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Birmingham Botanical Gardens

enhancing life with plants


July/ August www.bbgardens.org

Garden Explorations Another Successful Year— page 1 Cocktails in The Gardens performers announced—page 3 Member Day set for July 18— page 7

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens

2009 B oard


D irectors

Thomas G. Amason, Jr. ��������������������������������President Henry Ray ������������������������������������������� President-Elect Reese Murray, III ��������������������������������������������Treasurer Tricia Noble ����������������������������������������������������Secretary Kimberly J. Rogers ����������������������������VP Development Fred Keith ���������������������������VP Facilities & Planning Morris C. Benners ������������� Immediate Past President Diana R. Slaughter ����������������������������������������������Officer Janet Taylor ����������������������������������������������������������Officer

Magnolia virginiana

There is always something blooming at Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Plan your next visit soon! Visit www.bbgardens.org and check out what’s new at The Gardens.

July: Crape Myrtles Daylilies (peak) Ferns Herbs Hostas

Richard “Pokey” Adams Laurie Allen Billy Angell Mena Brock Lyndra Daniel Stewart Dansby Richard E. Davis James F. Hughey Jr. Margi Ingram Sheryl Kimerling Mike Malone Kathryn Porter David L. Silverstein Scott Walton Louis Willie, III Louise A. Wrinkle

Hydrangeas Perennials Roses Southern Magnolias Summer Annuals Tropicals Vegetables

S taff Fred Spicer �������������������������������������� Executive Director Olivia Alison ����������������������������� Development Director Stephanie Banks ����������������������������������Finance Director Shelly McCarty �����������������Special Events Coordinator Patrick Daniel ������� Kaul Wildflower Garden Curator Elizabeth Drewry ����������������������������������������������� Librarian Susan Grimes ���������Horticulture Therapy Coordinator Ellen Hardy �����������Education Program Coordinator Michael Hansen ���������� Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator Henry Hughes �������������������������������Education Director George Jenkins ���������������������������� Development Officer Jason Kirby �������������������������������������������Library Assistant Andrew Krebbs ������������������������Director of Marketing & Membership Savannah Lanier �������������������Donor Relations Officer Hope Long ����������������������Director of Library Services Carleen Mitchell �����������������������������������������Finance Clerk Carolyn Snow ��������������������������Volunteer Coordinator Phyllis Sutton ��������������Education Activities Specialist Rona Walters ���������������������������������Membership Assistant

O ur M ission Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens promotes public knowledge of plants, gardens & the environment; & receives, raises & administers resources for these purposes.

O ur V ision The vision of Birmingham Botanical Gardens is to be one of the nation’s preeminent botanical gardens.

T able


C ontents

Director’s Letter...............................1 Development �����������������������������������2 Cocktails in The Gardens...............3 Volunteer Spotlight..........................4 Library................................................5 Gardening..........................................6 Antiques at The Gardens................8 Education �����������������������������������������9 Donor Listings................................10

August: Crape Myrtles Daylilies Ferns Herbs Perennials Summer Annuals Tropicals Vegetables

The Garden Dirt is the newsletter of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The Garden Dirt is published six times a year to foster awareness and support events, services, and significant programs of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. We welcome your comments and address corrections. Please contact: Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Editor, Andrew Krebbs 2612 Lane Park Road Birmingham, AL 35223 205.414.3959 or akrebbs@bbgardens.org www.bbgardens.org Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens practices a policy of equal opportunity and equal access to services for all persons regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, orientation or sex. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a facility of Birmingham Park and Recreation Board. The deadline for the September/October issue is July 15.




Dear Friends, As of this writing, Birmingham has had abundant rainfall for 2009. All vestiges of the prior years’ droughts are gone and we’re very lush. While heavy rains bring their own suite of problems such as path erosion, fungal disease increases, and work delays, most of our plants deal with these conditions better than the other extreme. Soil moisture is deep now, meaning our typically spotty summer rains will be more effective. Ample rain should also give our local potable water supply a break, as fewer people ought to be irrigating their gardens and lawns. The Gardens’ new master plan, which will be ready for unveiling this fall, weaves together themes of water conservation, stormwater management, rainwater harvesting and collections development. Precipitation here is extremely variable, as the past 10 years have pointedly illustrated, and we must take steps to help ourselves through the lean times by managing water wisely when things are flush (no pun intended). Along with expanding numbers of droughttolerant species, our best collections development opportunities are increasing our focus on southeastern native plants, specifically those from Alabama. Why? We need to brag a little about our rich floral diversity (9th highest in the nation) and The Gardens needs to do more to promote it. Plus, over the millennia, our native plants have evolved to deal with unpredictable rain, debilitating drought, extreme heat and humidity, and the occasional cold snap. There are many lessons to learn from how (and where) plants live in the wild and how they can be incorporated into the built environment, improving the places where people live, work and play. We can help teach those lessons.



Save t he Date Cocktails in The Gardens August 13 Cocktails in The Gardens September 10 Antiques at The Gardens October 2-4 Cocktails in The Gardens October 8 Fall Plant Sale October 17 & 18

See you in The Gardens, Fred Spicer Executive Director


welcome wel elcome Garden Explorations – Another Successful Year

If you visited The Gardens during the week of June 15, you would have noticed hundreds of children participating in activities (see cover photograph). These are some of the many education programs at The Gardens. The Garden Explorations program is designed for elementary school children ages 6-12 enrolled in the City of Birmingham’s Park & Recreation Centers' summer activities. During the week-long period, each child learns the basics of ecology and plant science including plantanimal interdependency, plant structure, and growth and pollination. They learn through hands-on experiences, such as propagating their own plants to take home to grow and nurture. For most participants, it is their first visit to The Gardens. Garden Explorations is a free program funded by the Hess Foundation. Over 300 students participated this year and more than 2,000 since the program’s beginning. If you are interested in learning more about the Gardens Explorations program or other education programs at The Gardens, contact 205.414.3958.



donations tributes membership evelopment

planned giving


Dear Friends: In 1810, Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) wrote to a friend, “We are all doubtless bound to contribute a certain portion of our income to the support of charitable and other useful public institutions.” To Jefferson, it was not a question of whether he should contribute, but rather how best to do it. Besieged by a “multitude of applications… from every quarter of the Union on behalf of academies, churches, missions, hospitals [and] charitable establishments,” he reasoned that it was best to donate “to the institutions within our own reach, under our own eye.” * We at Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens realize that you, like Jefferson, have received many requests from worthy causes. We want to thank you for choosing to support The Gardens in these challenging economic times. Whether you are a regular customer at the Spring and Fall Plant Sales, a sponsor or committee member for the upcoming Antiques at The Gardens, or a new or renewing member, we welcome your investment in us and, thus, in our community.

gardening staff or our library. We want to show you that we are using your funds wisely to make a positive impact on the citizens of Birmingham and Alabama. Thank you again for supporting Birmingham Botanical Gardens, a local “charitable establishment” which belongs to all of us and, as Jefferson recommended, is within reach and under your watchful eye.

