NOTICES AND WHAT’S ON Sunday 17 March 2019 Second Sunday in Lent Hospitality
EASTER LILIES if you would like to give a lily in memory of a someone, please put £4 in the blue safe marked flowers, and write their name(s) on the list on the sound desk. BREAD AT THE EUCHARIST DURING LENT: The change in the bread for the Eucharist during Lent symbolically reflects the penitential turn of our thoughts during the season with rye being added, making the bread darker in colour and giving it a slightly bitter taste from the usual honey-sweetened, white, organic loaf. BRING & SHARE LUNCH is back at No 3 Cathedral Close today following the morning service at 12 noon. This regular Monthly Lunch is open to everyone and advance booking is not necessary. Drinks will be provided and if you can, please bring some cold food to share (savoury or sweet). If you have not brought anything you are still welcome and this is a lovely opportunity to get to know people in a homely setting. CHOIR FUNDRAISING BAKE SALE in aid of the Choir Tour will take place today after the morning service. Go along and treat yourself or someone you know. ELECTORAL ROLL Today is the last Sunday to pick up and complete a form for you to be included on the Electoral Roll. Any forms received after 12 noon tomorrow Monday 18 March will not be included so if you do wish your name to go on the Roll please fill in your form and hand it in TODAY. Please also book Sunday 7 April at 12noon for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and Vestry Meeting. The Report should be available next Sunday. WEDNESDAY @1 ORGAN RECITAL Alana Brook, who is originally from Australia and who has been the Organ Scholar at Ripon Cathedral since 2017, will be playing at the Organ Recital this coming Wednesday. Alana regularly gives recitals around Yorkshire and if you can, do come to the Recital which starts at 1pm and is preceded by a buffet lunch at 12.30pm. The lunch is £4 and the recital is free, but there is a retiring collection in aid of the organ fund. The LENT COURSE began last week when Bishop John Pritchard, former Bishop of Oxford and author of many books, led us at the start of our Lent journey. There will be two more sessions on Wednesdays 20th and 27th March, all on the theme of ‘The Elusive God’. There is no charge for any of the sessions, but if you want to register your intention to attend you can do so on or you can just turn up on the day. All are welcome to share in this special time.
BOOKS There will also be a bookstall at each of the Lent Course sessions and after the 10.15am Sunday morning service, where books by Bishop John and others will be available to purchase. Some of the books are at special discounted prices and there is quite a selection to choose from. We are very grateful to Cornerstone Bookshop in Skipton, which has provided these books for us. As well as Bishop John’s books we also have The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book entitled ‘ Reconciliation’ by Muthuraj Swamy. This is available in the shop area, after the service today and during the week from the Cathedral office, at the special price of £9.00. (It normally sells at £9.99). Please put your money for this in the shop slot in the blue safe. A SILENCE CLINIC is to be held on Wednesday 20 March at 7.30pm in the Parish Room. If you want to know more please see Alison Woolley. The ANNUAL CIVIC THANKSGIVING SERVICE on Thursday 21 March at 5pm is a special service for the city to give thanks for the past year served by the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress. The Lord Mayor, who will share some thoughts from his year of office, Councillors, Officers and Council employees will gather with other leaders and representatives from all areas of City life to celebrate the wonderful diversity of Bradford and its unity of vision and purpose. A reception with light refreshments for all is offered from 4.15pm before the service. Everyone is welcome. ‘THANK GOD IT’S MONDAY! – being a Christian in today’s workplace’ is on Thursday 21 March at 7.30pm in the Parish Room. The evening will be an opportunity to explore what it means to be a Christian in today's workplace, including issues such as: Has God called me to my job? How do I make the most of where I am? What does it mean to be a witness? How do I live out the values of the Kingdom? How can I be a person of influence in my workplace and organisation? Should I try to change the 'way things are done around here'? Find out more at BELL RINGING OPEN DAY Saturday 23rd March at 10am Try something new! Our bell ringing open day is open to all backgrounds and abilities! You can learn about the rich heritage and history of Bradford Cathedral's World War I bells, and experience a skill that cannot be experienced anywhere else in central Bradford! Throughout the day there will be an exhibition, interactive activities, hand bell tutorials and a Bell Ringing Simulator that are free to experience at any time during the day. To find out more, please contact Charlie Murray on or call the Cathedral on 01274 777720. KEEPING IN TOUCH please pick up a copy from the welcome desk or around the Cathedral, and if you’d like something in the April edition or have any feedback please email before 22 March 2019.
