Garden Dirt January 2016

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J anuary /F ebruary 2016 b b gard e n s . o r g

Thyme to Read Book Club | page 8 Good Things Growing | Page 3

Spring Plant Sale | Back Cover


bOtaniCal GarDens

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens

There is always something blooming at Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

2016 B oard


D irectors

Brian Barr ������������������������������������������������Chairman Beverley Hoyt �������������������������������� Chairman Elect Hanson Slaughter ���������� Immediate Past Chairman Wally Evans ����������������������������������������������Treasurer Paul Jones ������������������������������������������������ Secretary John Miller ������������������������������Development Chair John Smith T ��������������������������������Education Chair Charles Goodrich ����������������������Governance Chair Open ��������������������������������� Government Relations

Plan your next visit soon! Visit & check out what’s new at The Gardens.

At Large: Cathy Adams Craig Beatty Chris Boles Emily Bowron Norm Davis John Hudson John Hurst Turner Inscoe Bill Ireland Elizabeth Jernigan Natalie Kelly Peyton King Carl Jones Katy Baker Lasker Lee McLemore Randall Woodfin

January Camellias

Ian Dexter, Junior Board President


O ur M ission


Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens promotes public knowledge of plants, gardens & the environment; & receives, raises & administers resources for these purposes.

Pansies Tea Olives

O ur V ision

The vision of Birmingham Botanical Gardens is to be one of the nation’s preeminent botanical gardens.

Winter Annuals Winter Hazels

S taff

Winter Honeysuckles

M ain ������������������������������������������������������� 205.414.3950


Fred Spicer ���������������������������������������������Chief Executive Officer Stephanie Banks ��������������������������������������Chief Financial Officer Dawn Coleman �������������������������� Education Activities Specialist Elizabeth Drewry �������������������������������������������������������������Librarian Blake Ells ����������������������������������� Public Relations Coordinator Ellen Hardy ��������������������������� Education Program Coordinator Henry Hughes �������������������������������� Vice President of Education Jason Kirby ������������������������������������Library Assistant & Archivist Andrew B. Krebbs ���������� Director of Marketing & Membership Hope Long ��������������������������������������Director of Library Services John Manion ���������������������������Kaul Wildflower Garden Curator Pam McLeod ����������������������������������Donor Services Coordinator Brooke McMinn ������������� Plant Adventures Program Specialist Drew Rickel �����������������������������������������Donor Relations Officer Taylor Steele ��������������������������������������������Volunteer Coordinator Rona Walters �����������������������������������������������Membership Assistant

February Asian Magnolias Camellias Fringe Flowers Lenten Roses

The Garden Dirt is the newsletter of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The Garden Dirt is published six times a year to foster awareness & support events, services, & significant programs of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. We welcome your comments & address corrections. Please contact:

Mahonias Pansies Quinces Winter Annuals

On The Cover

More than 140 participated in the 2015 Dirt Dash 5k Fun Run at The Gardens on November 15. The Dirt Dash was presented by ServisFirst Bank and organized by our Junior Board. All proceeds from the event benefit education programs at The Gardens.

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Editor, Andrew B. Krebbs, director of marketing & membership 2612 Lane Park Road Birmingham, AL 35223 205.414.3959 or Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens practices a policy of equal opportunity & equal access to services for all persons regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, orientation or sex. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a facility of Birmingham Park & Recreation Board. The deadline for the Mar/Feb issue is Jan. 15.

