2014 Annual Report

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"I learned that plants are helpful to human life. They give us oxygen." Janiah, Birmingham City School 4th Grader


A n n ua l R e p o r t making an impact

Table of Contents 2014 Board of Directors Hanson Slaughter ����������������������������������������������������������President Brian Barr �������������������������������������������������������������President-Elect Tricia Noble �������������������������������������������������������������Past President Scott Walton ������������������������������������������������������������������� Treasurer Barbara Burton ��������������������������������������������������������������Secretary Houston Gillespy ��������������������������������������������������� VP Development Elizabeth Broughton ��������������������������������VP Gardens & Buildings Charles Goodrich ������������������������������������������������Governance Chair Robert Holmes, Chair of SPACE ���������������������������������������� Officer (SPACE- Stakeholders, Partnerships & Community Engagement)

Letter from President & CEO ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 Finances �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2 Our Strategic Priorities & Accomplishments �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3-10 Education Impact Statement ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 Volunteers ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 12-14 Garden Sustainers, Perennial Society & Grantors ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Members ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16-20 Donors ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 20-21

Beverley Hoyt, Chair of Special Events Committee ������������������������������������������������� Officer Cathy Adams Mary Boehm Chris Boles Emily Bowron Maggie Brooke Clarke Gillespy

Tricia Holbrook John Hudson John Hurst Turner Inscoe Carl Jones Paul Jones

Katie Baker Lasker Kathryn Porter Jeanie Sherlock Robert McArthur, Junior Board President

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens 2014 Staff Please contact us at 205.414.3950 or visit us at www.bbgardens.org

Meet our staff Fred Spicer ���������������������������������������������������������������������� Chief Executive Officer Stephanie Banks ���������������������������������������������������������������Chief Financial Officer Pam McLeod �������������������������������������������������������������Donor Services Coordinator

Development Jean Frey ����������������������������������������������������������������������� Director of Development Ragan Stone ���������������������������������������������������������������Special Events Coordinator Drew Rickel ��������������������������������������������������������������������Donor Relations Officer

Education Henry Hughes �������������������������������������������������������������������Director of Education Ellen Hardy ���������������������������������������������������������Education Program Coordinator Dawn Coleman ������������������������������������������������������Education Activities Specialist Brooke McMinn ���������������������������������������������������� Plant Adventures Coordinator

Garden Curations John Manion �����������������������������������������������������Kaul Wildflower Garden Curator

Library Main ������������������������������������������������������� 205.414.3920 Hope Long ���������������������������������������������������������������� Director of Library Services Elizabeth Drewry �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Librarian Jason Kirby ��������������������������������������������������������������Library Assistant & Archivist

Marketing and Membership Andrew B. Krebbs ��������������������������������������� Director of Marketing & Membership Blake Ells ����������������������������������������������������������������Public Relations Coordinator Rona Walters ����������������������������������������������������������������������� Membership Assistant

Volunteers Taylor Steele ��������������������������������������������������������������������� Volunteer Coordinator

City of Birmingham Staff Main ������������������������������������������������������� 205.414.3900 The Honorable William Bell, Sr. ���������������������������������������������������������������� Mayor Keven Moore ��������������������������������������������������������Director of Parks & Recreation James Horton ���������������������������������������������������������������������� Director of Gardens Ray Abrams �����������������������������������������������������������������������Landscape Crew Leader Lee Anderson �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Security Guard Alicia Andrews �������������������������������������������������������������������������������Event Manager Gary Bailey ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Laborer Adam Benjamin ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Gardener Joe Bouchillon ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� Security Guard Johnny Carson ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Laborer Pam Childers �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Administration Amanda Clark ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Gardener Gregg Clark ��������������������������������������������������������� Horticulture Specialty Grower Andy Freeland ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Gardener Brian Johnson ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Laborer Virgil Mathews ��������������������������������������������������District Horticulture Supervisor Robert Parker ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Gardener Anthony Perry ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Laborer Ted Snow ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Greenhouse Worker Kathy Taylor ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Reception Brenda S. Warren ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Laborer Johnny White ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Security Guard Teresa Williams ��������������������������������������������������������������������Greenhouse Worker

About Us... Birmingham Botanical Gardens is Alabama’s largest living museum with more than 12,000 different plants in its living collections. The Gardens’ 67.5 acres contain over 25 unique gardens, over 30 works of original outdoor sculpture and miles of serene paths. The Gardens features the only public horticulture library in the U.S., conservatories, a wildflower garden, two rose gardens, the Southern Living Garden, and a Japanese garden with a traditionally crafted tea house. More than 43,700 adults and children participated in education programs in 2014. On average more than 10,000 school children enjoy free, science-curriculum based field trips annually.

The Gardens is open daily, offering free admission to more than 350,000 visitors annually. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a partnership between the City of Birmingham and Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Through funding and advocacy, The Friends further the restoration, preservation and development of The Gardens as a resource for everyone in the community. The Friends promote knowledge and appreciation of plants and the environment through educational offerings. Public funds do support general maintenance; however, public funding does not address the effects of increased usage and changing visitor needs. Therefore, The Friends must seek additional funding sources to sustain its mission. With your help, Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens will continue to expand educational programming, environmental awareness, facilities maintenance and development as well as horticultural health and diversity. The Gardens are a valuable resource for our community which must be maintained and enhanced for present and future visitors. Our Mission

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens promotes public knowledge of plants, gardens & the environment; & receives, raises & administers resources for these purposes.

Our Vision

The vision of Birmingham Botanical Gardens is to be one of the nation’s preeminent botanical gardens. Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens practices a policy of equal opportunity & equal access to services for all persons regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, orientation or sex. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a facility of Birmingham Park & Recreation Board.

Dear Friends “One of the Best Gardens and it’s Free.” UKBlueCrow Alexandria, VA

Because of your generous gifts of time, talent and treasure, Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens (“The Friends”) is pleased to report on another successful year in partnership with the city of Birmingham in operating our beloved Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Thank you so much for your support. We like to say that connecting people to nature lies at the heart of our mission of educating people about plants, gardens and the environment. For many of the adults, children and families who visit The Gardens (for free!) or partake in our many program offerings, our urban oasis is the only piece of nature they know, or it’s where they were first introduced to the wonders of the natural world. We also like to say that experiences here are actual and unplugged – attributes that can be harder to find in our increasingly electronic world. We hope you agree and that you visit often and take advantage of what we have to offer. At the same time, we connect daily with over 50,000 people to promote programs, events and activities through digital platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Through travel sites like Trip Advisor and Yelp!, our visitors share their experiences and connect with the world. In this report, we’ve selected a number of those postings to share with you, because we think it’s good to hear what others are saying. We know you’ll be proud to have played a part in making their memories of Birmingham Botanical Gardens so special. This report also highlights the progress our Board of Directors, staff and incredibly dedicated volunteer team have made in advancing our recent strategic plan. Finally, as of this writing, unprecedented physical connectivity is nearing completion as we conclude renovations to a soon-to-be-reopened pedestrian gate on Cahaba Road, and a path system linking to Lane Park Road. These amenities and more, funded by The Friends, augment the federally and city-funded work recently finished on Cahaba Road, and will complement additional work on the Garden Center (also funded by the city of Birmingham) which will soon begin. When the dust clears, you’ll see that we’re more connected than ever. We hope you enjoy reading our 2014 Annual Report and we encourage you to stay connected by continuing to support this important institution. Thank you again. nrael o t gnizam a woh dn a stuna saw tI“ e ”.worg y p tuoba eht

With sincere thanks for all you do for us,



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Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Chief Executive Officer

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B. Hanson Slaughter 2014 President

“An awesome space carved out of Birmingham’s urban area features many walking paths to take in the various forms of plant life. Absolutely gorgeous scenery.”


2014 Financial Reports Combined Statement of Activities SUPPORT & REVENUE


December 31, 2014

Public donations Memberships General education revenue Programs/special events In-kind contributions Interest & other investment income Dividend income Other income Unrealized holding gains (losses) Realized gains (losses) Fair value change in beneficial interest of Beeson Trust

$608,386 230,576 82,078 730,544 8,371 430,303 128,768 124,139 188,101 42,200 170,248



Programs (See details below) Development General & Administrative

$1,852,348 212,773 306,801



Total Programs

Marketing 9%

Gardens 38%

Volunteers 3% Membership 6% Library 7%

Education 18%

$2,371,922 $ 371,792 $ 16,571,872 $704,187 331,561 128,431 110,026 56,346 173,721 348,076

Gardens Education Library Membership Volunteers Marketing Events

Events 19%

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The financial information shown above has been summarized by Birmingham Botanical Society, Inc., dba Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens, from its 2014 audited financial statements. A copy of the complete financial statements & auditor’s report is available for review at our offices at 2612 Lane Park Road, Birmingham, AL 35223.

Our Contributions to Our Community

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Employees of Jim ‘N Nicks; Jonathan Ross, Heath Anderson, Marcie Blassingame, Agatha Pihakis, Rosie McClure, Fred Spicer, Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Randall Smith, City of Birmingham Public Works, Willis Holston, Alabama Urban Forestry Association plant a Centennial Tree at Clairmont Park

1. Economic Impact: Birmingham Botanical Gardens is

4. Collections: Birmingham Botanical Gardens’ collections are outstanding. We are Alabama’s largest living museum, rife with native plant collections that celebrate Alabama’s biodiversity. Our library is the largest public horticulture library in the United States, open seven days a week. Our vision for Birmingham Botanical Gardens to be one of the nation’s preeminent botanical gardens is attainable.

a distinct cultural public amenity with 20+ thematic gardens on 67.5 acres. Approximately 350,000 visitors tour The Gardens annually free of charge. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is Alabama’s largest living museum, with more than 12,000 different plants in its living collections. Though the economic impact of The Gardens alone has not been calculated, the non-profit arts and cultural sector as a whole contributes an estimated $125 million per year1 to regional businesses. Gardening is the #1 hobby in America generating $35.2 billion nationwide.2

5. Volunteers: Birmingham Botanical Gardens has a

large cadre of dedicated volunteers and supporters. In 2014, more than 1,200 volunteers gave over 28,800 hours of service to Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. At rates set by the non- profit Independent Sector, the value of this community involvement is almost $650,000 and equates to about 12 full-time positions. It’s very simple: our volunteers make delivery of our mission possible. Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens’ volunteer supporters include 2,900 family and individual members who support the gardens through fundraising, advocacy, and education.

2. Quality of Life: Birmingham Botanical Gardens’ contributions to quality of life include safe, beautiful walking paths, open 365 days a year dawn to dusk; special events; and educational programming and resources. The beauty of the plants and art of the gardens soothe, stimulate and inspire. Food from the Bruno Vegetable Garden feeds the hungry. Our award-winning Plant Adventures program uses gardening as a rehabilitation and life-enrichment tool for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, physical limitations, mental and emotional impairment or other special needs.

6. Community Space: Birmingham Botanical Gardens

provide unique and beautiful public spaces – not just the gardens themselves, but also the auditorium, lecture hall, meeting rooms and restaurant, all of which are available and heavily used to support community meetings and activities. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a spectacular site for special events. t ah den s Stu miy Sha Grade Field Trip ery 4th cov Dis

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1. Arts & Economic Prosperity III: The Economic Impact of Nonprofit Arts and Cultural Organizations and Their Audiences in Jefferson County, Alabama: 2005, Americans for the Arts 2. National Gardening Association: 2005

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mission impacts every visitor through signage and labeling which identify garden elements and specific plants. In addition, we provide free hands-on, curriculum-based science programming to over 10,000 kindergarten through 8th graders on average each year through our Discovery Field Trips Curriculum. These programs correlate with the Alabama State Course of Study and are aligned with the National Science Education Standards. We also offer summer camps for children, state-endorsed teacher training, and myriad adult classes, lectures and workshops. Our programming promotes sustainability and environmental stewardship. In 2014, more than 43,700 adults and children benefited from our educational programming.

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3. Education: Birmingham Botanical Gardens’ educational

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Our Strategic Priorities

Check Us Out Online At


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Shamiyah Student 4th Grade Field Trips Discovery

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David Williams, Barbara Burton, Bill & Lyndra Daniel, Katie Baker Lasker and James Combs Lasker at Antiques at The Gardens

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The Gardens has a multi-faceted, integrated revenue strategy to seek resources for its strategic and master plans 2014 Accomplishments

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Foundation, Kinder Morgan Foundation, Mike & Gillian Goodrich Foundation, Regions, Robert R. Meyer Foundation, and the Susan Mott Webb Charitable Trust* Special donor tours given in the Kaul Wildflower Garden Fall Donor Event held at the home of Cathy & Tom Adams; more than 90 attended From the Garden to the Table event held in Bruno Vegetable Garden with chef Chris Hastings Celebrating Our Roots event held in February; guest lecturer, Dr. Richard Lighty Conservatory Phase I Improvements completed. Grand Reopening held on February 23 for members and donors. Funding provided by City of Birmingham, Brooke Family Foundation, The Daniel Foundation of Alabama, Bill & Lyndra Daniel, Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham, Lorol Roden Bowron Rediker Rucker Foundation, Anonymous (2), The Lucille S. Beeson Charitable Trust, Butrus Family Advised Fund, Holly Oak Garden Club, Valley Off-Shoots Garden Club

*For more information about our education programs visit www.bbgardens.org/education

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Ninth Antiques at The Gardens chaired by Barbara Burton & Katie Baker Lasker and honoring Bill & Lyndra Daniel raised over $400,000 for education programs First Flicks Among the Flowers held in celebration of 50th Anniversary; more than 300 attended Fall Plant Sale raised nearly $44,000 for mission-based programs; over 1,200 attended The Junior Board’s Dirt Dash fun run was held on November 15. Over 250 people, most of whom were not previously affiliated with The Gardens, participated The 45th Spring Plant Sale was held at the former JC Penney at Century Plaza on April 10-13. Over 9,000 were in attendance; more than $277,000 raised Discovery Field Trips provided to Bessemer City Schools through Vulcan Materials Foundation and to Birmingham City Schools through Junior League of Birmingham. Additional funding provided by Birmingham Kiwanis Foundation, City of Mountain Brook, City of Vestavia Hills, Goodrich Foundation, Hugh Kaul Foundation, James Milton & Sallie R. Johnson

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Our Strategic Priorities

Check Us Out Online At


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“I really enjoyed learning about germination. My favorite part was the scavenger hunt in the conservatory.” Dustin 3rd Grade Student Discovery Field Trips


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The Gardens’ buildings and grounds facilitate achievement of its vision, mission and priorities and uphold the organization’s standards of excellence 2014 Accomplishments •

• •

“I had so much fun on the tour - especially when we were being detectives.” Joshua 1st Grade Student Discovery Field Trips

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Conservatory Phase I Improvements completed; opened to public February 23+ Stonework and path upgrades in Jemison Lily Garden completed; Walter Overlook renovation supported by Jemison Investment Co.+ rn ea ol w g t ho zin and ma ts s a nu w.” wa pea gro “It out hey t ab

• • • • •

The Gardens designated $900,000 from City of Birmingham Bond-Fund Improvements; work to include ADA compliance, restroom upgrades, caterer’s kitchen and auditorium renovations (October 2015) New cherry plantings in Japanese Gardens’ Kayser Cherry Walk Replacement work begun on twin gazebos in Ireland Iris Garden by Dean Black of Blackwood Gallery+ New porous paving trails completed in Hess Camellia Garden by Aquatic Gardens+ Raised bed repairs in Bruno Vegetable Garden donated by Brasfield & Gorrie Bonsai Gate replaced in Japanese Gardens by Dean Black+ New bog exhibit installed in Arrington Plant Adventure Zone for conservation collection of Alabama pitcher plant For the period 2000-2014, over 46,000 plants were added to permanent living collections, representing 3,200 different taxa; 58% new to the living collections+

+Funded in part by the Lucille S. Beeson Charitable Trust, managed by Regions Morgan Keegan Trust


Our Strategic Priorities

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Junior Board presents Pure Barr Yoga at The Gardens

The Gardens has an engaged base of members, supporters and volunteers sufficient to support mission and goals 2014 Accomplishments • • • • • • • •


Annual Members Celebration held and featured Master Plan Top Ten Projects; Over 200 members attended Greenhouse volunteers participated in structured training classes including Greenhouse Safety and Operations in Potting Shed Annual Holiday Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon held; 2014 Volunteer of the Year awards presented Director’s Choice Plant Dividends distributed free to more than 400 members; benefit of membership Members Day Trip to Hills & Dales Estate; 55 attended Hosted UAB Honors Program students for service day in Arrington Plant Adventure Zone and Birmingham-Southern College students in Kaul Wildflower Garden Volunteer orientation provided to UAB students for Hikes for Tykes and Get Into The Gardens weekend programs More than 500 members attended Members-only Preview Sale at Spring Plant Sale “It

• • • •

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Junior Board introduced new free yoga classes to hundreds of participants 65 students from Jefferson County Youth Leadership Program volunteered at Fall Plant Sale New Conservatory weekend activities facilitated by trained UAB stduents to more than 300 visitors More than 2,500 hours were contributed by volunteer partners including the Ismaili Community Engaged in Responsible Volunteers (iCERV), Hands-On Birmingham, Youth ServeBirmingham, University of Alabama student groups, the Arc of Jefferson County, local Boy/Girl Scout troops and the City of Birmingham’s Park & Recreation department. YP Birmingham and Junior Board held social networking event; more than 200 attended More than 1,200 volunteers contributed 28,800 hours

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Check Us Out Online At


Check Us Out Online At


Our Strategic Priorities

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Butterfly release by Birmingham Zoo at Butterfly Awareness Day at The Gardens

