NS&OC Green Infrastructure Statement

Page 1








Site context


Green infrastructure proposals


Play and recreation




Climate change adaptation







1.0 VISION The creation of sustainable human settlement necessitates a different approach to the reconciliation of the physical fabric of built environment with green spaces and ecology. The proposals for North Sprowston and Old Catton (NS&OC) seek as a matter of priority to use land

urban blocks in walkable neighbourhoods rather

This design decision also improves social contact

public transport far easier than it would otherwise

and attractive natural features such as woodland and copses.

Sustainable urban environments demand an intensity of function and productivity from both

This intensity – a multifunctionality – itself leads to an exciting new aesthetic in which greenery and habitat is found in abundance in almost


piece landscapes such as Red Hall Farm and the restored Beeston Park (see Figure 1.1). It envelops and enriches the urban spaces it is integrated

with – rather than separates and divides. And this

completed development than there are currently on the land under farming conditions. The volume of these small greener spaces ensures

development and in turn connect with the wider landscape and strategic green infrastructure of the Greater Norwich area. And the variety within these connected niches enriches the ecological value of the overall environment.

Collectively these components of the green infrastructure of NS&OC help ameliorate and mitigate for climate change and the loss of some habitat and agricultural land due to building new homes and places of work; they absorb rainfall and "


as the land is developed it is also opened up here to

with Red Hall Farm and Beeston Park becoming superb resources for all in the wider area.






Figure 1.1: NS&OC will demand an intensity of function and productivity in both its physical fabric and the softer, greener spaces - from gardens, roofs and balconies, to neigbourhood spaces, public parks and beyond


INTRODUCTION 2.0 This statement addresses green infrastructure at 6/<02

(and blue) spaces within the development – and beyond. The functions of these spaces for play

climate change adaptation (including Sustainable Drainage Systems) and food are considered within ,

of these elements at NS&OC and in the design approach taken.

The strategy draws on an extensive range of

local policies. In developing the strategy Beyond Green have sought to take advantage of the landscape opportunities at NS&OC and respond to the constraints of site. $ % ' !

principles for green infrastructure established at


debate with stakeholders: ‡ Connectivity and multi-functionality: create a continuous network of multifunctional green spaces and connections varying in size and +

and balconies – enabling residents and visitors *

own food and to connect with the natural environment; ‡ Genus Loci: respect the existing landscape character of the site by taking advantage of its


in the townscape wherever possible;

‡ Accessibility: increase access to green space for both new and existing residents through the +

of access to the countryside beyond; ‡ Integration: integrate strong green and ecological connections within the development - / 0

2 6 "

disposal; ‡ Climate change adaptation: provide a comprehensive network of multifunctional Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and abundant greenery in urban spaces as a primary means of adapting to climate change and with a focus on enhancing habitat and ecological interest opportunities;

‡ : use land and space

land and ecological habitat; to maximise land available for local agriculture and parkland; and to optimise access to green space within the development;

‡ Active and healthy lifestyles: promote active and healthy lifestyles through the integration

including the elderly; and

‡ Net gain in habitat and biodiversity: achieve net gains in biodiversity through a network +

and habitats which embrace local species and habitat types;

‡ Long-term management and maintenance: ensure green and blue spaces are maintained to +

over the long term through partnership working with a range of stakeholders.

‡ Sustainable food and farming: put Broadland on the map as a hub for sustainable food and

The approach to green infrastructure at NS&OC





is therefore one of abundant and where possible % ' !

are for a continuous network of multifunctional green spaces varying in size and character – from public parks to street trees and bespoke bird boxes – located throughout the development and linked by green routes. The cumulative effect is a human habitat – an urban place – which is both


* About 82.5 hectares of land at NS&OC is allocated to publicly accessible open space providing excellent opportunities for residents and local *

their own food and to connect with the natural environment. This incorporates: ‡ Beeston Park and Red Hall Farm making up part of a major public park of over 50ha for residents and local people; ‡ ??@ -

enhanced and extended for amenity and J

tree belt around Beeston Park; ‡ three public recreation grounds totaling 12.2ha. ‡ 37 neighbourhood green spaces totaling 15.5ha These will be designated at detailed design to -


, " ‡ 1.8ha new allotment space and a 1.2ha extension of the existing Sprowston allotments; and ‡ a range of smaller scale green spaces including

walls and balconies Figure 2.1: Green infrastructure at NS&OC will provide a human habitat, rich in greenery, texture and ecology, and a distinctive, attractive and enjoyable place to live work and play in


POLICY CONTEXT 3.0 Policy with regard to green infrastructure is described in a range of national and local policy


level and the GNDP Joint Core Strategy locally. $ '6QK ' $

Strategy and GNDP Green Infrastructure Delivery Plan constitue important strategic statements of the intention for green infrastructure in the area. ' ' !


- #

the overall context set by the NPPF – in particular

considered in the Planning Support Statement and not repeated here

3.1. NPPF J 6KKL

principles that â€œâ€Śshould underpin both planmaking and decision-takingâ€?.

that some open land can perform many functions (such as for wildlife, recreation,

production); ‡ conserve heritage assets in a manner

can be enjoyed for their contribution to the quality of life of this and future generations� The main policies relevant to green infrastructure and development at NS&OC are policies 11 and 12.

3.1.1. Policy 11: Conserving and enhancing the natural environment $

the policy states that “opportunities to incorporate biodiversity in and around developments should be encouraged� and that policies and decisions should “limit the impact of light pollution from

dark landscapes and nature conservation� by encouraging good design.

3.1.2. Policy 12: Conserving and enhancing the historic environment


include that â€œâ€Śplanning should: ‡ take account of the different roles and character of different areas‌recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside and supporting thriving rural communities within it; ‡ support the transition to a low carbon future in a changing climate, taking full account of ‡ contribute to conserving and enhancing the natural environment and reducing pollution‌; ‡

of land in urban and rural area, recognizing



for conservation of historic assets. In particular it states that planning applications should +

any heritage assets affected, including any contribution made by their setting� and that in

authorities “should take account of: ‡ the desirability of sustaining and enhancing

them to viable uses consistent with their conservation; ‡ the positive contribution that conservation of heritage assets can make to sustainable communities including their economic vitality; and ‡ the desirability of new development making

a positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness.�

3.2. JOINT CORE STRATEGY Note: Following a legal challenge, parts of the text of the adopted GNDP Joint Core Strategy were remitted by High Court Order and reverted to the pre-submission stage of the plan process, to be treated as not having been subject to examination and adoption. Following further work to address the High Court ruling, a version of the Joint Core Strategy containing proposed submission text was published for consultation on 10th August 2012. Where pre-submission text is quoted, it is underlined. W X 2

Strategy sets out objectives to: ‡ “minimise the contributors to climate change and address its impact� (Objective 1) through

, " ‡ “positively to protect and enhance the individual character and culture of the area� Y0 * Z[

countryside to develop the economy and promote community involvement; ‡ “protect, manage and enhance the natural, built and historic environment, including key landscapes, natural resources and areas of natural habitat or nature conservation value� Y0 * \[


enjoy; and ‡ “encourage the development of healthy and active lifestyles� (Objective 11) by making green

social facilities available to all. J


be achieved.


3.0 0.0 POLICY CONTEXT 3.2.1. Policy 1: Addressing climate change and protecting environmental assets Policy 1 states that all developments will be located and designed to

minimise greenhouse gas emissions and be adapted to a changing climate and more extreme weather� and will therefore ' with mitigation through sustainable drainage; “be designed to mitigate and be adapted to the urban heat island effect in Norwich�; and “improve the resilience of ecosystems to environmental change�. 0 6/<02

area not protected by international or national ‡ “[d]evelopment and investment will seek to expand and link valuable open space and areas of biodiversity importance to create ! " *


biodiversity objectives, the quiet enjoyment and use of the natural environment will be encouraged and all proposals should seek to increase public access to the countryside� ‡ “[a]ll new developments will ensure that there will be no adverse impacts on European and Ramsar designated sites and no adverse impacts on European protected species in the area and beyond including by storm water runoff, water abstraction, or sewage " + !

and appropriate local green infrastructure to minimise visitor pressures.� ‡ “[i]n areas not protected through international or national designations, development will: ‡ minimise fragmentation of habitats and seek to conserve and enhance existing environmental assets of acknowledged regional or local importance. Where harm is unavoidable, it will provide for appropriate mitigation or replacement with the objective of achieving a long term maintenance or enhancement of the local biodiversity baseline;


‡ contribute to providing a multifunctional green infrastructure network, including provision of areas of open space, wildlife resources and links between them, both off site and as an integral part of the development; ‡ help to make provision for the long term maintenance of the green infrastructure network� ‡ $ % &

will be required to provide buffer zones and alternative destinations to help manage visitor pressure on the Broads and other nearby areas of national and international importance for biodiversity.� NS&OC is located within a buffer `

Biodiversity Enhancement Areas map; and as being adjacent to a Local Green Infrastructure 2 K '

Infrastructure Network for the Greater Norwich Area map.

3.2.2. Policy 5: The economy Policy 5 states that “[t]he local economy will be developed in a sustainable way to support jobs and economic growth both in urban and rural locations�. In relation to green infrastructure and the proposed 6/<02


“implementation of the green infrastructure network� as one of the measures helping to assist

and cultural industries. $

of measures to support that rural economy “the promotion of farmers markets and farm shops� and “the

serving the needs of Norfolk and supporting the agri-food sector in and around greater Norwich�.

3.2.3. Policy 7: Supporting communities Policy 7 states that “[a]ll development will be expected to maintain or enhance the quality of life and the well being of communities and will promote equality and diversity, and protect and strengthen community cohesion�. The policy makes the link between health and green “[h]ealthier lifestyles will be promoted by maximising access by walking and cycling and providing opportunities for social interaction and greater access to green space and the countryside�.

3.2.4. Policy 10: Locations for major new or expanded communities within the Norwich Policy Area $


out that each major development location will “deliver healthy, sustainable communities with locally distinctive design and high quality green infrastructure within the development and contributing to the surrounding network�; and “include Sustainable Drainage Systems�. /

0 2

/ _ J / '

J !

“that this new community will take the form of a series of interrelated new villages or quarters� inter alia

‡ “retention of existing important green spaces

to provide stepping stones to link Mousehold Heath to the surrounding countryside. Building design including, for example, appropriate use of ‘green roofs’ will help provide linkage between green spaces� ‡ “restoring and conserving historic parkland ! " #

north of Rackheath will be provided as green space to act as an ecological buffer zone and

Broads SAC�

‡ “permeability and community integration across the Northern Distributor Road and with existing communities. This will be crucial for the successful development of the area�. J

within one of the green infrastructure priority

linking Norwich to the Broads.

