Beyond Travel Magazine

Page 1




DElicious Mauritius A journey to the luxurious St. Regis Resort

what’s on the menu? Wedding breakfasts Sample a variety of exquisite menu choices for your big day


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spring into weddings & luxury

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HOW TO BOOK To find your nearest affiliated travel agency, simply flip to the back cover or alternatively... Log on to our website Navigate to your region Browse your local agents

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for those of you who are beginning to plan the wedding of your dreams, we’ve put together a fantastic guide ',725 '$55(1 %(<21'75$9(/0$*$=,1( &20

#+(7+(5 <28>5( /22.,1* )25 ,'($6 21 6+257 %5($.6 ,1 $1' $5281' 7+( " ?1',1* <285 3(5)(&7 $5,%%($1 +2/,'$< 25 '$5( 6$< ,7 7+,1.,1* 2) <2856(/) $1' :+$7 72 %8< ,1 7,0( )25 <285 *(7$:$< 7+(1 /22. 12 )857+(5 !2 %22. 21( 2) 285 )$17$67,& 2))(56 5(0(0%(5 72 &217$&7 21( 2) 285 /2&$/ $)?/,$7(' 75$9(/ $*(176 72'$<

question: what is at the top of your bucketlist in 2013?

! (387< ',725

i’ve experienced plenty of sun, sea & sand in my time - this year i’m looking towards a luxury comfort break in the uk


5$3+,& (6,*1(5

I’m hoping this summer will be my first in ibiza, or failing that i’d love to experience a festival abroad, such as benicassim.

" ! 5$3+,& (6,*1(5

for the past few years i’ve been drawn to the glamour of Los angeles - if my savings permit, I hope to spend summer there.

© The Global Travel Group Ltd 2013

BEYOND Issue 18



Contents On the Cover


destination index +& 15$

24 Delicious mauritius .++.6

'$1($ ("' 1#2 .- '$1 ).41-$8 3. 3 $&(2 $2.13

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36 What’s on the Menu? wedding breakfasts ,/+$


5 1($38 .% $704(2(3$ ,$-4 "'.("$2 %.1 8.41 !(& # 8

42 Weddings abroad

4231( 1! #.2

- 3(5$ 6$##(-& #$23(- 3(.-2 6(3' 24- 2$

-# 2 -# $1+(-




08 Window to the World 9$ (- 6$ 3 2.,$ .% 3'$ 6.1+#:2 ,.23 1., -3(" 2/.32

16 5 reasons to book

1 -"$ + / &.2

43 8.41 '.+(# 8 (- 3'$ ' -#2 .% 2.,$.-$ 6'. " 1$2


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18 48 hours in berlin $1, -8:2 ,.23 5(2(3$# "(38 /1$2$-3$# !8

("' $+


-#( 1$+ -#

23 show stopper ' 3 (2 3'$ '.33$23 -$6 ,423 ' 5$ 3 !+$3 .- 3'$ , 1*$3


28 Designer departures 1 5$+ (- 238+$ 6(3' .41 3./ /("*2 .% +47418 +4&& &$

30 wedding fayres - what’s on? 41 3./

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% 81$2 "1.22 3'$ ".4-318 3'(2 /1(-&

34 I dos and i don’ts

+#(5$2 41(3(42 $#(3$11 -$ $7(".

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40 the big day $+$!1 3$ (- 238+$ "'$"* .43 .41 24&&$23(.-2 %.1 '(, -# '$1


48 gleneagles - where romance soars .-2(#$1 3'(2

'.3$+ %.1 8.41 /$1%$"3 +47418 6$##(-&

52 5 of the best honeymoon resorts ..*(-& %.1

'.-$8,..- &$3 6 8 3. 1$ ++8 2$ + 3'$ #$ +

60 ask the agent

1+ -#. 1(2 .43' %1(" 3 4"( (6 ' (+ -#

. 31 5$+ 04$23(.- (2 3.. "' ++$-&(-& %.1 .41 / -$+ .% $7/$132

64 mothers’ day 1$ 3 8.41 ,4, 3. 3'$ 3'.4&'3%4+ /1$2$-32 2'$ #$2$15$2

66 world events $$/ 8.41 " +$-# 1 "+$ 1 -# 8.41 / 22/.13 ' -#8

70 there & back with chloe moss


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'+. . )$6$++$18

72 subscribe $5$1 ,(22 - (224$ 6(3' 8.41 "' -"$ 3. 6(- +47418 /1(9$2 BEYOND Issue 18


BARBADOS The view from a Suite at The Fairmont Royal Pavillion resort. Ocean swimming is at your doorstep in the beautiful turquoise waters of the Caribbean's west coast.