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“The Plant Adventures Program is enhancing not only our consumer’s lives, but our beautiful city as well. You really brightened their day.” Hunter The Arc of Jefferson County Plant Adventures Program

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The Gardens builds and maintains mutually effective partnerships that leverage combined resources in support of its vision and mission 2014 Accomplishments • •

• • •

Planted 50 Freedom Oaks in partnership with Red Mountain Park and City of Birmingham* Second Annual Butterfly Awareness Day in partnership with The Gardens’ Native Plant Group, Birmingham Zoo, Ruffner Mountain Nature Preserve, Birmingham Audubon Society, Jefferson County Master Gardeners, Alabama Extension System, Media Mint Publishing and Stoneshovel Landscape Design Established relationships with Highlands School, Vestavia Hills High School, The Arc of Jefferson County, The Exceptional Foundation, Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama, Fair Haven Methodist Home and Birmingham Zoo for Plant Adventures Program* Partnered with Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama to establish Girl Scout troop at The Gardens* Bruno Vegetable Garden produced 3,000 lbs of fresh produce, donated to Magic City Harvest for local distribution+ Fourth anniversary of Saturday morning Hikes for Tykes and Gross-out Summer Camps in partnership with Fresh Air Family, Inc.*

• • • • • •

Junior League of Birmingham completed 14th year of volunteer and financial support for Discovery Field Trips, included bus transportation and books for City of Birmingham students* Shades Valley Rotary Club held Botanical Bash to support internship program; Little Garden Club sponsored first Louise Agee Wrinkle Native Plant Internship Cherry Blossom Festival held at The Gardens by Japan-America Society of Alabama Co-hosted Bards & Brews with Birmingham Public Library; over 100 people attended Provided crucial program assistance to MANRRS (Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences) National Conference Held first annual Spooky Science in partnership with Fresh Air Family 2,000 students representing five colleges and universities in the Birmingham Area Consortium of Higher Education (BACHE) completed self-guided tours

*For more information about our education programs visit www.bbgardens.org/education


Our Strategic Priorities

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“Such a fu n class ou tside at @BBGa rdens.” @sushiclass


CEO Fred Spicer leads walking tour through The Gardens

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The Gardens maximizes impact on visitors and program participants through formal educational programming and incidental learning experiences 2014 Accomplishments

• • •


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Spencer Lecture Series: author David Price; over 400 attended* Garden Explorations welcomed 300 children in addition to teachers from City of Birmingham Park and Recreation Centers* Sanitra Lawrence became the seventh summer intern funded by the Rotary Club of Shades Valley, Mitchell Vaughn was first Louise Agee Wrinkle Native Plant Intern funded by Little Garden Club and Alex Dumont was Birmingham-Southern College intern* Library at The Gardens circulated more than 8,200 items; total of 18,500 visitors* “ saw tI zama ot gni tuoba nrael a stunaep n woh d org yeht ”.w

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“Rotaractors and Parker HS students mulching miles of trails at @BBGardens #ready2succeed #serviceaboveself ” @RotaractBham

*For more information about our education programs visit www.bbgardens.org/education

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Discovery Field Trips began the 16th academic year welcoming 115,000th student* Weekend program, Get Into The Gardens, offered free hands-on education programs to more than 1,400 visitors to The Gardens* Certificate in Native Plants Studies completed its third year* Plants: Inside Out, the newest Discovery Field Trip and the first designed for middle school completed second year; funded by The James Milton and Sallie R. Johnson Foundation* New Discovery Field Trip, Pollinators, in development Southern Tales at The Gardens with Dolores Hydock; more than 300 attended the sold-out event* Children’s Summer Camp program generated $42,169; 240 children attended; included new Urban Farm Camp* Education and public programs reported participation over the prior academic year: 16,300 children and 27,400 adults; total of 43,700 individuals Earth Day at The Gardens held, more than 1,500 attended*

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Our Strategic Priorities

Check Us Out Online At

bbgardens.org Asplenium tutwilerae, Tutwiler’s spleenwort, inspected by John Manion, curator of Kaul Wildflower Garden

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Alabama ranks 5th in overall biodiversity and 9th in plant diversity among all states. Alabama also boasts 25 endemic plants, species or varieties that grow naturally nowhere else in the world.

“Class was excellent - students were very involved - one of my favorite all-time classes.” Randolph Certificate in Native Plant Studies

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The Gardens has a transparent commitment to making environmental sustainability a priority 2014 Accomplishments

“I learned about pollination. I had tons of fun and enjoyed it very much.” Azzy 6th Grade Student Discovery Field Trips

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From 2009-2014 approximately 1,500 native tree seedlings were planted on about 15 sites in the metropolitan area of Birmingham in our Centennial Trees program* Certificate in Native Plant Studies program offered to encourage the use and conservation of native plants* Began new partnership with The Nature Conservancy – Alabama Chapter, using volunteers to work on- and off-site to conserve the Alabama leatherflower (Clematis socialis) rn ea o l ow gt dh in az ts an .” m s a anu row wa pe y g “It out the ab

Partnership with Alabama Plant Conservation Alliance to propagate and re-introduce very rare fern, Asplenium tutwilerae, Tutwiler’s spleenwort, to its sole native site in Hale County, Alabama Free Lunch & Learn Series offered to hundreds of participants in partnership with Alabama Cooperative Extension System and Jefferson County Department of Storm Water Management* Various conservation efforts made with partners; including Alabama Plant Conservation Alliance, American Public Gardens Association, Office of Mayor William A. Bell, Cahaba River Society, Davis Arboretum at Auburn University, Edgewood Garden Club (Federated Garden Clubs of Alabama, District III), Friends of George Ward Park, Garden Club of America (Birmingham clubs): the Little and Red Mountain Garden Clubs, Georgia Plant Conservation Alliance, Jefferson County Department of Storm Water Management, North Smithfield Manor - Greenleaf Heights Community, Red Mountain Park, The Nature Conservancy in Alabama, Vulcan Park & Museum

+Funded in part by the Lucille S. Beeson Charitable Trust, managed by Regions Morgan Keegan Trust


Our Strategic Priorities

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“Great pla ce to com e alone to relax or y ou can br ing a date It’s awesom !! e and free !” Amy Keen


Earth Day at The Gardens

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Birmingham Botanical Gardens has a recognized brand and message that is easily understood and consistently communicated to and by all stakeholders 2014 Accomplishments • • • • • •

• •

Channel radio stations, WBHM 90.3 public radio, flower magazine, Southern Living, b-metro magazine, Birmingham Home & Garden, Village Living, Homewood Star, The Magazine Antiques, Maine Antique Digest, American Horticulture, Public Garden, Weld, Cooking with Paula Deen, NBC13, ABC 33/40, CBS42, Fox 6, birmingham365.org, Alabama.travel, and many other website calendars News release distribution included local, state, regional and national groups based on target audience (visitors, events, programs) Award-winning event marketing collateral distributed to more than 100 local businesses, restaurants, coffee shops, venues and retailers. Includes posters, banners, rack cards, postcards, fliers and the award-winning Antiques at The Gardens catalog. Total Distribution: 75,000-100,000 pieces*

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Birmingham Botanical Gardens has an active, engaged, contributing board with broad reach in the community and beyond

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New brand campaign introduced to celebrate 50th Anniversay of The Gardens The Gardens named Top Free Attraction in Alabama by Alabama Department of Tourism Hermes Marketing Awards: Platinum-Top Ten Master Plan Projects Display; two Gold-50th Anniversary Artwork and Marketing Plan The Gardens touched more than 33,000 fans on Facebook, 8,000 followers on Twitter and 12,000 email subscribers “Good Things Growing” gardening blog featuring gardening advice celebrates three year anniversary; featured more than 250 articles 2014 media news articles and advertising included: The Birmingham News/AL.com, Birmingham magazine, About Town, 280 Living, Over the Mountain Journal, Huffington Post, Clear

Education Impact Statement Birmingham Botanical Gardens (The Gardens) is a public/private partnership between the City of Birmingham and Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens (The Friends)1, an Alabama non-profit corporation whose mission is to educate people about plants, gardens and the environment. (Highlights of 2013-2014 academic year; full report at www.bbgardens.org/education)

For Adults


Children and adults who benefited from The Friends’ educational offerings: 39,500+ Dollars spent by The Friends on education and volunteer programs: $597,000+2 Community volunteers at The Gardens and hours worked: 1,200+ and 28,800+ The value of that volunteer contribution: $650,000+3

Adults who pursued educational enrichment through The Gardens:

For Children

Certificate in Native Plant Studies: (est. May 2011) in-depth program raises awareness of the environmental importance and value of these plants; curriculum consists of core classes, electives, field trips and volunteer service to provide broad yet balanced instruction in botany, taxonomy, ecology, conservation and uses of native southeastern flora.

Curricula aligned with Alabama Course of Study: Biology, Botany, Science & Social Studies. Science and Environmental Education: curricula excerpts provided for teachers to ensure that objectives and their curriculum relevance are clearly defined. Preschool Objectives: based on Alabama Performance Standards for 4-year olds.

A Sampling of Our Education Partners

The Friends partners with dozens of varied organizations in delivering our mission-based programs including Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Alabama Plant Conservation Alliance, Birmingham Audubon Society, Birmingham City Schools, Birmingham Cultural Alliance Partnership, Birmingham Zoo, Children’s Hospital, City of Birmingham, Central Alabama Science Educators Exchange, Collaborative Environmental Network of Alabama, Community Garden Coalition of Birmingham, Fresh Air Family, Junior League of Birmingham and United Cerebral Palsy 1

Birmingham Botanical Society, Inc., dba Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. 2 Operating funds only, does not include garden improvements. 3 $22.55/hr. is Federal matching value of volunteer time for FY 2014.


Educators that participated in teacher training programs: 129 Portion of 16,000+ children in all programs who attended for free: 98%

Rotary Club of Shades Valley Internship: (est. May 2008) a 12-week paid internship focusing on botanical garden operations and management; institutions represented include Birmingham-Southern College, Miles College, Samford University, University of Alabama and University of Montevallo.

For Everyone

Birmingham Botanical Gardens Library: part of Jefferson County Library Cooperative, making it the only public horticultural library in the United States. Circulating items plus reference, periodicals, children’s media: Items circulated (5-year average): Annual Visitors (children and adults, 5-year average):

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Discovery programs given; students who attended those classes: 560+ and 11,230+ Alabama school districts served; number of schools participating in Discovery programs: 25 and 93 Grades served by Discovery programs: Pre-K – 12th

Program topics: include gardening, botany, nature-related art, floral design, naturalist themes (e.g., birding), botanical crafts and cooking, photography, health and wellness.

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Award-winning science-based school programs: which include Discovery Field Trips, Discovery Backpacks and Garden Explorations.


8,200+ 9,600+ 18,500+

Library Archives: include rare books, The Gardensand area garden club-related materials, maps and plans, tea ceremony items, plant fossils, botanical prints, antique seed catalogs and more. Plant Adventures: inclusive, holistic and hands-on programs that explore the significance of people-plant interactions and facilitate that engagement here at The Gardens and through community outreach; accessible to people of all abilities.

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Our 2014 Volunteers

In 2014, more than 1,200 volunteers gave 28,800 hours. Calculated at $22.55 per hour base rate according to the Independent Sector base rate, our volunteers saved the organization $650,000. The amount of time & talent volunteers give to The Gardens is immeasurable. Members of i-CERV volunteering at the Spring Plant Sale

Jones Valley Teaching Farm Mountain Brook High School Key Club Shades Valley High School Key Club Altamont School Key Club i-CERV Susie Abbott Jena Abbott Richard M. Adams Cathy C. Adams Sue Adams Amy Ager George Agras Kristina Akins Melinda Aldag Ralph H. Aldridge Edgar G. Aldridge Norma W. Aldridge Carol Alexander Jane Alexander Madeline M. Alger Sumaya Ali Susan E. Alison Olivia Alison Leigh Allison Susan Allison Linda G. Alverson-Eiland Thomas G. Amason Elizabeth Anderson Ray Anderson Tracey Anderson William F. Angell Noele Anglin Katherine Ard Jane R. Arendall Claire Armstrong Mignon Arrington Ritsuko Asano Barbara Ashford Alice Ashton


Linda C. Askey Jody Atchison Sherry Atkinson Steva Austill Madison Averett Judy Bacon Patti Badham Fan Bailey Philippa Bainbridge Jason Bains Kristen Bains Marsha Baker Susan Baker Ginger Ballard Cynthia L. Banach Kim Bankston Walter Barber Holly Barclay William Barclift Melanie Barnes Connie Barron Wendy Barze Vincent Batts Virginia Baxley Marie Baynes Kimberly Bean Jordan Beard Carol Beard Bob Beard Harvey Bearden Jodi H. Bearman Donna Beatty Barbara Ann Beckett-Gaines Nancy Beeler Mary F. Bell Joyce Benjamin Morris C. Benners Maxine G. Benton John C. Besse Julia Bevill Meera Bhatia Margaret Bish

Benjamin Black Susan Black Katrina Blades Susan Blair Virginia Blair Betsy Blakely Van Blankenship Mary L. Blankenship Kaki Blanton Tracy A. Blevins Ann Bloodworth Anne Bloomer Frances D. Blount Margaret Blount Shannon Blount Mindy Bodenhamer Brenda Boggan Wayne Boldin Suzanne Boldin Tim Boles Chris Boles Janet Bonds Peggy Bonfield George Book Lucy Book Kelly Boone Suzanne Boozer Rosemarie Borman Dailey Boschung Mimi Boston Taylor Bouchillon Glenda Boudreaux Adrienne Bourland Tierra Bouyer Mary S. Bowman Dawn Bowman Caroline Bowness Emily Bowron Stephanie Boyd Catherine Boyd Shirley Boyd Julieanna Brandino Fran Brandon

Frances M. Brandon Dianne Brannon Jeannie T. Brasfield Elna R. Brendel Shanarrous Briggins-Pollard Sara Bright Nancy Brock Nancy Bromberg Maggie Brooke Elizabeth Broughton Benny R. Brown Nonie I. Brown Betty J. Brown Anne M. Brown Sharon Brown Kathryn Brown Ed Brown Clark C. Browne Katherine Browne Carl Bruner Paty Bryant Marcia C. Bryant Kathy Bryant Kittie Buchanan Grace Buettner Crawford Bumgarner Mary Burge Jackie Burgess Anne Burke Robert E. Burks Mary Beth Burner Bill J. Burnham Sue Burnham Debra Burrell Barbara L. Burton Hana Burwinkle Joan Busby Gene B. Bussell Gene Byars Nancy Bynon Tyesha Bynum David Callahan

Teresa Callaway Lucille Calvert Holley Camp Pat Campbell Cathy Canant Kaye M. Carlisle Lynn Carmichael Joanne Carnes Mitchell Carr Chris Carruba Dale Carruthers Carol Carter Michele Carter Carolyn Carter Augusta Cash Lynn Cassady Charlene H. Chadband Vince Champion Marjorie Chan Norma F. Chandler Sunny Chao Karen Chapman Martha Chapman Jim Chappell Pinky Chase Elizabeth T. Chastain Angie Chastain Elizabeth M. Chastain Lindsey Chitwood Craig Christopher Alice Church Cecil Clark Meleesa Clark Molly P. Clark Virginia Clark Kay Clark Pauline Clarke Jeanne Clarke Mary Jane N. Cleage Adrienne Cleveland Mary Carolyn G. Cleveland Jeanne Clever

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Kelly Cloud Naneita Cobbs Dick Coffee Bonnie W. Coggin Ronald B. Cohen Rebecca Cohn Elizabeth Coleman DeShanna Coleman Catherine Coltharp Susan Colvin Donna Comer Dana Compton Tammy Connor Deane Cook Diane Cook Kathleen Cook Sheila Cooley Lizbeth B. Cooney Cary Cooper Betsy Cooper Clint Coopersmith Paula Cordes Pat Cosgrove Elsie Cothran Anne Couch Alice L. Cox Lana Cox Thomas B. Cox Sahra S. Coxe Susan Coyne Jennie Craft Kelly Cravens Myra Crawford Kayra Creel Wendy Creel Victoria D. Crenshaw Mary H. Crowe Cameron Crowe Becky Crum

Margie Cuckler Cheryl Cullison Lori Culpepper Leslie Culver William Cureton Emily Curran Carol Currie Lyndra Daniel Vicki Daniels Stewart M. Dansby Caroline Darby Barclay Darden Jim & Kim Dargan Anita Dark Larry J. Davenport Charlotte Davey Linda David Lyn Davis Luci G. Davis Sandra Davis Nkele Davis Donya Deal Francie Deaton Kathy Dee Cathy DeLozier Joan E. Denman James P. Deuel Nancy Devore James DeWilde Lane Dewine Megan Dicken Jan Dickerson Glenda Dicks Merrie Diehl Eva Dillard Terri Dimuro Rita H. Dixon Cynthia Dodd William H. Dodson

If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly listed you, please accept our apologies and contact Taylor Steele, volunteer coordinator, at 205.414.3955 or drickel@bbgardens.org.

