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Birmingham Botanical Gardens

enhancing life with plants 2009

Septe mber/ October www.bbgardens.org

First Cocktails in The Gardens Attracts over 800 —page 1 Antiques at The Gardens Presents Renny Reynolds and Richard Keith Langham— page 8 Fall Plant Sale Set for Two Days— page 7

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens

2009 B oard


Acer palmatum ‘Pygmy,’ Hulsey Woods

There is always something blooming at Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Plan your next visit soon! Visit www.bbgardens.org and check out what’s new at The Gardens.

D irectors

Thomas G. Amason, Jr. ��������������������������������President Henry Ray ������������������������������������������� President-Elect Reese Murray, III ��������������������������������������������Treasurer Tricia Noble ����������������������������������������������������Secretary Kimberly J. Rogers ����������������������������VP Development Fred Keith ���������������������������VP Facilities & Planning Morris C. Benners ������������� Immediate Past President Diana R. Slaughter ����������������������������������������������Officer Janet Taylor ����������������������������������������������������������Officer

September: Camellias Fall Annuals Herbs Perennials Roses Salvias Tropicals (peak) Vegetables

Richard “Pokey” Adams Laurie Allen Billy Angell Mena Brock Lyndra Daniel Stewart Dansby Richard E. Davis James F. Hughey Jr. Margi Ingram Sheryl Kimerling Mike Malone Kathryn Porter David L. Silverstein Scott Walton Louis Willie, III Louise A. Wrinkle

October: Azaleas (rebloom) Beautyberries Camellias Fall Annuals Fall Wildflowers Herbs Hollies Ornamental Grasses Salvias Tea Olives Roses Vegetables

S taff Fred Spicer �������������������������������������� Executive Director Olivia Alison ����������������������������� Development Director Stephanie Banks ����������������������������������Finance Director Shelly McCarty �����������������Special Events Coordinator Patrick Daniel ������� Kaul Wildflower Garden Curator Elizabeth Drewry ����������������������������������������������� Librarian Susan Grimes ���������Horticulture Therapy Coordinator Ellen Hardy �����������Education Program Coordinator Michael Hansen ���������� Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator Henry Hughes �������������������������������Education Director George Jenkins ���������������������������� Development Officer Jason Kirby ��������������������Library Assistant & Archivist Andrew Krebbs ������������������������Director of Marketing & Membership Savannah Lanier �������������������Donor Relations Officer Hope Long ����������������������Director of Library Services Carleen Mitchell �����������������������������������������Finance Clerk Phyllis Sutton ��������������Education Activities Specialist Rona Walters ���������������������������������Membership Assistant

O ur M ission Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens promotes public knowledge of plants, gardens & the environment; & receives, raises & administers resources for these purposes.

O ur V ision The vision of Birmingham Botanical Gardens is to be one of the nation’s preeminent botanical gardens.

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C ontents

Director’s Letter........................1 Development ����������������������������2 Volunteer Spotlight ������������������4 Library ����������������������������������������5 Gardening ����������������������������������6 Education ����������������������������������9 Donor Listings ������������������������11

The Garden Dirt is the newsletter of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The Garden Dirt is published six times a year to foster awareness and support events, services, and significant programs of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. We welcome your comments and address corrections. Please contact: Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Editor, Andrew Krebbs 2612 Lane Park Road Birmingham, AL 35223 205.414.3959 or akrebbs@bbgardens.org www.bbgardens.org Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens practices a policy of equal opportunity and equal access to services for all persons regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, orientation or sex. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a facility of Birmingham Park and Recreation Board. The deadline for the November/December issue is September 15.




Dear Friends: You’re responsible for everything we do and you’re all enablers. If this sounds like I’m blaming you for shameful behavior, let me explain. As supporters of The Friends, your dollars and volunteerism allow us to achieve our mission of educating people about plants, gardens and the environment. When you join or renew membership in our Garden Sustainers Club (see page 12), you show you trust us, by permitting us to use your donation to address our most immediate mission-based needs. Aside from sincere thanks, you expect nothing in return except good stewardship, such as the furthering of programs like Horticultural Therapy, which served nearly 2,500 in the past year. When you buy a plant at our Fall Plant Sale (see page 7), you show faith that we’ve sold you a healthy, true-to-name plant, and made truthful recommendations. You expect the plant to grow, of course, but you should also reflect on how you’ve enabled programs like a public horticultural library, open seven days a week, that served over 18,000 patrons in the past year. When you support Antiques at The Gardens (see page 8), you show your interest in fine works of arts and crafts. You expect an admission ticket, and perhaps to be captivated by “a special something.” Do you think about how you support programs like Discovery Field Trips, which increased the science literacy of over 10,000 local schoolchildren last year (again, for free)? The Gardens is special; The Friends make it essential. Because of you, we exist. Without you, we don’t. We respectfully solicit your support. We humbly and diligently strive every day to make that support matter. Whether you show it with the smallest plant purchase or a large gift to endowment, we’re very grateful for your commitment to us. So you should happily accept your responsibilities here, and willingly wear the label of enabler.



Save t he Date Cocktails in The Gardens September 10

welcome wel elcome

Matthew Mayfield Captivates Audience at First Cocktails in The Gardens The third season of Cocktails in The Gardens, presented by smart center Birmingham, got off to an impressive start with more than 800 guests in attendance, more than double last year’s average attendance to the series. Birmingham’s own indie-music darling, Matthew Mayfield, wowed the jam-packed Hill Garden Thursday, August 13 with songs off his new Five Chances Remain Hers EP and fan favorites from 2008’s The Fire EP, as well as covers from artists like R.E.M. to Kings of Leon. The Gardens Café by Kathy G catered the affair and provided the popular signature drink, Blossoms & Bellinis. Party-goers ranged from young professionals to garden enthusiasts to those simply looking for a good time and great music.

