NOTICES AND WHAT’S ON 16 June 2019 Trinity Sunday Hospitality
We want to say a HUGE THANKYOU to everyone who helped to make the Cathedral Festival yesterday a success and thanks go to all who either organised or came and supported the Festival during the day. THIS COMING WEEK: The FLOWERS this week have been provided by the Cathedral for all who come into our wonderful building to enjoy. PRAYER MINISTRY After the Eucharist during the 10.15am service, there will be an opportunity for Prayer Ministry. If you would like someone to pray with you for either yourself or someone else, please go to the chapels behind the altar where there will be someone to share this ministry with you. CHOIR TOUR - TODAY after the 10.15am Eucharist, Alex Berry, our Director of Music, will give a presentation to members of the congregation about what the choir got up to while they were abroad on their recent trip to Germany. BRING & SHARE LUNCH is TODAY after the 10.15am service at No 3 The Close, when Canon Paul and Sarah welcome you to go along and share lunch in their home. If you have brought some food to share please take it along with you, but don’t feel that you can’t go along if you haven’t, as all are welcome. The Girl Choristers this afternoon are singing Choral Evensong at St Jude and Holy Trinity in Halifax and Choral Evensong here at the Cathedral will be led by Canon Paul. Why not join us on Wednesday for our WEDNESDAY@1 ORGAN RECITAL when Daniel Mansfield, the Organ Scholar at Liverpool Cathedral will be playing? The buffet lunch beforehand at just £4 is from 12.30-12.55pm and the recital will start at 1pm.The recital is free, but there is a retiring collection. Come and enjoy if you can. MEMORIES! Have you looked at the Cathedral Exhibition in the North Transept? It is an amazing record of happenings and people at the Cathedral over 100 years. Do go and have a look – there may be faces and events you recall, but even if not, it is a wonderful and interesting record of Cathedral life. We still do need your memories though and there are some more luggage tags in the exhibition area waiting for more memories. Do remember to put on the date or year if you can so that we can display your memory in the appropriate place on the timeline. Thank you.
NEW GLORIA Next Sunday 23 June after the 10.15am Eucharist, there will be a special congregational rehearsal of a new Bradford Gloria, specially written for us to the tune of Ilkley Moor Baht’at. Please do stay around and join in. INCOME DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Andrew (Andy) McCarthy has joined the Cathedral Staff as Income Development Officer and next Sunday 23 June, there will be the opportunity to meet him as he is formally introduced to the congregation during the 10.15am service. Andy’s role is to generate income for the Cathedral and part of his specific tasks will be to try and secure funding for projects such as the Parish Room and improvements to access to the Cathedral. CATHEDRAL BELLS Can you believe that it is a year since the Cathedral Bells were refurbished and re-dedicated, thanks hugely to the generosity and support from the Heritage Lottery Fund? To mark the first anniversary, we are to hold a special event at 4pm on Thursday 20 June to celebrate this and the wonderful work that all the Cathedral volunteers do, especially our young Community Heritage Volunteers from Lapage Primary School. They will be handing over their responsibilities to other pupils who will form the next team of Community Heritage Volunteers. The bells are a very significant part of the Cathedral and we are so grateful that they once again ring out over the City. The event is free and there will be refreshments. The Cathedral’s PATRONAL FESTIVAL is on Sunday 30 June, when we will welcome the Very Revd Dr David Ison as our preacher at the 10.15am Eucharist. David is now the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral in London, but prior to his move there he was Dean here at Bradford from 2005 – 2012. It will be lovely to see him and Hilary again and we know that they will receive a special Bradford Cathedral welcome. The Patronal Festival is special as it acknowledges the Cathedral’s Patron Saint, St Peter, who is included in our name of The Cathedral Church of St Peter Bradford ELIOT SMITH DANCE presents ‘Awaken’ on Wednesday 19th June at 7.30pm. This is a special ‘one-off’ performance to mark the Cathedral’s Centenary, which will feature a spectacular finale accompanied by live organ at the Cathedral. There is no admission charge – just pay what you feel – and more details are in our Centenary Brochure or on or REFUGEE WEEK is from the 15 – 23 June and is a nationwide programme of arts, cultural and educational events that celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK. Here at the Cathedral we're hosting a film showing of 'The Dream of Shahrazad' on Thursday 20th June at 7pm (entry is free – just pay what you want) and an exhibition entitled 'Burma, Bangladesh, Bradford: A Celebration of Integration' running from the 17th - 22nd June. Pick up a full programme of events at the back of the Cathedral or from the welcome desk. You can just turn up for the film, but if you are intending to come, if you are able to register your interest on that would help us with numbers.