We invite you to visit The Gardens this summer to see your gifts at work. Follow the children from the Birmingham Park and Recreation Board program on their Garden Explorations. Meet our Rotary intern, Steve Kennedy, or talk with Curator of the Kaul Wildflower Garden, Patrick Daniel. Watch Horticultural Therapist Susan Grimes teach visitors from Children’s Hospital to pot plants. Seek advice from the Herb Army, other plant society members, our

Olivia Alison, Director of Development *Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, January 15, 1810. Library of Congress, Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, volume 2, page 147-48, with thanks to Jeffrey C. Walker.

2009 S pring P lant S ale M ost S uccessful E ver !

Birmingham Botanical Gardens' annual Spring Plant Sale was the most successful of all time. Here are some of highlights: • More than $265,000 raised; • Nearly 7,400 attended; • More than 85,000 plants sold. Spring Plant Sale proceeds benefit Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens' education programs and activities. Some of these programs include Discovery Field Trips, Children's Summer Workshops, Adult & Family Classes and Horticultural Therapy. Last year more than 10,000 school children were able to take advantage of free Discovery Field Trips to learn about science and nature. A special thank you goes out to all of our Spring Plant Sale volunteers!


We need your help with the following items, victims of 2009 funding cuts: • Lobby Flower Arrangements: $325 a month • Library Books: $30 to $500 each • Energy Conference Sponsor: $1000

enhanc i n g li f e w i t h p la n t s

5:30-8:30 p.m.

presented by

August 13 “Blossoms & Bellinis” featuring Matthew Mayfield September 10 “Lotus and Lychee Libations” featuring Todd Simpson & Moral Child October 8 “Apple Barrel Bash” featuring The White Oaks General Admission: $10 Members of The Gardens: FREE


www.bbg ardens.org



a garden for all

a garden for all a garden fr all a garden for all olunteer potlight

a gard

Rosa spp. (Climbing rose display, Dunn Formal Rose Garden)

V olunteer S potlight Lenore Durlacher

Carolyn Snow, Volunteer Coordinator

Now and then you meet people who just stand out in a crowd. Lenore is one of those people—a life-long learner with loads of personality and multiple interests, abilities, and talents. She hasan affinity for painting and has taught the adult painting classes “One Stroke Note Cards” and “The Japanese Gates” at Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Her hand-painted ornaments adorned the White House Christmas tree during Bill Clinton’s and George Bush’s presidencies and also decorated the Library of Congress Christmas tree. Lenore lived in New Jersey until she was 35 years old. Then she lived in Louisiana, later in Carmel, California, and finally, in Birmingham, Alabama. Wildlife from Double Oak Mountain frequently visits her wooded back yard in Eagle Point. She wanted to keep it natural, so she set out to learn which plants to plant, preserve or discard. In 1999, she began volunteering in the The Gardens’ library, in the wildflower garden, and in the rose garden. She discovered that wild blueberries and red bud trees were growing on her property. She had never seen a red bud tree before she moved to Alabama. With the help of her two dogs, she began to “evergreen” her wooded property with “random” plantings. Wherever the dogs dug holes, she planted evergreen trees. Lenore is also a mother and grandmother. Her son is an attorney with Burr & Forman in Atlanta and she has a grandson and granddaughter ages seven and five. Lenore is a member of the Alabama Guild of Decorative Artists. She began volunteering as a substitute, but became a regular library volunteer about three years ago. You will find her in the library from 9- 1p.m. every Wednesday. If you are interested in volunteering, please call Carolyn Snow, Volunteer Coordinator at 205.414.3962 or csnow@bbgardens.org.





Easy Gardens for the South




magazines computers ibrary ervices T h e L i b r a ry B o o k C l u b The Library at Birmingham Botanical Gardens is starting a Gardening Book Club in Fall 2009. We read works of fiction or non-fiction having to do with gardens, plants, or the land. Our first book will be The $64 Tomato by William Alexander.

Hope Long, Director of Library

by Harvey Cotton, Pamela Crawford, Barbara Pleasant

If you think you might be interested in participating please call or email Hope Long 205.414.3931 or hlong@bbgardens.org.

All I can say is WOW; this is my new favorite book. It has everything a southern gardener could possibly want from a book including color pictures and easy to read and understand information. It has something for all levels of gardener, from the beginner to the expert. I found the information on each particular plant to be thorough and informative with each heading having very detailed information, characteristics, growing conditions, planting and maintenance. They have also gone so far as to include a key of symbols for each plant to let you know if it; attracts butterflies, attracts hummingbirds, attracts birds, is a southern native, lives on rainwater, is deer resistant. I just cannot think of anything they left out. Being a librarian, who has easy access to gardening books, I don’t normally buy books but I must own this book to keep at home as a reference. I think you will be just as thrilled with this book as I am, so please come by the library and check it out.

What’s New at The Library? •  The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vegetable Gardening / Price Bowman

by Daria

•  Rain Gardening in the South: Ecologically Designed Gardens for Drought, Deluge & Everything in Between / by Helen Krauss •  Landscaping with Fruit: A homeowner's guide / by Lee Reich •  Plan Bee: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the HardestWorking Creatures on the Planet •  The Family Kitchen Garden: How to plant, Grow, and Cook Together / by Karen Liebreich •  Junk Beautiful: Outdoor Edition / by Sue Whitney

Visit the Gerlach Plant Information Center inside the Garden Center during July & August for the exhibit

“Landscaping with Fruit Trees & Shrubs”

M a i n L i b r a ry A r t G a l l e ry | J u l y / A u g u s t

Southern Institute of Photography Student and Instructors In January 2009 The Gardens’ Education Department began the Southern Institute of Photography, a new collaborative venture between The Gardens and some of Birmingham’s finest photographers. Students chose between 15 different types of photography classes ranging from Basic to Infrared to Digital Printing. The students attended a six week-long class where they learned all about their particular subject. This show provides an opportunity for the students to show what they learned during their time in class.






tips ardening



Good Things Growing… In The Gardens

information Garde ning Tips for July and August Courtesy of

Fred Spicer, Executive Director

This column focuses on hardy woody and herbaceous perennial plants with good ornamental interest (typically flowers) during July and August. Late summer is by far the toughest assignment because of the relative paucity of blooms on anything but annuals. However, a hosta your grandmother knew as August lily is an August gem; botanically, it’s Hosta plantaginea. Plantain-leaf hosta is another common name.



