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Issue 3: Creative Writing
The art of word.
Creative Writing FeatureBy: Diana Nguyen
you’re all beautiful
dear diana’s diary, this is for those who were told it’s not worth your time and money, for those who are discouraged, for those who were told it’s too late, for those who are scared to disappoint, and for those who simply need a little push.
being raised in a high standard society with expectations already set for you makes it pretty hard tobreak the boundary your friends and family have set. being the “rebellious” friend because you don’thave the desire to become a doctor or the “insubordinate” child for not becoming an engineer.
you’re constantly faced with enormous pressure, but maybe it’s time to break out of your shell, pursueyour dreams, and seize the day.
it pains my heart when i hear about children being forced or highly encouraged to pursue science, engineering, accountancy, and other more “marketable” fields because many people still think that arts and humanities are not worthwhile and will not give high salaries. i wish parents would stop discouraging their children from pursuing social sciences and humanities. after all, “medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits, and necessary to sustain life. but poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.” i remember sitting at our dining table while my father went off about how studying science and
engineering would surely land someone a job right after graduation and i sat there hating myself for failing my math and science classes and wanting to study journalism. i tried to tell him how difficult it is to force yourself to consider something you don’t even love or understand. but i know he only wanted best for me.
this is, after all, a problem deeply rooted in the structural ills of the society. this is for the kids whose hearts, bones, and skin become alive at the sight of poetry, painting, novels, theatre; all things beautiful and not-so-beautiful. this is for the kids who have been told that choosing the arts and humanities is not at all practical. this is for the kids whose wings have been so cruelly cut off and whose potentials have been stifled.
you’re all beautiful. everyone must see your worth. you turn pain into something beautiful and inmore ways than one; you make this world a better place.
you’re talented, and your potential is nested deep inside your soul and your heart, and together, we willmake this world not just tolerable, but beautiful and breathtaking.
pursuing a career in arts, humanities, social science, etc. should be encouraged. these fields and the beautiful people practicing it should stop being set aside in the marginal peripheries. it’s time to take the stage. a big thank you to lucia silva, for inspiring me with some wonderful words of encouragement.
i hope this will welcome not only new upcoming beauties but also the ones that needed a reason why.you’re appreciated.love, Diana
self doubt is a bitch
dear diana’s diary, does it ever feel like you have to deal with all types of shit in your life than other people do? as if everyone around you is having an easier time of things than you are? you begin to feel sorry for yourself and start believing you aren’t doing enough. you scroll through social media and see everyone romanticizing their life.
your best friend is having a baby, your brother is getting married, and your arch-nemesis got apromotion yet you are currently facing a so-called “mid-life crisis”????
you think to yourself, “why am I so unlucky?”.
the compound effect by darren hardy taught me the formula for getting lucky was a combination of:preparation (personal growth) + attitude (belief/mindset) + opportunity (a good thing coming yourway) + action (doing something about it) = luck
majority of my friends are endlessly working towards their goal. whether it’s getting accepted into a program, acing an exam, or simply preparing for an interview, they’re constantly working their ass off. we are all trying so hard to become successful while doing what we love and living in an environment where it seems like everyone has their life pretty much set for them is...intimidating.
don’t get me wrong though, i have many extraordinary friends and i’m incredibly happy for them, butit’s tough not to compare yourself to the people around you.
you look around and see everything is worked out for them but not for you??
you believe as though you put the same amount of time and energy as they are but get nowhere. you’renot selfish for thinking that.
quickly realizing that self-doubt will drag you to the ground is the best thing you can offer yourself. selfdoubtis like that one friend that always tries to one-up you, criticize you, and puts you down — one iwould like to call the negative nancy.
you ever laid in bed as your mind goes roaming around and next thing you know, you’re going to be unsuccessful, unhappy, and going bald before the age of thirty? self-doubt spreads, gets distorted, exaggerated, and eventually doesn't line up with reality or reasonable expectations. it’s mostly likely what’s keep you from working towards your dreams and goals.
but so many great ideas are never published or acknowledged because of self-doubt.
i get it. your journey is tough. so work at your own pace. no one is racing against you.
• don’t take everything so personal
joke around from time to time. laugh at yourself. see that a setback doesn’t mean failure. learn fromnegative feedback — differentiate between critique and negativity
• work with reality instead of battling it
see your problem and put in the effort to fix them instead of exaggerating a fascination on how thingsshould be. don’t downgrade your dreams to match your reality but rather upgrade your confidence tomatch your vision.