3.2.5. Policy 20: Implementation Policy 20 states that “a co-ordinated approach will be taken to the timely provision and ongoing maintenance of infrastructure, services and facilities to support development�. Infrastructure “essential to secure sustainable development� includes: ‡ “sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)�; and ‡ “open space and green infrastructure, including habitat creation, pedestrian and cycle links, allotments, recreation facilities, parks, trees, hedgerows, woodland and landscaping� It also states that “the developers of strategic growth areas will be required to enter into an ongoing commitment to support community development to bring about a genuinely sustainable community including fostering the growth of community and voluntary organisations.� J


to deliver the Joint Core Strategy are set out in a draft Implementation framework (Appendix 7). Of particular relevance to development at NS&OC are the following: ‡ “[r]etention and re-creation of Mousehold Heath to the surrounding countryside� YK

? ]^^Z ]^?@ ]^?@ ]^]? ]^]? ]^]@[ ‡ “Broads Buffer Zone� (Priority 1 during the ]^^Z ]^?@ ]^?@ ]^]?[

POLICY CONTEXT 3.0 ‡ “[g]reen infrastructure projects and open space YK

] ]^^Z ]^?@ ]^?@ ]^]? ]^]? ]^]@[

‡ Secure new and enhanced green infrastructure before development proceeds where there is a clear need for provision;

3.2.6. GNDP Green Infrastructure Strategy (2007)

‡ Enhance green infrastructure where of low quality, in decline or requiring investment to realise its potential to meet future demands;

The GNDP Green Infrastructure Strategy (GIS) sets out a vision for green infrastructure in the Greater Norwich Area for a “multifunctional network of green spaces and green links, providing an environmental life support system for communities and wildlife�. The GIS recommends that a set of six core principles for green infrastructure planning and

plans and decisions in the area:

‡ Mitigate potential adverse effects of development, new land uses and climate change; ‡ Create new green infrastructure where there


and additional provision or compensatory measures are needed.� These core principles are supported by the following thematic principles:

Greater Norwich Development Partnership

GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGY A proposed vision for connecting people places and nature




‡ “Safeguard and protect infrastructure resources;




‡ Integrate green infrastructure into development schemes and existing developments;

$ /


key issues, opportunities and needs� for green infrastructure in the area. Of particular relevance to NS&OC are the following Strategy Goals:

‡ Healthy Lifestyles – provide accessible green infrastructure in and around areas close to where people live and work to promote healthy lifestyles and opportunities for active and passive recreation;

‡ “The contribution of cultural heritage assets to creating a sense of place is recognised, and that this is balanced with other green infrastructure objectives to ensure that its value to society is maximised�

‡ 4

5 !

opportunities through the production of goods and provision of services related to green infrastructure (such as maintenance of green infrastructure resources and sustainable lowcarbon energy generation using biofuels);

‡ “The environmental quality of views, gateways and approaches to and from Norwich are improved to enhance their contribution to visitor experience and strengthen the ‘green’ image for the City�

‡ “Sense of Place – protect and reinforce the distinctive historic and natural qualities that make the Greater Norwich Area special, and manage the effects of development to sustain the character of the Area;

‡ 6 7 4


strong focus for community engagement in green infrastructure provision to facilitate social inclusion and lifelong learning opportunities, leading to greater public awareness of and respect for the environment.�

‡ Sustainable Access and Movement – facilitate walking and cycling through the green infrastructure network, and improve public transport links to green infrastructure;

J functional Green Infrastructure Network for the Greater Norwich Area. Of particular relevance to development at NS&OC are the proposals for:

‡ Making Space for Wildlife – improve the condition, extent and connectivity of wildlife habitats to reverse the effects of habitat fragmentation and create conditions to allow habitats and species to adapt to the effects of climate change;

‡ / _ ' $ 2

to the east site (the North East Norwich – Wroxham – North Walsham Corridor) as a core part of the Green Infrastructure Network

November 2007


‡ Respecting Environmental Capacities – take into account the capacity of natural processes, systems and resources in responding to the challenges of adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change;

‡ Heritage Enhancement – enhance the management, presentation, accessibility and interpretation of the historic environment and the cultural heritage as an integral part of green infrastructure provision; ‡ Sub-Regional Connectivity – connect the green infrastructure network in the Greater Norwich Area with networks in neighbouring areas at the sub-regional scale;

‡ A Local Green Infrastructure Corridor running “enabling doorstep to countryside connections within the network�"

Priority Link within the proposed Ecological Network for the Norwich Urban Area and L U- _ W

proposed Sustainable Movement Network for Norwich

‡ “New developments are carefully integrated into the existing form and character of settlements in order to minimise negative impacts on surrounding landscapes/ townscapes� ‡ “Woodlands and treescapes are protected as features of particular importance to the character, identity and setting of Norwich City and the wider area� ‡ “Existing habitats are expanded and reconnected, and habitats restored, where there are opportunities to improve connectivity and decrease fragmentation of wildlife habitats� ‡ 3

biodiversity such as new wetlands are ' ‡ “Existing green infrastructure is enhanced to deliver important ecological services such as drainage� ‡ “Opportunities for managed access to biodiversity sites for informal recreation, enjoyment and education are maximised�


3.0 0.0 POLICY CONTEXT ‡ K &


and City-wide PPG17 Open Space Assessments are addressed series of managed green spaces representing a range of open space themes/ typologies are created within the urban fringe of Norwich to meet the needs for accessible open space for expanded communities�


‡ “Green spaces and green corridors are integrated into development and linked to walking and cycling networks�

The review of spatial information for the Delivery K

around NS&OC:

‡ “Social deprivation and exclusion issues are alleviated by investment in attractive, safe, accessible and well managed green spaces that meets the needs of existing and future communities�

‡ some “key locations for existing biodiversity interest and linkage� in the study area but a “more fragmented�

“very few statutorily designated sites within the more extensive arable landscapes to the north east and south west of Norwich�

‡ “Walking is promoted as a primary means of access to green spaces� ‡ “More direct and safer routes for both utility and leisure trips are created� ‡ “Access provision for people with disabilities is provided wherever possible� ‡ “Communities, including the business community, are actively engaged in the management and use of local green spaces� ‡ “Planners, urban designers, architects and developers adopt strategies for adapting to climate change at the design stage of any new development, refurbishment project or regeneration programme� ‡ “Strategies for adapting to higher temperatures !

resources and water quality are developed for the Greater Norwich Area at the conurbation, neighbourhood and building scale� A number of potential green infrastructure * K

6 2

K * ‚

Park Restoration Fund and Green Gym project.


The GNDP Green Infrastructure Delivery Plan uses '$/

identify opportunities for green infrastructure in the area and produce an action plan to take green infrastructure ambitions forward.

‡ “a considerable variation in the number of rights of way� with “a dearth of routes north east from Norwich and Sprowston�

Greater Norwich Green Infrastructure Delivery Plan ISSUE: August 2009

‡ “a cluster of Parks and Gardens to the north east of Norwich but these are still mainly in private ownership with limited access. Ancient woodland cover is fragmented and mainly to the south of Wymondham� ‡ “a shortfall of publicly accessible open space =

city and towns� with “only one Country Park to the south east at Whitlingham which is a relatively low provision for a City the size of Norwich� and “shortfalls in natural and seminatural open space�

the Greater Norwich Infrastructure Needs and Funding Study; ‡ that provision of sites over 2ha “to the north east of the city is poor particularly in proximity of the Strategic Growth Location� ‡ that “the majority of the study area is either Grade 1, 2 or 3 agricultural land with most of the Grade 1 and 2 (best and most versatile) being located to the east of Norwich towards Acle and to the north between Wroxham and Aylsham� The GNDP Green Infrastructure Delivery Plan ' $


Y'$K [

'$/ , “the more detailed biodiversity information and the known locations for strategic growth� 6/<02

'$K “Norwich to the Broads� linking Norwich to Wroxham. This is shown in proximity to the location of NS&OC in their Figure 16: Norwich City Green Infrastructure Priority Areas (See Figure 3.1 over page). Within the description of the Norwich to the % '$K

 Â‡ “There is a general lack of small (2ha-20ha) areas of accessible open space: the density should be increased to a minimum of 1 site for every 9km2. Where possible these sites should

deliver biodiversity or landscape function, for example woodland creation�; ‡ “There is a scarcity of larger (>20ha) areas of accessible open space (much of the Broads


density should be increased to a minimum of 1 site for every 12kmsq. Where possible these sites should deliver biodiversity or landscape function, for example woodland creation�; ‡ “Promote a new (>60ha) county park for the Rackheath area: this could incorporate re-creation of historic Mousehold Heath landscape: a mosaic of heathland, woodland and grassland between the Broads and Norwich and linking areas of woodland, particularly to the north of Norwich to provide a substantial landscape buffer to growth of the City and a green gateway to Norwich�; ‡ “Create green corridors, including dedicated routes for pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians from Norwich to Wroxham and from Norwich to Acle, linking areas of existing and planned new development�; ‡ “New development should protect and enhance the character and unique qualities of existing settlements, using vernacular in new building design in relation to existing tradition of settlements and building in SUDS�; and ‡ “Extend existing grassland, hedgerow and woodland habitats, increase connectivity and ensure adequate buffers are in place�. Green infrastructure Opportunity Corridors have been mapped for Norwich City as part of the GNDP Green Infrastructure Delivery Plan. This is based ' ' K * Y]^^Z[

spaces within the urban areas of Norwich City with potential for enhancement and linkage. Although 6/<02 6 2

6 2

POLICY CONTEXT 3.0 Key Study Area Boundary District Boundary Proposed Northern Distributor Road Green Infrastructre Priority Area Five Rivers


Long Stratton to Norwich

B Wymondham to Norwich


Norwich to the Broads

B Water City - Rivers Yare and Wensum Norwich City Urban Green Grid - Green Infrastructure Priority Areas


A - North City B - Wensum Ridges C - Earlham and Eaton D - City Ridges E - Lakenham Way







Greater Norwich Green Infrastructure Delivery Plan Figure 16 Norwich City GI Opportunity Areas July 2009







5 km

Reproduced using information provided by Norfolk Biodiversity Information Service, Norfolk County Council, Norwich City Council, Broadland District Council and South Norfolk District Council. Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey map with the permission of the controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Licence number: 100019747. Š CROWN COPYRIGHT.