Happy 2016! When I was much younger, my grandfather used to tell me that as one grew older, one’s perception of time became compressed and the passing of days, weeks and months was a blur. With no context, that was impossible for me to fathom: it seemed like I would never grow up, let alone make it to the next summer vacation! You likely have heard the same refrain, and perhaps now are experiencing the same thing that I am when I write that I simply can’t believe it’s already January! Being a gardener grounds me in a ritual-like observation of the passing of the seasons – not based on calendar holidays or on social media but on the natural cycles of plant growth, light, shadow and sun angle. Whether walking the grounds here or in another similar outdoor setting, I can at least temporarily slow down a bit, and savor the moment. The Japanese idiom “ichi-go ichi-e” describes a cultural concept of treasuring time spent with people. It translates roughly as “one time, one meeting” and refers to the fact that, despite seeing the same people in the same place multiple times, each meeting is unique, never to be replicated. Originating with the tea ceremony, it’s an important observation that when practiced reminds us to be “in the present.” I hope the tea masters don’t mind if I extrapolate that to encompass my “meetings” with plants, too, because I sincerely believe that a walk in the woods (or through the garden) is the perfect cure for tempus fugit. So you’ll understand when I say that it’s a lovely day to be at The Gardens. And I mean right now: today. Project work in The Gardens proper is winding down, and work in the Garden Center is proceeding smoothly; completion should be sometime in mid-March. We’re excited about all of the positive changes and can’t wait to show them off a little to all of our members and visitors. Since the building has been closed for events during the construction, we’ve decided to push a few of our winter activities into spring. If you’ve been looking forward to our annual Members’ Celebration in January – sorry! It’s been moved. And the Spencer Lecture, usually in March? Not this year. Watch for more details about these and more in our bi-monthly email blasts and in the next issue of The Garden Dirt.

See you in The Gardens,

Fred Spicer Chief Executive Officer

Mem b ershi p D ues To In c rea se Ma rc h 1 The last time our basic rates were raised was in 2001. As of 2015, the economic realities have caught up with us. While The Gardens has done a good job of keeping our costs down internally and giving you the best services we can for your money, other factors are simply out of our control. Everyone’s costs have gone up in the last 14 years.

W e l c om e

Dear Friends:

For The Gardens, these include printing and postage, and many others. We have done as much as we can to hold off an increase for over a decade, but now it is a necessity. This step allows us to continue giving you the level of service you have come to expect and will ensure that high-quality educational programs and services will continue for all. When does the new rate take effect? March 1, 2016 How much are dues going up? Trillium “Individual” level will increase from $45 to $50 per year. Hydrangea “Family” level will increase from $60 to $70 per year. Magnolia level will increase from $125 to $1345per year. All other levels will not experience an increase at this time. Can I renew today and beat the price increase? Yes, any current member can renew between January 1-February 28 and save on their 2016 dues. To renew your membership today and save:



ANTIQUES at the gardens

celebrating 10 years • inspiring science education

You Made Our Night!

On October 1, Birmingham Botanical Gardens kicked off Antiques at The Gardens with Stifel’s Gala in The Gardens. The annual black-tie event was reinvigorated for its tenth year, welcoming more than 500 guests to shop Alabama’s premiere antiques show. Guests made their way to Blount Plaza as the evening concluded, dancing to the sounds of the Atlanta Pleasure Band and enjoying desserts.

View all of the photos from Gala in The Gardens at

Emily Thompson & Sybil Sylester

Ragan & Bradley Cain Greg & Kendall King


Tara Guerard, Gates Shaw and Margot Shaw

Danielle Rollins & Bill Ingram Photographs courtesy Dee Moore Photography.

Mary & Jamie French (honorees), Leah (chair) & Bo Taylor, Emily (chair) and Bill Bowron

Fred Spicer, chief executive officer

Edgeworthia chrysantha, Chinese paperbush is a daphne relative (both are in the Thymeleaceae) that excels in the winter garden with fragrant cream-yellow flowers, but it’s a terrific specimen all year. My first exposure was in 2002 – I smelled it 100’ away – and I quickly bought a few for The Gardens: they have never disappointed. In season, the plant sports 3-7” long, slightly drooping leaves that are a pale, matte-blue, owing to a coat of silky hairs. In early to midNovember decent pale yellow fall color can occasionally be seen [below right]. Leafless, the plant reveals a curious branching pattern where at each “break” three thick stems are typically produced, the longest distinctly horizontal and the shorter two upright. Numerous green, hazelnut-sized flower buds dangle at the tips of the smooth, reddish-brown stems. The effect is a strikingly coarse texture (I’d say “bold” when in leaf) on a beautifully-layered shrub that is wider (by half+) than tall. The oldest ones here are 6x10’. The flower clusters can open as early as late January but really get going in early to midFebruary, lasting a month or more, depending on the weather. The inside of each small floret

is bright yellow, the outside creamy-white [below top left]. A mature plant in bloom is stunning, the essentially cream-colored, golf ball-sized blooms appear to float across the top of the plant [below bottom left]. The fragrance is heavy, sweet-musky (not cloying) and carries a good distance. Unopened, flowers withstood a low of 6-7°F in January ‘14 with no injury. However, 8°F blasted off all open flowers in February ’15 (unopened flowers bloomed normally). Site in a shady location in rich, welldrained soils; water in summer if it flags. This is an easy and rewarding plant to grow.


