EASTER DAY Hospitality
THIS COMING WEEK: Today marks the end of Holy Week, the most special and holiest week of the year in the Christian Calendar and we welcome everyone who has come to share in our Easter Day services and celebrations. Today is EASTER DAY when we will celebrate the resurrection of Christ. At the 10.15am Choral Eucharist, we welcome the Rt Revd Chris Edmondson, former Bishop of Bolton and now Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Leeds, who will be our preacher, and we shall all be singing what has now become tradition, the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah. The children from Children’s Space will also be joining us today for the whole of this service. Lots of Easter Eggs will have been hidden around the Cathedral and after the 10.15 service there will be an Easter Egg hunt for children. At 4pm, Choral Evensong will end our Easter Day celebrations. EASTER LILIES Many thanks to our wonderful Flower Team, who once again, have created spectacular displays around the Cathedral all in memory of someone special. Joe and Jane Tarver have sponsored the pulpit flowers in memory of Bert and Marjorie’s birthdays and what would have been Bert’s 100th birthday on 18th April. Do have a look and appreciate the beauty of all these flowers. BRING & SHARE EASTER DAY LUNCH TODAY at Canon Paul and Sarah’s home, No 3 Cathedral Close. Everyone is welcome to come along and to share in good food and conversation. If you have brought some food this will be put on the tables to share, but don’t worry if you can’t – you will still be most welcome to join in. EASTER HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES Calling all children - time to bring your families to our family activities during the holidays on 23 and 25 April from 10am – 2pm. Come along for crafts, challenges, trails and much more, including some fantastic Easterthemed activities. No need to book – just turn up on the day, but for more information visit There will be NO CHILDREN’S SPACE next Sunday 28 April or the following Sunday 5 May. The next session will be on Sunday 12 May. TODDLER GROUP is now on its Easter holiday break and the next session will be on Friday 3 May.
The Dean is to hold LENT BOOK DISCUSSIONS based on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book, on Tuesday 23 April at 3.30pm and 7.30pm. If you would like to join in would you please let Sandra Heaton on or the Cathedral Office know. The Dean will send out further details later. WEDNESDAY @ 1 ORGAN RECITAL resumes this week when John Hoskins from St Asaph Cathedral, in Wales will be playing for us. The buffet lunch (£4) is from12.30pm-12.55pm and the recital starts at 1pm. Everyone is welcome for this free recital. A retiring offering in aid of the organ fund will be taken. The CHILDREN’S SOCIETY BOXES are due for emptying. If you have one, could you please either bring it in to the Cathedral Office or hand it to Jane Thompson so that it can be counted and the money collected can then be sent to the Children’s Society. GARDEN PROJECT The Community Committee have been exploring new ways of working in the local community and one of the projects that has been identified with Horton Housing, who have several bare flower beds but no-one to garden them, is a community gardening project. We are looking for a team of enthusiastic gardeners who would be interested. For further information please speak to Canon Mandy or one of the Community Committee. SPECIAL EVENTS - DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Monday 20 May: Dr Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury and now Master of Magdalene College Cambridge, will present his public square lecture addressing the contemporary and crucial question of ‘What does national identity mean these days?’ with an opportunity for the audience to delve further into this vital subject ……… and at 7pm - we will host the de Lacy Arts & Theology Lecture entitled ‘Poetry in the Making’, when Dr Williams, will look at what goes on in the writing of poetry, in various contexts across the centuries Refreshments are from 6:30pm and the Lecture will starts at 7pm. Both events are free, but if you can express your interest on that would help us to know how many people to expect. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear Archbishop Rowan – do come if you can.
