NOTICES AND WHAT’S ON Sunday 17 February 2019 3rd before Lent Hospitality
Welcome to the Northern Cathedral Consort who is leading our worship as our own Choir is on half-term holiday. The FLOWERS TODAY have been given by Maggie Peel in loving memory of her father Brian Rumsey. BRING & SHARE LUNCH - TODAY after the morning service at 12 noon in 3 Cathedral Close. All are welcome to come and share in food and conversation in Canon Paul and Sarah’s home and any food brought will be put on tables to share. The lunches are always popular and a lovely way to get to know people. HALF-TERM FAMILY ACTIVITIES Our education department is again organising some activities for the forthcoming school holidays next week on Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st February. On these days there will be paper craft activities from 10am- 2pm and guided tours for families at 11am and 1pm. The Cathedral is also open every weekday from 9am- 4.30pm (except on Wednesdays between 12.30pm and 2pm), for visitors, and especially for children there is the Pelican Trail, when you can pick up a booklet and explore the Cathedral, looking for pelicans! Pick up a leaflet at the back of the Cathedral for more details. CARERS Please note that, due to half-term, the Carers will not meet this Tuesday 19 February. They resume on Tuesday 26 February, when they will be making a dammit doll and the following week, 5 March, they will be making Easter cards. The WEDNESDAY @1 ORGAN RECITAL welcomes this week Samuel Bristow, who is a fourth year student at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and Organ Scholar at Birmingham Cathedral. If you can, do come along and support him and join us for the buffet lunch beforehand at £4 from 12.30pm – 12.55pm. The recital is free, but there is a retiring collection which goes towards the organ fund. The ALPHA course is on THURSDAY from 4.30pm – 5.45pm. Come and share food and good company as well as following the course. Do come along if you can, even if you haven’t been before, or see Canon Mandy for more information. CHAMBER CONCERT The 2019 series of Chamber Concerts continues this Friday 22 February at 7.30pm with George Todica on piano, who will be playing pieces by well-known composers. Tickets are available from the Alhambra Theatre box office on 01274 432000 and
TODDLER GROUP Please note that due to the half-term holidays, the Toddler Group will not meet this Friday 22 February. This is just for one week only. PANCAKE LUNCH the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Lunch is on Tuesday 5th March 12 noon for 12.30pm. Have you got your tickets yet? If not they are available from members of the Community Committee, from the Cathedral Office or on and cost £8.50 or £4 for under 12s, with under 5s free. There will be a main course of savoury pancakes and a dessert of sweet pancakes and afterwards there will be tea and coffee and a Cathedral Quiz. Admission is by ticket only so don't miss out and get your ticket as soon as you can. Bring a friend too – everyone is welcome. FAIRTRADE BIG BREAKFAST It will soon be Fairtrade Fortnight, which starts on 25 February and as we have done for the past few years, we are to hold a Fairtrade Breakfast, this year on Sunday 3 March. These have been so successful in previous years and a sign-up form is on the Fairtrade Stall. Donations of £3 are requested to cover costs and to enable us to donate to the vital work of Traidcraft Exchange. The LENT COURSE this year is on Wednesdays 13, 20 and 27 March at 7.30pm, when we will welcome Bishop John Pritchard, Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Leeds and author of many books. His theme for the course is ‘The Elusive God’ and in his series of three addresses he will explore how we live our faith when each day may feel like a struggle. Put the dates in your diary and do come and share in this special time with us. Book a place on or just turn up on the day. All are welcome and copies of some of Bishop John’s books will be available to purchase. CONFIRMATIONS Easter Eve Saturday 20th April 2019 Confirmation groups will begin at the end of February. These are a wonderful opportunity to explore more about the Christian faith, to revisit or refresh things you might have forgotten or to prepare for baptism or confirmation. Topics for exploration include, who is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, sin and forgiveness, heaven and hell, Anglicanism, how to read the Bible and what are the sacraments. For further information or to book your place on a group please contact Canon Mandy or one of the clergy team or email EXHIBITIONS Eva Mileusnic’s Counter-Flow exhibition has moved to a new location within the North Ambulatory. If you have still not had a chance to look at her amazing work please do so and follow the footsteps towards the Holy Spirit Chapel. In the North Transept we now have a new photographic exhibition from Touchstone entitled ‘Extraordinary Drawers! – Opening up insights into faith, culture and journey’, which will run from 8 February to 3 March.