PARIS, FRANCE The Eiffel Tower, named after it’s engineer, is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars. A structure now synonymous with France as a whole; although somewhat cliché it was once popular for young men to propose to their better halves on top of this famous landmark.

RIVIERA MAYA, MEXICO Zoëtry Paraiso de la Bonita is located in the heart of Puerto Morelos, near the well-preserved Puerto Morelos National Marine Park, which is the largest barrier reef in the Americas.

KOH SIMILAN, THAILAND Koh Similan, the largest of 9 Similan Islands, is in the Andaman Sea and part of the Phang Nga Province. It is one of the most famous diving sites in Thailand and recognised as one of the top 10 diving destinations in the world by the National Geographic Society. The sea in the area has an average depth of 60 feet.

ZIGHY BAY, OMAN The pool villas, private reserve and retreats are a blend of the surrounding traditional Omani, indigenous village style with modern amenities which provide luxury amidst local cultural themes.

SANTORINI, GREECE With over 250 churches on the tiny Greek Island, this romantic isle is host to a number of wedding ceremonies that continue to grow in popularity for couples looking to wed abroad.

ENGLISH HARBOUR, ANTIGUA English Harbour is best known for Nelson's Dockyard, which occupies the site of the British Navy base. It displays restored buildings and other historical artifacts from the colonial period of the dockyard.

This is SeaWorld® – the world’s best loved marine park! Be inspired by the all-new TurtleTrek, featuring the world’s only 3D-360 experience. Connect with the sea through amazing shows including the Shamu show One Ocean, and up-close animal encounters. Then glide, soar and spin headfirst like a ray on Manta, SeaWorld’s flying coaster.

Welcome to this exquisite tropical island paradise. Discovery Cove® gives you the unique opportunity to swim and play with a beautiful Atlantic bottlenose dolphin, snorkel in the Grand Reef amongst tropical fish and rays and relax on white sand beaches. Freshwater Oasis is where you can get up close to playful otters and curious marmosets.

*Price quoted is per adult based on 2 adults travelling and sharing a standard room at the 4V rated Doubletree by Hilton Orlando at SeaWorld for 7 nights, on a room only basis departing 06 May ‘13, with return economy flights and include all applicable taxes & fuel surcharges which are correct at time of print and are subject to change. Book by 31 Jan 13. All offers are for new direct bookings and are subject to availability and Virgin Holidays standard terms and conditions, for full details see Price quoted includes an online discount, if booked by phone or in store a higher price will apply. Offers cannot be combined with any other offer, promotion or discount including Tesco Clubcard points. When paying by credit card a 2.5% surcharge applies. All calls charged at 5p per minute at all times from a BT landline including VAT. Charges may vary from other networks or mobile networks. Peak season & weekend supplements may apply. Offer valid for Virgin Holidays division of the Virgin Holidays Group only, for definition visit ATOL protected 2358 ABTA V2043.

Bringing together so many thrilling elements of wonder and awe from the planet that we all share, these parks offer a variety of experiences you won’t find anywhere else in Florida, or even the world. There’s the world-famous SeaWorld, the tropical oasis Discovery Cove®, the unequalled splashiness of AquaticaTM and the wild lands of Busch Gardens®! Better still, with new attractions for 2013, there’s more to see and do than ever before.

Aquatica™ is a whimsical, one-of-a-kind waterpark that could only come from SeaWorld. Where one river floats you through an undersea world of colourful fish and another races you into rolling rapids. The incredible signature ride Dolphin Plunge® sends you speeding through a lagoon of playful Commerson’s dolphins.


Discover Busch Gardens® the extraordinary 335-acre adventure park! It brings together an unrivalled combination of incredible rides and amazing animals. Experience a new breed of speed on the ultimate launch coaster Cheetah HuntSM and get up close to endangered animals including Bengal tigers and orangutans in Jungala.

Be transported into the world of the penguin where animal encounters blend with a thrilling ride for an unforgettable experience.

THERE’S EVEN MORE VALUE WITH VIRGIN HOLIDAYS Experience Rockstar service with Virgin Holidays and enjoy extra touches including the V-Room, Concierge and Check-in Chill-out.

Queue at SeaWorld Orlando, Buy one get one free Behind the Scenes Tour, and many more.

