Notices 11.8.19

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NOTICES AND WHAT’S ON 11August 2019 Trinity 8 Hospitality



Today The FLOWERS today have been given by Pat Yewdall and family in loving memory of Petrie. There are still a few spaces left in our flower calendar and if you would like to sponsor the Cathedral flowers one week please fill in your name and contact number on the sheet on the Sound Desk, or speak with Pat Anderson for more details. Today we welcome the choir from St Paul’s Church in Shipley to our 10.15am Eucharist and also at Choral Evensong at 4pm. SILENCE SPACE meets tomorrow St Aidan’s Chapel from 1pm – 2pm. MONDAY FELLOWSHIP meets tomorrow for their Strawberry Cream Tea at the Deanery. This is an annual event hosted by the Dean and Christina and all are welcome. Please note that it starts at 3pm not at the usual time of the Monday Fellowship. CENTENARY CLEAN We have started our special centenary clean, which will continue next Thursday and Friday 15th/16th August and if anyone would like to help please come along anytime between 9am – 5pm. Lunch and refreshments will be provided and if you are interested please let David our Head Verger know via the Cathedral Office or email him on Thank you. BRING & SHARE LUNCH is next Sunday 18th August. For August this will be (weather permitting) a picnic in the Cathedral grounds and everyone is welcome. If you can, please bring some food to share, but don’t worry if you can’t as you will still be most welcome. WOMEN OF FAITH BOOK GROUP The Women of Faith book group meets at 11am every month at the back of the ground floor at Waterstones in the Wool Exchange Bradford. They next meet this Tuesday 13th August when they will be looking at the book ‘City of Friends’ by Joanna Trollope. New members are always welcome. More details are on the Cathedral’s website. KEEPING IN TOUCH - the August edition is available to pick up at the back of the Cathedral as well as online. If you'd like something in September's magazine, or have any feedback about any of the editions so far, please e-mail Thank you. Phil

DIOCESAN NEWS The August issue is available at the back of the Cathedral and if you haven’t already had a copy do pick one up today. TURN OF THE WHEEL the Artspace exhibition in the South Transept is by David Worsley, our Head Verger, who was a potter before his appointment here at the Cathedral. The pieces are available to buy and if you are interested in one please see David or contact the Cathedral Office. Any pieces will then be reserved for collection at the end of the exhibition. REARRANGED SEATING As mentioned in the July edition of Keeping in Touch, we will be experimenting, throughout the month of September, with revised seating in the nave and a nave altar. The choir and clergy will also be in seats in the nave. This is to discover whether or not the choir is better able to lead the congregation in singing from their revised position. During this experimental month, we will be seeking your views on your experience. Canon Paul MUSIC DEPARTMENT The closing date for applications for the positions of Choir Matron (Choristers’ Pastoral Worker) and Music Department Administrator has now passed. THE SIXTEEN Tickets are still available for the concert by The Sixteen on Saturday 14th September and can be booked on or by calling 0161 8321111. The Sixteen is an internationally renowned group and we are privileged to have them here at the Cathedral during our Centenary Year, when we are assured of a spectacular evening of music. STEELEYE SPAN We are also privileged to have been chosen as a venue for Steeleye Span as part of their 50th Anniversary Tour. Steeleye Span are an English folk rock band formed in 1969. Still active today, they are amongst the best known acts of the British folk revival, and were among the most commercially successful, thanks to their hit singles "Gaudete" and "All Around My Hat". The concert will take place here in the Cathedral on Friday 29th November and tickets (£28 and £26) are now on sale. These can be obtained from either the Bradford Theatres’ Booking Offices in either St George’s Hall or the Alhambra, by ringing the Booking Office on 01274 432000 or on line at

SHUTTLE SHUFFLE FESTIVAL Music events will take place in Little Germany on Saturday and Sunday 17th/18th August. Some events will be in the Cathedral and for tickets and more details go to ALPHA starts on Wednesday 11th September and we are looking for volunteers to help with food and hospitality and with hosting the event. If you are interested and can offer one or more weeks, then please speak to Canon Mandy or one of the Community Committee. ALPHA - who will you invite? The course will be held every Wednesday in the autumn term starting on 11th September between 5pm and 7pm. Do come along and invite someone to come along with you – all are welcome. For more details, please speak to Canon Mandy. ECO EXTRAVAGANZA Bradford Cathedral’s first Eco Extravaganza will take place on 19th October and we are looking for a large team of volunteers to help throughout the day. There are openings in the hospitality, set up and take-down and welcome teams and if you are able to help please speak to Canon Mandy, Phil Lickley, one of the Eco Group or let the Cathedral Office know. THE CHURCH BANK STEPS have re-opened having undergone repair, but there will still be some INTERIM REPAIRS to the North Porch and Music Room until midAugust. During this time, you may have to use the West door steps, although on Sundays you will be able to access the Cathedral via the North Porch as usual. REFILL your water bottle. Save water, save money, stay hydrated and prevent plastic pollution by refilling your water bottle here at the Cathedral. We are now a registered location for people to get free refills for their water bottles from our water machine. For more details, go to or get the app to see all other locations. SUMMER SERMON SERIES During the summer weeks to the end of August we shall be offering a series of sermons and reflections on Sundays, based on the lectionary readings. (At 8.00am / 10.15am) 11th August to 25th August The Letter to the Hebrews (Chapters 11+12) (At 4.00pm) 11th August to 25th August The Second Letter to the Corinthians ( Selected texts) UNDERCLIFFE CEMETERY RE-DEDICATION OF MASS GRAVE, ST PETER’S, BRADFORD A few months ago the Cathedral raised £750 to restore the mass grave at Undercliffe Cemetery that contains remains of those who were moved from here at the end of the 19th century when Church Bank was created. This grave will be re-dedicated by Dean Jerry at 2pm on Sunday 25th August and all those who supported and any others, would be very welcome to join us for this brief ceremony.

WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK: 11th – 18th AUGUST Today

8.00am 10.15am 11.45am 4.00pm

Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel – The Dean Choral Eucharist – Canon Mandy/The D with the Choir of St Paul’s Church, Shipley Just A Minute Reflection Choral Evensong – Canon Mandy with the choir of St Paul’s Church, Shipley

This week at the Cathedral for information and prayer – Canon Mandy is in residence Monday

Tuesday Wednesday


8.30am 1.00pm 3.00pm 5.30pm 8.30am 2.30pm 5.30pm 7.30am 8.30am 9.00am 10.15am 2.30pm 5.30pm 8.30am

Morning Prayer Silence Space Monday Fellowship Strawberry Cream Tea Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Centenary Working Group Evening Prayer Holy Communion in St Aidan’s Chapel – The Dean Morning Prayer Artspace Meeting Holy Communion – Canon Mandy Places of Welcome Evening Prayer Morning Prayer

12.00pm 5.30pm 8.30am 9.00am 5.30pm 8.30am 12.00pm 5.30pm

Burma Star Commemoration Service Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Centenary Clean Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Shuttle Shuffle Festival Evening Prayer

8.00am 10.15am 11.45am 12.00pm 12.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm

Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel – Canon Mandy Sung Eucharist - The Dean/The Revd Steve Allen Just A Minute Reflection Bring & Share Picnic Shuttle Shuffle Festival (to 3pm) Evening Prayer Shuttle Shuffle Festival (to 10pm)


The Blessed Virgin Mary

Friday Saturday

Sunday 18 August Trinity 9

Centenary Clean

01274 777720 Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH stpeterbradford @Bfdcathedral

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