• love yourself
spend some time alone. find what relieves your stress. find what makes you happy. encourage yourself. believe that you able to overcome every and any obstacles that you face. instead of comparing yourself to others, compare yourself to yourself and see how far and how much you’ve achieved.
love, Diana
Creative Writing FeatureBy: Shaily Yashar
Rows of metal hooks, to hang up dresses Mom found. I hope one of them will fit, so I don’t end up crying. Panels of reflective glass, to examine cellulite on my thighs. It’s not enough to live in this skin; I have to see it all around me, too. Seat of plastic wood, so I can plop down on it. Make fists with my meaty hands, beat back falling tears. I am eight years old, But I weight like I’m eighteen.
the earth he tried to move
He was an earthquake—
Intrusive. Unexpected. Knocking over prized possessions. Moral. Values. Dignity. Judgmental eyes flashing, Like I’d wasted his time. A deep sigh like the wind, Breath scorching my cheek. Calloused hand forced itself Onto my back as I leaned away. He expected me to kiss him, But I’d only known him two weeks. He countered my no With a no? question mark. Angry and unable to comprehend That I didn’t want to be moved. I almost told him I’m sorry. But I had nothing to be sorry for, And I wasn’t asking for this. Thumb rubbed the side of my neck, Rough cuticle grated against my skin. I heard his request loud and clear, But I wondered if he was deaf. When I told her about it, My friend lost her jaw. No one ever says no to him.
You destroyed his ego. And I’m glad that I did. The earth doesn’t need more Entitled. Greedy. Natural disasters. Using force shouldn’t come naturally. He may be an earthquake, But I can’t be shaken.
starry might
I am proof of creation. That on the first day, The night was blessed, and stars were strung. Stress makes Ursa Major, buccae littered in Orion. I used to hide the shame with liquid sheets, Drape tarps over stars like one does with art, but That isn’t respectful preservation, that is obliteration Of nature and yes, I have angry, red stars That burst when I’m feeling picky but, Now, I don’t care if they insult your eyes, Because I behold constellations. This year, I learned how to build A Tower of Babylon and I climbed And I reached the sky and I tore off the sheet And I allowed the stars to breathe. You may say my face has acne,
But I see a sky full of stars.
“Expectations”By: Mark Woinarowicz
when I met you I was not looking for anything but myself I swore I would think reflect on all that had happened it would be good for me to focus on who I was to be
when I met you I thought of you only when I was around and nothing more a budding friendship not even I knew I hadn’t a clue
when I met you slowly surely, this was happening something was beginning it had no name
but it had shape and that shape was you “My Blood as a Current” By: Madalyn Whitaker
Swallow two rivers whole The black water, the blue water I’m under water, out From under, my breath My hands, slick against the banks Climbing up the bluffs of Two towns. One city one town One stuck in my blood, in my bones The other too close to– Too close to static in the Current of the shit, fish, mud Ridden water and yet I still Swallow, and it’s never any cleaner. Why do you think my veins Are clogged with silt from Sitting down here?
“Vademecum”By: Filippa Kleijn
walk with me, said she
i couldn’t decline so i went, she was with me for the whole time being i couldn’t say what had been on my mind it’s a real life shame; to become someone like i
have you been doing well, asked she i looked away, scared to say, what (i wished for her (to know)) is to see but what does one see if they do not believe in the doings of their own (i only let out a little moan)
stop for a sec, demanded she i did as she said stopped as if my life depended on it and maybe it did i am not sure or willing to know what goes against my whole being or wish to become someone of whom i do not know
are you sure about this asked she and to be honest i may have lied but to evoke a feeling of nothing but regret in her why would i do anything to disturb the peace she brings to me
tell me what you see(i am tired of writing she)a long lost plebian who died at sea
for he did not know when to say stop! and uphold a stillness that could have brought him home is that what you are? i prefer not to discuss but at this time it is not impossible that everything i am has to cease you may have the key to save me (if you’re willing to let me be)
“You Can”By: Natasha Yegereva
i know you just can’t be somebody else i know it doesn’t help when you think about it less i know your head is blowing up with these abnormal thoughts you can accept yourself, it will help you lots
acceptance is a key in this hard battle i know you can be on the next level life, joy, happiness everything you do stand in front of the mirror and say “you are you” because you’re great, you’re unique you can do anything sit for a minute and deeply strongly think about what i’ve been saying and i’ll say it again
you will, you will, you’ll do ityou simply can!