•  Protect figs and other ripening fruit from birds. •  Continue to root shrub cuttings until late in the month and mulch to keep soil moist. •  Remove faded blooms promptly from crape myrtle and other summer-blooming plants. •  In lawns, watch for diseases. Mow regularly, and water as needed.

The unusual bloom time is not the only big difference between this and other hostas. First, the flowers are huge, up to 6” long on the species, the largest of any hosta. Second, they’re also fragrant, the only such species. Third, they open in late afternoon and remain so through the night; other hostas open in the morning and close at dusk. Fourth, they hail from southern China; most hosta species hail from Japan and Korea. ‘Royal Standard’ (above, from the McReynold’s Garden), is the most popular H. plantaginea cultivar. It boasts the same green leaves and heat-loving, large-growing constitution as the species (which is not widely available), but with smaller, 3-4” long, abundant, fragrant flowers (right). The doubleflowered cultivar ‘Aphrodite’ is beautiful but slow growing. I grew it without trouble in New Jersey, but according to Plant Delights Nursery, it is difficult to grow in the south as it demands cooler nights for successful flowering. ‘Venus’ is a new double-double form; my research did not uncover any information on southern adaptability.

•  Keep roses healthy and actively growing. •  Apply fertilizer as needed. Wash off foliage to prevent burning if any fertilizer falls on plants. •  Water annuals and perennials as needed to keep plants active. •  Iris and spider lily bulbs may be planted late this month. •  Keeping flowers, shrubs, trees, and lawns healthy is the major task this month. This demands close observation for insects and diseases, and frequent watering. •  Plant beans, field peas, rutabagas, squash, New Zealand spinach, and Irish potatoes. Plant cabbage, collards, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and celery for the fall crop. •  Plant tomatoes in Central and North Alabama.


•  Cut out old blackberry canes after fruiting and then fertilize and cultivate for replacement canes. Remember to order new catalogs for fruit selection. •  Layer branches of hydrangea.

Being the only fragrant hosta species, H. plantaginea has been crucial for introducing that trait into hybrids. A few worth mentioning are (in no order) ‘Honeybells’, ‘Fragrant Bouquet’ (creamy-variegated), ‘Diana Remembered’ (white variegated) and ‘Guacamole’ (left). See a complete fragrant list at http://www.plantdelights.com/Tony/fraghosta.html. The cultivar ‘Grandiflora’ (also listed as var. grandiflora), with smaller flowers than the species, is now known as Hosta plantiginea var. japonica, and is similar to ‘Royal Standard’. BBG’s largest hosta display is along the Hosta Walk, above the Ireland Iris Garden.


•  Hybrid teas and floribundas may need slight pruning to prevent scraggly appearance. •  Water annuals and perennials as needed to keep plants active. •  Plant perennials and biennials. •  Divide old iris plantings and add new bulbs. •  Keeping flowers, shrubs, trees, and lawns healthy is the major task during this month. This means close observation for insects and diseases. •  Plant turnips, rutabagas, beans, and peas in South Alabama. •  Plant cabbage, collards, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and celery.

For more information, see www.aces.edu







membership arden memorials upporters


2 5 4 . 2 7 31







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As a member of one of these participating organizations, enjoy FREE admission and special activities at all of these cultural venues on Saturday, July 18, 2009. FOR COMPLETE DETAILS AND A LISTING OF EVENTS PLEASE VISIT: STAMP THIS CARD AT 5 OR MORE LOCATIONS AS YOU EXPLORE Y O U R O W N C I T Y AND ENTER TO WIN THE ULTIMATE CULTURAL PRIZE PACKAGE, VALUED AT $1800 C AR D AD M ITS 2 AD U LTS / 4 C H ILD R EN


2 5 2 .7652

hy G nov dec newsletter


7:56 AM








Page 1


The Art of Kathy G Catering • Event Planning • Design

Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members receive 10% discount on lunch at the cafe *please show member card when ordering

Wonderful Lunches • Extraordinary Events The Beauty of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens Box Lunches • Event Menus • Patio Seating

Lunch: Tuesday - Saturday, 11-2 • Host your next social or corporate event at The Gardens Café 2612 Lane Park Road • Birmingham • 205.871.1000 • thegardenscafe@kathyg.com

The GardensCafe

B I R M I N G H A M B O TA N I C A L G A R D E N S M E M B E R S R E C E I V E 10 % D I S C O U N T O N P U R C H A S E S

by Kathy G






activities vents

field trips

education Schedule





F irst L ook P arty presented by Sterne Agee Thursday, October 1 7-10 p.m. Tickets: $125 (includes show admission)

The fourth annual Antiques at The Gardens: Heirlooms in Bloom

Show Hours Friday, October 2 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, October 3 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, October 4 1-5 p.m.

presented by Regions Financial Corporation is slated for Friday, October 2 through Sunday, October 4. This unique antiques show has become a fall tradition in Birmingham, featuring dozens of dealers from across the nation and lectures from world-renowned speakers Keith Langham and Renny Reynolds.

Tickets: $10 L ectures Renny Reynolds presented by flower Magazine Friday, October 2 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $25 (includes show admission)

The glamorous First Look Party presented by Sterne Agee will kick off the weekend’s events on Thursday, October 1. Catered by Kathy G, the elegant evening is truly a highlight of the fall social scene in Birmingham, giving individuals a chance to preview and buy items before the general admission sale on Friday.

Richard Keith Langham presented by Red Diamond Friday, October 2 1 p.m. Tickets: $25 (includes show admission)

The 2009 Antiques at The Gardens: Heirlooms in Bloom will also include a special invitation-only Designer Preview on the morning of Friday, October 2 from 9-10 a.m. This new, special event gives interior designers, architects and decorators first crack at the array of furniture, art, rugs, jewelry and various other accessories before the public show and sale begins. For more information contact Shelly McCarty at 205.414.3965 or smccarty@bbgardens.org.

Pre-sale tickets for both lectures are available for only $40 through September 28.





field trips


A Successful Year: Discovery Field Trips


classes learning ducation

BBG Education Docents

Ellen Hardy, Education Program Coordinator

Sincere appreciation and thank you to the talented volunteers in our Education Docent Program and Junior League of Birmingham’s “Can You Dig It?” volunteers for a successful year! They gave such dedication and energy as they guided over 10,000 students grades K-6 on Discovery Field Trips in The Gardens. Volunteers work as teams to welcome students and teachers to our unique outdoor setting as they guide them on quality learning experiences which truly enrich the topics they are learning at school. These science-based programs are free to participants thanks to support for transportation from the Junior League of Birmingham and Vulcan Materials Corporation.