Trisha Dodson Charlotte Donald Rebecca Y. Doremus Joanne M. Dorr Kathleen Doss Tom Douglass Tonya Drake Patsy Dreher Isabelle Dreher Betsy Dreher Helen M. Drennen Evelyn Drennen Virginia Drennen Mark L. Drew Elizabeth Drewry Annette H. Drummonds Felicia DuBose Bee Dugger Deveda Dukes Darryl D. Dunbar Ruby N. Duncan Glenda Duncan Barbara Dunham George Duquette Katherine Durkee Lenore Durlacher Micheal Dyer Lilly Eagleson Kelly Echols Baylee Edwards Don Ehrett Marjorie Elam Susan Elliot Susan S. Elliott Leslie Elliott Shirley Elliott Martha Ellis Celia Ellis Linda Emerson

Sybil Ingram Marilyn Ingram Fay B. Ireland Norma-May Isakow Lila Isakow Meleesa Jack David Jackson Susan Jackson Cissy Jackson Lynn B. Jackson Don C. Jackson Mary Jackson Kay Jackson Loryn J. James Lamar Jeffries George L. Jenkins Karen Jensen Elizabeth Jernigan Nancy Jerrigan Kelli Jetmundsen Sallie Johnson Norman K. Johnson Gwen Johnson Rosemary L. Johnson Connie Johnson Paulette Johnson Sue Johnston Sarah Johnston Ralph Johnston Marjorie H. Johnston Sharon Johnston Elise Jones Kim Jones Carl E. Jones Karen Jones Kathy D. Jones Daniel D. Jones Marlie Joseph Laura Jurotich Eve Justice Shamsa Kahn Olivia Kalin Gina Karcher Laide Karpeles Leo M. Karpeles Ann W. Katholi Leo Kayser Joan Keagy Nancy Keeble Joseph Keeton Jane Keeton Kelly Keim Rod Kelley B. H. Kennedy Dorothy M. Kent Ann Kessler Jessie M. Key Jessie M. Key Shamsa Khan Robin Kidd William T. Killian Patricia B. Kilpatrick Sheryl Kimerling Annie F. King LaToya R. Kinion Carol Kirkpatrick Holly Kitterman Belinda Klau Joy Kloess Parrish Knorr Molly Knudsen Susan Koretsky Cece Lacey Ann Lambert Jean H. Land

Jennifer Langston Barbara Lanier Susan Lanier Joyce A. Lanning Karen Larsen Joy Larsen Kurt Larsen Lynn LaRussa Kathryn Lasker Caroline Lassiter Lauren Lassiter John Latham Cecelia Latham Philippe W. Lathrop Joyce Lawler Frances H. Lawlor Sharon Leader Alynn LeBerte Henry Lee David Lee Betty V. Lee Natalie Lee Alicia Lepke Mark L. Lester Jane Levy Margaret D. Lewis Misty Lewis Misty M. Lewis Wayne Lewis Leesa Lewis Nancy Lewis Kiara Lewis Raven N. Lewis Valerie Lightfoot Jane Lightning Sherrill Linder Shelley Lindstrom Sally Lineberry Carol Link Margaret Little Joanna Liverant Becky Lofty Henry S. Long Nancy Long Gina Long Jowanda S. Lowden Sue Ellen Lucas Gail Lucas Katie Lucas Janet Lucas Mary Lucas Karen Luce Cathy Luckie Sharon Lumpkin Alex Lupo Rhonda Lusco Virginia H. Lusk Kim Lyman Jeanie H. Mackenzie David E. Mackin J. S. Mackin Pam Maddox Janelle Madi Michael E. Malone Marcia Mancill Lisa Mann Kanika Manne Desiree Maples Tiffany Maring Lee Marks LeAnn Maroney Helen M. Martin Cindy Martin Gene E. Martin Jane Martin

Donna Martin Jeffrey & Jeanon Massien Kim Matthews Lizy Matthews Michelle Matthews Virginia R. May June Mays Ann McAdams Kim McBride Heather McCalley Kim McClafferty Cheryl McClain Rhonda McClellan Vicki McClinton Libbo McCollum Melanie McCraney Mary B. McCrary Anne McCrory Courtney McCrory Handley McCrory Sheard McCulley Libbo McCullum Kendall McDaniel Kellie McDowell Wendy McDowell Jeannine McElroy Erin McElroy Taylor McElroy Michel McEwen Harriet McFadden Jacqueline D. McFarland Lila McGahey Elizabeth McGittigan Vivian McGrue Mary Evelyn McKee Jane McKenzie Virginia McLean Janet McPherson Lesley McRae Katherine McTyeire Peggy McVay Angela Meadows Patsy Medlock Claire Medo John Meier Mary Mellen Stephanie Melonas Michael Menk Valerie Mennen Audrey Menniefield Chris Meredith Wendi Merritt Carrie Merritt Lawrence G. Michalove Sybil G. Michalove Jan A. Midgley Joyce Miles Meredith Milewicz Mary T. Miller Amy Milliron Bama Mills Alabama W. Mills Ira C. Mitchell Karen Mitchell Ashley Mitchener Mary J. Modica Kathy Moll Ashley E. Montana Sandra Moore Amy Moore Ana Moore Richard B. Morawetz Mary Jean Morawetz Elaine Moreland Mary Morgan

If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly listed you, please accept our apologies and contact Taylor Steele, volunteer coordinator, at 205.414.3955 or drickel@bbgardens.org.

Sandy Morgan Vince Morgan Vince Morgan Philip Morris Mary Lynn Morris Keener Morrow Carrie Morrow Tracy Moser Meg Mosteller-Barnum Jeremy I. Moton Heidi Mueninghoff Frances Mulkin Charlotte Murdoch Charlotte S. Murdock Frieda S. Murfee Sam A. Murphy Nivida Murphy J. Reese Murray Kathryn M. Murray Allison Murray Ashley Murray Fred W. Murray Burton Nabors Susan Nading Christi Napper Nancy Nash Patty Natter Rosemarie Nelson Shirley Newberry Mary Lou Newman Chase Newton Deanna Nguyen Cathy Nick Elaine Niden JoAnne Niden Lee Nix Patricia J. Noble Erica Nobles Julia Nolen JaNaye Norman Janisha Norman Tabathia P. Norman Patricia Norman Lindsey Norsworthy Barbara Norton Hanna Novakova Carol Oakes Jean Oakes Eva H. Oates Bonnie Obannon Marian Oberman Albert Oberman Nora O’Connor Dale E. O’Connor Sandra Oden Andrea Offord Carol Ogle Donnie G. Olis Melissa M. Oliver Anne Oliver Courtney Olsen Spring J. Olson Judith A. O’Quinn Julie Orr John Osborne Loyer A. Osbun Cathy O’Sheal Mitzi K. Owen Frances W. Owens Sandra Owens Willie L. Owens Clai Owens Martha D. Oyston Salvador Paantoja Penny W. Page

Patricia Palmer Cherry Parmer Allene Parnell Becky Parr Morris Parr Mayre Parr Anne Parrish Mary T. Pate Jennifer Patterson William C. Patterson Joan Patton Charlotte T. Patton Katharine Patton Andrea Pedigo Sarah Peek Emily P. Pendleton Lea G. Pennington Luella Perry Glenn Perry Jennifer W. Perry Helen Person Melissa Peters Paul G. Petznick Louis H. Pfau Carol Ann Phillips Mary W. Phillips Jennifer Phillips Gordon Phillips Kay Phillips Leo Phillips Karen Phillips Kate Phillips Martha Picardy Maurice F. Picardy Mary K. Pickering Joan Pickett John R. Pierce Ali Pierce Myron Pierre Amanda Pigue Dede Pittman Nancy Pless Gail Pless Cindy Pogwizd Sharon Pollard Hank Ponder Lacey Poore Kathryn Porter LeAnne Porter Ware Porter Steve Porter Sylvia Potts Jeanine Powell Elizabeth S. Poynor Carol P. Poynor Connie Prather Elizabeth Pratt Sandra Preston Lindsey Price Nancy Price Sally Price Murray Priester Hyacinth K. Prince Laura Proctor Robin Prophet Robert Pugh Stacy Pulliam Gloria Purnell James Purnell Lydia D. Pursell Taylor Pursell Jamie Pursell Margaret A. Pyburn Fran Quarles


Emily Hays Briona N. Haywood Paulette Haywood Ogard Leah Hazzard Caroline M. Head Bea Healey Richard Healy Myra W. Healy Yvette Heath Derrick Heckman Beth Heerton Mildred Henderson Peggy Hendricks Mary M. Hendry Katie Jean Henry Paula Henry Anne Heppenstall Laura Herndon Linda S. Herren Judith E. Hicks Pat Hiden Marjorie Hill Don Hill Melissa Hill Lynda Hiller Jane Hinds William L. Hinds Beth Hines Carol Hinshaw Glenn Hodge Dean Hodge Dorothy Hodges Patricia G. Holbrook Pam Holby Tena Holcombe Christena Holcombe Angie Holder Diana Holladay Cindee Holladay Janice Holliday Melinda Hollingsworth Herb Holloway Brenda Holloway Valerie G. Holman Haley J. Holmes Christy Holtz Mary Hooks Frances Hopkins Andy Hopper Ellen Hopping Frannie Horn Michelle Hornberger Warner Hornsby Maura Horton Christy Hotz Suzanne Hovater Mary Kathryn Howell Randy Howell Marian Howse Christopher W. Hoyt Victoria Hubert Harriette Huckaby Leslie Huckaby Sandra Huey Trammel Huey James F. Hughey Millie E. Hulsey Kelly Hulsey Charity Humphrey Vicki Hunkler John C. Hurst Nona Hurst Kim Hutchins Becky Hutto Bill Ingram

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Rodney Goode Connie Goodier Elizabeth L. Goodman Bobbye Ann Goodner Judy Goodwin Maura Goodwyn Margaret Goolsby Cleo Kathryn Gorman Frances Gorrie Alison Gorrie Ryan Graham Mary Jane Graham Cecily Graham-Chaney Barbara S. Grant Tandy Graves Marilyn P. Greely Becky Greenlee Margaret Gregory Celeste Grenier Joy Grenier Elizabeth B. Gresham Geraldine Griffin Celia A. Griffin Frances B. Griffin Carol Griffin Maryalys Griffis Mira Griffith Susan Grimes James E. Grisham Kay Grisham Linda Grissom Laura Guarr Stephen Guesman Mary M. Gullage Kelly Haberstroh Kristopher Haberstroh Mari C. Hafner Carol Hagood Beth Hains Sue G. Hair William Hairston Louise Hairston Tracy Hale Pam Hales Kenneth Hall Betty Hall Heidi Hallman Lisa Hammett Patti J. Hammond Michele Hamner Mary Jo Hamre Susan Hancock Ashley A. Handley William Hansford Gregory J. Harber Judy Hard James Hard Becky Hardin Pat L. Hare George G. Hare Helen S. Harmon Clarissa Harms Mildred Harper Mary Elaine Harris Anna M. Harris Polly Harrison Suzanne Hart Penny Hartline Libba Hartsfield Catherine R. Harvey Fletcher D. Harvey Leigh K. Haver Becky Hay Sandra Haynes Sarah S. Haynes

Sh 4t amiy Disch Gra ah ov de ery Stud Fiel en d Tr t ip

Elizabeth Emerson Martha B. Eskew Robert L. Eskew Nancy Essig Angela Evans Jennifer Evans Ashelynn K. Falkenburg Jeannie Fallon Amanda Fanelli Belle Farish Ginny Farley Susan Farlow Mary V. Farrar Patricia Farris Ben J. Faucher Bernadine R. Faulkner Judy Feltman Dawn Ferguson Rosemarie Fernandes Alberta Fields Shirley Fifield Katie Finley James O. Finney Patricia Fisaro Diane M. Fisher Michael Fleenor Lisa Flowers John A. Floyd Rebecca Flynn Mary Lois Forbes Orrin Ford Pauline J. Ford-Caesar Pat Forman Miriam Fowler Kim Fowler Cindy Fravert Ernestine French Peggy Frese Phil Friend Ann Friend Margaret Fritsma Wynola Fuller Gerald M. Fuller Penny T. Fuller Linda Gaffney Karmen Gaines Ann Galbraith Dale Gann Kathryn Garcia Faith Gardner Jacquelyn Gardner Dianne E. Garman Anne Garwick Karen Gaspers Carole Gaston Verna Gates Giselle Gauthier Jeremy C. Gay Melanie Geer Gary Gerlach Joseph Germann Robin B. Geurs Denise Gibson Pat Giles Jeanie Gillespie Clarke H. Gillespy Karen Gilliland Mary F. Giltz Lelie Given Wilkerson Given Walter D. Glass Elizabeth H. Goettge Hubert W. Goings Michelle Goley Angela Gomez


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Martha Ellis, Janice WIlliams, Verna Gates, founder of Fresh Air Family

Ida C. Burns Volunteer of the Year Janice Williams An overall outstanding individual whose continual volunteer service in many areas of the organization has had significant impact on Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

Plantsperson of the Year Martha Ellis An exceptionally talented volunteer who generously shares their plant knowledge and skills with other individuals who volunteer on a regular basis propagating, caring for, and/or maintaining plants for Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

Volunteer Partner of the Year Fresh Air Family An organization that has partnered with our volunteer organization to multiply our efforts and achieve our mission.

A volunteer who does an outstanding job with their educational efforts promoting public knowledge and appreciation of plants, gardens, and the environment.

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Leslie Simpson Anna B. Sizemore B. Hanson Slaughter Diana R. Slaughter Shirley Smith Beverly J. Smith Juanita Smith Virginia C. Smith Jonathan R. Smith Garrett T. Smith Robert H. Smith Catherine C. Smith Jane P. Smith Beverley H. Smith Win Smith Helen C. Smith Martha Smith Alison Smith Louise G. Smith Catherine W. Smith Grace K. Smith

Volunteer bbgardens.org Awards

Educator of the Year Dr. Marilyn Niemann


Kimberly J. Rogers Rebecca Rogers Jeanne Rogers David O. Rogers Rachel Rohde Cindy Roodhouse-Banach Rachel Rosenthal Deborah Ross Judy Ross Hilary Ross Stephen Rostand William T. Rouse Martha K. Rowe Gail Rubin Casey Ruiz Madelon Rushing

Bitsy Williams Janie Williams Buck Williams Jarvis Williams Mary Williams N. T. Williams Janice H. Williams Laura Williams Denise Williams Trisha Williams Frank Williams Cindy Williams Murray M. Williamson Wayne Williamson Cathy T. Williamson Louis J. Willie Sherry M. Wilson Audrey A. Wilson Fran Wilson Madge Wilson Libba Wlliams Kim Wood Steve & Patti Wood Gail Wood Selah M. Wood Johnny Wood Leanne B. Woodall Linda Woodrow Charles Woodrow Liz Woods Connie Wooley Jonathan Woolley Eloise Wormely Amanda Wright Tony Wright Bobbie Wright Louise A. Wrinkle Claudia Wyatt Carolyn R. Wynn Harold Yoder Leigh Ann Young Jann Young Kelly Young Maves Youngblood Amy Zarra Dan Ziegenbein Michele Zito


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Kathy Tullis Elizabeth A. Tulloss Jim Tulloss Shelly Turnbough Abby Turnbough Kara Turner Mabel D. Turner Heather Turner Kathy Tyler Sally Tyler Ingram D. Tynes Dianne Uhrin Patricia Ulbricht Chelsea Umbach Marcia G. Unger Doug Unkenholz Gopi Upreti Abigail P. van Alstyne Chris Van Cleave Linda E. Vann Brenda Vann Jim Vann Evie S. Vare Ruth Varnell Anne T. Varner Ann E. Vaughan Laura K. Vogtle Sandy Wade Rose Wade Bette Waiwaiole Dolly Walker Gary Walker Latresa Wallace Elizabeth M. Wallace Candace M. Wallace Scott A. Walton Louise Walton Sandra Waltz Carol G. Washington Annette Waters Anne P. Watford Rhoda Watkins Courtney Watts Bill Wear Sidney Q. Weatherly Lynda Weaver Jean M. Webb Angela Webb Tyson Katherine L. Webster Ellen Webster Roger Weeks Lisa Weems Kim Weinheimer Heather Welch Karen Welden Robert Wendorf Brian Westhoor Jeanna Westmoreland Bo Whalen Grace Whatley Kathy Whatley Charlotte Wheat David Whetstone Kitty C. White Janet J. White Saxon White Wendy White Lyda S. White Ed Whitfield Carla J. Whitley Richard H. Whitney Taylor Widman Melanie Widman Linda Widner Marilyn Wike Nancy Willard Tina Willard Julia Willcox


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Katherine M. Smith Nicole Smith Carol Smith Melissa Snow-Clark Sue Solomon Jennifer Somerset Megan Sowder Neal J. Spangler Tracye Speights Cynthia S. Sproull Joshua Square Alan Stanton Sharon Stark Sumner Starling Bruce Steele Susan Steer Laurin Stennis Leslie Stephens Sheree Stephenson Nancy Stevens Thelma N. Stichweh Clay Stiles Sally Stinson Phillis Stinson Mark Stith Kate Stockham Ann Stocking Sandra H. Storm Mary Stovall Patricia Straka Mary K. Stringfellow Joy Strong Lucille Stuman-Jones Carole Sullivan Mary C. Sullivan Katie Sullivan-Kauffman Susan Suter Marsha Swann Sybil Sylvester Linda Systrom Sheila Sztanyo Elizabeth Sztul Natalie Tally Sarah Kathryn Tarter Kim Tate Ann Tate Robert G. Tate Sydney Taylor Janet Taylor Donna Taylor Cynthia Taylor Lora Terry Bill Tevendale Bill Tharpe Ann Thomas Jan Thomas Petty Thomas Chuck Thomas Amanda Thomas David Thomas Judi Thomason Patricia Thompson Peggy Thompson Wade Thompson Jean Thompson Frances Thompson Iris Thorpe Mary Alice Thurman William N. Thurman Wendy Tiller Rebecca Todd Earl Trafton Molly F. Trausch Jane G. Trechsel Bruno Tropeano Joanne Tropeano Mary J. Tucker Ellen Tucker

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Mike Rushing Debra Rust Cassandra Ryce Amber Ryder Barbara Sanders Brooks Sanders Bobbe Sanders Wanda Sandlin Audrey Sanford Phillip J. Sarris Betty Sartin Deborah Saunders Whitney Saunders Barbara Saurer Linda Sayler Kathy Scarritt Julia Schlemmer Ellen J. Schmidt Rita Schoennher Jean G. Schor Merle Schukoske Brenda Schuler Colette Scott Mary B. Scott Kenzie Scott Gaynor A. Screven Cindy Self Lee Sewell Libby Sexton John J. Shacka Ama Shambulia Todd Sharley Elizabeth Sharman Jane Sharp Janet Sharpe Babbie C. Shelton Winyss Shepard Frances Shepherd Linda Sherk Lou Ann Sherling Jeanie Sherlock Lisa Shi Jeff Shimizu Ann Shirley Jan J. Shultz David L. Silverstein

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Lawrence E. Quick Mary Jo Quintana Jeannie Radecke Peggy Rafield Patty Ragsdale Lakshmi Raju Laura Ramsay Gloria Randolph Elizabeth Ratliff Mani Rautroy Ann Ray Steve Ray Carol Reddington Jenny Reed Rebecca Reed Sarah Reed Laurie Regan Harry B. Register Ruth Reichwein George D. Reid Mary A. Reilly Bruce A. Relihan Suzanne Reveley Allen Reynolds Ellen Rhett Troy Rhone Clayton Richard Suzanne Richards Katie W. Richardson James B. Riddle Ellen R. Riley Page Ritchey Carolyn Rives Leonora Roberson Anna Roberson Ruth E. Roberts Janice W. Roberts Philip Robertson Nancy G. Robinson Lois O. Robinson Helen Robinson Scott Robinson Martha Robinson Charles B. Robison Dave Rodgers Frank Rodriguez

A. Brand Walton, Jr. Unsung Hero of the Year Cathy O’Sheal The Brand Walton Award is given annually to a volunteer who has benefited the organization by working independently and/or “behind the scenes” in an essentially non-public role for a number of years.

