of our worship has been simplified. We sing less and enjoy more silence. There is less movement and the service is usually completed within the hour. For many this has felt appropriate and supportive for the season we have been in. And it is a joy that we continue to welcome new people and visitors amongst us, week by week. The two Eucharists on Wednesday morning are appreciated by the faithful who come as regularly as they can but numbers have not returned to their pre-pandemic levels.
During the pandemic it has not been possible to involve so many lay people in aspects of our worship; however we look forward to that changing in the near future. As our primary activity, worship will remain the defining feature of Cathedral life. It is the sole place where, together, we come to offer ourselves to God; to hear and respond to his word and sacrament and be renewed in the power of the Spirit. May we continue to bring glory to God and bring strength and comfort to God’s people in and through our worship.
Our weekly BCP Communion at 8am on Sunday remains an important part of the worshipping offering at Bradford Cathedral and is attended by a very loyal group of worshippers who also enjoy breakfast together on the first Sunday of the month. Choral Evensong has continued on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays when possible. It has been decided to no longer continue with Evensong on a Thursday. It has been good to begin to welcome back visiting choirs when our own choir has been on holiday. Special services have also made a welcome return during the year. Being able to offer livestreaming of these has also been much appreciated by those who would otherwise not be able to participate.