Stay in the SeaWorld Official Partner Hotel Fairfield Inn and Suites SeaWorld for as little as £799 pp, and enjoy exclusive benefits such as, early park admission, Complimentary Quick

See the best of SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment with the Discovery Cove Ultimate Package, including 14 days unlimited entry into SeaWorld, Aquatica and Busch Gardens for £169*.

To find out more contact your local travel agent

The Discovery Cove Ultimate Package provides unlimited admission for 14 consecutive days from first use,with the exception of Discovery Cove which is a one day experience.Guests must be at least 6 years of age to swim with the dolphins at Discovery Cove.Guests aged 6-12 must be accompanied by a paying adult who is also participating in the dolphin swim experience. Discovery Cove guests aged 3-5 must purchase the non-swim package. Free bus transportation is available to Busch Gardens on the Busch Gardens Shuttle Express. Children 0-2 years of age are free of charge at all our parks.


REAS NS to book with a

recommended TRAVEL AGENT 1 | Specialist Knowledge

2 | Research

3 | Trust & Honesty

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4 | Impartial Advice

5 | Protection & Peace of Mind

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BEYOND Issue 18

A City United

By Michael Handley

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Big, bold statement bouquets are making a comeback in 2013 - look out for those simple but bold and colourful bouquets this Spring/Summer for you and your bridesmaids. Be sure to match them up with your reception and wedding breakfast displays!

Spring weddings (or weddings at any time of the year in this country!) can often mean rain. Don’t let the unpredictable British weather dampen the romance. ‘Weddington’ boots; pretty, practical and perfect for wet or festival style weddings.

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Please note: this menu is not served as a choice menu, each guest will be offered the same set menu. The Executive Chef will cater for Vegetarians and other dietary requirement separately. *From price per head.



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BEYOND Issue 18



BEYOND Issue 18

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BEYOND Issue 18


WITH REGENT... IT’S ALL INCLUDED Who Are Regent Seven Seas? Introducing the most inclusive liners to grace the earth and water, with Regent Seven Seas you can rest assured that your credit card ĂƒĂŒ>ĂžĂƒ >ĂŒ …œ“i° ÂœĂŒ œ˜Â?Ăž ÂˆĂƒ ĂœÂ…ÂœÂ?i ,i}iÂ˜ĂŒ yiiĂŒ ĂƒÂœÂŤÂ…ÂˆĂƒĂŒÂˆV>ĂŒi` >˜` Ă€iw˜i`] ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… iĂ?ÂľĂ•ÂˆĂƒÂˆĂŒi furnishings - but they offer some spectacular iĂ?VĂ•Ă€ĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜Ăƒ >˜` œ˜‡LÂœ>Ă€` >VĂŒÂˆĂ›ÂˆĂŒÂˆiĂƒ ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒ >Ă€i ˆ˜VÂ?Ă•`i` >ĂŒ ˜œ iĂ?ĂŒĂ€> VÂœĂƒĂŒ° Sailing with Regent Seven Seas will open your eyes to a completely care free environment, ĂœÂ…iĂ€i ĂžÂœĂ•Ă€ yˆ}Â…ĂŒĂƒ >Ă€i ˆ˜VÂ?Ă•`i`o 9ÂœĂ•Ă€ ÂŤĂ€i‡VĂ€Ă•ÂˆĂƒi Â…ÂœĂŒiÂ? >˜` ĂŒĂ€>Â˜ĂƒviĂ€Ăƒ >Ă€i ˆ˜VÂ?Ă•`i`o œœ`] `Ă€ÂˆÂ˜ÂŽĂƒ and gratuities - included, and to top it off, Ă•Â˜Â?ÂˆÂ“ÂˆĂŒi` ĂƒÂ…ÂœĂ€i iĂ?VĂ•Ă€ĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜Ăƒ° /Â…>ĂŒ½Ăƒ Ă€Âˆ}Â…ĂŒ] ĂŒÂ…iĂž½Ă€i included too. With a guarantee of a balcony suite, and the company of no more than 700 guests on any sailing, your voyage will not only be lavish, but crowd-free!

