The Bach Festival Society of Winter Park’s mission is to inspire the human spirit through extraordinary music, featuring powerful choral performances and innovative programming that celebrates the legacy of J.S. Bach. The 89th Season will showcase a dynamic array of world-class musicians and vocalists performing classical masterworks and contemporary compositions that will delight, challenge, and inspire listeners.
Photo credit: Jen Adams
Dr. Jack Schott, President
Dr. Bill Oelfke, Vice President
Michael Kakos, Treasurer
Beverly J. Slaughter, Secretary
Pilar Carvajal
Dr. Grant H. Cornwell
Dr. Jeff Flowers
Dr. Grant Hayes
The Honorable Cynthia Mackinnon
Richard Russell
Alex Tiedtke
The late M. Elizabeth Brothers
J. Michael Murphy
The late Rev. Eric Ravndal, III
Major Support
John V. Sinclair, Artistic Director and Conductor
Kathy Johnson Berlinsky, Executive Director
Rhonda Burnham, Artistic Manager
Jane Secrist Newnum, Marketing and Development Consultant
Ruby Abreu, Marketing Manager
Sondra Jones, Education Manager
Logan Landry-Jennings, Operations Manager
Lex Goity, Finance and Strategy Manager
Luke Noles, Administrative Coordinator
Sherry Orr, Assistant to John Sinclair
Regunia Griggs, Choir Liaison
Vivian Cook, Young at Heart Chorale Director
Rebecca Hammac, Youth Choir Director
Lynn Peghiny, Accompanist
Sofía Cardi Bonfil, Youth Choir Accompanist
Provided By
Our 89th Season is supported by many generous individual donors as well as Orange County Government through the Arts & Cultural Affairs program; the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture; United Arts of Central Florida, your local agency for the arts; Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation; Dr. Phillips Charities; Jessie Ball duPont Fund; Pabst Steinmetz Foundation; Winifred Johnson Clive Foundation; AdventHealth, Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation; The Joe & Sarah Galloway Foundation; Massey Services Inc.; and Rollins College.
John V. Sinclair has established a national reputation as one of the leading conductors of choral masterworks while locally being known as one of the hardest-working and in-demand artists of the Central Florida cultural community. In his 34th season as Artistic Director and Conductor of the Bach Festival Society, he has broadened the society’s musical offerings of masterworks by both classical and contemporary composers into the repertoire of the Society while perpetuating his reputation as a scholarly interpreter of J.S. Bach’s music. He continues his imaginative programming, creative interpretations, and expressive conducting.
Dr. Sinclair, known as a master teacher, is Director of Music at Rollins College and holds the John M. Tiedtke Endowed Chair. As a career educator, Sinclair keeps the Society’s educational focus vital by providing a broad range of musical programs and experiences for individuals of all ages. As a conductor who is equally adept at directing choral and orchestral music, he has been referred to as Central Florida’s “resident conductor.” Sinclair has appeared as conductor for more than a thousand EPCOT Candlelight performances in addition to his work as a clinician and lecturer. The Bach Festival, under his leadership, has achieved international recognition by touring in Europe, producing nationally released CDs and broadcasts, and performing with the London Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra during their Florida residencies.
Dr. Sinclair holds masters and doctoral degrees from the University of Missouri-Kansas City’s Conservatory of Music. His undergraduate school, William Jewell College, honored him with its most prestigious Citation for Achievement. In addition to editing and interpreting historical choral works through the Moravian Music Foundation, he has authored an anecdotal book entitled Falling Off the Podium and Other Life Lessons. The late Terry Teachout, formerly the Wall Street Journal’s arts critic, once wrote, “John is a gifted conductor, a great educator, and the best of all possible colleagues.” For more than three decades, John Sinclair has shared his talent and dedication to musical excellence with the Central Florida community and beyond.
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Photo credit: David Bean
Photo credit: Mary Kent
Bach Festival Society of Winter Park Presents
Bach Chamber Choir and Orchestra
John V. Sinclair, conductor
Anna Eschbach, soprano | Morgan Peckels, mezzo-soprano | John Grau, tenor | Stephen Mumbert, bass
March 15, 2024 • 7:30 pm | March 16, 2024 • 7:30 pm Knowles Memorial Chapel
Voices of Light (82’)
I. Prelude
Richard Einhorn (b. 1952)
II. Victory at Orléans (Letter from Joan of Arc)
III. Interrogation
IV. The Jailers
V. Pater Noster
VI. The Jailers Return
VII. Torture
VIII. Illness (Letter from Joan of Arc)
IX. Sacrament
X. Abjuration
XI. Relapse
XII. Anima
XIII. The Final Walk
XIV. The Burning
XV. The Fire of the Dove
XVI. Epilogue (Letter from Joan of Arc)
Please turn off cell phone and electronic devices prior to the start of this performance. The Bach Festival Society’s policies strictly prohibit photography, filming, or recording of any kind during performances without the express written permission of the Society.
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[Exclamatvit autem voce magna…] «Deus aeterne, qui absconditorum es cognitor, qui nosti Omnia antequam fiant, tu scis quoniam falsu, testimonium tulerunt contra me; et ecce morior, cum nihil horum fecerim quae isti malitoise composuerunt adversum me.»
Thronus…flame ignis, Rotae eius ignis accensus. Fluvius igneus rapidusque egrediebatur a facie eius; Millia millium ministrabant… Et decies millies centena millia assistebant…
Iudicium sedit, et libri aperti sunt.
Victory at Orléans
(Letter from Joan of Arc)
Jehanne…la Pucelle vous fair savior des nouvelles de par decha que en VIII jours elle a cachie les Angloix hors de toutez les places quilz tenioent sur le revire de Loire par assaut et autrement ou il en eu mains mors et prins et lez a desconfis en bataille[…] le frere du conte de Suffort et Glasias mors.
Je vous promectz et certifie[…] en toultes les villes quy doibvent ester du sainct royaume[…] quy quy vyenne contre.
Car Diue, le Roy du ciel, le vault, et cela est révélé par la Pucelle…
[She cried out in a loud voice]
“Everlasting God, who knows things hidden and all things before they happen, you know they have borne false witness against me; and see! I die, although I am innocent of everything their malice has invented against me.”
Daniel 13:42
[His] throne…was ablaze with flames, His wheels were a burning fire.
A swift river of fire
Came forth from his countenance
A thousand thousand waiting upon him
Ten thousand times a hundred thousand stood by.
The court sat,
And the books were opened.
Daniel 7:9
Victory at Orléans
(Letter from Joan of Arc)
Jehanne…the Maid sends you news from these parts: that in one week she has chased the English out of all the places that they held along the Loire river, either by assault or otherwise, in which encounters many English were killed and captured and she has routed them in a pitched battle. A brother of the Earl of Suffolk’s and Glasdale were killed.
I promise and assure you [that we will take possession] of all the cities that must belong to [our] holy realm…in spite of all opposition!
So God, King of Heaven, wills it, and so it has been revealed by the Maid…
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Photo credit: Marjorie Durante
Hee! Quel honneur au feminine Sexe!...
Par qui tout le regne ert desert,
Par femme est sours et recouvert.
Masculine Woman!
(Medieval slur directed at women)
Oh! What an honor for the feminine sex!... This entire realm, once lost by [wretched men],
Restored and saved by a woman again
Ditié de Jehanne d’Arc
by Christine de Pizan 1429, one of the earliest known feminist writers.
Virtutem…mysterium secretarum et admirandarum visionum a puellari aetate…essem usque ad praesens tempus mirabili modo in me senseram…
From my girlhood to the present time, in a wondrous fashion I have felt in myself the power and mystery of secret and wonderful visions…
Une fillete…
A que armes ne sont pesans…
Et devant elle vont fuyant
Les ennemis, ne nul n’y dure.
"Velis aut nolis haec erit tuum. Ego scio quid elegi"
St. Hildegard of Bingen, mystic, poet, and composer from the early 12th Century. Masculine Woman!
A little girl […]
Upon whom arms and armor weigh lightly; […]
Before her all foes take off at a run, Of them none remains, not even a one. Ditié
Christine de Pizan
"Whether or not you wish it, this will be yours. I know what I have chosen."
Na Prous Boneta, 14th Century French heretic who was burned at the stake
Ex nemore canuto puella eliminabitur ut medelae curam adhibeat.
Out of an oak forest a girl will be sent forth to bring healing. Ancient prophecy of Merlin thought to refer to Joan of Arc’s mission.
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Non induetur mulier vest virile, nec vir utetur veste feminea: abominabilis enim apud Deum est qui facit haec
The Jailers
Tant y a feme scet bon taire
Tant y a feme scet bon taire
Feme a un cuer par heritage
Qui ne puet ester en un estage.
Or est sauvage or es privee; Ore vault paiz, or vault meslee;
Femme engine en poi d’ure
Dount un[e] tere tout plouire.
Que qui aime et croit fole fame
Gaste son temps, pert corps et ame.
Ore vous aid it de lur vies, Fuoums de lur cumpaignies. Ore vous aid it de lur vies, Fuoums de lur cumpaignies.
Tant y a feme scet bon taire
Ore vous aid it de lur vies, Fuoums de lur cumpaignies.
Pater Noster
Pater noster, qui es in caelis, Sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum.
Fiat voluntas tua, Sicut in caelo et in terra.
A woman shall not wear the clothes of a man
Nor a man
the clothes of a woman. For abominable in the eyes of God are those who do so.
Deuteronomy 22:5
The Jailers
When it comes to women, men, hold your tongue!
When it comes to women, men, hold your tongue!
A woman’s heart is just not able To chart a course that’s firm or stable
Now she’s wild, now she’s demure; Now wants peace, then starts a war;
The schemes she quickly engineers
Can drown a countryside in tears
Who loves and trusts mad womankind
Damns soul and body, wastes his time.
Now that I’ve told you of womankind, Let’s flee and leave them far behind! Now that I’ve told you of womankind, Let’s flee and leave them far behind!
When it comes to women, men, hold your tongue!
Now that I’ve told you of womankind, Let’s flee and leave them far behind!
The Vices of Women
late 13th Century misogynist poem
Pater Noster
Our Father, who art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy Name Thy Kingdom Come
Thy will be done
In Earth as it is In Heaven.
Matthew 6:9-10
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"Filia mea dulcis michi; filia mea, delectum meum, templum meum; filia delectum meum, ama me: quia tu es multum amata a me, multum plus quam tu ames me."
"Et postquam ego colcavi me in te; modo colca te tu in me."
"Ista est mea creatura."
Pater Noster, qui es in caelis Sanctificetur nomen tuum
Adveniat regnum tuum
Fiat voluntas tua, Sicut in caelo
Et in terra.
Et sentiebam dulcedinem divinam ineffabilem.
"Et postquam ego colcavi me in te; modo colca te tu in me."
"Ista est mea creatura."
"Filia mea dulcis michi; filia mea, delectum meum, templum meum; filia delectum meum, ama me: quia tu es multum amata a me, multum plus quam tu ames me."
"Et postquam ego colcavi me in te; modo colca te tu in me."
"Ista est mea creatura."
The Jailers Return
Tant y a feme scet bon taire
Tant y a feme scet bon taire
Femme est dehors religiouse, Dedanz poignaunt e venimose;
"My daughter, sweet to me; my daughter, my beloved, my temple; my daughter, my beloved, love me since you have been much loved by me, much more than you love me."
"and after I have laid myself in you, now lay yourself in me."
"This is my creature."
Blessed Angela of Foligno 13th Century mystic and penitent Our Father, who art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy Name Thy Kingdom Come Thy will be done In Earth as it is in Heaven
Matthew 6:9-10
And I felt an ineffable divine sweetness.
"And after I have laid myself in you, now lay yourself in me."
"This is my creature."
"My daughter, sweet to me; my daughter, my beloved, my temple; my daughter, my beloved, love me since you have been much loved by me, much more than you love me."
"And after I have laid myself in you, now lay yourself in me."
"This is my creature."
The Jailers Return
When it comes to women, men, hold your tongue!
When it comes to women, men, hold your tongue!
On the outside she’s religious, On the inside keen and venomous;
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A soy sera d’aucun complainte, Ir se fait moult juste et moult sainte.
Femme engender bataille e guere, Exile gent de gaste tere;
Femme and chasteus e prent citez Enfudre tours e fermetez.