Good Things Growing… In The Gardens

Edgeworthia is relatively new and because several forms were introduced at about the same time, their names and their attributes were confused. E. chrysantha (possibly a tetraploid) has thicker stems, larger leaves, earlier flowers and abundant fragrance. Cultivar names include ‘Snow Cream’, ‘Winter’s Gold’ and ‘Nanjing Gold’ and indicate large-flowered forms. A sister species, E. papyrifera (possibly a diploid) is a bit smaller in all respects; it also flowers later and with scant fragrance. ‘Akebono’ (‘Red Dragon’ and ‘Jitsuko’s Red’ are likely synonyms) is worth checking out for its red-orange flowers [top]. Chinese paper bush stems are used to make calligraphy paper. Plants in public places in China, where the plant is known as lovers’ bush, are full of knots: people tie up the supple stems and believe that as the stems grow and the knots tighten, the love they represent strengthens.


V o lu n t e e r S p ot l i g h t

Volunteer Spotlight: Edgewood Garden Club The Edgewood Garden Club has championed The Gardens’ Centennial Tree Program, making it an official on-going project in fulfillment of one of its primary objectives, “To protect and preserve native woodlands, trees, plants and birds for future generations.” For the last two years, club member Chris Underwood has coordinated about a dozen volunteers. Members of the club have cleaned, organized and labeled seed lots; placed seed in moist-chilling and monitored them for germination; selected and planted germinating seed in containers; and transplanted, weeded and fertilized seedlings. Club president and Perennial Society member Suzanne Clisby recently drove eighty miles round-trip to a planting site on an abandoned strip mine overlooking the Cahaba River, where about a hundred locally-sourced native upland oak seedlings were planted by ten

Edgewood Garden Club members preparing tree seed for germination

volunteers. Club members had sown the seed for these seedlings in the fall of 2014. Thank you, Edgewood Garden Club for supporting the Centennial Tree Program as it has grown in for the last two years, bringing the total number of seedlings produced and planted to 2,000 since the program began in 2009. Special thanks to Chris Underwood for coordinating this important work between the Edgewood Garden Club and the Gardens.

Chris Underwood sorting tree seed in The Gardens lab


Henry Hughes, vice president of education

Chris Underwood planting a southern sugar maple which she grew from seed collected on the Cahaba River in 2013 - at the Birmingham Audubon Society’s prairie restoration site at Limestone Park in October, 2015


Classes events

classes classes


To register or to read class descriptions visit or call 205.414.3950.


Instructor: Hank Siegel Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Every 3rd Sunday | 3-5 p.m. Free, $5 donation suggested Ages 12 and up

Salvage Gardens

An upcyclying group Instructor: Dawn Coleman & Hope Long Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Every 2nd Thursday starting October 2015 | 5:30-8 p.m. Free, pre-register to receive e-mail updates on topics

Flora Photography

Instructor: Hank Siegel Saturday, December 19 | 9-noon Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members $60 | Non-Members $75

Memorable Images

Instructor: Hank Siegel Saturday, January 9 | 9-noon & Saturday, January 16 | 9-noon Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members $100 | Non-Members $120

Yoga with Lindsey

Instructor: Lindsey Baclift Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Every Wednesday | 11:30 a.m. only 1st, 3rd, and 4th Thursday | 8:30 & 11:30 a.m. 2nd Thursday | Only 8:30 a.m. class Members $5 | Non-Members $7

Whiskey’s of the World

Instructor: Brooke & Nate McMinn Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Thursday, January 28, 2016 | 6-8 p.m. Members $20 | Non-Members $25 Look for additional classes on the next few pages.