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Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet Ms. Camille A. Becker Mrs. Lucille S. Beeson * Peggy Bonfield & Orrin Ford D. Joseph & Ida C. Burns * Mary Carolyn Gibbs Cleveland Suzanne G. Clisby Mrs. Martha Stone Cobb Daniel * The Daniel Foundation of Alabama The Dunn-French Family Dr. John D. Elmore* Mrs. Claire H. Fairley* Mr. F. Lewter Ferrell, Jr. * Mr. R.R. Herbst * Mrs. Jimmie Hess * Mr. J. Ernest Hill & Mrs. Ora Lee Hill * Fay B. Ireland Mr. George L. Jenkins Hugh & Bobbe Kaul * Ms. Pamela Kaul * Andrew B. Krebbs Fran Lawlor Dr. Bodil Lindin-Lamon* Hope Long Dr. Michael E. Malone Ms. Louise T. McAvoy * Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz Mr. Philip Morris Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. James L. Newsome Dr. & Mrs. A. I. Perley * Steve & LeAnne Porter Mrs. Carol P. Poynor Mrs. Dorothy L. Renneker * Deborah & John Sellers Mr .& Mrs. William M. Spencer, III * Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Mr. Douglas Arant Stockham Dr. Wendell H. Taylor, Sr. * Mrs. Barbara D. Thorne * Mrs. Carolyn D. Tynes * Mrs. Ann H. “Nancy” Warren * Mrs. Robert Wells

2014 Grantors Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Alabama The Brooke Family Foundation City of Birmingham

2014 Members Chairman

Mrs. Louise D. Johnson*

City of Mountain Brook City of Vestavia Hills The Comer Foundation Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. The Goodrich Foundation Hill Crest Foundation, Inc. The Hugh Kaul Foundation Jemison Investment Company Inc. Junior League of Birmingham Kinder Morgan Foundation Little Garden Club of Birmingham Lorol Roden Bowron Redicker Rucker Foundation Mike & Gillian Goodrich Foundation


Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. The Forman Foundation


Mr. Richard M. Adams Ms. Elna R. Brendel Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Jones Family Fund Ms. Lori Oswald & Mr. Hans Paul Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor, III Mr. & Mrs. Murray W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. South, III Southern Progress Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stukes


Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Redmont Neighborhood Association Regions Financial Corporation Robert R. Meyer Foundation Shades Valley Rotary Club Susan Mott Webb Charitable Trust The James Milton & Sallie R. Johnson Foundation Vulcan Materials Company Wells Fargo Foundation Anonymous

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Barr Mrs. Camille H. Butrus C. Eugene Ireland Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Coleman C.S. Beatty Construction, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Bob de Buys Dunn-French Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Houston Gillespy Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kimerling Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Northen, III Rucker & Margaret Agee Fund Mr. & Mrs. B. Hanson Slaughter Mrs. Lucille R. Thompson Anonymous *Deceased


“I love this place. Tha nks for giving fam ilies a plac e where they can e njoy th and all of th e outdoors is for free.” Delores Ha


MEMBERS & DONORS Sha 4th miy Dis Gra ah cov de ery Stu Fie den ld t Tri ps

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“Es el lu gar fabo rit hijos pa ra camin o de mis ar, ellos divierten se muchisi mo.” Mayita C as tillo Card



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“A must see in spring when everything is in bloom, but still gorgeous to walk around and get fresh air any time of year!”

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Genny D. Pelham, AL


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Mr. Philip A. Morris Mr. and Mrs. William C. Patterson Mrs. Minnie H. Rast Mr. and Mrs. C. Dowd Ritter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Stan Roth Dr. and Mrs. Mike Rushing Mr. and Mrs. William M. Slaughter Mr. and Mrs. William E. Smith, Jr. Mr. Arnold L. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II Mr. and Mrs. James A. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. von Herrmann Mr. and Mrs. John E. Walker, Jr. Mrs. A. Brand Walton

Sha miy ah 4th Gra Dis cov de Stud ery Fiel ent d Trip

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Abroms Tom and Cathy Adams Mr. and Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Ausbeck Mr. and Mrs. William H. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Bissell Mrs. Frances D. Blount Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Boehm Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bowron, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Briggs Mrs. Alleen Cater and Dr. Lyle A. Hohnke Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Clayton, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Derrill Crowe Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Wally Evans Mr. and Mrs. Clarke H. Gillespy Ms. Peggy Hill Mrs. Robert S. Hinds Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Hoyt Mr. J. Turner and Mrs. Ashley Inscoe Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon Mrs. Donie N. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Marx Mr. and Mrs. C. Phillip McWane Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rosse

“ I t w abo as am ut p azin ea g the nuts a to lea r yg row nd ho n w .”

President’s Circle

Ellen and Fred Blackmon Mr. and Mrs. William Brooke Mr. and Mrs. James Burdette Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Carroll, III Ms. Carole H. Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cobb Dr. and Mrs. M. Clagett Collins, M.D. Mrs. Megan Cooper Mr. and Mrs. William F. Denson, III Dr. and Mrs. Winfield S. Fisher, III

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Fravert Dr. and Mrs. G. Y. Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Goings Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Gregory Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hulsey Dr. Susan Jackson Dr. Nancy Johns and Mr. John D. Johns Dr. and Mrs. Wade Lamberth Cliff and Cindy Martin Mr. and Mrs. Claude B. Nielsen

If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly listed you, please accept our apologies and contact Drew Rickel, donor relations officer, at 205.414.3955 or drickel@bbgardens.org.

Steve and Mary Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Rushton Mr. Nathaniel L. Self Mrs. Louise G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John S. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Styslinger, III Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Walton Mr. and Mrs. Melvin M. Zivitz

Oak Collier’s Nursery Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Aldag, Jr. Ms. Olivia Alison Mr. and Mrs. Craig Allen, Jr. Ms. Ann Ash Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bainbridge, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Barclift, III Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Becker Mr. Albert P. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brockman Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr. Mrs. Sharon L. Bromberg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Broughton Dr. Kathy Buchan Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Chambliss Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Chazen Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Cockfield Ms. Susan Colvin Dr. and Mrs. Merrill Compton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Cosby Ms. Pat Cosgrove Martha Council

Mrs. John Cowin Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Cunningham, III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Curtin, Sr. Dr. Anne M. Cusic and Dr. Bruce Cusic Dr. and Mrs. James A. Davis, III Dr. and Mrs. Arnold G. Diethelm Dr. and Mrs. William H. Dodson Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Doody Mr. Richard Dorman Mr. Nathan Dreger Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Dreher Mrs. Carolyn P. Drennen Mrs. Shawn Dunaway Mr. and Ms. Virgil Edwards Mrs. James H. Emack Ms. Linda Emerson Mr. James V. Fairley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Faulkner Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fleenor Ms. Sandie Brown Forsyth Mr. Joe L. Gerald and Dr. Ann Gerald Dr. and Mrs. George M. Gibbins, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glenn Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Greer

Magnolia Tammy Connor Interior Design Mr. and Mrs. James A. Abele, Jr. Ms. Rebecca Adams Ms. Cindi S. Akins Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aland Ms. Diane P. Alessio and Mr. Otello A. Alessio Mr. and Mrs. Keith O. Allen Ms. Anna Altz-Stamm Mr. and Mrs. James A. Anderson, II Ms. Gail C. Andrews and Dr. Richard Marchase Mr. William F. Angell Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Arnold Mr. and Mrs. David Bagley Dr. and Mrs. William C. Bailey Mr. Jackson B. Bailey Drs. Angus and Melissa Baird David Baker & Lois A. Gaeta Mr. and Mrs. David Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balliet Mr. and Mrs. Johnny L. Banks, Jr. Ms. Wanda Banks Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baydala Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bean, II Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bean Mrs. Barbara Ann Beckett-Gaines Mr. and Mrs. John H. Beeler, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Benesh Mr. and Mrs. Morris C. Benners, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Austen L. Bennett, III Mr. and Mrs. John M. Birmingham Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Bloomer Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boldin Mr. John Bolland Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Booker, Jr. Kelly and Bobby Boone Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bostany Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boswell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Boulware, III Mr. William M. Bowen, Jr. Mrs. Bertice Brown Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buck Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bugg Mrs. Samuel H. Burr Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Ehney Addison Camp, III Mr. and Mrs. Frank Canterbury, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carns Mrs. Mary B. Carr Judge and Mrs. John L. Carroll

Ms. Wanda Carruthers LaRue Carter Ms. Nan Carter Drs. Michael Catenacci and Kaira Catenacci Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Chandler Ms. Angie Chastain Dr. and Mrs. Walter D. Clark Mrs. Robert S. Clayton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cobbs Mr. and Mrs. Brian Coffee Mr. and Mrs. Alton L. Comans Mrs. Hope Cooper Mrs. Anita M. Cord Ms. Paula C. Cosper Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Crockard, Jr. Mrs. Julie Cundiff Mrs. Jane Cusick Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. George Daniels Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davis Dr. and Mrs. Brian Davies Dr. and Mrs. Max L. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Ogden S. Deaton Mr. and Mrs. James Delk Mrs. Suzanne Dickinson Ms. Marilyn Dixon Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dodge Ms. Susan Dominick Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Donnellan Mr. and Mrs. Russell Douglas Ms. Dorothy Drake Ms. Helen Dunn Mrs. Mary S. Durant Mr. and Mrs. Marc Eason Mike and Carolyn Edwards Mr. and Mrs. James Ehl Ms. Joyce Eidson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Elkourie Mrs. Ann R. Elliott Mrs. Clifford Emond Ms. Barbara Fant Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. Faust Dr. and Mrs. Richard Feist Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitts Dr. Karen Fitzpatrick and Mr. Rob Kunzig

Dr. and Mrs. Juan F. Gutierrez Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Harley Ken Harris and Tom Creger Dr. and Mrs. Jimmie H. Harvey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hillhouse Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Mr. Dan Hutchson Ms. Jeanne L. Jackson and Dr. Mark Lester Mrs. Jenelle Jones Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Katholi Mr. and Mrs. William T. Killian Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King Mr. Philippe W. Lathrop and Mrs. Judith S. Crittenden Mr. and Mrs. Curt Lee Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lee Lucas Ms. Janet Lyman and Mr. Hank Siegel Mr. and Mrs. John F. Markus Coke & Maria Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Mark McColl Mr. Rodney C. McCoy Ms. Eugenia McWilliams Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Mitchell

Mrs. Margaret L. Fleenor Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ford Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Forman, III Ms. Anita Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frei Mrs. Toula Fulford Mrs. Romaine Gaffney Ms. Julia Gardner Ms. Robin George and Mr. Earl A. George Drs. Alan and Doris Gertler Mr. and Mrs. Carey Gilbert, III Mr. and Mrs. Winston Gillum, Jr. Mrs. Lalie Given Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goettge Dr. and Mrs. Morton Goldfarb Ali & Charles Goodrich Mr. Jim Gordy Mrs. Barbara S. Grant Mrs. Mary Rose Gray Timothy and Allison Gregg Mrs. Stella K. Grenier Mrs. Linda Grissom Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Gross Ms. Margaret W. Grubb Mrs. Carmen B. Habeeb Judge and Mrs. James H. Hancock Dr. and Mrs. William Hansford Mr. and Mrs. Robin Harbin Mrs. Yvonne J. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Mike Harfield Ms. Paige Harkness Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Harmon Mrs. Karon Harmon Mrs. Ann G. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt R. Haskell Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hazelrig Mr. and Mrs. James W. Heacock, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Henderson Mrs. Linda S. Herren Dr. Leta Herring Mrs. Elizabeth Hewlett Dr. and Mrs. Guy M. Hicks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Higgins Mrs. Richard C. Hillhouse Mr. C. Logan Hinkle Mrs. D.E. Hinshaw Mrs. Jane B. Hodges Mrs. Elizabeth C. Hoffman Mr. Tyler Hooper Ms. Sarah B. Horn Mr. Frank Hrabe

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Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hughey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fredric Ingram Ms. Margi Ingram Mrs. Babs Jackson Mr. Mark David Jackson and Mr. Larry Fitzgerald Dr. and Mrs. David Jackson Mrs. Lynn B. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jacobs Dr. and Mrs. Peter Jander Mrs. Jessie Y. Jemison Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Johnson Mrs. Elizabeth W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, Jr. Mr. Jerry Jones Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jones Dr. and Mrs. Jim Kamplain Ms. Elaine Kassouf Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Kassouf Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Keel Ms. Gwen Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Kennedy Col. and Mrs. Kenneth Key Mr. and Mrs. Kent Keyser Mrs. Beverly Kimes Lisa & Chuck Krebbs Dr. Robert A. Kreisberg Bill and Mindy Lalor Mr. and Mrs. William Lamb Mr. and Mrs. James G. Lambert Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Lamkin Ms. Ethelwyn Langston Mr. and Mrs. Jerome K. Lanning Mrs. Sandra Lawler Mr. and Mrs. Reed Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lee Mrs. Gayle Leitman Ms. Eileen Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Lindstrom, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Lineberry, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Robert Lister Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Long, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sprott Long, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Luckie, III Mr. Henry Sharpe Lynn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wade A. Mahlke Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Manley Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Mann Dr. and Mrs. Peter Mannon Mrs. David H. Marbury, III Mrs. Mary Marcoux Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Markstein, III Stanford and Nicole Massie Mrs. Cecilia C. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Gerson May

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morad Mr. and Mrs. John M. Musgrave Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. Nolen, III Dr. and Mrs. Joe R. Norman The Honorable and Mrs. Terry Oden Mr. and Mrs. J. Franklin Ozment Ms. Virginia C. Patterson Mrs. Thomas M. Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pless Mr. and Mrs. James W. Porter, II Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Pryor Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Rand, Jr. Mrs. John L. Rhoads Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rives Mr. and Mrs. E. Mabry Rogers Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Rollins, Jr. Mrs. Ralph N. Rooney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Ross Drs. Stephen G. Rostand and Katherine S. Rostand Dr. and Mrs. Charles Russell Dr. Merle M. Salter and Dr. Paul P. Salter Ms. Renee Saul Ms. Marian Schoel Dr. and Mrs. R. Waid Shelton, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Mayne Ms. Kim McBride Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. McBride, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Willard McCall, Jr. Dr. Charles A. McCallum Ms. Sarah C. McClure Ms. Carol A. McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Ron McCoy Mr. Ken McCutchen Ms. Dorothy McDaniel Ms. Michel McEwen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGough Mrs. Margaret H. McGowan Ms. Emily W. McGowin Dr. and Mrs. David S. McKee, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Meadows Mr. and Mrs. David Middlebrooks Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miles Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mills Mrs. Karen Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Monk, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Moore Ms. Pam Moore Mrs. J. M. Morgan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Morris Dr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Mueninghoff Mrs. Charlotte Stockham Murdock Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Murray Dr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Nading, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson Dr. Curt Newell and Dr. Sara Lynn Newell Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Newton Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. John T. Oliver, III Ms. Ann Omura Dr. and Mrs. Steven O’Sheal Mr. and Mrs. Jim Palmer Ms. Rebecca F. Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Guy Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pearson Dr. Andrew Penman and Ms. Connie O’Brien Dr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Peters Mrs. Helen Phillips-Carter Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Robbin Phillips Mrs. Jane Cobb Pickering Sara Ann & Bill Polhemus Mr. and Mrs. Irvine C. Porter, III Mr. and Mrs. Tom Powell