Ore vous aid it de lur vies, Fuoums de lur cumpaignies.
Ore vous aid it de lur vies, Fuoums de lur cumpaignies.
Glorioses playes…
Et desiderabam videre vel saltem illud parum de carne Christi quod portaverant clavi in ligno.
Glorioses playes…
…ostendit cor suum perforatum quasi ad modum portulae unius parvae laternae… quod ex ipso corde exiverunt radii solares. Imo solaribus radiis clariores…
Glorioses playes…
…"non est aequum, velle solum de melle meo gustare, et non de felle: si perfecte vis mecum uniri, mente intents recogita illusions, opprobria, flagella, mortem, et tormenta, quae pro te sustinui."
She will not tolerate complaint, She’s lady justice and a saint.
Woman fosters strife and wars, And exiles men from ruined shores; Castles she burns, cities defeats
Destroys the towers and the keeps.
Now that I’ve told you of womankind, Let’s flee and leave them far behind!
Now that I’ve told you of womankind, Let’s flee and leave them far behind!
The Vices of Women
Late 13th Century misogynist poem
Glorious wounds…
Marguerite d’Oingt, early 14th Century visionary and poet.
And I longed to see at least that little bit of Christ’s flesh that the nailes had fixed to the wood.
Blessed Angela of Foligno
Glorious wounds…
Marguerite d’Oingt
He showed [her] his heart, perforated like the openings in a small lantern…From his very heart issues forth rays of the sun –no--- brighter than the sun’s rays…
Na Prous Bonteta
Glorious wounds…
Marguerite d’Oingt
… "It is not fair to wish to taste only of my honey, and not the gall. If you wish to be perfectly united with me, contemplate deeply the mockery, insults, whippings, death and torments that I endured for you."
Blessed Margarita, disciple of St. Umiltá, 14th Century
Glorioses playes…
Glorious wounds…
Marguerite d’Oingt
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(Letter from Joan of Arc)
Jehanne la Pucelle vous requiert de par le Roy du ciel, […] vous puis que ne guerroiez plus ou saint Royaume de France, […] et sera grant pitié de la grant bataille et du sang qui y sera respendu de ceux qui v dendront contr nous.
O feminea forma, O soror Sapientie, quam gloriosa es quoniam fortissimo vita in te surrexit, quam mors nunquam suffocabit.
Oh maledetti! Oh grande indignazione!
(Letter from Joan of Arc)
Jehanne the Maid begs you on behalf of the King of Heaven, make war no longer in the holy Kingdom of France, …and a pitiful thing will be that great battle and the blood that will be shed therin by those who come there against us.
O feminine form, O sister of Wisdom
How glorious you are for in you has arisen the mightiest life that death will never stifle.
St. Hildegard of Bingen
Oh cursed ones! O great indignation!
St. Umiltá of Faenza, great 14th Century Italian mystic.
Fuge, fuge speluncam Antique perditoris
Et veniens veni in palatium regis.
…car plus est adjoustee foy au mal de tant comme le bien y est plus auttentique…
Exaudi, Deus omnipotens, preces populi… Puelle agentis secundum opera que sibi dixeras
Flee, flee the cave
Of the ancient destroyer
And come, coming into the palace of the king.
St. Hildegard of Bingen
…evil is rendered more believable by putting it together with good to make it more respectable…
From The Quarrel of the Rose Christine de Pizan Abjuration
Hear, Almighty God, the prayers of your people…of the girl acting according to the works which you had spoken of to her.
Prayer commissioned by King Charles VII pleading for Joan’s freedom from imprisonment, 1431
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Si quis in me non manserit, mittertur foras sicut palmes, et arescet, et colligent eum, et in ignem mitten, et ardet.
"Domine, istud quod facio, non facio nisi ut inveniam te."
"Depone animos."
…Une femme - - simple bergiere - -
Plus preux qu’onc homs ne fut á Romme!
Those who do not remain in me will be discarded like branches: they will wither.
So they will be gathered up, thrown on the fire, and burnt.
John 15:6, recited to Joan of Arc by Father Erard during her trial, at the confrontation in front of St. Ouen.
"Lord, that which I do, I do only to find you."
Blessed Angela of Foligno
"Renounce your purpose."
From The Passion of St. Perpetua, a history of an early Christian martyr.
…a woman - - a simple shepherdess -More valiant even than Rome’s worthiest!
Christine de Pizan
Ne universos nos extermines.
Benedicite, ignis et aestus, Domino;
"Depone animos."
…N’y a si forte Resistance qui á l’assault De la Pucelle ne soit morte.
Hester, Judith, et Delbora, Qui furent dames de grant pris, […] Mains miracles en a pourpris.
Plus a fair par ceste Pucelle.
Destroy us not all together.
St. Perpetua
Fire and heat, praise the Lord!
Daniel 3:66
“Renounce your purpose”
St. Perpetua
…No force is there so strong –Try as they might to resist the attack Of the Maid – it dies in vain before long.
One hears of Ester, Judith and Deborah, Who were ladies of great courage and worth; […]
Through them God performed miracles on Earth, But he fulfilled even more through his Maid.
Christine de Pizan
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"Depone animos."
…eadem hora mittemini in fornacem ignis ardentis. Et quis est Deus qui eripiet vos de manu mea?
Benedicite, ignis et aestus, Domino;
"Domine, istud quod facio, non facio nisi ut inveniam te. Inveniam te postquam id perfecero!"
Karitas habundat in omnia de imis excellentissima super sidera atque amantissima in omnia quia summon regi osculum pacis dedit.
…anima eius amore fluens et languens.
"Renounce your purpose."
St. Perpetua
…The same hour you will be thrown into a furnace of burning fire. And who is the God who will snatch you from my hand?
Fire and heat, praise the Lord!
Daniel 3:15;66
"Lord, that which I do, I do only to find you. May I find you after I have completed it!"
Blessed Angela of Foligno
Love overflows into all things, From out of the depths to above the highest stars;
And so Love overflows into all best beloved, most loving things,
The Kiss of Peace.
St. Hildegard of Bingen
…The Spirit flowing and melting with love.
There are Seven Manners of Loving Beatrice of Nazareth, 13th Century
…est ceste Ame cheue d’amour en nient.
…mens eius insane suspense ex vehementi cupidine…
…per solum Amorem aeternum trahitur in aeternitatem Armoris …anima eius amore fluens et languens.
…est ceste Ame cheue d’amour en nient.
…This Soul has fallen from love into nothingness.
Marguerite Porete, 14th Century member of the Free Spirit movement who was burned at the stake.
…The Spirit madly possessed by violent desire…
…Only through everlasting Love is it drawn into the eternity of Love
…The Spirit flowing and melting with love.
Beatrice of Nazereth
…This Soul has fallen from love into nothingness.
Marguerite Porete
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…anima eius amore fluens et languens
…per solum Amorem aeternum trahitur in aeternitatem Amoris
…anima eius amore fluens et languens
…per solum Amorem aeternum trahitur in aeternitatem Amoris
The Final Walk
[Exclamavit autem voce magna…] «Deus aeterne, qui absconditorum es cognitor, qui nosti amnia antequam fiant, tu scis quoniam falsum testimonium tulerunt contra me; et ecce morior, cum nihil horum fecerim quae isti malitiose composuerunt adversum me.»
The Burning Choir:
Dominus condit sibi unum ignem dicendo sic: "vides hunc ignem; qualiter totam materiam et substantiam lignorum convertit in suam naturam, eodem modo natura divinitatis convertit in se animas quas sibi vult…"
Rex noster promptus est
suscipere sanguinem innocentum. Sed nubes super eundem saguinem plangunt.
Unde angeli concinunt et in laudibus sonant.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui sancto. Rex noster promptus est
Suscipere sanguinem innocentum. Sed nubes super enundem sanguinem plangent Jehanne, Jehanne!
…The Spirit flowing and melting with love.. Only through everlasting Love is it drawn into the eternity of Love…The Spirit flowing and melting with love…Only through everlasting Love is it drawn into the eternity of Love
Beatrice of Nazereth
The Final Walk
[She cried out in a loud voice]
“Everlasting God, who knows things hidden and all things before they happen, you know they have borne false witness against me; and see! I die, although I am innocent of everything their malice has invented against me.”
Daniel 13:42
The Burning Choir:
The Lord made for her a fire, saying: "You see this fire; as it changes all the matter and substance of wood into its own nature, even so, Divine Nature changes into itself the souls it wants for itself…"
Na Prous Boneta
Our king is swift to receive the blood of innocents. But over the same blood the clouds are grieving.
Hence the angels sing and resound in praises Glory to the Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. Our king is swift to receive the blood of innocents. But over the same blood the clouds are grieving.
St. Hildegard of Bingen
Joan, Joan!
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The Fire of the Dove Ah! Jehanne, Jehanne!
…valde beatus fuisti cum Verbum Dei te in igne columbe imbuit.
(ubi tu quasi aurora illuminatus es…)
…valde beatus fuisti cum Verbum Dei te in igne columbe imbuit.
(Letter from Joan of Arc)
Car Dieu le Roy du ciel le vault, et cela est révélé
The Fire of the Dove Ah! Joan, Joan!
…you were greatly blessed when the Word of God steeped you in the fire of the dove.
(where you were illumined like the dawn…)
…you were greatly blessed when the Word of God steeped you in the fire of the dove.
(Letter from Joan of Arc)
So God King of Heaven, wills it; and so it has been revealed by the Maid…
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Voices of Light – Richard Einhorn
Imagine walking down an ordinary street in an ordinary city on an ordinary day. You turn the corner and suddenly without warning, you find yourself staring at the Taj Mahal. It was with that same sense of utter amazement and wonder that I watched Carl Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc for the first time.
That was back in January of 1988. I was idly poking around in the film archives of New York's Museum of Modern Art, looking at short avant-garde films, when I happened across a still from Joan of Arc in the silent film catalog. In spite of a deep love of cinema and its history, I had never heard of either the director or the film, but since my friend Galen Brandt had suggested that I do a piece about Joan of Arc at some point, I asked to take a look at it. Some 81 minutes later, I walked out of the screening room shattered, having unexpectedly seen one of the most extraordinary works of art that I know. I immediately began to plan the piece about Joan of Arc that my friend had suggested.
In early 1993 Bob Cilman of the Northampton Arts Council agreed to present Voices of Light, and I wrote the entire score in about 3 1/2 months. In February of 1994, Voices of Light premiered to sold-out crowds at the Academy of Music in Northampton, Massachusetts, performed by the Arcadia Players and conducted by Margaret Irwin-Brandon. Since then, the piece has been performed at the Brooklyn Academy of Music Next Wave Festival and elsewhere. A CD featuring the medieval vocal group Anonymous 4 and the Radio Netherlands Philharmonic and Choir conducted by Steven Mercurio was released in October of 1995 on Sony Classical.
Voices of Light is a meditation on the life and personality of Joan of Arc. It is scored for soloists, chorus, orchestra, and one very special bell (about which more later). The libretto is a montage of ancient writings, assembled primarily from female medieval mystics including Joan of Arc herself. The “staging” of the work is a screening of The Passion of Joan of Arc. The piece explores the patchwork of emotions and thoughts that are stitched together into the notion of a female hero. Such a hero invariably transgresses the conventions and restrictions her society imposes. And Joan of Arc—the illiterate teenage peasant girl who led an army, the transvestite witch who became a saint—Joan of Arc transgressed them all.
About Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc was deeply religious, utterly chaste, and astonishingly brave in the face of horrific abuse. She certainly deserves the sainthood the Church bestowed upon her. But Joan challenges the very meaning of holiness. True, this image of the virginal shepherd girl called to a divine mission by angels is part of her story, but it is only one part.
It seems to clash with the fact that her closest companions were brutal soldiers with names like The Bastard of Orleans or La Hire (The Rage). It seems impossible that another of Joan's close intimates was Gilles de Rais, the infamous “Bluebeard” who was burned at the stake for the serial murder of young boys. And the humble pious
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image simply cannot accommodate a woman who, when asked about one of her childhood neighbors, a man who sympathized with her enemies, responded that she would cut his head off (“God willing,” of course).