What We Recommend for 2013 /Â…iĂ€i >Ă€i ÂŤÂ?iÂ˜ĂŒĂž Âœv Ă€i>ĂƒÂœÂ˜Ăƒ ĂŒÂœ LœœŽ ĂžÂœĂ•Ă€ Ă“ä£ĂŽ cruise with Regent Seven Seas, with an activity programme worthy of staying on-board for - such >Ăƒ ĂŒÂ…i>ĂŒĂ€i ÂŤiĂ€vÂœĂ€Â“>˜ViĂƒ] }Ă•iĂƒĂŒ ĂƒÂŤi>ÂŽiĂ€Ăƒ] ĂƒÂŤ> >˜` wĂŒÂ˜iĂƒĂƒ ĂƒĂ•ÂˆĂŒiĂƒ ‡ ÂˆĂŒ½Ăƒ > ĂŒÂœĂ•}Â… Â?ÂœL ĂŒÂœ tear yourself away. /Â…i Ă•Â˜Â?ÂˆÂ“ÂˆĂŒi` >˜` ˆ˜VÂ?Ă•ĂƒÂˆĂ›i ĂƒÂ…ÂœĂ€i iĂ?VĂ•Ă€ĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜Ăƒ however, really set a Regent Seven Seas Cruise apart from the rest. In particular, if visiting the Med on one of the well appointed itineraries, the iĂœiÂ?Ăƒ Âœv ĂŒÂ…i ÂœĂŒi ½Ć‚âĂ•Ă€ ÂˆĂƒ > vĂ•Â?Â? `>Ăž ĂŒÂœĂ•Ă€ ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒ is not to be missed. Driving along the coast to ˆVi] ĂŒÂ…Ă€ÂœĂ•}Â… ĂŒÂ…i “i`ˆiĂ›>Â? “>ÀŽiĂŒ ĂŒÂœĂœÂ˜ Âœv âi and ending in the distinctively elegant Monaco ĂžÂœĂ•½Ă€i ĂŒĂ€i>ĂŒi` ĂŒÂœ > VÂœÂ“ÂŤĂ€iÂ…iÂ˜ĂƒÂˆĂ›i ÂźĂƒÂˆ}Â…ĂŒĂƒiiˆ˜} >˜` iĂ?ÂŤiĂ€Âˆi˜Vˆ˜}½ ĂŒÂœĂ•Ă€ Âœv ĂŒÂ…i Ă€i˜VÂ… ,ÂˆĂ›ÂˆiĂ€>° ÂœĂœ ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒ½Ăƒ ĂƒÂœÂ“iĂŒÂ…ÂˆÂ˜} ĂŒÂœ Â?i>Ă›i ĂžÂœĂ•Ă€ ĂƒĂ•ÂˆĂŒi vÂœĂ€] despite the complementary mini-bar and Ă“{ Â…ÂœĂ•Ă€ Ă€ÂœÂœÂ“ ĂƒiĂ€Ă›ÂˆVit "v VÂœĂ•Ă€Ăƒi ˆv ĂžÂœĂ•½Ă€i Ă›ÂˆĂƒÂˆĂŒÂˆÂ˜} ĂŒÂ…i >Ă€ÂˆLLi>˜] ĂžÂœĂ• must sample the islands from as many vantage ÂŤÂœÂˆÂ˜ĂŒĂƒ >Ăƒ ÂŤÂœĂƒĂƒÂˆLÂ?i ‡ Â…ÂœĂœ >LÂœĂ•ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…i ĂœÂœĂ€Â?`½Ăƒ œ˜Â?Ăž drive-in volcano in St Lucia, where you can peer down inside the crater before immersing yourself in the warm lapping waters of the Caribbean ÂœVi>˜ L>VÂŽ >ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…i ĂƒÂ…ÂœĂ€i° Ć‚Â?>ĂƒÂŽ> ÂœĂ€ ĂŒÂ…i >Â?ĂŒÂˆV “ˆ}Â…ĂŒ Li ĂžÂœĂ•Ă€ `iĂƒĂŒÂˆÂ˜>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ vÂœĂ€ Ă“ä£ĂŽ] >˜` vÂœĂ€ }œœ` Ă€i>ĂƒÂœÂ˜ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… ,i}iÂ˜ĂŒ½Ăƒ vĂ€ii ĂƒÂ…ÂœĂ€i iĂ?VĂ•Ă€ĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜Ăƒ ĂžÂœĂ• V>˜ ĂŒ>ÂŽi >`Ă›>Â˜ĂŒ>}i Âœv “>}˜ˆwViÂ˜ĂŒ ĂŒÂœĂ•Ă€Ăƒ ĂƒĂ•VÂ… >Ăƒ the White Pass Scenic Railroad offering ĂƒiÂ˜Ăƒ>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜>Â? ÂŤ>Â˜ÂœĂ€>“ˆV Ă›ÂˆĂƒĂŒ>Ăƒ ÂœĂ€ Ă•Â˜i¾Õ>Â?Â?i` access to the treasures of St Petersburg with visits to the Peterhof Palace & Hermitage Museum.


