EMPLOYABILITY Career Plan for first year students Introduction You may think that you don’t need to think about your career until you are in your final year. However it is important to plan early to make the most of your opportunities at university and start to consider what you may want to do when you leave.
Careers Checkpoint: The year to… Research your options and gain experience CAREER P LAN N IN G ü Identify 2 careers you may be interested in. § 1_______________________________________________________ § 2_______________________________________________________ Find out about:§ Entry requirements § Further qualifications § Useful work experience Where to find help § Go to the Hardy Resource Centre for information and resources § View resources on the BG Futures section of Blackboard
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EMP LOYM ENT & S KILLS ü Get some work experience: § Part time _________________________________________ § Vacation _________________________________________ § Volunteering _________________________________________ Join ü Join the JOBS Vacancies board ü Join the Employability Award ü Join the Volunteering Award ü Join the Networking Club ü Participate in the DCP Where to find help § Go to the Hardy Resource Centre for information and resources § View resources on the BG Futures section of Blackboard (Quick guide infographic - https://magic.piktochart.com/output/14780960-frist-year-career-plan )
Get Ready
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Career Planning Use the time at university to find out about yourself as the more you understand about your own strengths and skills the easier it is to think about your career aims and decide what you want to do after graduation. Research possible careers Plan ahead and begin to think about the type of career you would like and start to gain relevant experience and skills throughout your time at University. n
Essential Resources o
“Options with your course of study” – career ideas and information about researching careers
“Career Planning – Research your options”
Collect from the Resource Centre, download from Blackboard or email bgfutures@bishopg.ac.uk n
Resource Centre - view career guides, job profiles or information about further study.
BG Futures module of Blackboard has some essential information on exploring your options, Make yourself employable and search and apply for a job.
Attend the various career talks which take place throughout the year to help you choose and plan your career. See the ‘Events’ page of the BG Futures section of the website for more information.
Employment and Skills WHY BOTHER? The graduate job market has always been competitive and with an increasing number of graduates looking for work it is more important than ever to stand out from the crowd.
It is essential to gain work experience while studying
at University as employers are looking for graduates who are work ready. Work experience gives you:n
Evidence of the skills needed for employment
Opportunity to gain an insight into possible careers.
TYPE OF SKILLS YOU COULD GAIN Computer skills Students of all degree disciplines need to be computer literate and familiar with word-processing packages, email and the internet. Useful computer skills include knowledge of: Databases (i.e. Access), Spreadsheets (i.e. Excel) and Presentation skills (i.e. PowerPoint). The ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) qualification covers all of these packages and is an internationally recognised qualification which enables individuals to develop and demonstrate their computer skills. See www.ecdl.com for more details. Other useful computer skills include Web design skills (i.e. FrontPage, Dreamweaver, HTML). Develop a hobby or interest such as art and design, music or sport Gain accreditation for practical skills e.g. First Aid, British Sign Language. Language skills Learn a new language. Languages are valued by many employers and demonstrating that you have these skills can enhance your CV when applying for graduate jobs. Skills Programmes and courses run both within and outside of BG n
Go to the ‘Events’ page of the BG Futures section of the website
Go to the BG Futures Facebook page to view events and opportunities, these will also be posted on Twitter.
Find a course: short courses at BGU, see website for details, www.lincolncollege.ac.uk, www.learndirect.co.uk,
View the Job Vacancies on the JOBS Vacancies Board - http://bishopg.prospects.ac.uk
Visit the Resources Centre to view information and pick up job hunting guides or email us.
Visit www.prospects.ac.uk which has profiles of employers who recruit graduates.
Visit www.targetjobs.co.uk which has a searchable list of nearly 400 employers
Use this CV for vacation work, part time and voluntary work applications. It can also be used as a template that can be developed as you progress through University.
Go to the Resource Centre for information on putting together a CV. You can also take a look at the Jobshop page of Blackboard for information on guides and advice.
Action Points Join these:n
Employability Award. This award highlights opportunities to develop your employability and rewards you for the efforts that you put into building your own skills portfolio through career planning, employability skills development, and volunteering activities.
Volunteering Award There are a range of opportunities to volunteer both on and off campus. You could achieve the Volunteering Certificate by participating in these activities.
Networking Club The Networking Club consists of both students and employers who meet informally approximately 3 times a year in a supportive and friendly atmosphere. It offers you the chance to chat to employers about their job and company and is a great thing to be able to add to a CV.
Participate in:n
Development and Career Plan (DCP) This is designed to help you record, reflect on and develop skills gained throughout university.
Get involved in university life. This is your chance to try something new by joining clubs, societies and the Student Union. All of these activities will help develop your personal skills and improve your C.V. Find out more about getting involved by going to the Student Union Website.
Attend career, employability and enterprise events Make the most of the opportunities to attend career talks and events both within and outside of Bishop Grosseteste. Events will be advertised via the BG Futures section of the website. Events will also be posted onto Facebook and Twitter.
View the Career Planning Action factsheet n
This factsheet helps you consolidate your existing knowledge, skills and abilities. Remember to keep your information up to date as it will be useful when writing your CV or completing an application form.
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Advice and Information Go to the Resource Centre in the Hardy Building with your initial enquiries or email bgfutures@bishopg.ac.uk. Once you have done some research you may wish to discuss your plans and ideas with a Careers Advisor. You should also do this even if you have no idea of a possible career path. Please email bgfutures@bishopg.ac.uk to request an appointment booking form.
BG Futures: Careers, Employability and Enterprise Operates in accordance with the University Diversity and Equality Policies. If you require this document in an alternative format, for example in large print, please email us at bgfutures@bishop.ac.uk For information go to Blackboard or www.bishopg.ac.uk/careers