Wayne Boldin Beth Bradley Cecily Graham-Chaney Gigi Douban Jeanne Favrot John Gaston Robin Geurs Holly Goettge Carol Hagood Linda Herren Carol Hinshaw Becky Hutto Barbara Kelley Marcia Mancill Gail Pless Carol Reese Mabel Turner Ruth Varnell Anne Wallace Frank Wallace Carol Washington Janet White Bitsy Williams

Junior League of Birmingham: “Can You Dig It?” Mary Steadman, Co-Chair Genie Woodall, Co-Chair Jennifer Cleveland Marie Cole Kelley Davis Julie Edwards Aimee Forbus Emily Frost Jenifer Gallini Caroline Gidiere Lisa Heitz Jennifer Hemstreet Emily Holmes Brandy Lee Jaimie Livingston Jennifer McCracken Christine McJunkin Julie McLemore Paula Mulllins Laura Lyn Nichols Evelyn O’Leary Stacy Pulliam Lydia Pursell Mary Sue Ridgway Whitney Saunders Laura Silsbee Je Anne Smith Christin Terrell Hill Weathers

Southern Institute of Photography To register visit www.bbgardens.org or call 205.414.3958

S ummer C ourse S chedule High Dynamic Range and Panoramic Photography Instructor: Jeff Chambless July 7 – July 28 (4 Tuesdays) from 6 – 8 p.m. | $110

Stretch the limits of your creativity by creating HDR (high dynamic range) pictures to capture absolutely every detail of your subject, and to create extraordinarily wide-angle panoramic images. You will learn how to expose the original in-camera data, and then how to manipulate the original images in post-processing to produce HDR or super-wide results. These are amazing effects, and you should expect to produce photos worth hanging in a place of honor!

Digital Printing – 1 Instructor: Abbie Wiersma July 7 –August 11 (6 Tuesdays) from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. | $150

With advances in technology, there’s every reason to start printing you own photos at home. Newer inkjet printers, inks and papers produce prints that will last 100 years or more. You’ll learn how to calibrate your monitor and how to set up and transmit precise color profiles so your prints look the way they look on your screen. The class will include classroom lectures and demonstrations, as well as assignments you will complete on your own printer. Learn the techniques needed to create the best possible images -- from scanning the negative or preparing the digital file, the selection of papers to the actual printing on an inkjet printer. You will complete the class by printing a fine art print of one of your own original images.


Wedding and Bridal Photography Instructor: Ashley Warren July 18-19 (Special Weekend Workshop Event!) Saturday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday from 2 – 5 p.m. | $150 Are you ready to take the plunge into wedding photography? We will discuss the tools and skills you need to get started. You will learn about equipment, workflow, posing, lighting and the business side of the wedding photo world. Day one of the workshop will be an informative lecture. Day two will be chance to show your skills behind the camera shooting a real couple. You will need a DSLR and a flash.





honoraria donations memorials arden upporters in memory of...


March 1 - April 30, 2009 Ann T. Young

Geoffrey Glaub

Bamie Williams

Harry B. Ward

Mr. Mark Townsend Mrs. Louise D. Johnson The Little Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Lindstrom, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James H. Emack Mr. & Mrs. Rest B. Heppenstall Ms. Bess McCrory

Barbara Chenoweth

Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Lindstrom, Jr. The Little Garden Club

Bill Lucas

Mr. & Mrs. Rest B. Heppenstall

Carlisle Jones

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Pearce Mrs. Lee B. Chapman

Charlie Bueltman

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Wendorf

Deakins Price

Mrs. Margaret G. Ragland

Dorothy Roach

Mr. Elizabeth Ratliff

Edmond F. Lawrence

Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Lindstrom, Jr.

Edward K. Jones

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr.

Ford Price

Mrs. Margaret G. Ragland

Frances M. Cole

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ziegler

Gabriella Comer White

Mr. & Mrs. Tunstall B. Perry, III Mr. & Mrs. Gene Robinson

Tremont Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. Earl Trafton

James C. Lee

Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Newton

Jo A. Hendrickson

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Adams

John B. Rudulph

Mr. & Mrs. William M. Spencer, III Mrs. J. M. Morgan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Newton

Juanita Martinez

English Village Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II

Susan A. Thomas

Mr. & Mrs. Tunstall B. Perry, III Mr. & Mrs. Rest B. Heppenstall

V. Hugo Marx

Mr. & Mrs. Tunstall B. Perry, III

Virginia Bailey

Mr. & Mrs. Rest B. Heppenstall

W. Price Hightower

Tremont Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Newton

William A. Bowron

Mr. & Mrs. Rest B. Heppenstall

William R. Ireland

Mrs. Lee B. Chapman

Mrs. Louise D. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Becker Mr. & Mrs. Pete Holby Dr. Susan Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II Mr. & Mrs. C. Lawrence Whatley Ms. Nell J. Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Don Lowden Ms. Jeannine McElroy Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Lindstrom, Jr. Mrs. J. M. Morgan, Jr. Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Staff Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffman Ms. Susan Colvin Mr. & Mrs. James H. Emack Mr. & Mrs. Rest B. Heppenstall Ms. Rose H. Steiner

Renee McDonald

Brand Walton

Katherine D. Caine

Ms. Hope Kilgore Ms. Linda Vincent Mr. & Mrs. Jim Thompson Mr. & Mrs. George Somers, Jr.

Margaret Anne Grant

Ms. Fiona Grant & Mr. James Small

Margaret T. Darden Myosotis Garden Club

Meryl Patterson

Mr. & Mrs. W. Frank Cobb, III

Mrs. McClannahan

Dr. & Mrs. W. Rupert Bodden Jr.

Richard Simmons

Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Rest B. Heppenstall

Ruth Bowron

Mr. & Mrs. Rest B. Heppenstall

Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr.

Library at The Gardens


TO THE LIBRARY AT BIRMINGHAM BOTANICAL GARDENS MARCH/MAY 2009 Norman Kent Johnson in memory of Michael Joseph Habrat

Bruce Tucker

Hill N Dale Garden Club

Gleeson Dillard Thomas

Hope Long & Elizabeth Drewry in memory of A. Brand Walton

Mrs. Mary I. Dillon

Myosotis Garden Club in memory of Margaret Thorson Darden

Dunn Formal Rose Garden in summer bloom

Fred and Brandee Moore Barbara Saurer Providence Paulin Virginia Barr Eddie and Kay Aldridge If your name is not properly listed please call Savannah Lanier, Donor Relations Officer at 205.414.3955.







memorials membership arden embers

in honor of... March 1- April 30, 2009 Charles Sharp Mr. & Mrs. William McGowan

Eve W. Holloway Ms. Harriett P. Murphy

2009 Garden Sustainers chairman

George L. Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Smith

Jamie Pursell

Mrs. Louise D. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Waller


Katherine Robinson

Mrs. Claire H. Fairley

Ms. Harriett P. Murphy


Kris Blevons

Mrs. Fay B. Ireland Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Pursell Mr. and Mrs. William M. Spencer, III