Antiques at The Gardens October 2-4 Cocktails in The Gardens October 8 Fall Plant Sale October 17 & 18

See you in The Gardens, Fred

Artist Laurie Kramer of ArtWorks Alabama set up an interactive art studio, allowing guests to add blossoms and other artistic contributions to a peach tree painting. Matthew Mayfield added lyrics to the final product, which will be auctioned off online to raise money for The Gardens. The next Cocktails in The Gardens is September 10 with a “Lotus & Lychee Libations” theme. Todd Simpson & Mojo Child is slated to rock The Gardens that evening with their stirring blues and southern rock sound. The White Oaks, known for their unique gospel-inspired indie sound, take the stage October 8 for the seasonally-themed “Apple Barrel Bash,” the final Cocktails in The Gardens of the 2009 series. For more information visit www.bbgardens.org.




donations tributes membership evelopment

Sow Seeds for the Future It makes sense that the first planned gift donor was a gardener! Planned gifts are charitable gifts that donors arrange today, with the recipient organization’s benefit postponed until some future time—usually after the donor’s death.

Who was the first American ever to make a planned gift? It may have been the 19th-century horticultural pioneer named John Chapman. Chapman was born in Massachusetts just before the American Revolution. Around 1800 he lashed two canoes together and set out down the Ohio River with a cargo of apple* seeds to western Pennsylvania. For the next 40 years, Chapman roamed Ohio, Indiana and Illinois sowing apple seeds and planting saplings, becoming known in legend as “Johnny Appleseed.” Chapman’s motivation was to help people—the future settlers of the Ohio River Valley—even though his gifts might not bear fruit for decades. The apple trees he planted were a boon to pioneers moving westward, and while Chapman seldom knew the people he benefited, they knew him and celebrated his name in story and song. Chapman’s good works did sometimes bring him small personal rewards. He might charge settlers six cents for a sapling, or accept old clothes or a promissory note (never collected). But mostly he gave his labors away and any personal benefit came in the context of a much greater good for humanity. We invite you to emulate John Chapman and consider a gift this year that will provide a future benefit for Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Become a member of our Perennial Society, a group of visionaries who have thoughtfully arranged a future bequest or other planned gift to benefit The Gardens. Contact Olivia Alison at 205.414.3961 or oalison@bbgardens.org for a brochure and more information. * Fun Fact: John Chapman actually planted Crabapple trees.


planned giving


Abbott Brand Walton, Jr.

The legal counsel for Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Brand Walton, died in April. He was a senior partner at Burr Forman, LLP. Mr. Walton received a BA, a JD and an LLM in Taxation from The University of Alabama. He was listed in The Best Lawyers in America. Mr. Walton’s role as legal counsel, done on a pro bono basis, was highly valued and readily available to the Board of Directors and its staff. “We lost a great supporter in Brand,” Executive Director Fred Spicer said. “His wise legal counsel, knowledge of the Birmingham community and sincere friendship were of significant benefit to the ongoing development of The Gardens.” Mr. Walton is survived by his wife Louise Besant Walton, a garden volunteer, as well as his son Bryan Brand Walton and his wife Liza.






Beverley White Dunn

planned giving corpora evelopment

Mrs. Beverley Dunn, longtime benefactor of Birmingham Botanical Gardens, died in May. Her love for and appreciation of the beauty of flowers are evidenced in the Dunn Formal Rose Garden, given in honor of her husband, William Ransom Johnson Dunn, Jr., who was the second and longest serving president of the Birmingham Botanical Society. Mrs. Dunn made frequent trips to England to develop her knowledge of flowers and flower arranging. She loved to share her knowledge with others and was known throughout the southeast for her flower arranging classes. Mrs. Dunn served as a board member of the American Horticultural Society and was past president of Little Garden Club.

The columned rose garden pergola with rose trellises that separate the Dunn Formal Rose Garden from the Ireland Old-fashioned Rose Garden was given in honor of Beverley White Dunn by her children and grandchildren in 1988. Gracious and charming, Mrs. Dunn defined the classic Southern lady and her kindness and generosity touched many people. She is survived by her two daughters, Mary Dunn French (husband James S.M. French) and Lucy Dunn McCain (husband Dr. Paul P. McCain) and her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

en ha n c i n g l i f e w i t h p l a n t s

September 10

“Lotus and Lychee Libations” featuring Todd Simpson & Mojo Child

October 8

“Apple Barrel Bash”

5:30-8:30 p.m.

featuring The White Oaks

presented by

General Public: $10



MeMbers: Free



a garden for all


a garden for all a garden fr all a garden for all olunteer potlight

Volunteer Spotlight:

Linda Herren Carolyn Snow, Volunteer Coordinator

When Linda Herren began volunteering as an education docent at Birmingham Botanical Gardens she was eager to learn all she could about The Gardens. Within a year she was giving educational garden tours. In 2004, The Gardens named Linda Educator of the Year. Linda is an expert on the Conservatory and is seen all over Birmingham Botanical Gardens in a variety of volunteer roles. Linda has always been instrumental in keeping the docent training program going. She has led tours, trained docents, and worked on Conservatory manuals. Currently, she enjoys using her writing and photography skills to create Conservatory displays. Linda is passionate about volunteering at Birmingham Botanical Gardens for several reasons. Linda is a retired principal scientist at Southern Research Institute (SRI); she worked as a consultant after retirement. She was president of the CellProliferation Society, an international society that discusses ways to utilize the growth of tumors in cancer research. She began her career as a physicist studying the effects of radiation on cancer cells. This progressed into studies of the distribution of drugs, the vascularity of tumors, and why some cells were resistant to the effects of certain drugs. She worked with Dr. Howard E. Skipper, a pioneer in cancer research who established and led the cancer drug research program at SRI for more than 40 years, and with many other colleagues at SRI and other cancer research groups.

wide-eyed, enthusiastic children. While her field of plant expertise is the tropical rain forest plants in the Conservatory, she also enjoys the Barber Alabama Woodlands, the Southern Living Garden, the Japanese Gardens, and the Forman Garden. She says the most gratifying tours that she has led have been specialized for blind and handicapped children. She looks forward to The Gardens being able to offer more tours for people with special needs in the future. Linda especially enjoys leading tours for newcomer groups because she loves to introduce people to The Gardens. She says Birmingham Botanical Gardens is “a real jewel� and feels that anything she can do to inspire people and contribute to and promote The Gardens is worthwhile. We value and appreciate Linda’s continuing dedication as a volunteer and encourage others to find their volunteer niche at The Gardens where they can express their personality, creativity and talents.

When Linda first came to Birmingham Botanical Gardens she had worked in research for 51 years. The outcomes of cancer research were often discouraging and she wanted to be a part of something that was more positive and pleasurable. She loves the contact with people and says it is inspiring being around the


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Main Library Art Gallery




magazines computers ibrary ervices

September & October

Southern Ghosts & Southern Gardens

An Evening with Kathryn Tucker Windham and Dolores Hydock

PhotoScapes by Sarah Johnston Nature from the view of a photographer

Opening Reception Friday, September 18 5:30 -7:30 p.m. The Library at Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Tuesday, October 20 6-8 p.m. $15

Sarah Johnston, a photographer by avocation, developed a renewed interest in photography that led to taking a variety of Special Studies courses at UAB. She holds a certificate in color photography from UAB. Her primary interest has been naturescapes. Over time, she developed an interest in creating photo images that depicted various perspectives by using a variety of printing techniques. She has exhibited in public galleries in the greater Birmingham area.

Close your eyes and imagine sitting on the porch with cool shadows creeping over the garden, resting after a long, hot summer. Fireflies are long gone, signaling the end of summer, instead replaced with the smell of fallen leaves and campfire-smoke. For many in Alabama, autumn conjures up memories of ghost tales, pumpkin-carving and old-fashioned storytelling shared around a crackling fire. Join us at dusk on the front porch with storytellers Kathryn Tucker Windham and Dolores Hydock for an evening guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a chill down your spine. Visit www.bbgardens.org.

This exhibit will depict diverse and changing perspectives of nature from the photographer’s view. A sampling of photoscapes ranging from panoramic to mini-landscape and minuscule detail using various photographic techniques will be included.

Visit the Gerlach Plant Information Center inside the Garden Center during September & October for the exhibit

“Plant Folklore” 5





tips ardening



Good Things Growing… In The Gardens

Garde ning Tips for September/Ocrober Courtesy of

Fred Spicer, Executive Director

Fall is traditionally harvest time and true to the season, the Bruno Vegetable Garden is overflowing with an agricultural bounty (right) that is picked weekly, and then collected by Magic City Harvest (www.macigcityharvest.org) to be distributed to our city’s hungriest. We’ve been contributing this local supply of healthy food for over a decade, regularly sending around three tons a year. Zea mays subspecies mays, known as corn in typically English-speaking countries but as maize everywhere else, is one of our staple crops. In fact, by weight it is the most abundant crop in the world; who doesn’t know what corn is? Although familiar, there are many things about corn that are fascinating but not wellknown. For instance, when we eat corn as a vegetable (like on-the-cob), we’re eating “sweet corn”, a cultivar of Zea mays var. robusta (or saccharata) and we eat it unripe (soft kernels); when we eat is as a grain (as in grits) it’s most likely var. indentata; for popcorn, var. everta. In both of those cases, we utilize fully ripened fruit (hard kernels). Zea mays is an annual grass, like other cereal crops such as rice, wheat and barley, bearing male flowers the top of the plant (tassels, left) and female flowers, known as silk,where the fruit (below) will form after pollination. Although there are several theories, the origin of this domesticated species remains lost in the antiquity of Mesoamerica, the location of its closest relatives. There is – and was – no such thing as “wild maize”. The widespread cultivation of maize is considered the foundation of the growth of most Amerindian cultures in South, Central, and temperate North America.



•  SHRUBS-Study landscape to determine plant needs. Check early varieties of camellias. You may want to replace those damaged in spring by late freezes. After fall growth is completed, spray all shrubs with a fungicide. •  LAWNS-Plant seed of winter grasses where situation prevents planting permanent grasses. Winter seeds will appear soon. Stop fertilization three weeks before frost. •  ROSES--Protect fall crops of blossoms from aphids and thrips. Keep plants healthy. •  ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS-Last chance for planting perennials and biennials. Old clumps of perennials may be divided. Plant peonies. •  BULBS-Spring-flowering bulbs may be planted late this month in North Alabama. Delay planting in South Alabama. •  MISCELLANEOUS--Clean up infestations of insects on azaleas, camellias, boxwoods, gardenias, hollies, etc. If oil spray is needed, don’t use in freezing weather. Build compost bin or box;. leaves will be falling soon. Move houseplants indoors. •  VEGETABLE SEED-Plant hardy vegetables and root crops. •  VEGETABLE PLANTS-Plant cabbage, collards, cauliflower, celery, Brussels sprouts, and onion sets.


•  SHRUBS-Shrub plantings can be made. Water when needed. Note varieties of camellias in bloom. Start mulching all shrubs that do not have a mulch. •  LAWNS--Continue to mow lawns until no new growth is noticeable. •  ROSES-Continue insect and disease control practices. New rose catalogs will be coming in. Study closely; add some new varieties to your list. •  ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS-Visit flower shows and gardens. List desirable varieties of mums. Clean up flower beds immediately after first killing frost. •  BULBS--Plant tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses, Dutch irises, anemones, and ranunculuses. Watch planting depth. Dig caladiums; clean and store in warm place.

Like most vegetable crops, maize requires full sun, well-drained soil and moderate water. Consult with your local Cooperative Extension agent for the best varieties to grow in your area, and recommended planting dates. For more information on Zea mays var. mays go to www.bbgardens.org.


•  MISCELLANEOUS-Renew mulch around shrubs and rose beds. Loosen mulches that have packed down. Spray with oils before freezing weather to kill scale, mites, etc. Remove all dead stems and trash from flower beds. Transplant into small pots any cuttings taken earlier.


•  VEGETABLE SEED-Plant turnips, mustard, kale, rape, spinach, and onion sets.







membership arden memorials upporters

Fall Plant Sale

October 17 9 - 5 p.m.

Extended to Two Days!

October 18 Noon - 4 p.m. FREE Admission Birmingham Botanical Gardens Blount Plaza Autumn is the best time to plant, so we have extended our annual Fall Plant Sale to two days this year. Sale hours are set for Saturday, October 17 from 9 a.m.-5p.m. and Sunday, October 18 from noon-4p.m in Blount Plaza at The Gardens. Come out to The Gardens to stock up on everything you need for your garden; we’ll have annuals, biannuals, fall lettuces, bedding plants, camellias, daylilies, herbs, hostas, irises, natives, perennials, ferns and ; 4trees, 0 shrubs, 5 ? more. 4 C 0 ; . two-day A A event 5 2ranging 4 . ? 1 2 ; @ We have a number of volunteer needs for this from loading crew to cashiers to plant booth staff to loaders. If you are interested in volunteering to help out at Fall Plant Sale contact us at 414.3950 or volunteers@bbgardens.org.

