Annual Report 2004

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friends of birmingham botanical gardens annual report 2004

From the President & the Executive Director Dear Friends: Organizational growth can be measured qualitatively and quantitatively. In Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens’ 2004 Annual Report you will learn about increases in education program attendance and library circulation; expansion of staff and living collections; continuing refinements and additions to The Gardens themselves; and moreover, funds raised in support of these mission-based activities. Like trying to describe a noble tree by height and width alone, mere statistics do not tell the whole story for 2004; they would have been unattainable without substantive changes to our structure. Reinforcing our foundation was the focus: we built on past successes, updated current day-to-day systems and procedures, and began to look concretely at the long term. Although not particularly visible, this kind of work – like the roots of a tree – literally supports everything else. In 2004 we concluded a Development Audit & Planned Giving Report prepared by Kathryn Miree & Associates, formed a Development Committee under the leadership of Clarke Gillespy, identified priorities and began implementation. We successfully launched our Business Partner Plan with a two-fold goal: to teach businesses about our mission, and to point to the numerous ways in which they can help support it. We created a new Fund Raising Events Advisory Committee under the guidance of Tricia Noble and began systematic evaluation of the past and strategic planning for the future. Other structural pieces were put into place as well: our donor database software was upgraded to improve customer service; new policies for advertising, marketing and public relations were developed to expand mission-based information and to improve communication to media partners; a new accounting software package was implemented, allowing closer budget monitoring and more user-friendly reporting. All of these improvements were fueled by countless hours of hard work by our all-volunteer Board of Directors, and Executive and Finance Committees, and we extend our profound appreciation for their efforts. In 2004, we bid farewell to a number of important staff whose presence here was timely and instrumental, and who left BBG to pursue other personal dreams and professional goals. At the same time, we were welcoming new staff who would help us to grow fund development, membership, library services and volunteers. We also solidified the Director of Horticulture position with the arrival of James Horton, a twenty-one year veteran of the city’s Horticulture and Urban Forestry Department. New staff point to new opportunities and we’re glad to see our new faces. We also had fun, launching a summer series of Garden Mixers, casual cocktail parties such as “Hydrangeas & Highballs,” featuring interesting plants, cocktails, great food, music and Friends relaxing in The Gardens after work. International floral and garden design experts Helen Dillon, Penelope Hobhouse, Jeff Leatham and Remco van Vliet added a European touch to our programming as they shared their visions and flair with our local talent. Fittingly, the Central South Native Plant Conference brought us home and we delved deeply into the unique botanical wonders of our region. Our generous donors, members and volunteers were the sun, soil and water that made our growth possible and we thank them. The 2004 Annual Report contains all the details, so please read on and enjoy. See you in The Gardens,

Jean S. Sherlock President

Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Executive Director

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens The Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a partnership between the city of Birmingham and Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens, an organization of 2,000 family and individual members who support The Gardens. Through funding and advocacy, The Friends further restoration, preservation and development of The Gardens as a resource for everyone in the community. The Friends promote knowledge and appreciation of plants and the environment with educational offerings to over 300,000 visitors annually. The Friends provide year-round educational programming for children and adults, help to keep The Gardens clean and green, assist in maintaining the most extensive living plant collection in the region and help provide the best deal in town for an enjoyable family outing – free admission for all. During the past forty years, The Friends have established themselves as a leading educational, environmental and horticultural resource across the state and the region with a solid history of responsible stewardship and financial integrity. Future plans include building an endowment fund to address needs as they arise without impacting operations; undertaking capital projects such as the renovation and restoration of the Japanese Gardens and the development of Alabama Habitat Gardens; increasing our educational program offerings to meet the increasing needs of our users; enhancing facilities maintenance and operations.


Trees (For Mrs Henry Mills Alden)

I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree. - Joyce Kilmer, 1888 - 1918


Improving The Gardens Significant projects in 2004 included the following and continued the themes of increasing the beauty, utility and programmatic capability of existing gardens, enhancing newly-cultivated areas, working with public and private donors and expanding overall educational opportunities. Arboricultural Services Davey Tree Experts continued to provide primary care for our urban forest, including canopy elevation along the main pedestrian routes and in selected gardens. City of Birmingham Department of Public Works crews assisted with removal of dead and/or hazardous trees. Asian Glade A rustic, curved path of irregular Alabama bluestone was installed to the restroom entrance, incorporating a new swing, and a matching bench pad. Jefferson County Environmental Services cleaned a nearby storm sewer to improve stormwater runoff conditions. Blount Plaza Cobblestone path extensions were installed near the parking lot and stone curbing was installed in the planter near the restaurant. Bruno Vegetable Garden Using grant funds from the Southern Poverty Law Center in part, The Friends built an animal exclosure for the peanut, sweet potato and cotton crops grown for our award-winning George Washington Carver Discovery Field Trip. Gerlach Plant Information Center Architect Ty Cole of Giattina Fisher Aycock in Birmingham, AL, continued with plans for this area in the Garden Center. Hulsey Woods As part of the lead-up to the 2005 Rotary International Centennial, The Friends partnered with Rotary Clubs from Shades Valley, Birmingham, Shades Mountain Sunrise, Vestavia Hills and Osaka Central (Japan), as well as the city of Birmingham, on a Rotary Centennial Project. Improvements to this area, including tree removals, subtle grading, and the installation of a ribbon-like crushed stone path (the first phase of a more complete path system) and a central gathering space to be used for programming were completed. Natural stepping stones connect this path to the Japanese Cultural Pavilion. Extensive plantings of Asian plant species and cultivars were begun. Little Ones’ Memory Garden The Friends hired Richard Hartlage of DietzHartlage Landscape Architects in Seattle, WA, to prepare conceptual designs. McReynolds Garden The size of this relocated garden was expanded by nearly 50% and over 75 woody plants were re-spaced and re-massed relative to the new boundaries and subsequent path layout. The existing asphalt path was removed and replaced with a gently curving path of herringbone Bessemer Gray brick, with a secondary entrance near the Barber Alabama Woodlands. A new bench was placed near the reflecting pool and this area was delineated with natural Alabama sandstone; a new swing was added and incorporated into the path as well.


Signage The Friends hired designer Guy Arello of Graphicus, Inc. in Birmingham AL, to begin a signage master plan and design prototypical way-finding, interpretive and branding signage. Interpretive themes will include garden design concepts and aspects of plant culture and physiology, and will graphically relate to elements in the BBG ladybug-in-a-leaf logo.

Education Education is the keystone of our mission. Friends’ Education Programs served more than 7,800 children and 9,200 adults in 2004. Many offerings are provided at low cost or free of charge through cooperative ventures with our partners in the community.

Children’s Programs Discovery Field Trips Vulcan Materials Foundation and Junior League of Birmingham joined us in providing 268 Discovery Field Trips for nearly 6,000 elementary school students from Birmingham, Mountain Brook and Vestavia Hills. These award winning, curriculum-based adventures were the first field trips in our area designed to correlate with the Alabama Course of Study. Discovery Field Trips are handson interactive activities for children – not merely passive lectures provided by docents. Barber Alabama Woodlands Discovery Field Trip Vulcan Materials Foundation joined us in 2004 as the sponsor of this field trip where children search the Barber Alabama Woodlands and find evidence of all kinds of creatures that live there. Students discover the interdependence of plants and animals in a healthy forest ecosystem. George Washington Carver Discovery Field Trip Children learn about the nitrogen cycle and other important scientific contributions made by Dr. Carver. They also harvest cotton, peanuts and sweet potatoes grown specifically for this field trip in the George Washington Carver Garden. Garden Gates Discovery Field Trip Garden Gates is a plant propagation workshop designed to enhance the science curriculum for third through fifth grade students. Each child pots a 3-cell pack to take home using three different propagation methods, and every teacher plants paperwhite bulbs for the class to grow back at school. Native American Discovery Field Trip Students learn about local Native American agricultural techniques and the different types of plants used for ceremonies, crafts, medicine, food and shelter including the Three Sisters Garden (maize, beans and squash). Tropical Rain Forest Discovery Field Trip Young scholars explore the Conservatory and discover plants that provide chocolate, coffee, lemons, bananas and other useful materials. Children also learn about biodiversity and how plants have adapted to thrive in tropical rain forests.


Children’s Summer Workshops Children’s Summer Workshops are designed to actively engage 5 to 11 year-olds yearin the natural world around us. Children explore nature trails, learn about plant-eating insects as well as insect-eating plants, plant their own container gardens and identify trees and their products. All classes are taught by state certified elementary or early childhood teachers. The Family Discovery Cart The Family Discovery Cart was introduced as a fun resource for family activities on Sunday afternoons at The Gardens. Some of the informal learning activities include: Pollen Movers, Plant Parts We Eat, Garden Detective, and Where am I? BBG volunteers manning The Family Discovery Cart provide children and their parents with materials for different activities each month. Gardens Explorations Funding provided by the Hess Foundation enabled 250 children in the Birmingham Park and Recreation Center summer programs to participate in Gardens Explorations at BBG. Children learn about soils, earthworms, plant propagation, watering and weeding during the half-day program. George Washington Carver After-School Program We worked with the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute through the Birmingham Cultural Alliance Partnership (BCAP) to host the George Washington Carver After-School Program for 30 children from Banks and Hudson Middle Schools. Children in the program spend two weeks at The Gardens where they learn about the important scientific contributions of Dr. Carver and harvest cotton, peanuts and sweet potatoes. Other cultural institutions participating in the BCAP program are: Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame, Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham Public Library, McWane Center, Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark and Southern Museum of Flight. HollyDay Magic English Village Garden Club members joined BBG Volunteers to start the holiday season with children’s craft activities. The annual event was expanded in 2004 to provide two days of fun and magic for 200 children aged 5 – 11 years. Age appropriate hands-on activities allowed children to transform a variety of natural materials gathered from The Gardens into unique gifts, ornaments and wreaths.