Figure 3.1: Norwich City Green Infrastructure Priority Areas

Opportunity Area linking Wensum to the airport and Mousehold Heath primarily to the south of Sprowston and Old Catton.

open space and discusses options for the future

companies and trusts.


“considerable scope to engage with the local population� on green infrastructure projects is highlighted within the Delivery Plan as well as the “considerable potential to involve local schools and community groups through education and the design and development of open spaces�. The importance of green infrastructure projects in building a sense of community in new and existing

demonstration projects as “a means of raising the XY !

of the process� to be included as an “integral part of the project delivery�.


L ' $ Q


reviews existing management arrangements for

% Q 2 ! _

Open Space SPD sets out standards for provision of outdoor sports and playing space in new residential development. The standards are based L $ J - ! ] ‡

Y^ Z ? @

[ ? ^^^

$ + +

+ “land for local children’s play should be very close to residential areas to ensure high accessibility

by local children� and that “[n]eighbourhood play areas and outdoor sports should be located in areas that are readily accessible by public transport, walking and cycling�.


which will be replaced as further documents within „ Q L

include: ‡ K

'/† +

to have unacceptable effects in terms of nature !

open countryside;

‡ K


enhance areas rich in wildlife; ‡ K

U6ƒ\ -

green spaces; ‡ K


parkland landscapes and historic gardens from development that would adversely affect their character and setting; and ‡ K



NPFA (now Fields in Trust) standard on 2.4ha ? ^^^ ‡ K

_„Z -

spaces from uncompensated redevelopment.

‡ K

U6Ġ +


areas and areas of nature conservation;




delivery of new homes and associated employment development in the GNDP area by 203; green infrastructure and open space are considered under Section 10. The study highlights that within Broadland “by far the largest requirement is for natural and semi natural open space� with an Zˆ ] + '

Triangle by 2031.

Greater Norwich Infrastructure Needs and Funding Study

Prepared by

in partnership with:

Final Report prepared for Greater Norwich Development Partnership October 2009


3.7. OTHER DOCUMENTS A number of other related studies and initiatives have been taken into account including those relating to Landscape Character Assessment and Biodiversity mapping and action plans. These and others are reviewed in detail in the Environmental Statement. Various guidance documents are also issued

6 U L


the Town and Country Planning Association and the Wildlife Trust. These include Green $ ' Y6 U ]^^\[

The Case for Trees in Development and the Urban Environment (Forestry Commission 2010) and Good Practice Guidance for Green Infrastructure %

YJ2K W J ]^?][

Relevant guidance has been taken into account in the preparation of this Statement.



6/<02 6

in the Central North Norfolk Joint Character Area1.

NS&OC is also within reach of a number of sites designated nationally and locally for their ecological value (see Figure 4.3: Local Landscape K U- [ J ///$

Crostwick Marsh which is located just over 2km away and is a component site of The Broads _ / / 2 % /K

Just over 2km to the north east of the site lies % 6 K 6 ‰Š!


a range of wetland sites designated for their ecological importance under the European ‚ _ _

/ K Y/K [ /

2 Y/ 2 [ / / /

Interest (SSSIs) – and provides recreation

walking and cycling for tourists and local visitors. Further still to the north and east of the site lies 6

parts of which are variously protected as Areas of 0 6 % / 2 /K 6

Nature Reserves and SSSIs. This is shown on Figure 4.1: Strategic Landscape Plan

Figure 4.1: Strategic Landscape Plan showing the location of NS&OC in the context of the Broads and the Norfolk coastline

? 2 2 2 U

# Y2 U 6 _ Q

/ U ‚ ]^^@[


Q W /

situated in close proximity to the east of the „ W 2 2 < /

Tollshill Wood – as well as three blocks of ancient /

W 0 ! W % 2 J # ‚

„ 6 _

for local dog walkers as well as habitat for a suite of rare and scarce invertebrates particularly bees and wasps and remnant heathland vegetation with species uncommon in Norfolk. $ 6/<02

2 K W 2

Park and Eaton Park (see Figure 4.4). Q -



well as a paucity of public rights of way and access to the countryside3.

] ' 6 $ 6 L /

October 2009 † '6QK ' $ Q



Photo by Graham Hopkins Figure 4.2: NS&OC lies in close proximity to a number of areas of ecological and recreational importance in Norfolk ; the Broads, Catton Park and Whitlingham Country Park are shown here



Figure 4.3: Local Landscape Plan - Existing showing NS&OC in the context of key local green spaces









Figure 4.4: Diagram showing the location and size of Beeston Park and Red Hall Farm compared to other major parks in Broadland and the local area


0.0 SITE 4.0 SECTION CONTEXT TITLE 4.3. THE SITE NS&OC is bounded to the south by the established 0 2 /

east by the Wroxham Road and Sprowston Manor ' 2

/ L ! „ 6

of the site runs the line of the proposed Norwich 6 Q _

village of Spixworth. J 6/<02 +

accessible green spaces serving new and existing residents. The strategic approach to green infrastructure is driven by and takes advantage of the key landscape features of the site as well as the Â

‡ +

the site;


spaces in Sprowston and Old Catton;

‡ the proximity to neighbouring Norwich Airport and its associated public safety zone;

‡ the proximity of the site to the NDR and its proposed footpath network;


woodland and parkland including locally % K

parkland associated with Red Hall Farm;

‡ 2 „ % „ 6 W

Road as ecological connectors and local walking K _

Way (PROWs) on site or public access to the privately owned parklands;

‡ ecological habitats and corridors for local

" ‡

" ‡ -

# W

‡ relative proximity to the local ecological and recreational honeypots such as the Broads and the coast;

‡ the Grade II listed wall at Beeston Hall and the proximity of the site to the Church of St #

/ # ! / '

I listed building with strong local vernacular; and Grade II listed farm house Oak Farm Lodge which lies off the North Walsham Road ‡ the proximity of the site to the Golden Gates currently located at the entrance to Rackheath Hall; NS&OC provides the potential to relocate the gates to the site following refurbishment. These are shown in Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.6: Constraints Plan.

‡ the predominantly agricultural nature of the land including arable and grazed pasture;

Figure 4.5: NS&OC proposals retain and enhance a number of the key landscape features on site, from the parkland habitat at Beeston Park to the mature hedgerows and trees lining Beeston Lane



Figure 4.6: Constraints Plan (NS&OC130) highlighting the key landscape, ecological and

Scale 1:10 000


5.0 GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PROPOSALS A range of multifunctional green spaces varying in `


and parks – will form a continuous network


grow their own food if they wish and to connect



Table 5.1: provision of publicly accessible open space at NS&OC

$ ‡^‹

application boundary for NS&OC will be publicly accessible green space providing residents and local people with spaces for everyday use as well as

which are currently closed to the public and increasing access to the countryside on land with no existing public rights of way. Three key park areas will form the basis of the % K

Red Hall Farm and the smaller Linear Park along Beeston Lane – making up over 50ha of linked green space as a major public park for residents

of country park for residents from the Growth J _

are distributed throughout the development and

green walls and green roofs to form a continuous green network. The proposals for NS&OC are shown in Figure 5.1: Green Infrastructure Plan.

5.1. OVERALL QUANTUM AND LOCATION OF PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE OPEN SPACE NS&OC provides around 82.5ha of new publicly ‡^‹

the total area of the site. The development of the strategy for accessible open space has had regard +  ‡ those set out in the adopted Broadland Recreational Open Space SPD for play and


Natural < natural open space

Parks & gardens

Informal amenity space

Allotments & community gardens




Outdoor sport

_ + ? ^^^

Broadland Recreational Open Space SPD








_ + ? ^^^ '6QK

INS 2009

0.36ha of which 0.17ha standalone

1.68ha of which 0.97ha standalone







+ 6/<02 Y'6QK $6/


2.69ha of which 1.27ha standalone

12.57ha of which 7.26ha standalone






A minimum of 2.69ha

12.16ha of recreation grounds plus integrated sports provision

An amount

greater than 1.65ha

At least 1.8ha plus provision of 1.2ha for extension of existing Sprowston allotments

Around 82.51ha

Provision proposed at NS&OC

L J - ! ] ‡

? ^^^ "

‡ those set out in the GNDP Infrastructure Needs /

Y]^^\[ J ?^ ]


the GNDP JCS and Local Investment Plan and Programme (LIPP) and takes a different

of open space typologies but also recognising the multifunctional potential of some spaces. It @ †\

? ^^^

standalone and multifunctional typologies.

At least 31.3ha

An amount

greater than 8.45ha

These two standards are not easily reconciled Y J { ?[

different assumptions about the population Y + ] †Z

persons per dwelling on the Broadland SPD methodology and 2.13 persons per dwelling on the GNDP INS methodology). The latter approach

% ' !

green infrastructure principles and better suited to the complexity of the open space needs to a development of the scale and type of NS&OC; whereas the former is adopted policy and the -


should be noted that on either methodology the +

, -

uses at detailed design stage to optimise the mix


+ 0

$6/ +

around 48 ha; NS&OC provides over 82ha. J

amount of newly publicly accessible natural and

public park made up of the existing Beeston Park and Red Hall Farm. This park will be available to

and semi natural open space in Broadland.


Figure 5.1: Green Infrastructure Plan (NS&OC131 ) showing the range of multifunctional and connected green spaces at NS&OC

Scale 1:10 000


5.0 GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PROPOSALS 5.2. KEY FEATURES The key features of the network are shown on Figure 5.1: Green Infrastructure Plan and described in more detail below.

5.2.1. BEESTON PARK Beeston Park will become a major new public park 6/<02

_ ‚ L

infrastructure network (See Figure 5.2 and 5.21). Beyond Green intends to work with the local community to design the park at detailed design stage with a starting principle of enhancing the existing character of the Park as a historic parkland

% K

landscape of over 40ha of historic parkland framed


% ‚

extending and enhancing the existing woodland belt and providing new areas for formal and

wildlife interest areas and other facilities such as a bandstand or performance space and cafĂŠ.



Figure 5.2: Beeston Park, Red Hall Farm and the smaller linear park along Beeston Lane form the basis of the green infrastructure network at NS&OC

! ! " # $ !! % ! ' * % $ ' +/ ' $! % 7 % 8 ! 7



Photo by La-Citta-Vita on Flickr

Photo by Digital Cat

Figure 5.4: Beeston Park will provide new areas for formal and informal play alongside space for picknicking and other facilities such as a bandstand or performance space


5.0 GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PROPOSALS A new landscaped edge around the southern and western boundary of the park will enhance the -

/ Q/

herbs and vegetables. This extended woodland fringe will also maintain the existing commuting route for bats and provide an enhanced foraging habitat on the outside of the woodland. Several new water features will be incorporated / Q/

including attenuation basins capturing water from

the new landscaped edge to the park. These will / Q/

well as providing focal points for wildlife and for education. With the restoration and management of the parkland from agricultural land to a mosaic of

/ Q/

the park will provide a fantastic new public park for local residents and visitors to enjoy as well +

appropriate for local bat species and other groups such as invertebrates associated with grass heath

noteworthy species recorded from Mousehold Heath.

5.2.2. RED HALL FARM A second public park will be provided to the south _ ‚ L -

landscape to provide 5.2ha enhanced parkland

] ?

Linked with the centre for food and rural activity _ ‚ L


parkland area and planting of edible fruit and nut trees within the woodland blocks. The park also

with space for demonstration plots for ecology and food growing and access to nearby allotments and intensive food growing areas.

routes with green gyms will be incorporated around the park and within woodland areas. The

formal and informal play spaces incorporated

park also provides space for potential community festivals and events. Photo by yellow book

Beeston Park will form key part of the local and

6/<02 -

/ 0 2

from the wider area. As a key connector between the urban edge of Norwich and the countryside % K


NS&OC and linking with the wider area.

Figure 5.5: Red Hall Farm will retain some existing buildings, as a centre for food and rural activity, linked to a new public park and space for food production, education and learning, picknicking and play



Photo by @boetter

Photo by digital cat

Photo by



acting as a key connector between Red Hall Farm and Beeston Park and serving as a formal entrance to Beeston Park from the North Walsham Road. J % „

enclosed by areas of green space to the north and south and fronted by crescents of development. This will create a more formal condition to that % K _ ‚ L

and front gardens overlooking the lane. The park will provide a new orchard or forest garden integrated with landscaped areas and formal areas J


parks and act as an entrance to Beeston Park with limited vehicular access.

Photo by Gary Embridge

Photo by David Berkowitz

Figure 5.6: Section looking east across Beeston Lane Park with the rural hedge-lined character of Beeston Lane retained, enclosed by areas of park and fronted by crescents of development


GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE SECTION PROPOSALS TITLE 0.0 5.0 5.2.4. PUBLIC RECREATION GROUNDS Three recreation grounds distributed throughout the site will provide new residents with access to facilities within a short walk from home. These dedicated grounds will provide a

sports facilities alongside standalone play spaces. They will also provide space for other functions and linking to the wider green infrastructure network within NS&OC (see Figures 5.7 and 5.8).

% K

aiding connectivity with existing communities and green spaces such as Windsor Park Gardens in Sprowston; ‡

as the allotments at SP01; ‡ enhance the biodiversity network at NS&OC through the integration of existing tree and hedgerow habitat along the edge of SP01 and SP03 and the creation of a new wildlife corridor adjacent to SP03 near the Park and Ride; and

$  ‡

‡ 6/<02 / Q/

storage space for surface water at or adjacent to /K^? /K^] /K^†

Figure 5.7: Plan highlighting distribution of recreation grounds within a short walk from homes

Figure 5.8: Pitches and facilities will sit alongside areas for food production and biodiversity



roadside planting softening the streetscape and providing character and distinctiveness within the development (see Figure 5.9).


the green infrastructure network. Two typologies  Â‡ primary greener street: maintaining existing wildlife corridors for bats through the provision

alongside abundant greenery; these include

0 6 W _ % „

Beeston Park Edge; ‡ secondary greener streets: linking green spaces

cycling. Features of these greener streets include street tree

edge and swales. The primary greener streets are described in more detail on the following pages.

Photo by La-Citta-Vita on Flickr Figure 5.9: Tree planting, on-street landscaping, green walls and front gardens will all be components of greener streets at NSOC, softening the streetscape and providing character and disinctiveness



green roofs and green facades;

% K U

street with houses fronting the street and overlooking the woodland framing Beeston Park and its new landscaped edge (see Figure 5.10). The street has been designed to complement the bat habitat within the wooded area of Beeston Park and provide a low light environment. As such it will: ‡ +

pedestrian and cycle priority and the potential to provide parking for visitors to Beeston Park; ‡ create a street abundant with greenery through

‡ provide a low light environment along its length through use of appropriate lux levels and stand , " ‡ % K

comprising 20 metres of landscaped area

areas of wetland and small ponds as part of the / Q/

complement the woodland habitat; and ‡ incorporate three formal entrances to Beeston K

W - _ /+

# /+

Old North Walsham Road %

- 6

W _ # /+ 0

North Walsham Road will be maintained as a key commuting route for bats. This will:

‡ sit adjacent to the landscaped edge of Red Hall providing a softer transition between neighbourhood and park; and ‡ provide a low light environment through use of -


‡ no longer be a through route for vehicular

disturbance while continuing to allow access 6 / !

Norwich Rugby Club ground; ‡ create a street abundant with greenery through *







Figure 5.10: Greener street typology at Beeston Park Edge

Figure 5.11: Greener streets will be abundant with greenery, inegrating wildlife corridors alonside the urban fabric of the development


5.0 GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PROPOSALS Beeston Lane The character of Beeston Lane will be maintained +

lane and key walking and cycling connection between Red Hall Farm and Beeston Park (see Figure 5.12). The lane will: ‡ remain lined with the existing hedgerows and standing trees; ‡ be surrounded by a formally landscaped linear park (see Beeston Lane Park above) aiming to

Photo by Charlie Dave

maximise the ecological potential of the lane within this setting and to make a feature of it within the development; ‡ +

disturbance; and ‡ sit within a residential area with a high proportion of family housing; crescents of

formal condition with overlooking of the lane.

Church Lane South The character of the southern portion of Church Lane will be maintained as far as possible as a +

and other wildlife (see Figure 5.13). Church Lane South will: ‡ retain its character through the incorporation of existing trees and their associated banks into the street design;

‡ +

and large front gardens to accommodate root protection areas of the existing trees; ‡ maintain its existing carriageway width and remain closed as a through route for vehicles with pedestrian and cycle priority ; and ‡ provide the context for a small neighbourhood centre and village green at Church Lane linking the Millennium Woods and allotments at Sprowston.

Photo by Charlie Dave

Photo by Maxwell Hamilton Figure 5.12: Beeston Lane will be surrounded by a landscaped park and retained as a quiet, hedge-lined lane

Figure 5.13: All existing trees on Church Lane South will be retained and integrated into a quiet, residential lane and village green



6/<02 †ˆ


providing residents and visitors with access to green space within a short walk from anywhere on site. 6



Features of neighbourhood spaces include the following:

‡ community gardens and opportunities for informal food production within green spaces;



‡ SuDS features to attenuate surface water in times of heavy rain including areas of wetland;

‡ smaller areas for sports and recreation # Use Games Areas (MUGAs) and formal areas for play;

‡ informal wildlife areas including those linked to existing tree and hedgerow networks and of value to species able to live in urban areas; and


network of wider routes and including green +

older people;


such as communal courtyards and pocket green

grain of habitat mosaics will be considered during detailed design. Two key neighbourhood spaces are described below. GS17, Church Lane South

‡ educational features including food and/ or wildlife demonstration plots as well as opportunities for education around climate change adaptation.



has been designed to provide an attractive gateway for and walkers and cyclists arriving in NS&OC 2 „

emerging for preliminary work on the Sprowston

>+ ' ' ! ! '' '! 7* ! ? 8


5.0 GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PROPOSALS Neighbourhood Plan for a more prominent

Alongside retention of existing trees and banks this space will help to maintain the existing alignment and character of the lane at its southern end; and GS11, north of Park & Ride A linear green space acting as a key area for SuDS attenuation basins and with enhancements to existing planting providing an ecological link to Beeston Park and habitat for amphibians and wetland vegetation. Board walks and planting will provide a pleasant space for local people to use on

W - /+ The size and function of all the neighbourhood spaces at NS&OC is set out in Schedule 6.1 – Green Infrastructure – in Appendix A of the Design and Access Statement. Each space will be programmed at detailed design taking into account the context of the space and the mix of open space typologies around it. School and community grounds Grounds associated with schools and community buildings have the potential to create key features

demonstration projects and educational resources

provide opportunities for local people of all ages to learn about and reconnect with their natural environment while at the same time sharing knowledge and gaining the skills to produce their own food and encourage wildlife into their own gardens.

Photo by Petrov_2012

Figure 5.15: Neighbourhood spaces as areas for play, education and learning will be key at NS&OC




A range of opportunities for food production have 6/<02 ? Z

of allotments and community gardens.

Smaller scale green spaces associated with

bird boxes etc. will be incorporated throughout the development. These spaces will act as urban

change adaptation and biodiversity.

An additional 1.2ha has also been made available as an extension to the existing Sprowston allotments through the provision of land for expansion of the cemetery adjacent to the existing site. 0

SuDS features with a dual function for irrigation will be optimised on allotment sites.

$ -

spaces to buildings provide a range of microclimates which can be exploited to provide bespoke habitats.

A range of models for the management of allotments will also be considered in order to maximise accessibility and links to community. See Chapter 9: Food for further details. Photo by Karen Roe

Figure 5.16: Spaces such as the Bluebell Allotments and Cathederal Close Herb Garden provide accessible

Figure 5.17: Smaller scale green spaces ensure the sense of abundant green carries from park to front door

community food growing areas for all to enjoy


5.0 GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PROPOSALS Gardens and balconies 6/<02

to the rear with smaller setbacks or town gardens `

the property and its position in the transect. Apartments will have sizeable balconies and/or shared gardens. Domestic gardens and balconies at NS&OC will be a place for residents to put their food growing skills into practice independently. They will play a key role in habitat provision for local wildlife4. These spaces will therefore be designed with both biodiversity and food in mind. For example: ‡ provision of raised beds with grade agricultural soil from within the site;



dimensional complexity providing structural " ‡ incorporation of areas of neglect to encourage wildlife; and ‡

species. Management is a key element of the value of

management and education programme over the long term.

‡ / ‰ ! %

‰ ' Y%‰'/[

project www.bugs.group.shef.ac.uk

Photo by Andy_v Figure 5.18: Gardens and balconies will provide valuable habitat for birds and other wildlife



Green walls

Green roofs will be incorporated throughout the ?^‹

space dedicated to green roof typologies5 and + ,

vegetation6. Larger scale green roofs will also be considered for predominantly commercial

additional park or communal garden space.

Green walls will also be incorporated throughout

established during detailed design. As with green

streets in order to maximise their potential as wildlife corridors and to provide legibility to these streets as connectors between key green spaces. Green walls will also provide feature points within

6/<02 # /+

W - _ /+ -

Green roof typologies will include: ‡ Extensive green roofs – providing an ecological landscape for wildlife and particularly for invertebrates and birds; bespoke extensive green roofs will be designed to provide habitat for several important local invertebrate species7

work underway at Mousehold Heath. ‡ /

(including roof terraces) – providing a private or communal green refuge and amenity space on top of buildings for residents and visitors to

an ecological landscape. Green roofs will be particularly concentrated along greener streets in order to maximise their potential as wildlife corridors and to provide legibility to these streets as connectors between key green spaces.

{ '

construction following introduction of stringent technical standards – currently integrates green roofs on 1 in 10 new builds. 6 Recent planning policy introduced in Copenhagen in 2009 makes it mandatory for all roofs with a less than 30 degree pitch to be vegetated. ˆ 2 Â

Buglife 2012

Planting of green walls will be either through climbing plants growing up walls – on residential properties – or more engineered green wall

growing medium and an irrigation system – likely on commercial and mixed use buildings. Green walls provide habitat and foraging areas

8 through the planting of more colourful climbers such as honeysuckle and jasmine. Green walls at NS&OC may also be used for planting vegetables and herbs if proper irrigation systems are in place – -

Photo by westher

Other small scale ecological niches In line with the Norfolk Swift Biodiversity Action K 6/<02 , box project in Norfolk through the provision of -

At least 150 swift boxes will be erected in small groups of boxes on suitable buildings throughout the development either included within the fabric of the larger buildings during construction or - Nest boxes for other birds of urban habitats such as house sparrow terraces will also be included on smaller residential dwellings with gardens or on public buildings associated with green spaces. Figure 5.19: Beauty, biodiversity, food and recreation...all products of green roofs and walls at NS&OC 8

Dusty Gedge 2012 www.livingroofs.org



C SECTION A: Looking north up North Walsham Road at edge with Red Hall park A



SECTION B: Looking west at edge with existing housing at Old Catton E

SECTION C: Looking east at northern edge of OPA boundary




conditions at NS&OC

SECTION D: ooking south at edge with Beeston Park

SECTION E: Looking west at edge with Millenium Wood







generally well contained. An extensive visual assessment of the site has been conducted as part of the Evironmental Impact Assessment (see Environmental Statement for full details). This considers views of and into the site and shows that

limited opportunities to view the application site from outside the immediate area. Edge conditions have therefore been considered primarily from the

in Figure 5.20. South of NS&OC J 6/<02




0 2 YU

2 Â? W Q [ # Q

/ # ! ' / U

combination of (running from west to east) playing

K _ /

Manor Golf Club create a largely permanent green buffer between the site and the existing urban edge. $

and promoted as a green route and wildlife corridor. The key features of this edge will be:

‡ Church Lane South: a key connection will run along Church Lane South via the Sprowston # W

2 / #

/ # !

with existing Sprowston. Already a route used

pedestrian and cycle route between older and /

Church Lane South will be designed to create a welcoming gateway centred on a green. Green spaces along this edge will provide additional habitat and recreation space. North of NS&OC J _ ‚ L % K

provide a landscaped edge to the development. The transition between individual neighbourhoods and the parks is softened through the integration of primary greener streets at these edges; development here is designed to make the most of +

U ! YJ‡[ / Q

Access Statement for more details. 6 %K?† %K?‡ %K?{

that a soft edge is presented to the countryside. Recreation ground SP01 acts as the edge to the

to create a sense of transition from rural to the suburban community of Old Catton. East of NS&OC

‡ large rear gardens: detailed design will provide for large rear gardens where development abuts existing homes – i.e. west of the Spixworth/ Buxton Road – providing bat habitat and ensuring existing homes are not overlooked; ‡ recreation grounds: SP02 and SP03 will incorporate perimeter planting to enhance ecological habitat and provide protection from


new development and established communities of Sprowston and Old Catton; and


of existing planting along the Wroxham Road will provide some screening of new development from the existing road and enable a more pronounced sense of entry to NS&OC at Wroxham Road /+ J

/ K _

W_/^† W_/^‡

% K

SuDS features to accommodate surface water.

5.4. STRATEGIC GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE In addition to providing valuable green 6/<02

provides important links to the wider strategic green infrastructure network. In particular through: ‡ provision of a major new public park % K _ ‚ L

Beeston Lane Park. This park – making up over 50ha of public open space – will provide

' J


the impact of increased recreational pressure on the Broads;

to work to improve movement of bats in the local area including around the NDR and the Broads. ‡ incorporation of new habitat for swifts within 6

Swift Biodiversity Action Plan. These are shown on Figure 20: Local Landscape K K

‡ contribution to the GNDP Green Infrastructure Priority Area linking Norwich to the Broads

infrastructure including Beeston Park and urban connectors providing ecology and leisure routes within the development; ‡ ! !

cycle and equestrian routes both within the development and leading to the wider

for Broadland residents and helping to meet the need for public footpaths in the area; ‡ !

habitat through the restoration of Beeston Park and the integration of bespoke invertebrate habitat to green roofs. This will link with # ‚

new areas of habitat similar to the dry heathland that was formerly extensive in the area between Norwich and the Broads and currently restricted largely to Mousehold Heath; ‡ integration of new bat corridors through the enhancement of Beeston Park and integration

greener streets and green routes.. This will link



Figure 5.21: Local Landscape Plan - Proposed


PLAY AND RECREATION 6.0 Play and recreation space is vital to health and

and therefore appealing public space. It is often perceived that new developments do not provide enough or the right types of play and recreational



community. At NS&OC there will be a wide range of play and


, -

stakeholder and community input into the detailed

The main opportunities for play and recreation at NS&OC are described below. See also Figure 6.2: Leisure Routes Plan: ‡ streets: tertiary streets at NS&OC will be designed as spaces where it is safe for children

surveillance and the management of parking; ‡ ! &

: +

along greener streets; ‡ recreation grounds: located at the edges of development to be accessible to residents

three dedicated grounds totaling 12.2ha will

alongside space for informal games;

‡ equipped play spaces (LAPs, LEAPs, NEAPs and MUGAs9[ +


example in courtyard spaces) and at recreation

throughout the development. It is intended that

]^^ +

naturally overlooked providing safe and inviting places for children to play and supervising parents to linger. The distribution of play spaces will be determined through detailed design in accordance with the provision set out in Schedule 6.1 in Appendix A of the Design and Access Statement; ‡ informal open space: within neighbourhood


[ " ‡ Beeston ParkÂ



woodland areas suitable for informal play and ! , \ „ K

Y„ K[ „ U+ K

Y„U K[

6 U+ K

Y6U K[ # ‰

Games Area (MUGA)

Photo by David Berkowitz

Photo by

Photo by

Figure 6.1: A range of play and recreational spaces will be provided at NS&OC, including formal, informal and on-street facilities



Figure 6.2: Recreation & Leisure Plan (NS&OC 132) showing the range of opportunities for

!$ * 8 @


Scale 1:10 000



% Q 2 !

_ 0 / /KQ

turn is based on the provisions of the Fields In J - ! ] ‡

Y^ Z

? @ [ ? ^^^ J

methodology for calculating population arising in the SPD has also been used10

weighted average population per dwelling of 2.38 Z †Z^ Tables 6.1 and 6.2 show the rate of provision + +

/KQ +

within NS&OC based on its population arisings. It has not been deemed appropriate at outline planning stage to set precise locations for play _ ' $ /

(Schedule 6.1 in Appendix A of the Design and Access Statement) indicates which spaces planned within the development would be suitable for

appropriately addressed in the detailed planning. At minimum it is intended that every home will ]^^ „ K


Table 6.1: playspace requirements at NS&OC Type





_ +

provision (no. per population)

1 per 250

1 per 500

? ‡ ^^^

? ? ^^^



at NS&OC




‡ ,


the more important bat areas;


Table 6.2: the rate of requirement for different types of courts and pitches Type

Football pitch

Bowling green

Tennis court (x2)

Changing facility

K Y‡^ sp)

_ +

provision (no. per population)

† ] ^^^

? ? ^^^

? ? ^^^

? ? ^^^

? ? ^^^



at NS&OC







the Council and Sport England and Beyond ' !

accepted that for a development of this scale and

of formal recreational space – pitches and courts


determined strategically based on an assessment -

taking into account a wider area than the site -

addressed and potentially incorporating provision for less popular sports and activities. Such an assessment is not currently in place in Broadland. 6/<02

provides for three recreation grounds with a ?] ?@ Â /K^? { ] "

/K^] ‡ ] " /K^† ] ˆ J +

? ^^^ ? ‡{

‡ all grounds should be managed to promote

Y [

, * -

habitat (SP01) and their role as part of wildlife corridors (SP02 and SP03);

+ /KQ ‚

$6/ scale typologies such as bowling green and tennis courts will be distributed to smaller green spaces Y '

Infrastructure Schedule (Schedule 6.1 in Appendix Q / [


recreation grounds. It is proposed that decisions +


to the following considerations and principles: ‡ the overall distribution of facilities should


‡ SP02 lies between the existing Old Catton - W K

' 6 / !

adjacent to a proposed primary school site and should be considered suitable for multipurpose use alongside these facilities and for managed public access. It would be the most suitable site

recreational use; ‡ all recreation grounds should incorporate

% K

aiding connectivity with existing communities and green spaces such as Windsor Park Gardens in Sprowston; ‡ areas for SuDS features are accommodated adjacent to each of the recreation grounds; recreation grounds may also be considered as

as part of the surface water drainage strategy at detailed design ‡ each recreation ground should provide its own street parking in adjacent streets.