The Little Garden Club

Larry Whitaker Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Newton


Mike Rushing Ashville Garden Club Weatherly Garden Club

Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Allison Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown Mr. Stewart M. Dansby Dr. and Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Mrs. Crawford T. Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. James T. Stephens Southern Progress Foundation

Olivia Alison Cecelia D. Alison

Patrick Daniel Edgewood Garden Club


Robert Wendorf Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Murray

Mrs. Ann Bruno Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Cobb, III Mr. James M. Fail Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher Mrs. Jane H. Head Mr. and Mrs. James M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jon Kimerling Mayer Electric Supply, Inc. Mr. and Mrs.Guy K. Mitchell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Dr. James L. Newsome Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Northen III Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Ray, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy L. Renneker Mr. and Mrs. William R. Rushton, III Mr. and Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John N. Wrinkle

Roy Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. William McGowan

Wedding of Burr Weatherly & Sidney Quarles Mr. & Mrs. James Emack

To learn more about Garden Sustainer Club please contact Olivia Alison at 205.414.3961.

Blount Plaza




p r es i de n t ’ s circle- $1000

Crown Automobile Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Briggs Dr. & Mrs. John Cuckler Mr. & Mrs. H. Corbin Day Mr. & Mrs. Hubert W. Goings, Jr. Ms. Frances Heidt & Mr. John R. Chiles

a m b a ss a d o r -


Ann & Angelo Bruno Foundation Mrs. Betty R. Bashinsky Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bowness Mr. & Mrs. John D. Johns Dr. & Mrs. Wade Lamberth Mrs. Donie N. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. South

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Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brockman Ms. Pat Cosgrove Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Curtin, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Doody Mr. & Mrs. Willard Early Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hughey, Jr. Mr. George L. Jenkins Mr. Norman Kent Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Katholi Mr. & Mrs. Gene McWilliams Mr. & Mrs. Albert S. Naughton Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Rushton Dr. & Mrs. Jack Schaeffer Dr. & Mrs. Lamar Smith, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Stanley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hall Thompson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George N. Tobia Dr. & Mrs. Jack Trigg, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Russell H. Vandevelde, III

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Greystone Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. Paul Allen Ms. Linda S. Bashinsky Mr. & Mrs. Craig Battles Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Boulware, III Mr. William M. Bowen, Jr. Eric & Julieanna Brandino Dr. Loretta G. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Philip Carroll Dr.& Mrs. Baker Chambliss, Jr. Ms. Susan Cleage Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Cobb Ms. Carole H. Cobb Mrs. Tiffany Crittenden Mr. & Mrs. Troy Downey Dr. & Mrs. Walter B. Evans Mr. Peter Falkner II Dr. & Mrs. Richard Feist Dr. & Mrs. James O. Finney, Jr. Ms. Jackie Fitts Dr. & Mrs. Michael Fleenor Mrs. Catherine Fowler Dr. & Mrs. John D. Glover Dr. & Mrs. Morton Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Harmon



Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hodge Mr. Bascom T. Hopson Mr. & Mrs. Greg Horn Dr. & Mrs. David Jackson Dr. Susan Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Samuel C. Johnson Ms. Beth Jordan & Mr. Wayne Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Lindstrom, Jr. Dr. Peter & Roslyn Mannon Stanford & Nicole Massie Mr. & Mrs. Alan Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Terry Mattingly Ms. Kim McBride Mr. & Mrs. Mark McColl Ms. Carol A. McCoy Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mills Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Morgan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Chris Muldrow Dr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Nading, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hap Parker Mr. & Mrs. William Parks Dr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Peters Mr. & Mrs. Will Phillips, Jr. Dr. Firoz Rahemtulla Ms. Barbara Ray Don Riendeau Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Roberts Dr. & Mrs. O. Gordon Robinson, Jr. Mrs. Hilary Ross Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Roth Dr. & Mrs. Charles Russell Dr. Carole Samuelson & Dr. Paul Samuelson Mr. & Mrs. Brad Schwarting Dr. & Mrs. R. Waid Shelton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. A. Wendall Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Spotswood Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sprague Mr. & Mrs. E.L. Stringfellow Dr. Robert E. Taylor Dr. Paul C. Weir & Mrs. Amanda Adams Dr. & Mrs. James R. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Clyde E. Wills Ms. Margery J. Wirth Mr.& Mrs Kirk Withrow Mr. & Mrs. Richard Womack

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Central Alabama Daylily Society Thomas Kinkade Gallery Integrity Landscapes Ms. Alesia Adams Ms. Marie Agee Ms. Diane P. Alessio & Mr. Otello A. Alessio Mrs. Maria A. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. L. Murray Alley Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Allsbrook Mr. & Mrs. Jim Anderson Leslie Appleton Mr. & Mrs. Steve Arnold Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Atkinson Dr. & Mrs. Alvin L. Atlas Mrs. Katherine Avant Dr. Jack M. Averett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Babanats Mr. Nathan Baggett Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bailey Drs. Angus & Melissa Baird Dr. & Mrs. Gene V. Ball Mr. & Mrs. William Barnes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John G. Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Tom Baydala Mr. & Mrs. John L. Beauchamp Mr. & Mrs. Murray Beck


memorials membership arden embers

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Belden, III Dr. & Mrs. Austen L. Bennett, III Mr. & Mrs. Victor Bey Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Archie Bisset, III Mr. & Mrs. Brody Black Ms. Michelle Blackwood Mr. John & Julia Blakey Mr. & Mrs. Lucian F. Bloodworth Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Bouchet Mrs. Dorothy D. Boyd Ms. Anu Brady Mr. & Mrs. David A. Bright Mrs. Vicki Browder Mrs. Bertice Brown Dr. Caroline Brown & Mr. E. T. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bugg Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Burrows Mr. & Mrs. David Camp Mr. & Mrs. William L. Camp Mr. Patrick Carden Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Carroll Mrs. Debbie Castleberry Ms. Lyn Chappelle Dr. Deborah Chargois Mrs. Cindy Chester Mr. & Mrs. A. P. Christenson Dr. & Mrs. Craig Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Lee Clanton Ms. Cecil Clark Mrs. Sherrell F. Cochrane Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Cohen Mrs. Jennafer Collins Mr. & Mrs. Alton L. Comans Alexis Cooper Dr. & Mrs. William Costenbader Ms. Miriam Cowan Milly Cowles Mr. & Mrs. Charley Cox Mrs. Susan Craft Mr. Robert Crossmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Crowder Dr. & Mrs. Charles Dasher Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Davies, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Davis Mr. & Mrs. J. Frank Day, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert de Buys Mr. & Mrs. Charles DeBardeleben, III Mr. & Mrs. Barry DeLozier Mr. & Mrs. Jack Denver Molleen Desai Mr. & Mrs. James DeWilde Ms. Eva Dillard Mr. & Mrs. Don C. Dodson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dolan Mr. & Mrs. William D. Drinkard Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Dunbar, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Dye Ms Vicki Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Mark Easterling Mr. & Mrs. George S. Eastwood II Mr. Keith Echols & Ms. Patti Echols Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Edmiston Mrs. Joyce Edwards-Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Enders & Mr. Richard Enders Mr. Sam Erwin Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Esdale Ms. Alberta Fields Mr. & Mrs. Joe M. Finkel Ms. Susan Finley Ms. Karen Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. William L. Forbes Mrs. Anita Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frese, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jospeh G. Gamble Mr. & Mrs. John W. Gant, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Garcia Ms. Elizabeth Garrett Mr. & Mrs. James Garrison Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gewin Mr. & Mrs. Hollis N. Gieger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Graves Greg & Rosemary Greaves Ms. Melanie Greer