Save t he Date

J anuary /F ebruary 2016

Annual Members Celebration TBD Spencer Lecture TBD Sakura Cherry Blossom Festival March 20 Spring Plant Sale Preview Party & Members Sale April 14 Spring Plant Sale April 15-17

Visit for more information.

Library Hours of Operation Monday - Friday | 9 - 4 p.m. Saturday | 10 - 4 p.m. Sunday | 2 - 5 p.m. 205.414.3920

use your library card here.

Hours of Operation Birmingham Botanical Gardens is open daily from dawn to dusk every day of the year.

Check out the new pedestrian entrance on Cahaba Road. Admission: Admission and parking are FREE.


bOtaniCal GarDens • 205.414.3950

C l a ss e s & E v e n t s

Children’s Summer Camps Coming Soon

Due The to construction there willmemorable, be no Artfun Display or Make Gardens part of your child’s & Gerlach summer. Plant Information Centerour Display educational We will be announcing summerinside the Garden Center until April 2016. camp schedule in February.

All members of The Gardens receive a 10% discount off of purchases. Hours Monday-Saturday: 9:30-5:30 p.m. Sunday: 1-4 p.m.

Please visit


for details & online registration.

S pri n g Plant Sale Location to be announced soon.


P r e v i e w P a r t y : Thursday, April 14 | 5 - 6:30 p.m. M e m b e r s -O n l y S a l e : Thursday, April 14 | 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Public Plant Sale Friday, April 15 | 9 - 7 p.m. Saturday, April 16 | 9 - 5 p.m. Sunday, April 17 | 11 - 3 p.m.


bbgar dens. o rg/ sp ri n gp l a n tsa l e

classes classes

adult&family To register or to read class descriptions visit or call 205.414.3950.

Botanical Beauty Secrets Instructors: Brooke McMinn & Hope Long Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Part I Saturday, January 16, 2016 | 10-noon Part II Saturday, January 30 | 10-noon Single Class: Members $30 | Non-Members $35 Both Classes: Members $50 | Non-Members $60 The Gracious Art of Flower Arranging 4 week series Instructor: Peggy Conway Fortier Starts Tuesday, February 2 | 9-noon $190 per student Spring Cleansing Instructor: Antonia Viteri & Cameron Strouss Saturday, February 13 | 10-noon Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members $15 | Non-Members $20 For the Love of Chocolate Instructor: Pam Childers Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens February TBD Seasonal Series Instructor: Hank Siegel Saturday, February 13, 2016 | 9-noon Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members $65 | Non-Members $75 2 for 1

classes classes children’s

To register or to read class descriptions visit or call 205.414.3950.

American Girl® Girls Just Like Me: Baking from the Heart For children age 5 and above Instructor: Robin Geurs Thursday, February 4 | 3:30-5 p.m. $20 Members | $25 Non-Members American Girl® Girls Just Like Me: Baking from the Heart For children age 5 and above Instructor: Robin Geurs Sunday, February 7 | 2-4 p.m. $20 Members | $25 Non-Members

Certificate in Native Plant Studies Classes, Field Trips & Volunteer Opportunities Registration & further information about the program, including course descriptions & certificate requirements, can be found at or call 205.414.3950. All are welcome to register for any of the classes.

Winter Identification of Native Woody Plants (elective) Instructor: Fred Spicer, Chief Executive Officer, Birmingham Botanical Gardens Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, January 16 | 12:30-4:30 p.m. $40 Members | $45 Non-Members What’s That Plant? A Workshop for Learning How to Identify Plants (elective) Instructor: Tom Diggs, Ph.D. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, February 20 | 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. $80 Members | $90 Non-Members

C l a ss e s & E v e n t s

Additional Adult Classes

Medicinal Plants of Alabama (elective) Instructor: T. A. Breaux Saturday, January 30 | 8:30-12:30 p.m. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens $40 Members | $45 Non-Members Growing Native Trees from Seed – Oaks, Hickories and Others – Part II (elective) Instructor: Henry Hughes, VP of Education, Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, March 12 | 12:30-4:30 p.m. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens $40 Members | $45 Non-Members


