Beyond Magazine Issue 10 Winter 2013

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RUSSIA’S BEST KEPT SECRETS 12 stunning nature sites ZOUK’S NEW HOPE Pollution reduction underway YOUR GUIDE TO A GREEN PREFAB HOUSE INTO THE AMAZON The tribes isolated from the world

A Word from the General Director

Different souls, many journeys... There are souls who make things better... simply by breezing in. There are souls who make things happen‌ simply by making a difference. There are some who make their way‌ simply by creating their own path to happiness. There are souls who make us smile. There are some who possess wit and wisdom and who, through guts and courage, make us stronger. And there are a few who change the world every day by acting‌. I call them the doers... ...A bunch of people who always want to do things. They want to accomplish and achieve, make the scales even and do justice. They can’t stay still. They have dreams, plans, vision, passion, and the enthusiasm to turn their hopes into reality. They want to change their country, their city, and their people–to make them better, bigger, and greater. They may not always succeed, but at least they try. And try again. And try harder‌ They don’t believe in failure or in defeat. They VWUXJJOH DQG ÀJKW WKH\ VXIIHU DQG HQGXUH EXW WKH\ QHYHU JLYH XS They, the doers, have adopted the pace of nature. Their secret is patience.

In this issue, we invite you to join us for a visit to some of the best eco-resorts in the world, such as Vil Uyana in Sri Lanka, the Scarlet Hotel in the United Kingdom, and the Treehotel in Boden, Sweden. Button up for the cold and come with us to slide down some of the top eco ski resorts, such as Whitepod in Switzerland and the Hotel Kakslauttenen, located in the Article Circle in Finland. We will also explore some of the dramatic natural wonders to be found in Russia, including the Valley of Geysers in the Kamchatka Peninsula, Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus and the Golden Mountains of Altai in Siberia. Getting back to local reality, this issue deals with matters such DV RQH PDQ¡V GUHDP RI PDNLQJ %HLUXW D FLW\ Ă€OOHG ZLWK ELJ WUHHV instead of just concrete. We examine the toxic effects of the phenomenon of burning tires in the streets as a form of political protest. We look at the potential for developing hydropower as an alternative source of energy. Perhaps most important, we consider WKH EHQHĂ€FLDO HIIHFWV WKDW WKH &OHDQ $LU $FW ZLOO KDYH RQ WKH FRXQWU\ once it is approved by Parliament. Enjoy your winter reading...

Pascale Choueiri Saad General Director






325/@2 1636/0 With 17 years of experience in the HQYLURQPHQWDO ÀHOG (GJDUG &KHKDE LV D UHQRZQHG QDPH LQ ORFDO DQG regional green circles. He is the assistant resident representative and manager of the Energy and Environment Program of UNDP, Lebanon. He is also the advisor to the Ministry of the Environment. Beyond is lucky to have Mr. Chehab as its environmental consultant and dear friend.

" </23@ </970 A regular contributor and strong supporter of Beyond 1DGHU (O 1DNLE LV WKH LQWHUQDWLRQDO RIÀFHU RI WKH )XWXUH 0RYHPHQW 0U 1DNLE KDV D NHHQ LQWHUHVW LQ ÀJKWLQJ FOLPDWH FKDQJH leading him to co-found a green NGO called G,over which he currently presides. He serves on the boards of the AUB Alumni Council, Business Week Market Advisory and Economist Global Executive Forum.

>/;3:/ 6@/=C7 A talented Art Director who has previously worked at Leo Burnett. Pamela Hraoui graduated with an B.A. in art direction from Alba, and then completed an M.A. in communication design at Central Saints Martins School of Art and Design in London. Her travels are synonymous with adventure, as she loved exploring Asia for two months, taking a backpack trip all over the continent. Her interests range from photography, to typography, books and movies from around the world. Passionate about nature, animals and all things extraordinary, her next goal is to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and experience the African way of life.

# 70@/67; 3: /:7 A Senegalese of the Lebanese community of Dakar, Ibrahim El Ali is at the crossroads of Africa and the Middle East. He is active on the two continents. In Africa, alongside his brother, Haidar El Ali, he has become involved in the defense of dolphins and protected species in the framework of the OcĂŠanium de Dakar DVVRFLDWLRQ ,Q /HEDQRQ ZKHUH KH ZHQW IRU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH RQO\ Ă€YH \HDUV ago, he has discovered a “Sacred Land,â€? the capital of biodiversity in the Middle East. He has decided to protect this land and its rich ecological patrimony. His NGO, Mwassem Khair (Harvest of Charity), in cooperation with UNIFIL, has participated in the demining of South Lebanon, in the reforestation of the region, and in the fight against fires.

! 0/AA/; 9/<B/@ A seasoned Lebanese journalist, Bassam Kantar is the founding member of the Lebanese Environment Party (LEP). Kantar frequently writes about environment and human rights issues. He strongly believes the free press can, of course, be good or bad, but, most certainly without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad. Recently, Kantar won a fellowship from the Earth Journalism Network to cover the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) summit, COP18, which will be held in Doha, Qatar.


The Beyond Team

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Pascale Choueiri Saad

Clement Tannouri, Cherine Yazbeck

1= =E<3@

Ronald Saad 16734 327B=@

Pascale Choueiri Saad 16734 3<D7@=<;3<B/: 1=<AC:B/<B Edgard Chehab 3<D7@=<;3<B/: 1=<AC:B/<BA

Bassam Kantar Nader Nakib 3<D7@=<;3<B/: 1=<AC:B/<BA

Bassam Kantar 1=>G 327B=@

Jody Jaffe /@B 27@31B=@

Pamela Hraoui 1==@27</B=@

Joelle Choueiry Makhoul @3A>=<A70:3 27@31B=@

Antoine Hajj



Claude El Khal 1=<13>B 23A75< @3A3/@16 23>/@B;3<B

Pamela Hraoui B@/<A:/B=@

Jody Jaffe

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Bakhos Baalbaki, Nader El-Nakib, Alia Fawaz, Alice Hlidkova, Emily Holman, Chadi M. Nassar, Bassam Kantar, Alex Grey, Aline Sara, Cherine Yazbeck, Christopher Kanal, Amal Chaaban, Nadine Debbas, Fabienne Abi Ramia >@7<B32 0G

Chamas for Printing & Publishing Mazraa, Colombia Center >cPZWaVSR Pg Five Stars Tourism s.a.r.l.

Azarieh St. Azarieh Bldg. – Block 01 Beirut, Lebanon Tel: +961 1 994 006, Fax: +961 1 994 007





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Beyond visits some of the world’s top eco-resorts

Iraqi-born Zaha Haddad talks to Beyond about her latest projects

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This traditional form of political protest has toxic effects

Explore Brazil’s Javari Valley, home to isolated Indian communities

London’s Olympic Park respects the concept of sustainability

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Lebanon’s pending Clean Air Act: a boon for the environment

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The UNDP is seeking sources of hydropower other than our rivers

Russia is home to many mysterious, natural wonders

A visit to the Big Apple’s annual “New Green City� event



Emotions firm foundations

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart”


A BRIGHT FUTURE Beyond talks to Pierre Khoury about the Beirut Energy Forum. E]`Ra ALEX GREY

The Beirut Energy Forum (BEF) is the region’s premier meeting place for professionals involved in the energy industry. This year’s forum, held in mid-October, was a resounding success, according to Pierre Khoury of the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation, one of the main organizers of the event. /ZSf 5`Sg( Summarize what the BEF represents for us. >9( The Beirut Energy Forum is a national platform where all the decision makers can meet and discuss the situation of all the various energy sectors. The Forum focuses on three main sectors: energy HIĂ€FLHQF\ UHQHZDEOH HQHUJ\ DQG JUHHQ EXLOGLQJV /5( What were the most important features of this year’s event? >9: The Minister of Energy and Water took two steps. First, he called for the private sector to build wind farms in Lebanon. Production is expected to reach 60-100 megawatts. At the moment the shortfall stands at 100 megawatts. Renewable energy isn’t the answer to the shortfall, but it’s still a major step. Second, the Ministry has allocated between $4 billion and $5 billion to build the Ă€UVW SXEOLF ZLQG IDUP LQ /HEDQRQ ,W¡V JRLQJ WR EH D SLORW SURMHFW

/5( Were any other milestones reached? >9( In 2010 the Ministry of Energy and Water launched the plan of having a solar water heater in every Lebanese home. An agreement between the UNDP and the Order of Engineers and Architects has FUHDWHG D QHZ SURGXFW²D ORDQ DW SHUFHQW LQWHUHVW RYHU Ă€YH \HDUV and with a grant of $200, available to engineers. /5( <RX DOVR ODXQFKHG WKH Ă€UVW (QHUJ\ )LOP )RUXP PK: We did. It’s part of a EU-funded program called Mediterranean (QHUJ\ (IĂ€FLHQF\ LQ WKH &RQVWUXFWLRQ 6HFWRU 0('(1(& 7KH idea is to create a new momentum among the media to create documentaries and programs on renewable energy in the region. Media experts came from Germany and they passed on their expertise to local people. The Forum produced a 90-minute movie on sustainable energy that was created by a German producer. It was shown at the BEF. /5( What are your feelings about the conference?

>9( People were very interested and very positive and attendance was high. There were 570 people, with more than 20 countries /5: Social responsibility was a big part of the forum this year. represented, from the region and Europe. We also had a private sector area, with companies showing their products. It’s becoming >9( Yes, and the UNDP has allocated around $600,000 to offer the place where business deals are being made. That’s what we see JXDUDQWHHV IRU ORDQV IRU HQHUJ\ HIÀFLHQF\ SURJUDPV 7KLV PRQH\ as the best result of the BEF. will be devoted to NGOs, for use in needy institutions, such as hospitals, schools, kindergartens, or any institution that has a public or social dimension to it. The loans are interest-free and in addition, the social organizations can now have their collateral guaranteed.

RETURN FROM RIO Sustainability is given a push with Lebanon’s attendance in Brazil ebanonls track record on ful×lling the commitments made to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development was always something of a disappointment. A lack of action on the part of successive governments has meant that commitments such as the undertaking of an Environmental Impact Assessment, were never ful×lled. owever, with ebanonls attendance at the recent Rio +20 Meeting, there are signs that times are changing. E]`Ra ALEX GREY

:SPO\]\ Ob bVS @W] ;SSbW\U The Rio +20 Meeting took place in June and a ministerial-level delegation travelled to the conference following almost a year of SUHSDUDWLRQ 7KH RIĂ€FLDO GHOHJDWLRQ ZDV FRPSULVHG RI D FRPPLWWHH made up of the prime minister and including representatives from the Ministries of the Environment, Foreign Affairs, Economy and Trade, and Social Affairs. The committee worked with the UNDP. A draft report was drawn up, and it was then shared with all stakeholders throughout the country in a national workshop.

RQ 6XVWDLQDEOH 'HYHORSPHQW GLG QRW VSHFLÀFDOO\ PHQWLRQ Lebanon’s recommendations, such as the establishment of a global environmental court for example, but we must remember that the ÀQDO UHSRUW LV WKH DJJUHJDWH RI DOO WKH YLHZSRLQWV SXW IRUZDUG E\ WKH member states and approved by consensus.

7KH ÀQDOL]HG 1DWLRQDO 5HSRUW WR WKH 8QLWHG 1DWLRQV &RQIHUHQFH RQ 6XVWDLQDEOH 'HYHORSPHQW ZDV IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH UHà HFWLYH RI WKH views of the government, civil society, and other stakeholders. The UHSRUW ZDV RIÀFLDOO\ LVVXHG LQ -XQH DW WKH 3UHVLGHQWLDO 3DODFH 7KLV ZDV WKH ÀUVW WLPH WKDW VXVWDLQDEOH GHYHORSPHQW KDG EHHQ JLYHQ VXFK a platform in the country. Two weeks later, the Lebanese delegation headed to the summit, headed by the prime minister and a number of ministers.

/ \ObW]\OZ acQQSaa Although Rio +20 might not have yielded any concrete statements EH\RQG WKH XVXDO UHDIÀUPLQJ RI LQWHUQDWLRQDO LQWHUHVW LQ VXVWDLQDEOH development, and Lebanon’s suggestions might not have made WKH ÀQDO FXW 5LR VKRXOG EH YLHZHG DV D QDWLRQDO VXFFHVV 7KH teams behind the national report have put sustainable development back on the Lebanese political map; one such development is the creation of a potential platform for sustainable development in the form of the National Council for the Environment (NCE), provided that recent the recent interest in sustainable development can be maintained.

1]\TS`S\QS `S^]`b W\QZcRSa :SPO\]\¸a acUUSabW]\a The National Report centered on the three pillars of sustainable development: social matters, environment, and green economy, with an additional section on governance. As with all country reports, the text ends with a section on Lebanon’s suggestions to the member states, drawn from Lebanon’s experience. 7KH Ă€QDO GRFXPHQW SXEOLVKHG E\ WKH 8QLWHG 1DWLRQV &RQIHUHQFH

For the Lebanese, the very process of creating the National Report brought all the stakeholders together and resulted in dialogue. The creation of a comprehensive overview of Lebanon’s environmental situation alongside the newly launched NCE should be viewed as major steps in the arena of sustainable development. The entire process was supported at the highest level by the government, which helped to bring it to the attention of the public.


SANTA AND CLIMATE CHANGE: A NOT SO WHITE CHRISTMAS? It’s that time of year. The snow will soon be falling; the elves will be busy at their worktables, while Santa Claus scans the lists of children, good and bad. The reindeer are all feeding on hay and oats in preparation for a long night’s work ahead. owever, there some serious environmental issues that might just spoil Christmas. E]`Ra ALEX GREY


The state of Lebanon’s environment was highlighted in the Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) early in 2011. It makes for pretty grim reading. In the coming decades ZH¡UH JRLQJ WR VHH D WZR GHJUHH WR Ă€YH GHJUHH LQFUHDVH LQ VHD WHPSHUDWXUHV ZKLFK ZLOO GUDPDWLFDOO\ DIIHFW Ă€VK VWRFNV D SHUFHQW UHGXFWLRQ LQ UDLQIDOO GURXJKWV stretching from ten to 20 days, snow retreating 150 meters further up the mountains, and half the number of skiing days by the end of the century. We’re looking at IRUHVW Ă€UHV D VHYHUH VKRUWDJH RI ZDWHU ULVLQJ VHD OHYHOV DQG VWHDGLO\ LQFUHDVLQJ temperatures. What does that mean for Christmas? In short, it means that Santa’s going to have to adapt. Don’t take it for granted that we’re going to have Christmas trees forever. As the VQRZIDOO GHFUHDVHV WKH HQYLURQPHQW UHTXLUHG IRU Ă€U WUHHV WR JURZ ZLOO RQO\ EH IRXQG KLJKHU XS WKH PRXQWDLQV :KHWKHU RU QRW Ă€U WUHHV FDQ VXUYLYH LQ WKHVH KLJKHU DOWLWXGHV LV XS IRU GHEDWH EXW LQ DQ\ FDVH WKH QXPEHU RI Ă€U WUHHV ZRUOGZLGH ZLOO GHFUHDVH DV snowfall decreases. With the lack of snow and rising sea levels, perhaps Santa should ditch the sled and start making deliveries via submarine. That’s if Rudolph and Co. are still around. The habitat needed for reindeer to thrive is getting scarce, somewhere in the Chouf if rumors are to be believed, and their numbers are on the decline. 2QH WKLQJ¡V IRU VXUH 6DQWD EHWWHU QRW VWDUW XVLQJ D FDU WR PDNH KLV GHOLYHULHV 7UDIĂ€F jams in Lebanon are getting steadily worse and aggravating the problem of carbon emissions, which in turn is causing the snow to stop falling, resulting in a lack of groundwater as a result of less snow melting, leading to serious water shortages. Santa is a massive producer of toys. While he’s entirely green, a model that we could all follow, the higher temperatures are leading to air conditioners being used later into the year, which means that we’re all facing power cuts, which means that Santa’s VLJQLĂ€FDQWO\ EHKLQG RQ WKLV \HDU¡V WR\ SURGXFWLRQ Granted, this is all a little tongue in cheek, but the issues are real. There is, however, a little hope on the horizon: Lebanon is committed to generating 12 percent of its electricity through renewable means by 2020 and we’re well on track to reaching WKDW WDUJHW 7KH H[LVWHQFH RI VLJQLĂ€FDQW QXPEHUV RI SKRWRYROWDLF V\VWHPV WKH UHFHQW call for investment in wind power, the burgeoning efforts toward hydropower and, of course, solar water heaters, all mean that Lebanon is moving in the right direction.