‡ /K^? `

pitch and associated facilities serving the needs of Old Catton;

10 This is a different basis from the methodology used in the GNDP Infrastructure Needs Study (2009) which has been used for calculating population arisings for other



development at NS&OC provides an opportunity to improve access for new and existing residents to green spaces and the countryside through the provision of new paths located to allow connection to other local green spaces and networks. The permeable street network at NS&OC that will be designed to prioritise the needs of pedestrians and cyclists over private motor vehicles. This will be enhanced by the creation of a network of +

the development. The network is shown on Figure 6.2: Recreation & Leisure Plan. It aims to: ‡ provide residents and local people with recreation and exercise routes in their local area; ‡ provide key routes for existing residents in Sprowston and Old Catton to access Beeston Park and other key green spaces at NS&OC; ‡ link new green spaces with existing green spaces in the local area such as the Millennium Woods and Windsor Park Gardens in Sprowston;

The key features of the network are: ‡ a number of circular routes within the green

Beeston Park and Red Hall Farm; ‡ routes running within the developed area

more pleasant route for exercise and increase legibility; ‡ +

along key routes both within the development and green spaces; ‡ provision for links to existing paths and green


running to the south of the site adjacent to Sprowston cemetery; the existing Windsor Park Gardens and Millennium Woods in Sprowston; and potential link to the Taylor Wimpey development site in Old Catton; ‡ provision for connector paths linking to

to the proposed footpath running along the edge of the NDR; to a potential footbridge across the NDR at Beeston Park; and east to Beeston Lane. These provide potential for future expansion of the public footpath network '6QK!

Green Infrastructure Priority Area;

Figure 6.3: A network of leisure routes will improve access to the countryside for new and existing residents

‡ increase access to the countryside for new and existing residents through the provision of links to Beeston Park; where possible links to existing or proposed footpaths in the area; and connector paths providing potential future expansion of the public footpath network.

Figure 6.4: Every home at NS&OC will be within a 200m walk of a neighbourhood green space


ECOLOGY 7.0 Wildlife and ecology are important elements in the wider theme of continuous and abundant greening at NS&OC. Proposals aim to: ‡ achieve net biodiversity gains by avoiding

mitigating and compensating for unavoidable impacts and bringing about ecological enhancements wherever possible through a series of features throughout the site; ‡ +


embrace local species and habitat types; ‡ integrate strong green and ecological connections within the development and - 6 %

the countryside beyond; and

7.1. SITE CONTEXT The context for the proposals for ecology and wildlife at NS&OC is provided by the current ecological value of the site and its location within `

The key features of ecological importance in

in Chapter 4 Site Context and discussed in further detail in the Environmental Statement. ‚

swathe of heath extending from Norwich to The Broads. This heathland habitat is now largely restricted to the contemporary Mousehold Heath with other more urban habitats developing over time.

The site itself is currently dominated by arable

leaved woodland and parkland (see Figure 7.1). Extensive ecological surveys of the site and its immediate surrounds have been undertaken over a period of two years to provide a full and detailed understanding of existing habitats and species in and around NS&OC. In addition to ,

supporting protected or notable species on the site Â



other mammals or reptiles were recorded on site and only very low levels of amphibians.

As detailed in the Environmental Statement and L ˆ ] U

K U-

the main habitats of integral ecological value


with their natural environment through a combination of education and increased access to wildlife in both the urban environment and the countryside

Figure 7.1: Arable farmland dominates the site currently, with smaller areas of parkland at Beeston Park and Red Hall Farm




Figure 7.2: Ecology Plan - Existing showing the key habitat and species on site


given to recent green infrastructure and ecological network studies11 which identify site of NS&OC in an area of ecological enhancement where the key components of an ecological network are: ‡ / " ‡ /

woodland in core areas; and ‡ $

in suitable areas. The proposals for ecology and wildlife at NS&OC are intended to not only minimise the damage caused by development but also to positively contribute to the broader ecological setting. As far as possible NS&OC addresses all three priority

key focus on the restoration of parkland at Beeston K +

Proposed and summarised below. Full details can also be found in the Environmental Statement.

% K

enhanced as both Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) habitat and in its value for foraging bats.


% K _

Hall Farm and in both cases framing an area of existing parkland habitat. - 6/<02

will be retained and enhanced through the introduction of a Woodland Management Plan. J

and enhancement of the surroundings of any

the introduction of a new landscaped edge 20m


scheme will be the provision of resources that



(such as hawthorn Crataegus monogyna and willow Salix cinerea). The management plan will also ensure that a balance is met between the need to accommodate recreational use of woodland areas and the +


to Beeston Park cutting through woodland will be limited to three as indicated on the Landscape

' $ K $

footpaths within the woodland will be minimised with preference given to pathways edging the woodland and within the open parkland. The Woodland Management Plan will be set / W Q


2 6/<02

developed during detailed design.

7.2.2. PARKLAND AND SCATTERED TREES 12.4ha of existing parkland habitat has been @ Z


Park. The parkland in Beeston Park will be extended by 21.8ha to over 28ha through the reversion of

The restoration of Beeston Park is seen as , !

habitat for bats and invertebrates as well as a new area of open grassland and parkland habitat broadly similar to the historic land cover and +

enhancement zone. The location of Beeston Park is


6 J

Broads and within the proposed route of the NDR. Further complementing the heathland and nutrient poor grassland habitat are the extensive

invertebrates known locally and for whom the existing habitat is extremely limited in extent. % ' !

measures to provide an overall net biodiversity L ˆ ‡ U


Figure 7.3: Existing semi-natural woodland an parkland at Beeston Park, which will be retained and enhanced at NS&OC 11 CBA 2006 a & b; Land 2007; Landscape Partnership 2009



Figure 7.4: Ecology Plan - Proposed showing the range of on-site ecological mitigation and enhancement measures


Scale 1:10 000

ECOLOGY 7.0 currently arable land to parkland with the planting

nutrient poor grassland through soil manipulation J

creation of new UK BAP priority habitat and represent key alternative foraging habitat for bats. All existing parkland habitat on site will be enhanced through the retention and management of existing habitat and the creation of new habitat through arable reversion. This area will also be used for recreation as the main public park at NS&OC. Management will therefore balance recreational use and maintenance of ecological habitat.

7.2.3. BATS Extensive bat surveys were carried out between 0 ]^?^

inspections and building inspections. The survey effort exceeded past and current guidelines (2007 ]^?] [ J

eight bat species on site including commuting routes and foraging habitat. This information has 6/<02

commuting routes and foraging habitats retained where possible and mitigated for elsewhere. New and enhanced foraging habitat will be provided at Beeston Park to mitigate for loss of hedgerows as foraging habitat. Through the





. J

survey work– primarily along North Walsham Road and around the edges of Beeston Park woodland – have been retained (see Figures 7.4 and 7.5) and new routes incorporated to connect key green

Along other areas considered to be of strategic



! '

also incorporated through the appropriate design

and location of a combination of new and existing


environments to allow bat commuting to continue. J J

7.1. See section 5.2.5 for a description of greener streets and their wider functions in the green infrastructure network. Prior to detailed application individual potential roost sites will be considered in detail with respect

up activity surveys and direct inspection as appropriate.

Table 7.1: characteristics of green routes at NS&OC Location



Beeston Park Edge and woodlands

To maintain woodland block as bat commuting route

20m planted buffer of lower growing vegetation


the woodland edge; Beeston Park Edge a low light and low noise environment along its length through


North Walsham Road and Beeston Lane

To maintain roads as commuting routes

Streets designed as low light and low noise environments through low car use and use of low


Southern edge of NS&OC adjacent to existing communities of Old Catton and Sprowston

J west movement corridor


planting in rear gardens and links to existing green - 0 2

and Sprowston allotments. See 5.3 Edge conditions for further detail.

South end of Church Lane to Beeston Park woodlands

To provide a link between retained habitat on Church „ /

movement corridor and woodland corridor around Beeston Park

Provision of a dark corridor from the area around The 2 / #

/ # ! /

and continuing through to Beeston Park woodlands. This includes the existing trees retained on Church „ /

- # W


Figure 7.5: Trees along bat commuting routes have been retained and new routes incoporated into proposals


7.0 ECOLOGY 7.2.4. BIRDS The number and species diversity of breeding

The key species likely to occupy habitat within the development at NS&OC are birds of urban habitats

scrub and hedgerow that are tolerant of developed

In both cases the integration of a range of multifunctional green spaces varying in size and character – from gardens and balconies to green +

formation of a continuous network through the development will provide habitat and sources of food.

Particular focus will be given to the provision

Norfolk Swift Biodiversity Action. NS&OC aims , - *

at least 150 new swift boxes erected on suitable buildings throughout the development and especially on larger public buildings where boxes can be arranged in small clusters. This is in line with the number of potential nest sites provided in the comparable Oxford University Museum swift colony project. Design and location will be further 6/<02

and at detailed design. Professional guidelines will be followed where available. For farmland birds such as skylark and

Photo by Hawkeye108

J K Q % % !! 7


L % K !

the RSPB. The measures will include enhanced -

hedgerow planting and enhancement.

association with woodland edge areas and scrub ,

and moths which have BAP status on the basis of their recent population declines.


In addition to habitat provision through the % K

will be provided in the form of bespoke extensive

guidance12. Given such a design and the proximity to Mousehold Heath – a key area undergoing

The woodland and parkland areas on site %

The enhancement of parkland at Beeston Park +

deadwood species. Planting new trees in locations

?] 2 Â

Buglife 2012

ECOLOGY 7.0 and wasps – there is realistic likelihood of these

such roofs would tend to be arranged as clusters *

existing Mousehold Heath and the area that was heathland in historic times. This would therefore represent an enhancement for invertebrates on site and locally.

7.2.6. PONDS J

% K


itself a BAP priority species. A network of new wetlands will be created throughout the development as part of the SuDS

measures and providing additional habitat for +

wetland vegetation.


example Beeston Lane.

Ecology proposals include the integration of a new water feature in Beeston Park as part of the SuDS

Beeston Park. Both will provide improved habitat +

While the hedgerows at NS&OC are not considered „


intact hedgerows on site are UK and Norfolk BAP priority habitats on the basis that they are made up Z^‹

7.2.7. HEDGEROWS All hedgerows on site were surveyed both as part of the Arboricultural Report (see section 7.2.8 Trees and the Environmental Statement) and the ecological survey work. 11km of hedgerows were



Ecological surveys found the value of hedgerows on site to be mixed. Of the 11km hedgerows mapped in † † +


Hedgerows under the Hedgerow Regulations; 2

Arboricultural Report. $ -

NS&OC in relation to hedgerows has also taken into account the potential ecological value of hedgerows within an urban centre of development such as that at NS&OC. This is considered to be limited – particularly for the farmland birds currently using the hedgerows on site – because -

reduction in size associated with hedgerow retention in this context. In addition to ecological and landscape


which hedgerows could be meaningfully retained given the need to create a permeable street network.