Mrs. Elizabeth Slive Mr. and Mrs. Lathrop W. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Weily Soong Mr. and Mrs. Larry Spangler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Straus Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sullivan Ms. Carol Anne A. Sutfin Ms. Dorothy J. Tayloe Mrs. Leah M. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Wendell H. Taylor, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David L. Tharpe Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Thomasson Ms. Tammi Trawick Dr. and Mrs. Jack Trigg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Ingram D. Tynes Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Vandevelde, III Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Vevle Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wahlheim, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Walton Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Weber, Jr. Peter & Kim Weinheimer Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Whatley Mr. Alan K. Zeigler

Mrs. Rebecca Prescott Mr. and Mrs. Gene T. Price Mr. Goode Price, III Ms. Nancy Price Mrs. Sue Pritchard Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Quinn III Mr. and Mrs. Denny Ragland Mrs. Margaret G. Ragland Dr. Firoz Rahemtulla Ms. Bari Reaves Mrs. Elberta G. Reid Ms. Suzanne Respess Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Rives Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Atkinson Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Adam Robertson Mrs. Mel Robinson Dr. and Mrs. O. Gordon Robinson, Jr. Ms. Starr Rogers Ms. Carol Rosenstiel and Ms. Fran Hogg Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Roth Dr. Loring Rue, III Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Rushton Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Salter Dr. Susan P. Salter and Mr. Steven C. Hydinger Dr. Paul Samuelson Mr. Carl Sanders, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Schiele Mr. and Mrs. John Scholl Dr. and Mrs. Harold Settle Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shannon Mrs. Margot R. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. James W. Shepherd, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Mr. Jeff Shimizu and Mr. Tommy Robinson Mrs. Sandra S. Simpson Ms. Anne Smith Mrs. Lamar Smith, Jr. Mrs. Vicki Smith Mr. James Sokol and Lydia Cheney Mrs. Carol O. Sommers Mr. and Mrs. Neal J. Spangler Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Sprague Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Stanley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stancil Starnes Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Steele Ms. Ruth Ann Steele Mr. Frank Stitt and Mrs. Pardis Sooudi Dr. Linda J. Stone Mary Ann & Ricky Stone Mrs. Deborah K. Strauss Ms. Rosemary Strouss Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Stutts Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Stutts, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Sweeney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sylvester Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tate Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Taylor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William A. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Thornton Mrs. Katherine Thrower Mr. and Mrs. George N. Tobia Mr. Steve Todd and Mr. Ben Henry Ms. Vivian Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Tullis Dr. Bayard S. Tynes Ms. Wendy G. Ulrich Tinsley Van Durand Dr. and Mrs. Brooks Vaughan Dr. Beverly VonDerPool and Dr. Phillip Smith Ms. Nancy Walburn and Ms. Meg Bashinsky Mr. Elbert S. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Collum Walker, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James C. Walker, Jr. Mr. Howard P. Walthall and Dr. Rosemary Fisk Mrs. Alecia Warnock Dr. Charles L. Watkins and Mrs. Mary L. Watkins Mrs. Leila Watson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waudby Dr. Paul C. Weir and Mrs. Amanda Adams Mr. and Mrs. George F. Wheelock, III Ms. Marjorie L. White Ms. Lucile White Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. White, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. White Ms. Holly Whitmire Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Whitney Dr. and Mrs. James R. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John W. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Wills Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A.S. Wilson Ms. Margery J. Wirth Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Withrow Mr. and Mrs. Richard Womack Mr. William Wong Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wood Mr. and Mrs. Alan Word Mrs. Harriett Wright Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Youngblood



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Hydrangea - Family

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Mrs. Teri Borders Mr. Charles A. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. David R. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Brady, Jr. Ms. Annette Brady Mrs. Virginia Brasher Mrs. Rebecca Brayman Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Breaseale Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Brinkley Mr. and Mrs. O’Neal Browder Dr. Caroline Brown and Mr. E. T. Brown Ms. Myra Brown Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Brown Ms. Tina Brown Mr. Carl Bruner Mr. Benjamin J. Bryan and Mr. Douglas Yarbrough Connie and C. Michael Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buchanan Mrs. Georgia Bullman Mr. and Mrs. Dean Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Burks Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. Burnham Mr. and Mrs. Borden H. Burr, II Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Burrows Ms. Tammie Butts Mrs. Jerry Byars Mrs. Margaret Caley Mr. and Mrs. Mike Calhoun Ms. Karin Callahan Mr. and Mrs. John Callaway Mrs. Juliet Calvin Mr. and Mrs. William L. Camp Mr. Chris Campanotta and Mr. Scott Ford Mrs. Anne G. Carey Ms. Kaye M. Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. Roger Carlisle Dr. and Mrs. Erskine Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. John D. Carney, III Mrs. Jan Carper Mr. Robert Carrington Bill and Lynn Carter Dr. Frances T. Carter Mr. T. Chris Carter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Casey Ms. Racile Casey Mrs. Ralph E. Cash Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Cassimus Ms. Rebecca Castleberry Dr. and Mrs. J. Denis Catalano Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cather Jr. Mrs. Jane H. Chace Mrs. Laura Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Vitaly Charny Mr. and Mrs. Ben B. Chastain Ms. Marilyn Chiaramonte and Mr. Peter Bibbo Ms. Missy Childers Ms. Pam Childers Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Chitwood Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Christenson Dr. and Mrs. Craig Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Corvin Clark Mr. and Mrs. David M. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Clark, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Clarke Ms. Sarah Clarkin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Clarkson Ms. Judith Clasen Dr. Orville W. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. John D. Clements Mr. and Mrs. Jon Clemmensen Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clemmons Dr. David Clews Ms. Barbara Clotfelter Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coats Mrs. Glenda Cochran Linda and Benjamin Cohen Mrs. Linda Cohn Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Don Cole Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cole Mr. William H. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Collias Mrs. Betty F. Collins Mrs. Jennafer Collins Mr. and Mrs. John Collins

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Morning Glories Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Guy Able, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Abrahams Ms. Alesia Adams Ms. Terry P. Adams Mr. and Mrs. L.R. Addison Mrs. Barbara H. Adkins Mrs. Margaret Ahearn Ms. Patricia M. Aitken Mr. and Mrs. Blake P. Alexander Dr. and Mrs. James F. Alison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Alison, III Ms. Janice Allen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Mrs. Patricia B. Alley Mrs. Angie Allman-Boyles Mrs. Joyce Allred Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Allsbrook Mr. and Mrs. Michael Alosi Mr. and Mrs. John Alsbrooks Mr. Rip Andrews Mr. and Mrs. David Anthony Ms. Linda B. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ash Dr. and Mrs. Tom Ashar Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ashford Mr. and Mrs. Bill Askew Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Atkinson Dr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Atlas Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Atwood Mr. and Mrs. Paul Aucoin Mrs. Katherine Avant Dr. Jack M. Averett, Jr. Mrs. Judy Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Winfield M. Baird Ms. Anita S. Baker Mr. and Mrs. John R. Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Baker Mr. Tom Baker and Dr. Carol Leitner Dr. and Mrs. Gene V. Ball Ms. Shannon Banta Mr. and Mrs. John Barelare Mr. and Mrs. Larry Barkey Ms. Joni Barnett Mr. and Mrs. John G. Barnett Mr. and Mrs. James P. Barnhart Ms. Nancy E. Barr Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Bashinsky Mrs. Richard G. Bastar, Jr. Ms. Ann Batum Mr. and Mrs. Allen Baynes Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bearden Mr. and Mrs. Murray Beck Mr. and Mrs. David Becker Mr. and Mrs. Terry Alan Beckham Mr. and Mrs. Michael Belford Mr. Brian L. Bellenger Mr. and Mrs. William Benjamin, Jr. Mr. Eddas M. Bennett and Ms. Ida Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Benton Ms. Cason Benton Mr. Michael Berndt Mr. and Mrs. Tom Berres Dr. and Mrs. Neal R. Berte Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bethay Mrs. Brenda Betts Mr. and Mrs. C. Adrian Bewley Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bey Mr. and Mrs. Peyton D. Bibb, Jr. Dr. Jill Billions Dr. and Mrs. William M. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bisset, III Ms. Sally Blackerby Mr. and Mrs. Archie L. Blackmon Mrs. Jenny Blackmon Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Blackwell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blackwell Mr. and Mrs. J. William Blair Dr. and Mrs. Kirby Bland Dr. and Mrs. John J. Blankenship Mrs. J. W. Bledsoe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lucian F. Bloodworth Ms. Elise Bodenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Brian Boehm Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Boehm Ms. Virginia Boliek Ms. Barbara Bonfield Dr. James Bonner

Mr. Thatcher Collins and Ms. Lauren Kennon Mr. and Mrs. Doug Coltharp Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Colvin, III Dr. and Mrs. Edward V. Colvin Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Compton Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Contreras Mr. and Mrs. A. Philip Cook, Jr. Mr. Brad Cook Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Belton Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cooper Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cooper Ms. Jennifer Cope Mr. and Mrs. Marc Corsini Dr. and Mrs. William Costenbader Ms. Miriam Cowan Ms. Janet Cox Mrs. Renee Cox Mrs. Lynn Craft Mr. R. N. Craig and Mrs. Carol M. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Scott Crain Dr. Myra Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Crawford Ms. Nelda Creel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crook Mr. Robert Crossmeyer Ms. Barbara Crowe Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cruse Dr. and Mrs. James Cullinan Mr. and Mrs. Roy Custred Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery B. Cutler Mr. Ralph Daily Mrs. Anna Daly Mr. and Mrs. Ken Damsgard Mrs. Judy Daniel Michelle and Michael Danley Dr. and Mrs. Charles Dasher Mr. and Mrs. Gene Davenport Ms. Susan E. Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davis Mrs. Patricia Davis Mr. Stewart F. Davis and Ms. Marilyn Lantz Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis Mr. and Mrs. William A. Davis, III Mrs. Joan Dawson Mrs. Kate H. De Garis Ms. Laura Dean Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deason Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. DeBardeleben Mr. and Mrs. Armand Dekeyser Ms. Kelly Denson Ms. Molleen Desai Ms. Nancy DeVaney and Mr. Pete Maena Ms. Lynne Devor Mr. Joseph Dice and Dr. Patricia Dice Ms. Eva Dillard Mrs. Mary I. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiPiazza Dr. and Mrs. William Dismukes Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dixon Mr. David E. Doggett Mr. and Mrs. David Donahue Mrs. Rebecca A. Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Donnellan Ms. Erin Donohoo Mr. and Mrs. Todd Dorlon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doss Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Doss Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Doucet Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dowell Mr. and Mrs. George Dreher Mr. and Mrs. William D. Drinkard Ms. Hillary Drummond Ms. Annette H. Drummonds Mr. and Mrs. John C. Duckworth Ms. Mary J. Dudley Mrs. Marsha Duell Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Dunbar, Jr. Ms. Geraldine P. Dunham Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Dunn Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Durham Dr. and Mrs. John T. Eagan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Eastwood, II

Mr. and Mrs. Hayven Eaves Ms. Jo Ann Eberlein and Mr. Mark Widener Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Edmiston Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Edwards Mr. Rodger Egeland Dr. and Mrs. George V. Eisenhart Ms. Jeanne Eleazer Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Elliott Mr. and Mrs. George B. Elliott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Enders Dr. and Mrs. Bonner Engelhardt Ms. Lisa Ennis Mrs. Lori Ennis Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Erdreich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Esdale Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Eskew Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Etheredge Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eubanks Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Evans Mr. and Mrs. Sid Evans Mr. and Mrs. Brent Falkenhagen Mrs. Mickey Farmer Ms. Mary V. Farrar Mr. and Mrs. D. Lawrence Faulkner Mrs. Lynne Faulstich Dr. Rosemary H. Faust Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fearon Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson Mrs. Nancy J. Ferrell Ms. Alberta Fields Mrs. Jeri Finchum Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Finchum Dr. Edwin Fineberg and Dr. Naomi S. Fineberg Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Finkel Ms. Susan Finley Lloyd and Jennifer Fitzpatrick Dr. and Mrs. Keith Fleisher Ms. Rebecca Flynn Mr. and Mrs. William L. Forbes Mrs. Peggy Bonfield and Mr. Orrin Ford Mrs. John Forney Mrs. Peggy M. Fortier Mr. and Mrs. Simon Foweather Mr. and Mrs. William Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Denson N. Franklin III Mr. and Mrs. William French, III Ms. Margaret Fritsma Mr. and Mrs. Ron Froehlich Mr. and Mrs. James Frost Dr. Gerald M. Fuller Ms. Tish Fuller Mrs. Jackie Fulmer Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Furlong Mr. Howard E. Furnas, III Mr. and Mrs. Hugh S. Gainer Mrs. Sissy Galloway Mr. Joseph G. Gamble Tom & Anne Garrett Mr. and Mrs. James Garrison Mrs. Lanier Gartland Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gary Mr. and Mrs. George Garzon Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaskin, III Mr. and Mrs. Maury Gaston Dr. Mia Geisinger Megan and Ben Gerace Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gewant Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gewin Ms. Patricia Gill Mr. and Mrs. J. Sharp Gillespy, IV Mr. and Mrs. James M. Gillespy, III Mrs. C. William Gladden, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. R. David Glasgow Dr. and Mrs. Walter D. Glass Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Glaze Sarah and John Glover Mrs. Holly Goodbody Mrs. Eve Graham Mr. and Mrs. Mike Graham Mr. and Mrs. William M. Graves Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gray, III Mr. T. Randolph Gray, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mac B. Greaves The Honorable and Mrs. Arthur Green

Mrs. Beverly Green Ms. Jan C. Greer Mrs. Elizabeth C. Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Griggs Mrs. Lynn D. Grimsley Ms. Catherine Gross Mr. Alexander Gruneberg and Ms. Hwasoon Kim Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hagedorn Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hagerty Ms. Carol Hagood Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hall Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Hambaugh Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hammack Ms. Patti J. Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Hanson, III Mr. and Mrs. James Hard Mrs. Beth Hardwick Mr. and Mrs. Jason Harlos Mr. and Mrs. James Harris Mr. and Mrs. Mike Harris Mr. and Mrs. James I. Harrison, Jr. Mrs. Theresa Harrison Ms. Jacquelyn D. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher D. Harvey, III Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haskell Dr. and Mrs. William K. Hawley Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Hayes Dr. Terry Bierd and Mr. Ben F. Hayley Ms. Nancy C. Hayley Mrs. Paula S. Haynes Mrs. Susan Haynes Mrs. Shirley Haynesworth Dr. Sarah Hays Ms. Lynn Headley Mr. and Mrs. Merrill T. Heard, Jr. Ms. Yvette Heath Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heavilin Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heck Ms. Christine Heckemeyer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Helfand Ms. Alice Helms Mrs. Howard J. Helzberg Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hempstead Mr. and Mrs. Danny Herrin Mr. James Hewitt Ms. Jane Hicks Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hiden Mrs. Bernice Hill Ms. Lida I. Hill Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Hines Mrs. Barbara Hirschowitz Dr. Kathryn Hoar and Mr. Wayne Hoar Dr. John B. Hodo Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Holcombe Mr. and Mrs. Elam P. Holley Jr. Ms. Valerie W. Holley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holliday Mrs. Eve W. Holloway Dr. Cynthia Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Don Holmes Mrs. Emily Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Holmes Mrs. Mary L. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Ted Holt Mr. and Mrs. David Hood Mr. and Mrs. Alex R. Hood Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hoomes Mr. and Mrs. Terry Horne Mr. and Mrs. William Horne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hornsby Mr. and Mrs. James Horton Ms. Kaye Houser Mrs. Katherine Houston Mr. and Mrs. George B. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Huddle Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Hughes Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Hughes Dr. and Mrs. Leland Hull, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Duncan Hulsey Mr. and Mrs. J. Terry Humber Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunn Becky and Bill Hutto Mr. and Mrs. James Hyde Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Ideker Mr. and Mrs. Richard Igou Ms. Barbara Ingram

Dr. and Mrs. James Isobe Mr. and Mrs. David Israel Mrs. Betty Jackson and Ginger Jackson Ms. Ginger Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Stewart A. Jackson Mr. Gary Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Janowski Dr. and Mrs. David Jenkins Ms. Becky Jennings Ms. Nancy Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Jensen Mr. Richard Jett Mr. James M. Johns Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson Ms. Ellen C. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. James C. Johnson Mr. Joseph H. Johnson, Jr. Ms Tina Johnson Mr. and Mrs. C. Guy Jones Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Jones Mrs. Betty Jordan Ms. Lynn Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Louis Josof Mr. and Mrs. J. Terrence Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Judd Dr. Suzanne Judd Ms. Diane Kanzler Dr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Karcher, Jr. Mrs. Georgia Kearney Mr. and Mrs. Leland Keller Ms. Karen Kelly Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kemp Mr. Robert D. Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Drew Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Whit Kennedy Ms. Lucy H. Kennedy Dr. Warren W. Kent Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Keyes Ms. Beth Kibler Mrs. Benjamin E. Kidd, III Mr. and Mrs. John Killian Dr. Cheryl Killingsworth and Mr. James McMinn Mrs. Wayne W. Killion, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Kilpatrick Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kimberly Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kincaid Mrs. Elizabeth B. King Mr. and Mrs. Tom King, Jr. Mrs. Patricia King Mr. and Mrs. Brett Kitterman Sharon and David Kleeschulte Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kleinstein Mrs. Cass Klimcak D.M.D.,P.C. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Koehler Ms. Polly Kratt Ms. Mary H. Krebs Mr. Jack Krueger Mrs. Dorothy G. Krusen Mr. and Mrs. John Kuklinski, Jr. Mr. Aaron Kuntz and Ms. Ashley Floyd Ms. Charlotte E. Lackey Walter & Carolyn LaGroue Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lakin Mr. and Mrs. Clark Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Land Mr. and Mrs. Barney Lanier Mr. and Mrs. John Latham Nancy and Lamar Latimer Dr. and Mrs Clifton Latting Ms. Janet Lauer Mr. and Mrs. Cheney Lawler Ms. Frances H. Lawlor Mrs. Natalie Lee Mr. and Mrs. William A. Legg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lehe Mrs. Anita LeMay Ms. Ina B. Leonard Dr. and Mrs. Robert Levin Mr. and Mrs. Bob Levine Ms. Susan Levine Ms. Elaine O. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lewis Mr. Jimmy Light