M a r c h 1 - A p r i l 30, 2009

Mrs. Linda Grissom Mr. Michael Hallisey Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hardy Mrs. Sandra Harris Ms. Anna M. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Keith Hazelrig Mr. & Mrs. James W. Heacock, Jr. Mrs. Edna B. Heard Ms. Yvette Heath Mr. & Mrs. Colin Helman Ms. Alice Helms Mr. Dennis Henderson Dr. Kathryn Hoar Mr. & Mrs. Felix Hoke Mrs. Mona Holmes Mr. & Mrs. William Horne, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Horton Mrs. Melissa Horton Ms. Kaye Houser Frances Howard Kathryn Howard Dr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Huddle Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Hulsey Dr. & Mrs. John C. Hurst, Jr. Ms. Debra Ivins Mr. & Mrs. John Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Ben Ivey Jackson Mrs. Betty Jackson Ms. Ginger Jackson Dr. & Mrs. Thomas N. James Mr. & Mrs. Terrence F. James Ms. Nancy Jennings Mr. & Mrs. Henry Jones Mrs. Marcus Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Jones Dr. & Mrs. Edward Jones Drs. Gerald D. Karcher & Ms. Gina Karcher Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Keeton Ms. Tricia Kemper Mrs. Ruby C. Key Mr. & Mrs. John H. Kimberly Mrs. Patricia King Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Kinner Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kissel, Jr. Sharon & David Kleeschulte Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Kluz Mr. & Mrs. David Koncsol Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Krebbs William A. Lalor Mr. & Mrs. James Lance Ms. Mary Larkin Dr. & Mrs Clifton Latting Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Lavender Mr. Randall D. Law & Ms. Hannah K. Wolfson Jenifer Lay Mrs. Susan S. Lebold Mr. & Mrs. Drayton H. Lester Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Lewis Maurice & Marcella Little Mrs. Kathy Logue Ms. Donna M. Lummus Mr. & Mrs. C. Matthew Lusco Janice T. Malone Mr. & Mrs. Merrrill Mann Ms. Maryann Manning Mr. & Mrs. John Mansfield Dr. John & Pam A. Mantle Mr. & Mrs. Neal Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mayne Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCulley Ms. Jacqueline D. McFarland Ms. Omeira McKinley Ms. Jane H. McPherson Robert L. Meador, Jr. DMD Dr. & Mrs. Edward R. Meadows Mr Michael & Katherine Melvin Mr. & Mrs. Donald Y. Menendez Ms. Jan A. Midgley & Mr. Dean Clark Mr. & Mrs. Howard Miles Julie C. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Miller Mrs. Sandra Miller

Mrs. Edwin Miller Mrs. Kathy Miller Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Mills, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Dan Modak Dr. & Mrs. Jason Moellinger Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mollengarden Mr. & Mrs. Whit J. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Fred Moore, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moore Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morrisey Mr. & Mrs. Mike Mullen Mr. & Mrs. W. Donald Myers Mr. & Mrs. Phil H. Neal, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, Jr. Mr. Corey & Erin Nolen Mr. & Mrs. William Norman Mrs. Jennifer Nunnelley Dr. & Mrs. Albert Oberman Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. O’Connor Ms. Kay Oppenheim Arela Overton Mrs. Patsy Pace Ms. Sharon Pardue Mr. Finley C. Patton Dr. Thomas J. Payne, III Paulette Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pearson Mr. Glenn E. Peoples, Sr. Lindsey & Ted Petras Mr. & Mrs. David Philpot Mr. & Mrs. S. Mallory Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Peter Poerschke Mr. & Mrs. James M. Pool Dr. & Mrs. Richard Popple Mr. & Mrs. Steve Porter Ms. Julia K. Potter Ms. Susan Pretnar Mr. & Mrs. Max Pulliam Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Quijano Mr. & Mrs. William Rabel Ms. Linda Rader Mr. & Mrs. Erskine Ramsay, II Mr. & Mrs. Rodney B. Ramsay Mr. Mike Randolph Mr. & Mrs. Burton Rasco Mr. Robert Reiche & Mrs. Ellen J. Schmidt Dr. & Mrs. Courtenay Renneker Mr. & Mrs. Derek Richesin Dr. & Mrs. Ferris J. Ritchey Mr. & Mrs. Bob Rives Mr. Fred & Karin Rock Ms. Mary Roebuck Mr. & Mrs. James Rotenstreich Ms. Kathy Rowe Mr. James & Jennifer Rowell Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rushing Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Russell, Jr. Lane Rutledge Mr. & Mrs. Charles Saunders Mr. & Mrs. John D. Saxon Mrs. Eugenia Schanbacher Ms Karen Scott Melissa Sexton Mr. & Mrs. David Shaddix Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Shah Mrs. Lou Ann Sherling Dr. & Mrs. Robert Sherrill Dr. & Mrs. Earle H. Shugerman Mr. & Mrs. Perry G. Shuttlesworth Mr. Adam Sigman Ms. Lorelle C. Singleton Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sleeper Mr. and Mrs. William E. Smith III Mr. and Mrs. Joey Smith Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smyly Ms. Kelly Sorrell Mrs. Debra Southern Dr. Shirley Steele Mr. and Mrs. Freddie H. Stephens Ms. Mary S. Stewart Dr. Rena Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Stiles Thomas A. Stoddard Dr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Stokely



Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stone Ms. Mary Stovall Mr. and Mrs. James H. Strickland Ms. Rosemary Strouss Mr. and Mrs. James F. Sulzby, III Mr. and Mrs. Brooks E. Taylor Mrs. Betty B. Thompson Mr. William L. Thuston Mr. and Mrs. Howard Torch Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Tullis Mr. and Mrs. Ben Turnage Mr. and Mrs. Bayard S. Tynes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Tynes Mr. and Mrs. Phil Vander Kamp Mrs. Kandace VanWanderham Mrs. Libba Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Louis Voulgarides Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Waddelow Mr. Jim Waligora Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wallace Dr. Alexandra Walsh Ms. Mary Lou Watkins Ms. Lynn M. Watson Mr. Terry and JoAnn Weber Ms. Robin L. Weekley Mr. and Mrs. Carol and Herb Wilbanks Mr. and Mrs. David T. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Wilson Lawrence Wilson Mrs. W. W. Winfree, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Worthen Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yoder



Ms. Marshanne Adams Ms. E. Bryding Adams Ardis Albany Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. Aldridge, Jr. Mr. Grant Alspaugh Ms Carol L. Alston Mr. J.R. Andrews Ms. Carol Argo Ms. Sally Bailey Ms. Vicki L. Bailey Ms. Susan Barnett Mrs. Becky Bashinsky Mrs. Richard G. Bastar, Jr. Mrs. Carol Battersby Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Baynes Mr. Brian L. Bellenger Ms. Lynn Bledsoe Kris Blevons Ms. Karen Bonham Mr. & Mrs. Philip Bowman Mrs. Mary H. Bowman Mrs. Jocelyn Bradley Mrs. Heather C. Bradley

membership Mr. Brian Albert Ms. Sallie M. Albus Mollie Claire Alfano Ms. Elizabeth Allison Ms. Lisa Allison Ms. Lucia Balentine Ms. Susan Barnett Aimee A. Belden Mr. Chris Bisset Ms. Susan M. Black Ms. Becky Blades Ms. Rebecca J. Blair Mrs. Elizabeth M. Boles Ms. Karen Bowers Bradley, Arant, Boult, Cummings LLP Brock, Hazzard & Knight Investment Advisors, LLC Mrs. Catherine Brooks Mr. William Broughton Ms. Jimmie Brown Mr. Dickson Buchanan Jr. Burr & Forman LLP Ms. Barbara L. Burton Mrs. Natalie Canterbury

Ms. Frances M. Brandon Mrs. Marion C. Breyer Ms. Susan Bruner Ms. Joan Bryant Dr. Kathy Buchan Ms. Barbara Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. Grady Burrow Ms. Donna W. Burson Ms. LaRue Burt Mr. Sumter Carmichael, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Carr Mrs. Albert L. Cason Ms. Anne Chace Mr. & Mrs. Rusty Chastain Mr. & Mrs. Ben B. Chastain Mrs. Margaret Chesnut & Mr. Joe Chesnut Mrs. Dorothy Clark Mr. & Mrs. Brad Cleage Mrs. Judith M. Cloe Ms. Bonnie W. Coggins Mr. William H. Cole Dr. Maude D. Collier Ms. Patricia Comer & Mr. Kent Upshaw Ms. Rita Constantine Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cook Ms. Sheila Cooley Dr. Laura Cotlin Ms. Patty Covington Mrs. Anna Cox Ms. Elizabeth G. Craig Ms. Nelda Creel Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cruse Ms. Carole C. Cudd Mr. & Mrs. James Cullinan Mrs. William N. Culp, Jr. Mrs. Jane Cusick Ms. Kay Dana Ms. Carol J. Dashiff Mrs. Patricia Davis Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Denson Ms. Dorothy Dillard Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dodd Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Mrs. Denise Drace Diane Dudney Mr. W.B. Dumas Mrs. Marjory E. Dunn Ms. Terri Earnest Mrs. Marilyn M. Edwards Ms. Joanne Englebert Mrs. Marian Epstein Ms. Nancy Essig Ms. Lauren Eszes Ms. Helen Faught Ms. June Franklin Mrs. Cindy Fravert Ms. Rita Freeman Mrs. Juanita H. Gardner Ms. Susan W. Gaskins Ms. Rose Gaston Ms. Arlene Godwin

honoraria Autumn Carpenter Ms. Cathy Cates Jennifer Chapman Mr. Bryan Chauvin Alice Christenson City of Vestavia Hills Ms. Pamela Cochran Ms. Tess Cochran Mr. & Mrs. John Coleman Ms. Gisel Cooper Mrs. Sharon Cox Mr. Randy Cron Mr. Charles L. Culp Ms. Emily Daniel Ms. Cynthia Davis Ms. Sharon DevaneyLovinguth Ms. Mary Doyle Ms. Janine Dunlap Ms. Melanie Dykes Eden Elementary School Mr. Richard E. Einhorn Ms. Cassandra Ellis & Mr. John Loglisci Ms. Anna Erdreich




memorials membership arden embers

Ms. Sharon Graham Miss Gaines Grelier Ms. Celia A. Griffin Ms. Rebecca R. Griffith Ms. Virginia Gurley Ms. Helen Guy Mrs. Carol L. Hall Ms. Dianne Harden Mr. Tom Hart Nancy Hartsfield Mr. & Mrs. David S. Hassinger Mrs. Patricia Hawkins Ms. Jeremy B. Hayden Mr. & Mrs. William B. Hays Mr Harrison Heacock Mrs. Betty Healey Mrs. Beth Heimburger Ms. Ginger Held Ms. Jane Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. Craig Higgins Mr Carl Hogan Mr. Claude Holland Ellen Hopping Ms. Kathy Horton Mr. & Mrs. John H. Howell Mrs. Rita Hudson Mr. & Mrs. J. Terry Humber Ms. Dolores Hydock Mr. & Mrs. Richard Igou Ms. Susan Isbill Ms. Teresa Jang Ms. Patricia Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Terry Johnston Mr. & Mrs. J. Terrence Joyce Mrs. Laree Kennedy Mrs. Grace H. Key Helen Kim Mrs. Beverly Kimes Mr. & Mrs. David Kinman Ms. Jenny Kirby Mrs. Roberta Kleinstein Dr. & Mrs. Robert Koehler Ms. Linda Langston Mr. & Mrs. Mark Leader Ms. Lynn Ledbetter Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leinfelder Nancy Lewis Ms. Debra Lipp Ms. Joanna Liverant Mrs. James A. A. Livingston Mrs. Evelyn Lucas Mrs. Mary Lucas Ms. Laraine Lyle Mrs. Dixie Macneil Mrs. Joy Magruder Ms. Tracey Martin Mrs. Rebecca Mason Ms. Cecile L. Mason Mrs. Mary Louise Mason Mrs. Nancy C. Mason Mrs. Luverne Mattil Col. Earl C. McCrary