BEYOND Issue 18

WHY SAIL WITH REGENT? NOW EVEN MORE INCLUDED U Àii y } Ìà > ` ÌÀ> ÃviÀà U « i Ì>ÀÞ «Ài VÀÕ Ãi hotel night U / i Ü À `½Ã Þ Ƃ -Õ Ìi] Ƃ > V Þ Ã «Ã U Ƃ i> à V Õ` } ëiV > ÌÞ restaurants U Ƃ `À à U Ƃ }À>ÌÕ Ì ià U 1 Ìi` , - Ài ÝVÕÀà à U Ó{ ÕÀ À ÃiÀÛ Vi > ` in-suite dining



8 nights

8 nights

Seven Seas Voyager Voyager

from fr om

Seven Seas Mariner



from fr om

£2149 £2 149


& $300 per suite OBC

& $300 per suite OBC

ƂÌ >à v>Ài ËΣn «« ƂÌ >à v>À i ËΣn ««

ƂÌ >à v>Ài ËΣx «« ƂÌ >à v>À i ËΣx ««

Departing Depart ing 28 July 2013

Departing Depart ing 18 September 2013

Itinerary: Pr Pre-cruise e-cruise hotel stay in Copenhagen «i >}i ] 7>À i Õ `i ­ iÀ ® «i >}i ] 7 >À i Õ `i ­ iÀ ® /> ­ ÃÌ >® -Ì *iÌiÀÃLÕÀ} ­Ó `>Þî /> ­ ÃÌ >® -Ì *iÌiÀÃLÕÀ} ­Ó `>Þî i à ] -Ì V

Itinerary: Pr Pre-cruise e-cruise hotel stay in Monte Carlo Ìi >À -Ì /À «iâ Û À ­ Ài Vi® Ìi >À -Ì /À «iâ Û À ­ Ài Vi® Û Ì>ÛiVV > ­, i® Ƃ > wÉ* à Ì> -> Ì À ] * À>iÕà ­ƂÌ i î

Terms and conditions apply. Offers subject to availability which may be strictly limited. We reserve the right to withdraw offers at any time.

BEYOND Issue 18




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BEYOND Issue 18

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World ! Art Paris - France # 9; )91: .)19 .7<6,-, 16 1: 0-4, ); ;09)6, )4)1: 1; 0): 162-+;-, 6-> 41.- 16;7 ;09-6+0 )9; 5)93-; );;9)+;16/ )97<6, =1:1;79: 9)+0 @-)9 :;)*41:0-, 6)5-: ): >-44 ): 6-> ;)4-6; .975 <978- )6, *-@76, 7..-9 8)16;16/: :+<48;<9-: 807;7/9)80: )6, =1,-7: ;C/);0-9: 579- ;0)6 16;-96);176)4 /)44-91-: .7+<:16/ 76 ,-:1/6 57,-96 )6, +76;-5879)9@ )9;

Melbourne International Comedy Festival - Australia

Holi Festival of Colour, Versana - India #

#01: +75-,@ .-:;1=)4 .-);<9-: )+;: .975 ;0+1;@ : =1*9)6; +75-,@ +<4;<9- )6, /<-:; )9;1:;: .975 )+97:: ;0- /47*- 79- ;0)6 +75-,1)6: )88-)9 16 7=-9 :07>: :;)6, <8 ;0-);9- +)*)9-; 5<:1+ =1:<)4 )9;: )6, :;9--; -6;-9;)165-6; -4*7<96- 1: 8-88-9-, >1;0 *<,,16/ +75-,@ :;79-: )6, /77, +75-,@ =-6<-: )44 7=-9 ;7>6 67;)*4@ 16 ;0- ;9-6,@ 1;A97@ )9-) )4:7 075- ;7 :75- 7. ;0- +1;@ : *-:; 9-:;)<9)6;: )6, +7..-- :078:

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Snowbombing - Austria )57<: .79 1;: ),9-6)416 .<-44-, :67>*7)9,16/ +9)A-, 8)9;@16/ )6, 67+;<96)4 +0)4-; 078816/ "67>*75*16/ ;)3-: 84)+- 16 ;0- #@974-)6 9-:79; 7. )@907.-6 #0- >794, : 4-),16/ : +4<* 61/0;: 41=- )+;: )6, :67>*7)9,-9: +75;7/-;0-9 .79 ;01: <4;15);- >16;-9 -=-6; #0- ;1+3-;: )9- :74, 76 ;0- "67>*75*16/ >-*:1;- )6, ;0-@ 7..-9 :75- 89-;;@ /77, *)9/)16: 16+4<,16/ ) >--3-6, ;1+3-; .79 ;07:- >07 +)6 ; /-; ;0- .<44 ;15- 7.. >793