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The Art of Kathy G

Leaf & Petal

;]QObSR Ob bVS 1W`[W\UVO[ 1]bO\WQOZ 6O`RS\a At The Gardens !% ! ;O\S ?O`Y A]OR

Catering • Event Planning • Design

6A0=3 >?4=8=6 >2C>14A #C7

Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members receive 10% discount on lunch at the cafe *please show member card when ordering

Wonderful Lunches • Extraordinary Events The Beauty of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens Box Lunches • Event Menus • Patio Seating

Lunch: Tuesday - Saturday, 11-2 • Host your next social or corporate event at The Gardens CafÊ 2612 Lane Park Road • Birmingham • 205.871.1000 • thegardenscafe@kathyg.com

The GardensCafe

The gift shop for all your holiday giving.... home decor . furniture . books . stationery . jewelry . lighting . children’s gifts containers . garden items . floral designs Located at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens 2612 Lane Park Road, Mt. Brook 205.877.3030 . leafnpetal.com

by Kathy G




activities vents

field trips







F irst L ook P arty presented by Sterne Agee Thursday, October 1 7-10 p.m. Tickets: $125 (includes show admission)

Antiques at The Gardens: Heirlooms in Bloom

presented by Regions Financial Corporation

Show Hours Friday, October 2 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, October 3 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, October 4 1-5 p.m.

October 2-4 Tickets: $10 A fall tradition in Birmingham, the fourth annual Antiques at The Gardens features a First Look Party on October 1, dozens of dealers from across the nation, and lectures from worldrenowned designers Renny Reynolds and Keith Langham.

Tickets: $10

The glamorous First Look Party presented by Sterne Agee kicks off the weekend-long event on Thursday, October 1 from 7-10 p.m. Party-goers get to enjoy drinks and hors d’oeuvres, catered by Kathy G, and shop before the sale begins on Friday. Tickets are $125.

L ectures Renny Reynolds presented by flower magazine Friday, October 2 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $25 (includes show admission)

Renny Reynolds is an expert in entertaining and gardening as well as author of the book The Art of The Party. Interior designer and Alabama native Keith Langham, is a graduate of New York’s FIT whose international clientele includes the late Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Mrs. William F. Buckley and Hillary Swank. Tickets are $25 but pre-sale tickets for both lectures are available for only $40 through September 28.

Richard Keith Langham presented by Red Diamond Friday, October 2 1 p.m. Tickets: $25 (includes show admission)

For tickets or more information contact Shelly McCarty at 205.414.3965 or smccarty@bbgardens.org.

Pre-sale tickets for both lectures are available for only $40 through September 28.





field trips



classes learning ducation

HOLLYDAY MAGIC 2009 For children ages 5 – 11 years Thursday, December 3 -orFriday, December 4 4-6 p.m. $20 Members/$25 Non-Members HollyDay Magic 2009 is coming soon! Mark your calendars for December 3 and 4. Young craftsmen, ages 5 – 11, will have the opportunity to fashion their own gifts and ornaments, many from natural materials. Children will decorate cookies for a light snack. Since all the crafts are hands-on, be sure your child wears play clothes for an afternoon of fun. Each day’s participation is limited to 100 children and is always a sell-out with a waiting list; make your reservations early. Advance registration is required. For reservations or more information please call 205.414.3958.

Interfaith Environmental Initiative of Alabama presents

Energy Forum 2009: Challenges and Possibilities for Alabama Tuesday, October 13, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Dinner and Speaker Wednesday, October 14, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. All-day Forum Sponsored by Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens $50 for both sessions (includes dinner, lunch and refreshments) or $25 per day For more information, go to www.bbgardens.org.


Southern Institute of Photography New Photography Gallery The hallway gallery of the Mary M. Blount Education Complex, currently featuring the beautiful butterfly photographs of Sara Bright, is being extended to create space for student and instructor’s works. The first exhibit will open on Thursday, October 22, with a reception from 6 to 8 p.m. Melissa Springer, instructor in the Institute, and David Young, of New York City, will exhibit their recent works. Ms. Springer’s luminescent black and white images of flowers will be complemented by Mr. Young’s crystalline color images of water. Together, their stunning images demonstrate the breadth of photography as an artistic medium for conveying the limitless beauty of nature. New fall photography classes will be posted online at www.bbgardens.org. Please contact Henry Hughes at 205.414.3951 or hhughes@ bbgardens.org for further information.




activities field trips ducation



Fall Adult Classes

Artworks in The Gardens

Register online at www.bbgardens.org or call 205.414.3958

Beginning Tai Chi* Tuesdays / Thursdays, September 8 thru November 19, 6-7 p.m. $180 for all 20 sessions Tai Chi is often called meditation in motion. The regular practice of the gentle movement of Tai Chi help to improve balance and cardiovascular function, ease pain, lower blood pressure and increase flexibility. Additional benefits of the practice of Tai Chi include an improved state of mind, reduced stress and an improvement in general health. This self-paced, non-competitive form of exercise is appropriate for people of all ages and physical conditions. The fluid movements of Tai Chi are based on movements found in nature, which makes Birmingham Botanical Gardens the perfect place to practice Tai Chi.

Yoga* Wednesdays, September 9 thru September 30, 9-10:30 a.m. $40 for all four sessions Yoga is a healing system that has been practiced in India for more than 5,000 years. Using a combination of breathing exercises, correct posturing and quiet meditating, yoga trains the body and mind to achieve balance, calm, and physical wellbeing. Students in this class will learn the core movements that form the foundation of western yoga.

Compost Yourself Turn wasteful into useful Saturday, September 19, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Instructor: William Cureton $20 Members / $25 Non-Members Look in the backyard—its grass clippings, its yard trimmings. Look again—it’s a nutrient-rich, water-holding compost! Let Captain Compost come to the rescue. He will transform your kitchen scraps into black gold. In this class, you will learn how to select and set up a compost bin or pile. Discover what materials are suitable for composting and the techniques to produce great compost.