FAIRTRADE Thanks to the generosity of the Fairtrade ‘Breakfasters’ we have been able to send a donation of £110 to Traidcraft Exchange which works with over 300,000 people in some of the world’s poorest communities each year. Through the support of Traidcraft Exchange, thousands of farmers, artisans and producers get a fairer deal from the hard work they already do, helping them leave poverty behind for good. You can read more about the work of Traidcraft in the April edition of ‘Keeping in Touch’. You can also SUPPORT COCOA FARMERS by signing a petition on the Fairtrade stall calling on the UK Government to make sure that our trade with developing countries puts poverty reduction first, delivering living income for all, especially women. A PASSION PLAY by LAMPS THEATRE on Monday 8 April at 7pm, will be performed by talented professional actors, who will recreate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in a moving and ultimately joyful retelling of the Easter events. Tickets at £8 (£5 for under 25s) are available at We are so pleased to be hosting this play, but the five people (two women and three men) involved still need overnight accommodation on 8 April. If you are able to offer bed and breakfast for one or more of them, please let Canon Paul know. EASTER CARDS There are some Easter cards (two designs) in the shop made in Sudan. These are just £1.50 each and all proceeds will go towards our link Diocese in Sudan, which Canon Paul recently visited. CONFIRMATIONS Easter Eve Saturday 20th April 2019 Would you like to be confirmed or do you want to know more about confirmation? If so, adult Confirmation classes are being held on Saturdays, at 10.30am and there will be classes, aimed at 9 – 12 year olds, for those wishing to take communion before Confirmation and junior confirmation, on Sunday mornings, starting after the 10.15am service. These are a wonderful opportunity to explore more about the Christian faith, to revisit or refresh things you might have forgotten or to prepare for baptism or confirmation. If you or anyone you know is interested please speak with either Canon Mandy or Canon Paul or email CURRY NIGHT in support of the Court Chaplaincy Service on Tuesday 26 March 7pm for 7.30pm at the Café Regal, 4 Whetley Hill, Bradford BD8 8EA. Tickets are £17 and bring your own beer or wine. All are welcome. Do support this valued and much needed service if you can. MURDER, MYSTERY DINNER PARTY Saturday 6 April. Get your 1920s glad rags on for lots of fun and sleuthing, whilst enjoying a meal and drinks. See if you can find out ‘whodunit’ at the Choir’s 1920s themed murder mystery dinner party in aid of the Choir tour to Germany. The cost is £20 per person, which includes welcome drinks, a meal and a murder mystery event. Bring your own drinks for the dinner and special diets can be catered for, but please specify when booking. Booking is essential and tickets are available through ChurchSuite, on or from the Cathedral Office.
8.00am 10.15am 11.45am 12.00pm 4.00pm
Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel – Canon Paul Choral Eucharist – The Dean/Canon Paul with Prayer Ministry and Children’s Space Just a Minute Reflection Group Bring and Share Lunch at No 3 Choral Evensong – The Dean
This week at the Cathedral for information and prayer - Canon Paul is in residence Monday
8.30am 2.00pm 5.45pm 8.30am 10.00am 1.00pm 5.45pm 7.30am 8.30am 10.15am 1.00pm 3.00pm 5.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 8.30am 10.30am 5.00pm 7.30pm 8.30am 10.00am 5.30pm 10.00am
Morning Prayer Chapter Meeting Choral Evensong Morning Prayer Carers Stitching Group Choral Evensong Holy Communion - Revd Paul Booth Morning Prayer Holy Communion – Revd Canon Rod Anderson Wednesday @ 1Organ Recital Places of Welcome Evening Prayer Lent Course with Bishop John Pritchard Silence Clinic Morning Prayer School Visit Civic Thanksgiving Service Being a Christian in today’s workplace Morning Prayer Toddler Group Evening Prayer Bell Ringing Open Day
Sunday 24 March
8.00am 10.15am
Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel – The Dean Choral Eucharist – Canon Paul/Canon Myra Shackley with Children’s Space Choir Boys’ trip to Laser Quest Just a Minute Reflection Group Choral Evensong – Canon Paul
Tuesday Joseph of Nazareth Wednesday
11.30am 11.45am 4.00pm
01274 777720
Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH stpeterbradford