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Statement of Cash Flows
Year ended June 30, 2022 (Dollars in thousands)
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Student tuition and fees Research grants and contracts Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises Sales and services of educational activities Payments for employees’ salaries and benefits Payments to vendors for supplies and services Payments for scholarships and fellowships Funds held for others received Funds held for others disbursed Other receipts Net cash used for operating activities
Cash Flows from Noncapital Financing Activities
State appropriations Share of state sales tax - technology and research initiatives fund Grants and contracts Private gifts for other than capital purposes Direct lending program receipts Direct lending program disbursements Net cash provided by noncapital financing activities
Cash Flows from Capital and Related Financing Activities
Capital appropriations - Research Infrastructure and University Capital Infrastructure Capital commitments and Build America Bonds - federal subsidy Capital gifts and grants Proceeds from issuance of capital debt Purchases of capital assets Principal paid on capital debt and leases Interest paid on capital debt and leases Net cash used for capital and related financing activities
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Purchases of investments Interest received on investments Net cash used for investing activities Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year, as restated
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year
Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash used for operating activities: Operating loss $ (668,077)
Adjustments to reconcile operating loss to net cash used for operating activities: Depreciation and amortization Miscellaneous nonoperating expenses Changes in assets, deferred outflows of resources, liabilities and deferred inflows of resources: Net pension and other postemployment benefits liability Deferred outflows of resources related to pensions and other postemployment benefits Deferred inflows of resources related to pensions and other postemployment benefits Receivables, net Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Unearned revenues Compensated absences Funds held for others Other assets Net cash used for operating activities
Significant Noncash Transactions Unrealized loss on investments and endowments Amortization of bond premiums and discounts $ 1,654,167 412,536 249,413 105,746 (1,649,237) (1,017,199) (283,253) 292,432 (350,688) 30,296 $ (555,787)
$ 385,527 42,500 547,568 75,957 649,948 (649,635) $ 1,051,865
$ 25,985 33,085 31,369 189,904 (336,522) (106,804) (96,307) $ (259,290)
(311,565) 18,939 $ (292,626) (55,838) 618,044
$ 562,206
201,287 (6,276)
(242,958) 9,742 260,458 (72,809) (72,395) 37,983 (1,428) 4,540 (5,854) $ (555,787)
(78,370) 23,961