Lunch & Learn Easy Care for Trees Wednesday, September 23, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Instructor: Henry Hughes, Director of Education $10 Members / $12 Non-Members

Herb Bouquet Garni (French for “garnished bouquet”) Saturday, October 10, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Instructor: Chef Kim Martin $15 Members / $20 Non-Members Since winter will be here very soon, it is time to harvest and preserve those herbs you have grown this summer. Come join Chef Kim Martin for a day of harvesting fresh, fragrant herbs from the Herb Terrace here at the Gardens. Student will learn to assemble a classic bouquet garni (small pouch of herbs and spices that is hung over stock pots while making soups and consommés) and you will also learn to identify which herbs work with different food groups.

Hypertufa* Stone Troughs Saturday, October 24, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Sunday, October 25, 2 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Instructors: Hope Long, Master Gardener & Anissa Copes, Master Gardener $60 Members / $75 Non-Members Join us in our potting shed for an exciting hands-on experience making your own hypertufa container to take home and enjoy in your garden, deck or patio. Hypertufa is the art of duplicating the look of old stone troughs using a mixture of perlite, peat moss and concrete. You will get dirty so please dress appropriately. Bring rubber gloves, a spray bottle and a small mason’s trowel.

Hikin’ for Lichen (Family Class) Thursday, October 29 6-8 p.m. Instructor: Carl Sloan, Biology Instructor $10 Members ($5 Children) / $15 Non-Members ($10 Children) Hike the forest of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens at night looking for lichens, the crusty growths of fungi and algae found on rocks and tree trunks. Mr. Sloan is an expert on The Gardens' microflora, colonies of the smallest plants. He will lead a fascinating educational night hike, demonstrating that under ultraviolet light, some lichens appear to glow!

*Not available for a free member class


Where Art and Nature Come Together

Throughout history artists have been fascinated by gardens—the changing light and brilliant colors make a perfect pallet. Birmingham Botanical Gardens and ArtWorks Alabama invite you to join us for ArtWorks in The Gardens. These unique art classes encourage you to explore The Gardens and express your creativity. Follow the lead of a local artist as you learn to create art inspired by nature.

New Art Series: Gardens in Bloom Don’t know how to paint but always wanted to? These classes are for you! Painting & Eating Herbs

Artist and Chef Kim Martin will instruct you on developing 8x10 paintings of oregano, thyme and rosemary. She will also be teaching you how to use these tasty herbs in your cooking. By the end of class you will have 3 new paintings to decorate your home and knowledge to use in your kitchen. Level: easy. Saturday, Sept.12 10-1 p.m. $45 Members/$50 Non-Members Beautyberries in Plein Air

If you have always wanted to try your hand at plein air painting—painting outdoors with live subjects—now is the time! Artist Laurie Kramer will teach you to incorporate techniques such as squinting and simplifying. Experience the thrill of capturing a moment in time and taking it home with you. Level: easy.

It is easy growing Green…trees, that is. You don’t need a green thumb, just a lunch hour with Henry Hughes, our Director of Education. He will show you how easy it is to care for the trees in your yard and dispel common myths about tree care. Learn the basics of planting, pruning, and protecting your trees against diseases. BYOL (Bring Your Own Lunch).

Saturday, Oct.10 10-1 p.m. $45 Members/$50 Non-Members $10 discount if you register before October 2!








membership ardenmemorials upporters

In Memory of... Kenny Adkins Ms. Amy E. Adkins Clara H. Baskett Mr. William Baskett Edith Broughton Mrs. Virginia Burnum Sverica International Management LLC Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Caldwell, III Mr. & Mrs. Wimberly Miree, Jr. Home Instead Senior Care Dr. & Mrs. H. Brooks Cotten Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gresham Dr. & Mrs. Don Turnbull Mr. & Mrs. Tom LeCroy Mr. Ben Weil Mr. & Mrs. Randy Reeves Mrs. Betty Pritchard Ms. Carolyn Y. Carter Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Glaze Mrs. Richard C. Hillhouse Mrs. J. W. Bledsoe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Howard Southern States Bank Hays Cheatwood Cornelius, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. J.S.M. French Charles G. Bueltman Mrs. Ruth Lloyd Ida C. Burns Ms Marion C. Murphy Tom Caldwell Ms. Margie Miller Barbara Chenoweth Ms. Virginia Scruggs Barbara Shook Mr. Troy Rhone Alan Childs Briarwood Garden Club Martha W. Clisby Mr. & Mrs. Robert Russell Ms. Ethelwyn Langston Ms Marion C. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Molliston Mrs. Norma F. Chandler Ms. Ann Benton Sue Clisby Ms. Ann Burton Ms. Lucy McCown

Beverley W. Dunn Dr. & Mrs. Griff Harsh Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Dr. Cameron M. Vowell & Judge Scott Vowell Dunn Investment Company Dunn Roadbuilders LLC Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Staff Mr. H.C. Bailey, Jr. Mr. Alvin Vogtle & Dr. Laura K. Vogtle Mr. & Mrs. A. Philip Cook, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Thomasson Mr. & Mrs. Borden H. Burr II Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ashby Mr. & Mrs. Ehney A. Camp, III Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Lindstrom, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George G. Nolen Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ireland, II Mr. & Mrs. Guy K. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Seibels, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James H. Emack Mr. & Mrs. Lathrop W. Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Myatt Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hoffman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Boulware, III Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Warren B. Lightfoot,Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Warren Lightfoot, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hulsey Mr. Henry E. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Jack S. Allison Mr. Thomas J. Tucker, Sr. Mr. & Mrs James W. Shepard Mr. & Mrs Lawrence Ford Mrs. Fay B. Ireland Mrs. J. W. Bledsoe, Jr. Mrs. Joy Magruder Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Mrs. Luverne Mattil Mrs. Lynn Bloomston Mrs. Margaret P. Long Mrs. Suzanne H. Woodall Ms. Emily Chenoweth Ms. Marion G. Pierce


Teresa S. Goodson Mr. & Mrs. Clarence T. Estock

Juanita Martinez Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kaslow Mrs. Norma F. Chandler Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Morawetz Dr. Robert E. Varner & Dr. Pam Varner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Russell Ms. Mimi Boston Dr. Robert P. Goolsby & Dr. Rupa Goolsby Ms. Carol Ogle Mr. & Mrs. Martin Palmer

Nathaniel Gould Dr. & Mrs. John S. Gould

Mallie Morrison Ms. Martha L. Riddle

Michael Grelier Ms. Gaines Grelier

Gail B. Morton Mr. & Mrs. Steve P. Morton

Holley Hance Mrs. Fay B. Ireland

Emily C. Norton Mrs. Norma F. Chandler

Frank Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr.

