website at Website/Blog: Facebook Author page: Facebook Series Page:

Facebook Street Team Page - Team Thulukan - TeamThulukan/

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Michigan Steampunk Events Up in the Aether The Steampunk Convention May 24-27, 2013 Detroit's Newest Steampunk Convention! The steampunk convention is Memorial Day weekend (May 24th through May 27th) at the DoubleTree Hotel in Dearborn, MI The convention will be featuring artists and musicians from across the land and sea, along with a collection of different vendors, panels and events to help you tone up your steampunk wardrobe, cooking, literature, and knowledge, for both families and adults. Book lovers- come to author book signing Saturday starting at 4:30 pm featuring steampunk authors: Cindy Spencer-Pape, Seleste Delaney, Philippa (Pip) Ballantine and Tee Morris Double Tree Detroit ~ Dearborn 5801 Southfield Expressway Detroit, Michigan, 48228

Tickets Almost Sold Out- Grab Them Fast Before They’re All Gone October 19th 2013 7 pm – 1 am Royalty House 8201 E 13 Mile Rd Warren, MI 48093-2164

Eden Forest Book One of the Saskia Trilogy Aoife Marie Sheridan Four banished Angels, A world created by the hands of God, A Kingdom on its knees, A secret protected for centuries, And one mortal can save them all. Step into Saskia.

City of Secrets Book Two of the Saskia Trilogy Aoife Marie Sheridan COMING SOON A war awaits her arrival, A warrant for her arrest. She must rise as a princess, And Darkness shall fall. But will their love survive this battle? For Tristan and Sarajane? Step back into Saskia. Easons e-book: ebook_edenforest.html About the Author: Aoife Marie Sheridan is twenty eight years of age. She lives in Kells, Co. Meath, a small town just outside Navan. Aoife was raised in Navan but left with her family at the age of sixteen. Aoife has always had passion for writing but mostly poetry. This is her first time to write a novel.


Aoife Marie Sheridan studied Accountancy and qualified as an accountant technician. She worked in this profession for several years but with the economic downturn she was made redundant. Aoife Marie Sheridan now spends endless hours reading and writing. Aoife Marie Sheridan’s first novel Eden Forest placed first in writers got talent. Website Facebook: Goodreads: Aoife Marie Sheridan Twitter: aoifesheri

My Favorite Steampunk Gadgets By Theresa Meyers One of the favorite elements most readers have when it comes to steampunk are the gadgets and inventions. Go to any steampunk convention and you’re bound to see everything from giant mechanical arms to Teslapowered cannons, to the ghost-hunting net cannons and plunger devices of the Legion of S.T.E.A.M. (a set of steampunk ghostbusters that are a must watch if you have the chance to see them in action). There are personal flight devices (I’ve even seen some with retractable wings created out of wooden airplane propellers) with wings or copper steam rockets. So why are these gadgets and gizmos such a big deal in steampunk? Well, part of it is they represent the element of science reimagined in the Victorian era (steam refers to the time period, punk refers to the tweaked out way we represent it with things like clockwork mechanical horses such as my Jackson brother Colt has in The Hunter or the Tesla Blaster my Jackson brother Remington has in The Chosen). Now, I do confess that among the various accoutrements available to those in the steampunk realm, I do have my favorites. So without further ado, let me share my favorite five with you. The Parasol: Ok, you may not think it a mechanical wonder, but it can be! I, for one, think a parasol, in addition to being a handy weapon, and shelter from the inclement weather, can also offer a multitude of possibilities. What if it had a small lever allowing it to squirt out acid that could eat away a lock or fend off an attacker? What if it had secret pockets for ones most valuable secrets? And what if it were bullet proof?

They did have bullets back then, you know. Not to mention it’s a fashion necessity, as much as gloves or a hat for a lady in the time period. (And also a boon for people like me who burn easily.) The Coil Illuminator: These are so popular they are even sold today! To be honest I simply renamed something we could have easily used and invented at the time. We already knew about electro-magnetics, we just hadn’t paired it with the incandescent light blub. Know those flashlights you shake that never need a battery. These are those with a steampunk twist. Airships: Oh, come on. You know you were thinking about them too. They are practically an icon for steampunk. They are romantic and flashy, imaginative and useful. And while my airship in the Legend Chronicles has steam engines heated with an ingenious thermal chemical reaction (that’s totally legitimate and possible – thanks to research assistance from my chemist husband), some were powered by giant wings or even lightning. They are simply too cool not to make a top five of favorite steampunk gadgets and inventions. The Mechanical Horse: Frankly I own a real horse, and as much as I adore that Arabian, cleaning up after him, getting his hooves trimmed and brushing him out, as well as the twice daily feeding is a lot more work than you think, all for the occasional ride. Having a

mechanical horse would be far easier, and for Hunters in the Sonoran Desert, where there’s not a ready source of water and food for a horse, they’d be a necessity. And the last in my top five is the Sting Shooter: It’s based on a modern-day taser, but powered with a Tesla Coil. Effective, powerful and unmatched as a weapon, I think it’s possibly one of my favorite steampunk things. I even had an artist make one off of the cover of The Hunter for me! So those are my top five favorite steampunk gizmos. What are some of yours? The Chosen The Legend Chronicles Book Three Theresa Meyers