Journey to Japan Students from Glen Iris and Wenonah Elementary Schools took a vicarious “Journey to Japan” in March thanks to the combined creative efforts of Emily Brasher, the Gifted Education teacher at Vestavia West Elementary School, Better Basics, the Japan-America Society of Alabama and The Friends. Students walked through the torii (gateway to heaven), visited an authentic teahouse and learned about the symbolic elements of a rock garden while exploring the Japanese Gardens.

Legacy EnviroBowl The 11th Annual Legacy EnviroBowl Competition state championship was hosted by The Friends in April. Six regional competitions sent winners to the finals where high school students tested their knowledge of such topics as chemistry, ecology, forestry, geology, pollution, waste management and wildlife. Legacy was created in 1992 by a group of individuals dedicated to providing quality, factbased environmental education materials to the citizens of Alabama. Legacy’s mission is “to create environmentally responsible citizens through balanced, fact-based education that considers diverse environmental views.” Parenting Workshops Better Basics, Inc. and The Friends presented three Parenting Workshops designed to promote positive relationships, interaction and communication between parents and children. The Gardens are used as a community resource that parents can utilize for fun family learning activities. Urban Forestry Fair The Urban Forestry Fair is presented annually in partnership with Birmingham Park & Recreation Board and Natural Resources Conservation Service to show fifth grade students how forests, wildlife and natural resources are related and the benefits they provide. More than 600 students and 75 adults participate each year. Wetlands Workshop Working with the Environmental Education Association of Alabama, The Friends hosted a Wetlands Workshop for teachers and conducted wetland activities in the Bog Garden.


Adult Programs Adult Programs include lectures, workshops, docent-led tours, organic gardening and environmental forums, horticultural therapy and free Sunday Strolls through The Gardens.

Classes and Workshops Classes and workshops include such topics as Butterfly Gardening: Strategies and Plants that Work, Gardens through a Camera Lens, Intrigue of Japanese Gardens, and Soil: The Secret to Success. Lectures Lectures include topics such as Fall – The Best Planting Season, Five Easiest Orchids to Grow at Home, and How to Maintain a Healthy Vegetable Garden. Central South Native Plant Conference Lou Ann Sherling, joined by Rebecca Cohn and other native plant enthusiasts, presented “Return of the Natives” at The Central South Native Plant Conference on November 5th and 6th. The Central South Native Plant Conference convenes every third year to foster awareness and appreciation of plants native to our region. The 2004 Conference featured more than twenty sessions and an equal number of expert speakers on topics ranging from Green Corridors to The Forgotten Pollinators; from Native American Herbs to Water: Designer’s Friend or Foe. Horticultural Therapy Horticultural Therapy is a program designed to improve physical, psychological and social functioning for individuals with developmental disabilities. During 2004 over 400 participants worked in the Enabling Garden, which was designed to make gardening manageable for people with limited physical strength or ability. The Organic Gardening Forum The Organic Gardening Forum is a monthly gathering of professional growers and novices who meet to discuss techniques and tips for growing plants in accord with organic gardening principles. Lively discussions and demonstrations are led by William Cureton, AKA “Captain Compost.” Sunday Strolls More than 400 people took advantage of these free, informative one-hour tours led by volunteers who share their specialized knowledge and expertise.


The Virginia Beeland Spencer Lecture Series The Virginia Beeland Spencer Lecture Series is an annual event presented by Mr. & Mrs. William M. Spencer III through the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham. Spencer Lectures feature eminent speakers from the world of horticulture. The 2004 Spencer Lecture Series featured notable garden designer P. Allen Smith, whose gardening advice and insight into horticulture are world renowned.

Birmingham Botanical Gardens Library The winds of change blew through the BBG Library with the arrival of Library Director Hope Long. One of Hope’s first moves was to introduce weekend hours. Consequently more than 5,000 patrons took advantage of the increased accessibility. A pair of white mice, Charlie and Petey, moved in as the founding residents of the “critter collection.” The critter collection is maintained as a special attraction for our junior patrons. With the addition of more than 400 items to the collection, funded in part by a generous gift from the Redmont Neighborhood Association, the largest free-lending public horticultural library in the Southeast now boasts nearly 7,500 periodicals, books and audio-visual materials available on-site. The BBG Library circulated over 7,100 items during 2004. As a member of the Jefferson County Library Cooperative, we loaned 136 books to other libraries in the Jefferson County system and we borrowed 157 books for use by our patrons. Membership in the JCLC allows us to provide access to any circulating items available in the system to card-holding patrons.

The Gatehouse Gift Shop Gatehouse Gift Shop staff and volunteers have the privilege of meeting BBG visitors from around the world on a daily basis. We invite you to come inside and browse about our many unique and distinct offerings. You are sure to find “that perfect little something” for everyone on your list. The Gatehouse Gift Shop presents garden-related gifts, accessories for the home, jewelry, bric-a-brac, books and toys. Among the noted gardening authors available are books by Helen Dillon, Penelope Hobhouse, Jeff Leatham and P. Allen Smith. Remember, a gift from the Gatehouse is a gift to The Gardens. Gift shop proceeds support The Friends’ mission of educating people about plants and the environment. The Gatehouse Gift Shop is open Monday – Saturday from 10 am – 4 pm and Sunday from 1 pm – 4 pm.


Volunteers Volunteers are the backbone of The Friends. They have provided momentum for the organization since its founding and continue doing so today. Approximately 1,100 volunteers donated nearly 28,000 hours of their time to Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens in 2004. These hours are not just time given – they are the threads that bind us together – a picture of generosity, selflessness, caring, commitment, and cooperation. 40 volunteers worked in the BBG Library for 3,000 hours. Six volunteers offered 700 hours at The Friends’ administrative offices. 61 volunteers in the Gatehouse Gift Shop donated over 4,000 hours. 18 teens gave 540 hours to our Children’s Summer Workshops. 400 volunteers gave 10,000 hours to ensure the Spring Plant Sale’s success. 160 volunteers offered 1,700 hours for the Garden Conservancy Tour of Gardens. 20 volunteers provided 100 hours and kept guests’ spirits high during the Gourmet Garden Party. 100 volunteers donated more than 500 hours to the Fall Free-for-All & Plant Sale. 65 volunteers shared 300 hours to offer a touch of HollyDay Magic for 200 children at this annual crafts fair. 30 Education Docents, including a number of Junior League members, volunteered 1,500 hours to provide more than 6,000 Birmingham area school children with an interactive experience with our natural world through our Discovery Field Trip program. 12 Garden Docents introduced more than 1,100 people to the beauty of The Gardens during guided tours. Over 150 volunteers working in the Potting Shed and throughout the BBG campus gave 5,500 hours to maintain, preserve and protect this urban oasis for everyone in the community to enjoy throughout the year.


Events Three major fund raising events – Spring Fiesta, Gourmet Garden Party and Fall Free For All & Plant Sale – are held annually by The Friends to underwrite programming. In 2004 we were honored to add lecture/demonstrations featuring internationally acclaimed celebrities Helen Dillon, Jeff Leatham, Penelope Hobhouse and Remco van Vliet. We rounded out the year’s events with Earth Day at The Gardens – the largest Earth Day celebration in Alabama.

Penelope Hobhouse & Remco van Vliet Rose Steiner and her committee worked tirelessly to bring Penelope Hobhouse and Remco van Vliet to The Gardens on February 11th and 12th. Ms. Hobhouse, the noted British garden designer and writer, entertained guests with a slide lecture on “Nature and Art: Keeping the Balance” followed by a “Winter Plant Study,” where she was assisted by local plant maven Louise Wrinkle, garden designer Norman Johnson and BBG Executive Director, Fred Spicer. Mr. van Vliet, the floral designer at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art demonstrated floral design techniques and taught a floral design workshop. Spring Fiesta The biggest fundraiser for The Gardens and the largest plant sale in Alabama, Spring Fiesta offered tens of thousands of items for sale. Thousands of garden enthusiasts gathered under the “big tent” in the BBG parking lot for three days in April where they found annual bedding plants, perennials, orchids, camellias, daylilies, roses, irises, ferns, hostas rhododendrons, bonsai, native plants, herbs, vegetables, tropicals and choice trees and shrubs. Capably chaired by Mimi Boston and Janet Taylor, Spring Fiesta featured the versatile, zesty and free-flowering Ragin’ Cajun ruellia as the Signature Plant. A few of the other features in 2004 included: convenient zoo parking with continuous shuttle service, extended hours until 8:00 pm on Friday, an ABC table featuring Annuals, Biennials and Climbers, palms and exotics, a half-price plants table and groupings of themed, pre-selected plants with coordinating plans for children’s Butterfly and Pizza Gardens.

Earth Day at The Gardens Over 60 environmental organizations gathered under the Big Tent in the BBG parking lot to present the largest Earth Day celebration in Alabama. Fun activities for the entire family included live music, organized bird watching, crafts, displays and a scavenger hunt. Experts in environmental science and ecology demonstrated how each of us can help preserve and protect our precious natural resources now and for future generations.


Euro Days Co-chairs June Mays and Carole Sullivan and their committee brought renowned Irish garden designer and author Helen Dillon, and Jeff Leatham, the Parisian floral designer famous for the bold use of color and shape in his creations, to The Gardens on May 5th & 6th where they presented a series of demonstrations, lectures, and slide shows. Ms. Dillon, who is a columnist for Dublin’s Sunday Tribune and hosts a television show on gardening, has been featured in many American gardening magazines and on National Public Radio. Mr. Leatham’s signature style features clear vases, compelling lines, and monochromatic themes. His book, Flowers by Design, was published in 2004. Gourmet Garden Party The 2004 Gourmet Garden Party was an elegant affair featuring fine wines, delectable hors d’oeuvres and a delicious gourmet dinner for 200 guests. Margie Cuckler, serving as chair of the event, and her committee presented a delightful theme of “Twilight in the Garden of Good and Evil.” During the evening, silent and live auctions were conducted featuring old and rare wines, choice plants, fabulous jewelry, sculptures and garden-related items. Some of the outstanding auction offerings included: an in-home wine tasting for ten, a Porsche driving experience, a barbecue bash for fifty with beer, and a private trip for six to selected gardens in the Philadelphia area.

