Notices - 1st September 2019

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NOTICES AND WHAT’S ON 1 September 2019 Creation 1 Hospitality



Today The FLOWERS today have been given by Penny and Chris Coupland. TODAY we especially welcome Graham Thorpe who joined us on Tuesday as Assistant Director of Music and Sub-Organist. Graham grew up in County Durham and for the past few years he has been working as a freelance musician. He has been an organ scholar at Guildford Cathedral and more recently at the London Oratory. He has also been broadcast on Radio 3. He will be playing the organ at the 10.15am service today, when we will also welcome back the Choir from its summer break. TODAY is also the first day of Creationtide. What is Creationtide you may ask? Well, like Lent or Advent, it is a period in the annual church calendar, which is dedicated to worshipping God as Creator and Sustainer of all life. Ecumenically, Christians around the world unite to pray and care for creation in the ‘Season of Creation’, which this year runs from 1 September to 4 October. BELL RINGING TASTER SESSION is TODAY at 11.30am. If you have often wondered about bell ringing and would like to have a go, why not join Mr Ron Crabtree, the Captain of the bell ringers, after this morning’s service to find out. You will have to manage the steps up to the ringing chamber though! TURN OF THE WHEEL David Worsley’s pottery exhibition finishes TODAY and if you haven’t yet had a look try and do so before it is taken down. REARRANGED SEATING As mentioned in the July edition of Keeping in Touch, we will be experimenting, STARTING TODAY and throughout September, with revised seating in the nave and a nave altar. The choir and clergy will also be in seats in the nave. This is to discover whether or not the choir is better able to lead the congregation in singing from their revised position. During this experimental month, we will be seeking your views on your experience. Canon Paul CHILDREN’S SPACE begins again next Sunday at 10.15am when all children are welcome to share in their own special worship time and return for Holy Communion.

TODDLERS restarts on Friday 6 September, meeting at 10am in the Parish Room. NEW EVENTS PROGRAMME Our new events programme for September - December is available now. Please pick up a copy to find out about what is going on for the rest of our centenary year. If you would like any extra copies to take to friends, family, local businesses or any churches you have contact with, please see one of the team; your help in spreading the word of the Cathedral would be much appreciated. We are starting work on our events for 2020 so if you have any ideas or feedback for the new year then please speak to us or e-mail NEW EXHIBITION: BY THE HAND OF … ICONS starts on Wednesday 4 September and runs until 20th October. The official launch is on Wednesday 11th September, when you can ‘meet the artist’, Chris Czainski, who has been painting icons for around ten years, at 7pm, with refreshments from 6.30pm. THE COFFEE CONCERTS begin again this month, starting with Ida Pelliccioli on piano on Tuesday 10 September. Coffee and cake are served from 10.30am and the concert, which is free, starts at 11am. All are welcome and there is a retiring collection. ALPHA The Alpha course returns to Bradford Cathedral. The weekly 90 minute session, which will be a relaxed and informative way to explore the Christian Faith, will run from 5.30pm every Wednesday, starting on the 11th September throughout the autumn. Everyone is welcome to join the sessions, which each week begin with a meal. To book your place please contact the Cathedral Office or email or speak to Canon Mandy or any of the clergy. If you are going to join us, please do tell us if you have any special dietary requirements. ALPHA is also looking for volunteers to help with food and hospitality and with hosting the event. If you are interested and can offer one or more weeks, then please speak to Canon Mandy or one of the Community Committee. THE WEDNESDAY @ 1 ORGAN RECITALS also begin this month with the first one of the season on Wednesday 11 September, when the organist will be Professor Martin Schmeding from Leipzig. There will be a buffet lunch for £4 from 12.30pm-12.55pm and the concert will starts at 1pm. The concert is free but there will be a retiring collection. FAITH & PEACE From September Bradford Cathedral will be hosting an exhibition called Faith and Peace. This inspiring exhibition presents perspectives on peace from three Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The exhibition runs from the 7th - 19th September and includes a workshop on Thursday 12th from 1-3pm

(repeated 6:45-8:15pm). For more information, speak to the team, visit our website or find out more in September's Keeping in Touch, available today.

There are still some tickets available for the concert by The Sixteen on Saturday 14th September. The performance starts at 7.30pm and the doors will be open from 6.30pm. These can be booked on or by calling 0161 8321111. The Sixteen is an internationally renowned group and we are privileged to have them here at the Cathedral during our Centenary Year, when we are assured of a spectacular evening of music. VOLUNTEERS are also wanted to help with this event on the evening of Saturday 14th September and if you can help with ushering or hospitality roles at the event, we would love to hear from you. Please speak to any of the Cathedral staff or e-mail FOOD HYGIENE We are pleased to announce that this week we not only passed an unannounced food hygiene inspection by the Council but we retained our level 5 ‘very good’ status. A big thank you to everyone who has helped the Cathedral maintain these standards. Keep up the good work. SPRING BULBS We are wanting to enhance the West End garden area and at Messy Harvest on 29 September, we are aiming to plant as many Spring flowering bulbs as possible to add a splash of colour in the Spring. We are wanting particularly crocus and snowdrops and if you are able to donate any we would be most grateful. They can be given to Canon Mandy or left in the Cathedral Office. Thank you.

WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK: 1st – 8th September Today Creation 1

8.00am 10.15am 11.30am 11.45am 4.00pm

Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel – Canon Paul Choral Eucharist – Canon Mandy/Canon Paul Bell Ringing Taster Session Just A Minute Reflection Choral Evensong – Canon Mandy/Revd Canon Robin Gamble

This week at the Cathedral for information and prayer Canon Mandy is in residence Monday Tuesday


Thursday Friday


8.30am 5.45pm 8.30am 11.00am 1.00pm 5.45pm 7.30am 8.30am 10.15am 12.30pm 2.30pm 5.30pm 8.30am 5.30pm 8.30am 10.00am 5.30pm 8.30am 9.00am 2.30pm

Morning Prayer Choral Evensong Morning Prayer Friends’ Committee Meeting Stitching Group Choral Evensong Holy Communion in St Aidan’s Chapel –Canon Mandy Morning Prayer Holy Communion – Canon Paul Funeral Places of Welcome Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Toddler Group in the Parish Room Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Lay Eucharistic Ministry Training Faith Trail


Evening Prayer

Sunday 8 September 8.00am Creation 2 10.15am Education Sunday 11.45am 4.00pm 01274 777720

Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel–Canon Mandy Choral Eucharist - Canon Paul/Canon Mandy with Children’s Space Just A Minute Reflection Choral Evensong – Canon Paul

Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH stpeterbradford @Bfdcathedral

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