If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly listed you, please accept our apologies and contact Drew Rickel, donor relations officer, at 205.414.3955 or drickel@bbgardens.org.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Link Maurice and Marcella Little Mrs. James A. Livingston, Jr. Dr. Julie Locher Mr. and Mrs. Andy Lockhart Mrs. Lucy Loflin Mrs. Kathy Logue Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. London Mr. and Mrs. James D. Long Mr. Don B. Long and Dr. Marianna Long Dr. John A. Long and Dr. Sheri S. Long Ms. Annie Loo Mr. and Mrs. James H. Lott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Love Mr. and Mrs. Don Lowden Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lowery Ms. Jean Lubbert Mrs. Beverly M. Lucas Mrs. Suzanne Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Truitt Luckie Davor and Dianne Luketic Ms. Mila A. Luketic Ms. Donna M. Lummus Dr. and Mrs. John M. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Mackey Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mackin Ms. Mary Halsey Maddox Mr. Stevan Maglic and Ms. Leann Kinnunen Mrs. Lucy Magnus Ms. Cynthia Malloy Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Malone Dr. and Mrs. John A. Maloof, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mancill Mr. John Manion Dr. Stevan Marcus Mrs. Vicki Marion Mrs. Jane-Marie Marlin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Martin Mr. and Mrs. John H. Martin Ms. Cynthia Martin Mr. and Mrs. Gene E. Martin Mr. and Mrs. William F. Martin, III Ms. Sylvia Martin Mr. and Mrs. Mike Martin Mr. Jon R. Martinez Bill and Melinda Mathews Mr. and Mrs. James May Mrs. Amy McCain Ms. Kim McClafferty Ms. Kimberly H. McCluney Dr. Herb McCrimmon Mrs. Dorothy H. McCue Mrs. Linda P. McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Gene McElroy Ms. Jeannine McElroy Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. McFadden Ms. Cindy McGill Mr. and Mrs. Philip I. McGrath Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D. McKinnon Mr. and Mrs. David McLaughlin Ms. Leslie McLeod Mr. and Mrs. George D. H. McMillan, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. McNutt Ms. Jane H. McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Richard McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. McPhillips Mrs. Lynne McTyre Mr. and Mrs. Hobart A. McWhorter, Jr. Ms. Ellen Melville Mr. and Mrs. Donald Y. Menendez Mr. and Mrs. Ken W. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Michalove Mrs. Jan A. Midgley and Mr. Dean Clark Charles and Elizabeth Miller Mrs. Karen Miller Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Miller Mrs. Sandra Miller Ms. Cynthia L. Millican Mrs. Billy R. Mills Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Mills, Sr. Mrs. Nina P. Miranda Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mizzell Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mollengarden


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Shamiyah 4th Grade Student Discovery Field Trips

“It was amazing to learn about peanuts and how they grow.”

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Kim Easton, PA

“One of the most beautiful, curated places on Earth! And it’s FREE!!! ” Dr. and Ms. Robert B. Chadband Ms. Debbie Chandler Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Ms. Lyn Chappelle Mrs. Eleanor Cheatham Ms. Suzanne G. Clisby Mrs. Mary F. Cofield Mr. and Mrs. Coffee Colvin Ms. Peggy Comer Mrs. Eleanor Connor Mrs. Bess C. Constantine Ms. Rita C. Constantine Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cook Ms. Kathleen Cooper and Mr. Kenny Watson Mr. and Mrs. Wil Cooper Mrs. Belton Cooper Dr. Laura Cotlin Ms. Judy Courington

Mrs. Anna Cox Ms. Sahra S. Coxe Mr. and Mrs. Martin Crawford Ms. Jocelyn Crist Ms. Mary Lynda Crockett Mr. John A. Cross Mrs. Robert M. Crouch Ms. Maureen Crow Mrs. Warren B. Crow, III Mrs. Nina Crumbaugh Mrs. William N. Culp, Jr. Ms. Deborah Dahlin Ms. Sue Dalton Ms. Kay Dana Mrs. Margaret Dangler Ms. Carol J. Dashiff Ms. Frances S. Daugherty Mrs. Frank W. Davies, Jr. Ms. Dolores Davis

Mrs. Margie Davis Ms. Margaret Davis Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Davis Mrs. Shirley G. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Day, III Mrs. Sandra S. Dean Mrs. Margaret DeBardeleben Mr. and Mrs. Whitney DeBardeleben Mrs. Judith M. Deegan Mr. and Mrs. A. Fox deFuniak, III Dr. Eleanor M. DelBene Ms. Julie C. Derscheid Dr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Dillard Mr. and Mrs. Albert DiMicco Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Mr. Jim Dowdy Terry & Josilyn Drake

Ms. Susan Dressler Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dudney Mr. W.B. Dumas Mrs. Marjory E. Dunn Ms. Rebecca Dunn Mrs. Lilly Eagleson Ms. Janet Eary Mrs. Vivian Anne Bryson Easterling Dr. and Mrs. Kyle Echols Mrs. Laurie M. Elmets Ms. Joanne Englebert Ms. Bobbie Epting Mrs. Carolyn O. Erhardt Ms. Martha Faesi Mrs. Rose M. Fahien

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Ms. Debbie Breaux Ms. Lela Anne Brewer Mrs. Betty F. Brice Ms. Laura J. Brookhart Cody & Courtney Brown Mrs. Donna Brown Little Jesse Bryson Mrs. Wallace R. Bunn Mrs. Virgina B. Burnum Ms. Donna W. Burson Mrs. James J. Bushnell Ms. Patricia Byrne Ms. Donna Byrne Ms. Karen Callaway Mr. Ross Callaway Mrs. Cathy Canant Mrs. Elissa Capps Dr. Richard Carroll Ms. Janet Cash

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Ms. Deborah A. Bennett Ms. Ann Benton Ms. Ann Best Mrs. Margaret H. Bish Ms. Michelle Blackwood Mr. and Mrs. Van Blankenship Ms. Kris Blevons Ms. Jane Bluestine Ms. Teresa Boody Ms. Allison Boone Mrs. Katie Booth Ms. Angela Boozer Ms. Mimi Boston Mrs. Kathryn Boswell Mr. Mike Bounds Mrs. Mary S. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bowman Mr. Arthur Bracewell Ms. Frances M. Brandon

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Ms. Linda C. Askey Mrs. Donna Atkins Ms. Jeanne Averhart Mrs. Cheri Aycock Mrs. Mary Babbit Ms. Deborah Baker Mrs. Walter L. Baker, Jr. Ms. Carol Ball Betsy Barber Bancroft Mr. Scott Barfoot Mr. and Mrs. F. Holden Barnett Ms. Caroline Bates Mrs. Michele Baum Mr. and Mrs. Bob Baxley Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Baynes Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beard Ms. Cathy Beasley Mrs. Joan Becker Ms. Barbara Bell

Mrs. Kitty C. White and Mr. Tryg Hoff Ms. Nan B. White Ms. and Ms. Robyn White Mr. and Mrs. William B. White, III Mrs. Atalie Whitley Mr. and Mrs. Drew Whitmire Herb and Carol Wilbanks Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Williams Mr. and Mrs. David T. Williams Ms. Ruth Williams Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson Murray & Wayne Williamson Ms. Lynn Wilmoth Audrey Ann and Jim Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wilson Ms. Linda M. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Wilson Ms. Pamela G. Winfield Mrs. Rebecca Wingett Mrs. Joann S. Wissinger Ms. Ellen Witt Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Wiygul Mr. Johnny Wood Ms. Gage F. Woods Mr. and Mrs. James H. Woodson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodward Mrs. Cheryl H. Wooten Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Worthen Ms. Dorothy C. Wozny Mr. and Mrs. William Wright Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Wurst Ms. Linda F. Xia Mr. and Mrs. Dusty Yates Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yoder Mr. and Mrs. Jobey York Ms. Jessica York Ivey and Peter Young Mr. and Mrs. Charles Youngson Mr. and Mrs. John Yow Ms. Charlotte C. Zarzaur Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ziegler Dr. and Mrs. George L. Zorn, Jr. Morning Glories Garden Club

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Central Alabama Daylily Society Flower Show Judges - Council 8 Ms. E. Bryding Adams Ms. Julie Adams Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Adams Mr. Edmund R. Agee,II Ms. Ardis Albany Mr. Muhammad Kalim Ali Mr. David Alldredge Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Allen Dr. and Mrs. Rocklin D. Alling Mrs. Betsy Allison Ms Carol L. Alston Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Walt Anderson Mrs. Martha D. Anderton Ms. Carol Argo Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Armistead Mrs. Dorothy T. Ashby

Mr. John Quenelle Mr. and Mrs. Christopher VanCleave Mr. and Mrs. Phil Vander Kamp Eva & Alexander Vare Dr. and Mrs. Will Varnell Dr. Robert E. Varner and Dr. Pam Varner Mr. James Vinson Mr. and Mrs. Laurence D. Vinson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Vitalis Ms. Despina Vodantis Judy & Ralph Wackenhut Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Waddelow Dr. Ann E. Wade and Ellen Dossett Mr. and Mrs. Macbeth Wagnon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Waldrop Ms. Jeannine Walker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wallace Ms. Jill Walton Ms. Emma Wang Mr. and Mrs. Tom Warburton Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ward Ms. Catherine Wilson Warren Mr. and Mrs. William T. Warren, III Dr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Watkins Mrs. Warner S. Watkins, Jr. Ms. Lynn M. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Allen Weatherford, Jr. Ms. Diann Weatherly and Mr. Phillip Foster Mr. and Mrs. Terry Weber Dr. and Mrs. William B. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Weed Mr. and Mrs. John W. Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Welden Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wellman Mrs. Calvert Whatley Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds D. Whatley Ms. Anna C. White Ms. Catherine White Mrs. Claude White Mr. and Mrs. John H. White III


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Dr. Sharon Stocking Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Stoddard Cris and Barbara Stone Mr. and Mrs. Larry Stone Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stone Mr. Calvin C. Crowder and Dr. Martha Strange Dr. J. Michael Straughn Mr. and Mrs. James H. Strickland Dr. and Mrs. John P. Strickland Mrs. Amanda Stringfellow Mrs. Mary K. Stringfellow Mrs. Carole Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. James F. Sulzby, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Tate Ms. Terri Tatton Mr. O. David Taunton Drs. Benjamin and Beth Taylor Ms. Kathy Taylor Ms. Debbie Terrell Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tevendale Mr. and Mrs. James L. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson Dr. Martha Thompson and Mr. Richard Thompson Mrs. Peggy C. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William N. Thurman, III Mr. and Mrs. Gray Thuston Mrs. Jessica Thuston Dr. and Mrs. Ray Thweatt Mr. and Mrs. John Tingley Ms. Katherine Tipton Mrs. Helen V. Titus Mr. and Mrs. Brock Tompkins Dr. and Mrs. I. J. Tortorici Ms. Kate Tremblay and Mr. John LeMunyon Mr. Charles Tucker and Mr. Ronald Garza Mr. Mark Hobson and Dr. Diane Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tulloss Dr. and Mrs. Albert J. Tully, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Scott Tully Ms. Fannie Turner Dr. Michael Tyner Mr. and Mrs. Bayard S. Tynes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Tynes Dr. and Mrs. Marshall Urist Ms. Carolyn Van Laare and

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Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Singleton Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sisson Mrs. Sara R. Sistrunk Ms. M. Ann Skipper Mrs. Donald H. Slappey, Sr. Ms. Leigh Sloss-Corra Ms. Donna Slovensky Mr. Allen Small Mr. Allen Smith Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Smith Mrs. Caroline Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stewart T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Smith Ms. Jenny L. Smith Mrs. Joy D. Smith Ms. Patricia M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Smith,II Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smith Mr. and Mrs. Marc Smith Mr. and Mrs. William E. Smith, III Mrs. Patricia Snow Dr. W. D. Sockwell and Ms. Deborah J. Long Ms. Bari Sokol Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sokol Mr. and Mrs. Allan Solomon Dr. Hughes Evans and Dr. Eric Sorscher Mrs. Teresa G. Soto Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliott Speake Mr. James Spector Mrs. Clifford M. Spencer Mrs. Shannon Spotswood Mr. John St. Clair Mrs. Brenda N. Stacey Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stack Mr. and Mrs. John Stadtlander Mr. Alan Stamm Dr. Christopher Stanley Ms. Mary Frances Stayton Ms. Laura L. Steele and Mr. Chris Girkin Dr. Shirley Steele Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Stein Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Stein Mrs. Bernard S. Steiner Mr. Arthur Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Bart Stephens Larry and Joalice Stephens Ms. Jamie Stephenson and Mr. David Shelby Mr. and Mrs. Garry Stevens Ms. Martha Ann Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. David Stewart Ms. Mary S. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Still, Jr. Mr. Mark Stith

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Mrs. Carol Ringland Ms. Jan Rivers Ms. Anna Roberson Mr. and Mrs. David Roberson Dr. and Mrs. David Roberts, IV Ms. Debbie Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Tom Roberts Ms. Elizabeth Rodgers Ms. Mary Roebuck Mr. and Mrs. Ludolf H. Roell Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers Mr. and Mrs. David Romanoff Mrs. Sara M. Roseman Ms Jessica Roskin Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ross Mr. and Mrs. James Rotenstreich Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Rowe, Jr. Jim & Emily Rowland Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Rubin Mr. and Mrs. John B. Rudulph, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rushing Ms. Gloria Russell Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Russell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russell Mrs. Goodloe Rutland Dr. and Mrs. Ed Rutsky Pearl and Don Ryan George & Tricia Sadowski Ms. Kit Samford Mr. and Mrs. Shay Samples Mr. and Mrs. William Sandlin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sandner,II Mrs. Audrey Sanford Mr. and Mrs. McRoy Sauls Mr. and Mrs. John D. Saxon Mr. and Mrs. Russ Schavey Mrs. Susan Schenk Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scott, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Scott Mrs. Hayden Scott Mr. and Mrs. Rudulph N. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Scott, III Mrs. Kathleen Scudder Ms. Tammy Searcy Mr. and Mrs. Jay Segers Mrs. Jean Self Mr. James Sellars Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sellers Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Shackelford Ms. Meredith Shah Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Shaia Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Sharp, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharpe Mrs. Kathy Sherrer Ms. Lanette Sherrill Mrs. Nola A. Shiflett Mrs. Betty Shipman Pat Sholund Mrs. Elna Shugerman Dr. and Mrs. Gene Siegal Mr. and Mrs. Bert Siegel Mr. and Mrs. William Silsbee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Simmons Mrs. Babs Simpson

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Mr. and Mrs. Bill Perry Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Perry, Jr. Ms. Dorothy M. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Gene Persall Mr. and Mrs. Ted Petras Dr. and Mrs. Paul G. Petznick Ms. Betty Pewitt Ms. Maureen Pezzementi Mr. and Mrs. David P. Phillips Hal and Donna Phillips Dr. Susan Phillips and Dr. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. William M. Phillips, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Philpot Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Picardy Ms. Patty A. Pilkerton Mr. and Mrs. David R. Pittman Mrs.Susan Greene Pitts Ms. Carolyn Plott Ms. Pat Poer and Ms. Renee Sims Mr. and Mrs. Peter Poerschke Ms. Laura D. Pointer Mr. and Mrs. Donald Porter Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Porter Mr. Steve Porter Mr. Jack B. Porterfield, Jr. Mr. Jason Powell Mr. and Mrs. Judson Prater Mrs. Michelle Preston Mr. and Mrs. Jim Prestwood Ms. Susan Pretnar Mr. and Mrs. Bill Prewitt Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Price Mrs. Tracey Prichard Mr. and Mrs. James Purnell Mr. and Mrs. William Rabel Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Rader Mr. and Mrs. Erskine Ramsay, II Susan and Rod Ramsay Ms. Gloria Randolph Mr. Mike Randolph Mr. and Mrs. John Randolph William & Barbara Ranieri Ms. Joyce C. Ratliff Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ray Mr. James H. Raynes Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reames Ms. Jennifer Reddish Mr. and Mrs. Jim Redwine Dr. and Mrs. Harry B. Register, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reich Mr. Robert Reiche Ms. Su Reid-St. John Mrs. JoAnn Reilly Mrs. Carol B. Rementer Dr. and Mrs. Courtenay Renneker Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Rhoden Dr. Martha A. Rich and Dr. William S. Craig Mr. and Mrs. William E. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. James L. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. James B. Riddle Bob and Beverly Rives

“It ab was o ut am pe az th anu ing ey ts to gr an le ow d ar .” ho n w

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Monaghan Mr. and Mrs. Whit J. Montgomery Mrs. Jane Moore Mr. and Mrs. John D. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Matt Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore Sherry & Jerry Moore Ms. Dorothy A. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. J. Perry Morgan Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morgan Claude and Janie Morris Ms. Jean B. Morris Dr. and Mrs. Constantine Morros Mr. and Mrs. Matt Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Steve P. Morton Ms. Jean E. Mosley Mr. Scott Barnum and Mrs. Meg Mosteller-Barnum Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Mouron Mr. and Mrs. Ashok V. Mujumdar Mrs. Jane Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Charles Murray Mr. and Mrs. W. Donald Myers Dr. Peter Nagi Dr. and Mrs. Paul Nagrodzki Mr. and Mrs. John T. Natter Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Naughton Mr. Drew Nelson Sandra & Jackie Nesmith Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Newell Mr. and Mrs. Alex Newton Mrs. and Mr. Mary Jo Nicastro Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nichols Dr. and Mrs. Steve Nichols Mrs. Marjorie K. Nix Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Norton Dr. and Mrs. Albert Oberman Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Odrezin Dr. Shin Oh & Dr. Kim Oh Mr. James Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Dale Onstine Mr. and Mrs. Cliff O’Rear Mrs. Nelda D. Osment Mr. and Mrs. Joe Owings Mr. and Mrs. Alton Parker Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Parker Mr. and Mrs. William B. Parker Mr. Thomas R. Patchen and Mr. John M. Vintson, Jr. Ms. Mary T. Pate Mr. Jason E. Patrick Ms. Becky Patterson Dr. Donald Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Patterson Ms. Pam Paustian Mr. and Mrs. Jackson M. Payne Mrs. Tonya Payne The Very Reverend and Mrs. Andrew C. Pearson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pearson Mr. Glenn Peoples, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perrine

