Advanced Financial Analysis Dubai 8-9 June

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Advanced Financial Analysis Dubai Public Programme 8 - 9 June 2014 Positive economic signals in the GCC are encouraging: for example, in the UAE, GDP growth in 2013 was almost 5.0%, the residential real estate sector is booming and hotel guests are up by 1 million. A word of caution. Bad loans are made in good times….So, it is in these very circumstances that it is necessary to ensure that our lenders, analysts and risk officers are on top of their game and able to utilise in a disciplined manner the techniques delivered in this programme.

What previous delegates have said about the trainer:

Well prepared, knowledgeable, excellent handouts and materials (Investment Banker)

will be referring it both “ Great course, internally and externally “ (Investment Banker)

trainer with excellent “ An experienced teaching skills ” (Restructuring Banker)

trainer, good communication “ Excellent skills and command of subject ” (Senior Corporate Banker)r

Contact Us BG Europe 1 Ivory House Plantation Wharf Battersea London SW11 3TN T: +44 (0) 20 7648 4000 F: +44 (0) 20 7648 402 BG Middle East Level 14 Boulevard Plaza Tower One Emaar Boulevard Downtown Dubai PO Box 334155 T: +971 4 455 8425 BG Asia-Pacific 10F Central Building 1-3 Pedder Street Central Hong Kong T: +852 6343 7594


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