30 June 2019 Patronal Festival Hospitality Faithfulness Wholeness THIS COMING WEEK: The FLOWERS today have been given by Michael Oversby “in loving memory of Margaret and for all the wonderful years we spent together.” Today is the Cathedral’s Patronal Festival and we are so pleased to welcome the Very Revd Dr David Ison as our preacher at the 10.15am Eucharist. David is now the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral in London, but prior to his move there he was Dean here at Bradford from 2005 – 2012. It will be lovely to see him and Hilary again and we know that he will receive a special Bradford Cathedral welcome. The Patronal Festival is a special day for the Cathedral as it acknowledges our Patron Saint, St Peter, who is included in our name of The Cathedral Church of St Peter Bradford. Why not join us on Wednesday for our WEDNESDAY@1 ORGAN RECITAL when Henry Fairs from Birmingham will be playing for us. The buffet lunch is from 12.30-12.55pm and the recital will start at 1pm. The lunch is £4 and the recital is free, but there is a retiring collection. Come and enjoy good music, good food, and good company in the wonderful surroundings of Bradford Cathedral. SCHOOL LEAVERS’ SERVICE Thursday 4 July. Every year we hold leavers’ services for Year 6 pupils moving onto high school. Making this transition from primary to high school can be a difficult time for these children so do please remember them in your thoughts and prayers. MEMORIES! Our Cathedral timeline is filling up with some wonderful and fascinating memories, but there is still room for more! Luggage tags for you to write your memory on are on the table in the exhibition area, but please remember to put on either the date or the year so that we can display your memory in the appropriate place. LABYRINTH Have you noticed the labyrinth in the Cathedral grounds and wondered why it is there? A labyrinth is an ancient aid to prayer and allows all who follow its path to take time to pause, reflect and pray as they journey through it. It will remain until at least the end of August and more information and how to use it can be found in the leaflet at the pack of the Cathedral. Everyone is invited to take five or ten minutes to use the labyrinth to slow down, reflect and encounter God in new ways. The labyrinth
is also available for group sessions and use by other churches. For more information please see or contact Canon Paul on EVENTS COMING UP FAITH TRAIL The monthly Faith Trail is next Saturday 7 July. It starts at St Peter’s Roman Catholic Church in Leeds Road at 10am and makes its way to the Cathedral, arriving at around 2.30pm, visiting the Abu Bakar Masjid Mosque, the Shree Lakshmi Narayan Hindu Temple, and the Guru Gobind Sing Gurdwara, where a free vegetarian lunch is served. There is no charge for taking part in the Trail but YOU DO HAVE TO BOOK as places are limited. Please ring the Cathedral Office on 01274 777720 and ask for Maggie Myers. BRADFORD LITERATURE FESTIVAL which is now hailed as one of the most inspirational festivals in the UK takes place from 28 June – 7 July. Over 500 events will span iconic venues over ten days and we are hosting five of them. Two have already taken place, but there are still three more, which are to take place in the Cathedral. Booking for all the events is on and booklets are available in the Cathedral. ● REFLECTING A CENTURY – 100 Years of Bradford Cathedral is on Saturday 6 July at 11am. Find out more about the Cathedral from a discussion between the Dean, Bishop Toby and Ulrike Knox, the Cathedral’s Architect. ● ORIGINS OF THE OUTSIDERS: The New Goths on Saturday 6 July at 12.30pm celebrating the evolution of Goth Culture. ● SACRED POETRY Sunday 7 July at 7pm. An evening of sacred poetry and a selection of worshipful recitals and performances.Tickets are £10. FLOURISHING CITY: Healthy City will take place on Monday 8 July at 7pm, when Professor Neil Small of the Faculty of Health Studies at the University of Bradford, will explore the ways in which Bradford can become a more health-promoting city. This is a free event so you can just turn up, but if you could register your interest on that would help to give us an idea of numbers. A CONVERSATION BETWEEN FAITHS on Monday 15th July at 7pm takes place in the Cathedral, when Qari Asim MBE, Head Imam at Makkah Mosque in Leeds, the Rt Revd Toby Howarth, Bishop of Bradford and Professor Michael Barnes SJ will discuss the role of faith in Bradford and how this is relevant across the United Kingdom. Qari Asim MBE and Bishop Toby will discuss the way Christianity and Islam contribute to a healthy society in Bradford and West Yorkshire, and how this learning can be seen in the UK as a whole, with Professor Barnes taking a wider view of what faith can offer into the public square of thinking. After the ‘conversation’ the floor will be opened to Q&A from the audience. This is a free event but to register your interest please go to