A time to celebrate on Saturday 15th June Bradford Cathedral will be celebrating all day in lots of different ways. At 19:19 everyone will be welcome to our celebratory street party in the Cathedral and we are looking for a team a volunteers to help plan the party. If you are interested then please speak to Canon Mandy. NEW ELECTORAL ROLL Have you completed an Electoral Roll form yet? This year all Church of England Churches have to renew their Electoral Roll, which means that everybody will need to complete a form and return it to the Cathedral Office no later than 12 noon, Monday 18 March. The sooner you can do this, the better please and forms are available from the sound desk at the back of the Cathedral, with a box for you to use. The form invites people to make certain declarations of membership of the Church of England and requires your signature. Anyone who is baptised and aged 16 or over may join the Electoral Roll and we encourage everyone to do so. Your attention is also drawn to the Electoral Roll Privacy Notice, which we would please ask you to read. HONEY We have more stocks of the local honey on the Fairtrade Stall. This is produced by Denholme Gate Apiary, which produces the finest quality, pure honey from the varied flowers of the Yorkshire countryside. There are five different varieties depending on your particular and personal taste in honeys and all are unique in both flavour and appearance. Do give it a try if you have not done so before. TREE WORK This coming Thursday 21 February we will have tree surgeons on site to fell some trees on the south side of the Cathedral. This is necessary work as the trees are now posing a health and safety risk and the area in which the work will be carried out will be cordoned off and the Church Bank steps closed. UNDERCLIFFE CEMETERY PROJECT The Dean would like to thank the Bradford Family History Society and all who donated towards this project to renew the mass grave of those who were re-interred in Undercliffe Cemetery at the end of the 19th Century when Church Bank was created. We have hit the target of ÂŁ750 and the project will be completed this year, when the Dean will rededicate the grave. Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed. ADVANCE NOTICE of a special Eucharist to mark the 25th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood, which will take place on Trinity Sunday 16 June at 3.30pm in Ripon Cathedral. Bishop Nick Baines, the Bishop of Leeds will be presiding and the preacher will be Bishop Helen-Ann Hartley, Bishop of Ripon. This promises to be a service of hope and celebration for all, as the Diocese marks what was a fundamental and life-giving change for the Church of England. Please put the date in your diary.
8.00am 10.15am
Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel – The Dean Sung Eucharist - Canon Mandy/The Dean with Children’s Space and Prayer Ministry and the Northern Cathedral Consort 11.45am Just a Minute Reflection 12.00pm Bring & Share Lunch at No 3 4.00pm Choral Evensong – Canon Mandy This week at the Cathedral for information and prayer – Canon Mandy is in residence
8.30am 10.00am 2.00pm 5.30pm 8.30am 10.00am 1.00pm 2.30pm 5.30pm 7.30am 8.30am 10.15am 1.00pm 3.00pm 5.30pm 8.30am 10.00am 4.30pm 5.30pm 8.30am 5.30pm 7.30pm 8.30am 9.00am 12.00pm 5.30pm
Morning Prayer Funeral Chapter Meeting Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Half-Term Family Activities Stitching Group Centenary Working Group Meeting Evening Prayer Holy Communion – The Dean Morning Prayer Holy Communion – The Dean Wednesday @1 Organ Recital Places of Welcome Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Half-Term Family Activities Alpha Course Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Chamber Concert Morning Prayer Lay Eucharistic Ministry Training My ChurchSuite Champions Evening Prayer
8.00am 10.15am
Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel – Canon Paul Choral Eucharist –The Dean/Canon Paul Note: No Children’s Space this week Just a Minute Reflection Choral Evensong – The Dean
Friday Saturday
Sunday 24 February
11.45am 4.00pm 01274 777720
Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH stpeterbradford