BRINGING IT BACK HOME A project seeks to harness the expertise of expats Ariane Elmas Saikali, Project Manager at UNDP’s/CDR’s Transfer of Knowledge for Expatriate Nationals (TOKTEN) project, sits at the heart of an intriguing scheme. Lebanese expatriates are spread far and wide, and many are leaders in their ×eld. TOKTEN is designed to harness this knowledge, encouraging expatriates to return to Lebanon for between two weeks and a month and offer their skills to the government. Beyond found out all about TOKTEN in a recent interview. E]`Ra ALEX GREY

/ZSf 5`Sg( What exactly is TOKTEN? Ariane Elmas Saikali: Our aim is to get expatriates who have succeeded abroad to contribute to the environment of Lebanon. We get expatriates to come and serve ministries or institutions through some kind of public service, such as trainings or evaluations. /5( How do you approach this; how does it work? /3A( Our priority is to help ministries WKDW GRQ¡W RIWHQ EHQHĂ€W IURP LQWHUQDWLRQDO aid. For example, we don’t have a mission at the Ministry of Finance, because of the international support that it tends to receive. We tend to prioritize ministries that don’t receive much outside help, such as the Ministries of Tourism, Labor, or Industry, for example. It’s very transparent; nothing is left to chance. We interview the expert over the telephone, we clear him, and the ministry knows who he is and what he is coming to do. Essentially we work with the ministry &

DQG WKH H[SHUW WR JHW DV PXFK EHQHÀW DV possible out of the visit. So far we’ve served over 14 institutions, we’ve had over 30 missions, and we have over 450 expatriates on the list. In terms of the environment, we’ve run projects on how to create a co-operative credit union for agricultural projects, a project related to the mechanization of agriculture, a project about demand-side management for energy, and a project on urban planning for industrial zones. /5( Where do the ideas come from? /3A( The program is demand-driven, so we wait for requests from the ministries. Sometimes we propose projects; sometimes we ask the ministries what they feel that they need. Sometimes the ideas come from the expatriates. /5( How do you go about recruiting the expatriates? /3A: I already have a database of 450 people. There are many other search engines, such as LinkedIn. I also contact

universities in Lebanon to recommend people. /5( What’s the feedback like? /3A( Firstly, it’s voluntary; we only pay for accommodation and tickets. Sometimes we cram the program very full; sometimes it’s stressful and it can be very tough. However, everyone has been very positive and they want to be involved, to come back. The contribution that they are making is at the top level, the ministerial level. /5( Do people contact you? /3A( Many people apply through the website. When you apply, you’re screened, and then everyone on the list receives an e-mail about upcoming missions. I also look DW WKH OLVW WR ÀQG FDQGLGDWHV DQG LI QHFHVVDU\ i can contact the relevant expatriate. Telephone: +961 1 981 301 / 311 Email:

BEYOND THE RIVERS LEBANON IS LOOKING AT ALTERNATIVE SOURCES FOR HYDROPOWER Beyond maga0ine recently sat down with assan arajli, project manager at UNDP’s Energy and Environment Programme, to discover the ways in which the organization is planning to derive hydropower from Lebanon’s existing water infrastructure. At present, it is working on a comprehensive report on Lebanon’s potential sources of hydropower, to be published early next year. E]`Ra ALEX GREY

/ZSf 5`Sg( What exactly is happening regarding hydropower from sources other than rivers? 6OaaO\ 6O`OXZW( On this particular project we’re working with the Ministry of Energy and Water. We’re looking at how to capture hydropower from sources other than rivers in four main areas: in irrigation channels, the water distribution networks, the power plants, and in water treatment plants. /5( Tell us about the irrigation systems. 66( Usually, they irrigate agricultural land, but in doing so, they UHO\ RQ JUDYLW\ DQG ZDWHU à RZV WKURXJK WKH V\VWHP :LWK VSHFLDOO\ built turbines you can capture some of this power from the water, without affecting the main use of the water, i.e., irrigation. We have visited some sites, such as the Nahr al-Bared Lake, and we found that we can use around 736 kilowatts of power, which LV TXLWH VLJQLÀFDQW /5: What about the water distribution network? 66( Water is supplied via pumps or gravity to the end-user. Wherever we have pressure breakers, systems that regulate water pressure, we can install a turbine instead. It won’t rust, or use oil, and it does the same job as the breaker, but it also generates power. For example, Sidon’s water plant can generate around 200 kilowatts of power.

systems that use seawater. This water is used, and then dumped back into the sea. We can recapture power from this used water. It’s not as much as is used to pump the water from the sea in the Ă€UVW SODFH EXW LW¡V D VXEVWDQWLDO DPRXQW 7KLV SRZHU LV DYDLODEOH as long as the plant is running. Zouk is at 2.2 megawatts, and Jiyeh’s at 1 megawatt. /5: Finally, what about the water treatment plants? 66( There are some special turbines that are designed to survive in sewage water. Much of the wastewater treatment sector UHPDLQV WR EH FRPSOHWHG ,Q 7ULSROL KRZHYHU LW¡V DOPRVW Ă€QLVKHG In Tripoli, we’re looking at 103 kilowatts; it’s quite small, but still substantial. /5 6R ZKDW DUH WKH Ă€QDO SURMHFWHG Ă€JXUHV" 66( In total, around seven megawatts of power, if we fully utilize the suggestions, with power plants at the top of the list. The plants were very easy to visit, but if we have information on the entire network, the distribution and irrigation networks especially, that seven megawatts will grow substantially. /5: Are there any obstacles to the plan? 66( ,W ZDV YHU\ GLIĂ€FXOW WR Ă€QG UHOLDEOH GDWD 6R ZH KDG WR ZRUN from scratch. Many of the systems are under the control of the local water authorities and often the information isn’t recorded.

/5( Let’s talk about the power plants. 66( All the power plants on the coast of Lebanon have cooling






GETTING ALL FIRED UP Beyond the protests, tire burning is a danger to man and the environment E]`Ra NADER NAKIB

0Sg]\R bVS ^`]bSaba bW`S Pc`\W\U Wa O RO\US` b] [O\ O\R bVS S\dW`]\[S\b In Lebanon, burning tires is often used as a way to express opinions, feelings of anger, disapproval, and frustration. The ritual may seem irrational, since it only causes more damage and does not provide any answers or solutions; however, the cost of burning tires and its outcome may appear to justify the practice. Tires are cheap, easy to burn, and can burn for long periods of time. Burning tires are GLIÀFXOW WR H[WLQJXLVK DQG WKH\ VWLFN WR WKH JURXQG PDNLQJ WKHP YHU\ GLIÀFXOW WR UHPRYH 7KH GDPDJHV WKDW DUH FDXVHG DUH HQRXJK WR draw attention, as they result in closed roads, a great deal of smoke, and public outrage. Each tire can burn for hours. It can generate the most toxic and carcinogenic kind of smoke, and it has detrimental effects on health and the environment. / a]c`QS ]T ^]ZZcbW]\ This smoke is a threat to Lebanon’s environment since it pollutes the sky for many days, and travels long distances. Cleaning the air from this smoke requires a long period of time. The smoke generated contains many pollutants, such as carbon monoxide; sulfur oxides; nitrogen oxides; dioxins; furans; hydrogen chloride; benzene; polychlorinated biphenyls; and metals such as arsenic, cadmium, nickel, zinc, mercury, chromium, and vanadium. When burned, the mix of pollutants in the smoke is inhaled by the people exposed, and it will also reach water and the soil and consequently penetrate food and drinking water. 1O`QW\]US\a O`S ^`SaS\b W\ bVS a[]YS According to a study by Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide


(ELAW) (2012), “Depending on the length and degree of exposure, these health effects could include irritation of the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes, respiratory effects, central nervous system depression, and cancerâ€?. The small particles in the smoke will settle deep in the lungs and cause many respiratory problems such as asphyxia and asthma. Dioxin is one of the components that is generated and it is the most toxic and dangerous carcinogen that is known to man. Studies show that an exposure of only few minutes can lead to cancer. Benzene, butadiene, and styrene also cause cancer. Aside from causing cancer, butadiene also causes damage to the central nervous system. Everyone is at risk: children, the elderly, pregnant people, people with weak immune systems, and asthmatic people. For asthmatic people, health complications resulting from inhaling the smoke may lead to heart disease. The milk excreted by a nursing mother will contain the toxic component inhaled by the mother, and hence it will be transferred to the baby. :SUOZ ^S\OZbWSa aV]cZR PS W[^]aSR In Lebanon, the law imposes penalties on violent, non- peaceful protesters who cause damage to public and community property. +RZHYHU SHQDO FRGH GRHV QRW DGGUHVV WLUH EXUQLQJ VSHFLĂ€FDOO\ $ new law should be introduced completely banning the burning of tires. Demonstrators can make their voices heard without affecting their health and that of others. In this way, their demands could be achieved through public support rather than through public outrage.




On the morning of December 7, 2009, the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Michael Williams, wrote a statement following a meeting with Prime Minister Saad ariri after the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference. Williams wrote: “I think that Prime Minister ariri has given a very good signal by attending the Summit and I very much hope that other Arab heads of government will follow. I know that several are already committed, but it’s a good sign that Lebanon is taking this conference very seriously.�



6O`W`W VOR ^ZO\a T]` bVS S\S`Ug aSQb]` After returning to Lebanon, Hariri focused on energy. He drafted a plan to shift the country in the direction of natural gas and to incorporate 12 percent of renewable energy in the sector by the year 2020. The Lebanese Cabinet supported the target. Three years later, DIWHU +DULUL KDG VWHSSHG GRZQ IURP SXEOLF RIĂ€FH WKH HQHUJ\ FULVLV LQ Lebanon continues. Current electricity generation in Lebanon or the nominal supply is 2,300 MW, with an estimated 1,800 MW of real supply. Because the energy peaks at 2,600-2,700 MW in the summer PRQWKV D GHĂ€FLW RI 0: LV H[SHFWHG EW\R ^]eS` Wa O U]]R OZbS`\ObWdS b] SZSQb`WQWbg The government is therefore seeking alternative energy sources and wind power is one of these. Any initiatives must cater to the preferences of Minister of Energy and Water Gebran Bassil, who has already expressed an interest in 60 MW, as well as those of the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation. The organization works under the umbrella of the Ministry and the United Nations Development Programme to address renewable energy initiatives at the national level. Compared to other renewable sources in Lebanon, wind power is cheap (the anticipated cost is between $0.12 and $0.14 /kWh in Lebanon, half the current total energy average). Lebanon has capacity and investors are looking for opportunities. Albina s.a.l General Manager and Sustainable Environmental Solutions acting Chairman Salah Tabbara said that Lebanon had at least 1,500 MW of wind power potential to make use of, with an average estimated DW 0: $V D ´UXOH RI WKXPE Âľ VLQFH HOHFWULFLW\ Ă RZV IURP power plants to transmission lines to distribution lines and then to consumers, “200-300 MW can easily be integrated into the existing Lebanese electricity system, equal to ten percent to 15 percent of the current conventional supply of power,â€? Tabbara said. “In fact, if 5000 MW is opted for by 2015 and beyond, then 1,000 MW of the renewable energy (equal to 20 percent of the total mix) can be added to the grid,â€? Tabarra added. 2SdSZ]^S`a O`S aSSYW\U ]^^]`bc\WbWSa Developers have begun their due-diligence and prerequisites for wind farms. They have drafted master plans, secured long-term land leases, installed hub-height wind anemometers on the land, and so forth. A license is needed to start the process. Licenses and permits for independent power producers were introduced in 2002 under Law 463, which called for the establishment of the National Regulatory Authority. The regulatory and legislative framework intended to authorize generation forecasting and safety protocols, construction timetables and so forth. Promoting and disseminating renewable sources of energy in Lebanon is a question of policy. “Whether the policy is followed through Law 463 or some legal alternative is an issue to be decided by the Lebanese government,â€? said Tabbara, suggesting multiple or consecutive bids to ensure a “fair process.â€? Let’s hope that Minister Bassil’s “expression of interestâ€? will bring a legitimate source of “green energyâ€? to Lebanon sooner rather than later.





Beyond checks out which world politicians walk the walk or simply talk the talk E]`Ra AMAL CHAABAN


Anyone who listens to politicians jabber on knows that they love to talk a good game. When it comes to the environment, all the world leaders spout off on how much they care but their actions speak louder than words. Beyond decided to break it down for you:

given is the delaying of approval of a pipeline that would cross a major underground aquifer. It is also noteworthy on the heels of Hurricane Sandy that climate change and its subsequent dangers did not once get brought up in the debates between the two presidential candidates of this year’s election.

DZORW[W` >cbW\ >`SaWRS\b ]T @caaWO, has been quoted as saying: “An increase of two or three degrees wouldn’t be so bad for a northern country like Russia. We could spend less on fur coats, and the grain harvest would go up.� Putin has followed these words up by having his government turn a blind eye to some violations of environmental laws all over Russia. It seems that in this case, industrialization trumps all.

/\USZO ;S`YSZ 1VO\QSZZ]` ]T 5S`[O\g in one of her many speeches has said “For 10 years, I have fought passionately for climate protection.� For Ms. Merkel, these words are lived in her actions. Germany invests in research and development of clean energy at a rate that should put the rest of the European Union to shame. Furthermore, when Ms. Merkel saw the environmental and human risk caused by the leaking Fukushima reactors after the tsunami in Japan, she immediately put a halt to the building of any new reactors in Germany and ordered inspections of the existing ones. Beyond declares her one of the few who actually says what she means.

AbS^VS\ 6O`^S` >`W[S ;W\WabS` ]T 1O\ORO likes to pretend that his sitting government is a responsible steward of the environment but the reality is far different. In a fundraising letter to the now defunct Canadian Alliance party, he wrote “As the effects trickle through other industries, workers and consumers everywhere in Canada will lose. There are no Canadian winners under the Kyoto accord....� and true to form, as soon as the Conservative Party formed a majority government in Canada, the country withdrew from the Kyoto Accord. The sitting Canadian government has also been rapidly stripping environmental protections from federal law using tactics such as hiding the legislation in an omnibus budget bill. 0O`OQY =PO[O >`SaWRS\b ]T bVS C\WbSR AbObSa ]T /[S`WQO promised in his 2008 campaign to begin passing and enacting laws that would further protect the environment and give the Environmental Protection Agency back substantial power. Instead, he has allowed states to gut environmental laws, allowed hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to go forward unchecked, and not poured the promised money into research and development for green energy. The only nod to the environment that Obama has

4`O\z]Wa 6]ZZO\RS bVS \SeZg SZSQbSR >`SaWRS\b ]T 4`O\QS, was quoted in Reuters saying “Our next goal is to reach a global climate agreement in as 2015. France is fully committed to achieving this....â€? While his intention is good, he may have a great deal of trouble convincing governments in North America and other parts of the world to follow through with this. It is noteworthy that previous governments of France have been in the forefront of trying to rein in environmental damage from business and interestingly, agribusiness. When it comes to the interests of economy versus environment, governments have shown time and again that they do not understand WKDW LV D UHODWLRQVKLS RI FRRSHUDWLRQ QRW FRQĂ LFW ,I WKH HQYLURQPHQW gets worse and storms surge (as we just saw with Hurricane Sandy), economic losses reach into the billions of dollars.





" "

FROM GRAY TO GREEN Working to make cities better for citizens E]`Ra ALEX GREY


Richard Akiki, legal consultant at CEDRO, talked to Beyond about the legal framework that exists and the work that still has WR EH GRQH WR Ă€OO /HEDQRQ¡V FLWLHV ZLWK JUHHQ VSDFHV 7KHUH¡V D long way to go, but the good news is that much of the legislation is currently in place and an Urban Green Space Strategy is in the pipeline for the near future.

is a small place. There is only so much urban space, and the construction industry is booming. As for the municipalities, we don’t always have all the data. For example, we don’t know what type of vegetation is being planted in the dedicated green spaces. Perhaps it is not suitable, and it won’t survive. We need the data EHIRUH ZH FDQ GHÀQLWLYHO\ VD\ ZKDW WKH VLWXDWLRQ LV

/ZSf 5`Sg( Tell us about the current legal situation. Richard Akiki: There is a law regarding urban planning in /HEDQRQ ,W LGHQWLĂ€HV WKH QHHG WR KDYH SDUNV DQG JUHHQ DUHDV LQ XUEDQ DUHDV DQG VSHFLĂ€HV WKDW WKH 'LUHFWRU *HQHUDO RI 8UEDQ Planning is responsible for this, along with municipalities.

/5( So what are you proposing? @/( The best option would be for each city’s guidelines to include the Urban Green Space Strategy. If we can achieve this, it would be a major step forward, in terms of the law.

/5: So why aren’t Lebanon’s cities green? @/( 7KH ODZ LVQ¡W VXIĂ€FLHQW 7KH JXLGHOLQHV DUH UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV but they’re not enforced. It doesn’t include any environmental issues, such as Environmental Impact Assessments, it doesn’t specify how much green space should exist in each area, and it doesn’t specify a percentage of green space. Essentially, there are gaps. In addition, there are differences between each city. In Jounieh, for example, there are supposed to be ten percent of green spaces, in Byblos it might be 15-20 percent. These guidelines do force developers to stay within these limits, or else the development permit will not be given. However, the guidelines are not being enforced across the board. /5( Why isn’t the law being applied? @/( Firstly, much of the law relates to guidelines and there isn’t much of a budget to enforce them. Secondly, Lebanon

The Green Space Strategy mentions certain characteristics of each city, taking into account the culture, economic standing, current VLWXDWLRQ ÀQDQFLQJ LQIUDVWUXFWXUH ELRGLYHUVLW\ HQYLURQPHQWDO aspects, and other factors. The Green Space Strategy would also set standards for green areas of different types, such as playgrounds, parks, lakes, or forests. We would quantify the number of areas in each city to ensure a balance. There would also be an accessibility standard; for example, no inhabitant should be more than 500 meters away from a green space. /5( Is there anything that the public can do? @/( A recent initiative by the MEPI Lebanese Alumni Association has joined together 15 NGOs to create political and public support. It’s just started and it will soon be launching a campaign in the media. The public could get behind that.