William F. Owens Mrs. Catherine K. Owens

Margaret W. Hardy Mrs. James K.V. Ratliff

Bobbie B. Pass Ms. Sara Pennington

Wiley “Butch” R. Helms Ms. Alice Helms

Jeanne Presley Dr. & Mrs. Walter C. McCoy

Ruth N. Hendrick Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hendricks

Alfred P. Pugh Mrs. Alfred P. Pugh, Sr. Ms. Dorothea A. Klip

Arthur B. Durkee Mrs. Virginia Burnum George B. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher Lloyd Fuhrmeister Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Miller

W. Price Hightower Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Charles W. Ireland Mrs. Caroline Ireland William R. Ireland Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Ann P. King Mrs. James K.V. Ratliff Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gresham George G. Lynn Mrs. Nanci Chazen Mr. & Mrs. James H. Emack Mr. & Mrs. Murray W. Smith William S. Manly Mr. & Mrs. H. Denson Burnum, Jr. George F. Maynard Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher

Frederick R. Spicer, Sr. Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Ms. Kim McBride Mr. & Mrs. John McBride Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Elwyn Steiner Ms. Marion C. Murphy Leon Sutherland Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Akio Takahashi Shades Valley Rotary Club Barry Taylor Mr. & Mrs. James E. Taylor Sally Vaughn Ms. Carol Ogle

Maury D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John W. Seymour Mr. & Mrs. George Dreher

Brand Walton Mr. & Mrs. George F. Wheelock, III Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Carlton Ms. Dorothy Drake Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Staff Mrs. James K.V. Ratliff Mr. & Mrs. John A. Williamson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Pursell Mr. & Mrs. George Dreher Mr. & Mrs. Robert Russell Mrs. Barbara Ann Beckett-Gaines Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Banks Mr. & Mrs. John Taliaferro Mrs. J. W. Bledsoe, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Morawetz Mr. & Mrs. Bob DeBuys Mrs. Norma F. Chandler Ms. Mimi Boston Mr. & Mrs. John L. Beauchamp Mrs. Mary Robinett Mr. & Mrs. Conrad W. Rafield, III

Sandra Sokol Mr. Mark J. van der Woerd

Ellis White Dr. & Mrs. G. William Cole

Henry D. Southerland Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gresham

Elliott Williams Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr.

Milton C. Ragsdale Mr. & Mrs. Jett Hawk Mr. & Mrs. Robert Crook Evelyn A. Roberts Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Mrs. James K.V. Ratliff Mr. & Mrs. James H. Emack Mrs. Joy Magruder

William E. Woods Mr. & Mrs. Steve P. Morton

Flos Cole Ms. Martha L. Riddle Brooke Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor, III Mr. & Mrs. John R. Baker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Leon A. Nolen III Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gresham Mr. & Mrs. Luke Bloodworth Mr. & Mrs. Sam Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Albert Tully Joseph F. Deegan Mrs. Judith M. Deegan Felix M. Drennen Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher


Fothergilla major, Kaul Wildflower Garden




honoraria donations memorials arden upporters

In Honor of...


The Birthday of Dorothy I. Fletcher Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown

June Mays LaGrange Art Museum

Andrew Hart Redmont Park Garden Club

Lloyd R. Wilson LaGrange Art Museum

Ann Damsgard Edgewood Garden Club

Louise A. Wrinkle LaGrange Art Museum

Bob Carter Dr. & Mrs. Michael Fleenor

Mary Carolyn G. Boothby Mr. & Mrs. Jim Furr

Bruce Steele Ms. Judy D. Toole

Perennials Group Ms. Nell J. Hurley

Carolyn Snow Covenant Woods of Gardendale Fair Haven Auxilary

Philippa Bainbridge LaGrange Art Museum Ray Jordan Redmont Park Garden Club

Catherine Landry Ms. Linda Selph

Steve Smith Rebecca Smith

Cathy Adams Redmont Park Garden Club

Vicki Lukens Stoney Ridge Garden Club

Charles M. Love Redmont Park Garden Club

The Wedding of Burr Weatherly & Sidney Quarles Mr. & Mrs. H. Brooks Cutter

Dale Gann Le Jardin Club Dexter Hambaugh Ms. Alleen Cater & Dr. Lyle A. Hohnke Wildflowers Garden Club

The Wedding of Mary Catherine & Les Adams Mr. & Mrs. John R. Baker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Leon A. Nolen III Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gresham Mr. & Mrs. Luke Bloodworth Mr. & Mrs. Sam Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor, III Mr. & Mrs. Albert Tully

G. Ruffner Page LaGrange Art Museum Jean Settle Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Hinds Jessie Bean Mrs. Christine E. Mathis


Acer palmatum ‘Kagiri Nishiki,’ Hosta Walk

2009 Garden Sustainers Chairman Mrs. Louise D. Johnson

Director Mrs. Claire H. Fairley


Mrs. Fay B. Ireland Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Pursell Mr. & Mrs. William M. Spencer, III


Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Allison Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown Mr. Stewart M. Dansby Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Mrs. Crawford T. Johnson, III Mr. & Mrs. James T. Stephens Southern Progress Foundation


Library at The Gardens



Edgewood Garden Club – in honor of Ann Damsgard Audrey Ann Wilson – in memory of Frederick R. Spicer, Sr. – in memory of Brand Walton Library Staff and Volunteers – in memory of Library Volunteer, Christine Ellicott Married Ladies Reading Club – in memory of Edith Tanner Broughton

Mrs. Ann Bruno Mr. & Mrs. W. Frank Cobb, III Mr. James M. Fail Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher Mrs. Jane H. Head Mr. & Mrs. James M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kimerling Mayer Electric Supply, Inc. Mr. & Mrs.Guy K. Mitchell, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Dr. James L. Newsome Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Northen III Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Ray, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy L. Renneker Mr. & Mrs. William R. Rushton, III Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. John N. Wrinkle

To learn more about the Garden Sustainer Club please contact Olivia Alison at 205.414.3961.