Fall Free-For-All & Plant Sale Individuals and families were drawn to The Gardens with live music, educational offerings, story tellers and crafts for the 2004 Fall Free-For-All & Plant Sale. Members of the Old Time String Band kept toes tapping on the Blount Plaza with their rousing renditions of bluegrass favorites and mountain music. Storytellers enthralled children under the Moon Tree, members of the Japan America Society of Alabama taught the fine art of origami (paper folding), Café de France served up hot dogs and Mayfield Dairy provided ice cream treats. Since fall is the best time for planting, countless plant society and potting shed volunteers geared up for the Fall Plant Sale. Chaired by Jeanie Sherlock and Tricia Noble, it featured a marvelous selection of camellias, daylilies, hostas, herbs, native plants, perennials, rhododendrons, trees, shrubs and vegetables.

Growing The Gardens


In 2004, Birmingham Botanical Gardens recorded 461 accessions in our plant records database. These accessions represent 738 trees, shrubs and vines, 1,515 herbaceous plants (including ferns), 118 tropical plants, and 1,015 bulbs for a total of 3,386 plants. Efforts to diversify and expand existing collections, and display new and underused plants continued: nearly 60% (274) of accessions were new to our facility. (These numbers do not reflect annuals treated as bedding plants.)

Significant plantings in 2004 included: Barber Alabama Woodlands Continuing our work to increase overall plant diversity in this area, over 420 SE US native plants were installed. Many were trees, including Aesculus glabra (smooth buckeye), Asimina triloba (pawpaw), Chionanthus virginicus (American fringetree), Fagus grandifolia (American beech), Gordonia lasianthus (loblolly bay), Osmanthus americanus (devilwood) Oxydendrum arboreum (sourwood) and Styrax americanus (American snowbell). Following blowdowns caused by Hurricane Ivan, Pinus palustris (longleaf pine), Pinus virginiana (Virginia pine), Quercus nuttallii (Nuttall oak) and Quercus shumardii (Shumard oak) seedlings were planted in the sunny gaps. Containers Concentrated in the Blount Plaza but located throughout The Gardens, our containers in 2004 were designed by Ellen Riley and included selections of Phormium tenax (New Zealand flax), Lantana, Ipomoaea batatas (sweet potato vine) and Calibrachoa (million bells) among others; most were arranged in multi-hued groups of single colors. Dunn Formal Rose Garden New roses for 2004 included the climbers Berries n’ Cream™, Crimson Pillar™ and Fourth of July™, and the shrubs Blushing Knockout™, Coral Meidiland™, and Ruby Meidiland™. Hulsey Woods As part of the Rotary Centennial Project, volunteers from local clubs and their affiliates helped to install more than 175 woody plants, including over 20 new cultivars of Acer palmatum (Japanese maple), greatly expanding our collection of this locally important small tree. Other significant plantings included over 20 fall-flowering Camellia sasanqua (sasanqua camellia), nearly 20 Osmanthus (tea olive) species and cultivars, 4 species of Carpinus (hornbeam) and three species of Hemerocallis (daylily). New conifers include Abies firma (momi fir), Chamaecypress obtusa (hinoki falsecypress), Cryptomeria japonica (Japanese cryptomeria), Cupressus fimbriata (a Taiwanese cypress) and Pinus yunnanensis (Yunnan pine). In keeping with the donor-designated theme of this area, all plants are of Asian nativity. Ireland Old-Fashioned Rose Garden Additional Kerria japonica (Japanese kerria), as well as several cultivars of Hibiscus syriacus (rose of Sharon) were installed in the back of this garden, extending the bloom season of our “rose” collection. Jemison Lily Garden Additional plants in the lily family were added, including species of Disporum, Disporospis and Polygonatum. Our small collection of Amorphophallus and Dracunculus species (so-called voodoo lilies) added interest with their curious and foul-smelling spring flowers.


McReynolds Garden Herbaceous groundcover masses were planted to knit the woody plants together and add textural interest. These included the evergreen Dryopteris erythrosora (autumn fern), Helleborus xhybridus (Lenten rose), Nandina domestica ‘Harbor Dwarf’ (heavenly bamboo cultivar), Pachysandra terminalis ‘Green Sheen’ and ‘Variegata’, Polystichum polyblepharum (tassel fern) and Selaginella braunii (arborvitae fern). Deciduous Epimedium spp. (barrenwort) and several of Tony Avent’s Hosta introductions including ‘Elvis Lives’, ‘Komodo Dragon’ and ‘Risky Business’ were also planted. Two new variegated selections of Alabama natives were installed as well, brightening up the shade: Callicarpa americana ‘Berries and Cream’ and Illicium floridanum ‘Shady Lady.’ A complete listing of plant accessions is available by contacting taxonomist Melanie Johns at 205.414.3911.

Making A Difference Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens contributed $248,650 to fund various projects throughout The Gardens in 2004. $213,650 of this was received from the Beeson Charitable Trust, managed by AmSouth Bank. This restricted fund is used for garden maintenance, plant collections expansion, technology and equipment, and planning and consultation. The remaining $35,000 came from various named funds.

Magic City Harvest Produce grown in the Bruno Vegetable Garden is donated to Magic City Harvest throughout the growing season. Over 220 pounds of lettuce, chard, turnips, collard greens, okra, peppers and tomatoes that were harvested in 2004 went to help fight hunger in Birmingham.

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Staff Mary Ann Aycock

Membership Assistant (until July 2004)

Kathleen Blackburn Volunteer Coordinator

Hansell Boehme Gift Shop Assistant Manager

Scott Denton Director of Development (starting August 2004)

Gift Shop Buyer

Ellen Hardy Education Assistant

Lisa Jones

Harriett Murphy Gift Shop Buyer

Jennifer Russo Development Assistant

Receptionist (until August 2004) Membership Assistant (starting August 2004)

Frederick R. Spicer, Jr.

Andrew Krebbs

Gift Shop Manager

Executive Director

Louise Walton

Membership Manager (starting October 2004)

Lara Wheeler

Director of Finance

Nancy Kurre

Membership Manager (until August 2004)

Kay Garcia

Director of Fund Development (until March 2004)

Receptionist (starting August 2004)

Hope Long

Mary “Cici” Estes


Betsy Gresham

Director of Library Services

Audrey Ann Wilson Director of Education

Birmingham Botanical Gardens Staff Ray Abrams Labor Supervisor Alicia Andrews Activities Coordinator Gary Bailey Laborer Joe Bouchillon Security Gregg Clark Greenhouse Specialty Grower

James Horton Director of Horticulture (starting October 2004)

Larry Jackson Laborer Melanie Johns Plant Taxonomist

Joe Ann Steele Administrative Assistant Ashby Sugg Gardener Teresa Thompson Greenhouse Technician

(starting March 2004)

Jesse Thornton Security (starting August 2004)

Wendell Mayes Laborer

Brenda Warren Custodian

Melvin Jones Laborer

Germaine Norman Receptionist

(starting June 2004)

Linda Emerson District Horticultural Supervisor

Virginia McKenzie Gardener

Marlon Files Custodial Supervisor

James Parrish Gardener

Andy Freeland Gardener

Bill Smith Laborer

James Williams Custodian

Larry Harper Gardener

Ted Snow Greenhouse Technician

George Zary Gardener

George “Tommy� White Gardener Johnny White Security


C. Beaty Hanna Horticulture and Environmental Center The C. Beaty Hanna Horticulture and Environmental Center serves as a horticultural and environmental resource for the Birmingham metropolitan region. The Center, which is administered by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES), offers services directed toward the unique challenges of managing the urban ecosystem. Primary areas of focus are plant diagnosis, horticulture and urban forestry. The Horticulture Hotline is staffed by two agent assistants and area Master Gardener volunteers to answer horticulture-related questions and to provide Extension publications upon request. 45,465 contacts with the public were recorded by the ACES staff during 2004. The Horticulture Hotline can be reached by dialing 800.644.4458. Alabama Cooperative Extension System Lana Cox Administrative Assistant

Mark Mayeske Horticulture Agent

David Hubbard Home & Grounds/Horticulture

Sallie Lee Agent Assistant

Jim Jacobi Plant Pathologist/Diagnostician

Ruth McLaughlin Agent Assistant

Cathy Johnson Lab Technician II

Jackie Ramsey County Extension Coordinator

Our People Make the Difference There are four keys to retaining good people: create a supportive team environment, make sure they are challenged and motivated, recognize them for their accomplishments and help them advance their career paths. BBG staff members are encouraged to engage in continuing education and active community participation. • Kathleen Blackburn attended a Volunteer Program Management seminar sponsored by Alabama Leaders in Volunteer Education and the Nonprofit Resource Center of Alabama. Dr. Kenneth Culp, one of the definitive experts on volunteer program management, led the program. • Scott Denton joined The Friends as Director of Development. • Linda Emerson served on the Horticulture Advisory Board of Ingram State Technical College, in Deatsville, AL. Ingram State provides hands-on training and skill development for Alabama inmates in a variety of professional trades. • Kay Garcia won two first place awards for Designer’s Choice arrangements at the Shades Valley Council Spring Flower Show. She also won first place for petite design and second place for small design at the District III Christmas Flower Show. Kay, who became The Friends’ Receptionist in August, has also served in a variety of volunteer roles at The Gardens.


• James Horton joined The Gardens staff in September as Director of Horticulture. James also taught Turf Grass Management and Sports Turf Management courses at Jefferson State Community College.

• Lisa Jones was appointed Membership Assistant. Lisa received an associate’s degree in computer science from Bessemer State Technical College. •

Andrew Krebbs joined The Friends as Membership Manager.

Marlon Files served as Chair of the St. Luke’s Baptist Church Men’s Day Observance.

• Jennifer Russo and Kathleen Blackburn completed Raiser’s Edge Essentials I & II while attending Blackbaud University in Charleston, SC. • Fred Spicer served as special advisor to the Horticulture Committee of the Garden Club of America, was a member of the GCA’s Montine McDaniel Freeman Horticulture Award committee and served as a judge at the Southeastern Flower Show in Atlanta. • Joe Ann Steel served as 2004-05 Chair of the Hayes W. High School Marketing/Technology Career Advisory Board. Joe Ann is also a member of the International Association of Administrative Professionals.

