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Private Sector
10) Livestock Farmers Encouraged to Report Unpaid Incentives
December 28th, 2022, https://balkantv.rs/stocari-treba-da-prijave-neisplacene-podsticaje/
The board of directors of the Agroprofit association have decided to more forward with collecting data on unpaid incentives cattle farmers are entitled to, with the goal of determining the approximate amount still owed. This follows members of the association who are high-quality cattle farmers approaching the Ministry of Agriculture about due payments but not receiving responses. Many farmers are now uncertain of whether or not they will receive the payments they feel are due to them.
11) Raspberry’s Year: From Optimistic to Difficult
December 24th, 2022, https://biznis.rs/vesti/srbija/od-dobrog-pocetka-godine-do-duplo-vecih-troskova-proizvodnje/ A year that started with so much promise for raspberry producers ended with only 55% of expected harvests delivered to processors and markets and production costs nearly double what they were expected to be due to increased energy prices, inflation and a 70% increase in labor. Raspberry producers also saw a declining level of interest in their products on a global level due to decreased purchasing power. As a result of the difficult year, only approximately half of raspberry producers have prepared their plantations for the next growing season.
12) Agricultural and Fishing Products More Expensive
December 13th, 2022, https://www.021.rs/story/Info/Srbija/325621
The prices of agricultural and fishing products in October 2022 increased by 30% year-on-year, with the main price increases observed for livestock products (+80.0%), livestock and poultry (+36.1%) and grain (+34.2%). Compared to figures for September 2022, prices rose on average 2.7%, with the livestock products (+16.5%) experience the greatest price increase. For the period of January–October 2022 (as compared to January–October 2021), the average price increase was 25.2%.
13) RSD 20.8 Billion in Agricultural Products Sold in First Six Months of 2022
December 12th, 2022, https://instore.rs/index.php/sr/article/79217/u-prvih
In the first six months of 2022, agricultural products worth a total of RSD 20.8 billion were sold on Serbian markets. This represents a year-on-year increase of 17.3%, or approximately RSD 3 billion. Most of this growth can be attributed to price increases, which was approximately 37.0% for agricultural and fishery products. The market share for the sale and purchase of agricultural, water management and forestry products for the first six months of 2022 amounted to 18%, a year-on-year increase of 3%.
14) Agricultural Production on the Decline, Becoming More Expensive
December 5th, 2022, https://bif.rs/2022/12/poljoprivredna-proizvodnja-sve-manja-a-sve-skuplja-pretezno-kolebljivo/
A number of factors compounded in 2022 to make it a difficult year for the agricultural sector as a whole. In particular, the sector has had to deal with an extreme drought impacting quality and yields as well as massively increased production prices (particularly for energy, feed and fertilizer) due to Russia’s war in Ukraine. It is important to note, however, that the volume of agricultural production has been decreasing steadily since 2013, with the notable exception of a meager 2.1% increase in the pandemic year of 2020. In total, all major indicators related to agricultural production and exports are and have been on the decline, with the exception of value from exports, which has shown some increase due to global market price increases.