Bradford Cathedral Notices 10.3.19

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NOTICES AND WHAT’S ON Sunday 10 March 2019 First Sunday in Lent Hospitality



EASTER LILIES if you would like to give a lily in memory of a someone, please put £4 in the blue safe marked flowers, and write their name(s) on the list on the sound desk. BREAD AT THE EUCHARIST DURING LENT: Have you noticed that the bread we share at the 10.15am Eucharist changes from time to time, and wondered why this is? Most of the year our bread is a honey-sweetened white, organic loaf, cut through on top with a cross shape, but during Lent and Advent – the two penitential seasons – our bread also contains organic rye flour. Adding rye changes the Eucharistic bread, giving it a slightly bitter taste and making it darker in colour and if you look closely at ‘the body of Christ’ cupped in your hand, you’ll also see small flecks of rye husk permeating the bread. These changes symbolically reflect the penitential turn of our thoughts in these seasons and they may call to mind the darkness in our hearts and minds, the sorrow we feel at our own bitterness, and that our bodies come from and return to dust. They can also remind us that, through Jesus, God shares in our human suffering, or God may speak to you more individually and creatively as you notice the subtle changes in the bread. FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT ends today and we would like to thank everyone who helped with and came to the Big Breakfast event last Sunday. Everyone who came enjoyed good company and a lovely breakfast. Our Fairtrade Stall is open today after the morning service as usual, so why not come and have a look. We have new supplies of the Zaytoun Palestinian Olive Oil, which is rated as one of the best on the market, along with lots of other goodies. Any purchases go towards helping people and communities you will never see, but for whom your purchase and support can make a life-changing difference. You can also SUPPORT COCOA FARMERS by signing a petition on the stall calling on the UK Government to make sure that our trade with developing countries puts poverty reduction first, delivering living income for all, especially women. The FLOURISHING CITY event is tomorrow Monday at 7pm, when Anne-Marie Canning MBE, the independent chair of Bradford Opportunity Area, will be speaking about key priorities for Bradford, including removing barriers to learning and how social mobility is so critical to the young people of the City. The doors open at 6.30pm, when there will be refreshments and the evening should finish around 8.30pm. Free tickets, which will help us to know how many people will be coming, are available on but if you haven’t got a ticket, don’t worry – just turn up – everyone is welcome.

MONDAY FELLOWSHIP which will meet this Monday at 2pm in the Cathedral will be led by Louise Carr, who will lead an interactive prayer pilgrimage around her Stations of Lament exhibition. If you have never been to Monday Fellowship, why not make this your first one and join in this pilgrimage during this special time. The COFFEE CONCERT this Tuesday features Katie Colbrook on piano. Katie, a music teacher, who lives in Huddersfield, will be playing a wonderful selection of piano pieces. Come along at 10.30 am for coffee and cakes and enjoy Katie’s recital. The WEDNESDAY @1 ORGAN RECITAL this week features Julian Bewig from Valencia. Julian, who was born in Peru, has had an amazing career in music, has played in venues throughout the world and recorded 23 CDs. If you can, do come along for the buffet lunch at 12.30pm followed by his recital at 1pm. The LENT COURSE starts this Wednesday 13th at 7.30pm, when we will welcome Bishop John Pritchard, Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Leeds and author of many books. His theme is ‘The Elusive God’ and in his series of three addresses he will explore how we live our faith when each day may feel like a struggle. There will be three sessions on Wednesdays 13th, 20th and 27th March so do come and share in this special time with us if you can. Each session stands alone and you do not have to come to all three, although if you can you will not be disappointed. Book a free ticket on or just come on the day. Bishop John has written many books and there will also be a bookstall, with a selection of his books, supplied to us by Cornerstone Bookshop in Skipton. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear Bishop John and to purchase one or two of his books. As well as Bishop John’s books we also have The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book entitled ‘ Reconciliation’ by Muthuraj Swamy. This is available TODAY, in the shop area, after the service and during the week from the Cathedral office, at the special price of £9.00. (It normally sells at £9.99). The CHAMBER CONCERT is on Friday at 7.30pm when the Pelleas Ensemble, featuring pieces on flute, viola and harp, will perform in the Cathedral. Tickets are available on 01274 432000 and NEWS FROM SUDAN next Saturday 16 March from 2pm – 4pm, with Canon Paul, who will be talking about his recent visit to Sudan. Come along and enjoy. Easter cards in aid of Sudan are available in the shop at £1.50 each. BRING & SHARE LUNCH is back at No 3 Cathedral Close next Sunday following the morning service at 12 noon. Everyone is welcome and if you can bring some food to share just take it with you after the service. CHOIR FUNDRAISING BAKE SALE in aid of the Choir Tour will take place next Sunday 17 March after the morning service.

