NOTICES AND WHAT’S ON 17th November 2019 2nd before Advent
Today: The FLOWERS today have been given by Margaret Barker remembering David and giving thanks for their family. The November BRING & SHARE LUNCH is today at 12 noon in Canon Paul and Sarah’s home, No 3 Cathedral Close. Any food you have brought will be shared, but if you haven’t brought any you will still be very welcome. Everyone is invited so do go along to share in this special time of food and fellowship. THIS WEEK At the WEDNESDAY@1 ORGAN RECITAL Ian Rutt from Swansea will be our recitalist. Ian is Director of Music at Swansea University, where he is responsible for the growth and development of student music. The buffet lunch at £4, is from 12.30-12.55pm and the recital, which is free, will start at 1pm. There will be a retiring collection which goes towards the organ fund. NEXT SUNDAY is a particularly special day for Bradford Cathedral as we celebrate the centenary of the former Parish Church of St Peter being granted Cathedral status. At 10.15am, the kneelers for the Sanctuary, which the Stitching Group have worked on tirelessly, will be dedicated. Members of the group will be at the service as will Polly Meynell the designer, who also designed our altar frontals and clergy copes. After the service, do go and have a look at the intricate work the stitchers have done over many hours to create these wonderful pieces. We will also acknowledge the cleaning of the WW1 window during the service. And then ………. we will have our special Centenary Service at 4pm
when Bishop Nick will be our preacher and staff and clergy, past and present, along with our own congregation and many other people from around the City and beyond will be sharing this special celebration with us. The service will be followed by tea and cakes in Kala Sangam and the day will conclude our Centenary year. Please note that reservations can be made on ChurchSuite (book via not on Eventbrite, or via the Cathedral Office and we are asking that people are in their seats by 3.45pm.We have asked
that people let us know if they will be attending so that we can keep a track of numbers and if you haven’t already done so please let us know. We look forward to welcoming so many people to this special day.
CATHEDRAL CHRISTMAS CARD – have you got yours yet? If not do go and look at the cards, which are in the Cathedral Shop. The card is only available at the Cathedral and features the Nativity Icon from our recent exhibition by Chris Czainski. Cards are £5 per pack of 10, or you can order them online at THE CHRISTMAS LUNCH is this year on Saturday 14th December at 12.30pm in the Rooftop Café in St Peter’s House. There will be a stall at the back of the Cathedral this Sunday and adult tickets are £16 and child tickets are £8. You do need to book and payment is by cash only please this year. Thank you. We are holding a TREE PLANTING DAY on Saturday 23rd November. You can join the team any time from 10am to 3pm when they’ll be planting near Denso Marston Nature Reserve, Otley Road, Baildon. There is a bus service No. 737 – dismount at the stop after St James Church or the Halfway House. By car, turn into Sapper Jordan Rossi business park for additional parking. Look for GREEN signs to the planting site. You don't need to bring anything with you, but sensible footwear is suggested. 18-30's SOCIAL EVENT Saturday 23rd November 7-9pm Canon Mandy will be hosting a social event for a new group in the Cathedral. It will be an opportunity for people to meet and discuss what they would like to do as a group going forward. Booking is not essential, but it would be nice to know if you can come along. Please let the Office or Canon Mandy know. WOMEN OF FAITH BOOK GROUP next meets at 11am onTuesday 26 November in Waterstones Bookshop. The theme this month will be Advent and all our welcome. The deadline for the next KEEPING IN TOUCH is Wednesday 27th November. Please send items in to or drop them into the office before this date. CALENDARS FOR SUDAN We have again this year some calendars in the shop which we are selling for our Link Diocese in Sudan. They are £3 for the small one and £5 for the larger. If you would like one, please put your money into the ‘shop slot’ in the blue safe.
The DIVERSITY BOARD GAME is now available to buy from the cathedral shop for just £5. The game of people, faiths and cultures is the perfect gift for lovers of board games, available now to mark Inter Faith Week.
VOLUNTEERS are still needed for bulb planting in the Cathedral grounds. Please speak to Canon Mandy if you can help. EDUCATION @ BRADFORD CATHEDRAL We are receiving more requests for school visits and Maggie and her team are welcoming more and more children who want to learn about our cathedral and Christianity. Many of the visits include a craft of some sort and these need to be prepared beforehand. Could you please help by offering an hour or so, at a time to suit you, to cut out some of the materials that will be used in these visits? It would be such a help and tea/coffee and biscuits will be provided. Please let the Cathedral Office know on 01274 777720. Maggie would be so grateful for Thank you.
LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY TRAINING Saturday 7th December 9.15am till 12noon with Canon Mandy at Bradford Cathedral If you are a Server, Lay Eucharistic Assistant, take Home Communions or are interested in these ministries then this is for you. The training is a requirement by the Diocese. For further details, please speak to Canon Mandy or book a place through the diocesan office. MESSY ADVENT We need fir cones, greenery and volunteers. So if your garden is in need of an autumn trim or you are out walking and find some fir cones then bring them into the Cathedral. Fir cones by Thursday 28th November and greenery on Friday afternoon or Saturday 30th November morning before 10am. Many thanks Canon Mandy and Maggie Myers. MESSY ADVENT - bookings open! Saturday 30th November 10.30 till midday. Sign up on SPARKLING BRADFORD Take part in the trail for a chance to win a Broadway Shopping Voucher. Pick up a copy of the new booklet from the giant Christmas card in the cathedral shop. More info at Look out for the Lantern Parade leaving the cathedral on Saturday 30th November at 4:30pm as part of Bradford Council's Christmas Market day. MINCE PIES During the Advent and Christmas Seasons we will be having mince pies at many of our services and events and any donations would be much appreciated. These can be left in the Cathedral Office. Thank you. INN CHURCHES begins its winter ministry on 25th November and will run this time until early April next year. Please remember to keep collecting mini-toiletries, but they would also welcome hats, scarves and gloves and new underwear to give to those people who come to them for help. These can all be brought to the cathedral.
WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK 17th- 24th NOVEMBER Today 2nd before Advent
8.00am 10.15am
Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel– Canon Paul Choral Eucharist – Canon Mandy/Canon Paul with Children’s Space 11.45am Just A Minute Reflection 12.00noon Bring & Share Lunch @ No 3 4.00pm Choral Evensong – Canon Mandy This week at the Cathedral for information and prayer –Canon Mandy is in residence
8.30am 5.45pm 8.30am 8.30am 1.00pm 5.45pm 7.30pm 7.30am 8.30am 10.15am 1.00pm 2.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 7.30pm 8.30am 5.45pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 8.30am 10.00am 5.30pm 8.30am 10.00am 5.30pm
Friday Saturday
Sunday 24 November Christ the King
01274 777720
8.00am 10.15am 11.45am 4.00pm
Morning Prayer Choral Evensong Morning Prayer Bradford Means Business Meeting School Visit Choral Evensong Community Committee in the Parish Room Holy Communion – Revd Paul Booth Morning Prayer Holy Communion – Revd Helen Lealman Wednesday @1 Organ Recital Places of Welcome Alpha Course in the Cathedral Evening Prayer Silence Clinic in the Parish Room Morning Prayer Choral Evensong Hipperholme Grammar School Awards Evening
LWL Training in the Parish Room Morning Prayer Toddler Group Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Tree Planting in Baildon (see notice sheet) Evening Prayer CENTENARY DAY Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel – The Dean Choral Eucharist – Canon Mandy/The Dean Just A Minute Reflection Centenary Service – The Dean/Bishop Nick followed by refreshments in Kala Sangam
Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH stpeterbradford