NOTICES AND WHAT’S ON 15th September 2019 Creation 3 Hospitality
Today FLOWERS The flowers this week are in celebration of Bradford Cathedral’s role in the life of the City. On National Heritage Open Day, thanks are given for the development of the woollen industry in this area, with wool sacks giving protection to our Tower, to the continuing trade of today. We give thanks that the doors of Bradford Cathedral are open to all, offering a place of serenity, prayer, hospitality and shelter. Elaine and Mike de Villiers (son of a wool farmer) CREATIONTIDE continues today when we enter into the third week of the Creation Season. Creationtide is an Ecumenical initiative launched in 1989, when the Season of Creation was given a major boost by Pope Francis in 2016 as when, speaking before nearly two million people at the World Youth Day in Krakow, he declared the 1st September an annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. REARRANGED SEATING We hope that you are enjoying the rearranged seating with which we are experimenting throughout September. Please do give the Clergy or Churchwardens your views. JUST A MINUTE reflection group meets in the South transept (Peace Chapel) after the 10.15am service to share short thoughts about this morning’s service. New people are always welcome. BRING & SHARE LUNCH is today at 12 noon in the Parish Room. Everyone is welcome, whether you have brought some food to share or not. HERITAGE OPEN DAY is today, when the Cathedral, along with other places of special interest, will be open for people to visit. The Cathedral will have special events happening from 12noon – 3pm, when you can learn about people who have played a part in our history, including the Cathedral Bells and the part the Cathedral played in the English Civil War. There will also be guided tours at specific times during the day, to the bell tower (sign up for these on the day) and guided tours of the Cathedral at 12.30pm and 2pm. Refreshments will also be available so do come along and let as many people know so that they can discover and appreciate our wonderful Cathedral and its history.
INVITATION to Sarah Maybury’s licensing as a Lay Reader, on Saturday 28 September at 1.30pm at Bradford Cathedral. All are welcome to attend. Sarah wishes to thank members of the Cathedral congregation for your support and encouragement during the past three years of her training. Please continue to pray for her as she serves the parishes of Great Horton and Manningham. SHARING FAITH NATURALLY building confidence to talk to friends, family about faith. Tuesday 17 September 7.15pm – 9pm, St John’s Church, Neville Road, Bowling, Bradford BD4 8TU. To book email, 0113 353 0281. For further information please see CHORAL EVENSONG today at 4pm welcomes the Revd Canon Arani Sen, who will be preaching at the service. Arani is one of the Cathedral’s Honorary Canons and is Area Dean of the Armley Deanery. We also have one of his books ‘Holy Spirit Radicals’ in our Cathedral shop. CARERS meet this Tuesday, at 10am in the Parish Room. This is a lovely, very informal group of people who are currently who have been carers. Under the guidance of Anne Brooksbank, they always have a lovely and relaxed time together, usually making something ‘crafty’ over conversation, tea/coffee and biscuits. New people are always welcome and if you either are or have been a carer why not go along and join them? THE WEDNESDAY @ 1 ORGAN RECITALS began last Wednesday and this week will welcome Rachel Mahon from Coventry. The buffet lunch for £4 is from 12.30pm12.55pm and the concert, which is free, starts at 1pm. There is a retiring collection which goes towards the organ fund. All are welcome. ALPHA started last week and continues this Wednesday 18 September from 5.30pm – 7pm. The weekly session, which begins with a meal, is a relaxed and informative way to explore the Christian Faith and all are welcome. To book your place please contact the Cathedral Office, email or speak to Canon Mandy and please do tell us if you have any special dietary requirements. Any help with food and hospitality would also be much appreciated and if you can offer some time, please speak to Canon Mandy or one of the Community Committee. The NEW EXHIBITION: BY THE HAND OF … ICONS was officially launched last week and runs until 20th October. It’s in the North Transept and around the building and we encourage you to go and have a look at Chris Czainski’s amazing work.
An ICON PAINTING WORKSHOP is to take place on Friday 20th September and more details are on the Cathedral’s website. The cost is £40 (plus a £2.16 booking fee), which covers all the materials for the workshop and a set of brushes to take away, and booking, which can be made through or the Cathedral Office is essential.
