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Top siriannI pander eagles shirt meaning: Portrait making is about self-recognition. Beyouthclothing LLC didn’t include my physical body in my work until 2017, and even then, most of those images were shared in critiques and not in public spaces. This all relates back to the Top siriannI pander eagles shirt and I love this loosening Beyouthclothing LLC mentioned earlier: the shifts Beyouthclothing LLC made in seeing myself, and the invitation into my home. By bringing a mirror into the exhibition that sat on my desk for six years, Beyouthclothing LLC am bringing all of the life
that happened in my space into the gallery. It’s an offering and opening for strangers to “like” themselves by reading that “Beyouthclothing LLC like you” card, and to see me, too. As Beyouthclothing LLC walked through Brief & Drenching, what touched me most was its warm intimacy and moodiness. It feels like a beautiful apartment that flows with sensuous energy and has portraits of family members you love. Can you talk about the intent behind this atmosphere?