NOTICES AND WHAT’S ON 16th February 2 Before Lent Hospitality Faithfulness
The FLOWERS TODAY have been given by Jacquie Bennett. THIS WEEK AND BEYOND THE HERITAGE SINGERS a visiting choir, are singing at the Sunday Eucharist and Evensong today. You can find out more about them at The BRING & SHARE LUNCH will be at 12noon today at No 3. All are welcome to share in this time, whether you are able to bring some food or not. BISHOP NICK ADDRESS Today our Diocesan Bishop, the Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds will give an address entitled ‘Waiting for a Miracle?’ which will be a contemporary look at politics, wisdom and faith. The address is from 2pm – 3.30pm and will be followed by refreshments. Bishop Nick will also be preaching at Choral Evensong at 4pm and everyone is welcome. HALF-TERM FAMILY ACTIVITIES are taking place during the February half-term on Tuesday 18th and Thursday 20th February. Families are invited to come and join in crafts, colouring, quizzes and much more from 10am – 2pm and there will be guided family tours of the Cathedral at 11am and 1pm. It would help us to have an idea of numbers and if you can, please register your interest on, but don’t worry if you can’t as you can just turn up. These activities, which are free, are for families, but adults must stay with their children. KEEPING IN TOUCH/DIOCESAN NEWS The deadline for content for the next edition of KEEPING IN TOUCH is 5pm on Wednesday 19th February. Please send your pieces through to of drop them into the cathedral office for the attention of Phil. FAIRTRADE BREAKFAST SUNDAY 1st MARCH from 8.45am – 9.45am. Sign up today after this morning’s 10.15am service for the Cathedral’s fifth annual Fairtrade Breakfast and whilst sharing in fellowship with others, enjoy a simple, but delicious breakfast of Fairtrade and local food and drinks. Come and sample muesli, jam, marmalade, tea and coffee and locally made honey and butter. Donations of £3 are requested to cover costs and to enable us to donate to the work of Traidcraft Exchange. You can sign up at the Fairtrade stall after the 10.15am Service today.
SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE LUNCH 25th February 2020 12.30 – 2.30pm The Community Committee will be holding our traditional pancake lunch on Shrove Tuesday 25th February from 12.30 to 2.30pm in the Cathedral Nave. This year our lunch is being provided by The Lodge Café, Bowling Park (a Social Enterprise). There will be a choice of quiches, salad and potatoes followed by a choice of sweet pancakes for dessert, plus tea and coffee. There will also be some entertainment. The price is £6.50 per person, children under 10 £3 (plus a booking fee if using Eventbrite), and tickets are available from any member of the Community Committee or on Places are limited so please sign up and get your ticket today.
Also on Shrove Tuesday we're holding a CHARITY PANCAKE RACE in conjunction with BRADFORD BID and the LORD MAYOR'S APPEAL. We're looking for local businesses, charities, organisations and groups to submit teams of four to take part in a pancake race relay around our Centenary Square course from 12.30pm – 1.30pm. For more information please e-mail Phil on The WEDNESDAY@1ORGAN RECITAL this Wednesday will feature Alexander Woodrow, who is Director of Music at Leeds Minster. Alex was Director Music here from 2012 – 2016. The buffet lunch, at £4, will be from 12.30pm – 12.55pm and the recital, which is free, will start at 1pm. There will be a retiring collection in aid of the Organ Fund. Everyone is welcome. RENEWAL OF GIVING 2020 We hope you will be able to attend our Renewal of Giving launch, which will take place as part of the Choral Eucharist service on Sunday 1st March. This will be an opportunity for the Dean to thank you all for your generous support during 2019, to think about the future, and reflect on giving as part of our Christian discipleship. You will be receiving some information in the post about Renewal of Giving. Please take a few minutes to read and pray about this. If you have any questions, feel free to speak to a member of the clergy team and we look forward to seeing you on the 1st. ANNUAL SINGING DAY Tickets are on sale for our second annual Singing Day, this year with Professor Paul Mealor. It takes place on Saturday 14th March from 10am - 6pm and tickets can be booked at or through the Cathedral Office. A CANDLE-LIT CONCERT to mark Earth Hour with pianist Ben Comeau is on Saturday 28th March with refreshments from 8pm and music from 8.30pm – 9.30pm. You can book your ticket (£5 plus booking fee) at, at the Cathedral Office, or turn up on the evening. The ticket price includes a donation to Earth Hour.