BRADFORD LITERATURE FESTIVAL which is hailed as one of the most inspirational festivals in the UK comes to Bradford Cathedral. Over 500 events will span iconic venues over ten days and we are hosting five of them. Booking for all the events is on and booklets are available in the Cathedral. NORMAN ANGELL PEACE LECTURE is on Friday 28 June at 7.30pm. This is part of the Bradford Literature Festival in conjunction with the Cathedral, and Professor Paul Rogers Emeritus Professor of Peace Studies at Bradford University and author of many books, will be the guest speaker. Tickets are £7 (concessions are available) and can be obtained at A NEW DIVAN on Saturday 29 June at 3pm will celebrate two new books marking the 200th anniversary of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s West-Eastern Divan. REFLECTING A CENTURY – 100 Years of Bradford Cathedral is on Saturday 6 July at 11am. Find out more about the Cathedral from a discussion between the Dean, Bishop Toby and Ulrike Knox, the Cathedral’s Architect. ORIGINS OF THE OUTSIDERS: The New Goths on Saturday 6 July at 12.30pm celebrating the evolution of Goth Culture. SECRED POETRY Sunday 7 July at 7pm. An evening of sacred poetry and a selection of worshipful recitals and performances.Tickets are £10. CHRISTIAN AID A huge thank you to everyone who donated to Christian Aid. The Cathedral raised £383.75, which has been sent off to Christian Aid to help its vital work. CHILDREN’S SOCIETY Jane Thompson would like to thank all who collect regularly throughout the year for the Children’s Society. The boxes for this past year have been emptied and £262.57 has been sent to the Children’s Society. If you would like a box for your personal collection please see Jane or ask at the Cathedral Office. JON and SANDRA HOWARD have sent the following update to all their friends at the Cathedral: Sandra is now Churchwarden, having been asked in April to be Vicar’s Warden for the Parish. They have two open churches and one about to be put on the market for sale. Jon robes for all the services in Coelbren and is now on the rota to take Morning Prayer there and in Callwen, to give the clergy a break occasionally. They also try to get to Brecon sometimes ... and hope to do so for Alex's organ recital in July. Their cottage renovations and alterations are progressing and they send their love to everyone. CHURCH BANK STEPS Just a reminder that the Church Bank steps remain closed and will be so for the foreseeable future. We do apologise for any inconvenience. MICHELLE SIMPSON is to cycle the 150 mile long Coast to Coast route from Seascale to Whitby (via the Lake District!) on Saturday 29th June in aid of the Sue Ryder Manorlands and Wheatfields hospices. If you would like to sponsor her, there is a sponsor form on the sound desk. Thank you.
WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK Today Trinity Sunday
8.00am 10.15am
Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel– Canon Mandy Choral Eucharist – Canon Paul/Canon Mandy with Prayer Ministry and Children’s Space 11.45am Just A Minute Reflection 12.00noon Choir Trip to Germany Presentation 12.00noon Bring & Share Lunch at No 3 4.00pm Choral Evensong – Canon Paul
This week at the Cathedral for information and prayer – Canon Paul is in residence This Week is Refugee Week Monday Tuesday
Thursday World Refugee Day Friday Saturday
Sunday 23 June Trinity 1
8.30am 5.45pm 8.30am 10.00am 5.45pm 7.30pm 7.30am 8.30am 10.15am 11.00am 1.00pm 2.30pm 5.30pm 7.30pm 8.30am 4.00pm 5.45pm 7.00pm 8.30am
Morning Prayer Choral Evensong Morning Prayer National Churches Estate Network Conference Choral Evensong Community Committee Holy Communion – Canon Paul Morning Prayer Holy Communion – Canon Paul British Organists’ Association Meeting Wednesday @1 Organ Recital Places of Welcome Evening Prayer ‘Awaken’ – Eliot Smith Dance Group Morning Prayer HLF Bells Project Get-together Choral Evensong ‘Dream of Shahrazad’ Film Showing Morning Prayer
5.30pm 8.30am 10.00am 5.30pm
Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Flower Team Meeting Evening Prayer
8.00am 10.15am 11.45am 4.00pm
Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel– Canon Paul Choral Eucharist– The Dean/Canon Paul Just A Minute Reflection Choral Evensong – Canon Rod Anderson
01274 777720
Toddler Group
Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH stpeterbradford @Bfdcathedral