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Board of Directors Officers Jean S. Sherlock President Douglas A. Stockham President-Elect Grace B. Whatley Immediate Past President Diane Fisher Secretary William C. Patterson Treasurer Virginia C. Smith VP for Administration Patricia J. Noble VP for Fund Raising Events Clarke H. Gillespy VP for Endowments & Planned Giving Fred W. Murray, Jr. BBS Board Mary Carolyn G. Boothby Trustee

Members Edgar G. Aldridge Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Morris Benners Mimi L. Boston Carol S. Carter Rebecca S. Cohn Deane P. Cook Elizabeth B. Cooney Cameron D. Crowe Thomas J. Curtin Lyndra Daniel Stewart Dansby Carolyn B. Featheringill Mary D. French Betsy B. Gresham

James F. Hughey Jr. Fay B. Ireland Hank Long Sue Ellen G. Lucas Andrew J. Meehan Bama W. Mills Henry Ray John Roberts Kim Rogers David Silverstein Diana R. Slaughter Beverly H. Smith William M. Spencer, III Rose H. Steiner

Friends of BBG Board members are appointed to two-year terms. Membership terms are staggered to address continuity of leadership. Officers are elected annually.


Friends of The Friends The following donors provided financial support and gifts-in-kind to Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens during 2004. Although every effort has been made to properly identify and thank those who help us to fulfill our mission of educating people about plants and the environment, we apologize for any oversights that may have occurred. Please contact our Membership Manager, Andrew Krebbs, at 205.414.3959 if we have failed to properly credit your donation, so that we can correct our records.

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members


Life Members Mrs. Robertson L. Belden Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Blount Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Dixon Brooke, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Peter D. Bunting Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Carruthers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Cox Dr. & Mrs. Charles B. Crow, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Dreher Mrs. Richard F. Ellicott Mrs. Mary P. Forman Mr. & Mrs. Henry Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. F. Donald Hamre Mrs. Allen W. Haskell Mr. & Mrs. Dan L. Hendley Mr. Everett H. Holle Mr. & Mrs. William R. Ireland, Sr. Mrs. Louise D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kayser, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Ladd Dr. James Larose Mr. Robert Lawrence Mr. Nimrod W.E. Long, Jr. Mrs. William W. McTyeire, Jr. Mr. Philip Morris Lillian Naumann Mrs. Colleen I. Norton Dr. & Mrs. George Perrine Mrs. Dorothy Renneker Mrs. Benjamin C. Russell Mr. & Mrs. William H. Satterfield Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schoel Mr. George S. Schoppert Mr. & Mrs. James W. Shepherd Mr. & Mrs. Hall Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Temple Tutwiler III

Mrs. Mary Frances Wallace Mrs. Gerald W. Wiggins Mr. & Mrs. N. T. Williams Mrs. Warren L. Willis Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Woehle

President’s Circle – $1,000 Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge Mrs. Mary Carolyn Boothby Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Clayton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cooney Dr. & Mrs. John Cuckler Mr. Stewart Dansby Mrs. Beverly Dunn Mrs. Albert Fairley Mr. & Mrs. William Featheringill Mr. & Mrs. J.S.M. French Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gresham Mr. Robert D. Hill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Milton Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Dr. James L. Newsome Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor III Mrs. Minnie H. Rast Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Mr. & Mrs. William M. Slaughter Mr. & Mrs. William E. Smith Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Spencer III Mr. & Mrs. Arnold L. Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Stockham Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor II Mr. & Mrs. Crawford L. Taylor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brand Walton Mrs. Louise Wrinkle

Ambassador – $500

Mr. Richard M. Adams Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Allison, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John G. Brock Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown, Sr. Mrs. Emory Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Hunting F. Deutsch Mr. & Mrs. James Grayson Dr. Ronald Javitch Mr. & Mrs. Nimrod Long III Dr. & Mrs. Jay M. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Guy K. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Drayton Nabers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Claude Nielsen Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble III Mr. John S. Odess, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Patterson Dr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Peters Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Deakins Rushton Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Shaia Mrs. Louise G. Smith Judge & Mrs. Scott Vowell

Mrs. Teresa Neal Mr. Robert Newton Mr. & Mrs. James W. Rainer, Jr. Mrs. John L. Rhoads Mr. Richard S. Riley Dr. & Mrs. Adam Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Rushton Dr. Merle M. Salter & Dr. Paul P. Salter Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Shepard Mrs. Carole Simpson Mr. & Mrs. David M. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Lathrop W. Smith, Jr. Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Stockham Ms. Kate Stockham Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Thomas, Jr. Ms. Barbara D. Thorne Dr. & Ms. Bayard S. Tynes Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Vitalis Mr. & Mrs. C. Lee Walls, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Lawrence Whatley Dr. & Mrs. Kevin S. Windsor

Magnolia – $125

Ms. Peggy Abbott Mr. & Mrs. James A. Abele, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Adams, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Bibb Allen, Jr. Oak – $250 Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Leon Ashford Rev. & Mrs. John Bagby Mr. & Mrs. William Barclift III Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bailey Mrs. Lionel M. Bargeron, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Bainbridge, Jr. Mr. Paul E. Betts Mr. & Mrs. David Ballard Mrs. Mary M. Bledsoe Ms. Jean Bates Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Brewer Mrs. Marian Baur Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Becker Mr. & Mrs. James Burdette Ms. Alleen Cater & Dr. Lyle A. Hohnke Mrs. Barbara A. Beckett - Gaines Mr. & Mrs. Morris C. Benners Mrs. Nanci Chazen Dr. & Mrs. J. Claude Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Daniel Ms. Carol Lynne Bevis Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Doody Mrs. Evelyn Bischoff Dr. & Mrs. Walter B. Evans Ms. Julie B. Boggan Mrs. Chita S. Gaskin Mrs. Chris Boles Mr. & Mrs. Willis C. Hagan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Book Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Harley Mrs. Glenda Boudreaux Dr. & Mrs. Jimmie H. Harvey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Boulware III Mr. & Mrs. Clark Huddle Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Jones Dr. & Mrs. Ben V. Branscomb Mr. & Mrs. Carter S. Kennedy Mrs. Houston A. Brice, Jr. Ms. Dana Levering Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Bueltman Mr. & Mrs. John T. Lucas Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Butrus Mr. Robert Luckie, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Byers Mrs. Gabriella H. Lynn Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. J. Stanley Mackin Mrs. Nancy H. Callaway Mr. Bill Mason & Mr. & Mrs. Ehney Camp III Mr. Bob Scharfenstein Mr. & Mrs. Frank Canterbury, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Mark L. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Charles Carlisle Mr. & Mrs. Ira C. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Carroll Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Morawetz

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Carroll Judge & Mrs. John Carroll Mrs. Jan Cash Mrs. Mary A. Champion Dr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Chaney Mrs. Arthur I. Chenoweth Mrs. Faye Clark Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Clark Ms. Shelley P. Clark Mrs. Charles T. Clayton Ms. Susan Cleage Mary Cobb Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cobb Miss Martha Cobb Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Cockfield Dr. & Mrs. H. Cecil Coghlan Ms. Susan Colvin Mr. & Mrs. A. Philip P. Cook, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lee Cooper Ms. Paula C. Cosper Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Reaves Crabtree Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Crum Mr. & Mrs. Russell M. Cunningham III Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Curtin, Sr. Dr. Anne M. Cusic & Dr. Bruce Cusic Mr. & Mrs. Robert David Dr. & Mrs. James A. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Hartwell Davis, Jr. Mrs. Charles Davis Dr. & Mrs. Max Davis Dr. & Mrs. Bryan Dewees III Dr. Gloria Anne Dixon Dr. & Mrs. William H. Dodson Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Dreher Mr. & Mrs. Marc Eason Mr. & Ms. Virgil Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Paul Elkourie Mr. & Mrs. John B. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. James H. Emack Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Erdreich, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. T. Faust Dr. & Mrs. Winfield S. Fisher III Ms. Jackie Fitts Dr. & Mrs. Michael Fleenor Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher Mrs. Michael D. Fuller Mr. Clarke H. Gillespy Dr. & Mrs. Walter D. Glass Mr. & Mrs. Henry Glenn Dr. & Mrs. John D. Glover Mr. & Mrs. Paul Goepfert Dr. & Mrs. Morton Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. William Goodrich Mrs. Betty W. Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. William T. Graves Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Greer



Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Grover Dr. & Mrs. Juan F. Gutierrez Ms. Carol Hagood Judge & Mrs. James H. Hancock Dr. & Mrs. William Hansford Mr. & Mrs. Rob Hardin Mrs. Yvonne J. Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Harmon Mr. & Mrs. Chris Harmon Mr. & Mrs. George N. Harvella-Tobia Ms. Elaine M. Haskins Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Hegel Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hempstead Dr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Henderson Dr. & Mrs. Guy M. Hicks, Jr. Mr. Robert Hill Mr. & Mrs. Joel Hillhouse Mrs. Jane B. Hodges Mrs. Mary L. Holt Mr. & Ms. Henry F. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hughey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hulsey Ms. Stacy Hyatt Dr. & Mrs. James Isobe Dr. & Mrs. David Jackson Dr. & Mrs. H. Peter Jander Ms. Jean Jarrell Mr. & Mrs. Elbert S. Jemison, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jones, Jr. Mr. Fred Jones, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Jim Kamplain Leanne & Richard Kaslow Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Kassouf Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Kennedy Mr. Hughes Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Kent Keyser Mr. & Mrs. Brad Kidd Mr. & Mrs. Wayne W. Killion, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kimerling Mr. Andrew B. Krebbs Mr. & Mrs. J. K. Lanning Ms. Sandra Lawler Mr. & Mrs. Gene Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Lindstrom, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. S. Robert Lister Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Long, Jr. Mr. John Lopatin & Mr. Shawn Harvey Mr. Jonathan Lubar Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lucas Mrs. Charles Lupton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George G. Lynn Ms. Terri D. Lyon Mrs. Lexa L. Magnus & Dr. Jonathan Waddell Mr. & Mrs. Wade A. Mahlke Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Malone, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Malone Mrs. John A. Mantle Mr. & Mrs. David H. Marbury III Mrs. Sykes Martin Cecelia C. Matthews Ms. Judy May Ms. Kim McBride Mr. & Mrs. James H. McCary III Mrs. Isabel L. McCormack Dr. & Mrs. Walter C. McCoy Ms. Carol A. McCoy Mr. & Mrs. C. Phillip McWane Ms. Eugenia McWilliams Mr. & Mrs. Terry Meredith Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Miller Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mills Mr. & Mrs. Ben K. Miree Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Monk, Jr. Mrs. Gloria Moody Ms. Becky Moore Mr. John Jemison & Mrs. Kim Morgan Mrs. J. M. Morgan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Morris Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Steve Morton Mr. & Mrs. J. Reese Murray III Mrs. Lisle Nabell Dr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Nading, Jr. Dr. Curt Newell & Dr. Sara Lynn Newell Mr. & Mrs. Leon A. Nolen III Mr. Patrick J. O’Donnell Mrs. Lori Oswald & Mr. Hans Paul Ms. Mary T. Pate Ms. Virginia Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Pless Dr. & Mrs. John W. Poynor Dr. & Mrs. Wilfred Prados Mr. & Mrs. Harlan I. Prater, IV Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Pryor