ACT Shakespeare - Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? At Bradford Cathedral of course! ACT returns on 25-27 July with their latest production: this year it's 'Romeo and Juliet'. Tickets are available to buy from the Cathedral office or from the online eventbrite page KEEPING IN TOUCH The new edition of 'Keeping in Touch' is now available to pick up today from the main desk or to view online. Please take one for yourself and some to give to your families and friends. If you'd like anything in the next edition please e-mail it to or drop it into the Cathedral office before the 26th July. UTTING OUT - Could anyone please help? C Due to an increase in the number of schools visiting the Cathedral, our education department needs help with cutting out for the craft activities we offer at these visits. If you are able to spend an hour or so in the beautiful surroundings of our Cathedral it would be a big help and make a huge difference and will help Maggie and her team to be prepared for the new school year. Tea and coffee (and biscuits) will of course be provided. Please let the Cathedral Office know. HERITAGE OPEN DAY Now that we have the success of the Cathedral Festival under our belt, we are planning and looking forward to the Heritage Open Day which is on Sunday 15 September from 12-3pm. We are looking for volunteers to help us make the day a success by providing hospitality and a warm Bradford welcome to all of our guests at the Heritage Open Day. Please could you let the Cathedral Office know if you can spare just a few hours to be either part of our hospitality team that day or one of our Heritage Open Day welcomers? ABIGAIL HOUSING’S food supplies are running low and they urgently need help to feed and support the destitute asylum seekers in their houses. Since Maggie Peel has moved on we've noticed that donations made at the Cathedral have dwindled considerably, but Alison Woolley is now ensuring that items we leave on ‘The Gallery’ are taken to the store. The following are in short supply and high demand: Food - rice (basmati), tinned fish (in sunflower oil), sugar, canned chickpeas, coffee, tea, honey, long-life milk, long-life almond milk, vegetable oil, ‘Country Crisp’ cereal; Toiletries -hand soap, shower gel, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, razors; Cleaning items - refuse bags, washing-up liquid, toilet rolls, washing powder/liquid/tablets; all cleaning
products. Abigail also needs a regular supply of tinned tomatoes (chopped), couscous, semolina, spaghetti, lentils, corn flakes, Weetabix, shampoo, and ‘treats’ like biscuits and chocolates and there is a current need for some one-off kitchen items: tea towels, two large saucepans and a hand blender. If you can help by donating any of these items your donation will be much appreciated. Thank you. WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK Today Patronal Festival
8.00am Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel - Canon Mandy 10.15am Choral Eucharist – T he Dean/The Very Revd Dr David with Children’s Space Ison 11.45am Just A Minute Reflection 4.00pm Choral Evensong – The Dean
This week at the Cathedral for information and prayer – Canon Mandy is in residence Monday 8.30am Morning Prayer 5 .45pm Choral Evensong Tuesday Thomas the Apostle Wednesday
8.30am 5.45pm
Morning Prayer Choral Evensong
7.30am 8.30am 10.15am 1.00pm 2.30pm 5.30pm
Holy Communion – Revd Paul Booth Morning Prayer Holy Communion – Revd Canon Rod Anderson Wednesday @1 Organ Recital Places of Welcome Evening Prayer
8.30am 5.45pm 10.30am 1.30pm
Morning Prayer Choral Evensong School Leavers’ Service School Leavers’ Service
Morning Prayer
.30pm 5 8.30am 11.00am 12.30pm 2.30pm 5.30pm
Evening Prayer
Sunday 7 July Trinity 3
Toddler Group
Morning Prayer Bradford Literature Festival: Reflecting A Century Bradford Literature Festival: Origins of the Outsiders Faith Trail Evening Prayer
8.00am Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel - The Dean 10.15am Choral Eucharist - C anon Paul/The Dean 11.45am Just A Minute Reflection 4.00pm Choral Evensong – Canon Paul/Revd Canon Stephen
7 .00pm 01274 777720
Bradford Literature Festival: Sacred Poetry
Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH stpeterbradford