Remy and his brothers are getting desperate. They don't have the relic they need to slam the door shut on evil—so Remy is going to have to find and steal part of it. Enter China McGee, shapeshifter, thief, beauty, and current prisoner. When Remy offers her freedom in exchange for a little light-fingered help, she's pretty sure she's going to end the association with a good oldfashioned seductive double cross. But there's something about fighting through a jungle full of Mayan ruins that makes you want to settle down together. China could change. Remy might be special. But none of that matters if the devil takes them all… THE SLAYER Book Two of the Legend Chronicles By Theresa Meyers Zebra - Steampunk Romance April 3, 2012 ISBN-10: 1420121251 ISBN-13: 9781420121254

Genre: Paranormal Romance / Steampunk Publisher: Kensington, Zebra Date of Publication: March 4, 2013 ISBN-10: 142012126X ISBN-13: 9781420121261 ASIN: B009L93H2E Number of pages: 352 pages (also includes the ebook about Marley, The Inventor, for the first time in print in the back of this book)

Brothers Winchester, Remington and Colt know the legends— they were trained from childhood to destroy demon predators, wielding the latest steam-powered gadgetry. It’s a devil of a job. But sometimes your fate chooses you...

Amazon Barnes and Noble Books-A-Million Indiebound Amazon Kindle iBooks


Book Description: The Chosen: a prophecy older than dirt and more dangerous than death. Even as they perfected steampowered gadgetry and rounded up varmints from Hell, the Jackson brothers didn't believe in it. But when the chips are down, three brothers named for weapons aren't going out without a fight...

Winn Jackson isn’t interested in hunting nightmares across the Wild West—even if it’s the family business. Unlike his rakehell brothers, Winn believes in rules. As sheriff of Bodie, California, he only shoots actual law breakers. That’s what he’s doing when he rescues the Contessa Drossenburg, Alexandra Porter, a lady with all the elegance of the Old World—grace, beauty and class. And then he sees her fangs.

A Walk On The Wild Side Attorney by day, demon-hunter by night, Remington Jackson is used to being on the sunny side of the law, even in the Wild West. But it's showdown time, and

Alexandra isn’t just some bloodsucking damsel in distress, though. She’s on a mission to save her people— and she’s dead certain that Winn’s family legacy is the only way. Luckily, aside from grace and class, she also has a stubborn streak a mile wide. So like it or not,

Winn is going to come back with her to the mountains of Transylvania, and while he’s at it, change his opinions about vampires, demon-hunting, and who exactly deserves shooting. And if she has her way, he’s going to do his darnedest to save the world Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books-A-Million | IndieBound Kindle THE HUNTER Book One of the Legend Chronicles by Theresa Meyers 978-1-4201-2124-7 They’re the Chosen— Winchester, Remington and Colt—brothers trained to hunt down supernatural beings using the latest steampowered gadgetry. It’s a hard legacy to shoulder, and it’s about to get a lot more dangerous… A DEVIL OF A JOB Colt Jackson has gotten his name on many a wanted poster with success in the family business: hunting supernaturals across the frontier. Lately, though, there’s a sulfur stink in the wind and the Darkin population is exploding. A rift in the worlds is appearing. To close it, Colt will have to do the unthinkable and work with a demon to pass arcane boundaries no human alone can cross. Except when he summons his demon, he doesn’t get some horned monstrosity: he gets a curvy redheaded succubus named Lilly, who’s willing to make a bargain to become human again. He also gets Lilly’s secret expertise on the machinations on the dark side of the rift. And her charm and cleverness help to get them out of what his silver-loaded pistol and mechanical horse can’t. Of course, when all hell breaks loose, he might have to sacrifice his soul. But what’s adventure without a little risk? About the Author: The progeny of a slightly mad (NASA) scientist and a tea-drinking bibliophile who turned the family dining room into a library, Theresa Meyers learned early the

value of a questioning mind, books and a good china teapot. A former journalist and public relations officer, she found far more enjoyment using her writing skills to pen paranormal novels in the turret office of her Victorian home. She’s spent nearly a quarter of a century with the boy who took her to the Prom, drinks tea with milk and sugar, is an adamant fan of the television show Supernatural, and has an indecent love of hats. You can find her dabbling online on twitter at or at show/2867375.Theresa_Meyers

The Legend Chronicles by Theresa Meyers "There would come a time when the far-flung pieces of Reviewed by Sapphyria's Steamy Book Re- the Book of Legend would have to be brought together or humanity would perish" (T. Meyers, 2011, pg. 10views 11).

It's time to begin preparation for the impending show down with the Darkins (those who dwell in bowels of Hell). And sometimes that means aligning with the enemy. The only way to open the door protecting the pieces of the Book is to summon a demon that has that power. And the Hunters aren't the only ones in desperate need of obtaining all of the pieces of the Book of Legend. Rathe, Demon Lord, would rein supreme over not only Hell, but the mortals of earth if he obtained the Book. To prevent the reuniting of the Book would allow the Gates of Nyx to open and flood the earth with Demons.

Saph's Review of Book One- The Hunter: Steampunk + Old West = A Wild and Steamy Ride. Once upon a time, in Arizona Territory sometime in 1883, there were 3 brothers; Colt, Winchester, and Remington. They were known as Hunters. Of the three, only Colt is actively searching for his father's portion of the Book of Legend; the book that will close the doors of Nyx and prevent an evil take over of the world by the inhabitants of Hell. Add in steampunk-type inventions, a sexy succubus, an evil Demon Lord (as if there's any other kind of Demon Lord), and an Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade style obstacle course, and you have the makings of great tale of an Steampunk American Wild West.

In comes Lillith Marie Arliss (Lilly). Lilly is a succubus in eternal servitude to Rathe. Rathe, knowing that Lilly has complete control over her powers to seduce men, employs her services to bring him the soul of the Hunter and the portion of the Book he carries. So, when Colt summons the demon he requires to open the door protection the Book, Lilly is the one that answers the call.

Through the entire novel, Lilly is torn between doing Rathe's bidding and trying to break Rathe's hold on her by using the Hunter to make her human again. The longer she's with Colt, though, the more she realizes that turning him over to Rathe may be harder than she thought. A Hunter and a Demon is a pairing that is unconventional, unheard of, and frowned upon. But man do they pull it off! The constant second guessing each does about themselves and each other fuels the fire. Lilly isn't sure she has the capacity to have human feelings anymore and Colt isn't sure if his feelings toward Lilly are true or a product of her succubus ways. BanColt Jackson is the youngest of the three brothers, uniquely named after popular weaponry. While Remy ter and innuendo abound from the second Lilly is sumand Winn were raised in the ways of the Hunter, Colt moned by Colt. The tension between Lily and Colt builds considerably into a crescendo and it is well was left out until an accident almost claimed his and worth the wait. Winn lives. It was then his pa decided the time was right. After growing into a fine man (at least that's how This novel has a great combination of Steampunk, RoI picture him in my mind - wink, wink) Cold spends much of three years trying to track down three portions mance, Adventure, and Paranormal elements. I enof the Book of Legend, starting with the section hidden joyed it very much and will be starting Book 2 soon. away by his father. Here is a quote that helps explain why the Book is so important:

The vampires fear that if Rathe allows the Gates of Nyx to be opened up, vampires will become extinct due to the demons taking control and murdering, kidnapping, or enslaving the very thing that sustains them ~ Blood from humans. The electricity between Alexa and Winn is unmistakable. As much as Winn tries to deny it, his feelings for her grow at an alarming rate throughout their time together. Alexa has a hard time believing that she's drawn to a mortal as strongly as she is. She hasn't felt this way about anyone in hundreds of years. I love their connection. The fact that they are natural enemies (human vs predatory vampire) creates a long dialogue of "should we, or shouldn't we" scenarios that leave Winn and Alexa frustrated in more than one way. The ultimate quest to locate the stolen piece of the Book of Legend takes Winn and Alexa on some crazy and dangerous adventures. Uniting against the comBook Two in the Legend Chronicles series focuses mon enemy (who would be Rathe~The Demonlord) mainly on Winchester Jackson and his part in the quest isn't easy for either the human or the vampire. The huto retrieve sections of the Book of Legend. man was trained to kill the vampire and the vampire was trained to eat the human. While Winn and Alexa Book Two actually overlaps certain sections of Book don't entire trust one another, they manage to unite into One. We see parts of Book One that were originally a solid front and work together. told from the points-of-view of both Colt and Lilly, rewritten in Book Two and told from the points-ofTheresa Meyers' world building continues in Book view of Winchester and his vampire companion Alex- Two, taking us to an entirely different continent, in andra. search of Part 2 of the Book of Legend. We get to watch Winn morph from a Wild West Sheriff back into The story begins in the Wild West, outside of Bodie, the fighter he was trained to be by his Hunter father. CA sometime in the year 1883. The character development continues as well since we get a whole new set of characters to add to the few Winchester (Winn) Jackson is the oldest Jackson from Book One. There are just as many references to brother. Because of events that happened when he was steampunk in "The Slayer" as were in "The Hunter." younger, Winn gave up the life of a Hunter some 10years prior. Winn harbors a horrible nightmare from his youth. The event helped him decide that fighting Darkin wasn't worth it. Too many people lost their lives, including those that ever became close to a Hunter. Saph's Review of Book Two -The Slayer:

Lady Alexandra (Alexa) Porter, Contessa Drossenburg, emissary of His Vampire Imperial Majesty, Emporer Vladimir the Fifth (how would you like to try and fit that on a business card?!) is sent to solicit the help of the The Chosen. The vampires' 2nd third of the Book of Legend has been housed in the royal vampire castle for several years but was recently stolen.

Saph's Review of Book Three- The Chosen: Steampunk + Old West = A Wild and Steamy Ride. Once upon a time, in Arizona Territory sometime in 1883, there were 3 brothers; Colt, Winchester, and Remington. They were known as Hunters. Book Three in the Legend Chronicles series focuses on Remington Jackson and his part in the quest to retrieve sections of the Book of Legend. He is a part-time lawyer, part-time Hunter, and all sorts of sexy. This final installment of the The Legend Chronicles brings together Remington (the middle brother) and China McGee as unlikely partners in the quest to locate his assigned section of the Book of Legend. All three books in the series are fantastically woven together. They happen almost simultaneously and the overlapping of scenes continues: (Here is part of my review from Book Two): Book Two actually overlaps certain sections of Book One. We see parts of Book One that were originally told from the points-of-view of both Colt and Lilly, rewritten in Book Two and told from the points-of-view of Winchester and his vampire companion Alexandra. China is a very intriguing character. She is the former partner of Colt, Remington's younger brother. Again, as in the first two installments, we have a Hunter partnered up with what is supposed to be the being that they hunt ~ The Darkin! China is a shape shifter who gets tossed into jail after Colt sets her up....this is discussed in Book One! China is also harboring a secret (as did the other two heroines in The Hunter and The Slayer) and hers is a doozy. She must stick close to Remy and make sure she's around for the reuniting of the Book of Legend. But, of course there is an attraction that makes things a bit difficult. The adventure in this book takes Remy and China to the Mayan Ruins in their quest to find the third piece of the Book. The novel goes way beyond just searching for the last piece of the Book however; it is also the novel that brings all three brothers back together to reunite the book, closing the doors to Nyx and preventing Rathe from taking over the world. I love the adventure mixed with steampunk-type elements. We get a satisfying trilogy, sexy heroes, fun heroines, and lots of steamy scenes. I won't spoil the ending....make sure you pick up all three won't be disappointed!!

Aromatherapy for Lovers By Roxanne Rhoads

Our sense of smell is tied directly to the part of the brain that is linked to memory and emotion. Research studies have proven that different scents can actually produce different emotions and reactions; they can make us feel a certain way.

cal properties. These essential oils can be used in diffusers, burners, candles, incense, scent rings, scented potpourri, added to bath water or added to massage oils to create a sexually enticing atmosphere in your bedroom and throughout your entire home.

Aromatherapy has been used for over 5000 years These scents can be used alone or in special blends from Ancient Egypt to Modern Europe in the 1920's to create the type of sexual atmosphere and sexual and 1930's where French chemist, Rene-Maurice response you want. Gattefosse coined the term aromatherapy. Basil is known as an erotic scent that has a sweet, Aromatherapy has often been used in sexual practic- spicy aroma. It has many associations with love, sees and rituals throughout many cultures and time pe- duction and fertility. Basil awakens the senses and riods. Scent has been used to attract lovers, heal a can arouse the basic sexual instincts. It can be used relationship; it has been used in the art of seduction to reawaken a sexual relationship, help ease mental, and mentioned in the Kama Sutra. Cleopatra was emotional and physical fatigue and used in massage known to have used a special blend of rose, cardaoils to remove weariness. Do not use during pregmom, and cinnamon to seduce Marc Anthonancy. ny. Basil was used by young Italian women to charm and bewitch potential lovers, ancient Arabic manuals Bergamot is an evocative scent that can enhance the giving advice on sexual matters refer to Black Pep- mood of lovers. Its lemon and floral aroma can lift a per for its erotic qualities, Ginger was used by the loved one's spirit and it is able to alleviate tension Romans for its sexual enhancement properties, an and anxiety. Italian princess used Neroli to fragrance her gloves and bathing water, and Tantric disciples smeared Black Pepper is an erotic scent that can add spice Sandalwood on their bodies while celebrating sexual and vitality to a love life. It has warming, penetrating ecstasy. and strengthening properties that can rekindle the flames of passion. It emits a spicy aroma that arouses The 18 essential oils and scents I am going to dethe senses and supplies stamina and strength. scribe have been chosen for their known aphrodisia-