Central Park / Manhattan


Hyde Park / London


Keukenhof Park / Holland


Japanese Sakura Public Park




Beyond recently sat down with Nicolas Gharib, Environmental Recovery Coordinator at the UNDP’s Energy and Environment Programme to talk about the Flood Risk Management Program (FRM). The FRM is an ongoing project designed to alleviate flooding in the North Bekaa region, near villages that lie close to the Syrian border. The floods are natural, caused by snowmelt running off the mountainsides. They occur every year, in spring and fall, and the damage that they cause can be severe. The project started in November 2011.

:>( What program are we talking about? <5( The program is called the Flood Risk Management Program. It’s located in Arsal and Raas al Baalbek, in the North Bekka, close to the Syrian border. :> :KDW LV WKH FDXVH RI WKH à RRGLQJ" <5( In that area there are mountains and valleys. It’s a very arid area and it doesn’t absorb water very easily. At certain times of the year there are huge amounts of water à RZLQJ WKURXJK WKH DUHD 7KH VWUHDPV WKDW à RZ GRZQ from the mountains join together, and once enough of WKHP KDYH MRLQHG WRJHWKHU WKH\ FDQ FDXVH à RRGLQJ


We have created 13 large ponds. We have excavated around 2,000,000 cubic meters of earth at the 13 sites. :>( Besides creating ponds, what else have you done? <5( In addition to the ponds, we have built barriers at certain locations along the route of the streams. The water hits the barriers and goes around or over them, which reduces the speed and force of the water. The barriers act like breakers in effect. The objective is to minimize the damage in the towns.

In the villages of Raas al Baalbek, Fehkah, and Arsal, the à RRGZDWHU HQWHUV WKH KRXVHV EXVLQHVVHV DQG VWRUHV We’ve seen it pick up a six-wheel truck and rotate it around, moving it down the road. It’s incredibly powerful.

:>( What are the barriers made of? <5( The barriers are made of stone walls or gabions, depending on the force of the water. There are around 114 walls. The water can pass by all of them in one way or another, but all the barriers dissipate the force of the water.

:>: What have you done? <5( We have brought in a consultant and created a system of ponds and barriers to reduce the force of the water. We have dug a number of large ponds, all interconnected with RQH DQRWKHU :KHQ WKH ZDWHU à RZV RYHU WKH HGJH RI WKH VWUHDPV LW HQWHUV WKH SRQG ZKHQ WKH ÀUVW SRQG ÀOOV LW RYHUà RZV LQWR WKH VHFRQG SRQG DQG WKHQ LQWR WKH WKLUG pond, and so on.

:>( What are you seeing? <5( People have realized that the situation is improving. 7KLV \HDU LQ $SULO WKH à RRGV FDPH EXW WKHUH ZDV OLWWOH force in the waters that reached the villages. It moved slowly and calmly, not like the torrent of the past. We’ve JLYHQ WKH PXQLFLSDOLW\ DQ H[FDYDWRU VR DIWHU HYHU\ à RRG LW can clear out the sediment. It can maintain the system in the years ahead.




A SKID FUELS HOPE AT ZOUK As part of the ongoing improvements to the power plant at Zouk, a skid, a device that adds additives to the heavy fuel oil burnt at the site, has recently been put into operation. Beyond magazine sat down with Karim Osseiran, energy consultant at the Ministry of Energy and Water, to discuss the substantial reductions in pollution that this innovative new device will bring about. E]`Ra ALEX GREY 7ZZcab`ObW]\ CLAUDE EL KHAL

/ZSf 5`Sg( What is a skid? 9O`W[ =aaSW`O\( It’s a small system that sits on the fuel line before it enters the boiler, and injects additives into the fuel. Heavy fuel oil (HFO) is whatever remains LQ WKH RLO GUXP DIWHU LW KDV EHHQ UHĂ€QHG It’s made up of asphaltenes. This sediment is very hard to burn, and it’s full of heavy metals. The HFO needs to be heated to improve its viscosity. By adding additives, we can improve it, by adding chemicals and water to improve combustion. /5( How does the process work? 9=( If we introduce a small amount of water to the HFO, we can improve FRPEXVWLRQ WKURXJK HPXOVLĂ€FDWLRQ 7KH oil particles then break down into smaller particles and this makes them easier to burn, which means that more carbon is burnt and the carbon content in the smoke stacks decreases. We also save fuel, as ZH¡UH EXUQLQJ PRUH HIĂ€FLHQWO\ :>( At the same time, you’re also reducing SO3 emissions, correct? 9=( Yes, by also adding magnesium oxide that improves the combustion in a number of ways. Firstly, it avoids high and low temperature combustion in the boiler, allowing us to operate at VSHFLĂ€HG WHPSHUDWXUHV ZKLFK LPSURYHV the lifespan of the boiler. It decreases the amount of deposits on the panels and piping of the boiler, which means that ZH¡UH EXUQLQJ HIĂ€FLHQWO\ DQG WKDW WKH station doesn’t need to be closed down so


often. Magnesium oxide also reduces SO3, emissions, as it prevents it from forming. :>( So how will the project operate? 9=( We haven’t bought the skid; we’ve hired combustion professionals who have H[SHULHQFH LQ WKH ÀHOG DQG WKHLU RZQ equipment. They’ll be paid according to their performance, and we’ve agreed on a baseline that they’ll be expected to reach. They put the skid in the second week of October and they had two days to take measurements to understand the situation prior to the additives. Then they can work to correct the mixture for the HFO. After that they have up to three months to reach the baseline, or beyond. When they are ready, we’ll take measurements to see where we are. We’re hoping for the following improvements: A guaranteed reduction in emissions of 50 percent, potentially as high as 80 percent; an 80 percent reduction in SO3 and CO2 emissions, along with a 15 percent reduction in Nox emissions; reduced maintenance costs through less un-burnt material; lower pH in the fuel mix; and reduced cleaning requirements. Fuel consumption will decrease by one percent and will save us a minimum of $5.6 million per year.




Emma Nader, 13 years old #%

Beyond has been covering green issues since its launch in 2009. But there’s one area that we feel has gone without enough attention: the environmental education of children. To that end, Beyond magazine proudly announces the launch of Beyond Kids, a supplement printed three times a year and included with Beyond magazine. Alex Grey talked with Beyond Kids’ Sawsan Bu Fakhredeen to discuss this exciting launch.


/ZSf 5`Sg: What is Beyond Kids? AOeaO\ 0c 4OYV`SRSS\( It’s a special magazine, designed to address the needs of children between the ages of six and 11, to KHOS WKHP OHDUQ DERXW HQYLURQPHQWDO LVVXHV ,W¡V WKH Ă€UVW PDJD]LQH of its kind in Lebanon. We’ll be talking about the environmental challenges and the various threats to the country. It’ll all be in a very engaging, active style that is designed to appeal directly to children–friendly and approachable; that’s what we’re aiming for. It’s not a typical magazine; it’s more like a story, with games, activities, coloring, and a variety of different activities that will capture the attention of children. /5( What sort of things will you be doing? A04( We’re hoping to raise questions, to make children think, and then we’ll be suggesting solutions, things that they can do to help. It’s going to fun, interactive and relevant. We’ll talk about littering, water, pollution, things that they see every day. We’re there to give them some answers. We’re also going to highlight initiatives undertaken by children in the various areas, such as energy, water, and reforestation.

/5( I understand that Beyond Kids will be focused on Lebanon? A04( You can get stories or books from bookshops, but they all cover the world outside Lebanon, and the problems that they discuss are all international; they’re not talking about things that the children see on a daily basis. It’s the same within the education system. We needed something for children, something Lebanese. :>: How can we get our hands on a copy? A04( It’s a sister publication of Beyond Magazine, a supplement, published three times a year. It’ll be promoted in Beyond. Our readership is very diverse, and we want to make it clear to our readers that we believe that children are the way forward; they have to understand the environment. It’s going to be around 20 pages long, colorful, full of stories, activities, illustrations, and pictures.. We’re also trying to lobby for it to be distributed in schools, both public and private. /5( When will it be launched? A04( At the same time as Beyond magazine’s Spring issue.

/5( Is there a need for this sort of publication? A04( At the moment children aren’t sure what’s right and wrong, what’s normal and what’s not. We’re here to tell them that the environment has to be protected, that littering, for example, is wrong. We’re there to raise awareness; we have to start building this up within our culture and we have to start with children.



Saria Sursock, 5 years old $

Nathalie Saoud, 12 years old “FISHEYE” $

Christopher Riad Sarkis, 8 years old “FISHEYE” $!

Nadine Feghaly “FISHEYE” $"

Virginie Laki “FISHEYE” $#

Lelia Bterrani, 10 years old $$

Sienna Nader, 3 years old $%


Essence all in the mind

“Feel your emotions, live true your passions, keep still your mind.�









It is assumed that hunters, of which there are estimated to be more than 500,000, are waiting for the promulgation of a law by the Minister of the Environment, Nazem al-Khoury, pertaining to the opening of the hunting season, which was supposed to have been promulgated on September 15, 2012. However, the delay in the work of the Higher Council for Hunting is leaving the door open for random, open hunting in all seasons. The Higher Council for Terrestrial Hunting has issued the implementing decrees and the regulatory decisions for law No. 580, pertaining to terrestrial hunting. Hunting is prohibited, on the basis of resolution No. 37 of the Council of Ministers, which was issued in 1997. However, random hunting is on the increase in all seasons. It is rare that a hunter is detained in Lebanon by the VHFXULW\ IRUFHV NHHSLQJ LQ PLQG WKDW XQRIĂ€FLDO VWDWLVWLFV WKDW ZHUH issued in 2009 showed that Lebanon consumes more than 25 million hunting bullets per year, which produce around 600 tons of lead. The reasons for the failure to promulgate a law on the opening of the hunting season for 2012 are attributable to the delay in issuing a decree regarding a compulsory insurance policy for the hunter. In DGGLWLRQ WKH GHFUHH UHJDUGLQJ D Ă€VFDO VWDPS WKDW ZRXOG EH DIĂ€[HG to the hunting license has not yet been issued by the Minister of Finance, Mohammad al-Safadi. Despite the fact that shooting clubs are prepared to give tests for hunters, they are few in number and most of them are located in Mount Lebanon, which makes them incapable, from a logistical point of view, of accommodating the large numbers of hunters who wish to take the tests. Consequently, calling for opening the hunting season in 2012 was impossible. The executive director of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon, Assad Serhal, who represents the environmental associations on the Higher Council for Terrestrial Hunting, asserted that the environmental associations must not obstruct the decision to open the hunting season, since it was the only way to control the continuing random hunting activities in Lebanon throughout the year. Serhal called attention to the fact that the project for the protection of migratory birds had produced a “Hunting Guideâ€? that contained a list of the species of birds the hunting of which was permitted. By means of this guide, one can become acquainted with hunting equipment, the basic skills that are required for shooting and

hunting, the ethics of the hunter and his responsibilities, and general safety procedures during a hunting trip. 'XULQJ KLV LQWHUYLHZ ZLWK %H\RQG 6HUKDO DIĂ€UPHG ´WKH LPSRUWDQFH of prosecuting and prohibiting random hunting (hunting with birdlime, searchlights, netting, etc.), which required a joint effort among the security forces, the guardians of the forests and the nature preserves, and the local police.â€? Serhal called attention to the fact that the guide was distinguished by its detailed description and explanation of the game the hunting of which is permitted. The hunter may hunt only 16 animals. 7KH JXLGH DOVR VSHFLĂ€HV WKH TXDQWLW\ RI JDPH WKDW WKH KXQWHU LV permitted to hunt. Serhal expressed the hope that the places where KXQWLQJ LV SHUPLWWHG ZRXOG EH VSHFLĂ€HG LQ WKH GHFLVLRQ WKDW ZLOO EH issued by the Ministry of the Environment, because it is impossible for the guardians of the forests, the local police, and the security forces to control hunting activity in all of the Lebanese territory, since there are many regions that are well known by the hunters and that are distinguished by the fact that they are regions through which birds the hunting of which is permitted pass. In his turn, Salim Hamadeh, the director of the project for migratory birds, which is being executed by the United Nations Development Programme in the Ministry of the Environment, asserted that the PDLQ EHQHĂ€FLDULHV RI WKH DQDUFK\ LQ UDQGRP KXQWLQJ ZHUH WKH dealers in arms and cartridges, as well as the dealers in the meat of terrestrial birds. The opening of the hunting season in a legal manner will permit the promotion of the work of the judicial police, who are entrusted with applying the law on hunting, after their having failed to perform their tasks for years, on the pretext of the [poor] security conditions in Lebanon. Hamadeh emphasized that the right to regulate tickets for violators was ascribed to the Internal Security Forces, the guardians of the woods, who are under the authority of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the guardians of the nature preserves within the scope of the preserves. They have participated in training workshops so that they can distinguish among the different species of birds when they perform their tasks and curb violations. Hamadeh expressed the hope that the law on hunting would be amended so that the local police would be able to write tickets with respect to hunters who violate the law.







The practice of hunting, an activity that has an environmental, cultural, social, and economic dimension, contributes to the sustainable management of the faunistic patrimony and of its habitats. Empowered by the Law on Hunting of July 2000, the National Federation of Hunters proposes a national charter for hunting. It sets forth the principles for a sustainable development of hunting and its contribution to the conservation of biodiversity. This document establishes a code of good behavior for the hunter and good hunting practices to be implemented by each Departmental Federation of Hunters and its members. An authentic and convivial activity, today’s hunting is an art of living that is based on the search for, the pursuit of, and the capture of game in its milieu. The hunter from France thus recognizes himself in the principles that are set forth below: 1: Curious about nature and the inheritor of a secular culture, I practice the ‘art’ of hunting with as much respect for the other person as I have for the animal that is hunted. 2: An actor who is committed to the maintenance of sustainable hunting, I participate actively in the defense of habitats and in the improvement of biodiversity.


3: A manager of natural space, I make sure to maintain harmony between man and his surroundings and to perfect, day after day, my knowledge of the sciences of nature. 4: An open-minded man, I go to meet all those who are involved with nature, while raising their awareness of the reasonable practice of hunting and the respect for nature. 5: Attentive to the risks that my activity could cause, I constantly improve the conditions of safety for hunting for non-hunters as well as for hunters. 6: Behaving like a citizen, I give time to the training and the accompaniment of future hunters, for they are the hunters of tomorrow and the guaranty of a better social cohesion. 7: Hunting, a pleasure to be shared in living, rich, and GLYHUVLĂ€HG QDWXUH Âľ

PICK OF THE PISTE The best alternative green ski destinations E]`Ra CHRISTOPHER KANAL


EVWbS^]R SQ] `Sa]`b AeWbhS`ZO\R The Whitepod eco resort, situated in the Swiss Alpine village of Les Cerniers, has a private ski resort, mountain chalets, and 15 dome pods that offer green accommodations. Whitepod is located at an altitude of 1,700 meters in the Swiss Alps, and features seven kilometers of ski slopes with private ski lifts. Guests can enjoy the mountain with various types of winter adventures, including downhill skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, dog sledding, and guided hikes. The resort offsets its energy use by sourcing renewable energy. Only the ski lifts are motorized systems. 7KH SRGV ZKHUH JXHVWV VWD\ DUH DQFKRUHG WR ZRRGHQ SODWIRUPV DQG DUH KHDWHG ZLWK HIĂ€FLHQW small wood-burning stoves. Platforms have a lighter environmental footprint on the pristine Alpine environment than more permanent structures that are set on foundations. eee eVWbS^]R Q][

6]bSZ 9OYaZOcbbO\S\ 4W\ZO\R Hotel Kakslauttanen is situated in the Arctic Circle wilderness of Finland’s Urho Kekkonen National Park. *XHVWV VWD\ LQ JODVV LJORRV ÀWWHG ZLWK WKHUPDO JODVV ZDOOV DQG FHLOLQJV 7KLV LQVXODWHV WKH interior to keep rooms warm. The glass also contains a frost preventative, maintaining crystal clear panoramic views even when temperatures outside drop to minus 22 degrees Fahrenheit. The igloos are designed for two people, and they are small enough to be heated without consuming too much energy. The sparse trees and complete lack of light pollution reveal millions of stars each night, and during the peak winter months the location offers incredible views of the Northern Lights. Hotel Kakslauttanen has the world’s largest smoke sauna, complete with its own restaurant, as well as an ice bar and a snow chapel that are built fresh every winter. For the more adventurous, the hotel also offers lodging in a dozen traditional igloos made of ice. These ice houses have an internal temperature of only 21 degrees Fahrenheit, so you had better pack warm. eee YOYaZOcbbO\S\ ¿