C l a ss e s & E v e n t s




Library book Group

2016 Book List Join us in The Library at 6 p.m. No registration required. January 5

May 3

September 13

February 2

June 7

October 4

Driving Over Lemons: An optimist in Andalucia by Chris Stewart

My Southern Journey by Rick Bragg

March 1

July 12

November 1

April 5

August 2

December 6

Voracious: A Hungry Reader Cooks Her Way through Great Books by Cara Nicoletti A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson

Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation by Michael Pollan

Lost Antarctica by James McClintock

Mister Owita’s Guide to Gardening by Carol Wall

The Beekeepers Ball by Susan Wiggs

The Gardener of Versailles: My Life in the World’s Grandest Garden by Alain Baraton

Food: A Love Story by Jim Gaffigan

My City Was Gone by Dennis Love

Monet’s Palate Cookbook by Aileen Bordman

2 05. 4 1 4 . 3 931 • bbga r dens. o r g/thymeto r e ad


For more information contact Hope Long, director of library, at 205.414.3931 or

Jason Kirby, library assistant & achivist



• SHRUBS -- Plant shrubs and trees, including broadleaf, narrowleaf, and deciduous. Spray all deciduous shrubbery with a dormant spray to control diseases and insects. Spray when weather is on warming trend.

• SHRUBS-Planting season continues. Visit camellia shows to learn of hardy varieties in your area. Graft camellias in Central Alabama. Spray all shrubs with a fungicide before new growth starts.

• LAWNS -- Soil test before setting up fertility program.

• ROSES- Continue planting.

• ROSES -- Start planting. • ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS-Plant hardy annuals. • BULBS-Late plantings of Dutch bulbs will flower if planted now. Lilies of all types, except Madonna, may be planted. Check stored bulbs and discard rotten ones. Make indoor plantings of amaryllis, callas, and gloxinias. • Give houseplants a bath in lukewarm water to remove dust. To keep poinsettias that have finished flowering, turn pots on their sides and let them dry completely Cut them back lightly Keep in a temperature of 55 to 60 °. • VEGETABLE PLANTS-Set out cabbage plants

• ANNUALS AND PERENNIALSPrepare beds for summer annuals. • MISCELLANEOUS-Fertilize houseplants with liquid or soluble fertilizer according to manufacturer’s directions. • VEGETABLE SEED-Plant some vegetables listed for January in Central Alabama plus collards, salsify, and Swiss chard. Add tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts to coldframes. • VEGETABLE PLANTS-Plant cabbage, onions, lettuce, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.

Courtesy of

For more information, see or call the Plant Hotline at 800.644.4458.

The Women’s Auxiliary of Birmingham Botanical Gardens


Did You Know?

Fifty years ago, Mrs. Virginia Black, secretary of Birmingham Botanical Society and Mr. William R. J. Dunn, Jr., president, saw the need to have a group of women, interested in The Gardens, aid the Society in various projects and to raise funds. Virginia wrote to members of the Brooklyn Botanic Women’s Auxiliary and modeled ours after theirs. At a founder’s luncheon in 1967, the Women’s Auxiliary was formed. The Auxiliary started the first Garden Fiesta held under “the big tent” in May of 1969 and raised $6,500 to go to the building fund. They also helped establish the Gatehouse Gift Shop at The Gardens in 1973. Throughout the years they served as docents and ambassadors for the gardens. Later, in 1989, they started Glorious Gardens. In June 1997, the Society and the Auxiliary restructured and merged into one support group. For more than 30 years the Auxiliary supported The Gardens with their time, energy and resources. To learn more about the archives at The Gardens or to donate an item to the collection, contact Jason Kirby at or 205.414.3956.


G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s

Chairman Level

Mrs. Louise D. Johnson*

Advisor Level

As of October 31, 2015

The Forman Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William R. Ireland, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr.