Cedarwood is an evocative scent that opens emotions and helps lovers enter a spiritual dimension in their lovemaking. It can sooth fears and anxieties and draws lovers into a blissful and sensual reality. Avoid using during pregnancy. Clary Sage is an erotic scent, deeply sensual with relaxing and calming properties to decrease inhibitions. It boosts libido and dissolves fears and anxieties. Frankincense is an evocative scent with a haunting aroma. It can bring depth and meaning to a relationship, heighten awareness and enhance communication. It can stimulate the senses and comfort the mind.

laughter to romance and increases the appetite for desire and passion. Lime fills the atmosphere with joy and lightness. It eases anxiety and clears the path for communication. Neroli Absolute is an erotic scent that is seductive. It evokes a sense of contentment and eases communication. It acts as an aphrodisiac. Orange is an evocative scent that brings warmth and cheerfulness to a relationship. It encourages joy and sensitivity. Patchouli is an erotic scent with a deep, musky and lingering aroma associated with earthy sensuality and spiritual elevation. It is very sexually provocative and decreases inhibition and encourages desire.

Ginger is an erotic scent, pungent and spicy. It will boost vitality and heat up the libido. Use it to inflame Rose Absolute is an erotic scent with aphrodisiac passion and desire. and sexual healing properties. It is emotionally uplifting and opens the heart. Avoid use during pregGeranium is an evocative scent that adds a sustain- nancy. ing and restoring quality to a relationship. It can help open communication in a relationship. Sandalwood is an erotic scent with a sweet and woody aroma. It has been used in ritualistic sexual practices celebrating the divinity of sexual ecstacy. It Jasmine is an erotic scent, heady and exotic. It is used to capture, sustain or rekindle the affections of a encourages emotional openness and enhances physiloved one. It promises deep and lasting affection. It cal sensuality. It creates spontaneous interaction and brings strength and warmth to a sexual relationship. helps lovers get out of a sexual rut. Avoid using during pregnancy. Ylang Ylang is an erotic scent that acts as a powerJuniper is an erotic scent that cleanses negative feel- ful aphrodisiac. It increases libido and enhances atings and has stimulating properties. Use it to get rid traction between lovers. It can sooth the over anxious of insecurities and form trust. Avoid during pregnan- while boosting low energy. It opens emotions and cy. promotes a more sensual and erotic experience during lovemaking. Lavender is an evocative scent that is soothing to the heart. It relaxes and balances with its comforting These essential oils can be found in health food aroma. Use it to heal and nurture a relationship and stores, new age shops, in catalogs and online. A little sooth the mind. Avoid use during the first trimester goes a long way. Only a few drops are needed when of pregnancy. added to water or other oils. Experiment with scents to create a custom blend that can greatly enhance your sexual appetite and experienc Lime is an evocative scent that adds cheer and

Thanks for inviting me to do an interview for Be-

these activities on my blog.

witching Book Tours Magazine, Roxanne. Guilty pleasures? At the moment, Kakuro! It’s kind Thanks for doing the interview, Carole. Let’s get

of like Sudoku with a lethal twist, and it’s addictive. I

started with some personal questions. When

also like a computer word game called Bonnie’s

you’re not writing, what do you do? Do you have

Bookstore Deluxe. Way too many hours wasted, that

any hobbies or guilty pleasures?

is, spent relaxing with these two.

A lot of my non-writing time is taken up with dog

What led you to Mexico?

rescue and activities. Two friends and I have started a non-profit in Mexico, where I live, in support of spay/ I visited a friend twice, for about a month each time, neuter, vaccination, adoption, and fun family activi-

and I fell in love with Colima. Also, to be honest, it’s

ties for dogs. We run a dog agility club that keeps ex- a lot less expensive to live here and I get excellent panding, and I recently participated as a volunteer in a health insurance for free. But that wouldn’t count if it huge spay/neuter campaign. We sterilized 519 cats

weren’t such a lovely, friendly place. Come visit! The

and dogs in five days. I write frequently about all

guest room’s all set up.

archivists had known they were for an erotic novel, I may do that, Carole. Thanks for the invitation.

I’m not sure what they would have thought!

