NOTICES AND WHAT’S ON 7 July 2019 Trinity 3 Hospitality
THIS COMING WEEK: The FLOWERS today have been given by Gill Overend in loving memory of her parents. Today:
This morning is the last service sung by the Cathedral Choir before its well-deserved summer vacation. We will be saying goodbye to Dr Ed Jones (Associate Organist), Mr Charlie Murray (Choral Scholar), Sarah Bradshaw (Senior Girl Chorister and Cathedral Consort member), and William Swift (Chorister), and thanking them for the wonderful gift of music they have given to our worship.
Bell Ringing Taster Session After today's service you can take part in a bell ringing taster session where our Tower Captain, Mr Ron Crabtree and the team will be helping you get hands on with our refurbished bells. This will be the final session until later in the year so don't miss out on this great opportunity! After this morning’s 10.15am service there will also be the weekly ‘Just a Minute’ reflection, when anyone is invited to share just a minute’s reflection on the service. SACRED POETRY – our beautiful Cathedral is the setting for an evening of sacred poetry and music from different faiths. Commencing at 7pm, this is an opportunity to enjoy devotional music and traditional poetry from across the world. The Dean will host the evening, which will feature Diane Pacitti, our poet in residence, and guests from other faiths. This is the last event we are hosting as part of the Bradford Literature Festival, which ends today. Tickets are £10 and available from ******************************* MONDAY FELLOWSHIP meets tomorrow in the Parish Room at 2pm, when Dean Jerry will be speaking. Come and listen to what he has to say and enjoy tea and biscuits afterwards. All are welcome. FLOURISHING CITY: Healthy City is tomorrow, Monday 8 July at 7pm, when Professor Neil Small of the Faculty of Health Studies at the University of Bradford, will explore the ways in which Bradford can become a more health-promoting city. This is a free event so you can just turn up, but if you could register your interest on that would help to give us an idea of numbers. Alex Berry, Director of Music here at the Cathedral, will be playing at this week’s WEDNESDAY@1 ORGAN RECITAL. The buffet lunch is from 12.30-12.55pm and the recital will start at 1pm. The lunch is £4 and the recital is free, but there is a retiring collection. Come and enjoy what will be the penultimate recital of this season.
LABYRINTH Have you used the labyrinth yet? Or have you wondered what the long grass area outside the North Door with paths running through it is for? A labyrinth is an ancient aid to prayer and allows all who follow its path to take time to pause, reflect and pray as they journey through it. Information/how to use it, is in the leaflet at the back of the Cathedral so why not take five or ten minutes to use it to slow down, reflect and encounter God in new ways. Please see or contact Canon Paul on for more information. A CONVERSATION BETWEEN FAITHS is on Monday 15th July at 7pm in the Cathedral, when Qari Asim MBE, Head Imam at Makkah Mosque in Leeds, the Rt Revd Toby Howarth, Bishop of Bradford and Professor Michael Barnes SJ will discuss the role of faith in Bradford and how this is relevant across the United Kingdom. After the ‘conversation’ the floor will be opened to Q&A from the audience. This is a free event, but to register your interest please go to ACT SHAKESPEARE - Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? At Bradford Cathedral of course! ACT returns on 25-27 July with their latest production: this year it's 'Romeo and Juliet'. Tickets are available to buy from the Cathedral office or from the online eventbrite page A VISUAL HISTORY /TURN OF THE WHEEL Our 'Bradford Cathedral: A Visual History' exhibition has only two weeks left. If you haven't put your memories up on the timeline please do so as we'd love to see what everyone's memories are about their time at the Cathedral. The next exhibition begins on Friday 19 July and will see the Head Verger, David Worsley, displaying his pottery. You can read more about this in the latest edition of 'Keeping in Touch' and you can 'Meet the Artist' at 7pm on 19 July (refreshments from 6:30pm). KEEPING IN TOUCH The July edition of 'Keeping in Touch' is now available to pick up today from the entrance and welcome desk or can be viewed online. Please take one for yourself and some to give to your families and friends. If you'd like anything in the next edition please e-mail it to Phil at or drop it into the Cathedral office before the 26th July.
CUTTING OUT - Could you please help? Due to an increase in the number of schools visiting the Cathedral, our education department needs help with cutting out for the craft activities we offer at these visits. If you are able to give an hour or so it would be a big help and make a huge difference and will help Maggie and her team to be prepared for the new school year. Tea and coffee (and biscuits) will of course be provided. Please let the Cathedral Office know.