DIFFERENCE – Reconciliation Training Day on Saturday 21st September from 9am – 5pm. This initiative is part of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Reconciliation Ministry and we are privileged to have been chosen to host an event here. The course is for all Christians to help us discover how our faith can make a positive impact and for more information and to book please go to Places are limited and BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL. Our HARVEST FESTIVAL is on Sunday 29th September when we will give thanks for the wonder of God’s creation and gifts of fresh and tinned food will be received during the 10.15am service. From 12.30pm – 2pm there will also be MESSY HARVEST which is open to all families. The time will be filled with bread making, Bible reading, songs and crafts and also the planting of the Spring bulbs in the West End garden area of the Cathedral. TODAY Canon Paul is leading and preaching at St Michael’s, Thornhill in the Huddersfield Episcopal Area. FRIENDS ANNUAL LUNCH is on Sunday 20th October at Oakwood Hall Hotel, Lady Lane, Bingley. Two or three course options are available, and if you would like to go please pick up a leaflet at the back of the Cathedral. Booking is essential and full details are on the leaflet. EVENTS PROGRAMME Our What’s On brochure, covering events from September to December is now available. Please pick up a copy and any extra copies for your families and friends and contacts. Your help in ‘spreading the word’ of the Cathedral would be much appreciated. BRADFORD BIKE RIDE Sunday 22nd September – impact on the roads around Cathedral. WOMEN OF FAITH BOOK GROUP meet 11am every month at the back of the ground floor, at Waterstones, in the Wool Exchange, Bradford. Next meeting Tuesday 17 September – books about Thanksgiving. SPRING BULBS Thank you to those of you who have donated bulbs for our West End garden project. We are particularly wanting crocus and snowdrops to add a splash of Spring colour and the bulbs will be planted at Messy Harvest on 29th September. They can be given to Canon Mandy or the Cathedral Office. Thank you JANE TARVER is doing 10,000 steps every day in September in aid of Cancer Research UK. If you would like to sponsor her, please sign the form on the Sound Desk. Thank you.
EMMA WILKINSON is going to a Bishop’s Advisory Panel (BAP) which is effectively a 3 day interview process to discern whether or not the Church of England will train her for ordination. Emma asks for our prayers.
WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK: 15th – 22nd September Today Creation 3
8.00am 10.15am
Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel - Canon Mandy Choral Eucharist – The Dean/Canon Mandy with Children’s Space 11.45am Just A Minute Reflection 12.00pm Bring & Share Lunch – in the Parish Room 12.00pm Heritage Open Day 4.00pm Choral Evensong – The Dean/Revd Canon Arani Sen This week at the Cathedral for information and prayer Canon Mandy is in residence Monday 8.30am Morning Prayer 2.00pm Chapter Meeting 5.45pm Choral Evensong Tuesday 8.30am Morning Prayer 9.45am School Visit 10.00am Carers in the Parish Room 1.00pm Stitching Group 2.30pm Centenary Working Group 3.00pm Group Visit 5.45pm Choral Evensong Wednesday 7.30am Holy Communion St Aidan’s Chapel - Revd Paul Booth 8.30am Morning Prayer 10.15am Holy Communion – Revd Canon Myra Shackley 11.00am British Organists’ Association Meeting 12.30pm Wednesday @ 1 Organ Recital 2.30pm Places of Welcome 5.30pm Evening Prayer 5.30pm Alpha Thursday 8.30am Morning Prayer 5.45pm Choral Evensong Friday 8.30am Morning Prayer 10.00am Icon Painting Workshop 10.00am Toddler Group in the Parish Room 5.30pm Evening Prayer Saturday 8.30am Morning Prayer Matthew the Apostle 9.00am Difference (Reconciliation) Training Day
5.30pm Evening Prayer nd
Sunday 22 Creation 4 Peace Sunday
8.00am 10.15am 11.45am 4.00pm
01274 777720
Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel –The Dean Choral Eucharist - Canon Mandy/Revd Clive Barrett with Children’s Space Just A Minute Reflection Choral Evensong – Canon Mandy
Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH