Annual Report 2007

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Over 49 trees were planted at Birmingham Botanical Gardens to offset the production of the 2007 Annual Report. The report was printed using vegetable based inks. Please recycle.

enhancing life with plants

2 0 07 a n n Ua L r e P o r T

2007 B oa r d


direCTorS oFFiCerS

Patricia J. Noble Richard “Pokey” Adams Billy Angell Lyndra Daniel Stewart Dansby Richard E. Davis Betsy B. Gresham James F. Hughey Jr. Margi Ingram Sheryl Kimerling Mike Malone Reese Murray, III Henry Ray David L. Silverstein Diana R. Slaughter Janet Taylor Scott Walton Louis Willie, III Louise A. Wrinkle


Morris C. Benners PreSidenT-eLeCT

Thomas G. Amason, Jr. TreaSUrer

William C. Patterson SeCreTarY

Kimberly J. Rogers VP deVeLoPmenT

Clarke H. Gillespy

VP FaCiLiTieS & PLanning

Henry S. Long, Jr.

immediaTe PaST PreSidenT

Douglas A. Stockham oFFiCer

Hubert W. Goings, Jr.




Letter from President & Executive Director ........................3 About Us ....................................................................................4 Friends and City Staff ..............................................................5 Financials ....................................................................................6 2007 Milestones ........................................................................8 Volunteers ............................................................................... 16 Perennial Society/Garden Sustainers .................................. 19 Members .................................................................................. 20 Donors ..................................................................................... 36

oUr miSSion

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens promotes public knowledge of plants, gardens and the environment; & receives, raises & administers resources for these purposes.

oUr ViSion

The vision of Birmingham Botanical Gardens is to be one of the nation’s preeminent botanical gardens.


Dear Friends: It is with great pleasure that we bring you Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens 2007 Annual Report. The report illustrates numerous projects, programs and activities that fulfill and support our mission: to educate people about plants, gardens and the environment. •

Core programs include science-based classes for all ages and interest levels, and the largest public horticulture library in the US; participation numbers continue to grow and the details are in this report.

Projects related to garden maintenance, enhancement and collections development are also important aspects of our work; this report highlights the achievements of the past year, realized despite record-breaking heat and drought.

Special events engage the public and provide funding to fuel our programs; in this report we introduce you to the members, volunteers and donors who made them possible and successful.

In 2007, Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens continued planning for the future, building on the hard work and vision of past leaders. We completed renovation plans for the Japanese Gardens, conducted a Needs Assessment Analysis for the Conservatory and Plant Production Facilities, and began planning for an enhanced Blount Plaza. Late in the year, we hired a master planning team to meld these ideas with our requirements for expanded programming opportunities, barrierfree accessibility, and sustainable approaches to managing and using finite natural resources. Long-range planning takes careful thought, and time to weigh forwardlooking ideas. Like young saplings, these ideas require the bright light of creativity and the nourishing water of funding to grow to their full potential. In the coming years, the plans of 2007 will mature and begin to bear fruit. Nelson Henderson, an Irish immigrant to Canada in the early 20th century is credited with saying that, "The true meaning of life is to plant trees…under whose shade you do not expect to sit." This uplifting and selfless concept is applied literally and metaphorically every day at Birmingham Botanical Gardens, but it would not be possible without our supporters. We thank all of you for your gifts of time, treasure and talent. Please enjoy Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens 2007 Annual Report. Sincerely, Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Executive Director

Morris C. Benners, Jr. President


a BoUT U S ...

Birmingham Botanical Gardens is Alabama’s largest living museum with more than 10,000 different plants in its living collections. The Gardens’ 67.5 acres contains over 25 unique gardens, 30+ works of original outdoor sculpture and miles of serene paths. The Gardens features the largest public horticulture library in the U.S., conservatories, a wildflower garden, two rose gardens, the Southern Living garden, and a Japanese garden with a traditionally crafted tea house. Education programs run year round and more than 11,000 school children enjoy free science-curriculum based field trips annually. The Gardens is open daily, offering free admission to more than 350,000 annual visitors. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a partnership between the City of Birmingham and Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Through funding and advocacy, The Friends further restoration, preservation and development of The Gardens as a resource for everyone in the community. The Friends promote knowledge and appreciation of plants and the environment with educational offerings. Public funds do support general maintenance; however, public funding does not address the effects of increased usage and changing visitor needs. Therefore, The Friends must seek additional funding sources to sustain its mission. With your help, Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens will continue to expand educational programming, environmental awareness, facilities maintenance and development as well as horticultural health and diversity. The Gardens are a valuable resource for our community which must be maintained and enhanced for present and future visitors.



C iTY B irmingham S TaFF


F riendS

B irmingham B oTaniCaL g ardenS S TaFF


Helping you make an impact. Please contact us at 205.414.3950 or visit us at

direCTor horTiCULTUre

James Horton

eXeCUTiVe direCTor

LandSCaPe CreW Leader

Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. FinanCe direCTor

Ray Abrams

Stephanie Banks

adminiSTraTiVe CLerk

Alicia Andrews LaBorerS

Gary Bailey Johnny Carson Marlon Files Larry Jackson Brenda S. Warren S e C U r i T Y g Ua r d

Joe Bouchillon

horTiCULTUre SPeCiaLTY groWer


direCTor deVeLoPmenT

Olivia Alison

SPeCiaL eVenTS CoordinaTor

Shelly Busby McCarty

Gregg Clark

donor reLaTionS oFFiCer

diSTriCT horTiCULTUre SUPerViSor

deVeLoPmenT oFFiCer

Linda Emerson


Andy Freeland James Parrish Robert Parker Teresa Williams George Zary PLanT TaXonomiST

Melanie Johns

adminiSTraTiVe aSSiSTanTS

Laura Massengill Joe Ann Steele greenhoUSe Worker

Ted Snow g Ua r d S

Lee Anderson Johnny White

Stefanie Blakely George Jenkins


Patrick Daniel

L I B R A RY 205.414.3920 direCTor LiBrarY SerViCeS


Hope Long


Elizabeth Drewry LiBrarY aSSiSTanT

EDUCATION direCTor oF edUCaTion

Henry Hughes edUCaTion Program


Ellen Hardy

edUCaTion aCTiViTieS SPeCiaLiST

Phyllis Sutton

horTiCULTUre TheraPY CoordinaTor

Susan Grimes

emergenCY emPLoYeeS

Jason Kirby

MARKETING & MEMBERSHIP direCTor markeTing & memBerShiP


Andrew B. Krebbs

markeTing & PUBLiC reLaTionS CoordinaTor

Michael Hansen

VOLUNTEERS VoLUnTeer CoordinaTor

Carolyn Snow

Brian Johnson Rhonda Jones


FinanCiaL rePorTS

Combined Statement of Financial Position ASSETS

Year Ending: December 31, 2007

December 31, 2006

$984,971 2,928,134

$927,697 2,490,197

3,427 8,362,424

7,438 8,285,498



$98,110 1,322

$20,224 313



$2,238,721 1,400,305 8,540,498

$1,277,240 1,949,481 8,463,572

$12,179,524 $12,278,956

$11,690,293 $11,710,830

$847,320 230,132 45,721 650,213 295,775 58,888 175,072 40,032 76,926

$1,283,597 180,783 49,475 436,016 164,312 252,526 45,094 243,030 (47,846) 524,683



Cash and cash equivalents Investments Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation Beneficial interest in Beeson Trust

TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable Accrued liabilities

TOTAL LIABILITIES Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted


Combined Statement of Activities SUPPORT & REVENUE Public donations Memberships General education revenue Programs/special events Gatehouse Gift Shop sales Interest and other investment income Dividend income Unrealized holding gains Realized losses on securities Fair value change in beneficial interest of Beeson Trust


memBerShiPS 10%

PUBLiC donaTionS 35%

generaL edUCaTion reVenUe 2%

diVidend inCome 2% inTereST & oTher inVeSTmenT inCome 12%


Fair VaLUe Change in BeneFiCiaL inTreST oF BeeSon TrUST


UnreaLiZed hoLding gainS 7%

reaLiZed LoSSeS on SeCUriTieS 2%


December 31, 2007

December 31, 2006


$1,379,677 311,252 239,919

$1,332,158 299,941 232,507




$ 489,231




Programs Development General and Administrative


g eneraL & a dminiSTraTiVe - 12% d e V e L o P m e n T - 16% P ro g r a m S - 72%

PROGRAMS g a r d e n S - 39% e V e n T S - 21% V o LU n T e e r S - 3% m e m B e r S h i P & e d U C aT i o n - 13% L i B r a rY - 7% e d U C aT i o n - 17%

Gardens Education Library Membership & Education Events Volunteers Gift shop Events


December 31, 2007

December 31, 2006

$526,029 234,121 97,947 176,587 46,144 2,630 296,219

$429,466 224,890 72,347 156,671 46,601 162,304 239,879



The financial information shown above has been summarized by Birmingham Botanical Society, Inc. dba Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens, from its 2007 audited financial statements. A copy of the complete financial statements and auditor’s report is available for review at our offices at 2612 Lane Park Road, Birmingham, AL 35223.


Our 2007 Milestones… J A N UA R Y. 0 7  New board members welcomed: Fred Keith and Laurie Allen  Japanese Gardens renovation plan completed by Zen Associates*  Hired first full-time PR & Marketing Coordinator and first Special Events Coordinator

Japanese Gardens plan detail

 Jason Kirby hired as Library Assistant  Annual Members Dinner: State of The Gardens address given by executive director, Fred Spicer

Blount Plaza- Donor Wall


enhancing life with plants MARCH.07  Patrick Daniel hired as the Curator of Kaul Wildflower Garden. The first curator position was funded in 2007 by Hugh Kaul Foundation and endowed by the Kaul Wildflower Garden Fund at Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham

Patrick Daniel leads a tour

 Newly designed website with online registration launched  Former UGA football coach Vince Dooley sold out the Virginia Beeland Spencer Lecture. Funded by Bill & Virginia Spencer

The Spencers & Vince Dooley

 Planet Smoothie filmed music video and interviewed executive director, Fred Spicer Planet Smoothie mascot with Fred Spicer

F E B R UA R Y. 0 7  First Donor Wall installed in Blount Plaza.  New stone entrance installed in the Barber Alabama Woodlands*  Education outreach programs increased Barber Alabama Woodlands entry by 26% over 2006; programs included: Urban Forestry Fair (downtown Birmingham), Earth Day at The Gardens, Family Discovery Cart, Children’s Summer Workshops (partnering with the Birmingham Museum of Art), Garden Explorations and HollyDay Magic+ *Funded in part by the Beeson Charitable Trust


+For more information visit

M A Y. 0 7  Twin urn fountains in the Formal Garden restored by Robinson Iron*  Preliminary design for renovation of Blount Plaza created by Nimrod Long & Associates’ Joel Eliason, landscape architect, and John Carraway, architect* Formal Garden urn restoration

 Hosta Walk renovated*  Horticultural Therapy Program began outreach program at Children’s Hospital and hosted Audubon Hosta Walk Society tours for the visually impaired

APRIL.07  Tea House fence reconstructed. Bob Wendorf & Cherry Parmer led Japanese Garden Society of Alabama (JGSA) volunteers on project  Roy Herbst, Herb Army volunteer left bequest for Herb Garden  Alabama’s largest plant sale held at Colonial Brookwood Village, raised $200,000

Tea House fence, Japanese Gardens

 Endowment computations completed for each position, program and garden

Earth Day visitor

 2,000 visitors enjoyed Earth Day at The Gardens


Spring Plant Sale: Alabama’s largest

 Garden Sustainer Club, Perennial Society and President’s Circle members honored at event in Japanese Gardens  Discovery Field Trips attended by over 11,200 students and 1,500 adults 50% increase over 2006+ Mitzi Davis, Kim Rogers & Tricia Noble

 Junior League of Birmingham completed seventh year of volunteer and financial support for Discovery Field Trips

Discovery Field Trip

JUNE.07  New metal swings and benches installed in The Gardens*  Bird bath restored by Robinson Iron in Walter Overlook at Jemison Lily Garden*  New crushed granite installed in the Karesansui (dry rock garden) in Japanese Gardens by Sandy Woltz and JGSA volunteers*


 Dixie Regional Hosta Society meeting hosted at The Gardens  Encore azalea® collection installed in the Curry Rhododendron Garden, donated by Plant Development Services, Inc.  Luncheon hosted by Louise & John Wrinkle introduced Olivia Alison, new Director of Development Autumn Ruby™ Encore azalea®

 Tee Dee Johnson, Chairman level member of Garden Sustainer Club, honored at luncheon hosted by Kathy and Tommy Adams *Funded in part by the Beeson Charitable Trust


+For more information visit

J U L Y. 0 7  Torii in Japanese Gardens restored by Dean Black of Blackwood Studios*  Plant collection database system upgraded and new label engraver Torii, Japanese Gardens acquired*  New dugout canoe, made by Eagle Scout Marsh Lalor, placed in the Native American field trip area

Dugout canoe

 Ice Cream in The Gardens social enjoyed by more than 200 members  Membership Day held in conjunction with 13 other arts and cultural institutions in Birmingham Ice Cream in The Gardens

A U G U S T. 0 7  Canopy thinning completed and new cedar rail fencing installed in the Kaul Wildflower Garden, funded by Hugh Kaul Foundation  McReynolds Garden entrance feature installed in honor of Louise & John Floyd, Sr.  Cocktails in The Gardens, a young professionals networking event, launched McReynolds Garden entrance

 New tram delivered and funded by a grant from Alabama Power

 Gift received from Fay Ireland provided major improvements to potting shed  Central Alabama Science Education Exchange (CASEE) founded at The Gardens to reinforce secondary science educational programs in cooperation with Alabama Hands-on-Activity Science Program (ALAHASP) +


Fay Ireland & volunteers with new soil trays

SEPTEMBER.07  New belfry in Hulsey Woods constructed by Doug Moore & Associates, funded by Shades Valley Rotary Club  Bamboo fencing in Hulsey Woods installed, led by Bob Wendorf and JASA volunteers

Friendship Bell & belfry

 Stewartia Working Group formed with Fred Spicer, (BBG); Rick Lewandowski, Mt Cuba Center (Greenville, DE) and Tim Boland, Polly Hill Arboretum (Martha’s Vineyard, MA) to document native stewartia populations in AL, GA, NC, SC, collect seed and to share with other institutions  Parking lot lighting project completed, funded by city of Birmingham

New lighting in Parking Lot

 Jane Hill Head and family unveiled Victoria lilies in the Hill Garden following salon talk by Patrick Nutt of Longwood Gardens  Birmingham City Schools’ Advanced Placement Biology labs launched at The Gardens with 132 students participating. Labs conducted at The Gardens: Photosynthesis, Cellular Respiration, Dissolved Oxygen and Transpiration+

AP Biology lab

Patrick Nutt, Jane Hill Head and the Victoria lilies, Hill Garden

 Grant for $15,000 from Hill Crest Foundation received for Horticultural Therapy Program  Family Fun Day attracted more than 2,500 visitors for free activities

Family Fun Day activities at the Conservatory and Japanese Gardens *Funded in part by the Beeson Charitable Trust


+For more information visit

OCTOBER.07  Leaf & Petal at The Gardens gift shop opened  Ireland Iris Gardens bed renovated for expanded “Southern Rock Gardens” *  Second annual Antiques at The Gardens grossed $453,170; chaired by Cameron Crowe and Kate Phillips  Largest Fall Plant Sale on record grossed $19,895 Kate Phillips & Cameron Crowe

 25% increase in participation in adult continuing education programs+  Calming Climate Change symposium held sponsored by The Gardens, Davey Tree Company and Trees for Alabama+

Fall Plant Sale

 Andrew Krebbs promoted to Director of Marketing & Membership

NOVEMBER.07  Doug and Angela Stockham hosted fall donor gathering for President’s Circle, Garden Sustainer Club and Perennial Society members honoring Garden leaders past & present  Free plants distributed to over 400 members – one of many great benefits of membership

Birmingham Botanical Gardens Library

 $10,000 gift for library collections received from Redmont Neighborhood Association  Poinsettia tree displayed for holiday season


Poinsetta Tree

DECEMBER  Master Plan design team selected and hired: Oasis Design Group and BioHabitats (Baltimore, MD)  Bruno Vegetable Garden produced two tons of fresh produce donated to Magic City Harvest throughout the year  Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon honored 2007 Volunteers of the Year Bruno Vegetable Garden

 Dunn and French families funded Topiary Tempietto conservation and established an endowment for future maintenance  F. Lewter Ferrell, a loyal member since 2000, left a substantial bequest. His largest previous gift to The Gardens was $60 Dunn Formal Rose Garden

 $15,000 bequest received from Ora Lee Hill for rose bed renovations  Three grants totaling $30,000 received for Discovery Field Trips  Library patron visitation increased by 63% and circulation increased by 5% from 2006+  Audrey Ann Wilson retired after 10 years of service as Director of Education  Despite drought, significant plantings were made in Barber Alabama Woodlands, Sonat Lake, Hulsey Woods and Hosta Walk

Audrey Ann Wilson

 1,029 volunteers donated 21,011 hours of their time to The Gardens  Membership households grew by 20% from 2006

*Funded in part by the Beeson Charitable Trust


+For more information visit

enhanCing LiFe WiTh PLanTS…

VoLUnTeerS making The diFFerenCe In 2007, approximately 1,029 volunteers donated 21,011 hours of their time to Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Calculated at $19.51 per hour base rate according to the Independent Sector base rate (IS), our volunteers saved the organization $409,924. The amount of time and talent that they give to The Gardens is immeasurable. The Ida C. Burns Volunteer of the Year recipient, Patricia J. Noble

Mr. Richard M. Adams Mrs. Amy Ager Ms. Kristina Akins Mrs. Melinda Aldag Mrs. Carol Alexander Ms. Olivia Alison Dr. Linda G. Alverson-Eiland Dr. Thomas G. Amason Mrs. Tracey Anderson Mr. William F. Angell Ms. Katherine Ard Mrs. Steva Austill Ms. Madison Averett Mr. Jason Bains Mrs. Kristen Bains Mrs. Marsha Baker Mrs. Stephanie D. Banks Ms. Holly Barclay Mrs. Lindsey R. Barclift Mrs. Ginny Baxley Mrs. Carol Beard Mr. Jordan Beard Mr. Bob Beard Ms. Mary Bell Mrs. Joyce Benjamin Mr. Morris C. Benners Mr. Benjamin Black Ms. Katrina Blades Ms. Virginia Blair Mrs. Betsy Blakely Mr. Van Blankenship Mrs. Mary L. Blankenship Mrs. Kaki Blanton Mrs. Ann Bloodworth Mrs. Anne Bloomer Mrs. Brenda Boggan Mr. Wayne Boldin Mrs. Suzanne Boldin Mrs. Chris Boles Ms. Janet Bonds

Our Educator of the Year, Wayne Bolden

The Gardens’ Plant Person of the Year, Juanita Martinez

Mrs. Peggy Bonfield Mrs. Lucy Book Mrs. Suzanne Boozer Ms. Rosemarie Borman Ms. Mimi Boston Mrs. Glenda Boudreaux Mrs. Adrienne Bourland Mrs. Tierra Bouyer Mrs. Dawn Bowman Mrs. Mary H. Bowman Ms. Caroline Bowness Ms. Catherine Boyd Mrs. Beth Bradley Ms. Frances M. Brandon Mrs. Dianne Brannon Mrs. Jeannie T. Brasfield Ms. Elna R. Brendel Mrs. Laura B. Bright Ms. Betty J. Brown Mr. Ed Brown Dr. Clark C. Browne Mrs. Katherine Browne Mr. Carl Bruner Ms. Marcia C. Bryant Mrs. Kittie Buchanan Ms. Mary Burge Ms. Jackie Burgess Mrs. Sue Burnham Mrs. Debra Burrell Mrs. Camille Butrus Mr. David Callahan Mrs. Lucille Calvert Mrs. Holley Camp Mrs. Cathy Canant Mrs. Joanne Carnes Mrs. Carol Carter Mrs. Carolyn Carter Mrs. Augusta Cash Mrs. Lynn Cassady Mrs. Debbie Castleberry

Ms. Charlene H. Chadband Ms. Marjorie Chan Mrs. Norma F. Chandler Ms. Pinky Chase Mrs. Elizabeth M. Chastain Mrs. Elizabeth T. Chastain Mrs. Lindsey Chitwood Mrs. Alice Church Mrs. Molly P. Clark Ms. Wendy Clark Mrs. Mary Jane N. Cleage Ms. Adrienne Cleveland Mrs. Jeanne Clever Mrs. Bonnie Coggin Mr. Ronald B. Cohen Mrs. Elizabeth Coleman Ms. Susan Colvin Ms. Donna Comer Mrs. Dana Compton Mrs. Deane Cook Mrs. Heidi Core Ms. Pat Cosgrove Mrs. Elsie Cothran Ms. Lana Cox Mrs. Missie Crawford Mrs. Victoria D. Crenshaw Mrs. Cameron Crowe Mrs. Mary H. Crowe Mrs. Becky Crum Mrs. Margie Cuckler Mrs. Cheryl Cullison Ms. Lori Culpepper Mrs. Emily Curran Ms. Carol Currie Mrs. lyndra Daniel Mr. Stewart Dansby Mrs. Caroline Darby Mrs. Kim Dargan Mrs. Anita Dark Mrs. Luci G. Davis


The Gardens Partner of the Year, The Fern Society

Mrs. Lyn Davis Mr. Richard E. Davis Ms. Sandra Davis Ms. Nkele Davis Mr. Harold Deason Mrs. Kathy Dee Mrs. Cathy DeLozier Mr. James P. Deuel Mr. James DeWilde Mrs. Lane Dewine Mrs. Glenda Dicks Mrs. Terri Dimuro Dr. William H. Dodson Mrs. Rebecca Y. Doremus Mrs. Kathleen Doss Ms. Tonya Drake Mrs. Patsy Dreher Ms. Evelyn Drennen Ms. Virginia Drennen Mrs. Elizabeth Drewry Ms. Felicia DuBose Mrs. Tracie Dugas Ms. Deveda Dukes Ms. Ruby N. Duncan Mrs. Glenda Duncan Mr. Michael Dyer Mrs. Kelly Echols Mr. Don Ehrett Ms. Marjorie Elam Mrs. Susan S. Elliott Mrs. Celia Ellis Mr. Robert L. Eskew Ms. Nancy Essig Mr. Oscar Ethridge Mrs. Amanda Fanelli Ms. Mary V. Farrar Mr. Ben J. Faucher Mrs. Bernadine R. Faulkner Dr. Jeanne Favrot Ms. Dawn Ferguson

Mrs. Diane M. Fisher Mrs. Betsy Fleenor Ms. Rebecca Flynn Mr. Orrin Ford Ms. Ernestine French Dr. Gerald M. Fuller Ms. Wynola Fuller Ms. Ann Galbraith Mr. Dale Gann Mrs. Kathryn Garcia Mrs. Jacquelyn Gardner Mrs. Karen Gaspers Mr. Jason Gaston Mr. John Gaston Mrs. Robin B. Geurs Mr. Clark H. Gillespy Ms. Lelie Given Mr. Wilkerson Given Dr. Walter D. Glass Mrs. Elizabeth H. Goettge Mr. Hubert W. Goings, Jr. Ms. Michelle Goley Mrs. Clair Goodhew Ms. Connie Goodier Mrs. Judy Goodwin Mrs. Cleo Kathryn Gorman Mrs. Ryan Graham Mrs. Cecily Graham-Chaney Mrs. Margaret Gregory Mrs. Elizabeth B. Gresham Mrs. Carol Griffin

Mrs. Frances B. Griffin Ms. Maryalys Griffis Mrs. Mira Griffith Ms. Susan Grimes Mrs. Laura Guarr Ms. Melisa Guthrie Ms. Velma L. Guyton Ms. Mari C. Hafner Ms. Carol Hagood Mrs. Louise Hairston Mrs. Susan Hancock Ms. Ashley A. Handley Mrs. Rebecca Hanson Ms. Judy Hard Mrs. Ellen Hardy Mrs. Helen S. Harmon Mrs. Mildred Harper

Ms. Anna M. Harris Ms. Polly Harrison Mrs. Penny Hartline Mrs. Becky Hay Mrs. Rachel Hayes

Mrs. Sandra Haynes Ms. Emily Hays Mr. Richard Healy Ms. Yvette Heath Mrs. Lacey Henderson Ms. Katie Jean Henry Mrs. Linda S. Herren Ms. Judith E. Hicks Mr. Don Hill Ms. Melissa Hill Mrs. Jane Hinds Mrs. Carol Hinshaw Mrs. Dean Hodge Mrs. Pam Holby Ms. Christena Holcombe Mrs. Angie Holder Mrs. Janice Holliday Mrs. Brenda Holloway Ms. Mary S. Hooper Mrs. Frances Hopkins Mr. Andy Hopper Ms. Michelle Hornberger Mr. Warner Hornsby Ms. Suzanne Hovater Mrs. Mary Kathryn Howell Mr. Randy Howell Ms. Victoria Hubert Ms. Sandra Huey Mr. James F. Hughey, Jr. Mrs. Charity Humphrey Mrs. Nona Hurst

Dr. John C. Hurst Ms. Kim Hutchins Mrs. Becky Hutto Mrs. Sybil Ingram Ms. Margi Ingram Ms. Marilyn Ingram Mrs. Cissy Jackson Mrs. Lynn B. Jackson Mr. Russell Jackson Mr. Don C. Jackson Mrs. Karen Jensen Ms. Gwen Johnson Mrs. Sallie Johnson Mr. Ralph Johnston Mrs. Sharon Johnston Mrs. Karen Jones Mr. Carl E. Jones

Mrs. Ann Jones Mrs. Kathy D. Jones Ms. Elise Jones Mrs. Kim Jones Mr. Marlie Joseph

Ms. Laura Jurotich Ms. Eve Justice Mrs. Ann W. Katholi Mrs. Joan Keagy Ms. Nancy Keeble Mr. Joseph Keeton Mr. Rod Kelley Dr. Hughes Kennedy Mrs. Jessie M. Key Ms. Shamsa Khan Mrs. Robin Kidd Mrs. Sheryl Kimerling Mrs. Holly Kitterman Mr. Andrew B. Krebbs Ms. Cece Lacey Dr. Karen Larsen Mrs. Joy Larsen Mr. Kurt Larsen Ms. Caroline Lassiter Ms. Lauren Lassiter Mr. John Latham Mrs. Joyce Lawler Ms. Frances H. Lawlor Ms. Betty V. Lee Mrs. Brandy Lee Mrs. Sallie M. Lee Mrs. Margaret D. Lewis Ms. Karen H. Lewis Ms. Misty M. Lewis Mrs. Leesa Lewis Mrs. Valerie Lightfoot

Ms. Jane Lightning Ms. Sherrill Linder Mrs. Shelley Lindstrom Mrs. Eva Lingo Ms. Becky Lofty Mr. Henry S. Long Ms. Hope Long Mrs. Jowanda S. Lowden Mrs. Sue Ellen Lucas Mrs. Karen Luce Mrs. Cathy Luckie Mr. Alex Lupo Mr. David E. Mackin Mrs. Janelle Madi Dr. Michael E. Malone Mrs. Marcia Mancill Mrs. Lisa Mann

Ms. Kanika Manne Mrs. Desiree Maples Mrs. Tiffany Maring Mrs. Donna Martin Mrs. Jeanon D. Massien


Mrs. Kim Matthews Ms. Laney Maxey Mrs. June Mays Ms. Kim McBride Mrs. Shelly B. McCarty Ms. Cheryl McClain Mrs. Rhonda McClellan Mrs Jennifer McCracken Mrs. Melanie McCraney Ms. Handley McCrory Mrs. Libbo McCullum Mrs. Kellie McDowell Mrs. Erin McElroy Mr. Taylor McElroy Mrs. Harriet McFadden Ms. Jacqueline D. McFarland Ms. Elizabeth McGittigan Ms. Jane McKenzie Mrs. Janet McPherson Mrs. Patsy Medlock Mr. John Meier Mrs. Valerie Mennen Ms. Audrey Menniefield Mrs. Chris Meredith Ms. Wendi Merritt Ms. Jan A. Midgley Mrs. Alabama W. Mills Ms. Anne Modder Ms. Kathy Moll Dr. A. Charles Money Ms. Sandra Moore

Ms. Amy Moore Mrs. Ana Moore Dr. Richard B. Morawetz Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz Mr. Philip Morris Ms. Carrie Morrow Mrs. Tracy Moser Mrs. Heidi Mueninghoff Mrs. Paula Mullins Mrs. Charlotte S. Murdock Mrs. Kristen Muphree Mrs. Nivida Murphy Mr. J. Reese Murray, III Mrs. Susan Nading Mrs. Nancy Nash Mrs. Carolyn Nash Ms. Patty Natter

Mrs. Teresa Neal Ms. Rosemarie Nelson Ms. Mary Lou Newman Mr. Chase Newton Ms. Deanna Nguyen

Ms. Joanne Niden Mrs. Patricia J. Noble Ms. JaNaye Norman Ms. Janisha Norman Ms. Tabathia P. Norman Mrs. Emily C. Norton Mrs. Jean Oakes Mrs. Eva H. Oates Ms. Bonnie O’Bannon Mr. Dale E. O’Connor Mrs. Nora O’Connor Ms. Andrea Offord Ms. Carol Ogle Mrs. Evelyn O’Leary Ms. Donnie G. Olis Ms. Judy O’Quinn Ms. Mitzi K. Owen Mrs. Frances W. Owens Mr. William C. Patterson Ms. Katharine Patton Ms. Emily P. Pendleton Ms. Lea G. Pennington Mr. Glenn E. Peoples Mr. Glenn Peoples, Jr. Ms. Luella Perry

Ms. Laurie Regan Dr. Harry B. Register Ms. Mary A. Reilly Mr. Bruce A. Relihan Mr. Clayton Richard Mrs. Katie W. Richardson Mr. James B. Riddle Mrs. Mary Sue Ridgeway Mrs. Mary Stowe Rigrish Mrs. Leonora Roberson Ms. Janice W. Roberts Ms. Nancy G. Robinson Mrs. Lois O. Robinson Ms. Helen Robinson Mr. Scott Robinson Mrs. Martha Robinson Mrs. Kimberly J. Rogers Mr. David O. Rogers Ms. Cindy Roodhouse-Banach Mrs. Hilary Ross Mr. William T. Rouse Mrs. Madelon Rushing Dr. James M. Rushing Mrs. Angie Saia Mr. Brooks Sanders

Mrs. Jane P. Smith Mr. Jonathan R. Smith Mrs. Katherine M. Smith Mrs. Louise G. Smith Ms. Nicole Smith Mr. Robert H. Smith Mrs. Shirley Smith Ms. Win Smith Mrs. Carolyn Snow Mrs. Sue Solomon Ms. Jennifer Somerset Mr. Alan Stanton Mrs. Sumner Starling Mrs. Joan Starnes Mrs. Mary Steadman Mr. Bruce Steele Ms. Joe Ann Steele Mr. Douglas A. Stockham Ms. Ann Stocking Ms. Mary Stovall Mrs. Mary K. Stringfellow Mrs. Joy Strong Mrs. Phyllis N. Sutton Ms. Marsha Swann Mrs. Sheila Sztanyo

Ms. Abigail P. van Alstyne Mrs. Brenda Vann Mr. Jim Vann Mrs. Evie S. Vare Mrs. Ruth Varnell Dr. Laura K. Vogtle Ms. Rose Wade Mrs. Bette Waiwaiole Mrs. Casie Walker Mr. Scott A. Walton Mr. Bill Walton Mrs. Carol G. Washington Mrs. Hill Weathers Mrs. Jean M. Webb Mrs. Ellen Webster Dr. Jeanna Westmoreland Mr. Bo Whalen Mrs. Charlotte Wheat Mrs. Janet J. White Mr. Ed Whitfield Mrs. Kathy Whitfield Ms. Carla J. Whitley Mrs. Lynda Whitney Mrs. Melanie Widman Mr. Taylor Widman

Mrs. Helen Person Dr. Paul G. Petznick Ms. Jennifer Phillips Mr. Gordon Phillips Mrs. Kate Phillips Ms. Carol Ann Phillips Mrs. Emily Phillips Mrs. Martha Picardy Mr. Maurice F. Picardy Dr. John R. Pierce Ms. Ali Pierce Ms. Erin Pitts Mrs. Gail Pless Mrs. Elizabeth S. Poynor Ms. Elizabeth Pratt Mrs. Carolyn Price Mrs. Sally Price Mrs. Hyacinth K. Prince Mr. Robert Pugh

Mrs. Audrey Sanford Mrs. Kathy Scarritt Mrs. Julia Schlemmer Mrs. Jean G. Schor Mrs. Merle Schukoske Mrs. Colette Scott Ms. Ann Scott Ms. Kenzie Scott Mrs. Cindy Self Mrs. Lee Sewell Ms. Libby Sexton Mrs. Elizabeth Sharman Mrs. Jane Sharp Ms. Janet Sharpe Mrs. Jeanie Sherlock Ms. Jan J. Shultz Mrs. Laura Silsbee Mr. David Silverstein Mrs. Anna B. Sizemore

Ms. Elizabeth Sztul Mr. Robert G. Tate Mrs. Ann Tate Mrs. Donna Taylor Mrs. Janet Taylor Mrs. Rebekah Taylor Ms. Sydney Taylor Mrs. Petty Thomas Mrs. Ann Thomas Mrs. Peggy Thompson Ms. Patricia Thompson Mr. William N. Thurman Mrs. Mary Alice Thurman Mrs. Mary Catherine Tomlinson Ms. Molly F. Trausch Mrs. Ellen Tucker Mrs. Mary J. Tucker Mrs. Elizabeth A. Tulloss Ms. Abby Turnbough

Mrs. Linda Widner Ms. Joyce L. Wiechmann Mrs. Bitsy Williams Ms. Janice H. Williams Mr. Frank Williams Mrs. Laura Williams Mr. Luois J. Willie, III Mrs. Audrey Ann Wilson Ms. Fran Wilson Ms. Madge Wilson Dr. Melisa Wilson Ms. Libba Williams Mrs. Ashley Wimberly Mr. Charles Woodrow Mrs. Linda Woodrow Mrs. Connie Wooley Mrs. Bobbie Wright Ms. Amanda Wright Mrs. Louise A. Wrinkle

Mrs. Stacy Pulliam Mr. Jamie Pursell Mrs. Mary Jo Quintana Ms. Ann Raburn Mrs. Patty Ragsdale Mr. Henry B. Ray, Jr. Mrs. Carol Reddington Mrs. Carol Reese

Mr. Christopher Sizemore Mrs. Diana R. Slaughter Mrs. Ashley Smith Mrs. Beverley H. Smith Ms. Beverly J. Smith Dr. Carol Smith Mrs. Emmie Smith Mrs. Helen C. Smith

Mrs. Shelly Turnbough Ms. Mabel D. Turner Mrs. Heather Turner Ms. Kathy Tyler Ms. Sally Tyler Ms. Chelsea Umbach Mr. Doug Unkenholz Mr. Gopi Upreti


Ms. Leigh Ann Young Ms. Kelly Young Mrs. Maves Youngblood Mr. Dan Ziegenbein Jones Valley Urban Farm Altamont School Key Club Mountain Brook High School Key Club Shades Valley High School Key Club

The Perennial Society honors supporters who remember The Gardens with a planned gift, a bequest or a gift of $10,000 or more to the Endowment Fund.

2007 me

Mrs. Lucille S. Beeson Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown, Sr. D. Joesph and Ida C. Burns Mrs. Martha Stone Cobb Daniel Mr. F. Lewter Ferrell Mr. R. R. Herbst Mrs. Ora Lee Hill Mr. J. Earnest Hill Mr. George L. Jenkins Hugh and Bobbe Kaul Dr. Bodil Lindin-Lamon Mr. Michael E. Malone Ms. Louise T. McAvoy Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz Mr. Philip Morris Mr. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Perley Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Mr. Douglas A. Stockham Dr. Wendall Taylor Anonymous

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Birmingham BoTaniCaL gardenS

The Garden Sustainer Club are the premier donors of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens, giving annual support of $2,500- $20,0000.


Mr. & Mrs. Gene Boles Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown Sr. Ms. Ann Bruno Mr. & Mrs. W. Frank Cobb, III Mr. Stewart M. Dansby Mrs. Claire H. Fairley Mrs. Jane H. Head Mrs. Fay B. Ireland Mrs. Louise D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kimerling Mr. & Mrs. Don Logan Mayer Electric Supply Company, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Northen III Mr. & Mrs. H. Craft O’Neal Mr. & Mrs. William J. Rushton, III Mr. & Mrs. William J. Rushton, IV Southern Progress Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Stockham Mrs. Charles B. Webb, Jr. Mrs. Louise A. Wrinkle Anonymous

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Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Ausbeck Mr. & Mrs. Morris C. Benners, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Houston Blount Ms. Mary Carolyn G. Boothby Mr. & Mrs. Wallace R. Bunn Mr. & Mrs. Russell W. Chambliss Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Clayton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cooney Dr. & Mrs. Derrill Crowe Crown Automobile Company, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. John Cuckler Mrs. Beverley W. Dunn Mr. James M. Fail Mr. & Mrs. J.S.M. French Mr. & Mrs. Hubert W. Goings, Jr. Ms. Glenda Porter Gray Mr. & Mrs. James Grayson Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gresham Mr. Robert D. Hill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Carter S. Kennedy Dr. Erica L. Liebelt


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Mr. Richard M. Adams Mr. & Mrs. William Barclift, III Mr. & Mrs. William H. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. John G. Brock Ms. Susan Colvin Ms. Jeanne L. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Davis Dr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Dillard Mr. & Mrs. George B. Elliott, Sr. Dr. John D. Elmore Mr. & Mrs. Clarke H. Gillespy Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Habeeb Ms. Frances Heidt & Mr. John R. Chiles Dr. & Mrs. Basil Hirschowitz Mr. & Mrs. Ken Horton Ms. Margi Ingram Mr. & Mrs. John D. Johns Mr. & Mrs. Nimrod Long, III

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- $1,000

Mrs. Marilyn Murray Mr. & Mrs. Drayton Nabers, Jr. Dr. James L. Newsome Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III Mr. & Mrs. William C. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor, III Dr. & Mrs. John W. Poynor Jim & Nancy Price Mrs. Minnie H. Rast Mr. & Mrs. William T. Ratliff, III Red Mountain Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. Gene Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Shaia Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Mr. & Mrs. David L. Silverstein Mr. & Mrs. William M. Slaughter Mr. & Mrs. William E. Smith Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Spencer, III Mr. Arnold L. Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Crawford L. Taylor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II Mr. & Mrs. Earl Trafton Mr. & Mrs. Brand Walton

- $500 Mrs. Donie N. Martin Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Morawetz Mrs. & Mr. Teresa Neal Mr. & Mrs. Claude Nielsen Ms. Virginia Patterson Sally & Gene T. Price Ms. Starr Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Deakins F. Rushton Mr. S. D. Smallwood Mrs. Louise G. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Ingram Tynes Mr. & Mrs. Russell H. Vandevelde, III Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. Von Herrmann Judge Scott Vowell & Dr. Cameron M. Vowell Mr. & Mrs. Jack Warner Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Warren Mr. & Mrs. Howard Wise


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- $250

Mrs. John F. Abele Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Adams Mr. & Mrs. Rex Alexander Mr. Frederick L. Ashe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Baker Mr. & Mrs. David Ballard Mrs. Betty R. Bashinsky Mrs. Evelyn Bischoff Mrs. Mary M. Bledsoe Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brockman Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Brooke Mr. Charles G. Bueltman Mr. & Mrs. James Burdette Mr. & Mrs. Ehney A. Camp, III Ms. Alleen Cater & Dr. Lyle A. Hohnke Mrs. Nanci Chazen Dr. & Mrs. Mark Clark Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Cockfield Collier’s Nursery Dr. & Mrs. Merrill Compton, Jr. Ms. Deborah H. Cooney Ms. Pat Cosgrove Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Crum Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Curtin, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Robert David Mrs. Roxana L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. William F. Denson, III Dr. & Mrs. William H. Dodson Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Doody Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Durham Mr. & Mrs. Marc Eason Mrs. Mary B. Elmore Mr. James V. Fairley, Jr. Mr. Joseph M. Farley Mr. & Mrs. Jim Furr Mrs. Chita S. Gaskin Mr. & Mrs. William Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. William T. Graves Mrs. Drue D. Gravlee Mrs. Willis C. Hagan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Harley

Dr. & Mrs. Jimmie H. Harvey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Hinds Mr. & Mrs. William Horton Mr. & Mrs. Clark Huddle Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hughey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hulsey Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ireland, II Mr. George L. Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Johanson III Mr. Norman Kent Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Katholi Mr. & Mrs. James G. Lambert Ms. Pamela Ledbetter Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Lucas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Luckie Ms. Terri D. Lyon Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Malone, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David H. Marbury, III Mr. & Mrs. William V. McAleer Ms. Sara McGivaren Mr. & Mrs. William McGowan Mr. & Mrs. C. Phillip McWane Ms. Eugenia McWilliams Dr. & Mrs. Mark L. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Ira C. Mitchell Ms. Becky Moore Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Morris Mr. Steve P. Morton & Mrs. Elizabeth W. Morton Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Albert S. Naughton Mr. Robert Newton Mr. Hans Paul & Mrs. Lori Oswald Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Perry, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Pless Mr. & Mrs. James W. Rainer, Jr. Mrs. James K.V. Ratliff


Mrs. Mary A. Ratliff Mr. & Mrs. John L. Rhoads Mr. & Mrs. C. Dowd Ritter Mr. & Mrs. John C. Rives Mrs. Dorothy Roach Mr. & Mrs. Higdon Roberts Ms. Janice W. Roberts Dr. & Mrs. Adam Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rooney Dr. & Mrs. James M. Rushing Dr. Merle M. Salter & Dr. Paul P. Salter Dr. & Mrs. Jack Schaeffer Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Shepard Mrs. Carole Simpson Dr. & Mrs. Lamar Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lathrop W. Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Murray W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Roland B. Smith Mr. & Mrs. David M. Smith Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lee J. Styslinger, III Ms. Carol A. Sutfin Mr. & Mrs. William R. Sylvester Dr. & Mrs. Wendell H. Taylor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Thompson Mrs. Barbara D. Thorne Dr. & Mrs. Jack Trigg, Jr. Mrs. Carolyn Tynes & Dr. Bayard S. Tynes Mr. & Mrs. Robin A. Wade, III Mr. & Mrs. C. Lee Walls, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Walton Dr. & Mrs. Robert Wendorf Mr. & Mrs. C. Lawrence Whatley Mr. John G. Wilson & Ms. Brantley Fry Mr. & Mrs. Melvin M. Zivitz

m ag n o L i a Mr. & Mrs. James A. Abele, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James F. Alison, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Bibb Allen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Allen Mr. & Mrs. William F. Angell Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Arnold Rev. & Mrs. John Bagby Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Bainbridge, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Allen Baker Dr. & Mrs. James Barton Ms. Linda S. Bashinsky Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beck Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Becker Mrs. Barbarann Beckett-Gaines Mrs. Ann Bibb Mr. & Mrs. John M. Birmingham Ms. Linda Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. Richard Blackwell Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Bloomer Mrs. Hansell Boehme Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Boldin Mr. & Mrs. George Book Mr. & Mrs. Marc Booth Mr. & Mrs. Charles Boswell, Jr. Mrs. Glenda Boudreaux Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Boulware, III Mr. & Mrs. William M. Bowen, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Merrill Bradley Dr. & Mrs. Ben V. Branscomb Mr. & Mrs. Augustus R. Bray, Jr. Mrs. Betty F. Brice Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Bright Ms. Mary G. Brightwell-Wesley Mrs. Amy A. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Barto L. Brown, III Dr. Loretta G. Brown Ms. Marcia C. Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Butrus Mrs. Betty F. Byars Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Byers Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Byrne Mrs. Trent D. Caddis Dr. Walter S. Cain Mr. Tad Cairns Ms. Karin Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Ehney A. Camp, III Mrs. Helen Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Frank Canterbury, Jr. Mr. Ben Carlisle Mr. & Mrs. Charles Carlisle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Carroll Judge & Mrs. John Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Philip Carroll Mrs. Tammy Carter Mrs. Augusta Cash Mr. Stanley A. & Mrs. Jan K. Cash Dr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Chandler Dr. Deborah Chargois Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Clark Mr. & Mrs. William N. Clark

- $125

Dr. & Mrs. Walter D. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Mike Clarke Ms. Susan Cleage Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Cobb Mr. & Mrs. David L. Coffman Dr. & Mrs. H. Cecil Coghlan Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Cohen Ms. Maureen Conley Mr. & Mrs. Glen Connor Mr. & Mrs. A. Philip Cook, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lee M. Cooper Mrs. Anita Mazer Cord Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cosby Mr. & Mrs. William T. Cothran Mr. & Mrs. John Cowin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Reaves Crabtree Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Crockard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William N. Culp, III Mr. & Mrs. Russell M. Cunningham, III Dr. Anne M. Cusic & Dr. Bruce Cusic Dr. & Mrs. Larry J. Davenport Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Davidson Dr. & Mrs. James A. Davis Dr. & Mrs. Max Davis Mr. & Mrs. James Delk Ms. Dariana Dervis & Mr. Prentiss E. Douthit Dr. & Mrs. Bryan Dewees, III Ms. Susan Dominick Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Dreher Mr. Don Drennen Mrs. Shawn Dunaway Mrs. Carolyn E. Edwards Mr. & Ms. Virgil Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Paul Elkourie Mrs. Ann R. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. David W. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. James H. Emack Mrs. Joyce Engler Dr. & Mrs. Walter B. Evans Mrs. Betsy Faucette Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fauror Mr. & Mrs. E. Q. Faust Dr. & Mrs. Richard Feist Dr. & Mrs. James O. Finney, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Winfield S. Fisher, III Dr. & Mrs. Michael Fleenor Mrs. Margaret L. Fleenor Ms. Jerri Floyd Mr. & Mrs. J. Ross Forman, III Mr. & Mrs. William Foster Mr. & Mrs. David Fowler Ms. Anita Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Fulford Dr. Gerald M. Fuller Mrs. Sam P. Given Mr. & Mrs. Henry Glenn Dr. & Mrs. John D. Glover Mr. & Mrs. Paul Goepfert Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Goettge


Dr. & Mrs. Morton Goldfarb Dr. & Mrs. Allan Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Goodrich Mrs. Betty W. Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. M. James Gorrie Mrs. Cecily Graham-Chaney & Mr. Arthur Chaney Mrs. Barbara S. Grant Mrs. Mary Rose Gray Mr. & Mrs. Hubert M. Green Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Greer Mr. & Mrs. John Grenier Gresham, Smith & Partners Greystone Garden Club Ms. Jan Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Gross Mrs. Jeanette Hancock Dr. & Mrs. William Hansford Mrs. Yvonne J. Hardy Rev. & Mrs. John Harris Harper Dr. & Mrs. R. Rhys Harris, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James I. Harrison, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hartman, III Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hawkins Ms. Yvette Heath Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Hegel Dr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Rest B. Heppenstall Mrs. Linda S. Herren Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hess Dr. & Mrs. Guy M. Hicks, Jr. Mrs. Richard C. Hillhouse Mr. & Mrs. Joel Hillhouse Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hodge Mrs. Jane B. Hodges Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hoffman, Jr. Dr. Cynthia Holmes Mr. Bascom T. Hopson Mr. & Mrs. Greg Horn Ms. Michelle Hornberger Mr. James E. Horton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Howard Dr. & Mrs. Leland Hull, Jr. Ms. Kristin L. Hunt & Mr. Darryl W. Hunt Mr. Dan Hutchson Becky & Bill Hutto Ms. Stacy Hyatt Interiorscapes, Inc. Mrs. Charles W. Ireland Marilyn & Jim Isaminger Dr. & Mrs. James Isobe Dr. & Mrs. David Jackson Ms. Jeanne L. Jackson & Dr. Mark Lester Mrs. Lynn B. Jackson Dr. Susan Jackson Dr. & Mrs. Peter Jander Mr. & Mrs. Elbert S. Jemison, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Ben H. Johnson III

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Johnson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel C. Johnson Mrs. Pep Johnson Mrs. Andy Jones Mr. D. Paul Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Jones Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jones Dr. & Mrs. Jim Kamplain Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kaslow Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Kassouf Dr. Hughes Kennedy Mrs. Mavis Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Key Mr. & Mrs. Kent Keyser Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Kidd Mr. & Mrs. Wayne W. Killion, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kilpatrick Mr. Andrew B. Krebbs Mr. & Mrs. Matt Kreider Mr. Robert A. Kreisberg Walter & Carolyn LaGroue Ms. Ethelwyn Langston Mr. & Mrs. Jerome K. Lanning Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Larsen Mrs. Sandra Lawler Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lee Mr. & Mrs. James C. Lee, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Lee Dr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Lepke Ms. Marilyn M. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Lindstrom, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. S. Robert Lister Ms. Mary Ann S. Lollar Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Long, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Long, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Long Ms. Annie Loo Mr. & Mrs. John T. Lucas Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Luckie, III Mr. & Mrs. D. Bruce MacClary Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Mackin Mrs. Lexa L. Magnus & Dr. Jonathan Waddell Mr. & Mrs. Wade A. Mahlke Mr. & Mrs. John Markus Mrs. Sylvia G. Martin Mrs. Christine E. Mathis Mr. & Mrs. Alan Matthews Dr. & Mrs. George W. Matthews, III Mr. & Mrs. Gerson May Ms. Kim McBride Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. McBride, Jr. Mrs. Ella B. McCain Mrs. Robert McCalley Dr. & Mrs. Charles A. McCallum Mr. & Mrs. Stan McClellan Mr. & Mrs. James McClure Mr. & Mrs. Mark McColl Mrs. Isabel L. McCormack Ms. Carol A. McCoy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGough Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Mclane Mr. & Mrs. Bob McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. David McLeod

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McLeod Ms. Jane H. McPherson Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mills Ms. Elizabeth Anne Modder Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Monk, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth W. Moore Mrs. J. M. Morgan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Chris Muldrow Mr. & Mrs. James E. Mulkin Mrs. Charlotte S. Murdock Mr. & Mrs. Lee B. Murray Mrs. Lisle Nabell Dr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Nading, Jr. Dr. Curt Newell & Dr. Sara Lynn Newell Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Newton Ms. Alison Nichols & Mr. Bill Mudd Mr. & Mrs. Ken Nichols Mr. James Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Leon A. Nolen III Oak Street Garden Shop Ms. Jennifer O’Neil Dr. & Mrs. Steven O’Sheal Mr. & Mrs. Steve D. Palmour Mr. & Mrs. Hap Parker Dr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Peters Mr. & Mrs. Will Phillips, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Irvine Porter Mr. & Mrs. Harlan I. Prater, IV Mr. & Mrs. Goode Price, III Mrs. Donald R. Pritchard Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Pryor Mrs. Alfred P. Pugh, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Conrad W. Rafield, III Mrs. Margaret G. Ragland Dr. Firoz Rahemtulla Dr. & Mrs. Duane Randleman, Jr. Ms. Barbara Ray Mr. & Mrs. L. D. Redden Mrs. Carolyn B. Reed Ms. Susan W. Reeves Dr. & Mrs. Harry B. Register, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. David Roberson Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Roberts Dr. & Mrs. O. Gordon Robinson, Jr. Mrs. Teresa A. Robinson Mr. David Roden Mr. & Mrs. E. Mabry Rogers Mrs. Hilary Ross Mr. & Mrs. Eladio Ruiz De Molina Dr. & Mrs. Charles Russell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Russell Mr. Roger L. Salter Dr. Susan P. Salter & Mr. Steven C. Hydinger Dr. Carole Samuelson & Dr. Paul Samuelson Mr. & Mrs. William Sandlin Sarah’s Flowers Dr. & Mrs. Howard Schiele John & Suzan Scholl Mr. Don Selby Mr. & Mrs. Inge Selden


Mr. & Mrs. Jim Shepherd, Jr. Mr. Jeff Shimizu & Mr. Lamar Jeffries Mr. Richard Shoemaker & Ms. Irene Blalock Mr. William M. Silsbee Mr. & Mrs. A. Wendall Simmons Ms. M. Ann Skipper Dr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Slamen Dr. David Slobodin & Ms. Jane Fant Mr. & Mrs. Fred Smiley Mr. & Mrs. John D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smithwick Mr. Sperry Snow Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. South Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sprague Ms. Glo Spruill Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Stanley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Stancil Starnes Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Steele Mr. & Mrs. John L. Steele Ms. Janet L. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Still Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stitt Mr. & Mrs. E.L. Stringfellow Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tate Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Taylor, Jr. Dr. Robert E. Taylor Ms. Margaret A. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Thomasson Mr. & Mrs. James A. Thompson Ron D. Thrasher & Lisa F. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. George N. Tobia Mr. & Mrs. John H. Truitt Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tunstall Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Vevle Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Vitalis Mr. & Mrs. Tom Walker Mr. Elbert S. Walker Dr. & Mrs. James C. Walker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William W. Walker, III Mr. & Mrs. Lee Walthall Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Ware Mr. & Ms. Robert Waudby Dr. & Mrs. Peter Weinheimer Dr. Paul C. Weir & Mrs. Amanda Adams Mr. & Mrs. George F. Wheelock, III Ms. Lucile White Ms. Marjorie L. White Ms. Mary Lee White Ms. Holly Whitmire Dr. & Mrs. James R. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Williams Mr. & Mrs. Clyde E. Wills Mrs. Louis H. Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Kevin S. Windsor Ms. Christin Wingo Mr. & Mrs. Richard Womack Mrs. Harriett Wright Dr. Gloria Dixon & Mr. Charles Yarborough Mrs. Margaret Young Dr. & Mrs. George L. Zorn, Jr.

h Y d r a n g e a Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Abell Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Abernethy Mr. & Mrs. Guy Able, Jr. Mr. Ray Abrams Mrs. Betty Jo Adams Mr. & Mrs. Carl Adams, Jr. Ms. Terry P. Adams Ms. Marie Agee Mrs. Margaret Ahearn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Aland Mr. & Mrs. Ed Aldag Mr. & Mrs. Ken Alderman Mr. & Mrs. Blake Alexander Mrs. Maria A. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. James F. Alison III Mr. Paul S. Allan Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Allen Mr. & Mrs. L. Murray Alley Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Allsbrook Ms. Sallie S. Aman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Amborski Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Anderson Ms. Maxine Anderson Mr. Thomas W. Anderson & Ms. Shirley H. Yoshida Ms. Alicia Andrews Ms. Elizabeth Anthony Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Appleton Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Arrington Mr. & Mrs. Leon Ashford Ms. Marcie Atkinson Ms. Sherry Atkinson Dr. & Mrs. Alvin L. Atlas Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Atwood Mrs. John W. Ault, Jr. Mr. Chris Autrey Mrs. Katherine Avant Dr. Jack M. Averett, Jr. Ms. Jeanne Averhart Mr. & Mrs. Rick Azrin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Babanats Drs. Kurt & Laura Bachmann Mr. Nathan Baggett Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Bailey Dr. & Mrs. Martin T. Bailey Dr. & Mrs. William C. Bailey Ms. Anita S. Baker Mr. & Mrs. John R. Baker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Baker Ms. Susan Baker Dr. & Mrs. Gene V. Ball Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Banks Mr. & Mrs. John Barelare Mr. & Mrs. William R. Barners, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John G. Barnett Mr. & Mrs. James P. Barnhart Mrs. Virginia Barr Ms. Jan R. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Major Bashinsky Ms. Melanie Bass Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bates

- $60

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Baxley Dr. Jospeh B. Beaird, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Beaird Dr. & Mrs. Stuart K. Bean Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Bearden Mrs. Charlotte Beaube Mr. & Mrs. John L. Beauchamp Mr. & Mrs. Murray Beck Mr. & Mrs. Jack Becker Mr. & Mrs. T.A. Beckham Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Belden, III Mr. & Mrs. Martin Bell Bellsouth Corporation The Matching Gift Center Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Benigno Dr. & Mrs. Austen L. Bennett, III Mr. & Mrs. Lee Benson Ms. Ann Benton Ms. Sarah Benton & Mr. Louis Baxley Mr. Milan D. Bera Jr. Ms. Rosann Bergeron Dr. & Mrs. Neal R. Berte Ms. Susan Bethea Mrs. Ruthann Betz-Essinger Mr. & Mrs. James O. Bevelle Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Adrian Bewley Mr. & Mrs. Bryan L. Biddy Mr. & Mrs. Donald Birdwell Ms. Donna Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Archie Bisset, III Mr. & Mrs. Dylan Black Mr. & Mrs. Brody Black Mr. & Mrs. William S. Blackerby, Jr. BlackJack Gardens, Inc. Mrs. Jenny Blackmon Mrs. Lula Rose Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. J. William Blair Mr. & Mrs. Ollie Blan, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Kirby Bland Mrs. Dalton Blankenship Mr. & Mrs. Van Blankenship Mrs. Patricia H. Blinn Mrs. Kathie Bloom Mr. Elizabeth Blum & Mr. Erik Angner Mr. & Mrs. David K. Boger Mrs. Brenda Boggan Dr. James Bonner Mr. & Mrs. Lewis H. Booker, Jr. Mr. A. J. Borgini Ms. Nancy Borland Mrs. Kathryn Boswell Mr. & Mrs. Ted Boswell Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Bouchet Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Bouchillon Mr. & Mrs. Craig Boudreaux Dr. Samuel Bowen & Dr. Kathleen Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bowness Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Boyd Mrs. Dorothy D. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Bracer


Mr. Alan Perlis & Mrs. Elizabeth Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Joe Brady, Jr. Ms. Sybil Brannon Ms. Emily G. Brasher Ms. Elna R. Brendel Ms. Mary T. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. David A. Bright Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Brinkley Dr. Sandra C. Broeren Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Bromberg Mr. & Mrs. Tom J. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Percy Brower, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Barry C. Brown Mrs. Bertice Brown Mr. & Mrs. Billy Brown Ms. Myra Brown Mrs. Patty Brown Mr. Timothy Brown Dr. & Mrs. Clark C. Browne Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Browning Mr. Carl Bruner Mrs. Betty Bryce Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bugg Mr. & Mrs. Andy Bunn Mr. & Mrs. Dean Burgess Mr. & Mrs. Bill J. Burnham Mr. & Mrs. H. Denson Burnum, Jr. Mrs. Samuel Burr Mr. & Mrs. John Burton, Jr.

Ms. Hana Burwinkle Ms. Anna Bush Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Butler Mrs. Linda Butler Mr. & Mrs. Greg Butrus Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Caceres Ms. Marie D. Cain Ms. Cathy Caldwell Mrs. Margaret Caley Mrs. Julie Calhoun Mrs. Juliet Calvin Mr. & Mrs. David Camp Mr. & Mrs. William L. Camp Mr. & Mrs. Doug Campagna

Mrs. Carolyn K. Campbell Mrs. Nancy Canada Dr. & Mrs. Harold Cannon Mr. & Mrs. Keith Cantley Dr. & Mrs. James E. Cantrell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cantrell Ms. Leslie Carlisle Mrs. Donie M. Carlson Dr. & Mrs. Erskine Carmichael Mr. & Mrs. John D. Carney, III Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Carruthers, III Mr. & Mrs. Bill Carter Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Carter Mr. T. Chris Carter Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Casey Mrs. Joseph Casey Ms. Janet Cash Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Cassimus Mr. Shawn Castle Mrs. Debbie Castleberry Dr. & Mrs. J. Denis Catalano Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cather Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James W. Cauthen Mrs. Jane H. Chace Dr. & Ms. Robert B. Chadband Mrs. Linda Champlin Ms. Lisa Channer Mr. & Mrs. Van Chaplin Ms. Cheryl Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Larry Chapman Ms. Ann Chappell Mr. & Mrs. Allan J. Chappelle Mr. & Mrs. David C. Charlton Mr. & Mrs. Vitaly Charny Ms. Valene Childers Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Chitwood Mr. & Mrs. A. P. Christenson Dr. & Mrs. Craig Christopher

Ms. Cecil Clark Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Corvin Clark Mr. & Mrs. David M. Clark Mr. Gregg Clark Mrs. Lena A. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Tom Clark Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Clarkson Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Clayton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Clements

Dr. Bernice Coar-Sterling & Mr. Michael Sterling Mr. & Mrs. Trotter Cobb Ms. Martha M. Cobb Mr. & Mrs. Archie Cobbs Mrs. Harriet Cochrane Mrs. Sherrell F. Cochrane Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Cohen Ms. Tammy Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Cohn Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cole Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cole, Jr. Mr. Marty B. Cole Mrs. William Cole Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Colvin, III Mr. & Mrs. Alton L. Comans Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul Compton Mr. & Mrs. Bud Conaway Mrs. Jean Condrey Ms. Rebecca Conner Ms. Janice Conway Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Cooke Ms. Andrea Cooper Mrs. Ashley Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cooper Mr. Carter G. Cooper Ms. Julia Boaz Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Todd Cooper Mr. & Mrs. N. Lee Cooper Ms. Jennifer Cope Ms. Lindsey Correria Ms. Paula C. Cosper Dr. & Mrs. William Costenbader Dr. & Mrs. H. Brooks Cotten Mr. & Mrs. Keith Covington Ms. Miriam Cowan Mr. & Mrs. James P. Cowin Mr. & Mrs. Charley Cox Ms. Lana Cox Mrs. Mollie W. Cox Mrs. Renee Cox Ms. Jennie Craft Ms. Elodie Craig Mr. & Mrs. John K. Craig Mr. & Mrs. R. N. Craig Dr. Myra Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Roy J. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Robert Crook Mr. Robert Crossmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Crowder Ms. Barbara Crowe Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Crowe Ms. Mary Kay Culpepper & Mr. Cullen Clark Mr. & Mrs. Andy Cunningham Dr. & Mrs. Jeffery B. Cutler Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Cybulsky Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dale Mrs. Dianne Daly Mr. & Mrs. Ken Damsgard Mrs. Judy Daniel Mr. & Mrs. George Daniels Dr. & Mrs. Charles Dasher Ms. Susan E. Davenport Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Davies, Jr.


Mr. Christopher Davis Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Davis Mrs. Lyn Davis Mr. & Mrs. Mark Davis Ms. Paige M. Davis Mrs. Susanna Davis Mrs. Virginia Davis Mr. & Mrs. J. Frank Day, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert de Buys Ms. Linda De Marco Mr. & Mrs. Joseph De Sciose Mrs. Sandra S. Dean Mrs. Judith M. Deegan Mr. & Mrs. Barry DeLozier Mr. & Mrs. Charles Denaburg Mr. & Mrs. Enc Denenberg Mr. & Mrs. Mike Denniston Dr. & Mrs. Jack D. Denver Mr. & Mrs. Wade Desmond Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Dewees IV Mr. & Mrs. James DeWilde Mrs. Patricia Dice Mrs. Barbara Dickinson Ms. Eva Dillard Mrs. Natalie Dillard Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DiPiazza Ms. Sis Dixon Mr. & Mrs. C. T. Dodge Mr. & Mrs. Don C. Dodson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dolan Mrs. Anna Donald Mrs. Rebecca A. Donaldson Mr. & Mrs. Todd Dorlon Mrs. John E. Dorsett Ms. Dorothy Drake Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Drennen Dr. & Mrs. L. Aubrey Drewry Ms. Felicia DuBose Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Dunbar, Jr. Mrs. Glenda Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Ray Dunn Dr. & Mrs. John R. Durant Mr. & Mrs. Toby Dykes Dr. & Mrs. John T. Eagan Mr. & Mrs. George S. Eastwood II Ms. Jo Ann Eberlein & Mr. Mark Widener Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Edmiston Ms. Karen Edwards Mrs. Joyce Edwards-Johnson Dr. & Mrs. George V. Eisenhart Mr. & Mrs. George B. Elliott, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wayland Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Ellis Ms. Linda Emerson Dr. & Mrs. Bonner Engelhardt Mrs. Gayle England Mr. & Mrs. Lee England Ms. Kathy English Mr. & Mrs. David Ennis Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Erdreich, Jr. Mr. Sam Erwin Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Esdale Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Eskew Ms. Andrea Estevez

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Eubanks Mr. & Mrs. Parker Evans Mr. & Mrs. Craig Ey Sandi Falkenhagen Mr. & Mrs. Frank Farish Ms. Mary V. Farrar Mr. & Mrs. D. Lawrence Faulkner Dr. Rosemary H. Faust Mrs. Nancy J. Ferrell Ms. Alberta Fields Mr. & Mrs. Alvin V. Filer Mr. Marlon Files Ms. Barbara Finch Dr. & Mrs. Robert N. Finchum Dr. Edwin Fineberg & Dr. Naomi S. Fineberg Mr. & Mrs. Joe M. Finkel Ms. Susan Finley Ms. Kathleen Finucane Ms. Karen Fitzpatrick Dr. & Mrs. Keith Fleisher Rhonda Fleisig Mr. & Mrs. John Fleming Mrs. Lucia Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. James E. Flournoy Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wayne Flowers, Jr. Ms. Rebecca Flynn Mrs. John Forney Mrs. Anne Forschler-Tarrasch Mr. & Mrs. Ren Fortier Mrs. Anita Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fox Mr. & Mrs. D.N. Franklin, III Mrs. Deborah Franks Mrs. Robert Fraser Mr. & Mrs. Todd Fredella Mrs. Maye Frei Mr. & Mrs. William French, III Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Friend, III Mr. & Mrs. Bruno F. Fritschi Mrs. Carolyn Frohsin Ms. Lyn Froning & Mr. Michael Froning Mr. & Mrs. James Frost Mrs. Linda Frye Dr. Ronna Fulton & Mr. James Nietfeld Mrs. Betty J. Funderburg Mrs. Teresa Funderburg Ms. Claire Ann Furlong Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gaffney Mr. & Mrs. Jospeh G. Gamble Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gamble Mr. & Mrs. John W. Gant, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Garner Mr. & Mrs. James Garrison Mr. & Mrs. Maury Gaston Dr. & Mrs. Jack C. Geer Dr. Mia Geisinger Mr. & Mrs. Earl George Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Gerald Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Germann Mrs. Ann P. Gervin

Dr. & Mrs. Nico C. Geurs Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gewin Mr. & Mrs. Hollis N. Gieger, Jr. Mrs. Karen Gilbert Mr. Ron Giles Mrs. Virginia Gillenwater Dr. & Mrs. G. Y. Gillespie Mr. & Mrs. James M. Gillespy, III Mr. & Mrs. Sharp Gillespy, IV Ms. Becky Gillis Mrs. Lalie Given Dr. & Mrs. R. David Glasgow Dr. & Mrs. Walter D. Glass Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Glaze Mr. & Mrs. Tony A. Glover Mr. & Mrs. John H. Goff, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Vann Goodner, Jr. Dr. Robert P. Goolsby & Dr. Rupa Goolsby Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gragg Mr. & Mrs. Mike Graham Mr. & Mrs. W. Alec Grant Mr. & Mrs. William M. Graves Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gray III Ms. Susan Gray Mr. & Mrs. Mac B. Greaves Mr. & Mrs. Greg Greaves Ms. Marilyn P. Greely Ms. Jan C. Greer Dr. & Mrs. Fred L. Griffin Ms. Rhonda Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Griffith Mr. & Mrs. Micheal W. Griggs Ms. Susan Grimes Mrs. Linda Grinnell Mr. & Mrs. James E. Grisham Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Grover Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Grumley Ms. Rehana Gubin

Ms. Virginia Gurley Dr. & Mrs. Juan F. Gutierrez Mr. & Mrs. Fred Habeeb Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hackney, M.D. Ms. Amy Haga & Mr. James Jackson Ms. Carol Hagood Mr. & Mrs. William Hains Mr. John B. Halbert, Jr. Mrs. Carol Haley Ms. Patricia R. Hall


Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Hambaugh Ms. Shirley A. Hamilton Dr. Leon Hamrick The Honorable & Mrs. James H. Hancock, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Hannigan Mr. & Mrs. William Hannigan Mr. & Mrs. Victor H. Hanson, III Mrs. Beth Hardwick Mr. & Mrs. Andy Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Mike Harfield Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Harmon Ms. Valerie Harper Ms. Anna M. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Wyatt R. Haskell Mr. & Mrs. J. Carroll Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Ron R. Hathcock Mrs. Terri Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hay Ms. Linda Hayes Dr. Terry Bierd & Mr. Ben F. Hayley Ms. Nancy C. Hayley Mr. & Mrs. Calvin C. Haynes Ms. Shirley Haynesworth Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hays, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James W. Heacock, Jr. Ms. Sally Headley Ms. Margaret Heal Mrs. Edna B. Heard Mrs. Alice Heath Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd L. Hefner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Helfand Mr. & Mrs. Colin Helman Ms. Alice Helms Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. Helzberg Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hempstead Mr. Dennis Henderson Mrs. Lacey Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Hendrix Mr. & Mrs. Danny Herrin Mr. & Mrs. M. Stan Herring Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Herzig Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hesse Mr. & Mrs. James Hewitt Mrs. Becky Hickel Mr. & Mrs. William M. Hiden Mr. Boyce Higgins Mr. & Mrs. W. Price Hightower, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hill Ms. Lida I. Hill Ms. Madge Hill Sidwell Ms. Rebecca Hiller Ms. Margaret Hillhouse Mr. Logan Hinkle Dr. Kathryn Hoar Dr. & Mrs. John B. Hodo Mr. & Mrs. Felix Hoke Mr. & Mrs. Pete Holby Mr. & Mrs. Allen Holder Mr. & Mrs. William D. Holder Ms. Valerie W. Holley Mr. & Mrs. Mayo Holloway, Jr. Mrs. Mona Holmes Dr. & Mrs. John Holt Mrs. Mary L. Holt Dr. & Mrs. Michael Holt

Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Hon Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hoover Mr. & Mrs. William Horne, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John S. Hornsby Mr. & Mrs. James Horton Mrs. Kay House Ms. Kaye Houser Mr. & Mrs. Charles Houston Mrs. Katherine Houston Ms. Suzanne Hovater Mr. & Mrs. David Hubbard Angela Huckaby Dr. & Mrs. Phillip Huckaby Dr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Huddle Mr. Dave Hudson Dr. & Mrs. P. R. Hug Dr. & Mrs. William Huggins Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Hulsey Ms. Teri Hunt Dr. & Mrs. John C. Hurst, Jr. Mrs. Cynthia Hyatt Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Ideker Mrs. Bernice B. Ingram Mr. Eric Sanders & Ms. Gina Ingram Ms. Jane Ingram Mr. & Mrs. J. Fred Ingram Mr. & Mrs. Jason Ingrum Integrity Landscapes Ms. Kevin Irwin Dr. Edward Abraham & Mrs. Norma-May Isakow Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Isom Mr. & Mrs. David Israel Mr. & Mrs. Ben Ivey Jackson Mrs. Betty Jackson Ms. Ginger Jackson Mr. Larry Jackson Nancy Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Jackson, III Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Jackson Drs. James C. Jacobi & Dodi C. Jacobi Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Jacobs Mr. Michael Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. James Mr. & Mrs. Fob James III Mr. & Mrs. Terrence F. James Dr. & Mrs. Thomas N. James Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Janowski Ms. Nancy Jennings Mr. Richard Jett Mr. & Mrs. W. Richard Johns Mrs. Cathy Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Dale Johnson Dr. & Mrs. James C. Johnson Ms. Margaret W. Johnson Mrs. Sybil Johnson Ms. Jean F. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. James M. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Jones Mr. & Mrs. Haskins Jones Mr. & Mrs. C. Guy Jones Mrs. Elizabeth W. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Guy Jones

Mr. & Mrs. Hank Jones Mr. & Mrs. Joe Jones Dr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Jones Ms. Lisa Jones Mrs. Marcus Jones, Jr. Mr. Melvin Jones Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Jones Ms. Lynn Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Louis Josof Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Judd Mrs. Jane Judd Drs. Gerald D. Karcher & Gina Karcher Ms. Ginny Karle & Mr. Lou Bridges Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Karpeles, Jr. Ms. Elaine Kassouf Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Keel Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Keeney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Keeton Mrs. Blythe Keith Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Pat Kelly Mr. & Mrs. James E. Kemp Mr. & Mrs. Whit Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Kennedy Dr. & Mrs. William H. Kessler Mrs. Ruby C. Key Dr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Key Mr. & Mrs. B. E. Kidd, III Mr. & Mrs. Murray Kidd Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kiell Ms. Jane Killian Mr. & Mrs. Hong Kim Mr. & Mrs. John H. Kimberly Mr. & Mrs. James King, Jr. Mrs. Patricia King Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Kinner Ms. Carol Kirkpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kissel, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brett Kitterman Dr. & Mrs. Martin Klinger Ms. Martha Knight Mrs. Elizabeth Kohn Mr. & Mrs. David Koncsol Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Krebbs Ms. Mary H. Krebs Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kreider Mr. Jack Krueger Mr. & Mrs. William G. Krueger Mrs. Dorothy G. Krusen Lagniappe Designs Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Lambert Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Lamkin Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Land The Honorable Larry Langford Mr. & Mrs. George Langley Mr. & Mrs. Paul Latham Mr. & Mrs. John Latham Mr. amd Mrs. Michael Laus Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Lavender Mr. Randall D. Law & Ms. Hannah K. Wolfson Mr. & Mrs. Cheney Lawler Ms. Frances H. Lawlor Mrs. Anne Laws Mr. & Mrs. William Leath


Mrs. Susan S. Lebold Mr. Malcolm Lebron Ms. Joy Ledvina Mr. David Lee & Dr. Mari Bonnin Ms. Laura Lee

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Lee Mr. & Mrs. William A. Lell Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lemons Mr. & Mrs. Drayton H. Lester Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Lewis Mrs. Eva Lingo Mrs. Jean A. Linney Mr. & Mrs. Gary Litzinger Mr. & Mrs. James A. Livingston, III Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lockhart Mrs. Kathy Logue Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. London Mrs. Sandra Lonergan Dr. & Mrs. Calvin L. Long Ms. Hope Long Mr. & Mrs. James H. Lott, Jr. Mr. Fred Love Mr. & Mrs. James R. Lowery Ms. Dawn Lucas Mrs. Suzanne Lucas Mr. & Mrs. William R. Lucas, Jr. Mrs. Dianne H. Luketic Ms. Donna M. Lummus Mr. & Mrs. C. Matthew Lusco Mr. & Mrs. Adam Lyberopoulos Mr. Henry S. Lynn, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John M. Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Shelby Mackey Mr. & Mrs. David E. Mackin Mrs. Connie Maddox Ms. Cynthia Malloy Dr. & Mrs. Michael E. Malone Dr. & Mrs. John A. Maloof, Jr. Mr. Mike Manary Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mancill Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Manley Mr. & Mrs. Merrrill Mann Ms. Maryann Manning Mrs. John A. Mantle Mrs. S. Hassel Marcus, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Martin Mrs. Suzanne Markel Dr. & Dr. Laili Markert Ms. Audrey Marschinke Mr. & Mrs. David Marshall Mr. & Mrs. John H. Martin Ms. Cynthia Martin Mr. & Mrs. Jack Martin Mr. & Mrs. Gene E. Martin Mr. & Mrs. William F. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Martin Ms. Sylvia Martin Mr. T. John Martin Mrs. Wendy Martin Dr. & Mrs. Manuel Martinez Mr. David Massey Bill & Melinda Mathews Ms. Donna F. Matthews, O.D. Mr. & Mrs. Coke S. Matthews III Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Mauro Mrs. Virginia R. May Mr. & Mrs. George F. Maynard Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mayne Mrs. Rebecca R. McCaghren Mrs. Amy McCain Mr. Rodney C. McCoy Dr. & Mrs. Walter C. McCoy Mr. & Mrs. John McCrory Mrs. Dorothy H. McCue Mrs. Linda P. McCullough Ms. Dorothy McDaniel Mr. & Mrs. John M. McDowell Mrs. Erin McElroy & Mr. Taylor McElroy Ms. Jeannine McElroy Ms. Michel McEwen Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. McFadden Ms. Jacqueline D. McFarland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGahey Mr. & Mrs. Charles McGehee Mr. & Mrs. Terry McGill Mr. Steve McGuire Ms. Virginia McKenzie Ms. Omeira McKinley Ms. Leah McKinney Ms. Ruth A. McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. George D.H. McMillan III Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McMurray Mr. & Mrs. William McNally Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. McNutt Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. McPhillips Mr. & Mrs. Hobart A. McWhorter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Meier Ms. Sandra Melof Mr. & Mrs. Chris Melson Dr. & Mrs. Farrell O. Mendelsohn Mr. & Mrs. Donald Y. Menendez Mr. & Mrs. Ken L. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Michalove Ms. Jan A. Midgley & Mr. Dean Clark Mr. & Mrs. Howard Miles Mrs. Edwin Miller Mr. & Mrs. Joe Miller Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Miller Mrs. Sandra Miller

Mrs. Suzanne Milligan Dr. & Mrs. Billy R. Mills Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. David Mobley Mr. & Mrs. Dan Modak Dr. & Mrs. Jason Moellinger Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mollengarden Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Molliston Mr. & Mrs. James J. Monaghan Mrs. Jeanne Monk Ms. Suzanne Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Whit J. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. M.E. Moor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William T. Moor Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Moore Mrs. Barbara H. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Fred Moore, Jr. Mrs. Kristy Moore Mrs. Dorothy A. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. J. Perry Morgan Mr. & Mrs. John Morgan Mr. & Mrs. William S. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morrisey Dr. & Mrs. Constantine Morros Mrs. Betty Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Randall H. Morrow Ms. Sylvion Moss Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Mouron Dr. & Mrs. Leonard M. Mueninghoff Mr. & Mrs. Joel Mulkin Mr. & Mrs. Mike Mullen Mrs. Jane Mullins Mrs. Dana F. Murdock Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Murphy Ms. Shannon Murphy Dr. Charles Murray J. Reese Murray Family Mr. & Mrs. David Nash Mr. & Mrs. John T. Natter Mr. & Mrs. Britton Neal Mr. & Mrs. Phil H. Neal, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Nelson Mr. Kevin NeSmith Mr. & Mrs. Tim Ness

Mr. & Mrs. Bert Nettles Mrs. Joan M. Newell Ms. Mary A. Newell Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Newsome Mr. & Mrs. Alex Newton


Mr. & Mrs. Jim Nichols Dr. Patricia Nix Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Noe Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Nomberg Ms. Germaine Norman Mr. & Mrs. Bill Nunnally Mrs. Jennifer Nunnelley Dr. & Mrs. Albert Oberman Dr. & Mrs. Paul Obert Mr. John O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Odrezin Ms. Peggy Ogilvie Mrs. Evelyn O’Leary Ms. Donnie G. Olis Ms. Linda Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Oliver Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Olson, M.D. Ms. Pam Orth Mr. & Mrs. Brad Osborne Dr. & Mrs. Lamar S. Osment Mr. & Mrs. James R. Overstreet Dr. & Mrs. W. Crawford Owen, Jr. Mrs. Catherine K. Owens Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Owens Mrs. Jean W. Owens Mr. & Mrs. Danny Owens Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Owens Mrs. Ruth B. Ozment Dr. & Mrs. Kent G. Palcanis Mr. Andre Paquette Mr. James V. Park & Mrs. Katherine Durkee Councilor Maxine H. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Doug Parker Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Leighton C. Parnell, III Mr. James E. Parrish Dr. & Mrs. Corey Passman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pastor Mrs. Becky Pate Ms. Kay H. Pate Mr. Finley C. Patton Ms. Jowane Patton Mrs. Elizabeth Paulter Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paxton Mr. & Mrs. Larry Payne Mr. & Mrs. John Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Adam K. Peck Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Pendleton Ms. Lea G. Pennington Mr. Glenn E. Peoples, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Perry Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Perry, Jr. Ms. Dorothy M. Perry Mrs. Janet V. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Tunstall B. Perry, III Mr. & Ms. Charles E. Person Mr. & Mrs. Greg Peterson Dr. Brian R. Pettie Ms. Frances Petway Dr. & Mrs. Paul G. Petznick Mrs. Tracy Pharo Mr. & Mrs. Clell Phillips

Mr. & Mrs. David P. Phillips Mrs. Donna B. Phillips Dr. & Mrs. John R. Phillips, III Mr. & Mrs. David Philpot Mr. & Mrs. Maurice F. Picardy Ms. Gloria Pickens Mr. & Mrs. S. Mallory Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Carlton P. Pinkerton

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Pittman Ms. Erin Pitts Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Piver Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Poellnitz, III Mr. & Mrs. Peter Poerschke Sheila Poinsett Ms. Laura D. Pointer Mr. & Mrs. James M. Pool Mr. & Mrs. Steve Porter Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Porterfield, Jr. Ms. Julee Potter Mr. Jason Powell Mr. & Mrs. William A. Powell, Jr. Ms. Susan Pretnar Mr. & Mrs. Hunter J. Price, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William S. Pritchard, Jr. Mrs. Belle Prosser Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pugh Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Pulliam Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Quintana Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Radecke Ms. Millie Radney Mr. & Mrs. Erskine Ramsay, II Mrs. Jackie Ramsey Mr. W. Hunter Randa Mr. & Mrs. Franklin C. Randall Mr. & Mrs. John Randolph Mr. & Mrs. Burton Rasco Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Reagan Mr. & Mrs. Sam Reames Mrs. Carol Reddington Mrs. Carol Reese Mr. & Mrs. David M. Reese Ms. Stephanie Reese Mr. & Mrs. Harry Reich Mr. Robert Reiche & Mrs. Ellen J. Schmidt Ms. Ruth Reichwein Mrs. Geo. D. Reid & Ms. Grace Reid Mrs. Jo Ann Reilly

Mr. & Mrs. Rollise Reisner Ms. Betty Taylor Renneker Dr. & Mrs. Courtenay Renneker Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Braxton Reno Ms. Adrienne Retief & Mr. Hank Cason Mr. & Mrs. William E. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. L. B. Richardson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tal Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Doug Rickels Mr. & Mrs. James B. Riddle Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Ridling Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Riley Mrs. Carol Ringland Mrs. Leone Risman Dr. & Mrs. Ferris J. Ritchey Mr. & Mrs. Bob Rives Mr. & Mrs. Joe Rives Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn Rives Mr. & Mrs. Roy Rizzo Mr. & Mrs. Peter Robertson Mrs. Laura Robertson Dr. & Mrs. G. Steven Robinson Mr. & Mrs. John M. Robinson Ms. Mary Roebuck Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Rollins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Romp Dr. Vasha Rosenblum & Dr. William M. Rosenblum Mrs. Martha A. Ross Ross Land Design Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rossmann Dr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Rostand Mr. & Mrs. James Rotenstreich Ms. Christiana D. Roussel Ms. Kathy Rowe Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rowe Mrs. Gina Rowe Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Rubin Mr. & Mrs. John B. Rudulph, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rushing Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Russell, Jr. Ms. Jennifer Russo Mrs. Goodloe Rutland Lane Rutledge Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Rutsky Dr. & Mrs. Dayton Sadler Mr. & Mrs. Scott Salter Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sanford Michael Sansbury Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sansom Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Sarris Mr. & Mrs. Charles Saunders Ms. Barbara Saurer & Mr. Brad White Mr. & Mrs. John D. Saxon Ms. Leah F. Scalise Mrs. Eugenia Schanbacher Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Schilleci Mr. & Mrs. Bob Schleusner Ms. Betty Schopfer Mr. Brian Scott Mr. & Mrs. Rudulph N. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Max Scroggins Ms. Tammy Searcy Mrs. & Mr. Liz Seidel Mrs. Margaret Semmes


Dr. & Mrs. Harold Settle Mrs. Gretchen Sexton Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Shackelford Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Shaia Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Shannon Dr. & Mrs. R. Waid Shelton, Jr. Ms. Catherine J. Shepherd Mr. Stephen N. Shepherd Mrs. Lou Ann Sherling Dr. & Mrs. Robert Sherrill Mrs. Adina Shmidman Ms. Teresa Shotts Dr. & Mrs. Earle H. Shugerman Mr. & Mrs. Perry G. Shuttlesworth Dr. & Mrs. Alan Siegal Ms. Susan Silvernail Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Clay Simmons Ms. Barbara Simpson Mrs. Sandra S. Simpson Ms. Jessie R. Sims Mr. & Mrs. James Sims Mrs. Bonnie T. Sirmans Mrs. Maureen Sirna Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sisson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sizemore Dr. & Mrs. Donald H. Slappey, Sr. Mrs. Willard Sloshberg Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Smith Mr. Bill Smith Mrs. Caroline Smith Mrs. Catherine P. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stewart T. Smith Mr. & Mrs. David Smith Ms. Diane M Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joey Smith Mr. Jonathan R. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jay Smith Mr. & Mrs. Mark Smith Ms. Mignon C. Smith Ms. Nicole Smith Mr. & Mrs. Peter Smith Dr. & Mrs. Richard F. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Steve Smith Mr. & Mrs. Carl Smyly Mr. Ted Snow Dr. W. D. Sockwell & Ms. Deborah J. Long Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Sokol Mrs. Carol O. Sommers Dr. Hughes Evans & Dr. Eric Sorscher Mr. & Mrs. Billy W. Spain Mr. & Mrs. Larry Spangler Mr. & Mrs. Neal J. Spangler Mr. & Mrs. Bert Spence Ms. Amelia Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Spencer Mr. & Mrs. James Sporacio Mrs. Brenda N. Stacey Ms. Rebecca Stafford Miss Anne Lanier Stanfield Ms. Martha Starr Mary Frances Stayton

Mrs. Mary Steadman Ms. Joe Ann Steele & Vincent Steele Dr. Shirley Steele Ms. Joan Stelling Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. David Stewart Ms. Mary S. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Stichweh Mr. & Mrs. Jim StJohn Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Stockham Dr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Stokely Mrs. Barbara Stone Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Stone Ms. Paige M. Stonicher Dr. & Dr. William P. Stowe Mr. & Mrs. Robert Straka Mr. Calvin C. Crowder & Dr. Martha Strange Mr. & Mrs. Michael Straus Ms. Donessa Strickland Mr. & Mrs. James H. Strickland Dr. & Mrs. John P. Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Strong Ms. Rosemary Strouss Mr. & Mrs. John M. Strozier Mr. & Mrs. Cle Studdard Mr. Ashby Sugg Mrs. Carole Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. James F. Sulzby, III Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Summerford Mr. & Mrs. Bob J. Summerlin Mr. & Mrs. Lee Summerlin Mrs. Betty J. Susina Mrs. Judith K. Suttle Mrs. Phyllis N. Sutton Ms. Fran Swain Sweet Peas Garden Shop Ms. Christina Tabereaux Mr. & Mrs. John Taliaferro Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Tate Mrs. Arabella Tatum Mr. & Mrs. Brooks E. Taylor Mrs. Rhonda Teal Mr. & Mrs. Bill Tevendale Dr. & Mrs. David L. Tharpe Ms. Amanda Thomas Mrs. Petty Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Thomas Thomas Kinkade Gallery Mrs. Betty B. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. James L. Thompson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. George Thompson Dr. Martha Thompson & Mr. Richard Thompson Ms. Teresa Thompson Ms. Jean C. Thornton Mr. & Mrs. Brian Timares Mr. Steve Todd & Mr. Ben Henry Mr. Lakey Tolbert Ms. Linda F. Tompkins Mr. & Mrs. Howard Torch Dr. & Mrs. I. J. Tortorici Mrs. Jane G. Trechsel Ms. Becky Trigg

Mr. & Mrs. Ron Trolard Ms. Margaret Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Jim Tulloss Ms. Karen F. Tully Dr. & Mrs. Scott Tully Mr. & Mrs. Andy Tunnell Mr. & Mrs. Ben Turnage Mr. Kevin Turner

Ms. Mabel D. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Bayard S. Tynes, Jr. Ms. Marcia G. Unger Mr. & Mrs. Gopi Upreti Dr. & Mrs. Marshall Urist Mrs. Kandace VanWanderham Mr. & Mrs. Alex Vare Dr. & Mrs. Will Varnell Dr. Robert E. Varner & Dr. Pam Varner Mrs. Libba Vaughan Dr. Loy Vaughan & Dr. Suzanne Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Vaughan Ms. Glyniss A. Vaughn Ms. Karen Vest Mr. & Mrs. Jim Vinson Mr. & Mrs. Laurence D. Vinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Vlach Dr. Beverly Von Der Pool & Dr. Phillip Smith Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Waddelow Dr. Ann E. Wade Mr. & Mrs. Brian Wade Mr. & Mrs. Richard Waguespack Mr. & Mrs. William B. Wahlheim Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Waldrop Mrs. Annella Waldrup Mr. Jim Waligora Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Walker Ms. Susan Walker & Ms. Carol E. Cowley Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Waller Mr. Kennon Walthall Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Walthaw, Jr. Ms. Nicky Walton


Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Walton Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ward Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Warren, Sr. Mrs. Marian Washburn Mr. & Mrs. Jim Watkins Mrs. Louise Watkins Mrs. Warner S. Watkins, Jr. Ms. Sarah B. Watson Dr. & Mrs. William B. Weber Mr. & Mrs. Warren E. Weed Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds D. Whatley Mr. & Mrs. J. Emory Wheat Mrs. Mary Wheless Mr. Johnny White Ms. Kitty C. White & Mr. Tryg Hoff Mr. & Mrs. Chris White Dr. John S. Whitehead Dr. & Mrs. John Wideman Mr. & Mrs. Carol & Herb Wilbanks Mr. & Mrs. C. Melborn Wilcox Ms. Salley Wilkerson Mrs. Elliott T. Williams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Williams Mr. & Mrs. Chris J. Williams Mr. & Mrs. David T. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Harold Williams Mr. & Mrs. Iva B. Williams Mr. James Williams Mr. Steven Hodges & Ms. Janice H. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Courtland Williams Mrs. Maxine Williams Mrs. Netagene A. Williams Mrs. Reba Williams Mr. & Mrs. Martin C. Williams Mrs. Wayne Williamson Ms. Lynn Wilmoth Mr. & Mrs. James Wilson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Wilson Ms. Pamela G. WinďŹ eld Mrs. W. W. Winfree, Jr. Mrs. Frances V. Wiygul Mr. John Wolery & Ms. Janet Taylor Ms. Shirley Wood Dr. & Mrs. William C. Woodall, III Mr. & Mrs. Paul Woodall Mr. & Mrs. Charles Woodrow III Mr. & Mrs. James H. Woodson Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Worthen Ms. Stacey Wright Mr. Jeffrey Wurst Ms. Linda F. Xia Mr. & Mrs. Dusty Yates Mrs. Bess O. Yeilding Mr. & Mrs. Harold Yoder Mr. & Mrs. Mel York Ivey & Peter Young Ms. Mandy Young Mr. & Mrs. Charles Youngson Mr. George J. Zary Mr. Alan K. Zeigler Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ziegler Mrs. Louise Zimmer

T r i L L i U m Ms. Azilee M. Adams

Ms. Jenny Adams Ms. Marshanne Adams Mrs. Sue Adams Mr. & Mrs. L.R. Addison Mr. & Mrs. Eugene E. Addor Ms. Barbara H. Adkins Ms. Margaret Agee Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ager Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. Aldridge, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Chris Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Allen Ms. Nancy A. Allen Mrs. Pamela Alling Ms. Carolyn Allison Mr. & Mrs. Jack S. Allison Mrs. Joyce Allred Mr. & Mrs. Michael Alosi Mr. & Mrs. Todd Anderson Dr. Margot E. Andison Mr. J.R. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. George Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Arello, Sr. Ms. Carol Argo Mrs. Carole Armistead Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ash Mrs. India Askew Ms. Linda C. Askey Mr. & Mrs. James Ausley Mr. & Mrs. Will Axon Ms. Carolyn J. Bailey Mrs. Vicki L. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Baird Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Baker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. C. Bingham Ballard, III Mr. & Mrs. Larry Barkey Mr. & Mrs. F. Holden Barnett Mrs. Sarah Baselici Mrs. Becky Bashinsky Ms. Emily Bashinsky Mr. & Mrs. Robin Bashinsky Mrs. Richard G. Bastar, Jr. Mrs. Carol Battersby Mrs. Pat Beacham Mrs. & Mr. Carol Beard Ms. Linda Bearden Ms. Marna Bearden Ms. Shirley Beaube Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Beaubien Ms. Jo Ann Beck Ms. Nancy Beeler Mr. John C. Besse Mrs. Louise L. Bethune Mr. & Mrs. Peyton D. Bibb, Jr. Ms. Margery S. Birdsong Mrs. Connie Bishop Dr. & Mrs. William M. Bishop Mrs. Suzan Bishop Ms. Katrina Blades Mrs. Allison Bland Ms. Donna Blanks

- $45 Ms. Tracy A. Blevins Dr. & Mrs. Marc Bloomston Mrs. Margaret Blount Mr. & Ms. Wayne Bodine Mr. & Mrs. Chris Boehm Ms. Cheryl Boessow Ms. Mindy M. Boggs Mr. & Ms. John Bolland Ms. Rebecca Booker Mr. Bill Borgini Ms. Mimi Boston Ms. Julie Boteler Ms. Mary E. Bowling Mr. & Mrs. Philip Bowman Mrs. Mary H. Bowman Mrs. Jeri Boyd Mrs. Lane Brackin Mrs. Heather C. Bradley Ms. Annette Brady Mr. & Mrs. Bill Braman Mrs. Shasta L. Brander Ms. Frances M. Brandon Mr. & Mrs. Mike Brannon Ms. Genie Brannon Mrs. Jeannie T. BrasďŹ eld Mr. & Mrs. Sam L. Brent Mrs. Bartlett G. Bretz Mr. & Mrs. John H. Brewer Miss Lela Anne Brewer Mrs. Sue L. Brewis Mrs. Marion C. Breyer Ms. Melissa Brisendine Mr. & Mrs. Stratton H. Brock Dr. & Mrs. Edward Bromberg Ms. Edith Broughton Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Broughton Mr. E. T. Brown, Jr. Ms. Kathryn Brown Ms. Mary Virginia Brown Mrs. & Mr. Alison Bruhn Mrs. Jean Bryan Ms. Vivian A. Bryson Dr. Grace Buettner Mrs. Susan Bunn Mrs. Debra Burrell Ms. LaRue Burt Mrs. James J. Bushnell Mrs. Carol H. Butler Dr. & Mrs. Steve Bynon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callahan Mr. Timothy Callahan Mr. Chris Callies Ms. Helen M. Camp Mrs. Mary Alice Campbell Ms. Michelle Cardel Mrs. Anne G. Carey Mrs. Joanne Carnes Mr. & Mrs. John A. Carr Dr. & Mrs. Britton Carter Mr. & Mrs. John T. Carter Ms. Virginia Carter Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Cash


Ms. Renee A. Casillas Mr. & Ms. K P Caskey Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cater Mrs. W. Yvette Cauthens Ms. Anne Chace Mrs. Norma F. Chandler Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Mrs. Laura Chapman Ms. Leigh Charkowski Mr. & Mrs. Rusty Chastain Mr. & Mrs. Ben B. Chastain Mr. & Mrs. Joe Chesnut Mr. David Christy Mrs. Dorothy Clark Dr. & Mrs. Orville W. Clayton Mr. & Mrs. Brad Cleage Ms. Gloria Clemmensen Mrs. Michael Clemmer Mrs. Taylor Clemmer Mr. & Mrs. Don Clever Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Cleverdon Mrs. Judith M. Cloe Mr. & Mrs. Tim Cobb Mrs. Karin W. Cobb Dr. & Mrs. John G. Cocoris Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coggin Mrs. Mildred Cohn Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Cohn Mr. & Mrs. James O. Cole, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William E. Coleman, III Mrs. Elizabeth Coleman Dr. Maude D. Collier Mr. & Mrs. Coffee Colvin Mr. & Mrs. Ed Colvin Ms. Patricia Comer & Mr. Kent Upshaw Conservation Alabama Mrs. Bess Constantine Ms. Rita Constantine Ms. Linda Coogan Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cook Ms. Marilyn K. Cook Ms. Sheila Cook Mrs. Rhonda Cooper Ms. Dianna M. Costanza Dr. Laura Cotlin Mrs. Margaret Covington Mrs. Sarah Cowart Mrs. Anna Cox Ms. Sahra S. Coxe Mr. & Mrs. Martin Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Homer E. Croasmun, Jr. Mr. John A. Cross Mrs. Robert Crumbaugh, Jr. Ms. Jenny Crump Ms. Carole C. Cudd Mr. W. D. Cunningham Mrs. Shirley E. Cunninhgam Ms. Carol Currie Mr. Richard Cusick Mrs. Margaret Dangler Ms. Monica Danna Mr. & Mrs. Richard Darden

Mrs. Anita Dark Mr. & Mrs. John P. Darnall Ms. Carol J. Dashiff Mr. & Mrs. Gene Davenport Mrs. Jacqueline David Mr. Jon Davis Ms. Margaret Davis Mrs. Phyllis Davis Ms. Rhonda Davis Mr. Tim Davis Ms. Annette Dean Dr. David DeAtkine & Dr. Ann DeAtkine Dr. Eleanor DelBene Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dendy Ms. Joan E. Denman Dr. & Mrs. J. Carter Denton Mrs. Suzanne Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Tim Dillard Mrs. Mary I. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Albert DiMicco Ms. Beth Dixon Ms. JanieMac Dixon Mr. David E. Doggett Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Dooley Mrs. Rebecca Y. Doremus Mrs. Jane D. Dorn Mr. & Mrs. Lee Douty Ms. Eulalie J. Draper Mr. & Mrs. George Dreher Mrs. Rachel K. Drennen Mrs. Christine E. Drew Mr. & Mrs. Michael Drummond Ms. Annette H. Drummonds Ms. Ruby N. Duncan Ms. Geraldine P. Dunham Ms. Lynn Dunn Mrs. Marjory E. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Wayne F. Durlacher Mrs. Amy Eagleson-Adkins Early Bird Violet Club Ms. Terri Earnest Mr. George Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Don Ehrett Ms. Jessica Ellenburg Ms. Dede Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Elliot, II Mrs. Clifford Emond Ms. Joanne Englebert Mrs. Jan Ennis Mrs. Marian Epstein Ms. Nancy Essig Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Evans Ms. Lisa Fagan Mr. & Mrs. Sam Faires Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Farris Mr. & Mrs. William G. Faulkner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Feagin Mrs. Regina Featheringill Mr. & Mrs. William Featheringill Ms. Dawn Ferguson Mr. Ian Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Dan Fickes Mrs. Jeri Finchum Ms. Jackie Fitts

Mrs. Rosalie Fitzmorris Ms. Janice Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Ron Flowers Mr. Michael D. Floyd Mr. Ray Floyd Ms. Jennifer Ford Mrs. Peggy Bonfield & Mr. Orrin Ford Mr. Michael Foreman Ms. Jo Foster Mr. Wade Fountian & Mrs. Bonnie Fountian Ms. Rachel S. Fowler Mrs. Joann Fox Ms. Rita Freeman Ms. Vicki French Mrs. Margaret Frentz Ms. Wyteria Frizzell Mrs. JoAnne Gaede Mr. & Mrs. Hugh S. Gainer Ms. Ann Galbraith Mrs. Sissy Galloway Ms. Sarah Galtelli Mrs. Isabeth Gannon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gardner Ms. Shirley Garland Ms. Dianne E. Garman Ms. Valerie Gartseff Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Gaskin, III Mr. Jason Gaston Ms. Jessica Germany Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Giattina Mrs. Johnie Gieger Mrs. Iris Gilbert Mrs. Diane Gilbert-Gay Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Gilliam Mr. & Mrs. Sam Gillis Mrs. C. William Gladden, Jr. Ms. Marcia Gladstone Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Glaub Ms. Eliizabeth Glennon Ms. Elizabeth E. Godwin Ms. Nell V. Goff Ms. Carleton Goforth Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Goings Mr. & Mrs. Aloysius Golden Ms. Kimberly Golden Mrs. Victor Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Goldstein Ms. Ami Goodnough Mr. & Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. Scotty Gordon Dr. & Mrs. John S. Gould Ms. Debbie Graves Mrs. Arlene Gray Mr. T. Randolph Gray, Sr. Mr. Eddie Greenhalgh Mr. & Mrs. Mike Greenlee Mr. Fields Greer Ms. Celia A. Griffin Ms. Geraldine Griffin Mr. Ronnie Griffin Mr. Wheaton Griffin Ms. Rebecca R. Griffith Ms. Anne Grimes Ms. Catherine Gross Ms. Sally Gross


Ms. Janis Grove Ms. Irene T. Grubbs Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Grund Ms. Velma L. Guyton Dr. Ward Haarbauer Mrs. Barbara Hagedorn Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Hager Ms. Madeline H. Haikala Dr. & Mrs. Jack D. Hain Mrs. Louise Hairston Mrs. Roula Hakim Ms. Tracy Hale Ms. Alicia Hall Mrs. Carol L. Hall Miss Mitzie Hall Dr. & Mrs. William T. Hall Mrs. Joan H. Hamilton Ms. Kelly Hammond Ms. Mary Jo Hamre Ms. Mary F. Hancock Mr. Greg Harber Mr. & Mrs. Rob Hardin Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Harper Ms. Nancy Harper Mrs. Donna Harris Ms. Esker Harrison Dr. & Mrs. Griff Harsh Ms. Ginny Hart Mr. Tom Hart Mrs. Julia Harwell Ms. Kathryn F. Harwell Mrs. Lisa Hasen Mr. & Mrs. David S. Hassinger Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Hatmaker Mrs. Linda Hawkins Mrs. Patricia Hawkins Ms. Jeremy B. Hayden Ms. Wendy Hayes Mrs. Sandra Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Hays Mr. & Mrs. William B. Hays Ms. Paulette Haywood Mrs. Caroline M. Head Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Healey Mrs. Betty Healey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Healy Mr. & Mrs. Garland W. Heare Mrs. Margaret Heath Ms. Christine Heckemeyer Mrs. Beth Heimburger Ms. Mary L. Hendricks Mr. Efren Hernandez Mr. Charles Herrold Mrs. Emil C. Hess Dr. & Mrs. Julius N. Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Craig Higgins Mr. & Mrs. D.E. Hinshaw Ms. Carol A. Hobby Mr. & Mrs. William Hodges Mr. Edwin B. Hodges Mr. & Dr. Gregory R. Hodges Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Holcombe Mrs. Janice Holliday Ms. Nanaline Holt Ms. Sandra Holtzclaw Mrs. Brenda Hood

Mrs. Mary Hooks Mrs. Margariette Hoomes Ms. Mary S. Hooper Mr. Andy Hopper Ms. Ellen Hopping Mrs. Sarah Housh Ms. Debbie Howell Mr. & Mrs. John H. Howell Ms. Wynelle F. Howell Mrs. Rita Hudson Ms. Susan Huff Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hughes Ms. Debbie Hughett Mr. & Mrs. J. Terry Humber Ms. Aileen S. Hunt Ms. Edith Hunt Gayle Hurley Ms. Nancy M. Hurst Ms. Karen D. Hutchinson Dr. Jeanne S. Hutchison Ms. Louise Hutner Ms. Dolores Hydock Mr. & Mrs. Richard Igou Ms. Jackie Ingram Mrs. Lynn Ireland Ms. Mitzi Ireland Ms. Karen Phillips Irons Ms. Lila Isakow Mr. & Mrs. Don C. Jackson Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Jaffe Ms. Teresa Jang Mr. & Mrs. Benn Johnson Mr. Gerald Johnson Mrs. Jeanie Johnson Mrs. Jerry N. Johnson Mrs. Lawrence F. Johnson Mrs. Mary N. Johnson Mrs. Melanie M. Johnson Mrs. Nita D. Johnson Ms. Patricia Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Roger Johnson Mrs. Mary Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Terry Johnston Mrs. William L. Jones Mrs. Jenelle Jones Ms. Leigh A. Jones Mrs. Martha L. Jones Mrs. Linda Joseph Mrs. Jennifer Joyce Ms. Eve Justice Mrs. Susan H. Justice Ms. Betty H. Kao Mrs. Georgia Kearney Mr. John Keeling Ms. Kathryn Keith Mrs. Peggy Keith Mr. & Mrs. Leland Keller Mrs. Laree Kennedy Mrs. Jill Kent Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keydoszius Dr. Cheryl Killingsworth & Mr. James McMinn Mr. & Mrs. Chris Kimble Mrs. Beverly Kimes Mrs. Kim Kinder Ms. Charlotte King

Mr. & Mrs. David Kinman Mr. Irvin C. Kinney, Jr. Mrs. Belinda Klau Mrs. Roberta Kleinstein Mrs. Marion Kling Ms. Dorothea A. Klip Ms. Loni A. Koch Dr. & Mrs. Robert Koehler Ms. Marci A. Kreisberg Ms. Patricia R. Kren Mr. & Mrs. Sachiko Kubo Mrs. Jane W. Lamar Mrs. Mary Louis Lamkin Mr. & Mrs. James R. Land Mrs. Patricia Landry Ms. Joyce W. Lane Mr. & Mrs. Luther B. Lanier Mrs. Monro B. Lanier II Randolph & Lou Lanier Dr. Karen Larsen Mrs. Mary Lyn LaRussa Ms. Nena C. Lavas Ms. Pat Lawler Mrs. Lauren Lawson Mrs. Cathy Layne Mr. & Mrs. Mark Leader Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Leaver Ms. Denise Lecroy Mrs. Gail Ledbetter Mrs. Jean Lee Mr. & Mrs. Bill Legg Ms. Judy Lehmann Dr. & Mrs. F. Robert Lehmeyer Mrs. Gayle Leitman Mr. & Mrs. Mike Levering Mr. Edward R. Levin Dr. & Mrs. Robert Levin Mrs. Samuel S. Levine Mrs. Jane Levy Ms. Eileen Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Warren Lightfoot, Sr. Mrs. Jane Limehouse Mr. & Mrs. Joe Link Mr. Douglas Little & Mr. Tim Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Richard Littrell Ms. Joanna Liverant Mrs. James A. A. Livingston Ms. Janet Livingston Lockerbie Garden Club Mrs. Lucy Loflin Ms. Becky Lofty Mrs. Pat Lofty Dr. & Mrs. C. W. Lokey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James D. Long Mr. Don B. Long & Dr. Marianna Long Ms. Patricia L. Lovett Mr. John W. Lovin Ms. Elena Lovoy & Mr. Jerry Bearden Mrs. Evelyn Lucas Ms. Gail Lucas Ms. Kim Lucas Ms. Carolyn L. Lueken Mrs. Mila A. Luketic Mrs. Virginia H. Lusk Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lutterbie Mrs. Barbara C. Lynch


Mr. & Mrs. Terence P. Lyons Ms. Barbara E. MacLeod Mrs. Dixie Macneil Ms. Tonnia C. Maddox Mr. & Mrs. William C. Madison Mrs. Joy Magruder Ms. Jacqueline Major Ms. Joy Mancuso Ms. Katherine Mange Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Markstein, III Ms. Cindy Martin Ms. Cecile L. Mason Mrs. Mary Louise Mason Mrs. Nancy C. Mason Ms. Nancy M. Mason Mrs. Rebecca Mason Mrs. Tammy Massey Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Massien Mrs. Cindy Matthews Mrs. Shelley Matthews Mrs. Luverne Mattil Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. James May Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mazer Mrs. Donna R. McAllister Ms. Karen McCaffery Mrs. Kay B. McCarty Mr. Jim McClintock Ms. Sarah C. McClure Col. Earl C. McCrary Ms. Jennye McCreary Ms. Bess McCrory Ms. Lynn McCurdy Mrs. Charlotte McDavid Mr. & Mrs. William McDonald Mrs. Myranda McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Gene McElroy Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. McElroy Mr. Jeff McGee Ms. Alison McGiffin Mr. & Mrs. Warner McGowin Mr. & Mrs. Philip I. McGrath Mrs. Alice J. McGriff Mrs. JoAnn McJunkin Ms. Jane McKenzie Ms. Deborah McLain Mr. Colin McLean Miss Virginia McLean Dr. Edith S. McMillan Ms. Sarah K. McNeill Ms. Sara A. McVay Mr. & Mrs. A. Stephen Meadows Ms. Julie Meadows Mr. & Mrs. Charles Meads Mr. & Mrs. Fred Medley Mrs. Patsy Medlock Ms. Carmen Medrano Ms. Elisa Mejia Mr. & Mrs. Henry Mellen, III Ms. Elizabeth Meredith Ms. Jennifer Meredith Mrs. E.J. Meriwether Mrs. Evelyn Merrick Mrs. Nell S. Metz Dr. Gordon L. Miles Ms. Betty Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Bud Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jesse E. Miller Ms. Patricia Miller Mr. Edward F. Minner Ms. Kay Moates Dr. & Mrs. Gary D. Monheit Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Monroe, III Mrs. Laura R. Montgomery Mr. Donald P. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moore Ms. Jean B. Morris Mrs. Natasha Morris Ms. Sylvia Morton Mr. Henry Mosley, Jr. Dr. Susan G. Motes Ms. Jessica Motte Ms. Marcia Mouron Ms. Sally O. Stinson - UAB REACT Team Mr. & Mrs. J.T. Murfee, IV Mrs. Grace Murphy Ms. Harriett P. Murphy Mrs. Marian Murphy Mrs. Bonnie Murray Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nash Ms. Patty Natter Mr. & Mrs. Britton Neal Ms. Rosemarie Nelson Toni Tien Neumeier Ms. Mary Lou Newman Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Newman Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Nicastro Mr. William Nicholas Mrs. Lucy Ann Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Nipp Mr. & Mrs. Dean Nix Ms. Natalie Nixon Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Norman Ms. Brenda Oakley Ms. Bonnie O’Bannon Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Brien Ms. Linda O’Bryant Mrs. Terry Oden Ms. Carol Ogle Ms. Georgia G. Olgetree Mrs. Sondra S. Olmsted Dr. Emily Omura & Dr. George Omura Ms. Beth O’Neal Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Orr, Jr. Mrs. Susan Orr Ms. Verna Orr Ms. Marie Osbun Mrs. Dinah O’Sullivan Mrs. Carol G. Otts Mr. & Mrs. James Outland Mrs. Ethel N. Owen Ms. Mitzi K. Owen Mr. & Mrs. Joe Owings Mrs. Marjorie C. Paden Mr. & Mrs. G. Ruffner Page Mrs. Patricia Palmer Ms. Ernestine G. Pappas Ms. Beverly Parker Mrs. Judy Parker Mrs. Sandra Parker Ms. Anne Parrish Mrs. Gail Parrish Ms. Kimberly Parrish Ms. Margaret H. Parsons

Ms. Janna Paslay Ms. Sarah Pass Ms. Mary T. Pate Ms. Charlotte T. Patton Ms. Debbie Patton Mrs. Karon Patton Ms. Pam Paustian Mrs. Margaret P. Payne Mr. & Mrs. Kent D. Pearson Ms. Luella Perry Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Perry Mr. & Mrs. Russell Perry Mr. & Mrs. Gene Persall Mrs. Alice Petro Ms. Martha Pezrow Mrs. Louis H. Pfau Mrs. Elizabeth W. Phillips Ms. Jennifer Phillips Mr. Robert S. Phyfer Terry Pickett Ms. Ann S. Pierce Ms. JoAnn Pillion Ms. Cynthia Pinger Mr. & Mrs. S.B. Pinkerton Mrs. Judy Pinson Ms. Theresa Pinto Ms. Elizabeth Pipkin Ms. Jade Pippenger Mrs. Sharon Pitts Ms. Bonnie D. Plyler Mrs. Michael H. Poe Mrs. Lana Polk Ms. Melanie Pollard Ms. Laura Pollio Ms. Margaret Ponce de Leon Mr. & Mrs. Jim Poore Ms. Pam Porterfield Dr. & Mrs. Arlie A. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Powell Mr. & Mrs. Tom Powell Ms. Brenda Prater Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Price, III Mrs. Sue Pritchard Ms. Judith Proctor Mrs. Edith F. Pruett & Ms. Gloice Pruett Mrs. Sandra Pugh Ms. Sandra K. Purvis Ms. Louisa Pyle Mrs. James S. Quarles Ms. Fran Quarles Mrs. Sidney E. Quarles Ms. Julie Quick Mrs. Ralph W. Quinn, Jr. Mr. Michael F. Raczynski Mrs. Elizabeth Ratliff Mrs. Bruce A. Rawls Mrs. Jerry A. Ray Mr. & Mrs. T. Andy Rector Ms. Katherine Reed Ms. Lisa Reed Mr. & Ms. Jim Regan Mr. & Mrs. Alan Register Mr. Bruce A. Relihan Dr. & Mrs. J. Walden Retan Dr. Zachrida Retief Mr. Wallace Reynolds Ms. Jean Rhone Mr. & Mrs. Don Rice


Mr. Clayton Richard Mrs. Morgan Richardson Ms. Phyllis Rickart Mrs. Betsy Rietz Ms. Ellen R. Riley Mrs. Paige Y. Ritchey Mr. & Mrs. Tim Ritchie Dr. & Mrs. David Roberts, IV Ms. Debbie Roberts Mrs. Pat Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Roberts Ms. Kelly Robins Ms. Carolyn Robinson Mrs. Mel Robinson Ms. Nancy G. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Rockett Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rogers Ms. Margaret S. Rogers Ms. Rachel Rogers Mrs. Mary Rooney Mr. & Mrs. Porter Rooney Mr. John Roper Mrs. Sara M. Roseman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Roth Dr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Rousso Ms. Ansley Rowell Miss Kathy Rozendale Mr. & Mrs. Irving L. Rubel Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Rushton Mr. & Mrs. David N. Ryan Mr. Bradley D. Rye Mrs. Alana Salter Mrs. Buford Sanders Mrs. Carolyn Sankey Mr. & Mrs. Gary Sasnett Dr. & Mrs. Leslie Satchivi Mrs. Mary Ellen Saxon Ms. Aleta Schanbacher Ms. Catherine Fontaine Schiller Dr. Kim Schmitt Ms. Karen Schmoll Bev & Bill Schoel Mrs. Henry Schoppert Mr. John Schoppert, Jr. Ms. Ann Scott Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Scott Mr. Richard A. Scott Mrs. Sarah W. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Scott Mr. & Mrs. John A. Screws Ms. Virginia Scruggs Mrs. Kathleen Scudder Ms. Marquita Sebastian Dr. & Mrs. James Sedlis Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Seibels, Jr. Ms. Cheri Sell Ms. Malin Selman Ms. Jennifer Shackelford Mrs. Theresa W. Shafer Mrs. Jan Shannon Ms. Martha Shannonhouse Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sharpe Ms. Janet Sharpe Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Sharps Ms. Anne Shaughnessy Mrs. Margaret Shaw Ms. Jennifer Shelor Ms. Dale Sherer

Ms. Linda Sherk Mrs. Paschal G. Shook Mrs. Elna Shugerman & Family Ms. Jan J. Shultz Mrs. Sarah Sides Ms. Susie Sikes Ms. Josi Silla Ms. Teresa J. Simmons Mrs. Alcy Simonetti Ms. Sara R. Sistrunk Mr. & Mrs. Morris Slingluff Mr. & Mrs. A. Page Sloss, Jr. Ms. Donna Slovensky Ms. Julia Smeds Roth Ms. Beverly B. Smith Ms. Beverly J. Smith Dr. Carol Smith Ms. Charlotte Smith Ms. Donna Smith Ms. Dotti Smith Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Smith Mr. & Mrs. J. Arthur Smith Mr. James A. Smith Ms. Jenny L. Smith Ms. Kim Smith Mrs. Peter G. Smith Ms. Penny D. Smith Mrs. Robert T. Smith Mr. Wade Smith Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Snow Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Snow Mrs. Martha C. Snow Mr. Edward Sobenes Mr. Melvin Sokol Mrs. Sue Solomon Mrs. Teresa G. Soto Mrs. Florence Spalding Mrs. Melinda Sparks Mr. & Mrs. J. Elliotte Speake Ms. Mary Lou Speake Ms. Janet C. Spear Dr. Paul Spence Ms. Donna J. Spencer Mr. & Mrs. James V. Spencer, III Mrs. Clifford M. Spencer Mr. & Mrs. James Spiers Mr. & Mrs. John H. Stack Dr. & Mrs. Philip Stalker, M.D. Ms. Dorothy Stancill Ms. Nola Stans Mr. Alan Stanton Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus Steed, Jr. Ms. Donna Steele Mrs. Mary S. Steiner Ms. Cheryl Stephens Mrs. Nancy Stevens Ms. Martha Ann Stevenson Ms. Beth Stewart Mr. John M. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Stobert, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stockham Mr. Richard J. Stockham, Jr. Mrs. Martha Stokes Stoney Ridge Garden Club

Ms. Amanda Storie Mr. & Mrs. Richard Storm Mrs. Deborah K. Strauss Mrs. Jane Street Mr. & Mrs. Don Stueckler Mrs. Evelyn Stutts Ms. Barbara Sullivan Mrs. Margaret Summersell Mr. Greg Swanson Mr. Edward Swanzy, Jr. Ms. Melissa Talbert Mr. & Mrs. David Tanner Mr. & Mrs. E. Lindsey Tauxe Mrs. Larry Taylor Mrs. Muriel Teague Mr. & Mrs. Bob Terry Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Thagard Mrs. Anne S. Thomas Ms. Carol T. Thomas Ms. Joan J. Thomas Mrs. H. O. Thomas, Jr. Mrs. Judith F. Thomason Ms. Patricia Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Keith Thomson Ms. Theresa L. Thrasher Mrs. Virginia R. Thrasher Mr. & Mrs. William N. Thurman, III Mrs. Frances Tieszen Mrs. Helen V. Titus Ms. Cheryl Todd Ms. Anne Townsend Ms. Lynn Townsend Mrs. Judy Trant Mrs. F. Roy Treaster Ms. Peggy Trechsel Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Tropeano Ms. Diane Troupe Mr. Mark Hobson & Dr. Diane Tucker Mrs. Ellen Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tuggle Mr. Jason Turner Mrs. Arnold Unger Mr. Doug Unkenholz Mrs. Homer J. Urquhart Ms. Karen H. Valencia Mr. Peter A. Van Zandt Ms. Louise Vance Mrs. Sue H. Vance Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Vann Mrs. Rose J. Vann & Ms. Laura L. Vann Ms. Wanda Venhuiven Ms. Elizabeth S. Vitalis Ms. Jeannie Wade Mrs. Marie Wade Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Macbeth Wagnon, Jr. Mrs. Edith Waldrop Mr. & Mrs. J. Fred Waldrum Mrs. Jenny Walker Ms. Vicki Walker Mrs. Jo Ann Wallace Ms. Joanne Wallace Mrs. Faye D. Walls Mrs. Sandi Waltman Mrs. Betty Warnock


Ms. Carolyn Warren Ms. Carol G. Washington Ms. Janet K. Waters Dr. Phillip Watkins Ms. Melanie Watts Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Watts Mrs. Arlene Weinsier Mrs. Betty C. Welden Mr. Jesse Weldon Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wellman Mr. & Mrs. Joe Welsh Ms. Betty Wentworth Ms. Holley Wesley Mrs. Debbie West Mrs. Thomas M. West, Jr. Ms. Renee West Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Westley Ms. Mary Whall Mrs. & Mrs. June Wheelock Mrs. Janet J. White Mrs. Jim White Mr. & Mrs. Jere F. White, Jr. Ms. Sue C. White Mr. Lewis E. Whitehead Mrs. Lynda Whitney Ms. Elizabeth Whitt Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Widner Mr. Ben Wieseman Ms. June Wiggins Mrs. Delores L. Wilkinson Mrs. Delores Wilkitson Ms. Mary A. Williams Ms. Peggy Williams Mrs. Barbara J. Wilson Ms. Linda M. Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Wilson Mr. Jim Windsor Ms. Jeannie Winford Ms. Kim Winston Mr. & Mrs. William W. Winternitz Mrs. Margaret A. Wiygul Ms. Janet Wocken Ms. Lee Woehle Mr. David Womack Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Woodall Mrs. Suzanne H. Woodall Dr. & Mrs. Chivers Woodruff Mrs. Elizabeth E. Woods Ms. Kristen Woods Mr. & Mrs. David Woolley Mr. Hal Word Ms. Eleanor F. Wright Mrs. Susanne H. Wright Mrs. Suzanne B. Wright Ms. Carolyn R. Wynn Ms. Valerie Wynn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Yardley Ms. Etta Yeary Ms. Alice Yeates Mrs. Frank A. Yeilding Mrs. Janis T. Zeanah Ms. Dorothy Ziff Ms. Laurel Zollars

DONORS Mr. & Mrs. Harold Abroms Ms. Alesia Adams Mr. Donald R. Adcock Ms. Joanne H. Adcock Ms. Amy E. Adkins Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ager Agility Marketing Communications Ms. Michele Ahlers Mrs. A. Schuler Aird Mrs. Norma Ajlouny Mrs. Patricia Akers Alabama Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects Alabama Power Company Ardis Albany Ms. Sierra Albus Ms. Norma W. Aldridge Ms. Diane P. Alessio & Mr. Otello A. Alessio Aliant Bank Ms. Olivia Alison All Seasons Travel Mr. & Mrs. Craig Allen, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth L. Allen Ms. Cindy Allison Mr. Jim Allison Mrs. A. J. Allison, Jr. Dr. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. American Eagle Antiques, LLC American Hydrangea Society, Inc. AMW Incorporated Mr. & Mrs. Frank Y. Anderson, IV Ms. Martha Anderton Antiques & Interiors Ms. Marilyn Arbogast Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Archer Mrs. Sarah Armstrong Ms. Mignon Arrington Mrs. Sandy Ash Mr. Ben Ashford Mrs. Gale Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Nick Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Bill Austill Dr. Erika Austin Mrs. Cheri Aycock Mr. & Mrs. Robert Aycock Ms. Cheryl Azrin Mrs. Mary Babbit Ms. Sally Bailey Mrs. Frank M. Bainbridge, Jr. Drs. Angus & Melissa Baird Mr. Michael Baker Mr. Reb Baker Balch & Bingham LLP Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Ballard Mrs. Deanna Ballinger Mrs. Betsy B. Bancroft Ms. Melody R. Banks Mr. Chris Barch Ms. Kathy Barger Mr. George Bargeron Mr. Brian Barr Ms. Carroll Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Steve Barron Ms. Gail Barton Mr. David Bates Ms. Linda Bates

Mr. & Mrs. Craig Battles Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baugh Mrs. Michele Baum Mr. Robert P. Bauman & Mrs. Ms. Edith G. Bauman Ms. Diane Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Tom Baydala Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Baynes Mr. Bob Bazuszek BE&K, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Stuart K. Bean Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Bean Dr. & Mrs. Mark G. Bearman Mr. & Mrs. Craig Beatty Ms. Jade Beavers Ms. Nury Becerra Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Becker Mr. David Beddingfield Mr. Scott Bell Ms. Virginia L. Bell Belle Meade Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Benjamin Mr. & Mrs. T. Robert Bentley, III Mr. Douglas Bethay Mr. & Mrs. Ed Bethea Ms. Pam M. Bethea Mrs. Melissa Beukelman Ms. Carol Lynne Bevis Mr. & Mrs. Victor Bey Mrs. Carolyn Bice Mr. Lindsay Bierman Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Bigbee Birmingham Fern Society Mrs. Gaines Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Bissell Mr. Robert Blach Ms. Faith Black Mr. Mel Blackwell Ms. Michelle Blackwood Ms. Rebecca J. Blair Ms. Judy Blake Mr. & Mrs. Bob Blakely Ms. Lynn Bledsoe Mr. Kris Blevons Bloch Antiques Mr. & Mrs. Luke Bloodworth, Jr. Mrs. Lynn Bloomston Mrs. Ann Blount Mr. & Mrs. W. Houston Blount Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama Bluff Park United Methodist Church Mrs. Joanne D. Blyde Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Boldin Ms. Virginia Boliek Ms. Karen Bonham Ms. Joy Bonney Char Bonsack Mr. George Book Ms. Allison Boone Robert Boone Boothby Realty Incorporated Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Borak Ms. Julie Borders Mr. David F. Borges Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Bostock Mary Jean Boulware Mrs. Cathy Bowman


Ms. Nora J. Bowman Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bowron Ms. Jennifer Boyce-Sauer Ms. Catherine Boyd Mrs. Rachael Boyd Mr. Steven Boyer Mrs. Lyn M. Bradford Mrs. Marilyn T. Bradford Mrs. Jocelyn Bradley Eric & Julieanna Brandino Ms. Pam Branham Brasfield & Gorrie Mr. Albert P. Brewer Ms. Dawn Brian Briarwood Garden Club Ms. Patricia Bridges Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Briggs Ms. Kathryn Bringman Mr. Tom Brinkley Ms. Amanda Briscoe Mr. D. L. Broadhead Brock, Hazzard & Knight Investment Advisors, LLC Brookwood Medical Center Redonde Broom Mr. & Mrs. Leslie J. Brorsen Mr. & Mrs. Bart Brorsen Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Brown,II Mrs. Ashley Brown Dr. Caroline Brown & Mr. E. T. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Brown Ms. Kathryn Brown Ms. Margie H. Brown Mr. T. Michael Brown Mrs. Julia Bruce Mr. & Mrs. John Bruno, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James B. Bryant Dr. Kathy Buchan Ms. Barbara Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. John Buchanan Ms. Alice M. Buckner Buffalo Rock Company Mr. R.S. Bullock, Jr. Ms. Mellisa Bunch Ms. Kristi Burchfield Mr. & Mrs. F. Tucker Burge Ms. Catherine Burke Ms. Danette Burkhalter Mrs. Virginia Burnum Burr & Forman LLP Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Burrows Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Burton Ms. Nadia Busch Mrs. Evelyn M. Butler BVAMC IRB Mrs. Heather Byars Mr. Mark Byran Ms. Gayle S. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cabaniss, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Catlin Cade, IV Miss Stacy Cahill Camellia Garden Club Mr. Chris Campanotta Ms. Cheri Canon Cantley & Company Ms. Kelley Carmichael

Mr. Sumter Carmichael, M.D. Ms. Julie Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Russell V. Carroll Ms. Priscilla Carroll Carroll Isaacs Gallery, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Carruthers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carson Ms. Joann Cary Mr. Hertman Casablanca Mr. G. Edward Cassady Ms. Jennifer Cation Cawaco Resource Conservation & Development Council, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cawthon Cheerful Gardeners Garden Club Mrs. Alan B. Cheney, Sr. Cherokee Garden Club Mrs. Cindy Chester Ms. Charlotte E. Chew Chick-Fil-A at Hoover Commons Chubb & Son City of Mountain Brook City of Vestavia Hills Clarendon Oriental Rugs Mr. Lange Clark Mr. & Mrs. William N. Clark Classic Decor Mr. Jeff Cleckler Mr. Thomas E. Clyce Ms. Carole H. Cobb Cobbs Allen & Hall Ms. Tess Cochran Mr. & Mrs. Walter Coe Dr. & Mrs. H. Cecil Coghlan Mr. Irby M. Cohen Mr. Wallace Cohen Mr. William H. Cole The Honorable Betty F. Collins Mrs. Jennafer Collins Mr. John Collins M. Clagett Collins Ms. Alice Lee Collins-Breen Colonial Properties Trust Combined Federal Campaign of Central Alabama Compass Bank Ms. Wendy T. Cook Mrs. Beth Cooper Mr. Claud Cooper Mrs. Elizabeth E. Cooper Ms. Gisel Cooper Mr. Lee Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Randy Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Allen Cope Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Copeland Mrs. Hunter Copeland Ms. Beverly Corbitt Douglass Corey Mr. Marc Corsini Mr. & Mrs. William T. Cothran Ms. Cheryl Cotten Mr. & Mrs. John Crane Ms. Elizabeth Crawford The Crepe Myrtle Garden Club Mr. & Ms. Robert Creveling Mr. Frank Crockard Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin

Ms. Kristen Cross Mrs. Warren B. Crow, III Dr. & Mrs. Derrill Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Crum Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cruse Dr. & Mrs. John Cuckler Mr. & Mrs. Greg Curran Mr. & Mrs. Gene Cushman Mrs. Jane Cusick Ms. Stephanie Cusimano Mr. & Mrs. C. Coleman Daniel, II Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Daniel Mr. Gerry Daniel Daniel Homes, LLC Mr. Steve Dapkus Mrs. Patrick Darby Mr. & Mrs. J. Dargan III Ms. Frances S. Daugherty Ms. Joy Daughtery Davey Tree Expert Company Dr. & Mrs. Brian Davies Mr. & Mrs. C. Hartwell Davis, Jr. Mrs. Patricia Davis Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Davis Mr. Tom Davis Mr. & Mrs. William A. Davis, III Mrs. Shirley G. Dawson DBA Artifacts Ms. Deborah Dean Mr. & Mrs. Ogden S. Deaton Mr. & Mrs. Charles DeBardeleben, III Mr. & Mrs. Whitney DeBardeleben Mr. Forrester DeBuys III Mr. John F. DeBuys, Jr. Ms. Melinda Decker Mrs. Susan Denard Ms. Katrina Dennis Ms. Jessica Denny Molleen Desai Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dewine Mrs. Alice Diamond Ms. Jan Dickerson Ms. Jennifer W. Dickerson Ms. Eleanor Dietrich Ms. Dorothy Dillard Ms. Marilyn Dixon Ms. Rita H. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Duane W. Dobson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn H. Donald Mrs. Mary B. Donworth Mr. & Mrs. Todd Dorlon Mr. & Mrs. Luther Dorr Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Doss Mr. & Mrs. Harold Doss Mrs. Nina Downey Ms. Sheila Downey Mr. & Mrs. Troy Downey Mr. Jason Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Drago, Sr. Ms. Tonya Drake Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Dreher Ms. Marsha Drennen Dr. & Mrs. L. Aubrey Drewry Mr. & Mrs. William D. Drinkard Ms. Jody Dubois Ms. Lisette DuBois Ms. Diane Dudney Ms. Ida Dunbar Mrs. Sara Dungan

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dunn Dunn French Foundation Mrs. Burke Dupuy Dr. George Duquette Eastern Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine, PC Mr. & Mrs. Keith Echols Dr. & Mrs. Kyle Echols Mr. Paul C. Eder Edgewood Garden Club Mr. Tom Edmonds Ms. Betty E. Efird Dr. Robert P. Eichelberger Elegant Earth at the Arbor Mrs. Lucie G. Ellard Ms. Cathleen Elliott Ms. Jane Ellis Mr. & Mrs. John E. Ellis Ms. Louise Ellis Ms. & Mr. Laurie M. Elmets Mr. John D. Elmore, Jr. Encore Ms. Cathy Enders & Mr. Richard Enders Energen Corporation Engel, Hairston, & Johanson, P.C. English Village Garden Club Ms. Katherine E. Ennis Enon Baptist Church Ms. Maureen Erb Ms. Beverly Erdreich Mr. & Mrs. Ben Erdreich Ms. Kellie P. Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Clarence T. Estock Ms. Lauren Eszes Mr. Kenneth Etheredge Mrs. Jane Evans Ms. Mary B. Evans Dr. & Mrs. Walter B. Evans Ms. Patricia M. Fairchild Ms. Patricia Farlow Ms. Jodi Feldman Ms. Rosemarie Fernandes Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Filipowski Ms. Suzy Finley First American Bank/ Royal Canadian Bank Mr. & Mrs. Noah Fitzpatrick Five Points Garden Club Ms. Audrey Fleming Flo-Blue Shoppe, Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. James E. Flournoy Flower Magazine Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Folds Mr. & Mrs. William L. Forbes Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Forlano Mrs. James R. Forman, Jr. Mrs. Peggy M. Fortier Mr. John M. Franklin Ms. Linda M. Fraser Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frese, Jr. Ms. Sally Friedman Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Ms. Ruth Fromstein Ms. Laura Fulbright Ms. Dorothy Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Furnas, III G. Davis Rare Books, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Fournier J. Gale, III Ms. Wendy Gamble

The Garden Club of Alabama, Inc. Garden Club of Moody Garden Gate Garden Club Gardens of Inverness Garden Club Mr. Jeff Gardner Mrs. Juanita H. Gardner Ms. Elizabeth Gargus Ms. Leslianna Garlington Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Garnem Ms. Christie Garrett Ms. Sylvia Garrison Mr. Michael Gary Mr. Gary L. Davenport Ms. Susan W. Gaskins Mrs. Johnie Geiger Ms. Karen Gentile Ms. Doris Gertler Ms. Anne-Marie Gianoudis Ms. Denise Gibson Mrs. Gwen Gilleland Ms. Nancy Gillespie Mr. & Mrs. Winston Gillum, Jr. Ms. Nancy Glaub Mr. Robert L. Glaze Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gleason Mr. & Mrs. Rob Glendenning Mrs. Susan Goble Gold Leaf Ms. Jill Goldblatt Rev. Elizabeth Cole Goodrich Mr. James R. Goodwin Ms. Debby Gordon Ms. Cynthia Gore Mr. & Mrs. Miller Gorrie Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goyer, III Mr. & Mrs. Marc A. Grahovac Ms. Robyn Granberry Mr. Macon Gravlee III Ms. Ashley Gray Dr. Samuel E. Gray Mr. Jeff Green Ms. Pat Green Ms. Norma Greenberg Greenbriar at the Altamont, LLC Mr. Lawrence Greer Mrs. Elizabeth C. Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Gregory Miss Gaines Grelier Mr. Beau Grenier Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gresham Ms. Pamela M. Griffin Andy Grimsley Ms. Lynn D. Grimsley Ms. Emma Grisham Mrs. Linda Grissom Ms. Virginia Guthrie Mr. & Mrs. Morris Hackney Mrs. Jenifer Hadraba Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Haley Mr. John Haley Mr. & Mrs. Richard Haley Ms. April Hall Ms. Catherine Hall Mr. & Mrs. John Hall Ms. Minnie Linda L. Hambright Ms. Sherrie Hamil Ms. Ashley K. Hand Ms. Ashley A. Handley Harbert Management Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Robin Harden Mr. John Hardin


Mrs. Lori Hardin Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hardy Mrs. Patricia Hardy Ms. Mary H. Hare Hare Wynn Newell & Newton, LLP Ms. Melanie Harris Ms. Elizabeth Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hart Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Hartley Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hartline Mr. Roger Hartline Dr. & Mrs. Jimmie H. Harvey, Jr. Mr. Fletcher D. Harvey III Mr. James Harwell Hastening Antiques, Ltd. Ms. Mary G. Hawke & Ms. Susan H. Buchinski Mr. Gregory H. Hawley Ms. Mary Hawn Ms. Betsy Hayes Mr. Jerry S. Hayes Mrs. Paula S. Haynes Mrs. Paula Hays Mrs. Linda Hazel Mr. Roald Hazelhoff Mr. & Mrs. Meredyth R. Hazzard, Jr. Mr. Beverly Head, III Mr. & Mrs. Holman Head, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heidepriem Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hemby Henhouse Antiques Ms. Arlene Henley Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Henley J. P. Hennes & M. D. Lahde Ms. Virginia Hennes Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hennessy Mr. & Mrs. Rest B. Heppenstall Hermitage Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. Wood Herren Hess Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Donna Hester Ms. Jacqueline K. Hester Mr. & Mrs. William M. Hiden Ms. Kathie M. Hiers Ms. Connie Hill Mr. & Mrs. J. Earnest Hill Hill & Dale Garden Club Ms. Joan E. Hillner Ms. Dorothy Hindman Mr. & Mrs. T.M. Hines Mr. & Mrs. Wallace W. Hinkle Ms. Kathy Hinkle & Mr. Herb Trotman Hoar Construction Company Ms. Louise P. Hodges Mr. Edward Hodgson Mr. John Hodnett Ms. Elizabeth Hoffman Ms. Claradel S. Holcombe Mrs. Tamye Holder Mr. Claude Holland Ms. Julie Holly Holly Oak Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. George H. Holman Mr. Steve Holmes & Mr. Will Donaldson Home Garden Club Mr. Michael Honan & Ms. Ms. Roaxanne Travelute Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hood

Mr. Charles Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Justin S. Horsley Ms. Paula Horton Mr. & Mrs. Heyward C. Hosch Mr. Arthur W. Howard Ms. Lisa Howard Ms. Jennifer Howell Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hoyt Mrs. Mary Hubbard Mrs. Andrea Hubbert Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Huckabee Mr. & Mrs. George W. Hudson Ms. Keitha Hudson Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Hudspeth Ms. Carolyn Hughes Ms. Margarita M. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hughey, Jr. Ms. Tara Hulen Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hulsey Ms. Edna Humphries Ms. Vicki Hunkler Ikebana Society International Illges-Chenoweth Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ingram Ingram & Associates, Inc. Ms. Marilyn Inzer Mr. & Mrs. William R. Ireland, Sr. Ms. Nasreen Issa Mrs. Molly Jackins Mr. Daniel Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jackson Ms. Terri Jackson Ms. Leslie Jacobs Mrs. Joyce Jacobson Ms. Vee Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Jager Mr. & Mrs. Forrest James Jeff Littell Antiques

Mrs. Kathryn B. Jeffers Jefferson Rehabilitation & Health Center Mr. & Mrs. Elbert Jemison Jemison Investment Company, Inc. Ms. Jeannie A. Jenkins Ms. Jan Jenner Jewels by Rose, Inc. Mr. Joseph R. John, III John Dennison Fine Art, Inc. Ms. Carolyn M. Johnson Ms. Devona Johnson Mrs. & Mr. Elizabeth Johnson Mrs. Hannah Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Johnson Mrs. Crawford T. Johnson, III Mr. & Mrs. W. Ward Johnson Johnson Sterling, Inc. JohnsonKreis Construction Mr. & Mrs. J. Brooke Johnston, Jr. Mrs. Candace Joines

Ms. Amanda Jones Ms. Cynthia Jones Mr. & Mrs. Gene Jones Ms. Jenna P. Jones Mr. Jerry Jones Mr. John C. Jones Mrs. Katherine Jones Mr. & Mrs. William Jones Jones County Junior College Foundation, Inc. Ms. Beth Jordan & Mr. Wayne Jordan Junior League of Birmingham Ms. Jane Kaplan Mr. Gerald D. Karcher Mr. & Mrs. Rick Karle Ms. Selina Kassam-Jiwani Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Keating Mr. & Mrs. Perry H. Keel Mrs. Linda Keeney Mr. & Mrs. John Keith Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Kelleher Ms. Sherry Kellum Ms. Karen Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Kendrick Dr. & Mrs. Raleigh Kent Mrs. Lanie Kent Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Key Ms. Jane M. Kidd Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Kimerling Mr. Myron King Mr. & Mrs. Peyton King King’s House Antiques Mr. Jason Kirby & Mr. Ben Faucher Mr. Dean Kirkland Kirkwood By The River Retirement Community Sharon & David Kleeschulte Dr. & Mrs. Price Kloess

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Kluz Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Klyce Steven Knight Ms. Nancy J. Knoblauch Mr. Sam Knowlton Ms. Molly Knudsen & Mr. Eric Knudsen KPMG LLP Ms. Polly Kratt Mr. Tom Kraus Mr. & Mrs. Allen Krause Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kravets Mrs. Sandra Kreider L. Paul Kassouf & Company PC Mr. Ricardo La Hoz Mr. Jim Lacefield Lafayette Master Gardeners Association, Inc. Mr. Robert B. Lafferty & Mitzi D. Calfee Lakeside Antique Galleries, Inc


Dr. & Mrs. Wade Lamberth Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Lambrecht Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Lancaster Mr. Ron Lance Mr. Leewood Lanier Mrs. Frank Lankford Mrs. Chrissie Larkin Ms. Ginger LaRue Mr. & Mrs. Benny M. LaRussa, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Latham Laura Pearce Ltd. Inc. Ms. Vetta Lavender Leaf ‘N Petal Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Leak Mr. & Mrs. J.E. LeCroy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Curt Lee Mr. & Mrs. Leonard F. Lee Ms. Peggy F. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Roy M. Leeth Mr. William A. Legg Mr. & Mrs. James E. Lehe Ms. Alice LeJeune Mrs. Ally Leonard Mr. Daniel Lerew Les Trois Marches Cherie & Daniel Lesnick Mr. Russell J. Levenson Ms. Susan Levine Ms. Elanie O. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. John Nuckols Liberty National Life Insurance Co. Ms. Towana Lichty & Mr. J.C. Lichty Mr. & Mrs. Warren B. Lightfoot, Jr. Ligon Industries Mr. & Mrs. John Lipscomb Mr. & Mrs. James B. Little, III Maurice & Marcella Little Little House Heirloom Gallery

Liza & Laughlin Ashe Fund Mr. & Mrs. John Loglisci Ms. Donna L. Long Mr. Henry A. Long, Jr. Mr. Nimrod W.E. Long, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William T. Long Ms. Linda Lopez Mr. Alan Lott Lotz’s Antiques Mr. & Mrs. Don Lowden Mr. & Mrs. Michael Luce Lucille S. Beeson Charitable Trust Lush Life Design LLC Mr. & Mrs. William L. Luthcke Mr. & Mrs. John P. Lyle, Jr. Lynda Willauer Antiques Mrs. Beverly Lynton Mr. Todd Lyter Mr. & Mrs. Rick Mackay Mrs. & Mr. Laura Maddox Ms. Rita G. Maisel

Dr. Sonia Makhija Ms. Joanna Malone Mr. & Mrs. Paul Manos Mr. & Mrs. Jay G. Maples Ms. Sharon Marbury Mr. & Mrs. Lance Marcum Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Martin Mary Evelyn McKee, Inc Ms. Vicki Maser Mr. Reginald Mason Ms. Linda G. Massey Dr. & Mrs. George W. Matthews, III Ms. Olivia Matuszak Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mayer Maynard, Cooper & Gale PC Ms. Jane F. McCann Dr. William P. McCann Mrs. James H. McCary Ms. Inez McCollum Ms. Mildred McCorstin Ms. Lucy McCown Ms. Linda McCracken Mr. & Mrs. Scott McCrory Ms. Kathy McCulley McDonough Fine Art Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDowell Mr. Robert McElroy Mrs. Anne McEniry Mr. & Mrs. Hampton McFadden Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. McGehee Ms. Mary E. McGhee Ms. Emily W. McGowin McGriff, Seibels & Williams, Inc. Ms. Betsy McGuire MCJ Company, LLC Dr. & Mrs. David McKee Ms. Becky McKelvey Mr. Jodi McKelvin Ms. Ellen McLaughlin Ms. Kelsey McLemore Ms. Ann McMahan Mr. & Mrs. George McMillan, Jr. Mrs. Lynne McTyre Mr. & Mrs. Gene McWilliams Dr. Robert L. Meador, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Edward R. Meadows Medical Properties Trust, Inc. Ms. Stephanie Melonas Memphis Garden Club Ms. Edith Mendelsohn Mr. & Mrs. Donald Y. Menendez Miss Lori Merricks Merry Hearts, Northside Baptist Church Ms. Maureen Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mezrano Mr. & Mrs. Max Michael Mrs. Carol Miller Mr. & Mrs. Crawford Miller Ms. Margie Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jim Miller Ms. Sherri M. Miller Mr. & Mrs. David M. Millhouse Ms. Ann Mims Mr. Charles D. Minderhout Mr. & Mrs. Chris M. Mitchell Mr. Lyle D. Mitchell Ms. Sidney L. Mitchell Mitchell Industries Foundation Ms. Mary J. Modica Mr. Roger G. Molski

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Montgomery Ms. Joann Montgomery Ms. Melanie Montgomery Ms. Christa Moore Ms. Deborah D. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Jack Moore Mr. Mac M. Moorer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Morad Mr. & Mrs. Juan Carlos Moreno Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Morgan, Jr. Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. Mr. Philip Morris Mrs. Mallie Morrison Ms. Susan W. Morrow Mr. & Mrs. David Moshiri Ms. Mary D. Moss Motion Industries, Inc. Mountain Brook Flower Shop Ashok V. Mujumdar Deedra & Clark Mullenix Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mungenast

Mr. Patrick L. O’Sullivan Ms. Elizabeth Overton Mr. & Mrs. Scott Owens Paige Albright Orientals Mr. Edward Pair Mr. Alton Parker Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Parker Mr. Timothy Parker Ms. Susie Parks Ms. Cynthia Parris Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Pascoe Mr. Thomas R. Patchen & Mr. John M. Vintson, Jr. Dr. Donald Patterson Ms. Peggy Patton Mr. Edwin W. Pautler Mr. Larry Payne Ms. Suzanne Payne Pearce, Bevill, Leesburg, & Moore, PC Ms. Carolyn Pearson

Queen of Spades Garden Club Mr. Ralph W. Quinn III Ms. Ann Raburn Ms. Susan Ragland Mr. & Mrs. Milton C. Ragsdale, IV Mrs. Monica Rahmeyer Mr. Alec Ramonell Mr. Fulton R. Ramsay Mr. Edward L. Rand, Jr. Mr. Mike Randolph Rare Plant Group - GCA Mr. & Mrs. John Rathmell Ms. Betty J. Rauth Mr. & Mrs. Jack Rawls Ms. Marguerites Ray & Mr. Stephen Ray Ms. Emily Raymond Ms. Paige T. Raymonds Ready Mix USA, LLC RealtySouth Young Realtor’s Council

Dr. William M. Rosenblum Mr. & Mrs. Lee Ross Ms. Elizabeth Ann Ross Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Roth Ms. Kathryn Rowan Ms. Ann Rowell Royal Volvo Mrs. Emma J. Rucker Ms. Jeanne Rudzki Ms. Lori Ruiz Mr. Brian Rushing Dr. & Mrs. James M. Rushing Dr. & Mrs. Edward S. Russell Mr. Keith Russell Mrs. Lesley Russell Mrs. & Mr. Nan Russell Ms. S. Lane Rutledge Mr. & Mrs. Shay Samples Ms. Barbara Sams Mrs. Peggy Sandlin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sanford

Mr. J. Thomas Murfee IV Ms. Margaret Murphy Ms. Marion Murphy Mr. Alan Murray Mr. & Mrs. J. Reese Murray, III Ms. Margaret Mussleman Nall-Whatley Foundation National Association of Letter Carriers Mr. & Mrs. Albert S. Naughton Ms. Betty Navia New Era Study Club Ms. Belinda Newfield Ms. Madeleine Newfield Ms. Betty Newman Mr. Jonathan Newman Ms. Laura Newton Ms. Mary Ellen Nicholas Ms. Lori Nichols Ms. Susan I. Nicol Ms. Elaine Niden Ms. Joanne Niden & Mr. Jerry Vanderwerff Mr. & Mrs. Knud Nielsen, Jr. Mrs. Marjorie K. Nix Mr. Daniel Noll Mr. & Mrs. Lyman Norden Mrs. Vicki Norris Ms. Colleen I. Norton Ms. Celeste Nunnally Oaks on Parkwood, LLC Ms. Adrienne L. O’Brien & Jack O’Brien Mr. Rollina J. Oglesbay Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. John T. Oliver, III Mr. John T. Oliver III Olivier Fleury, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Steven O’Sheal

Mr. & Mrs. Lyndon L. Pearson Ms. Paulette Pearson Ms. Stefanie Peck Rodney Peneuel Ms. Melanie Perry Mr. & Mrs. Bob Perry Mr. Steve Peters Ms. Catherine C. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Petitti Mr. Brad Phelan Ms. Carol Ann Phillips Ms. Cathy Pilcher Mr. Chris Pinke Mr. & Mrs. David R. Pittman Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Pizitz Mr. & Mrs. Alan Plaisted Ms. Cheryl Plank Mr. & Mrs. Gray Plosser, Jr. Ms. Bonnie Plyer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Popple Mr. & Mrs. James W. Porter, II Mr. & Mrs. James W. Porter II Ms. Patsy Porter Mrs. Billie Powers Ms. Lois Powers Ms. Renee Prescott Mr. & Mrs. Andy Prewitt Ms. Nancy Price Dr. S J Price, III Mr. & Mrs. James L. Priester Mrs. Hyacinth K. Prince Ms. Caryl P. Privett Mrs. & Mr. Laura Promer Protective Life Corporation Mrs. Gina A. Pugliese-Tallaj Mr. & Mrs. James Purnell Ms. Dianah Putman Ms. Jeanne Putney Ms. Lois Quarello

Ms. Ann K. Reddy Redmont Neighborhood Association Redmont Park Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Regan Regions Financial Corporation Mrs. Elberta G. Reid Mr. & Mrs. George A. Reinhart Mr. & Mrs. Norm Remick Ms. Mimi M. Renneker Ms. Suzanne Respess Mrs. J. Scott Richards Ms. Martha L. Riddle Mrs. Allen W. Ritchie Ms. Delbra C. Rivers RJSS, Inc Robert Burrows Antiques, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Roberts Mrs. Mary Ann Roberts Ms. Ruth E. Roberts Mr. Thomas A. Roberts Ms. Valerie Roberts Mr. T. Tydings Robin, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Charles Robinett Ms. Mary Robinett Ms. Melissa Robinett Ms. Augusta C. Robinson Mrs. Katrina A. Robinson & Mr. David A. Robinson Mrs. Regina Robinson Ms. Sarah Robinson Robinson Adams Insurance, Inc. Rockbrook Garden Club Ms. Elizabeth Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. John M. Romero Mr. Lawrence Rosen Ms. Rhoda Rosenberg Dr. Vasha Rosenblum &

Ms. Martha Sather Mrs. Carolyn Satterfield Dr. & Mrs. Paul Sauer Mr. & Mrs. Barry H. Saunders Ms. Diane Sausen Ms. Erin Schall Ms. Linda Schiff Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Schneider Mr. & Mrs. J. Allen Schreiber Mr. Gregg Schuck Mr. Martin D. Schulman Mrs. Barbara Schultz Dr. & Mrs. George F. Scofield Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Scott, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Scott, Jr. Mrs. Gaynor A. Screven Ms. Lisa W. Scrivener & Mr. Bill Scrivener Mr. & Mrs. John J. Segal Ms. Jo Self Dr. & Mrs. Leo Semes Dr. Bisakha Sen Mr. Banks Sewell Ms. Dina S. Sexton Mr. Will Sexton Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Shah Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Shaia Mr. & Mrs. Clark Sharit Ms. Mildred P. Shark Mr. & Mrs. Jackson Sharman III Mr. Jackson Sharman Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Sharp Mr. Charles E. Sharp Mr. Keith Sheffield Ms. Valerie Shepard Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Shepard Mr. & Mrs. James W. Shepherd Mr. & Mrs. James W. Shepherd Dr. Eugene C. Sherlock


Mrs. Betty Shipman Mrs. Kristin F. Shoe Mr. & Mrs. Stowe Shoemaker Prof. Bythel Shropshire Ms. Marilyn Shultz Mr. & Mrs. John L. Shuster Mr. & Mrs. William Silsbee, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. A. Wendall Simmons Ms. Marianne Simon Simply Silver Mr. Henry E. Simpson Ms. Lorelle C. Singleton Sitton & Hard, L.L.C. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Slaughter Mr. & Mrs. Michael Slive Mr. Allen Small Ms. Alice Smith Mr. & Mrs. Clinton H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Bill Smith Dr. G. Hampton Smith Mr. Hatton C.V. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Rocky L. Smith Mrs. Margaret Ann Smith Ms. Martha Smith Ms. Rebecca S. Smith Ms. Sally Smith Mrs. Vicki Smith Ms. Astrid Smyer Snippers Garden Club Ms. Bari Sokol Mr. Jim Sokol Somerset Antiques Ms. Debby N. Sorensen South Haven Health & Rehabilitation, LLC Southern Living Cooking Club Ms. Lorraine Francis Dixon Sowell Mr. Joseph Spain Ms. Claudia F. Spencer Dr. & Mrs. J. Terrell Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Spencer Dr. Bruce T. Spink Mr. & Mrs. James Sporacio Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Spotswood

Mr. John Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Elton B. Stephens, Jr. Stephens Foundation Sterne, Agee & Leach Group, Inc. Ms. Mary Stockard Mr. Thomas A. Stoddard Mrs. Carole Stokes Ms. Carol R. Strain Mr. George Strother Mrs. Ruby R. Struck Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. Stutts, Jr. Summer Classics, Inc. Ms. Ashley Swann Ms. Marsha Swann Ms. Sandy Swindall Ms. Thuan Tan Ms. Elaine B. Tangye Mr. & Mrs. James A. Taul Mr. O. David Taunton Mr. & Mrs. George M. Taylor, III Mrs. Janet Taylor Ms. & Mr. Sydney Taylor Temple Emanuel Sisterhood Mrs. Nancy Tetrandis Ms. Marci K. Tharan The Avid Companies The Bradford Family Fund The Crowe Foundation The Diamond Dealer The Georgia Society of CPAs The Hackney Foundation, Inc. The James Milton & Sallie R. Johnson Foundation The Linen Cupboard The Proctor Foundation The Rollers Dogfight The Welch Group Mrs. Ann Thomas Ms. Chloe Thomas Mrs. Kisha Thomas Ms. Marjorie Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Mercer S. Thomas Mr. William Thomas Thomas E. Jernigan Foundation

Ms. Gina Trierweiler Mr. Scott Trucks Mr. Mark Tucker Mr. Tommy Tucker Dr. & Mrs. Albert J. Tully, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Don Turnbull Mr. & Mrs. Fred Turner Mr. Jerry Turtorigi Ms. Lynn O. Tutwiler Mr. Temple W. Tutwiler, III Ms. Cheryl Twente Mr. & Mrs. J. Rainer Twiford Twin Oaks Garden Club Mrs. Marty Tyndal Mr. & Mrs. Norman B. Tynes Ms. Becky Tyson Union State Bank Mr. Mark J. van der Woerd & Mr. Stephen Kortz Mr. Michael Vann Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Vann Mr. & Mrs. Alex Vare Ms. Traci Vella Mr. & Mrs. Charles Venglarik Ms. Wanda Venhuizen Ms. Tiffany Vickers Ms. Brenda Vines Mr. Alvin Vogtle & Dr. Laura K. Vogtle Ms. Gailya Von Weisenstein Dr. Cameron M. Vowell Vulcan Materials Company Mr. Robin A. Wade, III Mr. Frank A. Wagner Ms. Alison Walker Ms. Jana Walker Ms. Candace M. Wallace Wallace-Burke, LLC Mr. Jonathan Waller Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Waller Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLP Ms. Cynthia V. Walters Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Walton, Jr.

Mrs. Barbara C. Spradling Ms. Wendy P. Spratley Sprig O’Holly Garden Club Ms. Catherine L. Spruill Ms. Mary Cynthia St. John Mr. & Mrs. Warren St. John St. Martin’s-In-The-Pines St. Paul Company Ms. Leigh St. Petery Ms. Deborah A. Stanford Ms. Sarah J. Stanley Mr. Carlos Staples Mr. Jeff Starling Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Starling Starnes & Atchison LLP Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Steele

Thomas M. Fortner Antiques Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Thompson Mr. George M. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. W. Hall Thompson Mr. David F. Thorpe Mrs. Dorothy Threlkeld Dr. & Mrs. Ray Thweatt Time Warner Employee Grant Programs Ms. Emily Timmons Mr. & Mrs. John Tingley Ms. Susan Tipler Ms. Katherine Tipton Mr. W. Scott Townsend Mr. & Mrs. Chris Townsley Mr. Dennis Trammell

Ms. Jill Walton Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Walton Ms. Barbara Waltz Ms. Betty Ward Mr. Lonnie A. Washington, Sr. Ms. Mary Lou Watkins Mrs. Shelley Watkins Ms. Susan Watterson Mrs. Frances Watts Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Weatherly, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dan Weathers Ms. Elizabeth Weaver Rev. & Mrs. Richmond Webster Mr. & Mrs. Steve Weinstein Welch Hornsby & Welch, Inc. Wellington Park Garden Club


Mr. & Mrs. David Wells Ms. Lynn Wesson Ms. Linda West Drs. Andrew & Jeanna Westmoreland Mr. James C. Whatley, Jr. Ms. Linda L. Whatley Mrs. Claude C. White Mrs. Gay White Mr. & Mrs. William B. White, III Ms. Kathleen Whitecar Whitehall at the Villa Ms. Stephanie Whitlow Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Whitsett Ms. Jean S. Whitt Mr. William O. Whitt Whitten Living Trust Mrs. Melanie Widman Wiggins Childs Quinn & Pantazis, P.C. Ms. Edith Wilder Mr. Bobby Wilkins Ms. Donna Wilkins Mr. & Mrs. Byrd Williams Ms. Charlotte P. Williams Ms. Claire Williams Mr. & Mrs. Frank Williams Mr. & Mrs. John M. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Byrd Williams Ms. Lynn H. Williams Ms. Trisha Williams Mr. & Mrs. Turner B. Williams Mr. Wayne Williamson Mr. Louis J. Willie, III Mr. & Mrs. T.J. Willings Mr. & Mrs. J. Willoughby Mr. Ken Wills Mr. & Mrs. James Wilson, Jr. Mr. Loyd Wilson Mrs. Marianne Wilson Ms. Margery J. Wirth Withering Heights Garden Club Mr. James A. Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Russell Wolsfelt Mrs. Alice Womack Mrs. Walter Wood Ms. Gail Wood Ms. Kim Wood Ms. Natalie Woodall Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Woods Ms. Debbie Wooley Mr. & Mrs. James R. Wooten Ms. Kim Wren Mr. Jay Wulf Ms. Diane Wurtele Ms. Martha Wurtele & Mr. Armando Piatti Mr. Bill Wyatt Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Yates Mrs. Ruth Ellen Yeager Mr. John S. Yeates Ms. Jettye Yeckley Dr. & Mrs. Robert Yoe Mr. John Yow YWCA Central Alabama Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zabala Mr. David Zabriskie Mr. Louis Zaden Zee Faulkner Fine Art Mr. & Mrs. Christopher N. Zodrow

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