FAMILY ACTIVITIES The next two dates for our regular 'Family Activities' have just been announced. These will take place on Tuesday 23 and Thursday 25 July from 10am - 2pm and will include crafts, trails and some Shakespearean-themed activities. Please help spread the word to those who might be interested! C’è qualcuno che parla Italiano? The Cathedral’s free language guides are available in a number of languages, but not in Italian. We do get visitors from other countries and we would like to have a guide available for any who come from Italy, so that they can read about our wonderful Cathedral and its history. We have the English version from which the translation is to be taken and if you or anyone you know is fluent enough to translate this for us please let the Cathedral Office know. Grazie. BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY SURVEY We are conducting a survey to explore how we might engage more fully with our local communities and responses to the survey will help us to build a case that will enable us to secure capital and revenue funding to support this work. In particular, we want to refurbish our Parish Room building for Cathedral use and to accommodate community support activities, and consider establishing a communities engagement post to further develop our work in this area. You will have received a copy of the survey with these notices and if you could take just a couple of minutes to complete the survey, we would be incredibly grateful. There are also copies on the sound desk, along with a box for completed surveys to be returned. The survey can also be completed online at Please do encourage anyone else you think might be interested to complete the survey. Many thanks for your help. MICHELLE SIMPSON completed her Coast to Coast cycle challenge last Saturday and would like to thank everyone who sponsored her for Sue Ryder. She is away for the next couple of weeks and will catch up with everyone on her return. Thank you. The PICTURE HOUSE at the Science + Media Museum is holding some special events over the school holidays and we would like to draw your interest to: Saturday Kids’ Club: Every Saturday from 20 July – 31 August at 10.30am for children and their parents or carers. Films include Muppets from Space, Strike, Pokemon, Paw Patrol and more. Tickets are £2.50 for children, adults and retired. Toddler Time: Sundays to Wednesdays at 11am, exclusively for pre-school children and their parents/carers. From 21 July – 4 September when episodes from Octonauts, Tractor Ted and many more, will be shown. Tickets are £3 for children. Accompanying adults are free. . Family Films: will also be shown in the IMAX Cinema from 19 July (The Lion King) – 25 August (Raiders of the Lost Ark). Other films will include Horrible Histories: The Movie-Rotten Romans. There will also be reduced price screenings of Avengers: Endgame, Free Solo & How to train your Dragon and The Hidden World. For more details for all these contact Jennifer Weston-Beyer on 01274 203019 or on
8.00am 10.15am 11.30am 11.30am 11.45am 4.00pm 7.00pm
Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel– The Dean Choral Eucharist – Canon Paul/The Dean with Children’s Space Bell Ringing Taster Session Choir Lunch & Prize Giving Just A Minute Reflection Choral Evensong – Canon Paul/Revd Canon Stephen Treasure (a member of the Cathedral’s College of Canons) Bradford Literature Festival: Sacred Poetry
This week at the Cathedral for information and prayer – Canon Paul is in residence Monday
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 July Trinity 4 Disability Awareness Day 01274 777720
8.30am 1.00pm 2.00pm 5.30pm 7.00pm 8.30am 11.00am 1.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 7.30pm 7.30am 8.30am 9.00am 10.15am 1.00pm 2.30pm 5.30pm 8.30am 9.30am 5.30pm 8.30am
Morning Prayer Silence Space in St Aidan’s Chapel Monday Fellowship in the Parish Room Evening Prayer Flourishing City: Healthy City Morning Prayer Friends Committee Meeting Stitching Group Evening Prayer Hipperholme Junior School Awards Evening Community Committee Meeting in the Parish Room Holy Communion – Canon Mandy Morning Prayer Artspace Meeting in Chapter House Holy Communion – Canon Mandy Wednesday @1 Organ Recital Places of Welcome Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Group Visit Evening Prayer Morning Prayer
5.30pm 8.30am 4.00pm 5.30pm 8.00am 10.15am 11.45am 5.30pm
Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Ordination of Priests: Four to be ordained Evening Prayer Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel– Canon Mandy Sung Eucharist (No Choir) – The Dean/Canon Mandy Just A Minute Reflection Evening Prayer
Toddler Group
Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH stpeterbradford