Mrs. Alfred P. Pugh, Sr. Mrs. Shirley Pugh Mrs. Margaret G. Ragland Dr. Firoz Rahemtulla Mrs. Caroline E. Raughley Mr. & Mrs. L.D. Redden Mr. & Mrs. Lee Reeves Ms. Ruth Reichwein Mr. & Mrs. James B. Riddle Mr. & Mrs. David Roberson Mrs. Laura J. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Todd Robins Ms. Allyson E. Roebuck

Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Rollins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rooney Dr. & Mrs. Eladio Ruiz De Molina Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rushing Dr. & Mrs. Mike Rushing Dr. Susan P. Salter & Mr. Steven C. Hydinger Dr. Arthur Sandy & Dr. Janice Sandy Mrs. Eugenia Schanbacher Dr. & Mrs. Howard Schiele Mr. & Mrs. John F. Scholl Mr. Perry J. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Scott Mr. & Mrs. James S. Scully Rev. & Mrs. Gates Shaw Mr. Richard Shoemaker & Ms. Irene Blalock Mr. & Mrs. Perry G. Shuttlesworth Mrs. Herbert E. Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roland Smith Mrs. Peter G. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smithwick Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. South Mr. & Mrs. James Sparacio Ms. Gloria Spruill Mr. Taylor Steele Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W. Stiles Mr. & Mrs. William R. Sylvester Dr. & Mrs. Wendell H. Taylor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Taylor, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. David L. Tharpe Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Thomasson Mr. & Mrs. Jim Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. George Thompson Mr. Charles L. Torgerson II Mr. & Mrs. James Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tunstall Mr. & Mrs. Ingram Tynes Mr. & Mrs. Russell H. Vandevelde III Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Vevle Mr. & Mrs. William W. Walker III Dr. & Mrs. James C. Walker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Walker Mr. & Mrs. Lee Walthall Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Walton Mrs. Louise Watkins Dr. & Mrs. Phillip Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Robert Waudby Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Webb, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dave Wesloh

Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds D. Whatley Mr. & Mrs. George F. Wheelock III Ms. Lucile White Ms. Holly Whitmire Dr. & Mrs. James R. Williams Mr. & Mrs. John W. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Clyde E. Wills Mr. & Mrs. Richard Womack Mrs. Harriett Wright Mrs. Paul F. Zahl Mr. & Mrs. Melvin M. Zivitz Dr. & Mrs. George L. Zorn, Jr.

Thanks, also, to the other 1,446 members of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens whose combined membership donations totaled $75,525

Individual Gifts

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Abele, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Adams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Adams Ms. Jonie E. Adams Mr. Richard M. Adams Mr. Rucker Agee Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge Ms. Lunette J. Alford Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Allen Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Allen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Allison, Jr. Mrs. Betsy Allison Mrs. & Mr. Elizabeth M. Alosi Mrs. Emily Amberson Anonymous Mr. Coker Appleton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Appleton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Babanats Ms. Laura Bagby Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Bains, Jr. Ms. Diana A. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Michael Baker Mrs. Marcia R. Baker Ms. Glenda C. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. David Ballard Mr. & Mrs. William Barclift III Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Becker Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Bell Ms. Virginia Bell Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Bergland Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Berkowitz Mr. David J. Berkowitz & Ms. Lois I. Aaron Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Berkowitz Mr. & Mrs. C. Adrian Bewley Mr. & Mrs. George Bickham Mr. & Mrs. John M. Birmingham Mrs. Evelyn Bischoff

Dr. & Mrs. William M. Bishop Ms. Ann Black Mrs. Gidge Black Mrs. Lula R. T. Blackwell Mrs. Anne Blair Mrs. Mary M. Bledsoe Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Bloomer Mr. & Mrs. W. Houston Blount Mrs. Hansell Boehme Ms. Mary Bonney Mrs. Mary Carolyn Boothby Mr. & Mrs. Lee Borden Mr. & Mrs. Craig Boudreaux Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Boulware III Ms. Mary E. Bowling Mrs. Ann S. Bradford Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bradford Ms. Lyn Bradford Mrs. Jocelyn Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Joe Brady, Jr. Mr. Ronald K. Brakefield Mrs. & Mr. Beverly Brandau-Rives Mr. & Mrs. Bill Brantley Mr. & Mrs. Augustus R. Bray, Jr. Mrs. Houston A. Brice, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Brinkley Ms. Kathleen Britton Mr. & Mrs. John G. Brock Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr. Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Bruce Ms. Vicki C. Bucholz Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bundy Ms. Charlotte Burnett Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Burr Mr. & Mrs. Ray Burrow Mr. & Mrs. John Burton, Jr. Mr. R.G. Burton Ms. Bettie S. Bush Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Butrus Ms. Dana Paul Buttner Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Campbell Ms. Willa S. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. David Carder Judge & Mrs. Jack D. Carl Mr. & Mrs. Ben J. Carlisle Mr. & Mrs. Charles Carlisle Ms. Phyllis I. Carroll

Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Carter The Carver Family Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Casey Mrs. Norma F. Chandler Dr. & Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Chenoweth Mrs. B.G. Chew, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Clark Mrs. Faye Clark Mr. Gregg Clark Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Clayton, Jr. Ms. Susan Cleage Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cobb Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey H. Cohn Dr. & Mrs. Samuel K. Cohn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Coley Ms. Susan Colvin Mrs. Jane Stephens-Comer Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul Compton Mr. & Mrs. Bud Conaway Mr. & Mrs. Glen Connor Mr. & Mrs. A. Philip P. Cook, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cooney Mr. & Mrs. J. Allen D. Cooper, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Belton Cooper Mrs. Rhonda Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cooper Dr. & Mrs. William Cornay Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cosby Dr. & Mrs. H. Brooks Cotten Mr. & Mrs. Mike Cowart Mr. & Mrs. James L. Cox Ms. Lana Cox Mr. & Mrs. F. Thomas Craig Mr. & Mrs. William Crawford Mrs. Kim Crockard Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Crocker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin Mrs. & Mr. Crook Mr. Warren B. Crow Dr. & Mrs. Derrill Crowe Ms. Maria Crowley Mrs. Robert C. Crumbaugh, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William N. Culp III


Mrs. John Raymond Cunniff, Jr. Mrs. Nancy Kane Curreri Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Curtin, Sr. Dr. Anne M. Cusic & Dr. Bruce Cusic Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Daniel Mr. Larry J. Davenport Ms. Pebble Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Davies, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Davis Ms. Martha P. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Dawson, Jr. Ms. Annette Dean Mr. David Demarest Mr. C. Frederick Deneke Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Denton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dewine Mr. & Mrs. Stewart K. Diana Miss Anna M. Diliberto Mrs. Mary I. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dinken Ms. Elsie Dipasquale Mr. & Mrs. A. Dwight Doggett


Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Mr. Luther M. Dorr Ms. Eulalie J. Draper Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Dreher Mrs. George Dreher Ms. Annette H. Drummonds Ms. Ruby N. Duncan Mrs. Beverly Dunn Dr. George Duquette Dr. & Mrs. John R. Durant SSG Laurie Easley Mr. & Mrs. Marc Eason Mr. & Mrs. W.D. East Ms. Jo Ann Eberlein & Mr. Mark Widener Dr. Thomas L. Eby & Dr. Mary O’Donoghue Mrs. Marilyn M. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Ellard Dr. John D. Elmore Mr. & Mrs. James H. Emack Ms. Linda Emerson

Mrs. Clifford Emond Ms. Katherine B. Ennis Mr. & Mrs. Jason A. Etherton Ms. Elizabeth Evans Dr. & Mrs. Walter B. Evans Mrs. Albert Fairley Ms. Mary V. Farrar Mr. & Mrs. E. T. Faust Mr. & Mrs. Frank Feagin Dr. & Mrs. Richard Feist Mrs. Nancy J. Ferrell Mr. & Mrs. Alvin V. Filer Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fillingim Ms. Susan Finley Dr. & Mrs. James O. Finney, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Winfield S. Fisher III Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Fitzgerald Mr. Frank Fleming Mrs. Dorothy I. Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. James E. Flournoy

Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Ms. Peggy Bonfield & Mr. Orrin Ford Mrs. Mary P. Forman Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fox Mr. & Mrs. Steve French Mr. & Mrs. J.S.M. French Ms. Catharine C. Friend Mrs. Robert Fry Mrs. Cynthia Fuller Mrs. Michael D. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Jim Furr Mr. & Mrs. David Gafford Mrs. Chita S. Gaskin Mr. Emmett Gaskin Ms. Wilma Geels Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gerlach Mr. & Mrs. Herman P. Gierow