Skipark 360° will be the world’s largest indoor ski resort. Designed by C.F. Møller, the entire resort is powered by geothermal energy, solar energy, wind power, and hydropower. When it is completed it could be the greenest ski resort in the world. Located in the forests outside of Stockholm, Skipark 360° will have a man-made ski hill with a vertical drop of 160 meters and will be the only facility of its kind to meet the requirements of the World Cup. The slope alone is 700 meters long. At a height of approximately 135 meters, it will be one of Sweden’s largest buildings. In addition to the downhill run, the complex will contain a 3.5 kilometer cross-country skiing tunnel, an arena for biathlons, ice KRFNH\ EDQG\ DQG Ă€JXUH VNDWLQJ D VQRZ SDUN IRU VQRZERDUGLQJ D UHVRUW DQG D VSD











THE LOST PEOPLE OF THE AMAZON Tribal communities yet to be contacted by the outside world

It’s extraordinary that in the 21st century indigenous tribes still exist on our planet with scarce or no contact whatsoever with the outside world, either by choice or by circumstance. Vale do Javari, more commonly known as Javari Valley, is home to the largest concentration of uncontacted tribes in the entire world. E]`Ra ALIA FAWAZ

The Javari Valley, a sprawling rainforest reserve, covers an area of 85,44482 square kilometers. It lies at the western end of the Amazon River, next to the border with Peru. Its name derives from the Javari River, which has served as the border between Brazil and Peru since 1851. The area is naturally rich in valuable commodities such as oil, natural gas, and timber. It is also home to 3,000 Indians of different ethnicities with varying degrees of contact with the outside world. Today the number of uncontacted Indians is estimated at more than 2,000, belonging to at least 14 different tribes. They often live in large, communal huts. They are mostly believed to be living deep in the reservation areas. BV`SOba b] bVS W\RWUS\]ca b`WPSa Throughout history the Javari Valley has been invaded by loggers who have killed and KDUPHG XQFRQWDFWHG ,QGLDQV WKXV UHGXFLQJ WKHLU QXPEHUV GUDVWLFDOO\ ,OOHJDO ÀVKLQJ poaching, and logging have brought people into the protected area, including drug WUDIÀFNHUV DQG PLVVLRQDULHV $QRWKHU PDMRU WKUHDW LV WKH RLO H[SORUDWLRQ RQ WKH Peruvian side of the border. Mere contact with outsiders is fatal as the Indian tribes are not immunized, so they fall victim to diseases that can eventually reduce or eradicate them. It is not unusual IRU SHUFHQW RI D WULEH WR EH ZLSHG RXW ZLWKLQ D \HDU RI ÀUVW FRQWDFW E\ GLVHDVHV VXFK DV PHDVOHV DQG LQà XHQ]D WKDW DUH UHODWLYHO\ KDUPOHVV WR WKH UHVW RI XV BVS 0`OhWZWO\ U]dS`\[S\b Wa ^`]bSQbW\U bVS 7\RWO\a Today, identifying and protecting isolated groups is part of Brazilian public policy. The Brazilian government is also working hard to protect the reserve from intruders to ensure that the Indians can continue living in isolation if they wish. Most of the data that it has comes from years of methodical research and aerial photography. To get an estimate of the population of uncontacted tribes, specialists examine the size and number of dwellings, as well as any gardens that the inhabitants might have under cultivation. Today the Javari Valley Reserve is especially well protected from intrusions. The territory is overseen by the Javari Valley Ethno-Environmental Protection Front. The Front operates three control posts along major rivers leading into the depths of the reserve, and the Javari Valley remains a bastion of tribal vitality and a rich repository of biodiversity. Let’s hope that it remains that way for the sake of the indigenous people and our planet.








YOUR GUIDE TO A GREEN PREFAB HOME When planning a prefab home, there are a number of factors to be taken into consideration: Where should it be located? What should it look like? How much should it cost, and how will I fund it? Perhaps the most vital matter is maximizing sustainability. Increasingly over the last few years, this has become a key aspect of prefab construction; indeed, it is one of the principal reasons why many people choose to go down the prefab route. So, how best to go green when going prefab? E]`Ra EMILY HOLMAN


1V]]aS bVS `WUVb PcWZRW\U aWbS This is essential. Almost any site can be right. What matters is making the building right for the site; that is, making the most of the location by capitalizing on its particularities. The building needs to be in harmony with its site, considerate of and responsive to its natural characteristics. In that way, it can also take advantage of all the QDWXUDO EHQHÀWV WKDW WKH HQYLURQPHQW KDV WR RIIHU :Sb bVS ac\aVW\S W\ 2QH RI WKH PRVW REYLRXV RI WKHVH QDWXUDO EHQHÀWV LV WKH VXQ $ ELW of sun makes a great deal of difference. Not only can exploiting its EHQHÀWV SURYLGH \RX ZLWK OLJKW DQG ZDUPWK WKXV UHGXFLQJ \RXU energy bill, but the sun is also a proven mood booster, so if you can DOORZ LWV UD\V WR ÀOWHU GHOLFDWHO\ WKURXJK WKH ZLQGRZV ERWK \RXU KHDOWK DQG \RXU ZDOOHW ZLOO EHQHÀW 3RVLWLRQ \RXU ZLQGRZV FDUHIXOO\ plant trees (nature’s own solar shading devices) deliberately, and choose between blinds and curtains according to the level of sunlight that you’re after as well as its angle. Even overhangs can have a huge impact on how hot your home becomes throughout changing seasons. A carefully sited home that is designed by taking into consideration the movement of the sun all year round will also let nature’s light pass WKURXJK LW WKXV UHGXFLQJ WKH QHHG IRU DUWLÀFLDO OLJKWLQJ


1]\aWRS` dS\bWZObW]\ Yes, you should also take the wind into account. This doesn’t necessarily mean wind turbines. Natural ventilation can be obtained for free all year round, and certainly during the summer, simply by opening the windows and ensuring that your home is structured VR DV WR PD[LPL]H DLU à RZ <RX DOVR PLJKW FRQVLGHU LQVWDOOLQJ D strategically placed garage to shield your home from the icy winds of winter. 2SaWU\ OQQ]`RW\U b] g]c` aWbS Don’t forget the topography of your site. The construction of your home should follow the contours of your site and take advantage accordingly. A slope can serve as an excellent location for a home, DOORZLQJ HIÀFLHQW XVH RI VSDFH DV ZHOO DV SURYLGLQJ DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU a striking aesthetic design. %HQHÀWLQJ IURP ZKDW QDWXUH KDV WR RIIHU DQG FRPELQLQJ LW ZLWK WKH luxury that you are seeking for your ideal home is precisely the attractive opportunity that Green Prefab offers. If you plan carefully, you can make the right choice for the right home, in just the right way for planet Earth.



I recently sat down in a cafĂŠ with two formidable women, Rima El Khoury and Sana Tawileh. They had met at a training session at CSR in Action, an organization the aim of which is “to develop and promote the practice and awareness of CSR activities within the MENA region,â€? they said. They have launched a green initiative called Greenation. It is a new, dynamic NGO. They said, “Its first objective is to create, highlight, and promote accessible, public green spaces in the city of Beirut.â€? They explained to me the origins of their ideas, and why they are so passionate about the work that they are doing.

/ G]c\U 7\WbWObWdS eWbV :]ba ]T ¾=][^Vœ¸ Just by sitting down for a few minutes with the lovely ladies El Khoury and Tawileh, one can immediately see their enthusiasm and passion for the project to map out green spaces in Lebanon. In fact, when they admitted to me that the project was only three months \RXQJ , ZDV à DEEHUJDVWHG 7KH\ KDG EHHQ DEOH WR achieve their initial goal of mapping out seven distinct green spaces in Beirut, they had managed to partner with the Municipality of Beirut, and they had obtained the blessing of the Ministry of the Environment of Lebanon. All that without having spent a single penny!

MENA region. They are also planning a second updated version of their website, and even a mobile application! They want their maps to be “active,� in that people would be able to upload their own pictures and opinions about the green spaces that are mapped by Greenation. They also want to become the credible source for green brands in the MENA region by forming a board of expert judges that will make sure that the brands are credibly green. The two ladies feel that it is their responsibility as well as that of Greenation to ensure that everything that Greenation does is done professionally.

A][S ÂżUc`Sa In these few months, Greenation has achieved a great deal with no funding at all. Because of the fact that LW LV VWLOO LQ WKH SURFHVV RI RIĂ€FLDOO\ EHFRPLQJ D 1RQ Governmental Organization (NGO), it is not allowed to spend any funds yet. It is, however, looking to obtain funds when Greenation achieves NGO status. Greenation already has 12 partners, including the ones mentioned above, nine volunteers, 1,100 likes RQ )DFHERRN DQG LW KDV KDG LWV RIĂ€FLDO ODXQFKLQJ ZLWK a press conference.

Greenation is still active, but the women behind it are on a “planning breakâ€? to properly plan their next PRYH 7KH\ DUH Ă€QDOL]LQJ WKH 1*2 SDSHUZRUN DQG SUHSDULQJ WKHLU Ă€QDQFLDO SODQV

EVOb R]Sa bVS Tcbc`S V]ZR2QFH WKH ÀUVW VWDJH LV FRPSOHWHG (O .KRXU\ DQG Tawileh are planning to cover all the green parks and reserves in Lebanon and then proceed to the entire

4]` []`S W\T]`[ObW]\ ^ZSOaS dWaWb( eee U`SS\ObW]\ [S eee TOQSP]]Y Q][ 5`SS\ObW]\;S eee beWbbS` Q][ 5`SS\ObW]\;S =` Q]\bOQb( W\T].U`SS\ObW]\ [S








RUSSIA’S BEST-KEPT SECRETS TWELVE STUNNING, NATURAL SITES THAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT Russia is not widely known for its natural beauty. However, these twelve wonders certainly deserve your attention. E]`Ra EMILY HOLMAN


THE VALLEY OF GEYSERS Located in the Far Eastern peninsula of Russia, which is known for its volcanoes, Kamchatka’s Kronotsky natural reserve contains about 90 geysers, not to mention numerous hot springs.





THE CURONIAN SPLIT These sand dunes, which stretch from Kaliningrad Oblest in Russia up to Lithuania, rise almost 200 feet in height and form the most spectacular sand dunes in Europe.



MALY SEMYACHIK VOLCANO 7KLV WDOO FRQLFDO YROFDQR LV ÀOOHG ZLWK D KRW DQG acidic lake that is turquoise in color. Located in the Kamchatka Peninsula, the lake is located within the active Troitsky crater. The lake measures 600 meters in diameter and is thought to contain aluminum and copper, which give the lake its distinct coloring.


MOUNT ELBRUS Situated in the Western Caucasus mountain range, this non-active volcano, which is at an altitude of 18,150 feet, is one of Russia’s most stunning peaks.





VIRGIN KOMI FORESTS The Komi, of the Urals region, is the largest virgin boreal forest in Europe, and was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995. Filled with elk, gray wolves, beavers, Eurasian otters, and wolverines, it is rich in conifer, aspen, and birch trees. It also has an abundance of rivers, peat bogs, and natural lakes.





THE VOLGA RIVER 7KH 9ROJD ZKLFK Ă RZV ULJKW WKURXJK FHQWUDO 5XVVLD and Moscow, is the largest river in Europe. Happily for green-lovers, it waters some of the largest reservoirs in the world, thus providing irrigation and hydroelectric power.





THE GOLDEN MOUNTAINS OF ALTAI The Golden Mountains of Southern Siberian are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Altai Mountains include about 1,500 glaciers and ridges representing the Arctic Ocean watershed’s highest point. They are also home to the Altai Argali, the largest sheep in the world, and endangered species such as the snow leopard.





THE LENA PILLARS The Lena Pillars are natural rock formations that line the banks of the Lena River in eastern Siberia and have been separated from the rock further inland by erosion.



THE KUNGUR ICE CAVE Located in the Ural Mountains, this incredible cave is famous for its breathtaking ice formations, and it attracts around one 100,000 visitors per year. The stalactites and stalagmites have formed dramatic carvings in the cave.





UZON CALDERA Situated in the Kamchatka Peninsula, Uzon Caldera LV DQ LPPHQVH ÀHOG RI JHRWKHUPDO FUDWHUV DQG DFWLYH volcanoes that extends over 6,200 miles (almost 10,000 kilometers).



PUTORANA PLATEAU Right in the center of Russia lies the basalt plateau of Putorana. It includes subarctic and arctic ecosystems, an isolated mountain range, forest tundra, arctic desert systems, untouched cold-water lake and river systems. It also contains some of the world’s largest nickel deposits.





LAKE BAIKAL Lake Baikal is the oldest, deepest, and possibly the clearest lake in the world. It contains about 20 percent of the world’s unfrozen, surface fresh water. At its deepest point, it reaches 5,387 feet below sea level. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.












FLASH OF INSPIRATION Lightning is an incredible phenomenon that we barely understand yet. The wonder of the sky blazing in a streak of bright light is a marvel that mystifies both scientists and laymen alike. E]`Ra CHADI NASSAR

6]e Wa ZWUVb\W\U T]`[SRThis is the most accepted theory (from the National Weather Service, U.S.A website): In general, a storm cloud is charged negatively at its base and positively at the top. During a moving thunderstorm, positive charges gathered into a pool will follow and travel with the storm (picture 1). The positive charges will continue to increase and ascend tall objects, for example, trees, houses, and telephone poles (picture 2). When enough positive charges gather, a channel of negative charge referred to as a “stepped ladderâ€? will travel towards the storm to the ground (picture 3). This will attract the positive pool charges mentioned above. The positive charges are known as a different channel called a “streamerâ€?. When the “stepped ladderâ€? and the “streamer connect,â€? the result is what we see as lightning. >`]bSQbW]\ T`][ ZWUVb\W\U The United States Center for Disease Control recommends the following to best protect oneself when lightning is likely to strike: ‡ 0RQLWRU ZHDWKHU IRUHFDVWV WR NQRZ ZKHQ WKHUH LV D SRVVLELOLW\ RI OLJKWQLQJ ‡ /LJKWQLQJ FDQ VWULNH XS WR DURXQG NLORPHWHUV DZD\ IURP WKH UDLQ DFFRPSDQLHG by a thunderstorm, so a radius of that distance should always be kept in mind. ‡ :KHQ WKXQGHU LV KHDUG LW LV EHVW WR Ă€QG VKHOWHU LPPHGLDWHO\ EXW WR DYRLG WUHHV RU tall objects, high ground, water, open spaces and metal objects such as tools, fences, and umbrellas. It is safe to stay inside a vehicle, since rubber tires are nonconductive of electricity. ‡&RPSDQLHV VKRXOG UHPLQG WKHLU HPSOR\HHV WKDW OLJKWQLQJ LV SUHVHQW LQ thunderstorms, and so precautions should be taken. ‡ ,W LV KLJKO\ UHFRPPHQGHG WR XQSOXJ DOO HOHFWURQLF DSSOLDQFHV DQG GHYLFHV WR DYRLG damage to them and to avoid using a corded telephone ‡ 6XUJH SURWHFWLRQ IRU WKH PDLQ VHUYLFH SDQHOV RI EXLOGLQJV LV KLJKO\ UHFRPPHQGHG to prevent damage to equipment. Lightning fun facts From ‡ 7KHUH LV D SRVLWLYH FRUUHODWLRQ EHWZHHQ OLJKWQLQJ DQG SROOXWLRQ WKH ODWWHU VHHPV WR increase the possibility of lightning. ‡ /LJKWQLQJ VWULNHV LQFUHDVH E\ DV PXFK DV GXULQJ WKH ZRUNLQJ ZHHN KHQFH LW is thought that pollution (such as car exhaust fumes on the roads) is a contributing factor in the generation of lightning. ‡ $ EROW RI OLJKWQLQJ FDQ KHDW DLU DURXQG LW WR DURXQG GHJUHHV & ‡ 8S WR YROWV RI HOHFWULFLW\ DUH FRQWDLQHG LQ D OLJKWQLQJ EROW ‡ $ OLJKWQLQJ EROW FDQ PHDVXUH XS WR HLJKW NLORPHWHUV LQ KHLJKW ‡ 7KHUH LV DQ DYHUDJH RI PLOOLRQ OLJKWQLQJ VWULNHV SHU \HDU ‡ /LJKWQLQJ LV H[WUHPHO\ IDVW ,W FDQ WUDYHO DW DURXQG NLORPHWHUV VHFRQG ‡ (YHQ WKRXJK RI SHRSOH ZKR DUH VWUXFN E\ OLJKWQLQJ OLYH WKH\ FDQ VXIIHU ORQJ term effects from the lightning.








Once derelict city neighborhoods are now blossoming with green farms that are transforming urban living and improving city dwellers’ diets. 4O`[W\U W\ <Se G]`Y 1Wbg In New York City, Brooklyn Grange produces over 40 herbs and vegetables. It has two farms: One is situated on top of a former industrial building in Queens; this 40,000 square meter organic farm is the largest rooftop farm in the United States. The other farm is located in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. One of the oldest urban farms in New York, Added Value has transformed Brooklyn’s vacant lots into urban gardens. Locals can now enjoy fresh, organic food from the farm, which uses raised beds to grow a wide range of produce. The recently opened Battery Conservancy Urban Farm in lower Manhattan has outdoor classroom space for local schools across WKH FLW\ 7KH IDUP¡V Ă€UVW KDUYHVW WKLV \HDU FRQVLVWHG RI EURFFROL turnips, and summer squash. Also in New York, the Gotham Greens hydroponic greenhouse won New York’s Green Business competition last year. The huge greenhouse, located in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, produces 80 tons of vegetables and herbs throughout the year. Gotham Greens uses hydroponic technology to grow vegetables. Much less square footage is required to grow produce. In fact, the greenhouse produces eight times more food than traditional farming in soil and can grow food year-round. O\R :]\R]\ b]] Across the Atlantic in London, a group of designers in London from Something & Son has created the FARM:shop inside a shop in Hackney.


The FARM:shop opened in March 2011, with the aim of bringing farming into the city. The goal is to inspire city dwellers to grow their own food, fabrics, and medicines, and earn an income while doing so. In addition, FARM intends to create direct links between farms in the countryside and communities in the cities. The shop has vegetables planted up to the rafters, a garden in the EDFN\DUG Ă€VK LQ WKH IURQW URRP FKLFNHQV RQ WKH URRI DQG WKHUH LV D FDIp RQ WKH ERWWRP Ă RRU WKDW VHUYHV GHOLFLRXV GLVKHV PDGH from the farm’s home-grown goods. The FARM:shop, which RIĂ€FLDOO\ RSHQV WKLV ZHHN LV DQ XUEDQ H[SHULPHQW WKDW VHHNV WR VKRZ MXVW KRZ PXFK IRRG FDQ EH JURZQ LQ D FRQĂ€QHG VSDFH South of the river, Southwark-based Wayward Plants is an award-winning landscape practice. Wayward Plants is a unique collective of designers, artists, and urban growers, who create imaginative responses to derelict sites and empty lots. Their projects include the Union Street Urban Orchard (2010), and the Urban Physic Garden (2011). The latter was inspired by KRVSLWDO JDUGHQV RI WKH SDVW ,W KDV LQVSLUHG ORFDO SHRSOH WR Ă€QG out more about the curative powers of herbs. In September of this year, Wayward Plants was the brains behind the Helsinki Plant Tram project, where a “magical tram lineâ€? was populated with plants that were donated by the public, who travelled en masse on public transit to bring their shrubs and trees to the garden.











Horizons new green beginnings µBVS dS`g POaWQ Q]`S ]T O [O\¸a ZWdW\U a^W`Wb Wa VWa ^OaaW]\ T]` ORdS\bc`S BVS X]g ]T ZWTS Q][Sa T`][ ]c` S\Q]c\bS`a eWbV \Se Sf^S`WS\QSa O\R VS\QS bVS`S Wa \] U`SObS` X]g bVO\ b] VOdS O\ S\RZSaaZg QVO\UW\U V]`W h]\ T]` SOQV ROg b] VOdS O \Se O\R RWTTS`S\b ac\ ¶


Albert Speer Jr.

Intelligent architecture 0Sg]\R aWba R]e\ eWbV /ZPS`b A^SS` 8` E]`Ra CHRISTPOHER KANAL


7[^`SaaSR Pg :]\R]\¸a =Zg[^WQ >O`Y Speer is in London for the Olympics, along with two of his partners from his practice Albert Speer and Partners (AS&P). “I was in Beijing in 2008 and in Munich in 1972 for the Olympics, but I feel here that it’s the best,â€? he enthuses. The architect is impressed by the architecture of the Olympic Park. AS&P is bidding for the Qatar 2022 World Cup, and Speer is doing a bit of research in London. “Cities need ZRUOG HYHQWV WKDW KDYH D Ă€[HG GDWH Âľ KH VD\V ´,I ZH KDYH QR Ă€[HG GDWH WKH QRUPDO RUJDQL]DWLRQDO SURFHVV IDOOV DSDUW Âľ KH remarks. BVS 7\bSZZWUS\b 1Wbg Frankfurt-based AS&P’s is one of Germany’s most successful architecture and urban practices that has had considerable success outside of Europe, particularly in the Middle East DQG &KLQD ZKHUH LW KDV KDG DQ RIĂ€FH LQ 6KDQJKDL VLQFH $6 3 ZDV SUREDEO\ RQH RI WKH Ă€UVW DUFKLWHFWXUDO Ă€UPV to actively embrace green design, long before it became fashionable. Intelligent, sustainable design is an area where Speer has carved a name out for himself. AS&P completed 400 apartments called Passiv Haus, which are designed to XVH EHWZHHQ Ă€YH SHUFHQW DQG WHQ SHUFHQW RI WKH HQHUJ\ RI D normal house. “These are the questions of the future,â€? Speer asserts, who wrote a book entitled Die Intelligente Stadt (The Intelligent City). “In Germany the energy price is so high that alternative green power is a necessity, as it’s cheaper,â€? he argues.

BVS Pc`RS\ ]T O TO[WZg \O[S Speer has architecture in his blood. His great, great grandfather was an architect. His grandfather Albert Friedrich Speer had an architectural practice in Mannheim and many of his art nouveau buildings survive. His father, Albert Speer, was the chief architect for Adolph Hitler. Speer found that because of the family name and history it was GLIĂ€FXOW WR JHW ZRUN LQ (XURSH ´,W GLGQ¡W KHOS Âľ KH WHOOV PH leaning forward. He notes: “I live with it. It’s my life. I can’t change it.â€? AcQQSaa W\ bVS ;WRRZS 3Oab O\R 1VW\O The young architect looked beyond Europe and what followed was a fruitful period of architectural and masterplanning commissions in the Middle East and China. Of these, the Diplomatic Quarter in Riyadh built at the end RI WKH V ZDV D GHĂ€QLQJ SURMHFW IRU WKH SUDFWLFH 2WKHU projects included an eight-year consultancy to the Algerian government. Speer is fascinated by the cultures of Middle East. Speer’s success has come from the large number of public projects commissioned by governments from Saudi Arabia to China, ones which openly use architecture as a means to articulate their nation’s ambitions.




=cb`OUS]ca 4OQba O\R 4WUc`Sa( /\ c\OQQS^bOPZS aWbcObW]\ bVS ;c\WQW^OZWbg ]T 0SW`cb Wa aWbbW\U ]\ O T`]hS\ PcRUSb ]T O^^`]fW[ObSZg & [WZZW]\ eVWZS bVS QWbg¸a PcWZRW\Ua S\dW`]\[S\b O\R TSe ^cPZWQ UO`RS\a O`S RSbS`W]`ObW\U


What is striking when one arrives in the Lebanese capital is unquestionably the lack of greenery! There are four types of greenery in a city: the forests, which depend on Mother Nature; the parks and the sidewalk trees, which depend on the public authorities; and the various private arrangements, which depend on the goodwill of the citizens. Without a doubt, we are cursed by the gods because the four types of greenery are cruelly missing in Lebanon. )25(676 7KH\ DUH VKULQNLQJ UDSLGO\ %HWZHHQ ÀUH RIWHQ RI FULPLQDO RULJLQ WKH LOOHJDO WUDGH LQ ÀUHZRRG ZLWK WKH URPDQWLF IDG RI FHUWDLQ /HEDQHVH IRU ÀUHSODFHV WKH VDYDJH IHOOLQJ RI WUHHV E\ WKH LQKDELWDQWV RI Mount Lebanon (for their own consumption of wood, especially after the increase in the price of diesel), the intensive concreting and climate change, the forests of Lebanon today represent no more than seven percent to 13 percent of the surface areas of the country, as compared to 35 percent in 1965. Experts estimate that if nothing is done to stop WKLV GHFOLQH WKH ODQG RI WKH FHGDUV FRXOG GHÀQLWLYHO\ ORVH LWV HFRORJLFDO heritage by around 2030. It is therefore evident that Lebanon has to declare a state of emergency with regard to ecology and establish a wideranging national plan in order to save that which remains of our forests of yesteryear. This is obvious to certain people, but not yet to our elected RIÀFLDOV 2. PARKS, GARDENS, AND PUBLIC SQUARES. They are a rare commodity in Lebanese cities. We currently have nearly 393,000 square meters of green spaces in the 20 square kilometers of the megalopolis of Beirut, where 1.4 million inhabitants reside. It is not necessary to tell you that this represents a very low amount. %\ FRPSDULVRQ IRU QRWKLQJ LV PRUH WHOOLQJ WKDQ ÀJXUHV D VWRS LQ VRPH megalopolises in the world will show the extent of the disaster. First stop in Paris. In the capital of France, there are 5,550,000 square meters of green spaces in the city center, 450 in total, divided among 16 parks, JDUGHQV VTXDUHV DQG HLJKW SURPHQDGHV 7KLV ÀJXUH GRHV QRW take into consideration the kilometers of sidewalk trees, a considerable surface area, and above all the two big peripheral woods of the French capital (created by Napoleon III in around 1850), the Bois de Boulogne and the Bois de Vincennes, which by themselves total 18,410,000 square meters. In total, Paris offers 24 million square meters of greenery to the 2.2 Parisians, whereas Beirut offers only 0.4 million square meters of greenery to the Beirutis. Impressive. However, on WKH RWKHU VLGH RI WKH 5KLQH 5LYHU 3DULV FXWV D VRUU\ ÀJXUH DV FRPSDUHG to Berlin: It has 2,500 green spaces; 18 percent of the urban territory covered by woods and forests; 14 percent covered by parks, gardens, and squares; that is, an overall surface area of 64 million square meters for 3.4 million inhabitants! While the price per square meter was worth gold in the Western capitals, urbanization has never taken place to the detriment of green spaces. In the heart of Berlin, the big park of Tiergarten (developed in around 1835) offers 2,100,000 square meters of greenery that is accessible at all hours and in all seasons. This park was completely destroyed in the course of the Second World War ÀUHV GXULQJ WKH ERPEDUGPHQWV RI WKH FLW\ E\ WKH $OOLHV DQG GXULQJ WKH ÀJKWLQJ LQ IHOOLQJ RI WUHHV IRU ÀUHZRRG FOHDULQJ RI ODQG IRU planting crops, etc.) Less than four years after the end of the war, one million trees were planted to bring the park back to life from its ashes. In the heart of London, Hyde Park, which was established in around 1820, offers 2,500,000 square meters to the English. Finally, Central Park, which is located in the center of New York, has been offering 3,410,000 &"

square meters to the residents of the city since 1837, when the Big Apple was only a little fruit with a few hundred thousand inhabitants! In Lebanon, there is quite simply a lack of green spaces. Currently, there is only one park and two gardens worthy of the name in Beirut: The Bois GHV 3LQV 6DQD\HK *DUGHQ DQG WKH 6LRXĂ€ *DUGHQ 7KH ODWWHU ZKLFK covers a surface area of 20,000 square meters, even in its current state, has no reason to be jealous of the gardens in Paris and Berlin. However, certain Lebanese geniuses had nothing better to do than to envisage the construction of a parking lot in the subsoil of the plot of land. Understand by that that trees will be replaced by bushes and bushes will EH UHSODFHG E\ WKRXJKWV 3LWLDEOH 7RGD\ WKH 6LRXĂ€ *DUGHQ LV DEDQGRQHG both by the Municipality of Beirut, which has other priorities, such as the recuperation of municipal taxes from honest citizens, and alas, by the Beirutis as well, on the pretext that it is not up to standards. The other important green space in Beirut is the Sanayeh Garden, 22,000 square PHWHUV ,W KDV QR UHDVRQ WR EH MHDORXV RI 6LRXĂ€ HYHQ WRSRJUDSKLFDOO\ except that it is more frequented. However, the scandal of scandals concerns the Bois des Pins. It is the largest green space in the capital. A triangle of 300,000 square meters. To have an idea of what this represents, know that in Paris, the Tuileries Garden consists of 280,000 square meters and the Luxembourg Garden consists of 225,000 square meters. How lucky we are! Well, it so happens that the Boise des Pins is closed to the Lebanese public. To penetrate this important site, which is safeguarded by the Municipality of Beirut, one has to be more than 35 years of age and demand a special authorization, or be of French nationality. How dismaying! The Bois des Pins is what remains of the vast pine forests of the Ottoman Era. It was created in 1968, but the civil war of 1975 put a stop to its development and transformed it into a “demarcation zoneâ€? EHWZHHQ WKH EHOOLJHUHQWV ,W ZDV UDYDJHG E\ Ă€UHV DW WKH WLPH RI WKH ,VUDHOL invasion in 1982. Since 1992, it has been closed to the public. This is a brief historic overview, not very glorious, of the largest green space in the Lebanese capital. It is nothing to write home about. An agreement that was concluded between the region of Ile–de-France and the Municipality of Beirut provided for its redevelopment and its re-opening to the public in 2002, that is to say, ten years ago! The municipal elected RIĂ€FLDOV RI WKH FDSLWDO GLG QRW VHHP WR EH LQ D KXUU\ HLWKHU WR UHJLVWHU LW DV a “public space,â€? which would have made its being opened to the public REOLJDWRU\ RU WR PDNH Ă€UP FRPPLWPHQWV ZLWK UHJDUG WR LW +RZHYHU \HV let’s see, why communicate with the good citizens and honest people so long as they pay nicely their municipal taxes without protesting! Some people fear damages [to the Bois des Pins]. Yes, it is known, the Beirutis are a bunch of riffraff. Other people fear that the Bois des Pins will be the scene of confrontations among the communities that surround it: Christian (Badaro side), Sunni (Kaskas side), and Shiite (Goubeiry and Chiyah side). That’s it, yes, again the little savages of Beirut. Never mind the pretexts, the phony excuses, the negligence, and the priorities, it is KLJK WLPH WKDW WKH FRPSOHWH DQG GHĂ€QLWLYH RSHQLQJ RI WKH %RLV GHV 3LQV becomes an issue that is at stake during the next elections in Beirut. 3. THE SIDEWALK TREES. They are being systematically mutilated. In a hot country, with 300 sunny days per year, where summer temperatures are around 30 degrees Celsius, with a rate of humidity that surpasses 70 percent, almost no rainfall during half of the year, dusty, SROOXWHG FRYHUHG ZLWK FRQFUHWH XJO\ DQG GLVĂ€JXUHG WKH 0XQLFLSDOLW\ RI %HLUXW KDV IRXQG QRWKLQJ EHWWHU WR GR WKDQ WR WUDQVIRUP WKH Ă€J WUHHV RI

the capital into ridiculous decorative bowls and cubes! It’s distressing. 4. THE BALCONIES AND TERRACES. They are desperately deserted. The Lebanese dream of a terrace, not to cover it with pots and with gardens and to make it a jungle of greenery, but only to hang around in the open air! This is the miserable situation in which we currently live. It is true that all of that is depressing. A comparison with Dubai would be to our advantage, except that the emirate is not a reference in this domain. What is certain is that he who does not sow, does not reap anything! We can Ă€QG LGHDV WR UHPHG\ WKH VLWXDWLRQ (PEDUN RQ SKDUDRQLF SURMHFWV (such as the development of the Beirut River and gardens suspended on rooftops). Demand millions of dollars to realize these projects. Curse at not being heard. Spit on our politicians. Get involved in seasonal events (such as days without cars). Throw taxpayers’ money out the window. Eat falafels in the manner of Baal. Argue endlessly in a semicircle, in the municipal councils, in the newspapers, on the television, and on Facebook. And yet, it does not require much to transform our infernal city into a pleasant city. Here are some guidelines for our decisionmakers with respect to green spaces. 1. LAUNCH CAMPAIGNS FOR THE REHABILITATION OF TREES, by getting ecologists, ministries, politicians, journalists, UHOLJLRXV Ă€JXUHV DQG WHDFKHUV LQYROYHG ([SODLQ WR RXU FRPSDWULRWV and to our children that trees are not enemies, but rather the contrary, they are friends who wish us well. And more precisely, it will be cooler under the trees, temperatures will decrease in the areas that are planted with trees (even at the level of all of Beirut!), trees will prevent the road and the buildings from transforming themselves into radiators that accumulate heat at night during the summer (it has never been this hot in Beirut, and for good reason!), trees will make it possible to run the air conditioning less (therefore, less consumption of electricity), we can plant deciduous trees near buildings (to let the winter’s sunrays pass), trees will depollute the city, they will make the air in apartments more healthful, they will diminish the rate of pulmonary diseases, they will be a comfort for the eyes and a comfort for the soul, they will make it possible for people to unwind, they will be great feather dusters to remove the dust from the atmosphere (therefore, less housework!), dead leaves will not ruin cars (the sun will!), leaves and debris will serve to make compost in the fall (which could be distributed to people in the springtime to EHWWHU GHFRUDWH WKHLU EDOFRQLHV ZLWK Ă RZHUV LQVHFWV ZLOO SURYH WKDW ZH don’t live in a sterilized environment, the more trees there are the less bird excrement there will be (by the dispersion of the animals over a large zone), etc. To talk about the rehabilitation of trees in Lebanon, it is nevertheless crazy to come to that! 2. STOP MUTILATING THE EXISTING TREES, in particular the VLGHZDON Ă€J WUHHV (YHQ WKH WZR Ă€J WUHHV LQ 6DPLU .DVVLU¡V JDUGHQ GLG not escape the mutilation. By wanting to lighten them, we have made these giants of greenery into scrawny trees. At the University of SaintJoseph, it was a massacre. In front of the stadium in Jounieh, it was also a massacre. In front of the University of LouaizĂŠ, it was also a massacre. Everywhere, it is the same desolation. Is it too much to ask of our benevolent municipalities, in particular that of Beirut, to stop mutilating WKH Ă€J WUHHV DQG WR OHW WKHVH SRRU WUHHV Ă RXULVK" $ PXQLFLSDO GHFLVLRQ is enough to completely change the life of Beirutis! To cap it all, this “projectâ€? would not cost the taxpayers one Lebanese pound.

3. STAY STOP TO THE HIDEOUS TOWERS that are proliferating in Beirut, and particularly to the developers without scruples, to the worshippers of Benjamin Franklin, and to the archaic architects, who are joining their forces to spread ugliness in the city, to the detriment of green spaces. 4. PLANT, WATER, AND PROTECT. NO to small, pathetic projects where three bushes and seven thoughts battle in a duel on a roundabout! NO to pharaonic projects, such as the development of the river and the rooftops of Beirut, and to seasonal projects, such as days without cars. <(6 WR DPELWLRXV SURMHFWV <(6 WR HIĂ€FLHQF\ DW WKH OHDVW FRVW ´%LJ trees in all of the streets of Beirutâ€? is a project that meets these four constraints. Yes we can. Let us appeal to the Lebanese Army to make this project achievable in a short time. Let us mobilize the resources of the Municipality of Beirut and of the State. We will transform the river and the rooftops of Beirut, when we will have realized this ambitious project and when we will have re-developed the existing gardens and the squares, and when we will have opened the Bois des Pins permanently to the public. We have the unheard of luck of having ground water in the subsoil of Beirut and sewers that are in bad condition, which can be useful for an accelerated development of trees! Enough pine trees, symbol of dryness, and enough palm trees, symbol of aridity. Enough plum trees from Japan, enough olive trees from the Mediterranean, and enough ailanthus trees from Mount Lebanon. All of these trees are stingy with shade! I dream of poplar trees from Italy, sycamores from Provence and the Orient, linden trees from Ile-de-France, cedars from /HEDQRQ VHTXRLDV IURP &DOLIRUQLD Ă€J WUHHV IURP %HLUXW HXFDO\SWXV trees from Australia, oak trees from Mount Lebanon, and walnut trees from yesteryear. And yes, I dream, of big trees for Lebanon in general, and for Beirut in particular, with majestic appearances and with generous shade! ,Q FRQFOXVLRQ LQ RUGHU WR LQFUHDVH VLJQLĂ€FDQWO\ DQG HDVLO\ WKH VXUIDFH area of green spaces in Beirut, there are two ways that cost little: stop pruning severely the existing sidewalk trees and replant with trees all the streets of the capital. Letting the sidewalk trees grow taller will not cost anything and it will change completely the life of the inhabitants! Disseminating in all of Beirut 15,000 poplar trees from Italy will cost less than a short-lived day without cars ($150,000 for the day RI 6HSWHPEHU LQ $VKUDĂ€HK DQG LW LV RI JUHDWHU XWLOLW\ IRU WKH SHRSOH ,W LV QHFHVVDU\ WR PDNH RXU HOHFWHG RIĂ€FLDOV ZKHWKHU WKH\ are deputies or municipal councilors, and those who plan to become HOHFWHG RIĂ€FLDOV XVHG WR EHLQJ DFFRXQWDEOH DQG EHFRPLQJ LQYROYHG ZLWK the citizens of this city. The next dates for elections are 2013 for the legislative elections and 2016 for the municipal elections. They still have time to act concretely and to attain these two objectives or include WKHVH HOHPHQWV LQ WKHLU FDPSDLJQ SODWIRUPV )DLOLQJ WKDW D Ă€VKLQJ URG LV an excellent parting gift for an early retirement‌and the Mediterranean abounds in sardines!


in the know >Zca =\S 0S`ZW\ Wa O `ORWQOZ O^^`]OQV b] b`OdSZ bVOb Q][PW\Sa W\aWRS` Y\]eZSRUS eWbV O `SOZ aS\aS ]T ORdS\bc`S E]`Ra CHRISTPOHER KANAL

2Q DUULYLQJ LQ D IRUHLJQ FLW\ IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH LW PLJKW FURVV \RXU mind as you exit the airport that it would be great to have an inthe-know local to show you around. Next time you arrive in Berlin you can do just that. Your own personal advisor will show you the hidden places that are never found in a guide book. Berlin’s Plus One is the brainchild of Clare Freeman, former PR manager for the Design Hotels Group. Her concept is a unique approach to tourism that blends local knowledge, great design, and an exciting feeling of exploration. AbOg W\ O b`S\Rg \SWUVP]`V]]R Upon their arrival, guests stay in a renovated loft apartment in Berlin’s trendy KreuzkÜlln neighborhood. The area is known for its proximity to all the stuff hip tourists crave: funky cafes, hidden bars, popular restaurants, art galleries, and other cool spots. The apartment sleeps up to three guests and has a balcony, a kitchenette, and a multi-functional living area. It was designed by Berlin-based architects Paola Bagna and John Paul Coss of &RVV$ 7KH DFFRPPRGDWLRQ LV SULFHG DW D À[HG UDWH


7\aWRS` ORdWa]`a QO\ aV]e g]c O`]c\R When guests book a stay at Plus One Berlin, they are introduced to affable Berliners ranging from DJs to boutique shop owners, and they have the ability to schedule a time to hang out in the city. Freeman has a network of 28 insider advisors. Once you’ve ERRNHG \RXU VWD\ \RX FDQ DFFHVV HDFK DGYLVRU¡V SURĂ€OH DQG decide whether you’d like to meet him to obtain 30 minutes of LQVLGHU WLSV RU ERRN KLP DV \RXU ´SOXV RQHÂľ IRU WKUHH WR Ă€YH KRXUV The local might take the guest to a private party or a hip event that wouldn’t be on the radar otherwise. Less adventurous travellers can decline the invitation to hang out and instead receive a list of cool things that are put together by the locals themselves. Plus One Berlin was launched in March of 2012 but already Freeman plans on expanding the Plus One brand throughout Europe. More Berlin apartments are set to follow. eee ^Zca]\SPS`ZW\ Q][


the true taste of Berlin E]`Ra CHERINE YAZBECK

The typical German diet is about hearty dishes coupled with potatoes or cabbage. In Berlin, it is easy to sample some of the best German food. “Eisbeinâ€? or “ice legâ€? is the Berliner take on cured knuckle of pork. It›s a heavily marbled piece of pork knuckle covered with a crispy layer of fat. Berliner Potato Soup is made of a smooth cream of potatoes mixed with carrots, herbs, and parsley. Boulette is a traditional Berliner fried ground beef meatball served with mustard, pickled eggs, and gherkins. Turkish immigrants came up with the idea of doner kebab in the early 1970s. Nowadays, it’s a staple food in Germany. It is a mixture of lamb, beef, or chicken strips, various vegetables and sauce served in a pita bread. The everyday fast-food Berliner treat is the curry wurst, a must-eat in this city. The sausage with or without its skin is roasted and dipped with mayonnaise sprinkled with curry powder. 033@ 5/@23<A ,Q VXPPHU EHHU JDUGHQV Ă RXULVK ,Q WKH 6FKOHXVHQNUXJ 0 OOHU Breslau-StraĂ&#x;e) in Tiergarten Park, nestled on the lock of the canal alongside the famous Berlin Zoo, one can admire boats go by while enjoying a frosty draft beer. Prater Biergarten (Kastanienallee 9), established in 1837, offers scrumptious wiener schnitzel and kĂśnigsberger klopse (veal dumplings in white sauce with capers). 6=;3 1==97<5 The most popular place for a creative cuisine based on bio-produce and food for the people is Volckswirtschaft (Krossener StraĂ&#x;e 17). It is a laid-back homemade food restaurant with authentic ingredients prepared on the premises, such as spätzles (noodles made with egg yolk). 1:/AA71 >:/13A Max und Moritz (Oranienstrasse, 162) is the most affordable eatery in which to try the original Berlin dishes and the perfect &&

goulash served with a cabbage salad, herb cream cheese, and fresh soft brown bread. Gendarmerie (Behrenstrasse, 42) offers a luxurious, old-style setting for a traditional meal. 6/;0C@53@ 8=7<BA Below the U-Bahn Schlesisches Tor, BurgerMeister serves veggie EXUJHUV DQG DOO VRUWV RI RULJLQDO MXLF\ EXUJHUV + KQHUKDXV LQ GĂśrlitzer Park has some of the best grilled chicken in the city. Its direct competitor is Henne Alt Berliner Wirtshaus. 1/43A CafĂŠ Einstein used to host the CIA in the building while the Stasi were in the opposite building. CafĂŠ Kranzler (Kurfurstendamm, 18) is one of the oldest places to go for a coffee in Berlin. Certainly the most vibrant cafĂŠ by the river, A.Horn (Carl-Herz Ufer, 9) boasts rich and hearty dishes together with homemade fresh pastries. 0/93@73A Berlin is renowned for its bakeries and pastry shops. Alpenstueck displays an amazing range of homemade pastries. Albrechts Patisserie (RykestraĂ&#x;e 39) combines German traditions and )UHQFK Ă€QHVVH 7KH VFKRNRGRP D Ă XII\ VSRQJH FDNH DQG D GXR of chocolate mousse is a treat. Opernpalais (Unter den Linden 5) offers a selection of over 40 cakes. In Friedrichshain, an off district of Berlin, Alles Gut (Simon-Dach-StraĂ&#x;e 3) caters to locals with good taste. For pretzel addicts, Brezel Bar (Friesenstrasse, 2) specializes in all kinds of pretzel shapes.

Seasickness of a different kind /[S`WQO\a O`S USbbW\U aWQY []`S ]TbS\ T`][ W[^]`bSR aSOT]]R W\ `SQS\b gSO`a OQQ]`RW\U b] O `S^]`b ^cPZWaVSR Pg BVS 1S\bS`a T]` 2WaSOaS 1]\b`]Z O\R >`SdS\bW]\ BVS []ab Q][[]\ ag[^b][a O`S ab][OQV OWZ[S\ba QOcaSR Pg \]`]dW`ca O\R aOZ[]\SZZO T`][ TO`[SR ÂżaV W[^]`bSR T`][ /aWO E]`Ra ALICE HLIDKOVA

DSbS`W\O`g R`cU `SaWRcSa Dr. David Love heads the Public Health and Sustainable Aquaculture Project at the John Hopkins Center for a Livable Future. Love has studied aquaculture systems and related topics for the past eight years. His growing concerns about animal HVFDSHV DQG WKH VSUHDG RI GLVHDVHV IURP Ă€VK IDUPV KDV SURPSWHG him to conduct a study on imported seafood. His team found a ZLGH UDQJH RI YHWHULQDU\ GUXJ UHVLGXH LQ VKULPS SUDZQV FDWĂ€VK eel, and crabs, from Vietnam, China, Thailand, and Indonesia. 0O\\W\U W[^]`ba T`][ DWSb\O[ &HUWDLQ VWDWHV KDYH EHJXQ EDQQLQJ Ă€VK LPSRUWV IURP 9LHWQDP DV a result. In 2005, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana—states ZLWK D WKULYLQJ FUDZĂ€VK DQG VKULPS LQGXVWU\ÂłEDQQHG EDVD FDWĂ€VK DIWHU RIĂ€FLDOV GHWHFWHG DQWLELRWLFV WKDW DUH JLYHQ WR SUHYHQW GLVHDVH LQ WKH Ă€VK 7KH EDVD VDPSOHV WKDW OHG WR WKH VWDWH EDQV FRQWDLQHG FLSURĂ R[DFLQ DQG HQURĂ R[DFLQ 7KHVH DQWLELRWLFV WUDQVIHU resistant microorganisms to humans and cause Campylobacter, an infectious disease. :OPSZW\U ZOea O`S \]b S\]cUV The Government passed a labeling law the same year to inform and protect consumers. Country of Origin Labeling indicates the country of origin of the product and whether it is farm-raised or wild-caught. Love explained that package labeling and validation by third-party groups are not enough for consumer-informed choices at the grocery store. He said, “Consumers can make EHWWHU FKRLFHV DQG VHHN RXW VHDIRRG IURP VXVWDLQDEOH Ă€VKHULHV RU seafood that is raised using responsible methods.â€? '

As the national production reached over 700 million pounds valued at $1.3 billion, in 2010, the Obama Administration began reforming its food safety laws. A year later, Obama passed the Food Safety Modernization Act. Love, skeptical and supportive, argued that the Act “has the potential to increase inspections of imported seafood and send more inspectors overseas, but we have yet to see how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will implement this law.â€? BVS `]ZS ]T bVS 42/ The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for seafood product safety. The federal agency works directly with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to set standards for acceptable OHYHOV RI FRQWDPLQDQWV LQ UHFUHDWLRQDO Ă€VK DQG PDQDJH ULVN LQ FRPPHUFLDO Ă€VKHU\ SURGXFWV ,W ZRUNV ZLWK WZR RWKHU DJHQFLHV WR inspect seafood on a voluntary basis, conduct food-borne illness investigations, and recommend prevention and treatment to the medical community. Love argued for increased inspection and oversight on both farms and at ports to minimize environmental impacts such as harvesting ZLOG Ă€VK IRU IDUPHG Ă€VK IHHG 5HJXODWRUV UHYLHZLQJ WKHVH WHVWV PXVW ensure that producers comply with both national and international standards and best practices in order to promote environmental, social, and economic measures. With properly enforced regulations, the Government can minimize environmental and health risks threatening its communities and prompt other nations to take similar courses of action.





Fracking Our Way to Destruction E]`Ra AMAL CHAABAN 7ZZcab`ObW]\ CLAUDE EL KHAL

One would think that with all of the environmental damage being done to the planet by oil extraction and the possibility of starvation if biofuels are used, that our governments would be pouring money into research and development of clean alternative energy. This has not happened as they have decided that regardless of the damage that fracking may cause, this is the new route to energy extraction.

within a 24 hour period after hydraulic fracturing operations had ceased. There have been previous cases where seismologists have suggested a link between hydraulic fracturing and earthquakes, but GDWD ZDV OLPLWHG VR GUDZLQJ D GHĂ€QLWLYH FRQFOXVLRQ ZDV QRW SRVVLEOH for these cases.â€? Then in April and May of 2012, two seismic events near Blackpool, England further contributed to suspicions that fracking and an increase in earthquakes were linked. In the case of +\GUDXOLF IUDFWXULQJ IUDFNLQJ LV GHĂ€QHG DV ´D SURFHVV LQ ZKLFK WKRVH WZR HYHQWV VSHFLĂ€FDOO\ WKH FRPSDQ\ UHVSRQVLEOH &DXGULOOD fractures in rocks below the earth’s surface are opened and widened Resources) admitted that their fracking operations were responsible. by injecting chemicals and liquids at high pressure: used especially The greater concern about fracking is not earthquakes as alarming to extract natural gas or oil.â€? It all sounds so benign, so safe (or as as they are, it is groundwater contamination. In order for fracking VDIH DV WKHVH WKLQJV FDQ EH EXW WKH GHĂ€QLWLRQ QHJOHFWV WR LQFOXGH to work, chemicals mixed with freshwater have to be injected. This the millions of litres of fresh water needed for the process. It also cocktail of chemicals is not publicly named and the wastewater doesn’t mention the contamination of soil, subsoil and ground that is left over after the process is injected into wastewater wells water that can occur from the chemicals used in the process. That’s underground. These wells have leaked and leached onto farmland QRW DOO WKH GHĂ€QLWLRQ DOVR GRHVQ¡W DFFRXQW IRU WKH SRVVLELOLW\ WKDW several times contaminating both the soil and the drinking water wells. fracking is causing earthquakes in zones that would normally not see very much seismic activity. The irony is that the use of Natural Gas extracted by fracking has reduced emissions of CO2 in the United States at an unprecedented Alarmed by a rise in earthquakes in the Midwestern United rate. Natural gas emits 45 percent less carbon for each unit of States, the United States Geological Survey set out to investigate energy. Fracking has made the cost of natural gas decrease greatly the activity. While they found that the earthquakes were not a and its use is on the rise hence the drop in CO2 emissions. GLUHFW UHVXOW RI WKH DFWXDO IUDFNLQJ LWVHOI WKH\ GLG Ă€QG WKDW VRPH of the processes involved in fracking could be contributing to the The Oil and Gas industry can tout fracking as the new big thing rise in incidences. The report states: “Our analysis showed that in clean energy all they want. The reality is far from the public shortly after hydraulic fracturing began small earthquakes started relations campaigns. RFFXUULQJ DQG PRUH WKDQ ZHUH LGHQWLĂ€HG RI ZKLFK ZHUH large enough to be located. Most of these earthquakes occurred '



Journey to the asteroids =\S Q][^O\g¸a ^ZO\a b] [W\S `Sa]c`QSa T`][ ]cbS` a^OQS

7[OUW\S bVOb O Q][^O\g eWbV S\]cUV Tc\RW\U O\R P`OW\ ^]eS` aS\Ra O`[WSa ]T a^OQSQ`OTb b] ]PaS`dS bV]caO\Ra ]T OabS`]WRa O\R bVS\ [W\S bVS[ >ZO\SbO`g @Sa]c`QSa 7\Q c\dSWZSR Wba ^ZO\a W\ /^`WZ b] [W\S \SO` SO`bV OabS`]WRa <3/a T]` `Oe [ObS`WOZa `O\UW\U T`][ eObS` b] ^`SQW]ca [SbOZa BVS `Sa]c`QS `WQV OabS`]WRa eWZZ a]]\ PS OQQSaaWPZS Pg Q]ab STTSQbWdS Sf^Z]`ObW]\ bSQV\]Z]UWSa RSdSZ]^SR Pg bVS Q][^O\g E]`Ra ALICE HLIDKOVA


0`W\UW\U bVS a]ZO` agabS[ W\b] Vc[O\Wbg¸a a^VS`S ]T W\Ă€cS\QS Two years ago, Planetary Resources became the brainchild of Peter H. Diamandis, engineer, physician, and entrepreneur, educated at M.I.T and Harvard Medical School. The Greek-American formed a company to establish a “new paradigm for resource discovery and utilization that will bring the solar system into humanity’s sphere RI LQĂ XHQFH Âľ +H SDUWQHUHG ZLWK (ULF & $QGHUVRQ DHURVSDFH engineer, educated at University of Virginia, to develop robotic space missions. Anderson, who is fond of space adventures such DV VXERUELWDO VSDFHĂ LJKWV DQG Ă LJKWV WR FLUFXPQDYLJDWH WKH PRRQ assembled a team of like-minded visionaries, industry pioneers, and rocket scientists to work on technical principles. They launched space telescopes in orbit to seek out asteroids and developed the Ă€UVW OLQH LQ LWV IDPLO\ RI GHHS VSDFH SURVSHFWLQJ VSDFHFUDIW WKH Arkyd-100 Series.

Each 500-meter platinum-rich asteroid contains the equivalent of all the platinum group metals that have been mind throughout history. Diamandis said: “Many of the scarce metals and minerals RQ (DUWK DUH LQ QHDU LQĂ€QLWH TXDQWLWLHV LQ VSDFH $V DFFHVV WR these materials increases, not only will the cost of everything from microelectronics to energy storage be reduced, but new applications for these abundant elements will result in important and novel applications.â€? “In addition, water-rich-asteroids can provide space-sourced fuel and water to orbiting depots,â€? added Anderson. “Accessing a water-rich asteroid will greatly enable the large-scale exploration of the solar system, and make space travel more economical, he pointed out.

3f^O\RW\U [O\YW\R¸a `Sa]c`QS POaS The start-up secured funding from a cadre of leaders committed to expanding the world’s resource base. Google founder Eric E. Schmidt said: “The pursuit of resources drove the discovery of 3f^Z]`W\U \SO` SO`bV OabS`]WRa America and opened the West. The same drivers still hold true At a cost of $1 million, each spacecraft brings commercial innovation for opening the space frontier. Expanding the resource base for to space exploration by studying and visiting near-earth asteroids in mankind is important for our future.â€? He and co-founder Larry rapid succession. Chris Lewicki, president and chief engineer, said Page have invested millions in the project. “Our mission is not only to expand the world’s resource base, but Planetary Resources is a stepping stone for a revolutionary we want to increase people’s access to, and understanding of, our movement in space exploration. With the spacecraft up and running SODQHW DQG VRODU V\VWHP E\ GHYHORSLQJ FDSDEOH DQG FRVW HIĂ€FLHQW LQ WKH QH[W Ă€YH \HDUV WRXULVP DQG UHFUHDWLRQ ZLOO GHYHORS WKH RII V\VWHPV Âľ ,QFUHDVLQJ VFLHQWLĂ€F NQRZOHGJH RI DVWHURLGV ZLOO PDNH SODQHW HFRQRP\ DV VFLHQWLĂ€F NQRZOHGJH HQKDQFHV PDQ¡V SURVSHULW\ possible economic development worth billions of dollars. Finding sources of scarce minerals





At one with the universe 8WdO`] 7\RWO\a W\VOPWb bVS /[Oh]\ @OW\T]`Sab W\ OZZWO\QS eWbV \Obc`S



Three years spent in the Amazon have allowed Jean-Patrick Costa to explore another way of perceiving life. For Jivaro Indians (Shuar, Achuar, and Shiwiar), it is our ideas, rather than our senses, that constitute the world. We live within the environment rather than surviving against it. We perceive a universe in which everything is connected. We trust in our dreams. We feel “the here and now.â€? We believe before seeing. The Jivaro Indians have a multitude of outlooks WKDW H[SUHVV DQ RVPRVLV ZLWK WKH XQLYHUVH ZKLFK UHĂ HFWV the instinctive approach that was adopted by the whole of humankind for millenaries. ;O\ Oa <Obc`S dS`aca ;O\ Oa 5]R As the last remaining primordial traditions of the “wild worldâ€? are threatened with extinction, engulfed by a selfVDWLVĂ€HG QHZ ZD\ RI OLIH WKH ZRUOG LV EHFRPLQJ RYHUZKHOPHG by a single version of reality. Costa compares two schools of thought: one is Amerindian and the creator of human worlds, and the other is Western and the transformer of a universe external to men. One is allied with Nature and all WKDW LV VDFUHG ZKHUHDV WKH RWKHU LV LQ FRQĂ LFW ZLWK WKHVH YHU\ same things. It is probably at the meeting point of this surprising confrontation between Indian-ness and modern life, between Man as Nature and Man as God, that the stakes of this new millennium lie.


6HYHQW\ PLOOLRQ \HDUV DIWHU WKH\ ÀUVW appeared on this planet, crocodiles remain some of the world›s most successful freshwater predators. Hardly changed since the age of the GLQRVDXUV WKH\ DWWDFN LQ D à DVK bringing down large prey – such as unwary wildebeest and zebras. Yet there is another side to crocodiles, one rarely talked about or even imagined. They are gentle, devoted, and nurturing mothers, and their babies are little miracles that communicate with their moms even while they are still in their eggs. Arutam (C)



The Jivaro women’s job is to farm the land, planting corn, manioc, chili peppers, squash, bean, and other crops. They also gather wild fruits and small animals (frogs, lizards, worms, and ant larvae). Women also take care of the house, cook, care for the children, and make clothes for all of the family, from the simple tunics that WKH\ ZHDU WR WKH PHQ¿V RXWÀW -LYDUR women wear few adornments. Arutam (C)

Throughout the Amazon Basin (including the interiors of Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil), chicha is made most often with cassava (yuca) root, sometimes with plantain. Traditionally, chicha is prepared from cassava root by women, using a very simple method. Pieces of washed, peeled root are thoroughly chewed in the mouth, and the resulting juice is spat into a bowl. Arutam (C)

The Jivaro hunt using bows, arrows, and spears made of wood and bamboo, ZLWK WLSV KDUGHQHG E\ ÀUH The Jivaro hunt peccaries, toucans, curassows (turkey-like birds), and iguanas. Birds are hunted using long bamboo blowpipes and poisoned darts, up to 30 centimeters long. The dart can hit birds that are 40 t0 50 meters away. Arutam (C)

Ayahuasca is any of various psychoactive infusions or decoctions prepared from the Banisteriopsis spp. vine, usually mixed with the leaves of dimethyltryptamine, containing species of shrubs from the genus Psychotria. How indigenous peoples discovered the synergistic properties of the plants used in the ayahuasca brew remains unclear. While many indigenous Amazonian people say that they received the instructions directly from plants and plant spirits, researchers have devised a number of alternative theories to explain the discovery. Arutam (C)


Floored by success ;WQVOSZ 4S`Uca]\ bOYSa bVS e]]R T`][ c\RS` ]c` TSSb O\R bc`\a Wb W\b] a][SbVW\U a^SQbOQcZO` E]`Ra CHERINE YAZBECK >V]b]a CHERINE YAZBECK

London-born Michael Ferguson is a creative wood designer based in the hip neighborhood of Prenzlauer Berg in Berlin. He lived for WHQ \HDUV LQ $XVWUDOLD ZKHUH KH Ă€UVW OHDUQHG WR UHF\FOH Ă RRUERDUGV and transform them into shiny, new pieces of furniture. His one-off designs soon turned out to be a successful concept, which gave a new life to an old and forgotten material. 0S`ZW\ Wa bVS ^ZOQS b] PS Michael is a globetrotter in search of passionate work that makes him feel happy everyday. That’s why he moved to Australia when he was 23. He says: “I worked with a carpenter who taught me what I needed to learn. A year and a half later, I decided to open my own business.â€? After he returned to Europe, he chose Berlin as his city, since “it’s always an adventure to be here. People are free, they have few frustrations and unlike Sydney or London, you can hardly see a policeman on the street,â€? he explains. +H VWDUWHG JDWKHULQJ Ă RRUERDUGV IURP WKH VWUHHWV DQG ROG EXLOGLQJV that were being renovated. He would store these pieces and transform them into stunning pieces of furniture. Ferguson says: “Success, or should I say recognition, started when Tim Mälzer, a celebrity chef, the German Jamie Oliver, ordered 18 tables and 40 chairs. Customers and future clients started asking who was behind these tables, and here we are.â€?


4`][ UO`POUS Rc[^ b] Tc`\Wbc`S The spirit of the workshop is to open up minds to the real recycling world that is directly connected to the garbage dump in Berlin. Nothing is thrown away. Garbage can be reintroduced as part of one’s interior design, an environmentally friendly, strong statement. Ferguson says: “Floorboards have a story; they are not MXVW DQ\ SLHFH RI ZRRG 7KH\ UHĂ HFW WKH SDVW RI WKH FLW\ DV D OLYLQJ testimony of what Berlin was and still is. It is part of the culture of the capital, an ideology in many ways, to work on what the city offers and provide jobs to the workforce that is living in the city. It has a SDUWLFXODU UHVRQDQFH LQ %HUOLQ WR ZRUN RQ WK FHQWXU\ Ă RRUERDUGV , FRQVLGHU P\ DUW DV QHFHVVDU\ WR JLYH D QHZ OLIH WR Ă RRUERDUGV WKDW would otherwise be thrown away. It’s both an ecological statement DQG DQ KLVWRULFDO FRQQHFWLRQ WR ZKDW WKH FRXQWU\ DQG VSHFLĂ€FDOO\ WKH city, has been experiencing throughout the last centuries.â€? In the same spirit, the self-made carpenter stresses the German word “Geschichte,â€? which means both story and history, as if little stories of wooden panels would depict the big picture of the history of the city. His art presents a romantic view of the transformation of the city through its different stages and primarily since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Since then, the city has been attracting developers and it is losing its own peculiar feel.


Game over but long live the green BVS :]\R]\ =Zg[^WQa aWbS Wa SQ] T`WS\RZg O\R acabOW\OPZS E]`Ra ALIA FAWAZ

,W PD\ EH KDUG WR EHOLHYH WKDW WKH YHU\ VLWH ZKHUH WKH PDJQLĂ€FHQW more than 4,000 trees and 130,000 plants and bulbs. Olympic Park sits today was not long ago a rather dilapidated and - The bicycle track was created using sustainably sourced Siberian neglected area of London that was visited by very few people. pine. - Rubble and stone from all the demolished buildings were crushed Thanks to the London 2012 Olympics that has all changed and used to construct most of the park’s bridges. dramatically. The 2.5 square kilometers of land in East London was - The River Lea and its canals, which were badly polluted, were rapidly transformed into a vast green space. The construction of cleaned and widened in time for the games and wildlife is expected the site it took environmental concerns into account, making it truly WR UHWXUQ 7KLV KDV SRVLWLYHO\ DIIHFWHG WKH ZDWHU¡V Ă RRG PLJUDWLRQ WKH Ă€UVW VXVWDLQDEOH 2O\PSLF YHQXH which will help the homes and other buildings in the area during a potential natural disaster. What the developers had in mind was not just building a site for the - Recycled materials were used wherever possible to cut down on sake of the two-week event, but also what it would be like 20 to 30 carbon emissions and energy. \HDUV GRZQ WKH URDG DQG KRZ LW ZRXOG EHQHĂ€W WKH ORFDO FRPPXQLW\ Every little detail took environmental concerns into account, visitors and the environment at large. Thinking long-term and SURPSWLQJ WKH RUJDQL]HUV WR ELOO LW DV WKH Ă€UVW VXVWDLQDEOH sustainability were clearly the key objectives for the 500-acre Olympics. Olympic Park. / Tcbc`S c`PO\ ^O`Y 3Q] T`WS\RZg Q]\ab`cQbW]\ There are many plans underway to convert the Olympic Park into a The following green and eco-friendly steps were painstakingly SODFH WKDW ZLOO EHQHĂ€W WKH FRPPXQLW\ DQG WKH FRXQWU\¡V HFRQRP\ taken to ensure that waste was kept to a minimum and that the Many future international and local sporting events are scheduled to environment was protected: take place here. However, the greenest initiative is perhaps that the - The main arena is the lightest Olympic stadium that was ever green area will be transformed into one of the largest urban parks built (4,500 tons), using one-tenth of the steel that was required that has been established Europe in more than 150 years. It will be for Beijing’s arena. The steel tubing was also taken from old gas designed to enrich the local ecology by restoring wetland habitats pipelines. and planting native species. 0DQ\ RI WKH VSHFLĂ€F DUHQDV FUHDWHG IRU WKH 2O\PSLFV RQFH WRUQ down after the games, will have the materials reused for other The London games will without a doubt leave a legacy as the most construction. HQHUJ\ HIĂ€FLHQW 2O\PSLFV WR GDWH DQG VHUYH DV D PRGHO IRU IXWXUH - In addition to over 300,000 wetland plants, organizers planted cities that will host the games in the future. $ 216



One day, one color NYC's annual green extravaganza C\W]\ A_cO`S W\ ;O\VObbO\ P`SSRa ^]ZWbWQOZ QcZbc`OZ O\R S\dW`]\[S\bOZ SdS\ba bVOb ]TbS\ a^WZZ ]dS` W\b] \SWUVP]`V]]Ra O`]c\R bVS a_cO`S 4]` bVS ^Oab aWf gSO`a W\ [WR =Qb]PS` bVS ^cPZWQ O\R VWab]`WQ W\bS`aSQbW]\ VOa V]abSR `]ea ]T eVWbS bS\ba eWbV U`SS\ Ă€OUa T]` bVS QWbg¸a ZO`USab O\\cOZ U`SS\ SdS\b Âľ<Se 5`SS\ 1Wbg Âś E]`Ra ALICE HLIDKOVA 1`SRWba RANDALL'S ISLAND PARK 2012

:]e W[^OQb ZWTSabgZS %RUQ RXW RI WKH VSLULW RI WKH Ă€UVW (DUWK 'D\ WKH IXOO GD\ HYHQW RI DFWLRQ and dialogue aims to improve the city’s environment by educating its FLWL]HQV DERXW WKH EHQHĂ€WV RI WKH ORZ LPSDFW OLIHVW\OH %HQHDWK HDFK tent, students and professors, environmentalists and entrepreneurs, campaign for recycling, alternative energy, community gardens, and farmers markets such as the Union Square Greenmarket, offering FKHIV DQG UHJXODU IRONV Ă€UVW FODVV IDUP IUHVK SURGXFH JURZQ ORFDOO\ /\ ÂľSUUÂś bVOb `SORa OW` _cOZWbg A young designer holds a white egg in his palms and asks, “Have you ever wondered what the quality of air is outside of your window?â€? The crowd is silent. “Well, this egg can tell you,â€? he replies. The small electronic sensing system is plugged into the wall and placed outside to read NO2, CO, temperature and humidity data. The RF transmitter then sends data wirelessly to the egg-shaped base station inside. “This is a good tool for understanding pollution,â€? he announces. The egg has raised over $140,000 in funding on Kickstarter, and continues to spark development conversations and philosophical arguments in Google Groups. A student from the Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment at Pratt University demonstrates student group projects on sustainable roofs. The focus then shifts to an urban planner slicing luffa known as Chinese Okra, which is grown as part of educational activities on Randall’s Island. &

BVS PS\SÂżba ]T U`SS\ a^OQS Timon McPhearson from the New School of Public Engagement VSHDNV DERXW WKH EHQHĂ€WV RI JUHHQ VSDFH ´3DUNV DQG RWKHU JUHHQ spaces cool the city and thereby offset the urban heat island effect, and also absorb storm water, which is important because otherwise the city would have even more storm water combined with sewage running into the rivers and streams (currently about 27 billion gallons annually),â€? he says. He points out the additional cooling EHQHĂ€WV RI ZHHGHG YDFDQW ORWV $ IUDLO DFWLYLVW KDQGV RXW Ă \HUV WR SHWLWLRQ IRU SURSRVHG JDV SLSHOLQH facilities on a 40-square mile recreation site, spanning three boroughs and parts of New Jersey. “I am looking for an environmental lawyer,â€? he announces to a puzzled crowd. A journalist takes down his information and walks over to a tent hosted by a Brooklyn-based environmental organization advocating for the restoration and green development of the 1.8 mile long Gowanus Canal, including a 40-foot wide pedestrian and grassy pathway along its banks. By engaging people in citywide environmental initiatives, and especially through volunteer activities, residents have become extremely passionate about green public spaces. As the city welcomes one million additional residents in the next twenty years, advocacy for the greater good of the community will continue to dominate upcoming green debates.