Ms. Cheryl Eubanks Mr James V. Fairley, Jr. Mrs. Deborah Flatt Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Forlano Dr. Butch Goldblatt Ms. Dayle Gordon Mr. John Griffin Mr. Andy Grimsley Kai Hansen Ms. Holli Hargrove Mrs. Beth Harris Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Hays Mrs. Amy Henderson Hill N Dale Garden Club Mr. Seybourn Hopper Ms. Sonya Horn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Houser Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hulsey David Jackson Jennie June Croly Study Club Mr. Christopher Johnson Johnson Sterling, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kimerling Mrs. Michelle King Kirkwood By The River Retire-

M. Jason McCulloch Mrs. Edna L. McCune Mr. Jeff McGee Mr. & Mrs. Philip I. McGrath Miss Virginia McLean Mr. & Mrs. A. Stephen Meadows Mr. & Mrs. Fred Medley Ms. Sandra Melof Mrs. E.J. Meriwether Ms. Marie H. Miles Ms. Amy Monroe Mrs. Natasha Morris Ms. Freda E. Moton Ms. Marcia Mouron Mrs. Grace Murphy Ms. Melanie Murphy Dr. Charles Murray Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nash Ms. Betty Navia Mr. William Nicholas D.D. Nicolau Ms. Elaine Niden Ms. Brenda Oakley Ms. Bonnie O’Bannon Ms. Adrienne L. O’Brien & Jack O’Brien Mrs. Sondra S. Olmsted Ms. Mitzi K. Owen Ms. Janet Palmer Ms. Margaret H. Parsons Ms. Mary Ann Pass, M.D. Ms. Sue W. Patrick Ms. Peggy Patton Ms. Debbie Patton Mr. & Mrs. Kent D. Pearson Mrs. Alice Petro Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Pezzillo Mrs. Louis H. Pfau Mr. Robert S. Phyfer Mrs. Michael H. Poe Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Price, III Ms. Julie Quick Ms. Ann Raburn Mr. Michael F. Raczynski Ms. Gloria Randolph Mrs. Jerry A. Ray Ms. Ann K. Reddy Dr. Linda Reed Ms. Suzanne Reveley Dr. Wesley Reynolds Mr. Clayton Richard Mrs. J. Scott Richards Ms. Erin Roberts Ms. Ann Robinson Mrs. Frances B. Robinson Mr. Steven Rodia Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rogers Ms. Noel Rome Ms Jessica Roskin Ms. Ansley Rowell Mr. Keith Russell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sanders Mrs. Carolyn Sankey Ms. Diane Sausen


ment Community L. Paul Kassouf & Company PC Dr. Brian Larson Mrs. Cecelia Latham & Mr. John Latham Ms. Jennifer Lauria Marianna Long Mrs. Jennifer Mancuso Mrs. Stacey Manos Ms. Alyce Manown Ms. Erin Martin Ms. Abigail Masters Mrs. Hilary Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mayer Mr. Daniel McCabe Mr. Micheal McPherson Medical Properties Trust, Inc. Win Miller Ms. Hillary Milo Georgia Montgomery Beau Murdock Nall-Whatley Foundation Mrs. Rosemary K. Nichols Mr. Patrick Nicovich Oaks on Parkwood, LLC


Terry Schilder Dr. Kim Schmitt Ms. Virginia Scruggs Dr. Bisakha Sen Ms. Elaine Shealy Ms. Dale Sherer Mrs. Betty Shipman Ms. Wendy Simmons Ms. Barbara Simpson Ms. Sara R. Sistrunk Ms. Donna Slovensky Miss Lindsay Smith Mrs. Martha C. Snow Ms. Lillian S. Somers Mr. & Mrs. James Spiers Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus Steed, Jr. Mrs. Mary S. Steiner Ms. Martha Ann Stevenson Ms. Eleanor Stevenson Mrs. Jane Street Mrs. Ruby R. Struck Ms. Katherine J. Sutherland Mr. Ken Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Bob Terry Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Thagard Ms. Susan Tipler Mrs. Helen V. Titus Mrs. Abby Todd Mr. W. Scott Townsend Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Tropeano Mr. Jason Turner Ms. Karen H. Valencia Mrs. Rose J. Vann & Ms. Laura L. Vann Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Vardaman Ms. Brenda Vines Mr. & Mrs. Macbeth Wagnon, Jr. Ms. Cynthia V. Walters Ms. Carol G. Washington Mrs. Shelley Watkins Charles Watson Mrs. Sidney Q. Weatherly Mrs. Arlene Weinsier Ms. Mildred O. Wells Ms. Renee West Mrs. Faye Whitlow Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Widner Ms. Claire Williams Mrs. Robert C. Wilson Ms. Jeannie Winford Ms. Elaine Witt Mrs. Margaret A. Wiygul Ms. Lee Woehle Mrs. Walter Wood Mrs. Suzanne H. Woodall Dr. & Mrs. Chivers Woodruff Ms. Catherine M. Word Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Yardley Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Youngblood Dr. & Mrs. H. Evan Zeiger, Jr. Ms. Dorothy Ziff

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March 1 - April 30, 2009

Ms. Amy Parkman Pascagoula Senior Travel club Ms. Cheryl Patton Ms. Alexandria Pearson Ms. Melanie Perry Ms. Jenny Pfeffer Mrs. Janice Pitts Mr. Stephen Preston Redmont Neighborhood Association Mr. Hudson Reich Ms. Elizabeth Rhodes Ms. Becky Riley Robinson Adams Insurance, Inc. Rocky Heights Binding Co. (DBA BindeyBook) Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Rogers Mrs. Ruthie Ross Mr. Gary Rowan Ms. Judith Santo Mrs. Susan Schade-Bijur Mr. Claiborne Seier Sherwood Forest Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. Stowe Shoemaker Ms. Dewanda F. Smith

Mr. Hatton C.V. Smith Mr. Walter Smith Southpace Properties Ms. Christina Sparks Mrs. Susan Spence St. Martin’s-In-The-Pines Stone Building Company, Inc. Amanda Storey Ms. Carol Anne Sutfin Ms. Janet Szofran T & L Group, Inc. Ms. Elaine B. Tangye Ms. Margaret Taylor Mr. & Mrs. John Trest Trump Tours, Inc. Mr. Christopher Verdi Welch Hornsby & Welch, Inc. Mrs. Melissa Wells Mr. Robby West Ms. Marjorie L. White Mrs. Toby Whitman Mrs. & Mr. Amy Williams Mrs. Lula Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert Yancey Mrs. Lena Yawn

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HEIRLOOMS IN BLOOM A Unique Antique Show Featuring Nationally Recognized Dealers Benefiting Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Presented by Regions Financial Corporation

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Friday, October 2, 10:30 a.m. Lecture by Renny Reynolds

Friday, October 2, 10-5 p.m. Saturday, October 3, 10-5 p.m. Sunday, October 4, 1-5 p.m. General Admission: $10

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Friday, October 2, 1 p.m. Lecture by Richard Keith Langham presented by Red Diamond

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