Let’s switch over to some book related questions. Do you title the book first or wait until after it’s

After the book was published, I realized that the main


character, Mary Jane, is a young version of my mother, an idealized vision of what she might have been like

I almost always start with the title. Beauty of the Beast before she got married. My mother was quite a characactually came to me in a dream, title, plot, characters,

ter, and had worked at the Pentagon during World War

everything. I dreamed an outline start of about eight

II and then for the young United Nations. Mary Jane

chapters, then I woke myself up. I thought, I can either has a lot of her spunk and determination. go back to sleep and I won’t remember this in the morning, or I can stay awake and write it all down. I

Who designed the cover of Beauty of the Beast?

stayed awake and outlined about thirty chapters that I have a wonderful assistant, Marissa Lepe Preciado, and wrote, and wrote and wrote and wrote. By the time and she designs all the book covers. Marissa is a medical doctor who’s decided to go back to school to beI came up for air, I had a novel. come a veterinarian, so working with me fits her schedule. As you can imagine, she’s kind of a whiz Wow! That’s quite a story. Keep going. kid! We’re learning as we go, and I do think the Beauty of the Beast cover is the best yet. I wrote a blog post about our Epic Fail first attempt at a cover for the novI edited the novel like crazy, and several friends give me suggestions. Then I sent it off to agents. One wrote el. It was hilariously embarrassing! night. Spring Break started a week later, and I just sat

me back immediately, and less than a year later Beauty of the Beast was in every Barnes & Noble in the country. It was a whirlwind! After a quick sell through of 10,000 copies (that’s the term for when the first print run sells out), the publisher declined to reprint. I’ve never found out why. It was one of their fastest sellers. *shrug* Eventually I got the rights back, and now it’s available on Amazon Kindle. Woohoo! Is Beauty of the Beast based on a true life experience, someone you know, or events in your own life? Perfect question for this novel, Roxanne. Beauty of the Beast is set in Austin, Texas, in 1950. I thought it would be fun to research the times, and it was. I got archived newspaper articles and photos. If the lovely

You write erotic romance and poetry. Is there a genre that you’d like to write that you haven’t tried yet? I’ve written most of a young adult dystopian murder mystery paranormal. That’s a mouthful. I don’t think it’s a genre yet. The dystopia in the novel is realistically bleak, but people are coping pretty well. Having taught high school, I know teenagers are discouraged about the world they are inheriting, and they feel powerless in the face of global warming, species extinction, and all the other problems we face here on Earth. Believe me, they are well-informed, often better informed than adults. I want to offer a vision of a future where not only are people actively working on solutions, but where young people play an important role. Oops, climbing down off the soapbox. I’m passionate

about this subject. Thank you so much for stopping by today, Carole. We’re unfortunately out of time. Thanks again for inviting me, Roxanne. I love the Bewitching Book Tours Magazine, and really appreciate being included. Excerpt from Beauty of the Beast My first indication that we weren't quite finished was an insistent and rising pressure against my abdomen. "George," I asked in wonder, "How can you do that?" "You'd be surprised, Mary Jane." I already was—flabbergasted, in fact—but if he was ready, so was I. I could feel the juices flowing, and a familiar ache building in my womb. George grabbed my wrist—it was my turn to be the slave again—and led me toward the back of the room. He stopped by the examination table and picked up the short, thick dildo and a handful of condoms. This looked promising. When he pulled me toward an adjoining door, I hung back in mock protest, and tugged at his arm. He knew I was kidding, and I could see the gears meshing in his brain. He decided to see if he could actually scare me a little. The thought alone was enough to do it, and I started to pull back in earnest. He dragged me into the next room, which was totally dark. He seemed to know his way around easily, but even after my eyes adjusted, I could make out only shadowy shapes. I heard him lock the door with a key, then the clank as the key landed on the far side of the room. Once he knew I wasn't going anywhere, he let go of my wrist. I tried to move away from him, but I barked my shin on a low table, and then tripped over something on the floor. If he hadn't caught my elbow, I would have fallen. "Hold still, Mary Jane." "I'm scared, George." "Good. You should be." He held my elbow, and the next thing I knew, he had bound my wrists with a soft cloth. I swung at him with my bound fists, and caught him in the chest. He grunted, then started to laugh. "You never give up, do you." "Never." I felt myself lifted in two strong arms. He carried me out in front of him like a piece of lumber. I swung one foot, but didn't connect with anything. It's hard to kick someone in the pitch-dark. He set me down and told me not to move; it sounded like good advice to me. I felt him move away and then come back. I heard a noise like a screwing motion, but I couldn't imagine what he might be attaching to what. He told me. "I'm going to lift you up now, Mary Jane, and put you on a child's mechanical horse, like the ones in the supermarket." Okay, I could go along that far. "I've attached the dildo to the saddle, and we're going to slide you down onto it very gently." "Wait a minute. You're going to what?" He lifted me by the waist. "You heard me. Swing your leg over." I obeyed him mechanically, still protesting. "I don't think this is going to…" "Put your hands on the horse's head," he interrupted me. "Use your arms to ease yourself down." I could feel him lowering me onto the saddle, and swung my arms up quickly. I found the horse's head and pushed up as hard as I could. My body rose up briefly, then began to lower again as his strength easily overpowered mine. I was getting nervous, and sputtered out cautionary comments. "Does this thing have any stirrups?" "Let your legs swing loose, Mary Jane." "Whoa!" The horse talk seemed appropriate. "Let's think about this for a—" I felt the dildo touch me on the soft skin between my vagina and anus.