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Gillis Ms. Lalie Given Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Goettge Mr. & Mrs. Harold Goings Mr. & Mrs. Hubert W. Goings, Jr. Mr. Howard Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Goodman Mr. & Mrs. T.M. Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. Ed Goodwin Mrs. & Mr. Frances Gordon Ms. Kim Graham Mr. & Mrs. Mike Graham Mrs. Arlene Gray Mrs. Mary Rose Gray Mr. Tobin Green Ms. Jan C. Greer Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gresham Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Habeeb Mr. & Mrs. Willis C. Hagan, Jr. Mrs. Kim Hall Mr. & Mrs. F. Donald Hamre Judge & Mrs. James H. Hancock Mr. & Mrs. Victor H. Hanson III Mr. C.T. Happer, Jr. Mrs. Yvonne J. Hardy Marvin V. Harless & Ramsay L. Harless Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Harmon Mr. Larry Harper Mr. & Mrs. John Harrell Mrs. T. Randy Harrison Dr. & Mrs. Griff Harsh Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hartman III Ms. Jeremy B. Hayden Mr. & Mrs. Calvin C. Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Haynie Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Hays Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hazelrig Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. Hazlett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Hazzard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James W. Heacock, Jr. Mrs. Caroline Head Mrs. Jane H. Head Ms. Edna B. Heard Mr. & Mrs. John Hellman Mrs. Joyce Helzberg Ms. Ann B. Henderson Mr. Dennis Henderson Mr. & Mrs. James Hewitt Mrs. Martha Hiden Mr. Robert D. Hill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joel Hillhouse Mr. & Mrs. D.E. Hinshaw Dr. & Mrs. Basil Hirschowitz Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hoffman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Pete Holby Mrs. Janice Holliday Ms. Pamela Holtkamp Ms. Debbie Horton

Mr. & Mrs. Clark Huddle Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hulsey Ms. Nell J. Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Neal Hutchinson Ms. Barbara Hutto Ms. Jane Ingram Mr. & Mrs. William R. Ireland, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. James Isobe Ms. Betty B. Jackson Dr. Susan Jackson Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Jaffe Mr. & Mrs. Elbert S. Jemison, Jr. Mr. George L. Jenkins Mr. Milton G. Jernigan Ms. Regina A. Jimenez Mr. & Mrs. W. Richard Johns Mr. & Mrs. James Milton Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Johnson, Jr. Mrs. Louise D. Johnson Mrs. Gilbert E. Johnston Mrs. Mary Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Johnston Barbara & Jim Baugh Jones Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Mr. D. Paul Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Jones Mr. & Mrs. Jacob B. Joyner Rick, Julie & Lily Kates Ms. Patricia Keller Mrs. Billie Kelly Mr. Gregory R. Keyes Mr. & Mrs. Irvin C. Kinney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Krueger Mr. & Mrs. John B. Lacy Ms. Kelly D. LaFreniere Mrs. Jane W. Lamar Mr. & Mrs. James G. Lambert Mrs. Mary Louis Lamkin Mr. & Mrs. W. F. L& Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Lanier Ms. Annette LaRussa Mr. & Mrs. Warren B. Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. Curtis O. Liles III Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lindsey Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Lindstrom, Jr. Mr. Greg Logan Ms. Deborah Long Ms. Hope Long Mr. & Mrs. Mark Long Mr. & Mrs. Nimrod Long III Mr. Nimrod W.E. Long, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Les Longshore Mr. David M. Loper Ms. Elena Lovoy Mrs. Mila A. Luketic Mrs. Charles Lupton, Jr. Ms. Martha R. Lupton

Mr. & Mrs. C. Matthew Lusco Mr. & Mrs. Wade A. Mahlke Mr. & Mrs. James P. Mahon Ms. Cindy Martin Mr. & Mrs. John H. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Barry W. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Dick Massey Mrs. Maria Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Maury Mrs. June Mays Mr. Bill McCarty Ms. Sarah C. McClure Mrs. Isabel L. McCormack Ms. Carol A. McCoy Mr. V. R. McCully Mr. & Mrs. Lee McGriff Mr. & Mrs. George McMillan, Jr. Mrs. William W. McTyeire, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Gary Merrell Mr. Tony Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mezrano Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Michalove Dr. & Mrs. Jesse B. Milby, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mills Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Mills, Sr. Ms. Peggy F. Miner Mr. & Mrs. Ben K. Miree Mr. & Mrs. Wimberly Miree, Jr. Mrs. James J. Monaghan Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Monk, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. John R. Moody & Family Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Moody, M.D. Mrs. Barbara H. Moore Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz Dr. & Mrs. Cecil Morgan Ms. Jean B. Morris Mr. Philip Morris Mr. & Mrs. Randall H. Morrow Ms. Mary D. Moss Mr. & Mrs. Tom Moxley Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Mullins Mrs. Jane Mullins Ms. Judith Mulloy Libby & Gene Mulloy Trent, Elizabeth & Sloan Mulloy Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Murphy

Ms. Harriett P. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Murrell Dr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Nading, Jr. Mrs. Nancy Nash Peggy & Russ Neely Mr. & Mrs. Harry Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Alex Newton Ms. Alison Nichols & Mr. Bill Mudd Ms. Cathy Nick Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble III Mr. & Mrs. George G. Nolen Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Oliver Dr. & Mrs. Steven O’Sheal Ms. L. Amanda Owens Mr. & Mrs. Martin Palmer Ms. Florence C. Parnegg Mr. & Mrs. Leighton C. Parnell III Mr. & Mrs. Leighton C. Parnell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Patterson Ms. Charlotte T. Patton Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paxton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Pearce Dr. & Mrs. C. G. Pelham Dr. & Mrs. George Perrine Mr. & Mrs. Bill Perry Mr. & Ms. Charles E. Person Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Walter Pflasterer Ms. Marion G. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. James N. Pledger Mr. & Mrs. Henry Poellnitz III Mr. & Mrs. Irvine Porter Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Powell III Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor III Mr. & Mrs. William Priest Mr. & Mrs. William S. Pritchard, Jr. Ms. Susan C. Prutzman Mrs. Alfred P. Pugh, Sr.



Mrs. Ralph W. Quinn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Radecke Miss Elouise P. Rafferty Mrs. Margaret G. Ragland Mrs. James K.V. Ratliff Mr. & Mrs. William T. Ratliff III Mrs. Caroline E. Raughley Mrs. Carol Reese Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Reid, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy Renneker Dr. & Mrs. Courtenay Renneker Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Renneker III Mr. & Mrs. Derek Richesin Mrs. Polly Ricks Dr. & Mrs. Ferris J. Ritchey The Rivers Family Mrs. Dorothy Roach Dr. & Mrs. David Roberts, IV Mrs. Laura J. Roberts Mr. Gene Robinson Mrs. Mel Robinson Ms. Allyson E. Roebuck Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Rogers Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Rollins, Jr. Mrs. Vasha Rosenblum Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Rosenthal Mrs. Hilary Ross Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Rushton Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Russell, Jr. Ms. Mary Saia Mrs. Angie Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Bob Schleusner Mr. & Mrs. John F. Scholl Mr. & Mrs. James S. Scully Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Seibels, Jr. Ms. Joan Seiffert Mr. & Mrs. James Servies Mr. & Mrs. John W. Seymour Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Shaia Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Shepard Mrs. Lou Ann Sherling Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Ms. Margaret E. Sherrill Mr. & Mrs. Stowe Shoemaker Ms. Natalie C. Shory Mrs. Anne Silberman Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Simmons Dr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Slamen Irene & Leonard Slaughter Mr. & Mrs. William M. Slaughter Mr. & Mrs. Morris Slingluff Ms. Bonnie Smith Mrs. Herbert E. Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Randy Smith Ms. Kay D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Lathrop W. Smith, Jr. Mrs. Louise G. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Smith Ms. Michele Smith Mr. & Mrs. Steve Smith Mr. & Mrs. William E. Smith, Jr. Mr. Barton Sperry Snow Dr. & Mrs. William Somerall, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James F. Spain Mr. & Mrs. James Sparacio Mrs. Anne C. Speak Mr. & Mrs. J. Elliotte Speake Mr. & Mrs. William M. Spencer III Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sprague Ms. Gloria Spruill Mr. & Mrs. Warren St. John Mrs. Brenda N. Stacey Mrs. Terry Stalker Mrs. Clarence O. Steele Mr. & Mrs. Arnold L. Steiner Mrs. Bernard S. Steiner Ms. Katherine C. Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Steul Mr. & Mrs. James D. Stewart, Jr. Mr. John M. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Stobert, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Stockham Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Stockham Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Stone Mr. Dave Strack Dr. & Mrs. James H. Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Stumpf Mr. & Mrs. Brian B. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Talley Mr. & Mrs. E. Lindsey Tauxe Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor II Dr. & Mrs. Wendell H. Taylor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brooks E. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Taylor Dr. & Mrs. Julian M. Thomas Mrs. Judith F. Thomason

Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Thomasson Mr. & Mrs. Hall Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher Thorington Ms. Barbara D. Thorne Ms. Susan Tipler Mr. & Mrs. Murak Tomana Mr. Sam Tortorici Megan & Gabriel Tousignant Mr. & Mrs. Earl Trafton Dr. & Mrs. Jack Trigg, Jr. Mr. J Alan Truitt Dr. & Ms. Bayard S. Tynes Mr. & Mrs. Dave Upton Mr. & Mrs. Russell H. Vandevelde III Dr. Robert E. Varner & Dr. Pam Varner Ms. Jeanne B. Voigt Judge & Mrs. Scott Vowell Mr. Elbert S. Walker Mr. & Mrs. William W. Walker III Mr. & Mrs. John M. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Walthaw, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brand Walton Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Walton Dr. & Mrs. James Alto Ward, Jr. Mrs. W. T. Warren Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Waters Mrs. Louise Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Lee Weathers Mr. Gary Webb Mr. & Mrs. Billy Webb Ms. Margaret K. Webb Mr. & Mrs. Roy P. Webber II Dr. & Mrs. Peter Weinheimer Mrs. Arlene Weinsier Mr. Irvin Weintraub Ms. Venzine Wells Mr. & Mrs. Roger Wentowski Mr. & Mrs. C. Lawrence Whatley Mr. & Mrs. Joe R. Whatley, Jr. Ms. Marjorie L. White Mr. & Mrs. Jim White

