THE BOTANIC GARDENer - Issue 58 Winter 2022

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President’s view Chris Russell

BGANZ is changing The BGANZ governance review process took an exciting and historic step at the Special General Meeting held on 28 May with unanimous support provided by voting institutional members

Chris Russell

to transition our incorporated association to a company limited by guarantee overseen by a Board. Member representation and professional group involvement remains a strong focus through the Member Committee, with the change designed to strengthen our capacity to grow, and be more effective at achieving our objectives and service member needs. I am delighted that Lucy Sutherland will be our Initial Board Chair, given her extensive and varied experience in our sector and as a botanic gardens Chief Executive. My sincere thanks to the outgoing council for their contributions to the significant body of work involved along this journey, ensuring that member’s views were heard and incorporated. The Board will come into effect from 1 July 2022. More information is detailed by our CEO Eamonn Flanagan in this issue.

7th Global Botanic Gardens Congress, Melbourne 25–29 September 2022 The call for abstracts has closed, the keynote speakers are ready to go. All that is left is for BGANZ members to register and find their way to Melbourne for the last week of September. It is a truly rare opportunity having an international gathering of botanic gardens professionals from all disciplines in our region coming together to explore the most pressing needs of our planet and plant communities – all under the banner of Influence and Action: Botanic Gardens as Agents of Change. The organising committee is thrilled with the calibre and diversity of our presenters and will be posting the program later in June. It is worth emphasising that this is a gathering for those established in our sector, but also those closer to the start of their journey, or perhaps less connected due to working in a remote location. BGANZ is providing seven financial registration grants (applications close on 7 June) to assist members to attend and ensure there is opportunity for gardens of all sizes to participate. Early bird registrations close on 4 July, with a discount on member rates. I hope to see many of you there. For information and registration see


THE BOTANIC GARDENer | ISS 58 Winter 2022

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