Bradford Cathedral Music List (15th - 29th September 2019)

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THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH of ST PETER BRADFORD CATHEDRAL Sunday 15th September – Sunday 22nd September SUNDAY 15TH SEPTEMBER CREATION 3 In residence: Canon Mandy 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) 1015 Choral Eucharist Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo Haydn Hymns 250 (omit v5&6) SP91 Sacerdotes Domini Byrd SP261 t.445 442 (Hyfrydol) Organ: Praeludium in g minor, BuxWV 149 Buxtehude 1600 Choral Evensong Stanford in A Hymns 258 21 Give unto the Lord Elgar Psalms 42 43 Rose Reponses Organ: Fantasia in G Parry Monday 16th September 0830 Morning Prayer 1745 Choral Evensong

Tuesday 17th September 0830 Morning Prayer 1745 Choral Evensong

Wednesday 18th September 0730 Holy Communion 0830 Morning Prayer 1015 Holy Communion 1300 Wednesday@One 1730

Evening Prayer

Thursday 19th September 0830 Morning Prayer 1745 Choral Evensong

Lead me, Lord Wesley Paul Edwards in C♯ minor Purest and highest Stanford Rose Responses

Lead me, Lord Wesley Collegium Magdalenae Oxoniense Leighton The Lord is my shepherd Goodall Millington Responses

Psalm 44 Hymn 607 Psalm 45

Psalms 46 47 Hymn 543 Psalm 48

Psalm 49 Organ Recital: Rachel Mahon (Coventry) Free admission, £4 buffet lunch served from 1230

Thiman in G O that I once past changing were Berkeley Sarum Responses

Psalm 50 Psalm 51 Hymn 478 Psalm 52

Friday 20th September 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

In residence: Dean Jerry Psalm 55 Psalm 56

Saturday 21st September 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

In residence: Canon Mandy Psalm 57 Psalms 58 59

SUNDAY 22nd SEPTEMBER CREATION 4/ Peace Sunday In residence: Dean Jerry 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) 1015 Choral Eucharist Missa Brevis Jonathan Dove Hymns 494 SP112 Ubi caritas Duruflé SP244 (St. Botolph) 507 Organ: Vivace Trio 3 in D minor, BWV 527 Bach Psalm 148 1600 Choral Evensong Brewer in D Hymns 626 360 Blessed city, heavenly Salem Bairstow Psalm 62 Millington Responses Organ: Andante serioso, ma con moto (Sonata in E♭) Bairstow Dean The Very Revd Jerry Lepine Canon for Mission & Pastoral Development The Revd Canon Mandy Coutts

Canon Precentor The Revd Canon Paul Maybury Organist & Director of Music Mr Alexander Berry

THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH of ST PETER BRADFORD CATHEDRAL Sunday 22nd September – Sunday 29th September SUNDAY 22nd SEPTEMBER CREATION 4/ Peace Sunday In residence: Dean Jerry 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) 1015 Choral Eucharist Missa Brevis Dove Hymns 494 SP112 Ubi caritas Duruflé SP244 (St. Botolph) 507 Organ: Vivace, Trio 3 in D minor, BWV 527 Bach Psalm 148 1600 Choral Evensong Brewer in D Hymns 626 360 Blessed city, heavenly Salem Bairstow Psalm 62 Millington Responses Organ: Andante serioso, ma con moto (Sonata in E♭) Bairstow Monday 23rd September 0830 Morning Prayer Psalms 63 64 1745 Choral Evensong Stanford in B♭ Hymn 164 My eyes for beauty pine Howells Psalm 65 Rose Responses Tuesday 24th September 0830 Morning Prayer 1745 Choral Evensong

Wednesday 25th September 0730 Holy Communion 0830 Morning Prayer 1015 Holy Communion 1300 Wednesday@One 1730

Noble in B minor Lighten our darkness Jones Millington Responses

In residence: Canon Mandy Psalm 69 Organ Recital: Jonathan Bielby (Wakefield) Free admission, £4 buffet lunch served from 1230

Evening Prayer

Thursday 26th September 0830 Morning Prayer 1745 Choral Evensong

Psalms 66 67 Hymn 400 Psalm 68:1-6

Psalm 70 71

Dyson in C minor Long since in Egypt’s plenteous land Parry Sarum Responses

In residence: Dean Jerry Psalm 72 Hymn 517 Psalm 73:1-6

Friday 27th September 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Psalm 74 Psalms 75 76

Saturday 28th September 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Psalm 77 Psalm 78:1-17

SUNDAY 29TH SEPTEMBER HARVEST/ MICHAELMAS 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) 1015 Choral Eucharist Bradford Gloria Robert Busiakiewicz Missa Brevis Andrea Gabrieli Thou visitest the earth Green For the beauty of the earth Rutter Organ: i. Allegro (Symphony 6), Op. 42 Widor 1600 Choral Evensong Ireland in F Antiphon Vaughan Williams Rose Responses Organ: Elegiac Romance Ireland Dean The Very Revd Jerry Lepine Canon for Mission & Pastoral Development The Revd Canon Mandy Coutts

In residence: Canon Paul Hymns 275 273 270 SP214 SP239

Hymns 399 10 Psalm 138

Canon Precentor The Revd Canon Paul Maybury Organist & Director of Music Mr Alexander Berry

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