Hydrangea - Family


Trillium - Individual Mrs. Judith Rives Ms. Helen Robinson Mrs. Frances B. Robinson Reverend Melvin Rodgers Mrs. Annette Rodgers Mrs. Mary Rooney Ms. Gloria M. Roque Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Rousso Mrs. David N. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Salberg Mr. Roger L. Salter Ms. Tana Samuels-Fair Ms. Susan Sanders Ms. Linda Sanders Mrs. Carolyn Sankey Mr. John Schoppert, Jr. Ms Karen Scott Mrs. Henry G. Seibels Dr. Gloria Sellman Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Seton Mr. Terry Shaneyfelt Ms. Janet Sharpe Ms. Dale Sherer Ms. Linda Sherk Ms. Leah M. Sherman Mr. Ted Shields Mrs. Anne Shiller Mrs. Barbara Short Mrs. Perry G. Shuttlesworth Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sikes Ms. Josi Silla Mrs. Lynne O. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Clay Simmons Mrs. Carole Simpson Mrs. Charlotte Sipple Mrs. Darlene Slamen Ms. Carol Slaughter Ms. Leonette Slay Mrs. Louise Slingluff Ms. May H. Smith Ms. Dotti Smith Dr. Carol Smith Mrs. and Mr. Patricia Smith Ms. Charlotte Smith Mrs. Juanita Smith Ms. Ann Smith Ms. Dorothy Smitherman Ms. Betty Snoddy Mrs. and Mr. Sue Solomon

and Mr. Arthur Chaney Mr. Jonathan Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Murray Heath Ms. Cassandra Kellogg Mr. Eddie Kim and Ms. Jessica Starr Mr. Miller Kreider Mrs. Catherine Lucas Dr. Jon Ludwig Mr. and Mrs. Eric Martin Rob and Eleanor Nielsen Mrs. Christy Perdue Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Pinkerton

Mr. and Mrs. William Pritchard Mr. and Mrs. Wil Puckett Mary Reid and Meghan Reid Mr. Christian Rogers Kathleen and Garrett Sherwood Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Spain Ms. Elizabeth Willey Ms. Emily Yancey Individual Ms. Sarah Brannon Ager Ms. Lee R. Binion Mrs. Kathryn Chambliss

Donors Advent Episcopal Day School Alabama Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects Alabama Nursery Co. Alabama Power Company Alabama Power Company Security Alabama Power Foundation, Inc. Alabama Power Risk Services Alabama Shakespeare Festival Altec Industries, Inc The Amaranth Club Architectureworks, LLP Art Meripol Photography Ashville Garden Club Balch & Bingham LLP Baldwin County Master Gardeners Lucille S. Beeson Charitable Trust Belle Meade Garden Club The Benevity Community Impact Fund BHK Investment Advisors, LLC BHK Securities, LLC City of Birmingham Birmingham Audubon Society Birmingham Coca Cola Bottling Co. Birmingham Fern Society Birmingham Pure Barre Blount County Master Gardeners Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama Bradley, Arant, Boult, Cummings LLP


Mrs. Mollie W. Cox Ms. Carol Crews Ms. Lee Ellen Dickinson Ms Stephanie Donaldson Dr. Carol Edwards Miss LaDonna Gaines Mr. Jonathan Geiger Ms. Rachel Hebert Ms. Carol A. Hobby Mr. and Mrs. John House Ms. Alice Johnston Dr. Caroline Jones Mr. Marty Joseph

Ms. Shelley Watkins Mr. Charles Watson Ms. Melanie Watts Ms. Cynthia Watts Sidney Q. Weatherly Mr. and Mrs. Billy Webb Ms. Ann Wehby Ms. M.V. Wehrenberg Mrs. Leonard J. Weil Mrs. Betty C. Welden Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wellman Ms. Renee West Ms. Patti A. Westbrook Mrs. June Wheelock Ms. Trina White Mrs. Karen White Mrs. Jere F. White, Jr. Ms. Julie Whiting Dr. Mary L. Whitley Ms. Laura Whitworth Mrs. Delores L. Wilkinson Mrs. Harold Williams Mrs. Barbara J. Wilson Mrs. W. W. Winfree, Jr. Ms. Lisa E. Wise Ms. Gail Wood Mrs. Walter Wood Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wood Mrs. Suzanne H. Woodall Ms. Eleanor F. Wright Mrs. Suzanne B. Wright Ms. Carolyn R. Wynn Mrs. Bess O. Yeilding Mrs. Janis T. Zeanah Ms. Dorothy Ziff


Young Professional Couple Mr. Taylor Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Beasley Dr. Jenna J. Belcher and Mr. John B. Belcher Mrs. Susan Carlo Mr. Lester Castellow Ms. and Mr. Holly Chesnut Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Matt Elliott Reverend and Mrs. Joe Genau Mrs. Lauren Gentry Mrs. Cecily Graham-Chaney

Ms. Sydney Sparkes Mrs. Donna Speegle Dr. Paul Spence Mrs. Rita A. Springer Ms. Cynnie Shook Sproull Mrs. Nancy Stevens Ms. Frances Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Stichweh Ms. Louella L. Stinson Ms. Mary Stockard Mrs. Jane Street Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan Dr. Jane Sullivan Mrs. Margaret Summersell Ms. Thuan Tan Mr. and Mrs. David Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Tapley Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taub Mr. and Mrs. Bob Terry Mr. and Mrs. William A. Terry Mrs. Judith F. Thomason Mrs. Sidney Thompson Ms. Pam Thompson Mrs. Betty B. Thompson Ms. Denyse Thornley-Brown Ms. Brenda Tiner Ms. Carolyn Titone Ms. Cheryl Todd Mrs. Mary K. Tomas Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Jay Townsend Mrs. Sharon Treece Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Tropeano Ms. Beth Trupp Lane Tucker Mr. Jason Turner Ms. JoAnn Turner Ms. Christine Underwood Mr. Doug Unkenholz Ms. Louise Vance Ms. Kimble Vardaman Ms. Sara Vaughn Ms. Connie Wade Mrs. Edith Waldrop Ms. Cynthia V. Walters Ms. Barbara Waltz Dr. Beverly Warren-Lynch Ms. Janet K. Waters


Mrs. and Mr. Sandra Parker Mrs. Paulette B. Parks Ms. Anne Parrish Mrs. Gail H. Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Parsons Ms. Margaret H. Parsons Ms. Sarah Pass Ms. Becky Pass Ms. Sue W. Patrick Mr. Steve Pearce Mrs. Ruth Pearce Ms. Shahida Perveen and Ehtsham Haq Dr. Melissa Peters Joey and Adele Peters Mrs. Suzanne Peterson Ms. Martha Pezrow Dr. Jerry Phillips Ms. Ann S. Pierce Ms. Michelle Pieroni Ms. Cynthia Pinger Mrs. Carlton Pinkerton Mrs. Judy Pinson Mrs. Michael H. Poe Ms. Rebecca N. Posey Ms. Rhonda Pruitt Mrs. Evelyn Coley Puckett Ms. Susan Putnam Mr. Michael F. Raczynski Mrs. Beverly Rausch and Andre Rausch Mrs. Leslie Reagan Ms. Brenda Reagan Mrs. Margo Rebar Mr. and Mrs. T. Andy Rector Mrs. Grace E. Reed Mrs. Katherine S. Reed Dr. Linda Reed Mr. and Mrs. Norm Remick Dr. and Mrs. J. Walden Retan Ms. Mary Rhodes Ms. Jean Rhone Mr. and Mrs. Troy Rhone Mr. and Mrs. Sims Rhyne, III Mrs. Betty Rice Mr. Clayton Richard Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Richards Ms. Emily Richardson Mrs. Betsy Rietz

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Ms. Jane McKenzie Ms. Gail McLaughlin Ms. Ellen McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Emmett E. McLean Miss Virginia McLean Mr. John M. Mehler Mrs. E.J. Meriwether Mrs. Evelyn Merrick Mr. and Mrs. David M. Millhouse Mr. Edward F. Minner Ms. Kathy Moll Ms. Margaret R. Monaghan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Monk Mrs. Peggy Monroe Ms. Kimberly Moore Ms. Meg Moore Ms. Bettie Morales Ms. Kathryn Morgan Ms. Sylvia Morton Ms. Marcia Mouron Ms. Thelma V. Mueller Ms. Andrea Mullins Mrs. Marty Mullins Mrs. Gail Murphree Ms. Betty Navia Ms. Mitchie Neel Mrs. Andrea Newell Ms. Barbara Newman Mr. Jason Noah Mrs. Martha Norville Mrs. Linda Nowlin Ms. Bonnie O’Bannon Mrs. Denise Obert Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ogard Ms. Donnie G. Olis Mrs. Sondra S. Olmsted Mr. and Mrs. George Omura Dr. Emily Omura Ms. Sherilyn Osborne Mrs. Dinah O’Sullivan Ms. Kim Ouellette Ms. Mitzi K. Owen Mrs. Ethel N. Owen Mr. and Mrs. G. Ruffner Page, Jr. Mr. Edward Pair Mrs. Linda Pair Ms. Linda Parham Mr. Edward W. Parish

“It w abo as am u a t p ea zing the nuts a to lea r yg row nd ho n w .”

Mrs. Maureen O’Donnell King Ms. Kay Kinnear Mrs. Barbara B. Lampkin Ms. Carlisle Lampmann Mr. and Mrs. James R. Land Dr. Karen Larsen Mrs. Joy Larsen Dr. and Mrs. Brian Larson Ms. Rebecca Laurent Mrs. Henry Laws Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leader Mrs. Ann Lee Mrs. R. Edward Leslie Dr. Sara A. Lester and Mr. James C. Lester Mr. Edward R. Levin Mrs. Jane Levy Ms. Anne Lewis Mr. and Mrs. William B. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Lightfoot, Sr. Ms. Kitty Lineberry Mrs. Betty Lockhart Ms. Gail Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lunsford Mrs. Virginia H. Lusk Mrs. Kit MacLeod Ms. Louise Mahon Ms. Harriet Malone Mr. James Malone Dr. Mark Mankowski Ms. Lois Mash Mrs. Rebecca Mason Ms. Cecile L. Mason Mrs. Louis G. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Massien Mrs. Kate Mather Mr. and Mrs. Harvey May Mrs. George F. Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Mays, Jr. Ms. Alisa Mays Ms. Ann McAdams Ms. Karen McCaffery Mrs. Robert McCalley Mrs. Kay B. McCarty Mrs. Inez McCollum Ms. Bess McCrory Ms. Bonnie McDonald

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Dr. and Mrs. Griff Harsh Ms. Wanda Hart Mr. Tom Hart Corey Hartman Ms. Nancy Hartsfield Ms. Kathryn F. Harwell Mr. and Mrs. David S. Hassinger Mrs. Martha B. Hastings Mrs. Mary Hawkins Ms. Jeremy B. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Hayslip Mrs. Caroline M. Head Mr. Jim A. Head, III Mr. Richard Healy Ms. Mary L. Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. Craig Higgins Mr. and Mrs. George S. Hiller, III Ms. Joan E. Hilner Mr. Keelon J. Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Holder II Ms Karen K. Holmes Ms. Nanaline Holt Ms. Sandra Holtzclaw Mrs. Mary Hooks Sidney and Russ Hoover Ms. Suzanne Hovater Mr. and Mrs. John H. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hurley Dr. Jeanne S. Hutchison Ms. Dolores Hydock Ms. Karen Phillips Irons Ms. Verna E. Jackson Mrs. and Mr. Judy Jackson Ms. Teresa Jang Ms. Lydia R. Johnson Ms. Lectora K. Johnson Mrs. Crawford T. Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Jones Mary and Jan Jones Mrs. Nancy V. Jones Rev. Thomas Joyner Mrs. Susan H. Justice Mrs. Leo M. Karpeles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Kearney Mrs. Ruby C. Key Dr. Mohammad Khaled Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kiell Ms. Charlotte King

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Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Farris Mrs. William G. Faulkner, Jr. Mrs. William W. Featheringill Mr. and Mrs. Gil Ferguson Mrs. Rosemarie Fernandes Mr. Godfrey J. Fies Ms. Jane Fike Ms. Kathleen Fischer Mr. Frank Fleming Ms. Janice Fleming Mrs. Beverly Fleming Mr. and Mrs. David Floyd Ms. Jean Folsom Mrs. Joann Fox Ms. Lyn Frazer Ms. Rita Freeman Ms. Vicki French Ms. Deborah Fulton Ms. Judy Gardner Ms. Marie Garner Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gaskins Ms. Rose Gaston Mrs. Sharon Gates Ms. Jessica Germany Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gerrett Mrs. Johnie Gieger Ms. Linda Gilliam Mrs. Michael Gilliam Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Glaub Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Goldstein Dr. and Mrs. John S. Gould Ms. Mallory Gray Ms. Susan Gray Mrs. Becky Greenlee Ms. Gwendolyn Griffin Ms. Rebecca R. Griffith Dr. Ward Haarbauer Mrs. Judy Hager Ms. Mitzie Hall Ms. Gina Hamel Ms. Mary Jo Hamre Mr. Gregory J. Harber Mrs. Patricia Hardy Ms. Virginia Hare Mr. and Mrs. John Hargrove Ms. Olive Harlan Mrs. John G. Harrell

Ms. Lauren Kallus Mr. and Mrs. Alston Keith III Ms. Joanne Lessman Mr. Elliot J. Lowe Mr. Robert MacArthur Ms. Donna F. Matthews Mr. Stephen J. McCarthy Mr. Rusty McHan Mr. Johnston Moore Ms. Gladys Morris Miss Carrie Norton Ms. Carol Ogle Mrs. Eddie P. Ort III

Mrs. Elizabeth Ratliff Ms. Ralene Richards Mr. Daniel Singler Miss Rachel Singletary Ms. Rebecca Smith Ms. Beth Stewart Miss C Nicole Sullivan Ms. Amber Trotman Ms. Antonia Viteri Mrs. Betty Warren Ms. Madelyn Wilson

Mr. Andrew David Bennett Mr. Jeffrey Bittinger Mr. Baxton Browning Ms. Mary Elizabeth Bush Chalita & Berrahkas Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Grund

Mrs. Roula Hakim Ms. Marlee Hayes Mrs. Jane Henderson Ms. Emily Houston Mrs. Charles W. Ireland Mr. and Mrs. Williams Jones III

Ms. Olean Kenny Mrs. Luverne Mattil Ms. JoAnn Pillion Ms. Laura Ratliff Ms. Tereza Sampaio Ms. Shelby Utsey

“My brother’s special day #lovewins @ Birmingham Botanical Gardens” @IndyanaDavis

Brasfield & Gorrie Briarwood Garden Club Brownell Travel D. Joseph and Ida C. Burns Fund Burr & Forman LLP C. S. Beatty Construction, Inc Cahaba Media Group, Inc. Calypso St. Barth, Inc. The Canterbury Club Capital City Master Gardener Association Center Point Garden Club Chapel Creek Garden Club City of Vestavia Hills Cliffside Garden Club Cobbs Allen Columbus Botanical Garden The Comer Foundation The Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham Country Garden Club Cowin Equipment Company Creative Study The Crepe Myrtle Garden Club Davis Wholesale Florist, Inc. DeBardeleben Foundation Diamond Tours, Inc. Dobbins Group Dogwood Garden Club Dunn-French Foundation Edgewood Garden Club

Edwin’s Greenhouse Construction Inc. Elmore Charitable Unitrust Evson, Inc Federated Garden Clubs, District 111 First Commercial Bank First United Methodist Church Garden Club Forest Park Garden Club The Forman Foundation Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Staff Gateway Georgia Perennial Plant Association Get More Curb Appeal, LLC Goodrich Foundation Grapevine Garden Club The Hackney Foundation, Inc. HealthSpring Herb Army The Herb Society of Alabama Hill and Dale Garden Club Hill Crest Foundation, Inc. Home Garden Club Horticulture Study Garden Club Hugh and Bobbe Kaul Wildflower Garden Fund The Hugh Kaul Foundation IBERIABANK Illges-Chenoweth Foundation, Inc. Gardens of Inverness Garden Club C. Eugene Ireland Foundation Japanese Garden Society of Alabama Jefferson County Library Cooperative Jefferson County Master Gardener Association Jemison Investment Company, Inc. Jim Cooper Construction Company, Inc.