% Q 2 %

' !

hedgerows at NS&OC are:

‡ to retain hedgerow along Beeston Lane and

helping to maintain its character as a historic

of hedgerow through associated green space and provide a green link between Red Hall Farm and Beeston Park; and ‡ to remove hedgerows within the bulk of the residential and developed area in light of their limited ecological value and incompatibility with maximising pedestrian and cycle permeability. Opportunities to retain hedgerows (in part or in whole) will be explored further during detailed design. Some exceptions may be made where design features are possible or where hedgerows can be safely integrated as park hedges alongside green areas. Following design and interrogation of the ?{ ‡]



% " @

as Important Hedgerows either in full or partially; \ $ ‚

Hedgerows proposed for removal or partial J ˆ ]

Figure 7.7: Tree and Hedgerow Retention and Removal Plan. $

in this planning application will be revisited at detailed design and retained where possible. Loss of hedgerows will be mitigated in full through a package of hedgerow planting and improvement on and around the site. Full details are provided in the Environmental Statement.

‡ to retain hedgerows along the edge of the planning application boundary as far as possible;



Figure 7.7: Tree and Hedgerow Retention and Removal Plan (NS&OC134)


Scale 1:10 000

ECOLOGY 7.0 7.2.8. TREES A full Arboricultural Report was undertaken in ]^?? `


site and in its immediate surrounds. Additional assessment has also been made of trees in their

the approach to arboriculture. See Environmental Statement for full details. The Arboriculture Report assigns one of the following grades to each tree or group of tree surveyed: ‡ Category A: retention most desirable – high +


amendments to the development should be considered before removing these items.

‡ Category B: retention desirable – reasonably +

is desirable. Minor amendments to the development should be considered before removing these trees.

‡ _ Y ˆ ] ? / natural woodland);

‡ Category C: trees which could be retained +


of these should be considered acceptable if +

‡ Category B and C trees – large majority retained with observation of their root protection areas. Removal of these trees only when considered absolutely necessary;

‡ Category R trees: for removal – trees in such poor condition that they should be removed.

‡ _ 2

% 2

Church Lane with any associated banks; and


of woodland and a number of mature trees. As


‡ Category A – to be retained with observation of root protection areas;

Following design and interrogation of the ?ˆ †]?

for removal or partial removal to facilitate the proposed designs. This includes 16 Category B trees and 1 Category C tree. None of the trees 2


be veteran. Trees proposed for removal or partial J ˆ ]

in Figure 7.7: Tree and Hedgerow Removal and Retention Plan. $

arboricultural mitigations and enhancements are proposed:

‡ Removal of all Category R trees; There are 18 Category R trees within the boundary 0 K

will be removed.


for example at Church Lane South where spaces

Table 7.2: tree and hedgerow removals Number within application boundary

Number for removal or partial removal

Trees and hedgerows for removal*

Category A trees




Category B trees



J‡† '{ˆ '{Z '??‡ '??@ '??ˆ '??Z '??\

']^Z ']]ZY [ ']†] J†ˆ‡ '†\]Y [

J†\ˆ J†\Z J‡^†

Category C trees




Category R trees




Total trees


17 Cat B/C; 18 Cat R

See above


‚]†Y [ ‚†@Y [ ‚‡{Y [ ‚‡Z ‚]]‡

‚]]@ ‚]†? ‚]@\ ‚]ˆ^ ‚]Z^ ‚]Z? ‚]Z{

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‚†ˆ†Y [ ‚‡?‡ '†\]Y [


Figure 7.8: Existing trees will give character and distinctiveness to NS&OC, as well as important habitat


* see Environmental Statement for detail of individual trees and hedgerows



- '/]ˆ

order to enable retention of a key Category A

W - _ /+

which has been designed around the existing trees in this area; ‡ extensive street tree planting incorporating a ? {^^

with a particular focus on planting in greener streets and a variety of species including fruit and nut trees; ‡ planting of new parkland trees in Beeston Park and Red Hall Farm which will be allowed to develop open growth forms;

‡ tree planting in back gardens of houses adjacent to existing Old Catton creating wildlife corridors for bats; ‡ management of retained and newly planted trees as part of the wider green infrastructure and woodland management plans; and ‡ altering the management of currently trimmed hedgerow trees within neighbouring land to allow them to grow into mature specimens. $

in this planning application will be revisited at detailed design and retained where possible. J

the NS&OC Design and Sustainability Code and further developed at detailed design.

‡ new woodland planting around Beeston Park incorporating a forest garden as part of a landscaped edge and woodland corridor;

Photo by Dave Catchpole Figure 7.9: New tree planting will contribute to local wildlife corridors at NS&OC and emphasise the sense of abundant green


Photo by La-Citta-Vita on Flickr

CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION 8.0 In addition to providing space for ecological

protection from climate change – in the form of natural cooling to mitigate increases in temperature and the urban heat island effect – and , -

and manage water effectively. The potential for climate change adaptation at NS&OC will be maximised through the use of a full range of multifunctional green infrastructure and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).

8.3. PRINCIPLES A comprehensive network of SuDS has been designed at NS&OC aiming to: ‡ -

by returning all surface water generated by the

within the outline application boundary and at the earliest appropriate point on the network; ‡ -

/ Q/

ensuring its suitability to local site and ground conditions as well as development proposals;

‡ provide multifunctional SuDS features designed

and ecological interest opportunities; ‡ deal with pollution risks from roads and other sources as necessary and including appropriate attenuation and treatment trains; and ‡ reuse surface water for irrigation of green infrastructure and potentially reduce +

‡ maximise the potential for climate change adaptation through use of the full range of SuDS measures;

Photo by La-Citta-Vita on Flickr Figure 8.1: A range of multifunctional green infrastructure and SuDS will be used at NS&OC to maximise the potential for climate change adaptation



Figure 8.2: Sustainable Drainage Plan



conditions vary across the site but will facilitate a surface water drainage system including SuDS and treatment trains as shown in Figure 8.2: Sustainable Drainage Plan.

‡ trunk sewer networks, swales, rills and other features to carry and attenuate water from blocks; ‡

as regional

basins and cellular storage blankets linked to deep bore soakaways (see Figure 8.3);

The key elements include: ‡ local drainage networks within blocks


‡ urban greening

walls and street trees. J


conditions and natural water catchments on site Š

K _

# W % K

the west of Buxton Road.

‡ rainwater harvesting ring off from roof areas within the urban centre of the development to a water feature in Beeston Park; and

Penstock to enable deep bore soakaway to be isolated in the event of large scale pollutant spills

Freeboard Max Water Level Varies

1 in 100 + 30% Water Level

Deep bore soakaway access chamber Bypass separator Deep bore soakaway

Free draining granular base Cellular soakaway


Freeboard 1 in 100 + 30% Water Level

Deep bore soakaway

Deep bore soakaway access chamber


Deep bore soakaway access chamber

Bypass separator

Penstock to enable deep bore soakaways to be isolated in the event of large scale pollutant spills

Free draining granular base

Penstock to enable cellular crates and deep bore soakaways to be isolated in the event of large scale pollutant spills

Cellular soakaway

Bypass separator

Deep bore soakaway


V % % 8! 7 %


8.0 CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION Following consultation with the Environment

6 2


designed to provide attenuation space for a 1 in 100 year rainfall event followed by a 1 in 10 year ]‡ †^‹

allowance for climate change. Table 8.1 shows +

6/<02 SuDS features within the development will be

as new ecological habitats. As such they will form

the community and providing a route to a greater connection with and understanding of water as a Full details of the SuDS strategy can be found in L _

the Environmental Statement.

Table 8.1: provision of SuDS at NS&OC Catchment number

Catchment area


Location of provision




/K^? '/†? '/†]







0.03ha (school to [





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'/]‡ '/††









Rainwater harvesting ring



Beeston Park

Photo by La-Citta-Vita on Flickr


Figure 8.4: SuDS features at NS&OC will be multifunctional, providing space for ecological habitat, play and beauty as well as climate change adaptation

FOOD 9.0 Food and farming is and always has been an important part of the Norfolk economy. The county _

and is still well known for its agricultural The site itself is also characterised by food and

Agricultural and soil surveys undertaken on site in 0 ]^?? # ]^?]


grade 2 agricultural land. While its agricultural history has limited the ecological and recreational

6 !


% ' ,


a hub for sustainable food and farming by: ‡ delivering a thriving food culture through an


% '


businesses and other partners over time to work towards and further develop this vision.

‡ minimising loss of agricultural soil and land for food production; ‡

community groups and small businesses; ‡ Y

restaurants) at NS&OC to thrive; and ‡ dramatically reducing household and commercial food waste and increasing the level of composting.

Figure 9.1: Much of Beeston Park is currently in arable use




are: ‡ Red Hall Farm: a centre for food and rural activity will be developed within the existing farmhouse and outbuildings at Red Hall Farm -

accommodated within the complex could Y [

Y [


cafe and an education centre. Additional space for agriculture will include an area of allotments plus potential for grazing in the parkland to

glasshouses and demonstration plots showing residents and visitors how to grow seasonal produce; ‡ allotments and community food growing areas: at least 1.8ha new allotments and community food growing areas plus a 1.2ha extension to the existing allotment site at Sprowston. These formally designated growing spaces are distributed throughout the development to ensure that all new homes are within a short walk away. A range of management regimes will

inspiration from local best practice examples such as the Bluebell Allotments in Norwich (see 9.3 over page); ‡ reuse of existing agricultural grade 2 soil: grade 2 agricultural topsoil currently covering +

with appropriate soil handling procedures in place during construction;


‡ forest garden: building on the traditional idea


areas of forest garden within the new planted buffer at Beeston Park and along Beeston Lane Park. These will combine fruit and nut trees

shrubs and herbs to provide a highly productive woodland area for all the community to enjoy; ‡ edible landscape: taking inspiration from $ U J Y \ †


plants will run through the development

garden and newly planted parkland areas. This can be linked to a programme of education

eat the produce on offer; ‡ small scale growingÂ

on roofs and on balconies will be considered as part of the NS&OC Design and Sustainability 2

+ ]

agricultural topsoil in gardens; ‡ irrigation: water for irrigation of crops in the communal areas will be collected by a rainwater harvesting ring; potential for individual rainwater harvesting units will be considered at detailed design; and ‡ small food business opportunitiesÂ

business spaces will be available throughout the development including the potential for smaller food businesses to operate around Red Hall Farm.


opportunities for food at NS&OC will be explored

and over time: ‡ local processing, distribution and consumption of local food: facilities at NS&OC provide opportunity to develop a local market for the

6/<02 6 6

through small businesses and community operations. These might be in the form of - Y

- \ † [

- !

energy centre; ‡ schools and community buildings: a strong

seasonal food could come from food production initiatives within school and community buildings and their grounds. The Edible Schoolyard in California (see 9.3) provides a great example; ‡ public demonstration plots: temporary and permanent demonstration plots at Red Hall Farm and within key public spaces such as # /+

for community education around food; neighbourhood spaces such as pocket parks may be brought forward by as food growing projects by the local community; ‡ rooftop food growing: in addition to food

community initiatives may be embraced on commercial buildings at NS&OC e.g. associated # /+ "

‡ Beeston Hall: the listed wall at Beeston Hall may provide the opportunity for a feature walled garden linking to other agricultural uses in Beeston Park such as grazing in the parkland area and forest garden around the edge. J 6/<02

to both farming land and an urban population also provides the opportunity for a larger scale initiative

Beeston Estate. An initiative aiming to improve the sustainability and productivity of existing farmland and increase the opportunity value of

and education – would be well placed to link with the food and farming hub at NS&OC and make

opportunities for food chain collaboration and direct selling to consumer.