Linda Selph – in honor of Catherine Landry



President’s Circle $1000

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Wallace R. Bunn Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gresham Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. William E. Smith Jr.

Ambassador $500

Ann & Angelo Bruno Foundation Mrs. Bowness Ms. Margi Ingram Mr. & Mrs. John D. Johns

Oak $250

Collier’s Nursery Mr. & Mrs. David Ballard Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brockman Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Doody Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Katholi Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Rushton Mr. & Mrs. Lathrop W. Smith, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Lamar Smith, Jr.

Magnolia $125

Ms. Dawn Brian Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Philip Carroll Mrs. Augusta Cash Ms. Alleen Cater & Dr. Lyle A. Hohnke M. Clagett Collins Ms. Maureen Conley Ms. Joy Daugherty Dr. & Mrs. James O. Finney, Jr. Ms. Jackie Fitts Mr. & Mrs. Winston Gillum, Jr. Mrs. Betty W. Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Gross Mr. Bascom T. Hopson Dr. Susan Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Elbert S. Jemison, Jr. Mr. Andrew B. Krebbs Mrs. Sandra Lawler Mr. & Mrs. Wade A. Mahlke Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGough Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Morris



Mr. & Mrs. James E. Mulkin Mrs. Charlotte S. Murdock Dr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Nading, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Will Phillips, Jr. Dr. Firoz Rahemtulla Ms. Barbara Ray Mr. & Mrs. Eladio Ruiz De Molina Dr. & Mrs. R. Waid Shelton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. A. Wendall Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sprague Mr. & Mrs. E.L. Stringfellow Mr. & Mrs. George F. Wheelock, III Dr. & Mrs. James R. Williams

Hydrangea $60

Integrity Landscapes Ms. Terry P. Adams Ms. Marie Agee Ms. Linda C. Askey Dr. & Mrs. Alvin L. Atlas Dr. & Mrs. Gene V. Ball Dr. & Mrs. Austen L. Bennett, III Mr. & Mrs. C. Adrian Bewley Mrs. Kathryn Boswell Mrs. Dorothy D. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Bracer Mr. & Mrs. David A. Bright Mrs. Bertice Brown Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bugg Mr. & Mrs. H. Denson Burnum, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Burrows Mr. & Mrs. William L. Camp Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Cassimus Mr. & Mrs. Lee Clanton Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Clark Mr. & Mrs. John D. Clements Mrs. Janice Cochran Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Alton L. Comans Mrs. Hope Cooper Ms. Paula C. Cosper Mrs. Mollie W. Cox Ms. Jennie Craft Mrs. Lyn Davis Mr. & Mrs. J. Frank Day, III Mr. & Mrs. Charles DeBardeleben, III Ms. Linda DeMarco



memorials membership arden embers

Ms Vicki Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Esdale Dr. Rosemary H. Faust Ms. Alberta Fields Mr. & Mrs. Joe M. Finkel Ms. Jessica Freehling-Kazzie Mr. & Mrs. Jospeh G. Gamble Ms. Wendy Gamble Mrs. Ann P. Gervin Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gewin Mr. & Mrs. James M. Gillespy, III Mrs. Lalie Given Dr. Robert P. Goolsby & Dr. Rupa Goolsby Mr. & Mrs. William M. Graves Ms. Melanie Greer Mr. & Mrs. Mike Harfield Mrs. Sandra Harris Mrs. Edna B. Heard Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd L. Hefner Ms. Alice Helms Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Jackson Mrs. Betty Jackson Ms. Ginger Jackson Dr. & Mrs. James C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Johnston Drs. Gerald D. Karcher & Ms. Gina Karcher Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Keeton Mrs. Patricia King Mr. & Mrs. David Koncsol Mr. & Mrs. John Latham Ms. Elanie O. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Lewis Ms. Maryann Manning Mr. & Mrs. John Mansfield Mrs. Amy McCain Ms. Lucy McCown Mrs. Dorothy H. McCue Ms. Jeannine McElroy Mr. & Mrs. John Meier Mrs. Kathy Miller Mrs. Sandra Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Dan Modak Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mollengarden

Mr. & Mrs. Bert Nettles Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. O’Donnell Ms. Kay Oppenheim Dr. & Mrs. Lamar S. Osment Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Owens Mr. Finley C. Patton Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pearson Mr. & Mrs. David Philpot Mr. & Mrs. S. Mallory Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Peter Poerschke Dr. & Mrs. Richard Popple Mr. Jason Powell Mr. & Mrs. William S. Pritchard, Jr. Mrs. Carol Reese Ms. Ruth Reichwein Mr. & Mrs. James Rotenstreich Ms. Kathy Rowe Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rushing Lane Rutledge Mr. & Mrs. Charles Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Shah Dr. & Mrs. Robert Sherrill Mrs. Lynne O. Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Smith Mr. & Mrs. Steve Smith Mr. & Mrs. Carl Smyly Dr. W. D. Sockwell & Ms. Deborah J. Long Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Stoddard Dr. & Mrs. John P. Strickland Ms. Rosemary Strouss Mr. & Mrs. James F. Sulzby, III Mr. & Mrs. Howard Torch Dr. & Mrs. I. J. Tortorici Mr. & Mrs. Bayard S. Tynes, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Marshall Urist Mrs. Libba Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Waddelow Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Waldrop Dr. Alexandra Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Jim Williams Mr. & Mrs. Martin C. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Worthen

