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Teaching in a non-school setting This guide gives information about teaching in a non-school setting and provides links to can access more information. You will also be able to pursue some of these careers without a teaching qualification.
Arts, Cultural and Environment Education For example in museums, galleries and heritage MORE INFORMATION
www.gem.org.uk promotes learning through museums and galleries and advertises jobs. http://tinyurl.com/ncsjobprofiles (Search job profiles on the National Careers Service Website) www.prospects.ac.uk (Select Jobs and Work Experience, then Types of Jobs)
Environmental Education Environmental education involves making people aware of environmental issues, promoting conservation and sustainability, and enhancing the public's enjoyment of the environment through teaching and interpreting the natural world. MORE INFORMATION Find out more about working in environment education at the following websites: www.countryside-jobs.com/ www.the-environment-council.org.uk www.wildlifetrust.org/ Museum Education Officer
Museum education officers work in museums, galleries and other cultural and heritage sites to ensure that children and other visitors get the best educational experience from their visit. Find out more about working in environment education at the following websites: http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/ Job and training information http://icom.museum/ http://www.museumsassociation.org/careers
English Foreign Language Teacher (TEFL & TESL) Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) involves teaching English, either in the UK or overseas, to students whose first or main language is not English. The term TESOL (teaching English to speakers of other languages) is also used, but only when the students are in the UK MORE INFORMATION
http://issuu.com/bgcareers/docs/tefl Teaching English as a Foreign or Second Language (TEFL/TESL) (factsheet) Collect a copy of this factsheet from the Resource Centre
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Adult Education If you wish to enter post-16 teaching in colleges, sixth form colleges, or independent specialist colleges, your employer is likely to want you to meet the two conditions outlined below. 1. Firstly, you will need a qualification in the subject you wish to teach. - For academic subjects this will typically be at degree level. - For those wishing to teach on vocational or professional courses you would normally be qualified to at least level 3 in your specialist area and have significant industrial or professional experience. 2. Secondly, you will need to have, or be willing to work towards, a recognised teaching qualification. For most teachers in this sector, the required qualification is a Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS) or the new Diploma in Education and Training. If you wish to teach or train in publicly funded work-based learning, adult and community education, the charitable and voluntary sector or the prison service, the same qualifications are likely to apply. Qualifications New qualifications for teaching in the FE sector were introduced on 1 September 2013. This means that both new and old qualifications will exist alongside each other. Please note that both sets of qualifications are regarded as valid so, whichever you choose, you will be regarded as qualified. Qualifications Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF) 12 credits Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF) 36 credits Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (QCF) 120 credits
Name of old qualifications – still used and valid Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector [PTLLS] Certificate of Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector [CTLLS] Certificate of Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector [CTLLS]
Other qualification valid for Adult Education include: PGCE in Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET), Cert Ed, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Diploma. (Please note that if you wish to teach A-level at a sixth-form college or school, then you are likely to need a QTS qualification and will need to check that your chosen course will allow you to teach in sixth forms and schools) Getting Qualified The DTLLS or Diploma in ET can be gained through a one-year full-time course, usually within a university teacher training context (pre-service route). You will spend some of the year (100 hours) gaining practical teaching experience in a college or similar environment.