A PASSION PLAY by LAMPS THEATRE on Monday 8 April at 7pm, will be performed by talented professional actors, who will recreate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in a moving and ultimately joyful retelling of the Easter events. Tickets at £8 (£5 for under 25s) are available at

ACCOMMODATION – CAN YOU HELP? We are so pleased to be hosting this play, but the five people (two women and three men) involved need overnight accommodation on 8 April. If you are able to offer bed and breakfast for one or more of them, please let Canon Paul know. CONFIRMATIONS Easter Eve Saturday 20th April 2019 Would you like to be confirmed or do you want to know more about confirmation? If so, adult Confirmation classes are being held on Saturdays, at 10.30am and there will be classes, aimed at 9 – 12 year olds, for those wishing to take communion before Confirmation and junior confirmation, on Sunday mornings, starting today after the 10.15am service. These are a wonderful opportunity to explore more about the Christian faith, to revisit or refresh things you might have forgotten or to prepare for baptism or confirmation. If you or anyone you know is interested please speak with either Canon Mandy or Canon Paul or email ELECTORAL ROLL. Time is running out and if you have not already completed and handed in a form (they are available on the sound-desk) to include yourself on the Electoral Roll you need to do so as soon as possible. Forms have to be handed into the Cathedral Office by 12 noon on Monday 18 March. Please also book Sunday 7 April at 12noon for our APCM – further details later. The PANCAKE LUNCH was attended by almost 90 people, who all enjoyed wonderful savoury and sweet pancakes made by Sally and Paul Brodie. There was also entertainment by members of the congregation and a Cathedral quiz and a good time was had by all. Thank you to everyone on the Community Committee for arranging this, which has become a much enjoyable annual event. ROAD CLOSURES SUNDAY 17 MARCH when Epilepsy Action is holding its 10k run. This will affect Church Bank, Stott Hill, Forster Square and Canal Road. You can check the full details on (or in last week’s notices) MURDER, MYSTERY DINNER PARTY Sunday 31 March. Get your 1920s glad rags on for lots of fun and sleuthing, whilst enjoying a meal and drinks. See if you can find out ‘whodunit’ at the Choir’s 1920s themed murder mystery dinner party in aid of the Choir tour to Germany. The cost is £20 per person, which includes welcome drinks, a meal and a murder mystery event. Please bring your own drinks for the dinner and special diets can be catered for, but please specify when booking. Booking is essential and tickets are available through ChurchSuite, on or from the Cathedral Office.


8.00am 10.15am

Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel – The Dean Choral Eucharist - Canon Mandy/The Dean with Children’s Space

11.45am Just a Minute Reflection Group 12.00pm Junior Confirmation Class 4.00pm Choral Evensong – Canon Mandy This week at the Cathedral for information and prayer – Canon Mandy is in residence Monday 8.30am Morning Prayer 10.00am School Visit 1.00pm Silence Space 2.00pm Monday Fellowship 5.45pm Choral Evensong Tuesday 8.30am Morning Prayer 10.00am Carers 10.30am Coffee Concert 1.00 pm School Visit 5.45pm Choral Evensong 7.30pm Community Committee Wednesday 7.30am Holy Communion – Revd Paul Booth 8.30am Morning Prayer 9.00am Artspace Meeting 10.15am Holy Communion – Canon Bruce Grainger 11.00am Bradford Organists’ Association Meeting 1.00pm Wednesday @1 Organ Recital 3.00pm Places of Welcome 5.30pm Evening Prayer Thursday 8.30am Morning Prayer 9.30am School Visit 5.30pm Evening Prayer Friday 8.30am Morning Prayer 10.00am Toddler Group 5.30pm Evening Prayer 7.30pm Chamber Concert Saturday 8.30am Morning Prayer 9.45am Bells Peel Attempt 10.30am Adult Confirmation Class 2.00pm News From Sudan 5.00pm Choral Evensong Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel – Canon Paul 17 March 10.15am Choral Eucharist – The Dean/Canon Paul with Prayer Ministry and Children’s Space

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11.45am Just a Minute Reflection Group 12.00pm Bring and Share Lunch at Number 3 4.00pm Choral Evensong – The Dean Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH stpeterbradford


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