"Wait, you haven't got the right spot." If he was going to make me do this, I had better help out so I wouldn't get hurt. I started to direct traffic, a little higher, no a little lower, ahhh. It was almost a relief when I felt the dildo push against the right spot. Then I remembered how big the thing was, as the thick shaft oozed its way inside me. He had slicked it up with lots of jelly; and once it found the inside door, there was no way I could pull myself off. Besides, his big hands maintained a steady downward pressure at my waist. I gasped and moaned a little as my lips stretched and stretched. My own juices joined the jelly, and soon the shaft was as slick as a greased pig. When my hips landed on the saddle, I heaved a sigh of relief. George let me sit quietly for a minute, breathing hard. Then he lifted me up about an inch, and lowered me back down. The dildo wasn't very long, and I couldn't feel a lot of pressure on the walls of my vagina, but what it did to the opening was intense. As he raised and lowered me, I realized why he had chosen a short, thick sextoy. A longer one might have bruised me, since neither George nor I could control how far in it went. That was my last conscious thought, as I gave myself up to the pleasure of riding up and down, up and down, in George's steady hands. Finally his arms got tired, and he lifted me with more and more effort. I hadn't reached a climax, and I was disappointed, but not for long. I heard a mysterious click, and by the time the coin dropped in my mind, I screamed as the mechanical pony started to buck beneath me. "Stop! You have to stop it!" I screamed over and over, but I knew he couldn't. That was the terror and the excitement of it. The horse moved much faster than George had, and more erratically. I could feel the dildo bucking up and down inside me with a wild fury. George's hand pushed against my lower back, and I held on to the horse's head for dear life. I screamed the whole ride. Then abruptly the horse became still beneath me. My screams stopped, and I began to sob in frustration. When it was bucking, I wanted it to stop; but now that it had stopped, all I wanted was for it to start again. "Put in another coin," I gasped. George chuckled and removed his hand from my back. I was afraid he wasn't going to let me keep going, so I wheedled like an obnoxious child. "Please, please, please." My voice was breathless and anxious. George picked up my hands where they lay against the horse's head and placed them around the reins. I knew reins weren't going to stop this horse, and without my hands on the horse's head, I wouldn't be able to control the movement of my body at all. I began to have second thoughts about having another ride. My wheedling stopped. A few seconds passed, then I heard the click. I screamed involuntarily as the bucking began. Then I heard another click—oh, God—and another, and another.

Beauty of the Beast Carole Remy Genre: erotic romance Number of pages: 265 Word Count: 65,500 Tag Line The year is 1950. The town is Austin, Texas. Young reporter Mary Jane Andrews isn’t sure what SM is, but she’s heard that it’s going on outside Austin, and she’s determined to investigate. Book Description:

Mary Jane Andrews is what Texans call a pistol. She thinks fast, acts faster, and takes the consequences with a laugh. The year is 1950. Young reporter Mary Jane isn’t sure what SM is, but she’s heard that it’s going on outside Austin, and she’s determined to investigate. Once she meets the Master, she’s both enthralled and scared spitless. What’s a Master to do when his hotter-than-sin sexual soul mate shows up at the door of his highly illegal sex house? Don’t worry, he has lots of ideas... Trouble is, Mary Jane wants the story. And the Master won’t spend the rest of his natural life in jail. The sex is explosive, inventive, and addictive, both ways. Will it be bend or break for the insatiable Beauty and the masterful Beast? Amazon US

Amazon UK Amazon Canada Amazon Germany

About the Author: Carole Remy lives in Mexico with her beloved dog Gemma. When she isn’t writing and touring her novels, you can find her rescuing dogs, learning wood sculpture, and salsa dancing! blog: Pinterest: Twitter: @Carole_Remy Carole Remy Author Remote Control “Put my wallet in your purse.” She slides leather into silk. He knocks; they wait. Voices greet them, one pulls her inside away from his warm hand and her nape chills. They drift, he to patio, she finding friends. Later she watches. He sits handfast in a quiet corner, index finger gliding up and down, etching the beaded glass. She nods and walks away, her body sheathed in red shadows. Waiting, she feels his breath first, then a hot palm. Her skin heats beneath his pulse, his fingers a tether that stretches across three hours and four rooms, a leather stitched promise of more.

Publish or Perish vs the Law of Attraction! Used to be "Publish or Perish" was a phrase used

from? Notice, I said needto write, not take huge joy in

mainly in university circles, where publishing prestig- writing. If you generally find great joy and satisfaction ious articles and books was key to promotion. Now

in writing, then you can skip to the next section.

popular fiction novelists are opting into the hyperpressure to produce book after book.

