THE BOTANIC GARDENer WINTER 2021 - Botanic gardens – Plant science in botanic gardens

Page 57


Biosecurity 101 for botanic gardens David Gale, Plant Health Australia

What is biosecurity? Plant biosecurity refers to the actions that individuals, industries, governments and others take to keep exotic plant pests and

David Gale

diseases from entering, and established pests from moving around, Australia. The goal of plant biosecurity is to keep plants, including those in botanic gardens, healthy and productive. Biosecurity has played a critical role in reducing risk and ensuring our nation remains free from some of the world’s most damaging plant pests and diseases. This is vital as exotic plant pests can damage our natural environment, destroy our food production and agriculture industries, and in some cases even change our way of life.

Australia’s biosecurity system Australia’s biosecurity system relies on a collaborative effort and coordination of activities between federal and state governments, industry and the broader community. The key components of our biosecurity system are surveillance, monitoring and control activities offshore, at the border and onshore to protect our country from exotic plant pests and diseases. While Australia has a world-class biosecurity system, if international trade and people movement occur, there will always be the risk that new plant pests will enter the country. Pests can also spread to Australia through natural pathways, such as wind and water currents. Plant Health Australia (PHA) is the national coordinator of the government–industry partnership for plant biosecurity in Australia responsible for facilitating partnerships, driving action to improve policy, practice and performance of the plant biosecurity system.

The role of botanic gardens in protecting plant health The living plant collections found within botanic gardens and arboreta are a unique resource that can provide vital information regarding plant health. Australia has over 150 botanic gardens and



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