Benefactor Level

Mr. Richard M. Adams Ms. Elna R. Brendel Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Jones Family Fund Ms. Lori Oswald & Mr. Hans Paul Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor, III Mr. & Mrs. Murray W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. South, III Southern Progress Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stukes Anonymous

grantors grantors

As of October 31, 2015

Thank you to the Individuals, Foundations, Companies & Cities who awarded us grants in 2014 & 2015 Birmingham Kiwanis Foundation Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Alabama/The Caring Foundation Brooke Family Foundation Cawaco RC&D City of Birmingham City of Mountain Brook City of Vestavia Hills The Comer Foundation Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. The Goodrich Foundation Hill Crest Foundation, Inc. The Hugh Kaul Foundation Independent Presbyterian Church Foundation The James Milton & Sallie R. Johnson Foundation

Jemison Investment Company Inc. Joseph S. Bruno Charitable Foundation Junior League of Birmingham Kinder Morgan Foundation Little Garden Club of Birmingham Mike & Gillian Goodrich Foundation Nancy & John Poynor Redmont Neighborhood Association Regions Financial Corporation Shades Valley Rotary Club Vulcan Materials Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Anonymous

Patron Level Mr. & Mrs. Brian Barr Mrs. Camille H. Butrus C. Eugene Ireland Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Coleman C.S. Beatty Construction, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Bob de Buys Dunn-French Foundation Mrs. Trudy R. Evans Wally & Janie Evans Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Fennell Mr. & Mrs. J.S.M. French Mr. & Mrs. Houston Gillespy

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. Jay Grinney Mr. & Mrs. Guy K. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Dr. James L. Newsome Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Northen, III Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Ray, Jr. Rucker & Margaret Agee Fund Mr. & Mrs. William J. Rushton, III Mrs. Lucille R. Thompson


As of October 31, 2015


Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet Ms. Camille A. Becker Mrs. Lucille S. Beeson * Peggy Bonfield & Orrin Ford D. Joseph & Ida C. Burns * Mary Carolyn Gibbs Cleveland Suzanne G. Clisby Mrs. Martha Stone Cobb Daniel * The Daniel Foundation of Alabama Aubrey* & Elizabeth Drewry The Dunn-French Family Dr. John D. Elmore* Mrs. Claire H. Fairley* Mr. F. Lewter Ferrell, Jr. *

Mr. R.R. Herbst * Mrs. Jimmie Hess * Mr. J. Ernest Hill & Mrs. Ora Lee Hill * Mrs. Jane Hinds Fay B. Ireland Mr. George L. Jenkins Hugh & Bobbe Kaul * Ms. Pamela Kaul * Mr. Jason C. Kirby & Mr. Benjamin J. Faucher Andrew Krebbs Fran Lawlor Dr. Bodil Lindin-Lamon* Hope Long Dr. Michael E. Malone Ms. Louise T. McAvoy *

Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz Mr. Philip Morris Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. James L. Newsome Dr. & Mrs. A. I. Perley * Steve & LeAnne Porter Mrs. Carol P. Poynor Mrs. Dorothy L. Renneker * Deborah & John Sellers Mr .& Mrs. William M. Spencer, III * Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Mr. Douglas Arant Stockham Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stukes Dr. Wendell H. Taylor, Sr. * Mrs. Barbara D. Thorne * Mrs. Carolyn D. Tynes * Mrs. Ann H. “Nancy” Warren * Mrs. Robert Wells *Deceased Anonymous

9 .1 .1 5 -1 0 .3 1 .1 5

Jane Anderson Oak Street Garden Shop

Chuck Guy Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clemmons

Laurella Owens Ms. Rosalind McClanahan

Edna Snow Ms. Miriam McClung

Miles Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clemmons

Jane J. Hagan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr. Oak Street Garden Shop

Joyce Palla The Tour de Ham Family

Ruth Turner Dr. and Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr.

Mary Ann Pass Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clemmons

David Whiteside Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Tullis

Jane E. Reich Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Reich, Jr.