Joan was born in about 1412 in Domremy, France, a tiny farming village in the Meuse Valley. When Joan was 13 or so, she began to hear voices. At seventeen, her voices told her that she had been given a divine mission to reunite France. At the time, in the middle of the Hundred Years War, much of France was in the hands of the hated English and their Burgundian allies. Charles, the uncrowned king or dauphin, was in exile, and his path to Reims, where all the kings of France had been crowned since time immemorial, was blocked by the English troops. Orleans, a city that lay in a strategically important area of the strife, had been besieged for over a year and had begun to weaken.
Spurred on by her voices, Joan implored Robert de Baudricourt, the governor of nearby Vaucouleurs, to permit her to travel to Charles’s court at Chinon. Initially reluctant, even incredulous, Baudricourt finally granted the permission, and Joan, “borrowing” some men’s clothing to disguise herself during the journey, left with two friends for the court of the uncrowned king.
Joan’s powers of persuasion must have been remarkable. She managed not only to arrange an audience with Charles but also to convince him she should travel with an army to help lift the siege of Orleans. Within days of her arrival, the French army, with Joan’s active participation, had destroyed the besieging English forces, a turning point in the war. Although seriously wounded, Joan helped lead the final successful assault on the Tourelles, the English garrison, an attack that resulted in the deaths of two of England's most important military commanders.
With Orleans secure, Joan and the army cleared a path to Reims for the coronation, recapturing numerous towns along the way. Joan was so feared by the English and their Burgundian allies that the mere announcement of her presence outside the walls of a town would elicit a quick surrender. Charles VII was crowned in Reims on July 17, 1429, with Joan of Arc by his side. It had been less than seven months since she had left her farm village, and Joan was seventeen years old.
For about a year or so, Joan was a mercenary knight, fighting (and winning) numerous battles. However, after she failed to take Paris in September of 1429, her fortunes began to wane, and in May of 1430, outside the walls of Compiègne, she was dragged from her horse by a Burgundian archer and captured. She was subsequently sold to the English and transported to Rouen, where the English and the Burgundians had arranged for a court of the Inquisition to try her for heresy. The trial’s purpose was not only to discredit her among her people (as she was already a legend in France), but also to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the king whom she had helped to crown. While in prison, Joan refused to give up her male clothes, was kept in a tiny cell, and was always in chains (she had tried to escape earlier in her captivity by leaping from the turret of a castle).
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In Rouen, arraigned before a panel of learned judges, priests, and lawyers, Joan was questioned repeatedly about her voices, her male dress, and her sense of her mission. After months of resistance which left her ill and exhausted, Joan was dragged out into a courtyard of the church of St. Ouen and publicly coerced into signing a statement of adjuration in which she denied that her voices were from God. She was sentenced to life imprisonment and her head was shaved. Three days later, however she retracted her abjuration and affirmed that her voices were divine. She was promptly excommunicated for heresy and burnt on May 30, 1431. Joan of Arc was nineteen years old when she died.
Twenty-five years later, Charles VII and Joan’s mother, Isabelle Romée, petitioned the pope to restore her to the Church. Many of the women and men who knew Joan from Domremy and from her career as a solider were interviewed. These transcripts (which, like the trial transcripts, have survived) provide substantial corroboration for a story that would otherwise seem unbelievable. In 1920, nearly 500 years after her death, Joan was declared a saint, the only saint who was first excommunicated and burned.
Joan’s refusal to conform to normal categories of behaviors creates many apparent paradoxes and contradictions. Yes, she was a great warrior, but she was also a pious mystic who would halt her soldiers simply to listen to church bells. She was an illiterate farm girl, but she had no problem consorting with royalty. Although she was the most practical and skeptical of leaders—she had quite a reputation for debunking fraudulent prophets—she heard voices that today would probably earn her a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia.
Her powerful, complex personality has attracted an amazingly disparate group of admirers over the years, from George Bernard Shaw to Andrea Dworkin, to name just a few. She is a beloved Catholic saint and a hero for many young girls, regardless of their religious background. But in the course of my research, I also met with members of covens who worshipped Joan as a great witch. In the United States and England, numerous feminist and lesbian authors have written eloquently on Joan of Arc. Meanwhile, in France, her role as the supreme symbol of French nationalism has been co-opted by the extreme right wing. And, of course, Joan embodies the romantic myth of the misunderstood, uncompromising artist: true to her/his inner voice until death.
Carl Dreyer’s The Passion of Joan of Arc
The strange history of The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) nearly equals Joan’s itself. It has many of the same elements, including obsession, madness, and even fire.
The Passion of Joan of Arc was the second film made by Société Générale, the studio that had produced Abel Gance's Napoleon. In fact, Dreyer himself was on the set of the Gance film and used many members of the technical crew and several of the actors (notably Antonin Artaud, the stunningly handsome enfant terrible of the avant-garde theater, who was later incarcerated in a mental institution). The original screenplay for Joan was by Joseph Delteil, who had written a rather hyperventilated book about her. For one reason or another, Dreyer chose to forgo most of Delteil's ideas and instead used actual excerpts from the trial transcripts as the script (the film,
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which is set entirely at Joan’s trials, and burning, compresses the action of the trial from seven months into a single day).
To portray Joan of Arc, Dreyer cast against type Renée Falconetti, a leading member of the Comédie-Française. Rumors abound about the excruciating ordeal Falconetti suffered during the shoot: when her head was shaved for the final sequence of the film, apparently the entire crew wept for her and she broke down; the shooting ground to a halt while she recovered.
The film, censored somewhat by the Catholic Church prior to its release, was soon hailed as one of the greatest films of all time. Falconetti's performance was (and is) considered one of the most extraordinary ever filmed. With its extreme close-ups and bizarre camera angles, with an editing rhythm that breaks nearly every rule of the craft, The Passion of Joan of Arc makes virtually every movie critic and scholar’s short list of masterpieces. It clearly influenced such filmmakers as Bergman, Fellini, and Hitchcock, and echoes of its intense style appear in the work of such contemporary masters as Martin Scorsese. Shot without makeup and with “natural” acting, Joan looks like it was finished yesterday.
But a few months after the premiere, Joan’s judges descended upon Dreyer’s film. The negative and virtually all prints of The Passion of Joan of Arc were destroyed in a warehouse fire. Dreyer, referring in all likelihood to his work print for the original cut, painstakingly reconstructed the entire film from outtake footage that had survived the fire. This second version was destroyed in a second fire! Devastated, Dreyer gave up and moved on to his next film, Vampyr.
From here the history of the film becomes confusing. Highly corrupt prints that somehow managed to survive the fires circulated for a while. In addition, the Cinémathèque Française unearthed a copy of the film in its vaults (at the time, it was unclear which version it was). In the late forties and early fifties, a French film historian by the name of Lo Duca pieced together his version of the film (apparently using prints from both versions) and added a score that was a montage of Albinoni, Vivaldi, and other Baroque composers. The result so horrified Dreyer that he completely disowned the “Lo Duca” version.
Then, in 1981, several film cans from the ’20s were discovered at a mental institution in Oslo, Norway, stashed in the back of a closet. They were shipped, unopened to the Norwegian Film Institute. Inside the cans, in nearly perfect condition, was a copy of The Passion of Joan of Arc with Danish intertitles. The accompanying shipping information made it clear that it was, in fact, a print of the original version of Dreyer's great film.
Voices of Light
The Passion of Joan of Arc was an inspiration for Voices of Light, but my goal was to attempt a stand-alone work that would speak to various aspects of Joan’s life and legend.
As I was developing the piece, I recalled my studies of medieval musical practice, in
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particular the multi-lingual motets that I love to listen to. The notion of a work of art with simultaneous layers of text struck me as a medieval idea that was also delightfully modern as well.
Since Joan heard voices, I knew the work would have singing, but what would everyone sing? I did a considerable amount of research into the history of Joan’s life and persona and began to explore the rich body of literature written by female mystics from the Middle Ages. I decided to create a libretto that would consist primarily of excerpts from these writings, chosen for their beauty as literature and also for their relevance to themes in Joan’s life. In addition, I decided that all the words sung in the score would be in ancient languages (Latin, Old and Middle French, and Italian).
A brief example: although the Inquisitors did not physically harm Joan, she was shown the instruments of torture. I thought that, rather than speak directly about this horror, it might be more interesting to explore some of the stranger aspects of the medieval view of physical pain, the tradition of suffering as a means of achieving spiritual ecstasy. Accordingly, the chorus obsessively repeats the phrase "glorious wounds" while a solo soprano sings a combination of lurid texts from both Blessed Angela and Na Prous Boneta, a 13th-century penitent and 14th-century heretic, respectively.
I didn’t want to have any characters in a conventional sense, but after reading Joan of Arc’s military correspondence (although illiterate, Joan dictated her letters to a scribe), I decided that I wanted her to make an appearance in my piece, singing excerpts from her letters as well as some other texts that she either certainly said or could have said. Since no one knows what Joan looked like, I decided that no one would know much about her singing voice: accordingly, Joan's “character” is sung neither in a soprano nor alto range, but in both simultaneously, with simple harmony and in rhythmic unison.
Just prior to writing Voices of Light, I traveled to France to visit some of the important Joan of Arc historical sites. I went to Orleans where she won her first battle and also to Rouen, where I was deeply moved by the ruins of the castles where Joan was held and the cross erected at the site of her martyrdom. I also traveled to the little village of Domremy, Joan’s birthplace in the southeast, where her house and church, much restored, still stand. I took along a portable DAT recorder and recorded the sound of the Domremy church bell and later incorporated it into my score. I felt that Joan, who so loved church bells, whose voices seemed to speak to her whenever they were ringing, would appreciate the effort.
–Richard Einhorn Composer
20 BachFestivalFlorida.org
Richard Einhorn's unique music has been described as "hauntingly beautiful,” "sensational,” and "overwhelming in its emotional power.” He has become one of a small handful of living composers who not only reaches a large worldwide audience but whose music receives widespread critical praise for its integrity, emotional depth, and craft.
In February 2009, Einhorn premiered The Origin, an opera/oratorio based on the work and life of Charles Darwin. Performed to packed houses and standing ovations, the piece garnered praise from the Syracuse Post-Standard: “Einhorn has created an imaginative work layered with profound insight.”
Einhorn's “opera with silent film,” Voices of Light, has been hailed in reviews as “a great masterpiece of contemporary music” and “a work of meticulous genius.” After selling out its New York City premiere engagements at the Brooklyn Academy of Music Next Wave Festival, Voices of Light has had over 150 performances throughout the U.S. and the world, including sold-out performances at Avery Fisher Hall; the Kennedy Center and Wolf Trap with the National Symphony; the Cabrillo Festival with Marin Alsop; the Sydney Opera House in Australia; and two extremely successful national tours featuring the medieval vocal group Anonymous 4. The Sony Classical CD of Voices of Light was a Billboard classical bestseller, earning Einhorn the distinction of being one of only a few composers to have made “the charts.”
Voices of Light has attracted national media attention, including articles in the Wall Street Journal, segments on All Things Considered and Performance Today, and an extended profile on CBS television network's magazine show, CBS Sunday Morning. Recent performances of Voices of Light have included performances all over the U.S.; at Esplanade in Singapore; in Reykjavik, Iceland, with the Iceland Symphony; in Switzerland; and in Johannesburg and Pretoria, South Africa.
Einhorn has written opera, orchestral and chamber music, song cycles, film music, and dance scores. Among his many projects is the wildly popular Red Angels for New York City Ballet set to Einhorn's music with choreography by Ulysses Dove, which had its television premiere on Live From Lincoln Center (PBS) in May of 2002. His film credits include the Academy Award–winning documentary short, Educating Peter (HBO) and Arthur Penn's thriller Dead of Winter (MGM), starring Mary Steenburgen; and Fire-Eater directed by Pirjo Honkasalo, for which Einhorn won the Jussi (Finnish Academy Award) for Best Musical Score.
Born in 1952, Richard Einhorn graduated summa cum laude in music from Columbia University. Before turning his attention exclusively to composition, Einhorn worked as a record producer for such artists as Meredith Monk and The New York Philharmonic. His production of the Bach Cello Suites with Yo-Yo Ma won a Grammy for Best Instrumental Performance.