Johnson Sterling, Inc. Jones Family Fund Junior League of Birmingham Kathy G and Company Kinder Morgan Foundation L. Kianoff & Associates Lazy Daisy Garden Club Le Jardin Leaf & Petal The Little Garden Club Little Garden Club of Birmingham Little Rock Garden Club Mary Helen McCoy Interiors Inc Medical Properties Trust, Inc. Mike and Gillian Goodrich Foundation Motion Industries, Inc. Mountain Park Garden Club The National Christian Foundation New Horizons - UAB Oak Street Garden Shop O’Neal Industries Pennoyer Newman Distinctive Garden Pots Plain Dirt Gardeners Garden Club Portraits, Inc. ProAssurance Corporation Protective Life Corporation Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Quark Entertainment LA LLC “Flip My Food” Queen of Spades Garden Club Rare Plant Group - GCA Red Diamond Red Mountain Garden Club Redmont Neighborhood Association

Redmont Park Garden Club Regions Financial Corporation Robert and Lois Luckie Charitable Foundation Robert R. Meyer Foundation Rockridge Garden Club Roebuck Springs Garden Club Rucker and Margaret Agee Fund ServisFirst Bank Shades Valley Rotary Club Southern Classic Food Group, LLC Southern Progress Corporation Sprig O’Holly Garden Club St. Clair County Master Gardeners Association St. Martin’s-In-The-Pines Starnes Davis Florie LLP Steel City Recycling Stephens Foundation Sterne Agee Steward Machine Co., Inc. Susan Mott Webb Charitable Trust The James Milton and Sallie R. Johnson Foundation The Smocking Bird, Inc. The Title Group The Thompson Foundation Troy Rhone Garden Design LLC Tuscaloosa County Park and Recreation Authority The UAB Educational Foundation Vaco Birmingham, LLC

If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly listed you, please accept our apologies and contact Drew Rickel, donor relations officer, at 205.414.3955 or drickel@bbgardens.org.

Valley Off-Shoots Garden Club Vanguard Charitable Virginia Beeland Spencer Lecture Fund Vulcan Materials Company Wade Sand & Gravel Company, Inc Weed Eaters Garden Club Wellington Park Garden Club Wells Fargo Foundation Wildflowers Garden Club Deepak Acharya Mr. and Mrs. William P. Acker, III Mr. Richard M. Adams Mr. Edmund R. Agee,II Frank and Amy Ager Mr. and Mrs. Rex Alexander Ms. Olivia Alison Mr. and Mrs. A. Jack Allison, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Betty and Walt Anderson Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Larry Argo Dede and Stewart Austin Mrs. Katherine Avant Ms. Sidney R. Bagby Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bainbridge, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Allen Allen Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balliet Mr. and Mrs. William C. Barclift, III Ms. Joni Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Brian Barr

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Shamiyah 4th Grade Student Discovery Field Trips

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“It was amazing to learn about peanuts and how they grow.”

“Very fun & informative for a newcomer to Alabama.”

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Dr. and Mrs. William R. Stetler Mr. and Mrs. Graham T. Stewart Ms. Louella L. Stinson Ms. Chelise Storace Mr. and Mrs. James H. Strickland Ms. Rosemary Strouss Mr. and Mrs. Rick Stukes Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Stutts Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stutts Catherine and Lee Styslinger Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. James F. Sulzby, III Mrs. Elaine Swager Ms. Jill D. Tanahey Mr. and Mrs. Crawford L. Taylor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse R. Taylor, III Mr. Richard Teague Lucille R. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Torrence Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trafton Mrs. Amy Tubre Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Tucker Albert and Betty Tully Mr. and Mrs. Temple W. Tutwiler, III Marcia and Jar Twitty Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Paul Tyler Dr. Bayard S. Tynes Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Vann Pam and Ed Varner Mr. and Mrs. Steve Varner Ms. Frances Verstandig Mike and Janice Vines Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Vitalis Mr. and Mrs. Jesse S. Vogtle, Jr. Judge and Mrs. Scott Vowell Mr. Frank A. Wagner* Mr. and Mrs. Macbeth Wagnon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Walcott Mrs. Edith Waldrop Mr. and Mrs. Collum Walker, Jr. Mr. Howard P. Walthall and Dr. Rosemary Fisk Mrs. A. Brand Walton Dr. and Mrs. James A. Ward, Jr. Ms. Deb Watts and Mr. John Ward Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waudby Mrs. Robert S. Weatherly, Jr. Mrs. Charles B. Webb, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wendorf Mr. and Mrs. George F. Wheelock, III Mr. and Mrs. Meade Whitaker, Jr. Mrs. Kitty C. White and Mr. Tryg Hoff Mr. and Mrs. William B. White, III Dr. and Mrs. James R. Williams Mr. and Mrs. N. Thomas Williams Mr. Robert C. Williams Murray & Wayne Williamson Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A.S. Wilson Janet and Scott Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Woehle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Worthen Mr. and Mrs. John N. Wrinkle Mr. Thomas K. Yardley Mr. and Mrs. William E. Zales Mr. Alan K. Zeigler


Mali D. Birmingham, AL Adult Class Participant

Shamiyah Student 4th Grade Field Trips Discovery

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Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Rediker Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Reeves Mrs. Elberta G. Reid Ms. Kate Rentz Ms. Mary Rhodes Mr. Clayton Richard Ms. Janice W. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Robinson, Jr. Mrs. Mel Robinson Ms. Sandra Robinson Dr. Fred Rock and Dr. Karin Rock Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Rodde Ms. Mary Roebuck Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rogers Mabry and Jeanne Rogers Dr. Julia Rogers Drs. Stephen G. Rostand and Katherine S. Rostand Mr. Thomas S. Rue Paula and Mike Rushing William and LaVona Rushton Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sansom Mr. and Mrs. William H. Satterfield Ms. Mari Ann Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. William A. Schoel, III Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Rev. and Mrs. Romaine S. Scott Ms. Virginia Scruggs Dr. and Mrs. B. Chandra Sekar Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Shaia Mr. Glenn Shaull Dr. Richard B. Shepard in memory of Winyss A. Shepard Mr. and Mrs. James W. Shepherd Dr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Mrs. Elna Shugerman Mr. John Shull Dr. and Mrs. David H. Sibley Dr. and Mrs. Gene Siegal Ms. Claire Silberman Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sklenar Mrs. Donald H. Slappey, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Slappey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson Slaughter Ms. Carol Slaughter Mr. and Mrs. William M. Slaughter Mr. and Mrs. George Smith Mr. Hatton C.V. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Smith Mr. James M. Smith Mr. Joseph Smith and Family Mrs. Juanita Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lathrop W. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mell G. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Murray W. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Roger Smith Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Snyder Carol O. Sommers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. South, III Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. & Kim McBride Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keeling Spotswood Ms. Melissa Springer and Mr. David Morrison Ms. Cynnie Shook Sproull Joan and Stan Starnes Mr. Arnold L. Steiner John and Elizabeth Steiner Mr. Arthur Stephens

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Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dean Ms. Joanne Dearth Dr. and Mrs. Arnold G. Diethelm Ms. Dorothy DiOrio Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dixon, III Dr. Betsy Dobbins Mrs. Susan Dobbs Mr. David E. Doggett Ms. Debbee Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doss Ms. Susan Doss Ms. Rebecca L. Dossett Ms. Karen Downs Ms. Cynthia Drake Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Dray Alan and Patsy Dreher Mr.and Mrs. Alan T. Drennen Mr. Daniel E. Drennen III Richard and Helen Drennen Mrs. Elizabeth Drewry The Dunn-French Family Mrs. Mary S. Durant Dr. and Mrs. John T. Eagan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Eastwood, II Mr. Robert D. Eckinger and Ms. Maibeth J. Porter Ms. Alison Eddy Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Edwards Mike and Carolyn Edwards Dr. and Mrs. Robert Eichelberger Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Ely Mrs. James H. Emack The Honorable and Mrs. Benjamin Erdreich Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Erdreich, Jr. Estate of Gene Addor Trudy R. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Farris Mr. and Mrs. John L. Feagin, Jr. Mrs. William W. Featheringill Mr. and Mrs. G.R. Fernambucq Mr. and Mrs. David M. Fields Mr. and Mrs. Alvin V. Filer Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fleenor Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher Ms. Donna Florio Dr. and Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Ms Susan Foran Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Forman, III Mrs. John Forney Mr. and Mrs. Simon Foweather Mr. and Mrs. William Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Franks Mr. and Mrs. Craig Fravert Jean S. Frey Mr. and Mrs. Phil Friend Ms. Margaret Fritsma Mr. and Mrs. Ron Froehlich Mrs. Toula Fulford Mr. A.H. Gaede, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Gajewski Mr. and Mrs. Fournier J. Gale, III Mr. Joseph G. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gaston Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Gertzman Lawrence Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gibson Mr. Joshua S. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Clarke H. Gillespy Ellen and Houston Gillespy Mr. and Mrs. Hubert W. Goings, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius Golden Dr. and Mrs. Morton Goldfarb Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. Thomas M. Goodrich, II Mr. and Mrs. William W. Goodrich Maura and Will Goodwyn Mr. and Mrs. Miller Gorrie Mrs. Sharon Graham Mrs. Barbara S. Grant Joy and Beau Grenier Mrs. Stella K. Grenier Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Griffin Mrs. Linda Grissom Ms. Margaret W. Grubb Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hackney Ms. Julia S. Hamilton Judge and Mrs. James H. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Will Hancock Mr. David C. Hannan Mary and Victor Hanson Mrs. Elizabeth D. Hargett Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Harmon Mrs. John G. Harrell Dr. and Mrs. Jimmie H. Harvey, Jr. Wyatt and Susan Haskell Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Hawley Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haynes Dr. Sarah Hays Mr. and Mrs. James W. Heacock, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Holman Head Mr. Ray Heath Ms. Alice Helms Ms. Susan Helmsing David B. Hezlep Ms. Ann B. Hicks Dr. and Mrs. Guy M. Hicks, Jr. Ms. Isabel Hill Mrs. Janet R. Hill

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mills Ms. Teresa Minor Mrs. Karen Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Mitchell Mr. Barney A. Monaghan Mr. and Mrs. James J. Monaghan Ms. Elta Moore Mr. and Mrs. John D. Moore Ms. Kathleen Moore and Mr. George Frank Mr. and Mrs. Mac M. Moorer Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Morgan, Jr. Ms. Melanie S. Morgan Mrs. Jean Morris Mr. Philip A. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Harris Morrissette Mr. and Mrs. John H. Morrow Ms. Linda C. Moseley Ms. Dorothy Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Musgrave Mr. and Mrs. John T. Natter Dorothy and Al Naughton Mrs. Sarah B. Neal Ms. Lynn Nesmith Rob and Eleanor Nielsen Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III Mr. and Mrs. Clayton M. Nordan Mr. and Mrs. John P. North, Jr. Mrs. Lettie L. North Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Northen, III Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. O’Connor The Honorable and Mrs. Terry Oden Mr. G. A. Odom Mr. John O’Hagan Ms. Lori Oswald and Mr. Hans Paul Mrs. Ethel N. Owen Penny and Ruffner Page, Jr. Mrs. Kelsie Page Mr. and Mrs. James V. Park Mr. and Mrs. Don Parkey Mr. and Mrs. Leighton C. Parnell, III Mr. James E. Parrish Ms. Rebecca F. Parsons Ms. Virginia C. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. William C. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Donald White Patton Mrs. Thomas M. Pearce Ms. Lea G. Pennington Mr. Glenn Peoples, Sr. Mr. Harold Peterson Ms. Betty Pewitt Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Pigford, Jr. Mrs. Michael H. Poe Mr. and Mrs. James W. Porter, II Ms. Rebecca N. Posey Ms. Ashley Powell Mr. and Mrs. Fred Powell Mr. and Mrs. Tom Powell Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor, III Nancy and John Poynor Goode Price, III Mr. and Mrs. James M. Price Ms. Nancy Price Mr. and Mrs. James L. Priester Mr. William S. Pritchard, Jr. Mr. William S. Pritchard, III Conrad and Peggy Rafield Mrs. Margaret G. Ragland Mr. and Mrs. W. Trent Ragland, Jr. Ms. Catherine J. Randall Ms. Carolyn S. Ratliff Mrs. Elizabeth Ratliff Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ray Ms. Rosa M. Read

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Mr. William Baskett Ms. Heather Baty Judge Richard Bentley Mr. and Mrs. Tom Berres Mr. and Mrs. C. Adrian Bewley Mr. William Birchfield Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bissell Mr. and Mrs. Dylan Black Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Blair Mrs. J. W. Bledsoe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Bloom Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Bloomer Mrs. Frances D. Blount Mr. and Mrs. William H. Blount, Jr. Mrs. Joanne D. Blyde Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Boehm Mr. and Mrs. C. Eugene Boles Ms. Anne E. Bolton Ms. Mimi Boston Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bowron, Jr. Ms. Kasey Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Tipton Bradford Dr. and Mrs. Merrill Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Brady, Jr. Ms. Elna R. Brendel Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Bridges John and Mena Brock Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brockman Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dixon Brooke, Jr. Maggie and Will Brooke Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Broughton, III Ms. Nancy Brower Mr. Charles G. Brown III Dr. and Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown, Jr. Tara and Jim Bryant Dr. and Mrs. Peter D. Bunting, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Burgess Mr. Jason Burnett Ms. Robin Burrell Camille Butrus Mrs. Jerry Byars Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Bynum Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cabaniss, Jr. Ragan and Brad Cain Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A.R. Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Ehney A. Camp, III Mr. and Mrs. William D. Cannon Dr. and Mrs. James E. Cantrell, Jr. Mr. Wallace F. Carden Judge and Mrs. Jack D. Carl Ms. Ann Carothers Phil and Karen Carroll Ms. Margaret W. Carruthers Ms. Virginia K. Carruthers Dr. and Mrs. Britton Carter John and Molly Carter Dr. and Mrs. Lee Carter Mrs. Alleen Cater and Dr. Lyle A. Hohnke Mr. and Mrs. John W. Chambliss Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Chauvin Ms. Shaun A. Chavis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Chazen Ms. Kris Childs Mr. Todd Childs Ms. Donna Christie Dr. and Mrs. Craig Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Clark Mr. Gary Clark Dr. and Mrs. John G. Classe Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Clayton, Jr. Joe and Julia Ann Cleage The Honorable and Mrs. Melford O. Cleveland Ms. Carole H. Cobb Ms. Gwen Cochran Ms. Juanita Colbert Dr. and Mrs. G. William Cole Ms. Kathleen H. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collins Mrs. Nita Collinsworth Ms. Susan Colvin Mr. and Mrs. A. Philip Cook, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cook Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cook Mrs. Hope Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Marc Corsini Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cotton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Couch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Cox Ms. Jean Cox Mr. and Mrs. Reaves M. Crabtree Mrs. Theresa Croasmun Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Crockard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crook Mrs. Joan E. Crooks Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Crum Mrs. William N. Culp, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank D’Amico Stewart M. Dansby Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Darby Mr. and Mrs. C. Hartwell Davis, Jr. Mr. Christopher Davis Mr. and Mrs. Bob de Buys

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gerow Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Pete Holby Mr. and Mrs. William Holman Camelia and Robert Holmes Mr. and Mrs. William P. Horton Dr. P. Reginald Hug* Dr. and Mrs. Duncan Hulsey Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hulsey Mrs. Fay B. Ireland Mr. Glenn Ireland, II* Mallie M. Ireland Mr. and Mrs. William R. Ireland, Jr. Mrs. Babs Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Jackson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Jackson Dr. Susan Jackson Mrs. Jessie Y. Jemison Mr. George L. Jenkins Mrs. Thomas E. Jernigan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen Mr. Joseph H. Johnson, Jr. Mrs. Louise D. Johnson* Mr. Robert Johnson Mr. Sim Johnson Ms. Martha Johnston Mrs. Sarah R. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Mr. John Jones Mr. Mike Jones Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. William Jones Mr. and Mrs. Williams Jones III Prof. Edward Journey Mr. Jacob B. Joyner Laide Karpeles Leo Kayser, III Mr. and Mrs. Carter S. Kennedy, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Raleigh B. Kent, III Ms. Katherine Key Mr. and Mrs. Kent Keyser Ms. Beth Kibler Mr. and Mrs. Tom Killian Mr. and Mrs. Jon Kimerling Mr. and Mrs. James King, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Price Kloess Mr. and Mrs. Sam Knowlton Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kracke Ms. Suzanne Langley Dr. and Mrs. James C. Lasker Ms. Frances H. Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Will Legg Mrs. Tabetha Lemonds Mr. Russell J. Levenson Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Lightfoot, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis O. Liles, III Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Lindstrom, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Linville Nancy and Nim Long Mr. John Henry Lonie Mr. Charles M. Love Mr. and Mrs. Rhett Loveman Mr. and Mrs. Don Lowden Sue Ellen and Mike Lucas Mrs. Suzanne Lucas Janet and Matt Lusco Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid Lynch George Gambrill Lynn Henry S. Lynn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon Justice and Mrs. Champ Lyons, Jr. Rick and Barrett Brock MacKay Jeanie and Bob Mackenzie Ms. Betsy Mackin Dr. and Mrs. Barry W. Martin Mr. and Mrs. John H. Martin Ms. Sylvia Martin Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Marx Mrs. Ann H. Massey Stanford and Nicole Massie Kim and George Matthews Mr. and Mrs. William E. Matthews V Ms. Kim Maye Dr. and Mrs. Richard Mayne Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Mays, Jr. Mr and Mrs. John McBride Dr. Charles A. McCallum Mr. and Mrs. Mark McColl Ms. Carol A. McCoy Ms. Bess McCrory Mr. and Mrs. William T. McDougald Ms. Jeannine McElroy Mr. John T. McGill Mrs. Margaret H. McGowan Dr. and Mrs. David S. McKee, Jr. Ms. Patricia McLean Mr. and Mrs. Mike McLeod Mr. and Mrs. John J. McMahon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George D. H. McMillan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart A. McWhorter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephen Meadows Mr. and Mrs. Frank Melazzo Mr. and Mrs. Donald Y. Menendez Ms. Candy Meyerson Mrs. Kathy G. Mezrano Charles and Elizabeth Miller Mr. and Mrs. James M. Miller

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