If writing often feels like hard, begrudging work, here's what may be going on emotionally.

Several times over the last few days I've read posts about how we need to be super-productive as writers.

You may be worrying that readers will forget you.

Each post has been well-meant and well-written, and

What the Universe hears: I'm not worthy of being

according to the Law of Attraction, a little wrong-



What you will get: More opportunities to feel unworthy, because the Universe can only reflect back to you

Whatever You Push Against Gets

your resonant frequency of unworthiness!

Stronger You may become anxious when sales are low. If you feel that you must produce four novels a year in What the Universe hears: I like feeling anxious. order to keep up sales, guess what? You WILL need to What you will get: More opportunities to feel anxproduce four novels a year. The phrase self-fulfilling

ious, because the Universe can only reflect back to you

prophecy is a pretty accurate description of how the

your resonant frequency of anxiety!

Law of Attraction works! You may feel that marketing your novels is a constant If your novels sell quickly at first and then sales die


off, and that becomes what you expect, that's exactly

What the Universe hears: I like struggling.

what will continue to happen. If you give away 90,000 What you will get: More difficulties and disappointbooks in order to sell 10,000, you will continue to ments, because the Universe can only reflect back to need to give away massive numbers of your novels.

you your resonant frequency of struggling!

Why? Because you are going to continue to get exactly what you expect to get.

You may feel you need more money! (don't we all!) What the Universe hears: I like feeling needy and

Where the Compulsion to Produce


Comes From

What you will get: More desire for things you seemingly can't have, because the Universe can only reflect

Where does the need to write four novels a year come

back to you your resonant frequency of lack!

that readers flock to your books. Gratitude springs You get the idea.

from abundance, and when you feel abundant, you attract more and more opportunities to feel abundant!

How to Break Out of the Cycle

Suggestion #4

Since the Universe can only give you what you line up Imagine one of these supportive readers telling a friend with emotionally, the first and only step to break free

about your novel. Feel how awesome that feels, and

from compulsion and anxiety is to change your present how grateful you are for their support. Sit in the moemotional reality. Here are a few suggestions. Suggestion #1

ment until you really feel joyful. Now imagine that that friend tells another friend about your novel. Holy schmoly! Gratitude squared!

Relax with your beverage of choice and think back to when you REALLY loved writing. Let yourself expe-

Now stay with that emotion until you REALLY feel it.

rience those emotions over and over.

Once you've got the emotion, let your mind drift into imagining more and more friends telling their friends

Smile! Feel the joy and exhilaration of putting yourself about your novel. Oh yes, Universe! Bring me this! on paper. Stay in that moment of bliss for as long as you can, and imprint the emotion on your consciousness. This is what you want the Universe to bring you

Suggestion #5

more of!

Now and only now can you go back to the computer, or desk or couch if you write by hand. Keep the won-

Suggestion #2

der, keep the sense of your work being appreciated

Remember the first happy, encouraging feedback you

person by person, the joy of your words rippling out. If

got as a writer. Maybe it was a teacher, or your father,

you still feel like writing four novels a year, if that

or a friend who loved your ability to spin words into

practice embodies your happiness, do it! Not from a

beautiful stories. Stay in the moment and imprint it.

sense of fear or need, but for pure joy.

You can actively ask the Universe to bring you supportive readers. When you are truly inside the emotion The Universe will bring you more of the emotion you of feeling appreciated, the Universe will bring you feel now. We always get back what our emotions, conmore of the same! Suggestion #3 Feel grateful to every single person who reads and enjoys your work. Every single one! Even better, thank them! When you let go of the thought that there should be more readers, and hold onto the emotion of gratitude for those who appreciate your work, you will find

sciously or unconsciously, are projecting. The Law of Attraction can't bring you book sales. If it's money you want, remember that it can come from many different sources. Hold onto the feeling that you are already living and will continue to live an abundant life. Stay inside the joy of writing, and let the Universe take care of the details!

Bewitching Book Tours Magazine is accepting submissions for : Werewolves June- featuring articles, poetry, reviews and book excerpts about werewolves and werewolf fiction Hot and Steamy Summer - July featuring hot summer reads (focus on erotica) Submission details- for every issue we are accept: Articles- topics include writing, research, paranormal, vampires, advice for authors, publishing advice, and more Flash Fiction- paranormal, urban fantasy and erotica (for other genres please query) True tales of paranormal encounters Recipes Poetry Book reviews Art Jewelry designs and creations Please send submissions to place “Bewitching Magazine Submission” in subject line Contributors receive free ¼ or ½ page advertising in Bewitching Book Tours Magazine and two months of free sidebar ad space at Fang-tastic Books

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