Leon M. Whitmire Mr. Bryant A. Whitmire

Homer E. Croasmun Mrs. Theresa Croasmun Elaine De Metz Mr. and Mrs. John M. Musgrave James A. Drewry Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Jensen

F. Donald Hamre Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hart Mrs. James K.V. Ratliff Steve Hanna Hanna Garden Shop Employees

James O. Finney Mrs. Cornelia B. Malone

Joan C. Harrison Jessie S. Jemison Oak Street Garden Shop

Norvelle N. Frings Ms. Sharon A. Hulon

Betty McGowen Mr. and Mrs. John M. Musgrave

Ellen J. Schmidt Dr. and Mrs. J. Denis Catalano Annette H. Drummonds Hope Long JoAnn S. Miree Mr. and Mrs. Norm Remick Mrs. Peggy C. Thompson

Pam Godwin Ms. Jane Valley

Gary Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clemmons

Henry G. Seibels Mrs. James K.V. Ratliff

Gifts to The Library at Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Kathy, Bob and Troy Tullis in memory of Colonel David Whiteside Oak Street Garden Shop Employees in memory of Jane Moore Anderson in memory of Jane Jeffers Hagan in memory of Joan Cabaniss Harrison in memory of Laura Halsey Wood First United Methodist Church Garden Club in honor of Gary Walker and Fletcher Harvey

Phase I Conservatory Improvements Leading Lights Campaign Donors Platinum Level

City of Birmingham Brooke Family Foundation The Daniel Foundation of Alabama Bill & Lyndra Daniel

Gold Level

Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham Lorol Roden Bowron Rediker Rucker Foundation

Bronze Level

Anonymous (2) The Lucille S. Beeson Charitable Trust Butrus Family Advised Fund Holly Oak Garden Club Valley Off-Shoots Garden Club

Sheppard’s Center, c/o Bluff Park Methodist Church in honor of Jason Kirby

Laura Wood Oak Street Garden Shop

If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly listed you, please accept our apologies and contact Drew Rickel, donor relations officer, at 205.414.3955 or

Rockridge Garden Club in honor of Jason Kirby

Redmont Garden Club in honor of Jason Kirby

Armed Forces Officers Wives Club in honor of Jason Kirby

North End Council Garden Club in honor of Jason Kirby

Edgewood Garden Club in honor of Dorothy McDaniel of Dorothy McDaniel’s Flowers

Gardens of Inverness in honor of Jason Kirby

Gene Lewis James Newsome Jesse Weldon Jerry James from his brother Charles James Dr. Leland Hull, Jr Yates and Tommy Amason Arthur Stephens Leigh Shaffer Katherine Pearson Dale O’Connor Barbara Saurer William Camp Paula Rushing

G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s

memorials memorials

Gifts received between

Gifts to The Library at Birmingham Botanical Gardens

STAY-AT-HOME SHINDIG FUNDRAISER Eddie and Kay Aldridge Hana and Tom Berres Elizabeth Bishop Chris and Gene Boles Mary L. Boston Roger C. Clarke Myra Crawford Kate Davis Betsy & Mike Fleenor John Alex Floyd, Jr. & Pam Floyd David and Ann Fraley Gary and Kathryn Gerlach Linda Goode Carol G. Hinshaw Lyle A Hohnke Jan Holliday Dr. Leland Hull, Jr

Chuck and Karen Jensen in memory of Aubrey Drewry Frances Johnson Elaine Kassouf Elizabeth Dreher Lawrence Sallie Lee Shannon & Henry Long Marcia & Paul Mancill Virgil Mathews Virginia McLean Jan Midgley Heidi Meueninghoff Cathy and Steven O’Sheal Ruth Bargeron Ozmetnt Gail Pless Ann and Gary Ray Robert F. Reiche

Stephen and Katherine Rostand Lynda Systrom Janet & Jarry Taylor Martha W. Thompson Norma Thweatt C. Diann Weatherly

If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly listed you, please accept our apologies and contact Drew Rickel, donor relations officer, at 205.414.3955 or


G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s

donors donors ALFA Foundation Ann and Edward Allen Anonymous AT&T Employee Giving Campaign Lucille S. Beeson Charitable Trust Shannon and William Blount Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Boehm Anonymous Mr. Michael Brenner and Mrs. Naomi Buklad John and Mena Brock Brownell Travel Burr & Forman LLP Ms. Barbara L. Burton Ms. Janet Cash Ms. Lyn Chappelle Mrs. Theresa Croasmun Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Cunningham, III Mr. and Mrs. C. Hartwell Davis, Jr. Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Ogden S. Deaton Dermatology & Laser of Alabama Diamond Tours, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Goodrich Foundation Maura and Will Goodwyn The Hackney Foundation, Inc. Anonymous HealthSpring Hill Crest Foundation, Inc. Ms. Patricia Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huddle

Emily W. Bowron Mr. and Mrs. C. Hartwell Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Thompson J.S.M. (Jamie) French Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.