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Photo credit: Courtesy of the Artist
Other recent works include The Spires, The City, The Field, a 9/11 memorial premiered by the Albany Symphony. A Carnival of Miracles, a piece written for Anonymous 4, premiered to a sold-out crowd at New Sounds Live and broadcasted live over WNYC-FM. My Many Colored Days is an orchestral commission from the Minnesota Orchestra. Einhorn lives in New York City with his wife, Amy Singer, and their daughter, Miranda. For further information, please contact Alliance Artist Management allianceartistmanagement.com richardeinhorn.com.
Highly sought-after as a performer and private voice instructor in Central Florida, Anna Eschbach earned her bachelor’s degree in vocal performance from Appalachian State University and a master’s degree in vocal performance from the University of Tennessee. Born and raised in Orlando, Ms. Eschbach has performed with numerous companies throughout Florida, including the Bach Festival Society of Winter Park, Opera Orlando, the Brevard Symphony Orchestra, and the Orlando Philharmonic. Known for her performance in oratorio, guest solo appearances include Saint-Saens’ Oratorio de Noel, Mozart’s Vesperae Solennes, Poulenc’s Gloria, Rutter’s Gloria and Magnificat, and Vaughan Williams’ A Sea Symphony, as well as Orff’s Carmina Burana. Ms. Eschbach has toured internationally in Switzerland, the UK, and Kenya. Since moving back to Orlando in 2013, Ms. Eschbach has maintained a thriving private voice studio in the Orlando area and serves on the voice faculty at Rollins College and performs full time with the Basilica Choir of Mary, Queen of the Universe.
Mezzo-Soprano Morgan Peckels is an active performer and highly sought-after voice teacher in the Central Florida area. Earning her bachelor’s degree from Elon University and her master’s from the Boston Conservatory at Berklee, Morgan can be seen singing with the numerous orchestras and performance groups in the state of Florida such as the Bach Festival Society of Winter Park, Orlando’s Messiah Choral Society, The Orlando Philharmonic, Space Coast Symphony, and Opera Orlando. She is a founding member of The Bach Vocal Artists with the Bach Festival Society of Winter Park, and her solo oratorio credits include Bach’s B Minor Mass, Handel’s Messiah, Vivaldi’s Juditha Triumphans, Mozart’s Requiem and Richard Einhorn Voices of Light where she was praised by Matt Palm of the Orlando Sentinel for her “hauntingly lamenting tones.” Her operatic credits include The Mother in Amahl and the Night Visitors, Kate Pinkerton in Madama Butterfly as well as roles in Trouble in Tahiti, Dido and Aeneas, and La Rondine. Morgan is currently on the voice faculty at Rollins College and runs a thriving private studio from her home in Winter Springs.
22 BachFestivalFlorida.org
Photo credit: Courtesy of the Artist
Photo credit: Courtesy of the Artist
John Grau, a specialist of oratorio and opera from the Baroque to 20th-century music, has performed at the Boston Early Music Festival, the Ravinia Music Festival, the Bach Festival Society of Winter Park, the Boulder Bach Festival, the Colorado Bach Ensemble, the Oratory Bach in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the inaugural Duke University Bach Cantata Series. As a recitalist, John is a strong advocate for contemporary music and has presented the music of Bernstein and Copland. Dr. Grau received his BA from St. Olaf College, a master’s degree from Northern Arizona University, and his doctorate degree from the University of Minnesota. Having taught at the University of Colorado-Boulder and the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Dr. Grau is currently head of the voice division at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, and appears with many professional vocal ensembles. Dr. Grau’s scholarly activities contribute to vocal pedagogy, and he has presented his research on developing tenor voices using excerpts from Handel oratorio arias at the Minnesota Music Educators Association, and at the National Association of Teachers of Singing Convention.
Hailed as a “Scene-stealer…with an unquestionably evil-sounding bass voice and a knack for staying in character even when he isn’t the center of attention,” Stephen Mumbert is currently an Adjunct Professor of Voice at Rollins College and maintains a private voice studio here in Orlando FL. He is a graduate of Stetson University where he holds a B.M. in voice performance, and he also holds an M.M. in opera from The Boston Conservatory. Recent performances include Riccardo in Bellini’s I Puritani with Minnesota Concert Opera, Mozart’s Requiem with the Riverside Community Chorale and Orchestra and the Dakota Valley Symphony (broadcast on Twin Cities Public Television), Handel’s Messiah with the Villages Philharmonic, Messiah Choral Society, and Space Coast Symphony Orchestra, Jesus in Bach’s St Matthew Passion, BWV 90, and Faure’s Requiem with the Bach Festival Society of Winter Park, Ben in Menotti’s The Telephone with Musical Traditions, Mr. Gobineau in Menotti’s The Medium at the Orlando Fringe Festival, Adam in Haydn’s Creation, the Doctor in the Death of Ivan Ilych, Count Monterone in Rigoletto, and Actor 8 in All is Calm and Marco in Gianni Schicchi both with Opera Orlando, and a new opera project performing the lead roles of Guildenstern in Herschel Garfein’s Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and Hopkins in Robert Aldridge's Sister Carrie staged with the respective Grammy award winning composers in residence. Upcoming local performances include a return to Steinmetz Hall to sing the bass solos in Handel’s Messiah, bass soloist for A Classic Christmas, Bach’s Magnificat, and Voices of Light, all with the Bach Festival Society of Winter Park. Stephen is thrilled to be a founding member of the Bach Vocal Artists.
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Photo credit: Rhianna Lynne
Photo credit: Ruby Abreu
Catalina Arias, 5
Liz Ausburn, 3
Jim Beck, 11
Ellen Huey Cassel, 12
George Chandler, 6
Maya Clausen, 3
Vivian Cook, 4
Michael Creighton, 2
Theresa Dulong, 14
Dante Duphorne, 15
Ashley Duvé, 8
Jolie Eichler, 15
Raphael Fernandez
Ericka Glenn
Barbara Gomes
Diane Hansen, 9
Grant Hayes, 4
Ariel Hudak, 6
Howard Jaffe, 4
Sondra Jones, 12
Beth Kassander, 7
Rachel LaQuea
Julie Mathews, 1
David Mattson, 16
Margaret McMillen, 30
Janice Meyer, 7
Margaret Munro
John Niss, 28
Luke Noles, 7
Liana Pacilli, 11
Ashley Peters, 5
Veronica Prevost, 2*
Bj Price, 18
David Romaine, 4
Mikaella Romero, 1*
Pamela Rosario, 8
Jane Scamehorn, 8
Karyll Shaw, 8
Diana Sisley, 16
Beverly Slaughter, 48
Jennifer Thibodeau, 3
Jeanine Viau, 6
Cezarina Vintilla
Richard Wilson
Lynn Peghiny, Accompanist
Number denotes years of service
* Rollins College student
24 BachFestivalFlorida.org
Routa KroumovitchGomez*
Alvaro Gomez*
Shelley Mathews
Mary Bos
Joni Roos
Rhonda Burnham
Dina Fedosenko
Susan Christian
Dan Flick
David Bjella
Shona McFadyen
Rob Kenno
Nora Lee Garcia
Elsa Kate Nichols
Lora Macpherson
Thad Anderson
Jeremy Katalenic
Kristine Griffin
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Bach Festival Society of Winter Park Presents
Friday, March 17, 2024 • 7:30 pm | Knowles Memorial Chapel
Wedding Day at Troldhaugen (6’)
Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (7’)
1. Overture
2. Chaconne des Scaramouches, Trivelins et Arlequin
3. Marche
Morceaux, from op. 15 (6’)
Romanian Folk Dances (7’)
1. Jac cu Báta
2. Braul
3. Pe loc
4. Buciumeana
5. Poarga Romaneasca
6. Maruntel
Nocturne et Cortège (5’)
Share My Yoke (5’)
Storskrytarstev (2’)
Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)
Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687)
Agathe Backer Grøndahl (1847-1907)
Béla Bartók (1881-1945)
Lili Boulanger (1893-1918)
Major Joy Webb (1932-2023)
Geirr Tveitt (1908-1981)
26 BachFestivalFlorida.org
Oberek no. 1 (2’)
*Ten of Hearts (6’)
Milonga del angel (7’)
Rissolty Rossolty (10’)
Three Preludes (8’)
West Side Story (13’)
1. I Feel Pretty
2. A boy like that – I have a love
3. Tonight
Gražyna Barewicz (1909-1969)
Jennifer Higdon (b. 1962)
Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992)
Ruth Crawford Seeger (1901-1953)
George Gershwin (1898-1937)
Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990)
*The Bach Festival Society has underwritten this new composition as a Co-Commissioner
Please turn off cell phone and electronic devices prior to the start of this performance. The Bach Festival Society’s policies strictly prohibit photography, filming, or recording of any kind during performances without the express written permission of the Society.
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Tine Thing Helseth, leader
Formed in 2007 by Norwegian trumpeter Tine Thing Helseth as a fun and exciting collaboration between musical friends, the ten-piece, all-female brass ensemble tenThing have firmly established themselves on the international scene to great acclaim. tenThing are celebrated for their commitment to outreach and access to music through a diverse repertoire that spans from Mozart to Weill, Grieg to Bernstein, and Lully to Bartok. The group works closely with Norwegian guitarist and arranger Jarle Storløkken in the arrangement of scores for the ensemble, enabling them to play pieces of differing instrumentations.
tenThing first came into prominence thanks to performances all over their native Norway, eventually delighting a huge national audience by opening the 2011 Norwegian Grammy Awards. Soon after, the group drew international attention after their highly successful appearance at the BBC Proms at London’s Cadogan Hall. Elsewhere in Europe, they have performed at a wide range of prestigious festivals and concert halls, including the Schleswig-Holstein, Beethoven Bonn, Gstaad, MDR Musiksommer, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rheingau, Bodensee, Engadin, Merano, Thüringer Bachwochen, and Bremen festivals in Central Europe, the Merano and Sienna festivals in Italy, the NCPA Beijing May Festival, and Moscow’s House of Music.
In Spring 2017, the ensemble embarked on their American debut tour, which included concerts in New York, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, and at the renowned Wolf Trap Festival. tenThing also made their Paris debut at the St Denis Festival in May 2017. Following their international successes, they returned to the USA again in 2019 and will embark on their third visit in November/December 2022 performing Holiday-themed programme of Christmas songs from all over Europe and America. Upcoming seasons also see tenThing back on tour in Germany, Sweden and across Europe.
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Photo credit: Anna Julia Granberg-Blunderbuss
Jennifer Higdon, Pulitzer Prize and three-time Grammy winner is one of the most performed living American composers working today. She is the recent recipient of Northwestern University’s Nemmers Prize and the UT Austin EM King Award. Other honors include the Guggenheim, Koussevitzky, and Pew Fellowships, as well as two awards from the American Academy of Arts & Letters. Commissions have come from a wide range of performers: from the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Chicago Symphony, to The President’s Own Marine Band; from the Tokyo String Quartet to Eighth Blackbird, as well as individual artists such as singer Thomas Hampson, violinist Hilary Hahn and pianist, Yuja Wang. Her first opera on Charles Frazier’s book, Cold Mountain, was commissioned by Santa Fe Opera, Opera Philadelphia, NC Opera, and Minnesota Opera and won the International Opera Award for Best World Premiere. Higdon makes her living from commissions and serves as composer-in-residence with various orchestras throughout the country. Her works are recorded on over 80 CDs.
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Photo credit: Jen Adams
Historic 90th Annual Bach Festival Season
Announced by John V. Sinclair
The venerable Bach Festival Society of Winter Park will present an unprecedented season of programming to celebrate its 90th anniversary.
The Bach Festival Society is committed to making its programs accessible to all audiences. Tiedtke Concert Hall and Knowles Memorial Chapel on the Rollins College campus in Winter Park have accessible entrances and parking options available, as does Steinmetz Hall at the Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center in downtown Orlando. Please call 407.646.2182 for assistance with questions or concerns.
The Bach Festival Society of Winter Park believes that all people deserve equal access and opportunities to participate in a vibrant, creative life. We are committed to policies and practices to increase diversity in the governance and administration of the Society, to deliver programming that illuminates diverse experiences, and to engage the broader community through outreach and education.
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The Bach Festival Society of Winter Park is an independent nonprofit organization that brings classical music experiences to delight, inform and inspire audiences of all ages. Your investment in the power of music will support the Society’s ongoing efforts on stage, in the classroom and across Central Florida.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Bach Festival Society. There are many ways you can “give Bach.” Thank you!