They can also be gained through a two-year part-time course (usually in-service route). Those taking the part-time route will need to find some teaching work (paid or voluntary) in order to meet the requirements for supervised teaching assessments and observations. You would normally need to arrange this teaching work prior to enrolment. Finding a course Details of courses are available on a searchable database on-line at http://www.talent.ac.uk/courses.asp. I have also attached a list of Awarding Bodies which may offer courses through their validated centers near you. Financial support Financial support in the form of higher education student loans may be available through Student Finance England - www.studentfinanceengland.co.uk . The government has also announced that for 2013-14 they will be introducing bursaries for math’s and English teachers as well as teachers of learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. MORE INFORMATION
www.feadvice.org.uk The Education and Training Foundation www.prospects.ac.uk (Select Jobs and Work Experience, then Types of Jobs) http://tinyurl.com/ncsjobprofiles (Search job profiles on the National Careers Service Website) www.targetjobs.co.uk (Select Career Sectors, Teaching and Education and then Areas of Work)
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Skills for Life Teacher Skills for Life teachers / basic skills teachers teach and support adults who want to improve their skills in literacy or numeracy. See above adult educations section for information on required qualifications. MORE INFORMATION
www.skillsforlifenetwork.com/ Find out about the qualification requirements for teaching and supporting learning in the lifelong learning sector by going to. You will also find training and vacancy opportunities. The Prison Service The Prison Service employs tutors and trainers. See above adult educations section for information on required qualifications. MORE INFORMATION http://www.justice.gov.uk/about/hmps www.prospects.ac.uk (Select Jobs and Work Experience, then Types of Jobs) http://tinyurl.com/ncsjobprofiles (Search job profiles on the National Careers Service Website) www.targetjobs.co.uk (Select Career Sectors, Teaching and Education and then Areas of Work)
Community and Youth Work There are a variety of different roles working in the community. MORE INFORMATION www.prospects.ac.uk (Select Jobs and Work Experience, then Types of Jobs) http://tinyurl.com/ncsjobprofiles (Search job profiles on the National Careers Service Website) www.targetjobs.co.uk (Select Career Sectors, Teaching and Education and then Areas of Work) Community Education Officer A community education officer promotes a wide range of educational and developmental activities to all members of the community, regardless of age. http://www.niace.org.uk/ National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) http://www.navca.org.uk/ National Institute of Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA) Youth Worker Youth workers promote the personal, educational and social development of young people. http://www.nya.org.uk/ National Youth Agency
Outdoor Education There are a number of different jobs available in this area including sport instructors, sports coach and outdoor pursuit’s managers. MORE INFORMATION
www.prospects.ac.uk (Select Jobs and Work Experience, then Types of Jobs) http://tinyurl.com/ncsjobprofiles (Search job profiles on the National Careers Service Website) www.targetjobs.co.uk (Select Career Sectors, Teaching and Education and then Areas of Work) Outdoor pursuits Manager Outdoor pursuits managers run centres that provide facilities for and instruction in a range of outdoor activities, such as climbing, mountaineering, water sports, orienteering, horse riding and cycling… MORE INFORMATION
http://ahoec.org/ Association of Heads of Outdoor Education Centres website allows you to search for outdoor education centres across the UK.
Sports coach / instructor Sports coaches help people participating in sports to work towards achieving their full potential. MORE INFORMATION
http://www.sportscoachuk.org/ This website includes getting started, qualifications and training.
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Training and development Officer/Instructor A training officer/instructor often manages the learning and professional development of an organisation's workforce. MORE INFORMATION
http://www.cipd.co.uk/ Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
Private Tutoring A private tutor provides lessons to either adults or children on a variety of subjects. MORE INFORMATION
www.thetutorpages.com/ The Tutor Pages provide information and advice (and a free downloadable book) on becoming a private tutor. www.prospects.ac.uk (Select Jobs and Work Experience, then Types of Jobs) http://tinyurl.com/ncsjobprofiles (Search job profiles on the National Careers Service Website) www.targetjobs.co.uk (Select Career Sectors, Teaching and Education and then Areas of Work)
Alternatives to teaching Academic librarian Advice worker Charity fundraiser Community development worker Conference centre manager Education Administrator Find out more about these jobs by viewing job profiles.
Sports coach/instructor Sports development officer Sports development officer Public relations officer Teaching Assistant / HLTA Tourism officer
Essential Links Job Profiles View Job Profiles which contain a job description, salary and conditions, entry requirements and training information. http://www.prospects.ac.uk/types_of_jobs.htm Job Profiles http://www.prospects.ac.uk/industries.htm Industry Insights http://targetjobs.co.uk/career-sectors Graduate Career Sectors http://tinyurl.com/ncsjobprofiles (Search job profiles on the National Careers Service Website) www.skillset.org/careers (Includes job profiles) Job Sector / Industry Insights www.prospects.ac.uk/teaching_education_sector.htm Teaching and Education Sector This section of the prospects website gives an overview of the education sector. It includes job profiles, entry and progression and typical employers. http://www.prospects.ac.uk/industries.htm Graduate Prospects http://targetjobs.co.uk/career-sectors TARGETjobs Jobs+ Vacancies Board Register and Login to search for Job Opportunities - http://bishopg.prospects.ac.uk Website View Job Sectors via the ‘Make yourself employable’ section. This section includes web links to professional organisations and other websites with career and training information.