Mrs. Wendy White Dr. John S. Whitehead Mrs. Elliott T. Williams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Butch Williams Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Harold Williams Dr. & Mrs. James R. Williams Ms. Janice H. Williams Ms. Lynn Williams Mr. & Mrs. John E. Wilson Mrs. Audrey Ann Wilson Ms. Elizabeth A. Wilson General & Mrs. Louis H. Wilson Mrs. W. Winfree, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Woehle Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Womble Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Worthen Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy L. Wren Mrs. Louise Wrinkle Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Wyatt Ms. Linda F. Xia Ms. Nancy Yardley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Yardley Ms. Lynn Yielding Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Zasa Dr. & Mrs. H. Evan Zeiger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Melvin M. Zivitz

Memorial Gifts Gifts received in memory of: Kae Allen Mrs. Bertha Munger Anderson William Bailey Mr. William B. Bancroft Mrs. Donna Banton Matthew Hutton Billy Lucy Bennett Black Mr. William C. Blackwell Janie Reeves Blake Alva D. Blanchard Minann P. Boudreaux Evelyn C. Brady Gene A. Bromberg Mr. Willard P. Brown Charles S. Caldwell Mary Ellen Van Horn Calhoun Mrs. Ehney Camp Ms. Mildred Camp Mr. Kenneth A. Chancey Mr. Jim Coleman Joseph H. Conzelman Mr. Peter Cowin Florence Damsky Garnet M. Deramus Mrs. Margaret Russell Doggett Mrs. Frances Dudley

Dr. and Mrs. Hiram Elliott Naomi Favor Elliott Martha Estes Mrs. James V. Fairley Mr. Lawson Finch Louise Floyd Joseph Foti Alice Fowler Mrs. Barbara A. Gams Margo S. Gaskin Marion Gearhart Mary Gleason Martha H. Goings Mrs. Frances W. Graham Dr. Stanley E. Graham, Jr. Mr. Walter C. Granger Mr. William Grayson Ms. Anne Greenberg Mrs. Regina Gresham C. Beaty Hanna Bernice E. Hassinger Eleanor Hassinger Ms. Pat Hendon Scott B. Ireland Richard Wayne Jackson Ms. Marlene Jason Crawford T. Johnson Vergie S. Jones Mrs. Charlene A. Jones Ms. Paula Kimberling Grif Lamkin Sherwood Lawrence Ms. Virginia T. Markle Landon James Baggett McGowan Clyde McLallen Lera Covington McLeod William W. McTyeire Jody Merrell Elliott H. Moore Ms. Eloise Floyd Moore Tracy Morris George Morris Gloria Mouron Alfred Mouron, Jr. Thomas Murphy Ms. Sarah Jane Noll Martha G. Noojin Chambliss Norman Pat O’Sullivan Mr. Walker Pace Mrs. Ruth Pate Agnes P. Perry Ms. Dorothy Plosser Ira Register Ms. Ann M. Renneker Brooke Roach Dorothy Rowe Mrs. Nadine Schiesz

Dorothy T. Schrader Walter F. Scott Mr. James O. Screven Tynes Sevier Anne Sharman Dr. Alwyn Shugerman Eloise Smith David Wayne Stafford Harrison Steeves Dorothy Steiner Katheryn Hughes Stern George Stritikus Mrs. Lillian Taylor Mr. Paul Trammell Sessions William L. Walsh Gene Lancaster Walsh Ms. Elizabeth Walter Karl Wendorf C. Molton Williams John A. Williamson Dr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Jr. Ms. Isabel Womble Mincy Breckenridge Yeager Mrs. Lu K. Yielding

Tribute Gifts received in honor of: Cathy Adams Joseph H. Appleton Frank M. Bainbridge BBG Gardeners Steve Bender Mr. & Mrs. T. Robert Bentley III Dr. & Mrs. Neal R. Berte Elise Bogdanchik Mrs. Mary Carolyn Boothby Mr. Thomas A. Broughton III Lisa Burg Joseph Lee Bynum Lucille Calvert Mrs. Stephen H. Chazen Sarah M. Chisolm Mr. Gregg Clark Shelley P. Clark Dr. & Mrs. William Cornay Ralph Davidson Mary T. Davis J. Frank Day William F. Denson Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Donald Alan J. Dreher Paul F. Elliott Diane M. Fisher Orrin Ford Burgin Fowlkes Mr. & Mrs. Hugh S. Gainer Mary Geier Mr. Clarke H. Gillespy


Scott Glen Dr. & Mrs. Morton Goldfarb William M. Graves John F. Greene Steve Hanna Augusta Hassinger Linda S. Herren Judith E. Hicks George S. Hiller Frances Hiller Dr. & Mrs. John E. Hoopes Ms. Ann Huckstep William R. Ireland Norman K. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. James Milton Johnson Karen Jones Mr. Robert G. Kenan Mr. & Mrs. James G. Lambert Curtis O. Liles Wiley Livingston Clifford W. Lynch Dr. and Mrs. J.B. Lynch Mr. Harry Markstein Ms. Dorothy McDaniel Mary Mellen Lawrence G. Michalove Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Morawetz Mr. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Nading, Jr. Robert S. Naftel Mrs. Patricia Noble Gerald P. Norris Ms. Beth O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. O’Donnell Dr. & Mrs. Robert Oliver Mr. William C. Patterson Dr. & Mrs. G. David Pollick Dr. Arlie A. Powell Caryl P. Privett James K.V. Ratliff


Carol Reese Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Renneker III Troy Rhone Libby Rich Dr. & Mrs. O. Gordon Robinson, Jr. Kathleen N. Rowe Dr. & Mrs. Paul Sauer Catherine A. Schilleci Mrs. Roy Scholl, Jr. John P. Scott Kate Sexton Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Anne Silberman Mrs. Virginia C. Smith William Somerall Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L. Steiner William R. Stetler Mr. Douglas A. Stockham Janet Taylor Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Thagard Barbara J. Thomas Mercer S. Thomas Dr. & Mrs. Jack Trigg, Jr. Dr. and Ms. Bayard Tynes Homer J. Urquhart Jane Van Eaton George M. Van Tassel Brand Walton Nancy Walton Roose Waters Dr. & Mrs. Paul Weeks Mr. & Mrs. C. Lawrence Whatley Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Wheeler Meade Whitaker Mrs. Wendy White Kathy Whitfield Ann B. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wilson Mrs. Louise Wrinkle

Gifts-In-Kind A Social Affair Bebe Aborr ABSCO Fireplace & Patio Alabama Bag & Burlap Co. Alabama Nursery Co. Clyde Anderson William F. Angell The Arbor Architectural Heritage Larry Atchison Auburn University Bacca Barton Clay Jewelers Barton Sperry Snow Barton’s Jennifer Bachmann Jeffrey Bayer Wayne Bell Birmingham Coca Cola Bottling Birmingham Magazine Ms. Ann Black Bluestone Perennials Ms. Peggy Bonfield & Mr. Orrin Ford Bongiorno Books A Million Daniel Briggs Brio Tuscan Grille Browdy’s Brownell Travel Bruno’s Food & Pharmacy at Inverness Cafe Dupont Callaway Gardens C’est La Vie Chef Clayton Food Systems, Inc. Chez Fon Fon Cobb Lane Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey H. Cohn Ms. Susan Colvin

Continental Florist Contri Brother’s Gift Baskets & Flowers Mike Coyle Creative Floral The Crepe Myrtle Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Curtin, Sr. daniel george Rudy Daniels The Diamond Dealer Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Dreher Mrs. George Dreher Edwards Equipment Sales, Inc. Mr. Bill Ellis Etc. Jewelry Accessories Field of Dreams Caterers Mr. Frank Fleming Fleming’s Prime Steak House Rush Garner Gian Marco’s Howard Goldberg Kim Graham Troy Haas Harmony Landing Lyn Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Hazzard, Jr. Highland Bar & Grill Homewood Florist Homewood Gourmet Hoover Florist Kenneth Hubbard Imperial Catering Inc. Integrity Landscapes Interiors Market International Forest Company International Society of Arboriculture –Southern Chapter Mr. & Mrs. William R. Ireland, Sr. Panda Irwin Lanier Isom Jim ‘n Nicks Mr. & Mrs. James Milton Johnson Alex Jones Walker Jones Kathy G. & Co Inc. Mr. Gregory R. Keyes King’s House Antiques Eva Kronteras La Paz Dr. & Mrs. Wade Lamberth Lamb’s Ear Ltd. Mrs. Susan S. Lebold Leaf N’ Petal Marilyn Leonard Lilies of the Valley Garden Club Little Hardware Little Savannah Restaurant Greg Logan Logan Farms

Loretta Goodwin Gallery Lush Life, Inc. Jon R. Martinez Grant May Gus Mayer Eric C. McClain McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood Restaurant Dorothy McDaniel McGriff, Seibels & Williams Tony Meyers Kathy Mezrano Ms. Jan A. Midgley & Mr. Dean Clark Mr. & Mrs. Wimberly Miree, Jr. Mirela’s Fitness Montclair Dermatology Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz Roy Morton April Mraz Harriett Murphy Nabeel’s Khosrow Nasser Neurosurgical Associates, P.C. Meg North Norton’s Florist Kelly Nutting Odenville Nursery Olexa’s Catering Barbara Orr Otey’s Tavern Gus Pappas Frank Park Park Lane Flowers Parker & Co. Landscaping Services Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Powell III Helen Quarles Red Mountain Garden Club Reece, Hoopes & Fincher Ms. Ellen R. Riley Rita’s Touch Rockbrook Garden Club Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Rollins, Jr. Rush Wines The Scribbler Sexton Seafood Season After Season Landscape Management Co. Shades Valley Council of Garden Clubs Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Shaia Jane Simon Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation Snippers Garden Club Sol y luna Southern Classics Southern Living at Home Starbucks Coffee Carole Sullivan Summer Classics

Eugene H. Taylor Tidmore Flags, Inc. Tinsley Van Durand TotalScape Farms Uncut Flowers The Vandy Bible Study Group Village Florist Vogue Cleaners Dirk Walker Mr. & Mrs. William M. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Lee Weathers Western Supermarket Mr. & Mrs. C. Lawrence Whatley Bew White Wildflower Designs, LLC Tom Williams Lexus Tom Williams Porsche General & Mrs. Louis H. Wilson Mrs. Louise Wrinkle Lynn Yielding Dr. & Mrs. H. Evan Zeiger, Jr.