LIVE LENT as we approach the season of Lent you can now buy a selection of books from the cathedral shop, including the official Archbishop of Canterbury Lent book. You can also pick up a free copy of the new Church of England guide to Lent from the sound desk, with both an adult and a child version. THE NEXT ARTSPACE EXHIBITION starts on Wednesday 26th February and is ENCOUNTERS WITH JESUS by ALI THISTLETHWAITE. You can find out more about it in the current edition of Keeping in Touch. Please join us for the official launch of the exhibition at the Ash Wednesday service at 7pm. The exhibition runs until the 12th June. To mark the YEAR OF PILGRIMAGE you can now purchase one of the PILGRIM PASSPORTS from the cathedral shop for £5. You can also collect a Bradford Cathedral sticker from the office. How many cathedrals will you visit and tick off in 2020? 2020 PRAYER CARD pick up a card from the welcome desk. Each cathedral has been provided with cards for 2020 by the Association of English Cathedrals as part of the YEAR OF CATHEDRALS. If you would like more for your church or friends or family, please ask at the office. JOIN US ON SATURDAY 29TH FEBRUARY from 11am – 5pm when we’ll be hosting the WORTH THE WEIGHT VINTAGE KILO SALE. Grab a bag on your way in and pick and mix your vintage clothing, all for £15 a kilo! Get in an hour early from 11am with £3 early bird tickets with general admission from 12 noon. CITY OF SANCTUARY have a number of asylum seekers who arrive here with only the clothing they are wearing and are not equipped for the winter. Items requested for females are shoes, trainers, boots size 37(5) and basic general clothing size 8/10. For males all basic clothing, including warm coats size medium+ generous XL or XXL. For children any suitable books. If you are able to help, please call Tanya on 07921 095467 and she can arrange with you for them to be dropped off at a central point or where they can be delivered. THE ELECTORAL ROLL is to be revised in time for the APCM and a notice of this is on the Notice Board at the West end of the Cathedral. If you are on the Roll you need to take no action at the moment but if you are not and wish to take a full part in the proceedings of the APCM you will need to register as a member. Forms for enrolment are available from Alex McLelland, the acting Electoral Roll Officer, or from the Cathedral Office. Completed forms should be returned to the Office before Sunday 23 February 2020. A copy of the Roll will be displayed in the Cathedral, for 14 days leading up to the APCM, when you can make sure you are included if you should be. Alex McLelland.
WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK 16th – 23rd February Today 2nd before Lent
Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel – The Dean 10.15am Choral Eucharist – The Dean with Prayer Ministry, the Heritage Singers and Children’s Space 11.45am Just a Minute Reflection 12.00noon Bring & Share Lunch at No 3 2.00pm Bishop Nick Address 4.00pm Choral Evensong – The Dean/Bishop Nick
The Dean is in residence until 17 Feb Canon Paul is in residence from Tues 18 Feb for information and prayer Monday Tuesday
Thursday Friday Saturday
8.30am 5.30pm 8.30am 10.00am 10.00am 1.00pm 5.30pm 7.30am 9.00am 10.15am 1.00pm 2.30pm 5.30pm 8.30am 5.30pm 8.30am 5.30pm 8.30am 5.30pm
Sunday 23rd February 8.00am Next before Lent 10.15am 4.00pm 01274 777720
Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Carers in the Parish Room Family Activities – in the Cathedral Stitching@BradfordCathedral Evening Prayer Holy Communion - Revd Paul Booth Artspace Meeting Holy Communion – Canon Paul Wednesday@1 Organ Recital Places of Welcome Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel – Canon Paul Choral Eucharist – Canon Paul Choral Evensong – Canon Paul
Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH stpeterbradford