79 ,-;)14: 76 07> @7< +)6 /-; ;7 ;0-:- .)6;):;1+ ,-:;16);176: 66

BEYOND Issue 18

Hip-Hop Festival, Villeurbanne - France

St Patrick’s Day - Ireland ")16; );91+3 : )@ 1: ) 8<*41+ 0741,)@ +-4-*9);-, -=-9@ )9+0 16 ;0- !-8<*41+ 7. 9-4)6, 79;0-96 9-4)6, 76;:-99); ->.7<6,4)6, )6, )*9),79

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White House Easter Egg Roll, Washington - USA -4-*9);- ):;-9 >1;0 ;07<:)6,: 7. 7;0-9: 76 ;0- "7<;0 )>6 7. ;0- &01;- 7<:)576/ ;0- 57:; -)/-94@ )6;1+18);-, /<-:; -)+0 @-)9 7. +7<9:- 1: ;0- ):;-9 <66@ #01: )66<)4 ;9),1;176 ,);-: *)+3 ;7 *@ 9-:1,-6; !<;0-9.79, )@-: )6, 1: ;04)9/-:; 8<*41+ +-4-*9);176 ); ;0- &01;7<:- @7< 51/0; -=-6 :87; 9-:1,-6; *)5) ;0-9-

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Sky Lantern Festival, Pingshi - Taiwan " #0- "3@ )6;-96 -:;1=)4 7. 16/:01 1: 0-4, 16 ;0- #)1>)6-:- -> #)18-1 1;@ -4, ,)@: ).;-9 ;0- 016-:<6)9 -> '-)9 ;01: 1: )6 )66<)4 ;9),1;176 16 >01+0 :3@ 4)6;-96: )9- 41; )6, 9-4-):-, )44 7=-9 ;0- +1;@ 6 :1)6 +<4;<9- 4)6;-96 .-:;1=)4: )9<:-, ): ) >)@ 7. +-4-*9);16/ 79 7. >)9,16/ 7.. -=14

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6-day VOYAGE SOUTH from £1454pp s 7-day VOYAGE NORTH from £1500pp 12-day CLASSIC ROUND VOYAGE from £1873pp For over 100 years, Hurtigruten has been a part of daily life for the towns, villages and hamlets located along the shores of Norway’s dramatic fjords. As such, our captains know these waters and its people better than anyone else. With our fleet of smaller, more intimate ships, we can take you closer to the heart of Norwegian life by exploring narrower channels and calling at smaller ports that other larger cruise lines are unable to reach. Join us in spring and see the Arctic awaken. After a long winter, warmth returns to the shores and sunlight rejuvenates life along the coastline. The sun works overtime to thaw this frozen land, rising higher and higher each day. Experience three seasons in a few days and “The Arctic Awakening.” Sailing from the UNESCO-listed harbour of Bergen in the south to Kirkenes in the north, our ships call at a total of 34 ports. Visit charming Ålesund, Trondheim and Tromsø, cross the Arctic Circle and sail through Hurtigruten’s most picturesque region – the Vesterålen and Lofoten Islands. En route we offer a range of pre-bookable, exciting and interesting excursions to help you get the most of your voyage. Get closer to the real Norway on a Hurtigruten voyage.

Please contact your local travel agent Terms and conditions: Prices shown based on two people travelling together sharing a twin inside cabin on a full board basis departing from London. Your price includes: Voyage on a full board basis, return economy flights from either London Heathrow or Gatwick including current taxes, charges and airport transfers for selected departures in April and May 2013. English speaking Tour Leader on board. Entrance fee to Hurtigruten museum. Not included: Travel insurance, optional excursions and luggage handling. £120 on board credit is per cabin. Normal Hurtigruten terms and conditions apply, offer open to new bookings only, subject to availability and cannot be applied retrospectively.



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BEYOND Issue 18


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Next issue we look ahead to...

Hotspots PLUS European festival review and Global tour of the med as well as our regular features including 48 hours in our next european city, dates for your travel diary in world events, Beyond’s selection of 5 of the best hotels and more celebrity insiders!

BEYOND Issue 18











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