Winter Park, FL 32789
By Calling 407.646.2182
The Bach Festival Society gratefully accepts gifts of stock and distributions from retirement plans, subject to IRS guidelines. To ensure that the gift is received and acknowledged properly, please notify the Society of the pending transfer. For more information, please contact Kathy Berlinsky at KBerlinsky@BachFestivalFlorida.org or call 407.691.1056.
Learn more about program and featured artist sponsorships by contacting Kathy Berlinsky at KBerlinsky@BachFestivalFlorida.org or call 407.691.1056.
The EIN for the Bach Festival Society of Winter Park is 59-6015959.
The Bach Festival Society of Winter Park’s State of Florida Solicitation of Contributions Act Registration Number is CH1655. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE (800-435-7352) WITHIN THE STATE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. The Bach Festival Society of Winter Park is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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Holt Ave. #2763
The Continuo Society recognizes patrons who have chosen to provide for the Bach Festival Society through their estate plans. These thoughtful legacy gifts will help sustain the Society's mission for many years to come. For more information about major and planned gift opportunities, please contact Executive Director Kathy Belinsky at 407.691.1056 or KBerlinsky@BachFestivalFlorida.org.
Anonymous (2)
John W. and Linda Cone
P. Andrew and Autumn Ames in honor of John M. Tiedtke
M. Elizabeth Brothers*
Dana and Diana Eagles
Paul M. Harmon
Karen and Mickey Lane in
memory of Bernice and Stanley Levy
Rob and Wendy Landry
Bonnie B. and Robert M. Larsen
Leyse Lowry in honor of John V. Sinclair
Pat McKechnie
Dr. Blair and Diane Murphy
Kenneth* and Ann Hicks Murrah
The Rev.* and Mrs. Eric Ravndal, III
Drs. John and Gail Sinclair
Bosco R. and Beverly J. Slaughter
Dr. Walter Stamm
Heather and David Torre
Anonymous (4)
Athalia and Robert Cope
Tim Delcavo
Michael and Aimee Rusinko Kakos
Susan D. Tucker
BachFestivalFlorida.org 33
Established in 2020 in honor of Dr. John V. Sinclair's 30th anniversary as Artistic Director, this fund will help ensure that future Artistic Directors will have sufficient resources to maintain a level of artistic excellence. We invite all Bach Festival patrons to join the generous donors listed below to build this important resource. Contact Executive Director Kathy Belinsky at 407.691.1056 or KBerlinsky@BachFestivalFlorida. org for details.
Cynthia and Alex Mackinnon
The Rev.* and Mrs. Eric Ravndal, III
Sally and Jack Schott
The Tiedtke Family
GIFTS AND PLEDGES OF $10,000-$19,999
S. Blair and Diane Murphy
Bill and Sheila Oelfke
Leila Edgerton Trismen
GIFTS AND PLEDGES OF $5,000-$9,999
Kathy Johnson Berlinsky
Brock and Sarah McClane
Gerard and Nichola Mitchell
Bosco R. and Beverly J. Slaughter
GIFTS AND PLEDGES OF $1,000-$4,999
Anonymous (2)
Brian Ainsley and Candice Crawford
P. Andy and Autumn Ames
Stewart Anderson
Michael and Mabel Burridge
Susan and Robert Christian
Dana and Diana Eagles
Alvaro and Routa Gomez
Leyse Lowry
Katie Mess
Janice and George Meyer
Beth and Jack Nagle
Donald A. Nash
Liana and Fred Pacilli
Dan and Barbara Preslar
BJ Price
Ann Morgan Saurman
Vivian Southwell
Edward and Virginia Ubels
BettyJane and Cecil Wilson, M.D.
John Adams
Stewart Anderson
Meg Baldwin
Will and Barby Barbara
Jim Beck
Marianne Franus Beck
Mary Berglund-Bos
Bill and Becky Brown
Marcia and Michael Brown
Tim and Rhonda Burnham
Laurie Calhoun
Paul and Janet Chilcote
Tom Cook and Patricia Simmons
Grant and Peg Cornwell
Alan and Susan Davis
Daniel Flick
Alice and Larry Fortunato
Bill and Joanne Frederick
Elizabeth Gwinn and Michael Galletta
Lee and Diane Hansen
Kathleen Hartung
Sherwood Hawkins and Brenda Higgins
Amanda Kinder
Wendy and Rob Landry
Karen and Mickey Lane
Aaron Lefkowitz
Kay and Gerald Marin
Lora MacPherson
Elizabeth Maupin and Jay Yellen
David Odahowski
Bill and Sherry Orr
Maurice O’Sullivan
Liana and Fred Pacilli
Martin Phillips
Dan and Barbara Preslar
Dr. Mark and Beverly Rich in honor of our favorite conductor
Lisa and David Rosen
Joe Sapora and Carol Ducas
Dr. Daniel and Nancy Sharp
Karyll Shaw
Amanda Shoopman
Diana and Tim Sisley
Brian Solomon
Jessica Hall Speak
Matthew Swope
Jodi Tassos
Charles Thatcher
Jeff and Kathy Thomas
Susan and Michael Tucker
Jeanine Viau
Cezarina and Ray Vintilla
Kathleen Wassum-Hame
Diana Webb and T.J. Trapp
Jane R. White
Patty White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whritenour
Gwendolyn and Wilford Williams
34 BachFestivalFlorida.org
The Bach Festival Society of Winter Park would like to thank the individuals and community partners below who have generously made a pledge or contribution in support of the dynamic artistic and educational programming and community engagement for the 89th Season.
$100,000 AND ABOVE
Bach Festival Choir
Orange County Government through the Arts and Cultural Affairs Program
State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture
Beth and Jack Nagle
Rollins College
United Arts Central Florida
$50,000 - $99,999
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation
$25,000 - $49,999
Winifred Johnson Clive Foundation
Mr. Alex and The Hon. Cynthia Mackinnon
Richard Russell and Thomas Ouellette
Sally and Jack Schott
The Hon. Winifred J. Sharp
$15,000 - $24,999
John V. Frank
The Joe and Sarah Galloway Foundation
Ginsburg Family Foundation
Massey Services, Inc.
The Tiedtke Family
$10,000 - $14,999
David and Judy Albertson
Michael and Aimee Kakos
Chesley G. Magruder Foundation
Wayne and Robin Roberts
Leila Edgerton Trismen
Kathryn and the late Bud Grammer
Thomas P. and Patricia A. O'Donnell Foundation
Sarah Ravndal- in Loving Memory of my husband, The Rev. Eric Ravndal III
Bosco R. and Beverly J. Slaughter
$5,000 - $7,499
Anonymous (4)
Kathy Johnson Berlinsky
Jeff and Nichole Bromme
Cynthia Brumback
Festival of Orchestras Endowment Fund
Sheryl Kerr
Beverly M. King
Andrea and Philip Kobrin
Bonnie B. and Robert M. Larsen
Dr. Hugh F. McKean Memorial Fund
Charles Hosmer Morse Foundation
Richard Russell and Thomas Ouellette
Kelly Price
Dr. MK Reischmann
Dr. John V. Sinclair and Dr. Gail D. Sinclair
George R. and Eleanor C. Taylor in memory of The Rev. Eric Ravndal, III
John Templeton Foundation
Dr. Joe and Sue Warren
Welsh Charitable Trust
Marchetta Tate Wood
$2,500 - $4,999
The Brumback Family in memory of The Rev. Eric Ravndal, III
Patsy L. Duphorne
Dana and Diana Eagles
Jeff and June Flowers Giving Fund
Jeannette Leinbach
David R. Mattson
The Mayflower Retirement Center, Inc.
Bj Price
Ann Saurman
Dr. Tracy Truchelut and Mr. Robert A. White
BachFestivalFlorida.org 35
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (3)
Anonymous in memory of Clifford and Marilyn Lee
Anonymous in Memory of The Rev. Eric Ravndal, III
Keith and Eleanor Ackermann
David and Judy Albertson
John W. and Linda Cone Allen
Mr. and Mrs. P. Andy and Autumn Ames, In Memory of John M. Tiedtke
Tim and Sue Antonition
Ellen Arnold
Jay H. Berlinsky
William Hunt Bieberbach
Donna Borko
Michael and Mabel Burridge
Tom and Kathy Cardwell
O'Ann and Pat Christiansen
Robert and Athalia Cope
Alan and Susan Davis
Lee Eubank
Susan and Randolph Fields
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Flick
Barbara and Richard Fulton in memory of The Rev. Eric Ravndal, III
Linda Modrak and William Gallo
G. Randall and Nancy Gibbs in honor of John Sinclair
Alvaro and Routa Gomez
Freddi and Jim Goodrich
Mrs. Janice Granier Gruber
Wallace H. Hall
Paul M. Harmon
Dr. Grant Hayes
Dr. Mimi Hull
Allen and the late Dana Irwin
Nigel John and Heather Badawi John
Ann Kurth in memory of Sylvia Kurth
Wendy Landry
The Lee Foundation
Leyse Lowry
Edward Manning
Jody and Craig Maughan
Elizabeth Maupin and Jay Yellen
Dr. Margaret McMillen
Jeff and Mindy Moore
John Niss and Lisa Mouton
William and Sheila Oelfke
Leslie King ONeal
Pat and Randy Robertson
Dr. F. Robert and Norene Rolle
Joan Ruffier and Edward Manning in Memory of The Rev. Eric Ravndal, III
Sara and Bill Segal
Dr. Karyll N. Shaw
Sidhu Family in honor of The Rev. Eric Ravndal, III
Fred Lyndon Stone
John and Beatriz Struck
Jodi Tassos
Jodi Tassos in memory of John Tassos
Kathryn C. Ustler
Dr. Nancy van den Berg
Hardy Vaughn and Betty Brady
Hardy Vaughn and Betty Brady in Memory of The Rev. Eric Ravndal, III
Gwendolyn B. and Wilford J. Williams
Betty Jane and Cecil Wilson, MD
$500 - $999
Anonymous (5)
David B. Baer
Richard O. Baldwin, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald G. Beyer
Carol Beyer in memory of Dr. Don Beyer
Carol Beyer
David Caudle and Gil Villalobos
Larry and Jennifer Coates
Thomas Cook and Patricia Simmons
Mary Anne Elwood
Raphael Fernandez and Family
Arunas E. Gasparaitis, MD
Stan and Regunia Griggs
Gregg Gronlund Family
John and Jennifer Hallenbeck
Allison and Peter Hosbein
Lars and Julie Houmann
Bette Jore
Frank and Etta Jean Juge
Dr. Susan Cohn Lackman and Dr. Richard D.
36 BachFestivalFlorida.org
Rita Lowndes
Dr. Jim Madison
Susan Miller
D'Arcy Murphy
Eva Burbank Murphy
Donald A. Nash in memory of Marie D. Nash
Jane Secrist Newnum
James F. Niss
Stuart E. Oleson
Dr. Daniel and Lesley Podberesky
Dan and Barbara Preslar
Dr. and Mrs. Mark and Beverly Rich in loving memory of Dr. Seymour Cohen
Dr. Richard Sandler
Jim and Pat Schroeder
Dr. Mubarak Shah and Ms. Becky Lee
Lee and Judy Van Valkenburgh
Nancy R. Wagers
Harold and Libby Ward
Diana Webb and Dr. T.J. Trapp
Craig and Jeanne Weeks
Jane R. White
$250 - $499
Anonymous (3)
Judy Alper
Phil and Jennifer Anderson
George and Leslie Andreae
Lawrence D. Brown, M.D.
Brenda Bullock-Paget
Susan and Robert Christian
Guy and Donna Colado
Endean Fund - Mr. Jeffrey Endean and Dr.