Trillium $45 Mary Angelo Mr. & Mrs. Rick Azrin Carol Ball Mrs. Becky Bashinsky Mrs. Richard G. Bastar, Jr. Mr. & Ms. John Bolland Ms. Mimi Boston Mrs. Mary H. Bowman Ms. Joan H. Bryant Mrs. Joanne Carnes Mr. & Mrs. Brad Cleage Mrs. Judith M. Cloe Dr. Laura Cotlin Mr. & Mrs. Martin Crawford Mrs. Robert Crumbaugh, Jr. Ms. Carole C. Cudd Mr. Gerry Daniel Ms. Dorothy Dillard Mrs. Marilyn M. Edwards Mrs. Marian Epstein Mr. & Mrs. Hugh S. Gainer Dr. & Mrs. John S. Gould Ms. Celia A. Griffin Ms. Maryalys Griffis Ms. Rebecca R. Griffith Mrs. Carol L. Hall Mr. Tom Hart Ms. Kathryn F. Harwell Ms. Jeremy B. Hayden Mr. & Mrs. William B. Hays Mrs. Caroline M. Head Mrs. Emil C. Hess Mr. & Mrs. William Hodges Ms. Sandra Holtzclaw Ms. Mary S. Hooper Margarita M. Hughes Mrs. Lucy Hughes Mrs. Karl F. Kesmodel, Jr. Mrs. Beverly Kimes Mrs. Roberta Kleinstein Dr. & Mrs. Robert Koehler Mr. & Mrs. Luther B. Lanier Mr. & Mrs. Mark Leader Ms Melanie Lee Ms. Joanna Liverant Mrs. James A. A. Livingston

Donors Alabama Nursery Co. Bradley, Arant, Boult, Cummings LLP Colonial Brookwood Village Consolidated Pipe & Supply Company Crown Automobile Company, Inc. First Commercial Bank flower Magazine Gold Leaf Farms Hare Wynn Newell & Newton, LLP Hess Foundation Junior League of Birmingham Lucille S. Beeson Charitable Trust Northwestern Mutual PMT Publishing RealtySouth Young Realtor’s Council Red Diamond Regions Financial Corporation Renasant Corporation Robert R. Meyer Foundation ServisFirst Bank The Harry B. & Jane H. Brock Foundation Thicket Magazine

May 1 - June 30 Ms. Patricia L. Lovett Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Massien Mr. & Mrs. James May Col. Earl C. McCrary Ms. Sara A. McVay Mrs. Nell S. Metz Mr. & Mrs. Jesse E. Miller Ms. Betty R. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moore Mrs. Natasha Morris Mrs. Grace Murphy Toni Tien Neumeier Ms. Bonnie O’Bannon Mrs. Kaye Oden Ms. Carol Ogle Mrs. Sondra S. Olmsted Mrs. Susan Orr Ms. Margaret H. Parsons Ms. Mary Ann Pass, M.D. Ms. Mary T. Pate Mr. & Mrs. Kent D. Pearson Ms. Gloria Randolph Mrs. Jerry A. Ray Mr. Bruce A. Relihan Mr. T. Tydings Robin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rogers Ms. Noel Rome Ms. Ansley Rowell Dr. Kim Schmitt Ms. Virginia Scruggs Ms. Sara R. Sistrunk Ms. Donna Slovensky Ms. Stephanie Smith Mrs. Martha C. Snow Dr. & Mrs. Philip Stalker, M.D. Mrs. Mary S. Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Stobert, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Tanner Mrs. Marjorie Thomas Mr. William Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Vardaman Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Watts Mrs. Sidney Q. Weatherly Mrs. June Wheelock Ms. Claire Williams Mrs. Suzanne H. Woodall Ms. Dorothy Ziff

May 1 - June 30 Union State Bank Mr. Edgar G. Aldridge Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Mr. Michael A. Anderson Mr. Billy F. Angell Mr. Leon Ashford Mr. George Bargeron Mr. John Beeler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Morris C. Benners, Jr. Mr. John Bradford Mr. & Mrs. John G. Brock Mr. & Mrs. William Brooke Mr. & Mrs. Wallace R. Bunn Mr. John D. Carney, III Judge John L. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Carruthers, Jr. Mr Stanley A. Cash Ms. Charlotte E. Chew Mr. Brittin T. Coleman Dr. M. Clagett Collins Mrs. Hope Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Reaves Crabtree

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Daniel Mr. Patrick Darby Mr. C. Hartwell Davis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Davis Mrs. John E. Dorsett Ms. Eulalie J. Draper Mr. George Dreher Mr. Alan J. Dreher Mr. Joseph M. Farley Mrs. James R. Forman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Fulford Mr. & Mrs. Hubert W. Goings, Jr. Mr.T. Michael Goodrich Mr. M. W. Goodwyn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gresham Mr. & Mrs. Jay Grinney Mr. Charles D. Haines, Jr. Mr. Shiro Hachisu Mr. William M. Hiden Mr. John T. Hoff Mr. George H. Holman


Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hulsey Jemison Investment Company Advisory Fund Mr. Thomas E. Jernigan Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen, Jr. Mr. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Mr. Leo Kayser, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Benny M. LaRussa, Jr. Ms. Mia Lawrence Mr. Caldwell Marks Dr. & Mrs. George W. Matthews, III Mr. William E. Matthews V Ms. Lucy McCown Mr. Hampton McFadden Mr. & Mrs. Phil H. Neal, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III Mr. Gray Plosser, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor, III Dr. & Mrs. John W. Poynor Mr. Goode Price, III Ms. Linda M. Propp Mr. E. Mabry Rogers

Ms. Carol A. Schaffhausen Mr. & Mrs. William M. Slaughter Mr. Sperry Snow Mr. & Mrs. William M. Spencer, III Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. & Ms. Kim McBride Ms. Rose H. Steiner Mr. Herbert Stockham Mr. Kazunori Tago Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II Mr. & Mrs. James E. Taylor Mrs. Marjorie Thomas Mr. William Thomas Mr. & Mrs. W. Hall Thompson Mr. Mark Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Vevle Mr. Frank A. Wagner Ms. Sue C. White Mr. John M. Williams Mr. William C. Wood Mr. Michael E. Woods

Non-Profit Org. US Postage


Birmingham, AL Permit No. 2513

Bi rm i n g h am Botani ca l Ga rdens 2612 Lane Park Road Birmingham Alabama 35223 205.414.3950 www.bbgardens.org

Sitting on the porch with the cool darkness creeping over the shadows of the garden now resting after a long hot summer. The lightning bugs are gone, signaling the end of summer, replaced with the smell of wood smoke and the knowledge that Fall is upon us. Fall, a time of year that conjures up images of ghosts, pumpkins and stories shared around a crackling fire. Join us at dusk on the front porch with storytellers Kathryn Tucker Windham and Dolores Hydock for an evening guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a chill down your spine.

L i n n H e n l ey L e ct u re H all

Birmingh am B otanic al Garde ns

enhancing life with plants



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