May the Fourth Be With You Where we’re going we don’t need roads. Who you gonna call? Alex Berry! Play it again, Ed! We’re going movie mad this May at the Cathedral with some of the best movie themes played on the wonderful Bradford Cathedral organ. Don’t miss out – book your tickets at or contact the Cathedral Office. Volunteers are wanted for the Cathedral Festival! Saturday 15th June from 11am till late Put the date in your diaries and join us for our 100th birthday day of celebrations. There will be family activities ◊ music ◊ talks ◊ worship ◊ poetry ◊ bell ringing trips ◊ Shakespeare history brought to life ◊ afternoon tea ◊ a 1919 street party and much, much more. But ………. to make sure that things run smoothly and the day is a success we need helpers and if you could offer just a few hours that would make a huge difference. Please get in touch with Charlie Murray by either ringing the Cathedral Office or emailing him on if you can or if you want to know more about how you can help. We are also looking for people to help move chairs and furniture as part of this event to help support the street party and evening prayer. The slots are 6.00-7.30pm, 8.159.15pm and 10.00-11.00pm. If you are able to help, please email or let the Cathedral Office know Saturday 14th September at 7.30pm: The Sixteen: An Immortal Legacy. We are thrilled and privileged to be welcoming this world acclaimed music group, The Sixteen, who are to perform at Bradford Cathedral with a programme spanning over 500 years of choral music. This is a ticket only event and tickets are now available on Book early to avoid disappointment. Tourism Project: Stitchers needed! As part of a National Churches Trust project to attract more visitors to the Cathedral and other northern churches, we are intending to have a “Living Windows” event later in the year and other such events in the future. Saints from the windows and other names associated with the Cathedral, such as William Morris, will be played by actors and interact with visitors, telling their stories and we need people to help us recreate some of the costumes worn by saints such as Hilda, Elizabeth of Hungary and Ethelburga in our beautiful windows. If you can help us we would be most grateful. Please contact Maggie Myers, the Cathedral’s Director of Education and Visitors, for more information or to offer help: or on 01274 777720. ACCOMMODATION HELP We have received the following request for help. I am a committed Christian aged 72 and I was driven out of my sheltered flat in Bingley a few weeks ago by a powerful medium living close by. I am looking for a cheap room to rent while I look for another flat. Although not known to the Cathedral, if anyone could help this lady, please let the Cathedral Office know and we will pass on her contact details.
WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK Today Easter Day
8.00am 10.15am
Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel– Canon Mandy Choral Eucharist – The Dean and Bishop Chris Edmondson 11.45am Just a Minute Reflection Group 12.00pm Bring & Share Lunch at No 3 4.00pm Choral Evensong – Canon Paul/The Dean This week at the Cathedral for information and prayer – The Dean is in residence and the Cathedral Choir is on holiday
Monday Bank Holiday
8.30am 5.30pm
Morning Prayer Evening Prayer
Tuesday St George’s Day
8.30am 10.00am 5.30pm
Morning Prayer Family Easter Holiday Activities Evening Prayer
7.30am 8.30am 10.15am 1.00pm 3.00pm 5.30pm
Holy Communion – Paul Booth Morning Prayer Holy Communion – The Dean Wednesday @1 Organ Recital Places of Welcome Evening Prayer
Thursday Mark the Evangelist
8.30am 10.00am 5.30pm
Morning Prayer Family Easter Holiday Activities Evening Prayer
8.30am 5.30pm
Morning Prayer Evening Prayer
8.30am 5.30pm
Morning Prayer Evening Prayer
Sunday 28 April
8.00am 10.15am
Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel– The Dean Choral Eucharist – Canon Paul/The Dean with visiting choir of the Lay Clerks of Aberdeen Cathedral Just A Minute Reflection Scouts’ Service Group Visit from Ely Cathedral Choral Evensong – Canon Paul
11.45am 12.00pm 1.15pm 4.00pm
Please note that the Cathedral will be closed for the Bank Holiday on Monday 22 April apart from Morning Prayer at 8.30am and Evening Prayer at 5.30pm. In cases of emergency only please contact The Dean on 01274 777727 01274 777720 Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH stpeterbradford @Bfdcathedral