Corporate, Foundation & Government Support

$100,000 +

The Daniel Foundation of Alabama

$50,000 - $99,999 The Hugh Kaul Foundation Lawler Ballard Van Durand*

$10,000 - $49,999

The Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham PMT Publishing* Shades Valley Rotary Club Vulcan Materials Company Foundation

$5,000 - $9,999

City of Mountain Brook Classic Gardens & Landscape The Garden Conservancy, Inc. Hess Foundation, Inc. Jazz Medical Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Royal Cup, Inc. Southern Progress The Strain Foundation

$2,500 - $4,999

C. Eugene Ireland Foundation Junior League of Birmingham The Lanny S. Vines Foundation Open Creative Group* Steiner Foundation The Welch Group * In Kind Donation


Home Casual Enterprises Iris Garden Club Meadow Brook Women’s Club Ruffner Mountain Nature Coalition, Inc. Stoney Ridge Garden Club Tremont Garden Club The Vanity

$1,000 - $2,499

Benchmark Chrylser Jeep Cafe de France The Crowe Foundation Directorz Dunn French Foundation EBSCO Industries, Inc.* Giattina, Fisher, Aycock Jemison Investment Company, Inc. Johnson Development Marathon Corporation Mt. Cuba Center, Inc. Oak Street Garden Shop RealtySouth Recollections by Barbara M. Harbin* Rushton Lectures Series Trust Starbucks Matching Gifts Program Starbucks Partner Giving Programs Sterne, Agee & Leach, Inc.

$500 - $999

Alabama Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects AmSouth Bancorporation Foundation AMW Incorporated Barton’s Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama Brasfield & Gorrie Capstone Family of Alfred and Gloria Mouron Crown Automobile Company, Inc. The English Village Garden Club Illges-Chenoweth Foundation, Inc. Independent Presbyterian Church Lagniappe Designs Starbucks Coffee* Temple Emanuel Sisterhood UBS Financial Services Village Firefly, Inc.*

$250 - $499


AL Landscape Design Critics Council Capstone Building Corp. Christopher Glenn, Inc The Green Umbrella * In Kind Donation

$1 - $249

Alabama Council of Flowers Show Judges Alabama Urban Forestry Association Argent Ashland Garden Club Belle Meade Garden Club BellSouth Telecommunications Birmingham Plastic Surgery Clinic, P.A. Briarwood Garden Club Brookhill Forest Garden Club Bruce Office Supply Inc. Camellia Garden Club Capstone Foundation Centuries Cherokee Rose Garden Club Circa Interiors and Antiques Circle Garden Club City of Trussville Collier’s Nursery Companion Commercial Insurance Company Coronets Dance Club Cowin Special Account The Crepe Myrtle Garden Club Environmental Land Designs Dirt Daubers Garden Club Don Powell Garden Design LLC Donaldson, Holman & West, P.C. Dorothy McDaniel’s Flower Market Doug McCullough Lawn and Landscaping The Dream Home Sales Team Early Bird Violet Club Earth Day at the Gardens Earthworks Edgewood Garden Club English Village Garden Club ENT Associates Federated Garden Clubs, District 111

FedEx The Flower Arrangers Forest Park Garden Club Gardendale Public Library Gardens of Inverness Garden Club Glennwood Baptist Church Grapevine Garden Club Green Valley Trimmers Garden Club Greystone Garden Club Greystone-In-The Gates Garden Club The Hackney Foundation Hanna’s Garden Shop Henhouse Antiques The Herb Society of Alabama Heritage Lawn and Tree Care Inc. Hermitage Garden Club Highland Lakes Garden Club Hill N Dale Garden Club HKW Associates PC Home and Garden Club House and Garden Club Indian Springs Garden Club Interiors Market Interiorscapes, Inc. International Society of Arboriculture – Southern Chapter Jane Simon Inc. Japan International Karate Jefferson County Master Gardener Association Johnston Barton Proctor & Powell LLP Jubilee Flowers King’s House Antiques King’s House Orientals, Inc. Kirwood By The River L. Paul Kassouf & Co. PC Lamb’s Ear Ltd. Landscape Services, Inc. Lilies Of The Valley Garden Club The Little Garden Club Lloyd, Gray & Whitehead, P.C. Lush Life Inc. Martha Pullen Company, Inc. Mary Adams Antiques Mary Helen McCoy Antiques and Interiors Masterpiece Flowers McGriff, Seibels and Williams, Inc. Montclair Dermatology Montcrest Garden Club Morning Glories Garden Club Mountain Brook Flower Shop Mr. Alex Vare Ms. Bobbi Brandenburg Mulberry Heights Antiques Myosotis Garden Club The Nelson Team Neurosurgical Associates, PC

Nimrod Long & Associates, Inc. Parker & Co. Landscaping Svcs. Inc. Perky Planters Garden Club Pine Ridge Gardens Pinson Valley Heat Treating Co., Inc. Postive Maturity Premier Plastic Surgery Proffitt’s/McRae’s Department Stores Queen of Diamonds Bridge Club Quenelle Landscape Design and Construction Radiance Garden Club Red Mountain Garden Club Reece, Hoopes & Fincher Rex Harris Fine Jewelry Rockbrook Garden Club Rose Crest Garden Club Ross Kelly Landscape Architects, PC

Season After Season Landscape Management Company Shades Valley Council of Garden Clubs Shelby Shores Community Church Sherwood Forest Garden Club Snippers Garden Club Society Of American Foresters – American Division Southern Living at Home SouthTrust Bank Starlake Garden Club Steward Machine Co., Inc. Taylor Dawson & Associates Thomas Kinkade Gallery TotalScape Farms Transatlantic Brides and Parents Association

Trowel Garden Club Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville Valley Brook Garden Club The Vandy Bible Study Group Village Companies Inc. Village Framers, Inc. Walkers Discount Wanna Dance Inc DBA Fred Astaire Dance Studio Wellington Park Coach Homeowners Association Wellington Park Garden Club White Flowers Gallery Wildflower Designs, LLC Wildflowers Garden Club Win Mill Flowers, L.L.C.



Support & Revenue Fair Value change in beneficial interest of Beeson Trust 22%

Public Donations 9% Memberships 9%

CFGB Distribution 1%

Programs and Special Events 23%

Investment Income 21%

Gift Shop Sales 14%

Expenses General and Administrative 13%

Programs 68%

Development 19%


Library 4%

Volunteers 6%

Membership and Education Events 2%

Gardens 30%

Events 18%

Education 15%

Gatehouse Gift Shop 25%


The information shown herein has been summarized by Birmingham Botanical Society, Inc. from its 2004 audited financial statements. A copy of the complete Financial Statements and the auditor’s report is available for inspection at Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens, 2612 Lane Park Road, Birmingham, AL 35223 This Annual Report is made possible in part by the Jefferson Community Arts Fund, an initiative of the Jefferson County Commission, through the Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham.


PHOTO CREDITS/CUTLINES Page 1: Do not know Page 2: Taiwania cryptomerioides – taiwania; Acer palmatum var. palmatum – Japanese maple; Ginkgo biloba - ginkgo, all by Fred Spicer Page 3: Lagerstroemia faurei – Chinese crape myrtle, by Fred Spicer Page 4: Do not know Page 5: (4th from top) Banksw and Hudson Middle School students at the George Washington Carver after-school program, by Fred Spicer; (6th from top) Acer palmatum var. palmatum – Japanese maple and the torii, by Fred Spicer; do not know the rest Page 6: Magnolia grandiflora – southern magnolia, by Fred Spicer Page 7: Aesculus flava – yellow buckeye, by Fred Spicer Page 8: Do not know Page 9: I know the top photo is Eva Lingo in the center but I don’t know who the other folks are or who took the pic. Page 10: (top right) Penelope Hobhouse, by Jennifer Russo (I think); (top left) Remco van Vliet and ?, by do not know; (bottom left) Winyss Shepard at Spring Fiesta, by do not know; (bottom right) do not know Page 11: (top) Jeff Leatham, by do not know; (next) l-r: Helen Dillon, June Mays, ?, Carole Sullivan, ?, by do not know; (next) Fall Plant Sale sign, by do not know; (next) do not know Page 12: Pinus taeda – loblolly pine, by Fred Spicer Page 13: do not know Page 14: Iris in Sonat Lake, by do not know Page 15: Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’ – climbing hydrangea-vine on Quercus falcata – southern red oak, by Fred Spicer Page 16: The Conservatory, by do not know Page 17: (top to bottom) Ginkgo biloba – ginkgo; Lagerstroemia faurei – Chinese crape myrtle; Ginkgo biloba – ginkgo, Lithocarpus henryi – Henry’s tanbark oak; Acer palmatum ‘Viridis’ – Japanese maple cultivar, all by Fred Spicer Page 18: (background) Acer palmatum ‘Omuruyama’ – Japanese maple cultivar, by Fred Spicer Page 19: Quercus stellata – post oak, by Fred Spicer Page 20: Cornus kousa ‘Milky Way’ – kousa dogwood cultivar, by Fred Spicer Page 21: Malus angustifolia – southern crabapple, by Fred Spicer Page 22: Pinus palustris – longleaf pine, by Fred Spicer Page 23: do not know Page 24: Wisteria damage on Celtis occidentalis – common hackberry, by Fred Spicer Page 25: Entry sign, by Fred Spicer (I think I took this, maybe not) Page 26: (top to bottom) Lagerstroemia indica – crape myrtle; Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’ – hybrid magnolia; Frog by Frank Fleming; top two by Fred Spicer, bottom one by do not know

friends of birmingham botanical gardens 2612 Lane Park Road Birmingham, AL 35223 205.414.3950 This publication is made possible in part by the Jefferson County Community Arts Fund, an initiative of the Jefferson County Commission, through the Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham.

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