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Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position
Operating Revenues
Student tuition and fees, net of scholarship allowances of $586,481 Research grants and contracts, including $310,570 in federal funding and $93,949 in nongovernmental funding Sales and services -
Auxiliary enterprises, net of scholarship allowances of $21,760 Educational departments Other revenues Total Operating Revenues
Operating Expenses (Note I)
Educational and general Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Scholarships and fellowships Auxiliary enterprises Depreciation and amortization Total Operating Expenses Operating Loss
Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses)
State appropriations Share of state sales tax - technology and research initiatives fund Financial aid grants, including $200,504 in federal funding Grants and contracts, including $218,898 in federal funding, $26,904 in state funding and $9,575 in nongovernmental funding Private gifts Net investment loss Interest on debt Other expenses Net Nonoperating Revenues Income Before Other Revenues and Gains Capital appropriations - Research Infrastructure and University Capital Infrastructure Capital commitments, including Arizona Lottery revenue of $8,925 Capital private gifts Capital grants Additions to permanent endowments Increase in Net Position
Net Position at Beginning of Year, as restated (Note A)
Net Position at End of Year
See Notes to Financial Statements. $ 1,689,832
243,554 103,957 37,918 $ 2,491,964
$ 1,076,407 414,259 47,842 396,339 176,664 212,285 116,116 293,349 225,493 201,287 $ 3,160,041 $ (668,077)
$ 385,527 44,600 200,843
256,969 76,602 (58,838) (76,122) (7,102) $ 822,479 $ 154,402 $ 25,985 30,122 28,290 5,120 27 $ 243,946