FOOD 9.0

Figure 9.2: Opportunities for food production, processing, consumption and education will aim to put NS&OC on the map as a hub for sustainable food and farming



Bluebell allotments: a thriving allotment site in Norwich aimed at those with little or no experience of growing fruit and vegetables. The Grow Our Own (GO2) initiative provides plots of `

people and wheelchair accessible plots. Access to

is provided for each plot; in return growers are asked to give at least three days each year to help to maintain the communal facilities on site.


The Edible Schoolyard, California: #

„ Š X # / %


specially built kitchen classroom is the setting / J

children understand the connection between what they eat and where it comes from through experiential learning. Children are encouraged to get involved in each step of the food cycle from

composted. Experiences in the kitchen and garden foster an appreciation for fresh food amongst the

skills such as respect for others and teamwork.

Incredible Edible, Todmorden: starting with

J $


council support aiming to provide good local food for all. Public green spaces of all shapes and sizes

information for local residents provided next to each plant with details of when to pick and suggestions for how to use the produce. Incredible U

bodies and local people with a focus on working

kitchen – and supporting local businesses to grow food more locally.

Aarstiderne: a Danish company providing a -

aiming to provide for the needs of consumers of all shapes and sizes. Organic fruit and vegetables are picked from its own farms as well as other Danish and international farms and delivered to homes all over Denmark alongside recipe suggestions. 2 !



and country kitchen cuisine.

DELIVERY 10.0 An ambitious and complex green infrastructure


J +

delivery as well as great attention to detail in the choice of materials and species matter greatly in effective ecological mitigation and enhancement in addition to ensuring that green spaces and features are delivered in step with the growth of the community that will use them. It is likely that many bodies – the proposed Estate # 2

charities and even bespoke private or social businesses – will have a hand in creating and maintaining the green infrastructure network at 6/<02

vision and standards will be vital to integrating !


the phasing of the scheme (explained fully in the Delivery and Phasing Statement) has four objectives: ‡ +

and publicly accessible green spaces to meet the needs of residents across all phases of development;

‡ to ensure that SuDS infrastructure is incorporated at an appropriate rate to mitigate " ‡ to minimise the disruption to existing and new residents and farming tenants from ongoing construction activity. Phasing of green infrastructure is detailed in Table 10.1 and shown on the NS&OC Phasing Plan.

‡ to ensure that ecological mitigation within % K

to develop as habitat for targeted species prior to construction;

Table 10.1: green infrastructure phasing Phase 0

Phase 1

Sport & recreation

Phase 3


Distributed urban green spaces

Beeston Park & Red Hall Farm

Phase 2

parkland restoration and woodland enhancement commences at Beeston Park with six months growing season prior to construction

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Beeston Park and Red Hall Farm opened to public access; development of detailed park plan with local stakeholders; completion of woodland enhancement and landscaped buffer

Development of Beeston Park and Red Hall Farm

Completion of Beeston Park and Red Hall Farm

Phase 4

Phase 5



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Phase 6

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10.0 DELIVERY 10.2. TEMPORARY USES OF GREEN SPACE The build out of NS&OC is expected to take up to ]^

undeveloped for many years. In order to minimise disruption to existing farming tenants it is proposed that land will remain in use as farmland for as long as possible during this period. Where conventional farming is not `

temporary uses are suggested such as temporary 6/<02 -

2 ! 2


Figure 10.1). City Farm, Chicago: Turning vacant land into productive farmland as an asset for local people and food businesses is the primary objective of City Farm. As a Community Supported Agriculture

scheme members of the local community invest in the farm with the purchase of a share and in return

needed for construction the compost is removed $

the City Farm provides education in sustainable *

of community and all the while provides highly nutritious food for the local community.

phases and market cycle and actively managing assets for best sustainability outcomes and value

because of the nature and multifunctionality of the 6/<02

green infrastructure will be vital.

for revenue generation on site; ‡ , -


management of the full range of multifunctional green and blue spaces through a range of partners;

‡ allow for the provision of core maintenance functions alongside community functions;

‡ 6/<02!

principles and work towards the highest standards of environmental and social


changes in behaviour and lifestyle; and

‡ ensure public use of spaces in perpetuity;

‡ link with management of the wider site.

‡ provide spaces that are free for local residents at the point of consumption;


for each of the key green spaces within the green infrastructure network is given below in Table 10.2.

The model for management of green infrastructure at NS&OC will:

10.3. LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT A core principle of the Beyond Green delivery model is that the promoter stays involved over the

operator at NS&OC. This means setting and maintaining standards over multiple development


mechanisms including optimising opportunities

$ -

+ "

working with a wide range of partners will be vital. J / J 2 0

2 K 2 % Q 2

6 2


more. It is proposed that partners would work to a set of agreed principles and standards building on the green infrastructure principles in this document and the NS&OC Design and Sustainability Code. J +

as described more fully in the Sustainability Statement.

Figure 10.1: Mobile City Farm, Chicago


Figure 10.2: Woodland management will be one of a range of management responsibilities at NS&OC

DELIVERY 10.0 Table 10.2: green infrastructure management requirements Ecology & wildlife




Food & farming

Beeston Park

‘ Woodland management in accordance with a Woodland Management Plan ‘ Parkland restoration & management ‘ Wetland maintenance

‘ Upkeep of lake and Beeston Park Edge as SuDS and source of water for irrigation of other green infrastructure at NS&OC ‘ Upkeep of treatment trains

‘ Regular maintenance of formal & informal play areas ‘ ‰ <

with Woodland Management Plan ‘ Running education and volunteer programmes ‘ # �

‘ Management of forest garden and woodland for food and other products; link to community education

Red Hall Farm

‘ Woodland and parkland management ‘ Running and upkeep of demonstration plots for wildlife education ‘ Management of SuDS for habitat

‘ Maintenance of attenuation basin and treatment trains

‘ ‰

with Woodland Management Plan ‘ Management of Red Hall Farm as a centre for food and rural activities ‘ ‰ �


‘ Management of demonstration food growing plots and other food growing areas ‘ Management of allotment and/or community garden

Recreation grounds

‘ #

wildlife routes around periphery

‘ ‰

blankets and treatment trains where necessary

‘ Regular grass cutting ‘ #

‘ Management of sports buildings and parking facilities

Church Lane South

‘ Tree maintenance – existing trees and new planting ‘ Maintenance of wetland areas

‘ Upkeep of attenuation basins and treatment trains

‘ Maintenance of village green including grass cutting and upkeep of play spaces and bins

‘ Management of fruit and nut trees

Primary greener streets

‘ _

, - ` ‘ Manage upkeep of front gardens where necessary ‘ Maintenance of lighting

‘ Upkeep of SuDS and treatment trains along street edge

‘ # ‘ Upkeep of formal and informal play spaces

‘ ‰

particular the forest garden along Beeston Park Edge and orchard along Beeston Lane


‘ Regular street tree maintenance ‘ ‰ , - `

‘ ‰ / Q/

treatment trains

‘ ‰ ‘ Management of street furniture

‘ Maintenance of edible street trees and planting

6 hood spaces

‘ Focus for wildlife management on spaces adjacent to or within a greener street or green route for bats ‘ Management of wetland areas ‘ Running and managing of wildlife demonstration areas where appropriate

‘ ‰

/ Q/

treatment trains

‘ #

associated green gyms ‘ # *

‘ Management of SuDS features for recreational use where appropriate

‘ Running local food markets (for - # /+ [

demonstration food growing plots ‘ Management of community ‘ Management of edible tree and planting network


‘ Management of wildlife areas

‘ Maintenance of SuDS features as a source of water for irrigation

‘ Upkeep of communal spaces & informal play areas ‘ Running volunteer schemes where appropriate

‘ Management of plots including

# spaces

‘ Management of swift boxes including education for home owners ‘ Upkeep of green roofs & walls for invertebrates & other wildlife ‘ Advice on management of gardens

‘ #

/ Q/

and treatment trains

‘ Advice and management of green roofs for recreation – from community parks to roof terraces ‘ Communal garden management

‘ Farming of intensive green roofs including management of within communal gardens ‘ Advice on food growing




Beyond Green’s NS&OC project team:

EIA technical team:

Paul Murrain – Urban design

W Â’ ' '

iCube – Urban design

Jonathan Cocking Associates – Arboriculture

Gehl Architects (Copenhagen) – Public realm strategy

Land Research Associates – Agriculture

Bidwells (Norwich) – Planning support

NAU Archaeology – Archaeology and heritage

SKM Colin Buchanan – Transport

Entran – Air Quality

K % _

Sharps Redmore – Noise

' U $

Stephen Daw – Minerals

The Ecology Consultancy (Norwich) – Ecology

Bidwells –Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment

Lawrence Graham – Legal Willmott Dixon – Construction cost advisors


Beyond Green Developments 1 Albemarle Way London EC1V 4JB


+44 (0)20 7549 2184 broadland@beyondgreen.co.uk

K ?^^‹

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