No man is an island 7Q]\WQ 8O^O\SaS O`QVWbSQb BORO] /\R] Q]\\SQba [O\ eWbV VWa S\dW`]\[S\b E]`Ra CHRISTPOHER KANAL

Portrait of Tadao Ando

´%R[LQJ LV D ORQHO\ Ă€JKW DJDLQVW RQHVHOI Âľ VD\V 7DGDR $QGR 3ULW]NHU 3UL]H ZLQQLQJ DUFKLWHFW and one-time boxer. He adds: “The same goes for architecture. What I learned from boxing is WKDW , KDYH WR Ă€JKW P\ RZQ Ă€JKW ZLWKRXW DQ\RQH¡V KHOS ¡¾ /\ S[^VOaWa ]\ a^OQS Renowned for the sublime simplicity of his work, Ando’s style has a ÂŤhaikuÂť effect that emphasizes space. Ando’s designs are equally renowned for their complex and ordered use of space that translates into the appearance of simplicity. His work, such as the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art in Kobe (1998) has complex three-dimensional circulation paths. Born in Osaka and self-taught, Ando’s work is characterized materially by its use of concrete. His best known recent works include the Modern Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas (2002) and the Church of Light (1989). Ando is working on the design of the Abu Dhabi Maritime Museum as part of the emirate’s ambitious Saadiyat Island project. 3\UOUW\U W\RWdWRcOZa eWbV bVS S\dW`]\[S\b While not a religious architect, Ando’s work seeks to engage individuals with the spirit of our environment through architecture, which is a focal point for our perceptions of the world around us. His sublime Church of Light is Ando at his best and showcases his extraordinary use of natural light on a design that sits beautifully and undisturbed amongst the natural landscape around it. “I am personally an atheist and consider each religion’s style simply as a design condition for projects,â€? he explains to me. “The important thing is that the religious buildings, including the churches and temples, where people gather together and are united in the same object, are vital for the local community, he says. 7KH VHYHQW\ RQH \HDU ROG $QGR LV D Ă€UP EHOLHYHU WKDW DUFKLWHFWXUH QHHGV WR HYROYH LQWR EHLQJ more environmentally responsible for future generations. His practice Tadao Ando Architect & Associates has been heavily involved in creating more environmentally friendly architecture. “Today the environment is the main topic and the control over humanity’s production activities is a critical theme not only for architecture but for the whole world,â€? Ando explains. Ag\QV`]\g PSbeSS\ [O\ O\R bVS S\dW`]\[S\b Ando does not consider architecture as a self-contained structure.For him, architecture exists in a direct relationship to its surrounding landscape. The Japanese have always culturally and historically lived in close contact with nature and have a strong sense of responsibility towards the surrounding environment. Ando tells me about his activities to protect the global environment. His “Umi no Moriâ€? or the “Forest on the Seaâ€? project aims to bring more trees to Tokyo. In 2009, Ando called on individuals to donate ÂĽ1,000 to help buy the 500,000 saplings needed to turn an 88-hectare island of garbage piled up in Tokyo Bay into “Umi no Mori.â€? “Designing architecture is very similar to designing environments,Âť he says. “I aim to convey from Japan to the world a message about the importance of man’s synchrony with the natural environment,â€? he remarks.



Design Sight

Design Sight

Tokyo-Yoyoko Line, Shibuya Station


The world of Zaha Hadid E]`Ra CHRISTPOHER KANAL


Zaha Hadid, the Pritzker Prize-winning architect, was at the Architecture Association in London in early November to discuss her latest work. The Iraqi-born architect studied there 40 years ago, and many of her 250-plus employees at Zaha Hadid Architects are graduates. “The kids are having fun,â€? 62-year-old Hadid says, smiling warmly. Although she is the head of an extremely busy practice, Hadid has remained active in academia as well as in interior and furniture design. @SUOZ O\R gSb Vc[PZS Hadid has become an icon of architecture, and in person she has an almost regal presence. However, despite her fame and the fact that she is perhaps the world’s most recognizable architect, Hadid retains a humility and a sense of humor when discussing her career. She UHYHDOV WKDW LQ WKH HDUO\ GD\V RI KHU SUDFWLFH VKH UHJXODUO\ VOHSW LQ KHU RIĂ€FH :KHQ VKH ZDV young, she wanted to be a hair stylist. She says: “I have always had an obsession with hairdos. I used to cut children’s hair as a kid. I thought that I had the magic touch.â€? BVS ;/FF7 W\ @][S Hadid, who visited Buckingham Palace the next day to be named a Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by the Queen, has reached something of a zenith in her career. In 2010 she won the Stirling Prize for the MAXXI National Museum of the 21st Century Arts in Rome. “The MAXXI presented graphic space where lines guide you into a VSDFH DQG FKDQJHV WKH LGHD RI SUHVHQWLQJ DUW Âľ VKH H[SODLQV ´7KH LGHD RI Ă XLGLW\ DQG OLTXLG LQ VSDFH LV NH\ Âľ VKH DGGV ,QGHHG WKH 0$;;, IROORZV D SDWK WKDW +DGLG Ă€UVW ODLG RXW LQ KHU Ă€UVW museum project, the 85,000 square feet Contemporary Arts Centre in Cincinnati. BV`SS PWU ^`]XSQba W\ This year has seen the completion of three major buildings: the Pierres Vives Building in Montpellier, France; the gargantuan Heydar Aliyev Cultural Centre in Baku, Azerbaijan; and the multipurpose shopping project Galaxy Soho in Beijing, China. The project in Montpellier was designed to resemble a tree of knowledge. It is a heavy building with an archive building, a library, and a sports administration facility. “You read the building in between the lines where the public can go,â€? says Hadid. In Baku, the Heydar Aliyev Cultural Centre houses a conference hall, three auditoriums, D OLEUDU\ DQG LWV PDLQ DWWUDFWLRQ WKH PXVHXP LQ D Ă€YH VWRU\ DUHD +DGLG VD\V ´,W LV WKH XOWLPDWH landscape project. The building and the landscape are complete y merged together in one piece.â€? The recently completed Galaxy Soho project, which opened last week in Beijing, employs the concept of terracing in order to organize space. “We liked the idea of terracing to create a KHDYLO\ OD\HUHG DQG FRPSOLFDWHG VHULHV RI VSDFHV Âľ +DGLG VD\V ´:H FDQ UHFRQĂ€JXUH WKH SODQ RI a particular block through carving and layering,â€? she remarks. It is a striking project where the crevices and valleys become urban spaces, and interesting complexities arise.






Disarming Africa ESO^]\a bOYS ]\ O \Se ZWTS T`][ bVS PObbZSÂżSZR b] 4WTbV /dS\cS


:LWK WKH VWHHO IURP $. DVVDXOW ULà HV WKDW ZHUH XVHG GXULQJ \HDUV RI ÀJKWLQJ LQ $IULFDQ ZDU ]RQHV )RQGHULH ZRUNV ZLWK OHDGLQJV designer to create unique objects, including watches, jewelry, and accessories. Proceeds from their sale in turn help to destroy these YHU\ ULà HV ZLWK WKH LGHD RI KHOSLQJ UHGXFH WKH RYHUDOO VXSSO\ RI weapons on the market.

and Burundi to date. As the venture grows and we continue to create jewelry and timepieces with exceptional artists, we will destroy many more weapons than we already have.

>ZSOaS bSZZ ca O PWb OP]cb 4]\RS`WS "% O\R Wba T]c\RW\U Fonderie 47 was inspired by the experiences of its founders in Africa. Peter Thum and I met at a conference in 2009. We found that we had both been affected by our experience in seeing small arms interfere with and threaten opportunities for Africa to develop–Peter as he was working on water projects in Kenya that his last company, Ethos Water funded, and in my case as I was looking for startups to help fund in Tanzania. We committed ourselves to establishing a company that, through creativity and design, could inspire new action to disarm Africa. It became Fonderie 47.

6]e RWR bVS ^O`b\S`aVW^ PSbeSS\ 4]\RS`WS "% O\R 8O[Sa RS 5WdS\QVg Q][S OP]cbWe became familiar with James’s incredible work a few years ago. Peter met James through a mutual friend about a year and a half ago, and we found that our brand and mission were very well aligned with James’ motivations and creative sensibilities. His technical expertise allows him to deal with unusual materials with a level of craftsmanship and savoir-faire that are unmatched.

EVOb e]cZR g]c Q]\aWRS` b] PS bVS U`SObSab QVOZZS\US b] g]c` [WaaW]\It is neither simple nor cheap to fund disarmament in Africa. The Last fall marked the launching of the Givenchy Phoenix Collection, luxury industry has been very conservative and more interested inspired by the concept of the egg, symbol of possibility, fundamental in tributes to the past than in building optimistic legacies for the beauty, and the potential for rebirth. Crafted from AK-47 steel, the future. The sale of each of our pieces enables the destruction of a pieces are also composed of sustainably sourced 18-karat rose gold VSHFLÀF QXPEHU RI DVVDXOW ULà HV 7KLV PHDQV WKDW HYHU\ FOLHQW KDV D DQG SODWLQXP DV ZHOO DV FRQà LFW IUHH GLDPRQGV 2Q WKH RFFDVLRQ RI direct and concrete impact. Our challenge is to continue creating the collection’s opening, co-founder John Zapolski told Beyond EHDXWLIXO SLHFHV WKDW LQVSLUH SHRSOH RI H[WUDRUGLQDU\ LQà XHQFH WR about his company’s mission and future prospects. join us in making possible this more stable and prosperous future.

Fonderie sells its objects directly to clients and through private B] RObS eVOb VOa PSS\ bVS [WaaW]\¸a W[^OQb O\R events. For more information, please email: Q]ZZSQb.T]\RS`WS"% Q][ V]e eWZZ bVOb W[^OQb Sd]ZdS W\ bVS Z]\U `c\We launched the brand in November of last year. We have destroyed over 20,000 assault weapons in the Democratic Republic of Congo




Fisheye is netting followers with its dreams of a greener Lebanon E]`Ra NADINE DEBBAS B`O\aZObSR Pg JODY JAFFE

Chad created a “Fisheye� association last year, on the day when he became ten years old. For his birthday party, he asked his friends not to come with a gift, but rather to bring an envelope containing the amount of money that they would have spent for the gift. With the money that he collected, he decided to plant trees. This summer “Fisheye� and Editions Dergham in Beirut launched a contest called “Imagine the World of Tomorrow,� open to everybody from seven years of age to 107 years of age. We received texts, drawings, and photos. The best among them were put together in a book that was printed on recycled paper and published at the time of the Salon du Livre Francophone [Exhibition of French Books] in Beirut. Several French and Lebanese personalities–architects, painters, journalists, writers, ecologists, etc.–joined us to offer us a vision of “their� world of the future. Since the story of “Fisheye� began with a tree, I thought of continuing the story.

We hope that for each book that is sold, a tree can be planted somewhere in Lebanon [in a place] where unfortunately this kind of tree is on the way to disappearing. There are many associations throughout the world, but I think that very few of them are represented by a child as young as Chad– perhaps none of them. This image makes us at the same time even stronger, for a child We have many other ideas and projects for the future, some of which will be in the schools, where we think that children should be educated, beginning at their youngest age, in order that they learn respect for our planet and for each living being on this Earth, in the same way as they learn reading and writing. Everything has to be done or “redone.� The world needs “brains.� We know that they exist. We would like to bring them together, for only a union of brains will make us strong. This is “Fisheye’s� objective for the coming years. !!




From trash to treasure A small grassroots movement is making a difference :OWZO HOVSR Wa O QWbWhS\ ]T :SPO\]\ eV] eO\ba VS` Q]c\b`g b] `SPcWZR WbaSZT b] acQQSSR O\R b] PS T`SS ]T ZWbbS` /TbS` aSSW\U a] [cQV UO`POUS eVS`SdS` aVS VOa b`OdSZSR O\R ]PaS`dW\U ^S]^ZS `]ZZ R]e\ bVSW` QO` eW\R]ea O\R QO`SZSaaZg bV`]e ]cb bVSW` b`OaV eVWZS R`WdW\U W\ <]dS[PS` aVS RSQWRSR b] bOYS [ObbS`a W\b] VS` ]e\ VO\Ra E]`Ra ALIA FAWAZ

She and her husband Paul Saleh came up with the simple phrase “Ana Ma Bkebbâ€? (which means “I don’t litterâ€?) and produced car stickers with this slogan along with a Facebook page. Friends and family joined to spread the message and soon they found themselves partaking in different events across the country, including La FĂŞte de la Musique, the Hamra Festival, and various school and university events. B`OaVQO\ Q][^SbWbW]\ A small support team was formed and it decided to launch a competition to increase people’s awareness of this cause. The “Yes You Canâ€? trashcan competition was established, in which all the schools in Beirut and Tripoli were invited to participate. Students were asked to submit their own drawings to enter the competition. The committee then shortlisted the best ones, QDUURZLQJ WKHP GRZQ WR DQG WKRVH Ă€QDOLVWV ZHUH LQYLWHG back to recreate their drawings on the tin trashcans. The painting of trashcans took place on April 21st in the Beirut Waterfront area. The event received a great deal of media attention. Zahed and her team enlisted the support of the Municipality of Beirut and the Ministry of the Environment for logistical help, while Solidere and other private organizations chipped in what they could. The unique hand-painted trash bins were then distributed across !$

the country – from Medco service stations, to the participating schools, to public gardens, and to the Beirut Waterfront area. It did not take long before Zahed was approached by other organizations and towns that wanted to work with them. In July a similar competition took place in the town of Dlebta in Metn, and talks are already underway for events in Tyre and Sidon. 0gS 0gS B`OaV While they are busy spreading the word by means of different KLJK SURĂ€OH HYHQWV WKH PRVW VLJQLĂ€FDQW SURMHFW ZLWKRXW D GRXEW will be Zahed’s next one: Bye-Bye Trash. This is the title of the children’s book that Zahed is currently preparing with the aim of distributing it to all schools throughout the country. The book, to be available in Arabic, English, and French, will be in a comic book style with Zahed’s own illustrations. “The dialogue in the book will inform readers about litter, its biodegradability, and its impact on the environment in an entertaining way,â€? explained Zahed. Sponsored by BankMed, the book will be launched at the upcoming French Book Fair in BIEL. Spreading this crucial message to students is perhaps the best approach imaginable, as the next generation will undeniably be the torch bearers for keeping Lebanon clean.


The ire of Sandy Mother Nature wreaks havoc in NYC and beyond After a devastating attack on the Caribbean, including Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas, Hurricane Sandy, a category 2 type of storm at its peak, moved north, striking 24 states in the Mid-Atlantic to northeastern United States. It even plunged the Big Apple‘s downtown Manhattan into a historic blackout, which was captured on the cover of last month’s NewYork magazine. Manhattan was divided between a relatively functional urban district to the north and a deserted, lightless southern half– Noho (north of Houston Street) and Soho (south of Houston Street). These areas were humorously dubbed Nopo and Sopo: north of power and south of power. It took some three to four days to restore power in downtown Manhattan, while the city’s subway lines did not function completely until the following week.

>`S^O`ObW]\a W\ <Se G]`Y 1Wbg In Haiti, Sandy left over 200,000 people homeless, while more than 15,000 Cuban homes were completely destroyed, making for a painful impact in countries that were already struggling with high rates of poverty. Destruction in the U.S. was fortunately mitigated by the mass preparations that were made several days ahead of the “superstorm.â€? As many as 45,000 personnel from the National Guard and U.S. Air Force were put on alert for HPHUJHQF\ UHVSRQVH ZKLOH KXQGUHGV RI WUDLQV DQG Ă LJKWV ZHUH cancelled. New York City’s risk-prone subway system shut down completely, hours before Sandy struck with its greatest force.

A]ZWRO`Wbg OTbS` bVS ab]`[ Despite such preparedness, a number of coastal areas were completely destroyed, with many American citizens losing their homes. Rockaway Beach in Queens made the headlines for some 4W\O\QWOZ O\R Vc[O\ Z]aaSa Measured according to the diameter of its winds, spanning up to of the worst post-Sandy devastation. The most vulnerable victims some 1,100 miles, Sandy evolved into the largest hurricane ever were the elderly and the disabled. After the storm, thousands of recorded in the Atlantic’s history. The preliminary costs of the people mobilized themselves in community efforts to help clean destruction were estimated at around $20 billion, the second up and rebuild what was destroyed, while fundraising and food PRVW Ă€QDQFLDOO\ FRVWO\ KXUULFDQH LQ WKH UHJLRQ DIWHU ¡V drives abounded across the city. Among these efforts, an hourlong “Hurricane Sandy: Coming Togetherâ€? telethon with stars infamous Hurricane Katrina. While Haiti and Cuba lost some 54 and 11 residents, respectively, such as Bruce Springsteen, Christina Aguilera, and Sting helped the U.S. was equally badly affected. As of mid-November, Reuters to raise around $23 million for American Red Cross relief efforts. reported the biggest losses in New York, New Jersey, and Hence the storm had the positive effect of promoting greater Philadelphia, with 53, 37, and 13 victims, respectively, making solidarity among the inhabitants of New York City. IRU D Ă€QDO WDOO\ RI ORVVHV LQ WKH 8 6 DORQH



“The eco-crisis that we are experiencing results from a violent collision between our way of life and Mother Nature. The worst is yet to come. There are so many decisions that have not been taken, so many issues that have not been resolved, and so much potential in improvement that has been left untapped. This era of half-measures must end. We need to ACT� Pascale Choueri Saad


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