Myrna Endean
The Honorable and Mrs. William Frederick
Daniel Flick
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Grau
Larry and Debbie Halye
Kathryn Harbaugh
Patricia Higginbotham
Rebecca Hull
Mr. & Mrs W H Jayne, III
The Hon. Toni Jennings
Kenneth and Ann Hicks Murrah Endowment
Bob and Betty Kimbrel
Carol Klim
Paul and Nola Knouse
Dr. Yen-Yen Kressel
Neva and Bill Meek
Lois H. Mills
Barbara and Peter Minderman
Ann Hicks Murrah
Jocelyn Amalong Oehmler
Leslie King O'Neal
Liana and Frederick Pacilli
Nancy F. Peed
Dr. Calvin and Pamela Peters
Roger D. and Rosalind Ray
John and Virginia Rigsby
Joy Roney
William C. Schwartz Fund
Tyler Simonton
Jeffrey T. Spoeri
Rene Stutzman
Jackie and Rod Sward
Amie H. Tishkoff
Barbara L. Turner
Paul and Madeleine Vilmos
Cezarina and Ray Vintilla in honor of Stela and Dumitru Toaxen
Kenneth Ward
Katy Moss Warner
Carrie and Kevin Wendelburg
Susan Whritenour
$100 - $249
Anonymous (11)
Ruby Abreu in honor of Jane Secrist Newnum
David Aiken
Stewart and Robin Anderson
Nancy Appich
Margaret Atkins
Russell and Meg Baldwin
Mary D. Balk
Will and Barby Barbara
Denise Schabacker Barnes
Jim D. Beck
Jerry Janesick and Cheryl Bollinger
Kathleen McKee Brenner
Bill and Becky Brown
Lucie Broyles
Tim and Rhonda Burnham
BachFestivalFlorida.org 37
Colin Byrne and Bert Rodriguez
Linda Carpenter
Chance and Christina Carter
Anne Claiborne MD
Martin and Susan Collins
Commerce Bank & Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Conway
Terry and Paul Creighton
Diane Culler
G. Dappert and J. Wixted
Edward and Janet Davenport
Carl and Carrie Davis
Dante Duphorne
Betsy Gardner Eckbert
Hoyt and Charlene Edge
Marjorie and Harold Emmert
Mary Frances Emmons
Mr. and Mrs. John Engle
Candice T. Erick
Elizabeth and Philip Eschbach
Deirdre and Shayne Floyd in memory of Dr.
Donald Beyer
Effective Financial Services Inc.
Rosemary Frankwick
Christina and Brad Gant
Elicia Garcia
Penny S. Gilman
Gail Graham
Mike and Ceil Graham
Dr. Scott Greenwood and Dr. Pamela
Donald and Mary Pat Guske in memory of Dr. Donald Beyer
Marty and Mike Haddad
Bea Hoelle
Dr. and Mrs. G. Wyckliffe Hoffler
Silvia S. Ibanez
Beth and Jack Isler
V.J. James in Memory of The Rev. Eric Ravndal, III
Ann Johnson
Leslie and Sondra Jones
Gary Kane
Maria Keller
Richard and Martha Kessler
Mary Swain Landreth
Emily Lawton
Aaron Lefkowitz
Dr. Michael and Diane Levine
M.J. Lowitz
Ms. Lora MacPherson
Brian M. Malec
Gerald and Kay Marin
Shelley and Doug Mathews
Carolyn Maue and Bryan Hunt
Justin McGill in memory of Joy Groves McGill
Pat McKechnie
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Metzger
Friend of the Bach Festival Choir
Congressman John L. Mica
Carolyn Minear
Geoffrey C. Moehl
Joseph Mundy and Thomas Bastian
Linda Naughtin
Roxanne Niles
Paul and Betsy Owens
M. Carmela Pantano in memory of Dr. Donald Beyer
Margaret A. Patten
Oliver and Kim Peters
Sue and Ed Peterson
Martin Phillips
David Rea
Tom and Cathy Regan
Peter Riddleberger in memory of Philip Springer
Bradley Roberts
Holly Rogers
Jane and Bruce Scamehorn
Paul Schmalzer
Nancy Seaman in loving memory of Hod Seaman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Sichler III
William and Dorothy Silverman
Diana Sisley
Judith Smelser
Celnah Smith in memory of my husband Leon Smith
Vivian Southwell in memory of Dana Irwin
Elizabeth Stewart
Dawn and George Sumrall
Vernon Swartsel
Trivergent Trust in Memory of The Rev. Eric Ravndal, III
38 BachFestivalFlorida.org
Tim and Barbara Trombitus
Susan and Michael Tucker
Edward and Virginia Ubels
Tye Van Buren
Kim van Nymegen
In honor of Peter Schreyer, Crealde's Executive Director
Madeline Wiley
Stuart Wills
Laura M. Woodbury
Nicholas Yarnold
Dr. and Mrs. Lee Zehngebot
Armand and Alison Zilioli
Mary Lou Zobel
Hans Zwart
* Donors in the above list are recognized for their gifts and pledges received in support of the 2023-2024 Season prior to publication. Please advise us of any errors or omissions.
We are grateful for the generous support of donors like you. View the full donor report including the most recent gifts since publication of this program at BachFestivalFlorida.org/donor-list
The Bach Festival Society of Winter Park is an independent, nonprofit organization that brings classical music experiences to delight and inspire audiences.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Bach Festival Society. There are many ways you can “give Bach.”
Thank you!
BachFestivalFlorida.org 39
Collaborative Campaign for the Arts & United Arts of Central Florida Donors United Arts of Central Florida is your arts agency uniting the community and fueling the arts. With the help of individual donors, corporations, foundations and public funding, United Arts inspires creativity, builds community and strengthens the economy in Central Florida. United Arts is proud to facilitate arts education programs for all ages and provide critical funding and comprehensive marketing for local art, science, and history organizations and individual artists. Leading one of the largest collaborative fundraising campaigns in the country and uniting the regions cornerstone arts and cultural organizations, United Arts is dedicated to ensuring the arts are for all. United Arts is deeply grateful to its donors and community partners for their investment in and support of Central Florida’s creative community and the enormous impact it has on our lives every day.
The following contributions were made to United Arts or the 2022 Collaborative Campaign for the Arts between July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. www.unitedartscfl.org | 407.628.0333
City of Orlando and Employees
Darden Restaurants, Inc., and the Darden Restaurants Foundation
Dr. Phillips Charities
Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation Inc.
Florida Department of State National Endowment for the Arts
Orange County, Florida and Employees, and Orange County Arts & Cultural Affairs
Walt Disney World Resort and The Walt Disney Company Foundation
University of Central Florida
$50,000 - $99,999
Duke Energy and Duke Energy Foundation and Employees
Frontline Insurance and Lanier & LaVoyce Porter
The Massey Services Family and Team Members
$25,000 - $49,999
Florida Blue
Greater Orlando Aviation Authority
Orlando Magic and Employees, and Orlando Magic Youth Foundation
Universal Orlando Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
The Ballet Academy of Central Florida
Bank of America
Central Florida Foundation
City of Winter Park
Florida Charities Foundation
Lowndes and Employees
OUC-The Reliable One and Employees
OX Group, LLC
Wisne Charitable Foundation
Writer’s Block Bookstore
$7,500 - $9,999
Get Off the Bus LLC
Harbinger Capital Advisors
Seretta Construction, Inc.
$5,000 - $7,499
The Commerce Fund of Florida
Crystal Photonics, Inc.
Darden Credit Union
Drew Johann on behalf of Stifel
Ernst & Young LLP
Fifth Third Bank
Florida Theatrical Association
Gary Lambert Salon in honor of Robert Hill
MSL CPAs & Advisors
Orlando Health
Publix Super Markets Charities
Rotary Club of Winter Garden
SPM, LLC WeldenField Development
40 BachFestivalFlorida.org
Corporate and Government Donors
$2,500 - $4,999
ABC Fine Wine & Spirits
Wayne Dictor/Dictor Financial LLC
Downtown Arts District Drive Shack
Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation
Hilb Group of Florida
Joshi Law Firm, PA
Little Diversified Architectural Consulting
The Mayflower Retirement Center, Inc.
NEI General Contracting
The Orlando Law Group
Orlando Sanford International Inc.
Ray & Nicole Reed - Cutco Cutlery
The Schaller Group
Tavistock Development Company
Edward Whalley - Anthros Inc.
Todd Wheeler - Wheeler Projects Inc.
$1,000 - $2,499
Advanced Behavioral Health Center
The Balmoral Group, LLC
CannaBus LLC
Caribe Royale Orlando
Diane Meiller and Associates
Inc. - Diane Meiller-Cook
The Earl and Bettie Fields Automotive Group Foundation, Inc.
Mount Dora Adventure Tours
Enterprise Fleet Management
Equitable Wealth Management Strategies
Douglas Foreman Fringe Benefit Plans
Full Sail University
Gold Key Roofing
Greg Neal - Neal Pottery
Hilton Orlando
HIP3 Home Improvement Pros
Hoagland Law PLLC
Hometown Entertainment
The Joelson Foundation
Leviton Manufacturing Company
Laurence and Susan Costin
Ginsburg Family Foundation
Helen Leon
$50,000 - $99,999
David and Judy Albertson
John and Lee Benz
Frank J. Doherty
Janet Gamache
Kay Hardesty Logan Foundation
Larry Kellogg and Cathy Roth
The Mary Palmer Family Foundation
Harold and Rosy Mills
John and Audrey Ruggieri
Frank Santos
$25,000 - $49,999
Jim and Barbara Caldwell
Tom and Kathy Cardwell
Elaine Berol Taylor & Scott Bevan
Taylor Foundation
Mr. Alex and The Hon. Cynthia Mackinnon
Marcus & Millichap
Meehle & Jay PA
The Mount Dora Bistro
Mount Dora Women’s Committee of Fine Arts
Osceola County Board of County Commissioners Park Ave CDs
Maegan Pierce and Behavior Concierge
Pineloch Management Corporation
Piñero Preventive Medical Care
Premier Oracle Elevator
The Ritz-Carlton & JW Marriott, Grande Lakes
Rollins College
Seaside Bank and Trust Shamrock Management LLC
Sihle Insurance Group
Steamroller Studios
Sunrise Bank - Barry Griffiths
Tailside Aviation
Valencia College
Weedies World Famous
Winter Park Publishing Company LLC
Wayne and Robin Roberts
Sally and Jack Schott
Jim and Valeria Shapiro
Winifred J. Sharp and Joel H. Sharp, Jr.
Chuck and Margery Pabst Steinmetz
Brandon Colte Suggs
Dr. Joe and Sue Warren
Leslie Warrington Bailey
Al and Brea Weiss
John & Lisa Westlake
Gail and Michael Winn
BachFestivalFlorida.org 41
Individual and Family Foundation Donors
Individual and Family Foundation Donors (cont.
$10,000 - $24,999
Keith and Eleanor Ackermann
John W. and Linda Cone Allen
Margaret Atkins
Colonel Christian J. Becht and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Becht
Caroline Blydenburgh
Jill and Dean Bosco
Susan K. Bright and Lawrence W. Stevenson
Jody and Roslyn Burttram
Debbie and Larry Cappleman
Chicone Family Foundation
Steven P. Clawson
Hillary and Jay Cohen
Valerie and Paul Collins
Elizabeth Nerius Conklin
Judy Duda
Andrea T. Eliscu
Linda Ferrone
Freddi and Jim Goodrich
Grant E. Gribble
Denise Hall
Dr. Stephen F. Heller
The Henderson Family Foundation
Bea Hoelle-Hawes
Michael and Aimee Kakos
Cathy Karunaratne
Mary F. Kelsh
Skip Kirst & Eric Hogan
Fred and Judy Klipsch
Pat and Audrey Knipe
Rita Lowndes
Melody and Brendan Lynch
David and Eydie MacInnis
Jay and Traci Madara
Ken and Trisha Margeson
McIntyre and Skaggs
Charitable Trust
Jason & Ronni Mendelsohn in honor of Robert Lurie
Geoffrey C. Moehl
Jeff & Mindy Moore
Scott Moscrip
Jim and Mari Moye
William and Kyra Muntan
Laurie Nicoletti
Mark and Jennifer O’Mara
Deede Sharpe and John Parker
Jim and Alexis Pugh
Shyla G. Reich in memory of Steve Reich
John Daniel Ruffier
Rick Schell and Scott Joseph
Paula Shives
Ann and Charles Simpson
Bosco R. and Beverly J.
Diane and Robert Smedley
Andrew Snyder and Christopher Nemethy
Ellen and Simon Snyder
Stephen H. Goldman
Charitable Foundation
Philip & Sigrid Tiedtke
Larry Tobin
Kathryn C. Ustler
Hardy Vaughn and Betty Brady
Nancy R. Wagers
Lance & Patricia Walker
Jayne and John Willis
Nancy & Jonathan Wolf
Larry and Laura Zirbel
Zimmerman Foundation, Inc.
$7,500 - $9,999
Aunt Jeanie
Dykes and Lisa Simonton
Sue Ellen Franklin
Jane and Charlie Gibbons
Bruce Gould
Jacquelyn Hughes
Dr. Mitch and Swantje Levin
Blair and Diane Murphy
Paul Oppedisano
Mrs. Sarah Ravndal
Dr. Richard Sandler
Geanne and Adrian Share
Larry Slung
Neil and Malka Webman
Craig and Jeanne Weeks
$5,000 - $7,499
Lindsay and Dan Abt
Mr. and Mrs. P. Andy and Autumn
Ames, In Memory of John M. Tiedtke
Phil and Jennifer Anderson
George and Leslie Andreae
Ann & Bill Wallace Foundation
Jim and Elli Atchison - Atchison
Family Fund
Walter J. Bissett and Bernard Foong
Sally Blackmun and Michael Elsberry
Daniel Patrick Blumberg
Kirt and Cheryl Bocox
James F. Brown, MD
Cynthia Brumback
Bettina Buckley and Oscar Shearer
Drs. Lynn Le and Wei-Shen Chin
Bonnie and Van Church
Mrs. Claudia De Garay-Debler and Mr. Richard Debler
Francie and Wayne Dear
Susan M. DeNardis
Jim Dorman
Kristy Doyle Turner & Bob Turner
Bill and Jennifer Dymond
Janette Estep
Susan and Randolph Fields
Sarah B. Flynn
Barbara and Richard Fulton
Dr. Matt Gay
Marilyn S. Goldman
Kenneth and Marcia Goodwin
Mrs. Janice Granier Gruber
Larry Gutter and Debbie Meitin
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Herzog
42 BachFestivalFlorida.org
Individual and Family Foundation Donors
Donna and Bill Hoffman
Elizabeth and Justin Horn
Eric Horner and John Hamilton
Mimi Hwang
Dr. Diane M. Jacobs
Jeff and June Flowers Giving Fund
Kathy Johnson Berlinsky
Keith and Claudia Kasen
Henrietta Katzen
Sheryl Kerr
Embry J. Kidd and A. Noni Holmes-Kidd
Matthew and Laura Kleinsteuber
John P. Klumph
Andrea and Philip Kobrin
Harvey Kobrin and Faye David
Robert & Melissa Kohn
Diane N. Kuhl
Dr. Susan Cohn Lackman and Dr.Richard D. Knapp
William and Barbara Lynch
Jody and Craig Maughan
Dr. E. Ann McGee
Suzanne McGuire
Jamee & Gilbert Miller
Beth and Jack Nagle
Steve Nakagawa
Daniel and Dana O’Keefe
Rosemary O’Shea
Philip and Susan Sargent Family
Charitable Fund
Dr. Gloria Pickar
Christina and Gabriel Preisser
Chris Ranck
John and Monica Rivers
The Roper Family Foundation
Jeffrey and Lisa Rosen
Corrine K. Roy
Maria Ruiz-Hays
Steve and Melanie Ruta
Marco J. Santoro and Kimberly Dorsett
James and Martha Seneff
Dr. John V. Sinclair and Dr.
Gail D.
Martha Stonerock
Dr. Stephen Summers
Susan Forster Family Trust
Christopher and Maria Sutorik
George R. and Eleanor C. Taylor in memory of The Rev. Eric Ravndal, III
Alex Tiedtke
Joan and Harry Travis
Tamara L. Trimble
Leila Edgerton Trismen
Dr. and Mrs. Paul and Madeleine
Waggoner Foundation in memory of Robert Waggoner
Robert Wahl
Dr. Carolyn Walker Hopp
Louise and Richard Weiner
Barbara Weinreich
Bill and Alice Weir
Alan Whittaker
Connie Wightman and Rob Reedy
Shelburn and Rita Wilkes
William Newkirk and Cheryl Tschanz Family Foundation
Teresa Williams
Bob and Janet Ziomek
$2,500 - $4,999
2 People
Russell P. Allen
Andy and Phyllis Ayoob Fund
Susan and Gordon Arkin
Tony and Sharon Arroyo
Marci Babione
David B. Baer
Beth Barnes and John Crocitto
Joe and Carol Bert
Carol-Lynn and Frank Bevc
John and Diane Bishop
Carolyn Blice
Albert and Cheryl Bogdanowitsch
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory N.
Sara R. Brady
Pam Brandon
Sherry Bremer
Rafael A. Castillo
Lisa and Raul Ceide
Linda W. Chapin
O’Ann and Pat Christiansen
Jennifer Clark Evins
Dottie Clendenin
Michael and Jennifer Coleman
Cheryl and Tom Collins
Ted and Carol Conner
Mark and Laura Cosgrove
Kathy K. Cressey
Dan Croom and Jill Robison
Susan M. Curran
Alan and Susan Davis
Drs. Ronald and Nancy Davis
David Duncan
Patsy L. Duphorne
Michael Dwulit
Dana and Diana Eagles
Ted B. Edwards
George S. Fender in honor of American military forces
Steve Fessler and Randy Lord
Sam Flax
Clive Frazier
Rachel and Rob Gebaide
Kathryn and Bud Grammer
Steven W. Grant and Janice
Barbara Grodin
Dr. and Mrs. H.E. Gross
Larry and Debbie Halye
Roseann Harrington
Dave and Nancy Harvey
Jim Helsinger and Suzanne O’Donnell
Larry Henrichs
BachFestivalFlorida.org 43
Individual and Family Foundation Donors (cont.)
Ann Hicks Murrah
Rob & Michael Highfill-Spradlin
The House Family
Dr. Mimi Hull
Beth and Jack Isler
Toni Jennings
Patricia A. Johnson
Bette Jore
Frank and Etta Jean Juge
Eliza and Matt Juliano
Jennifer Lowndes and Tim Boeth
James R. Lussier and Nancy C. Jacobson
John and Pamela Lyle
James and Sarah Martin
David R. Mattson
Deborah L. Mead
Albert and Maija M. Michejda
Dr. Alfonso Migliara Jr.
Andrea and Van-Tam Nguyen
Jenise Osani
Michelle and David Peck
David Percival
Dw Phineas Perkins
Dr. Daniel and Lesley Podberesky
Richard C. Riccardi
John and Virginia Rigsby
Nicholas Riippa & Dominic Del Brocco
Patricia Rixmann
Lesley and Barry Rubin
Ann Saurman
Eileen Schein
Sara and Bill Segal
Mr. Jamel Shabazz
Bill and Dottie Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. William Slot
Paula Stuart
Carol Studer
Jackie and Rod Sward
Rebecca and Blaine Sweatt
Winston Taitt
Leslie J. Temmen
Cynthia Tomlinson
Alvin Urena
Stacia L. Wake and Karl Schuberth
Harold and Libby Ward
Dr. Peter Wearden
Peter and Frances Weldon
George and Cynthia White
Michael & Diane White
Ed Wimp
Lori Pearson Wise and Daniel Wise
$1,000 - $2,499
R. Scott Abrahams
Millicent Adams and Michael Anthony
Jeanne Bray Ailes
Joseph Ales, Jr. and Stephanie Curry Ales
Kay Allen
Edwin L. Anderson
Anonymous in memory of Clifford and Marilyn Lee
Melinda B. Antalek
Tim and Sue Antonition
James Armstrong
Ellen Arnold
Maria-Elena Augustin
Kai Bailey
Tom and Lara Baker
James and Deborah Balaschak
David F. Baldree and Derek Carter
Nathan and Lynda Balint
Richard and Nancy Banks
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Barr
Cathy and Carlos Barrios
Jody and Nicole Barry
Andrea and Dick Batchelor
Deborah and Edward Beidel
Bradford and Jennifer Benn
Jane Berg
Jay H. Berlinsky
Daniel Betancourt
Paul and Collette Beuther
Amogh Bhonde and Sukhada Gokhale
Jacques D. Blais
Ann & Derek Blakeslee
Darryl and Mary Bloodworth
Lauren and Barry Bloom
Theresa and Angelo Boer
Bill Booth
Donna Borko
John D. Boulden
Carolyn E. Bourne
Jacqueline Bozzuto
Berl and Katherine Brechner
Alana and Matt Brenner
Breck and Lauren Brewer
Howard Britt
Maureen and Chris Brockman
Lyman and Janice Brodie
Marian and Edward Bromberg
Lawrence D. Brown, M.D.
Randy Brown
Christine and Hans Bucheli
Jeff Buhler
Eva Burbank Murphy
Stephanie Burk
Michael and Mabel Burridge
Carlos and Tracy Carrasco
Alexander and Melinda Cartwright
Michael and Linda Cegelis
Diana and Fred Chambers
Frank and Ellie Chase
J. Gene Chen and C. Skye Chen
Jason Chepenik
Rachel Chipman Allen
Angela Cohen
Dr. Jeff Cohen and Luci Belnick
Kelly Cohen
Dr. Anthony and Joan Colandrea, Jr.
Beryl R. Colbourn
Heather Jean Frances Comer
Brian Comes
Tracey Conner
Robert and Athalia Cope
David S. and Carol A. Cowan
44 BachFestivalFlorida.org
Individual and Family Foundation Donors (cont.
Dr. Jill and Marc Craddock
Mary Cravatta
Terry and Paul Creighton
Lisa Cuatt
Cherie and Bill Dacko
Mr. and Mrs. Noriko and Tom Davatelis
Diane Davey and Dave Wiebe
Doug Davis and Jeri Weigandt
Elizabeth Davis, MD
DEM Guys
Mr. Duncan DeWahl and Dr. Juliet Burry
Patricia C. and Jim A. DeYoung
Cara and Alex Dobrev
Carmen Dominguez
William and Michelle Doster
Donna Dowless
Gail and Jim Downing
Lisa Durant
Sheldon Dutes
Dr. Perry and Eileen Dworkin
Jason Effron
Rex and Kathy Elbert
Tom and Janet Elrod
Endean Fund - Mr. Jeffrey Endean and Dr. Myrna Endean
Catherine M. Engelman
Lee and Carolyn Eubank
Dr. Heather Fagan and Mr. Robert Fagan
Dr. Jay and Randye Falk
James Farrell and Andrea Massey-Farrell
Michael Filandro
Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Laura Firth
Nancy Ellen Flint
John and Rhona Fournier
Martin and Silke Galassini
Deborah and Lawrence Gendzier
Dr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Alan Gerber
Stephanie Ghertner
Nancy and Fiona Gibbons
G. Randall and Nancy Gibbs in honor of John Sinclair
Jon M. Gibbs
Drs. Brad and Kerry Giedd
Suzanne E. Gilbert
Biff and Kathy Godfrey
Neal Goldner
Stephen and Diane Goll
Alvaro and Routa Gomez
The Shelton D. Granade Family
Christopher and Pamela Greening
Dr. Scott Greenwood and Dr. Pamela Freeman
Chuck and Lisa Gregg
Christopher Grim and Melissa Queen-Grim
Jean-Marie Grono-Nowry
Barbara Grossman
David W. Gurney, Ph.D.
Jessica and Vance Guthrie
Marty and Mike Haddad
Edye Haddock
Wallace H. Hall
Andrew and Monica Hand
Andrew Hardy & George Kalogridis
Deryck and Michelle Harmer
Paul M. Harmon
Dr. Grant Hayes
Marty and Jim Heekin
Paul Helfrich and Jessica Hung
Nathan W. Hill
Danielle Saba Hollander
David Horgan
Mike & Kitti Hornreich
Allison and Peter Hosbein
Andrew and Kara Howell
Bonnie C. Hubbard
Jacqueline and Vincent Hughes
Kevin Hunsicker
Terrance Hunter and Ty’Ree Brown
Ellen S. Hurwitz, PhD
In honor of Peter Schreyer, Crealde’s Executive Director
In memory of Toeknee Caporelli
Mr. and Mrs. George Indest
Allen and Dana Irwin
Libby Jackson
James P. Caruso and Christine
Caruso Charitable Fund Inc
Caroline and Hugh James
David and Lisa Jasmund
Angie Jernigan
Jim and Wendy Malcolm Fund
Nigel John and Heather
Laura Johnson
Daun and Lisa Junkerman
Hal Kantor
Allan E. Keen
RK Kelley
Tim Kelley
Mary Beth Kelly
Charline Kennedy
Richard and Martha Kessler
Kristopher and Brooke Kest
Sheri Kettula and Denise
Charles and Olga King
Scott King
Carol Klim
Eric and Rachael Kobb
Joshua Kolbert
Christina and George Kotsonis
Micheline and Sumner Kramer
Holly M. Kreisler
Otto and Joan Krumpholc
Patricia Lancaster
Linda Landman González and Roberto González
Wendy Landry
Paul Lartonoix
Dr. Sarah Layton
Mark and Courtney Legett
Dr. Michael and Diane Levine
Mark and Noreen Levitt
Miriam Levy and Dennis Pope
Jack Lord
BachFestivalFlorida.org 45
Individual and Family Foundation Donors (cont.)
Leyse Lowry
John MacDougall & Jame Lee Mann
Dr. Jim Madison
Sheila Mahone
Renee M. Maloney
Bob and Julie Mandell
Edward Manning
Vesta and Stephanie Marks
Kevin and Ditian Dai Martin
Jennifer and Joaquin E. Martinez
Laureen Martinez
Hilary and Ming Marx
Elizabeth Maupin and Jay Yellen
Dr. Donald R. McGee
Deborah McGinn-Tytler
Daniel and Elizabeth McIntosh
Genean McKinnon
Mack and Penny McLaughlin
Dr. Margaret McMillen
John and Rebekah McReynolds
Julian and Sheryl Meitin
Herbert and Toby Mendelsohn
Congressman John L. Mica
Mrs. Arthur L. Miller
Lois H. Mills
Barbara and Peter Minderman
Dr. Andrew Minear
Carolyn Minear
Tom Miranda and Paula Eldred
Clay and Kim Mitchell in memory of
Lucy Lane Mitchell
Linda Modrak and William
Robert and Jacqueline Molsick
Katy Moss Warner
Karla Muniz
Donna and Bruce Mylrea
Mark and Wendy Nation
Elisabeth Nevins
JoAnn Newman
Ken and Susie Ng
John Niss and Lisa Mouton
Odd-o-Ts’ Entertainment in honor of all those who keep us performing!
William and Sheila Oelfke
Dr. Ron and Nina Oppenheim
Harry and Jackie Pappas
Dr. Patricia Patterson
Ronald and Carrie Patterson
Beverly and Glenn Paulk
John and Anne Perry
Dr. Calvin and Pamela Peters
Peter Pfaff
A. Brian Phillips, P.A.
Eddie and Melanie Pipkin
Lizz and Tony Pittsley
James F. Plugh and Dr. Robin M. Back
George Poelker and Judy Black
Steven and Nancy Price
John and Ann Pucci
Mark Pulliam and Judy St. Peter
Jeanie and Fred Raffa
Debby Randall
Bill and Joan Randolph
Bruce and LeAnne Rapée
James and Beverly Rawlings
Roger D. and Rosalind Ray
Douglas and Carole Reece
Bill “Roto” Reuter
Kara Robertson
Pat and Randy Robertson
Dr. Cheryl Robinson
Ian D. Robinson
Dr. F. Robert and Norene Rolle
Joy Roney
Becky Roper and Mike Soucy
Dr. Ante and Mrs. Giulia Rudez
Judy Russell
Joan E. Sanchez
Diane L. Sandquist
Rocky Santomassino
The Sanz-Guerro Family
Frank and Christine Schornagle
Jim and Pat Schroeder
Stefani and Paul Schulze
Pamela Schwartz
Pat Scully
Kathryn L. Seidel
Olivia Share
James G. Shepp
Robert T. Shutts
Sidhu Family
Dr. Paul Skomsky
Scott & Tina Skraban
Charlie and Becca Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Smith
Keith Smith and Marc Caglia
Robert and Janan Smither
Dennis Sobeck
Gary and Barbara Sorensen
David Spiegel
Shannon E. St. John
Linda L. Stanford
Barbara Stedronsky
Dr. Louis and Sara Nathan Stern
Fred Lyndon Stone
Kyle Sturley
Rene Stutzman
Randall M. Sumner and George B. Mabry
Dr. Stella Sung
Vernon Swartsel
Jodi Tassos in memory of John Tassos
Patrick R. Terry
Michael Thomas and Rustin Davis
Amy Thompson
John and Nancy-Lee Thompson
Mark E. Thompson
Clinton and Renee Thompson
James William Tivy
Phoebe and Eliot Rosewater
Thomas and Debra Tschopp
Karen Tucker
Jerry and Barbara Twedt
Benjamin Urrutia
Craig Ustler
Dr. Nancy van den Berg
Bernie Vatter
46 BachFestivalFlorida.org
Dr. Jessica Vaught-Aviles and Mr. Juan Aviles
Ms. Sterling S. Vestal
Massimo and Louise Villinger
Keith Walls
Robert Waltman
Deborah & William Watson
Larry and Lynne Watson
David Kevin Weaver
Miriam Weston
Trudy Wild
Atheka R. Williams Graham
Gwendolyn B. and Wilford J. Williams
Jennifer Williams and James Yannucci
Betty Jane and Cecil Wilson, MD
David & Diane Withee
Robert and Kate Wolverton
Leighton and Phyllis Yates
Tom and Penny Yochum
Philadelphia Zimmermann
United Arts is deeply grateful to its donors and community partners for their investment in and support of Central Florida’s creative community and the enormous impact it has on our lives every day.
BachFestivalFlorida.org 47
unitedartscfl.org learn more at
Individual and Family Foundation Donors (cont.)
The Bach Festival Society of Winter Park was founded in 1935 at Rollins College to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Johann Sebastian Bach’s birth by presenting the composer’s orchestral and choral music to the public for its “enlightenment, education, pleasure, and enjoyment.” The Society decided early on to operate in partnership with Rollins College while still maintaining its status as a fully independent non-profit organization.
Mrs. Isabelle Sprague-Smith, a former New York artist and school principal, was the president and driving force behind the Bach Festival Society from 1935 until her death in 1950. At Mrs. Sprague-Smith’s death, the future of the Bach Festival Society was uncertain. Rollins President Hugh McKean asked John M. Tiedtke, the treasurer of Rollins College, a music lover and an astute businessman, to fill the opening and he agreed. Mr. Tiedtke served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees until his death in December 2004. Under his leadership, the Bach Festival Society expanded its programming to include two additional choral programs beyond the Annual Festival, top-tier visiting soloists and ensembles, and community events in Winter Park.
Following Mr. Tiedtke’s death, the Society began a period of modernization and growth. Today, the Society maintains an all-volunteer choir of over 185 singers from throughout Central Florida and a professional orchestra of nearly 50 members. We present nearly 30 ticketed performances, dozens of in-school educational programs, a high school choral festival, and several community concerts; we produce recordings, present the Young at Heart Chorale, and form high-level artistic partnerships reaching approximately 50,000 people annually.
The Bach Festival Society is the third-oldest continuously operating Bach Festival in the United States and Central Florida’s longest-running performing arts organization. We maintain a strong partnership with Rollins College and provide high-quality performance and learning opportunities to students, faculty, and staff.
Photos: Bach Festival Society of Winter Park Archives
48 BachFestivalFlorida.org
John V. Sinclair, John M. Tiedtke, Chip Weston
Ward Woodbury leads an early Bach Festival concert
Bach Festival Choir 1937
Bach Festival Society Archive
The renowned Bach Festival Choir is comprised of auditioned singers, enjoying weekly rehearsals and specializing in singing choral masterworks in partnership with the Bach Festival Orchestra.
The Young at Heart Chorale is a volunteer singing group for those 55+ years young. The group has weekly rehearsals and performs outreach concerts at local community centers.
The Bach Festival Youth Choirs have made their highly anticipated return this fall. Young musicians will refine their musicianship skills through weekly rehearsals and will be featured in performances with the Bach Festival Choir and Orchestra.
The Bach Festival Society's Fresh StARTs program places professional musicians in elementary and secondary schools to present unique musical learning experiences. The newly formed Bach Vocal Artists offer educational outreach through open rehearsals, and in-school visits.
The world-renowned muscians featured in the Bach Festival Society's Visitng Artists Series often present master classes to students and patrons. These classes offer a unique perspective on the process of creating musical excellence.
Our popular High School Honors Choral Festival provides valuable workshop/clinic feedback from collegiate choral directors recruited from across the country. This fesitval helps prepare high school choirs for their annual Music Performance Assessments.
Bach Festival Society's newest Education program is the Choir of Distinction. Each year Central Florida choirs are invited to compete in a multi-phased audition process and adjudicated on tone, preparation and effect. The Lake Nona Singers from Lake Nona High School are the first recipient of the Choir of Distinction title. They will enjoy choral mentorship, invitations to Bach Festival Choir rehearsals and the opportunity to perform with the Bach Festival Orchestra.
BachFestivalFlorida.org 49
Photo credit: Sondra Jones
Experience the music that is still making history – and save!
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Select 3-7 unique performances and enjoy a 15% discount off individual ticket prices.
Individual Tickets
Reserved seating and General Admission tickets are on sale now. $10.00 student and educator rush tickets are available “at the door” with school ID pending availability. 10% discounts for groups of 10 or more are also available.
10% discounts for groups of 10 or more are also available.
203 E. Lyman Ave. Winter Park, FL 32789 2nd Floor
Bach Festival Society of Winter Park 1000 Holt Ave. Box #2763 Winter Park, FL 32789
Performance details are subject to change. To learn more about cancellation, exchange, and subscription policies, please visit BachFestivalFlorida.org/ticket-policy.
International Recognition | Rigorous Rehearsals Challenging Repertoire
Since 1935, the Bach Festival Choir has been recognized by audiences and critics alike for its exceptional musicianship, national and international collaborations, and musical versatility within the classical genre. A cornerstone of the classical music tradition in the United States, the Winter Park Bach Choir is the longest-continuously performing chorus in Central Florida and the third longest-running Bach Choir in the country.
Photo credit: Scott Cook
Insights & Sounds: Haydn’s Music of Vienna
McCartney’s Ecce cor meum
Eroica Trio
Insights & Sounds: Handel’s Roman Vespers
A Voctave Christmas
A Classic Christmas
Thursday, October 5, 2023•7:30 pm
Sunday, October 15, 2023•3:00 pm
Sunday, October 29, 2023•3:00 pm
Thursday, November 2, 2023•7:30 pm
Sunday, November 26, 2023•8:00 pm
Saturday, December 9, 2023•2 pm & 5 pm
Sunday, December 10, 2023•2 pm & 5 pm
89th Annual Bach Festival
Adam Brakel, organ
Fuoco Obbligato
Bach Vocal Artists: The Splendor of Baroque Magnificats
Spiritual Spaces: Music to Reflect and Restore
Moravec & Campbell: Sanctuary Road
Concertos by Candlelight
Brahms’ Piano Concerto #1, Spohr’s Concertante for Two Violins
J.S. Bach’s Magnificat in D Major, G.F. Handel’s Countertenor Arias
Insights & Sounds: Literary Folk Songs and Fairy Tales
Rossini’s Stabat Mater
Voices of Light: The Passion of Joan of Arc
tenThing Brass Ensemble
Dvorak’s Stabat Mater
Bach Vocal Artists: Songs for the Soul
Friday, February 2, 2024 • 7:30 pm
Saturday, February 3, 2024 • 3:00 pm
Friday, February 9, 2024 • 7:30 pm
Saturday, February 10, 2024 • 5:00 pm
Saturday, February 17, 2024 • 7:30 pm
Sunday, February 18, 2024 • 3:00 pm
Saturday, February 24, 2024 • 7:30 pm
Sunday, February 25, 2024 • 3:00 pm
Thursday, February 29, 2024 • 7:30 pm
Sunday, March 3, 2024 • 3:00 pm
Friday, March 15, 2024 • 7:30 pm
Saturday, March 16, 2024 • 7:30 pm
Sunday, March 17, 2024 • 3:00 pm
Saturday, April 27, 2024 • 7:30 pm
Sunday, April 28, 2024 • 3:00 pm
Thursday, May 16, 2024 • 7:30 pm