Notices - 2nd June 2019

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Easter 7 – Environmental Sunday Hospitality



THIS COMING WEEK: The FLOWERS this week have been given in loving memory of Eileen Cosgrove by her family. BELL RINGING TASTER SESSION today at 11.30am after the morning service, when anyone is welcome to go along and see what happens in the bell chamber. Please meet the Captain of our bell-ringers Ron Crabtree at the back of the Cathedral after the service and please be aware that there are a good number of steps to climb to get to the bell chamber! THY KINGDOM COME We are now in the ten days of Thy Kingdom Come, a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus and to help ‘Light up the World’ and which runs until Sunday 9th June. Around the Cathedral, there will be prayer stations open to everyone, following different areas of activity across the City and District. Individuals and groups are invited to share in this experience and the Cathedral is open from 7pm-9pm Monday to Thursday. To find out more, and pledge to ‘Light up the World’, please visit THE DEAN – ‘VISIT & PRAY’ Dean Jerry is marking the ten days of ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ by visiting and praying in the three Diocesan Cathedrals - Bradford, Ripon and Wakefield. Dean Simon at Wakefield joined him at Wakefield last Thursday and Dean John will be joining him at Ripon next Wednesday and if you can, please do join him here at Bradford Cathedral tomorrow Monday 3rd June. Each time of prayer will conclude with Choral Evensong and anyone is invited to join him on this pilgrimage of prayer either for part of the way or at one of the Cathedrals, where he is hoping to arrive at the following times: Bradford Cathedral - 3rd June • 3pm Ripon Cathedral - 5th June • 3pm Ben Giddings from Reading will be playing at this week’s WEDNESDAY@1 ORGAN RECITAL. The buffet lunch beforehand is from 12.30-12.55pm and the recital will start at 1pm. The lunch is £4 and the recital is free, but there is a retiring collection. Come along and enjoy good food, good music and good company.

RSCM CHORAL FESTIVAL 8th June at 2pm. A special choral festival with the Royal School of Church Music. The Revd Canon Peter Moger, Precentor at York, will be preaching and there will be a special Bradford version of the Gloria performed to the tune of Ilkley Moor Baht’at alongside readings and prayers. Everyone is welcome for this celebration of choral music and please get in touch with our Director of Music Alex Berry for more details on or 01274 777720 For PENTECOST – NEXT SUNDAY 9th JUNE we will welcome Bishop Nick Baines, our Diocesan Bishop for the 10.15am and 4pm services. Also during the day: MESSY PENTECOST For families, from 12:30 - 2pm. Join us for fun activities this Pentecost, with food, crafts, Bible readings, singing and more. Create your own headband of paper flames ◊ Make a fire-wand and explore the Holy Spirit tunnel ◊ Write your own prayer dove to join our flock. There is no charge, but if you could let either Canon Mandy or the Cathedral Office know that would be helpful so that we know how many people (roughly) to expect. A SEMINAR WITH BISHOP NICK, will take place at 2.30pm. The theme will be ‘How should Christians approach an uncertain future?’ which is particularly relevant for the troubled times in which we live, where we cannot predict what lies ahead. The event is free and you can just turn up, but if you could register your interest on that would help us to have some idea of how many people to expect. There are still spaces on The FRIENDS OF BRADFORD CATHEDRAL trip to Leicester Cathedral, historic current home of Richard III, on Monday June 10th. Forms are available at the back of the Cathedral and the cost is £25, which includes coach travel, a guided tour of the Cathedral and afternoon tea. For more details please contact Jill Wright as soon as possible on 01535 634526. MEMORIES! We know that so many of you have wonderful memories of past Cathedral events and things gone by and we would love to include these in our special exhibition from the 4th June, when we hope to create a memory timeline. So - on the sound desk we have left some luggage tags and if you could add a Cathedral memory with a date and leave it in the basket provided we'll get them put up for you when the exhibition launches. We’re really looking forward to this very special trip down memory lane and to seeing all of the memories, which we know will be so interesting. CATHEDRAL FESTIVAL Saturday 15th June. In order to ensure the success of this Festival, we desperately still need volunteers to act as stewards and welcomers in the Cathedral during the day. Even just an hour or so would make a difference so please would you consider if you could help, even if for just part of the day? Please let the Cathedral Office, Maggie Myers or Phil Lickley know. There is also a sign-up sheet on the sound desk for food to bring to the street party (ingredients to be listed please on the day). Please BOOK THE DATE and invite your friends and family.

PLACES OF WELCOME From this coming Wednesday 5th June, the times for Places of Welcome will change and will now be every Wednesday from 2.30pm – 4pm. Canon Mandy still needs volunteers to help her and join the team and if you could offer an hour or so, and not necessarily each week, it would be a huge help to her. Please speak to either her or one of the Clergy to find out more. Thank you. NATIONAL VOLUNTEERING WEEK is a chance to celebrate and say thank you for the fantastic contribution millions of volunteers make across the UK. It takes place from1st–7th June and is an opportunity to celebrate volunteering in all its diversity. This week we will celebrate our volunteers, but why not share your thoughts with us by emailing As part of the People Can Bradford Festival of Volunteering, we are to have a stall in City Park on Tuesday 4 June and if you could help with this please let the Cathedral Office know and do visit the stall if you can. ENCOUNTER VISIT TO SUDAN Are you interested in visiting the church in Sudan and meeting our brothers and sisters in this long-standing Diocesan Link? Encounter visits have been successfully run for a number of years with small groups visiting churches, schools and other projects run by the Episcopal Church of Sudan. If you are interested in a trip which is being planned for October 2019 or are interested in exploring what a future visit would involve, please contact Revd Anne Russell 07528 572072 or email . There is also the opportunity to meet those who went on recent encounter visits at a meeting on Sudan on June 10th, 7.30pm at St George's Church, Leeds. BISHOP ROWAN WILLIAMS – LISTEN BACK Thank you to all those who attended the talks on Monday 20 May. You can listen back to them now online at COMING UP Look out also for upcoming talks with Professor Neil Small at the University of Bradford ("Flourishing City: Healthy City") on Monday 8th July; and three exciting speakers at "A Conversation Between Faiths" on Monday 15th July. All talks are free to attend and you can reserve your place on our Eventbrite page, or just turn up! MICHELLE SIMPSON is to cycle the 150 mile long Coast to Coast route from Seascale to Whitby (via the Lake District!) on Saturday 29 June in aid of the Sue Ryder Manorlands and Wheatfields hospices. If you would like to sponsor her, there is a sponsor form on the sound desk. Thank you. BRADFORD FOODBANK Foodbanks are becoming more and more a part of so many people’s lives, and the Bradford Foodbank has put out a special request for UHT milk, rice pudding and lunch sized juice cartons, but any help/food donations you could give them or Abigail Housing, which helps asylum seekers, would be much appreciated. Inn Churches also helps those less fortunate by providing much needed shelter and support and so please remember to keep collecting those little toiletries from any guest houses or hotels you visit over the summer as these can be used when they provide overnight accommodation. All can be brought to the Cathedral.

WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK Today Thy Kingdom Come and ` Environment Sunday

8.00am 10.15am 11.30am 11.45am 4.00pm

Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel– The Dean Sung Eucharist –Canon Paul/The Dean Bell Ringing Taster Session Just A Minute Reflection Evening Prayer

This week at the Cathedral for information and prayer – The Dean is in residence Monday 8.30am Morning Prayer 10.00am Curates’ Training Day 3.00pm Dean Jerry ‘Visit & Pray’ 5.30pm Evening Prayer 6.30pm Fabric Advisory Committee 7.00pm Thy Kingdom Come open time Tuesday 8.30am Morning Prayer 10.00am Regional Vergers’ Conference 5.45pm Choral Evensong 7.00pm Thy Kingdom Come open time Wednesday 7.30am Holy Communion – Revd Paul Booth 8.30am Morning Prayer 10.15am Holy Communion – Canon Bruce Grainger 1.00pm Wednesday @1 Organ Recital 2.30pm Places of Welcome 5.30pm Evening Prayer 7.00pm Thy Kingdom Come open time Thursday 8.30am Morning Prayer 5.30pm Evening Prayer 7.00pm Thy Kingdom Come open time Friday 8.30am Morning Prayer


Sunday 9 June Pentecost


Toddler Group

5.30pm 7.00pm 8.30am

Evening Prayer Prayer for Bradford Morning Prayer


Evening Prayer

8.00am 10.15am 11.45am 12.00pm 12.30pm 2.30pm 4.00pm

Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel– Canon Paul Choral Eucharist with Bishop Nick Just A Minute Reflection Sidesmen’s Annual Meeting ‘Messy Pentecost’ for families ‘Freedom is Coming’ Seminar with Bishop Nick Choral Evensong with Bishop Nick


01274 777720

RSCM Choral Festival

Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH stpeterbradford @Bfdcathedral

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