Fletcher D. Harvey First United Methodist Church Garden Club


Brock Johnson In Honor of Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hynson

9 .1 .1 5 -1 0 .3 1 .1 5

IBERIABANK Turner and Ashley Inscoe Mrs. William R. Ireland, Sr. Mrs. Elbert Jemison Jessie S. Jemison The Thomas E. Jernigan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James Milton Johnson Ms. Marjorie Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Price Kloess John and Lindsey Lacey Land Rover Birmingham LBYD, Inc. The Little Garden Club Janet and Matt Lusco Ms. Janet Lyman and Mr. Hank Siegel Mary Jo and Stan Mackin Mrs. Cornelia B. Malone Mariee Ami, LLC Kim and George Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Mays, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Presley McCain Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDowell Mr. Daniel McHan Dr. and Mrs. David S. McKee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Guy K. Mitchell, Jr. Mitchell Industries Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Musgrave Nall-Whatley Foundation Dr. James L. Newsome Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. Nolen, III Noxubee Garden Club

honors honors Henry F. Hughes Ms. Christine Underwood

Gifts received between

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Oliver, III Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Pigford, Jr. Ms. Nancy Price Sally & Gene Price Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pritchard Pulmonary Care Services, Inc. Mrs. J. Michael Reed Regions Financial Corporation Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Reich, Jr. Richard J. and Charlotte Rushton Stockham Advised Fund Robert and Lois Luckie Charitable Foundation Gene Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Stan Roth Shades Valley Rotary Club Southern Gentry LLC Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. and Ms. Kim McBride Mr. and Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II Mr. and Mrs. George C. Thompson Ms. Pam Thompson Ms. Christine Underwood Vaco Birmingham, LLC The Village Garden Club of Mountain Brook Judge and Mrs. Scott Vowell WAKM Companies, LLC Wells Fargo Foundation Louise and John Wrinkle

If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly listed you, please accept our apologies and contact Drew Rickel, donor relations officer, at 205.414.3955 or

Gifts received between

9 .1 .1 5 -1 0 .3 1 .1 5 Daniel D. Jones Wildflowers Garden Club Jason C. Kirby Gardendale Garden Club Redmont Park Garden Club Shepherd’s Center-Bluff Park

Leah M. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. C. Hartwell Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pritchard Mr. and Mrs. George C. Thompson Mark Thompson Mrs. Ann Dean

Dorothy McDaniel Edgewood Garden Club

Patrick Thompson Ms. Pam Thompson

Barbara Sanders The Herb Society of Alabama

Gary Walker First United Methodist Church Garden Club

Diana R. Slaughter Ms. Carol Slaughter

If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly listed you, please accept our apologies and contact Drew Rickel, donor relations officer, at 205.414.3955 or

President’s Circle $1,000 Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Bissell Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon Mr. and Mrs. C. Dowd Ritter Mr. and Mrs. Stan Roth

Ambassador $500-999 Ms. Lisa B. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. John S. Steiner

Oak $250-499

Ms. Ann Ash Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balliet Dr. Kathy Buchan Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Cockfield Ms. Susan Colvin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Cosby Mr. and Mrs. William T. Killian Dr. and Mrs. Wade Lamberth Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Rollins, Jr. Ms. Marian Schoel Mr. and Mrs. Weily Soong Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Thomasson Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wahlheim, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Weber, Jr.

Magnolia $125-249

Ms. Anna Altz-Stamm David Baker & Lois A. Gaeta Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bean Ms. Jean S. Bissell Judge and Mrs. John L. Carroll LaRue Carter Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Clark Mr. and Mrs. John K. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Tate Forrester Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frei Mrs. Romaine Gaffney Mr. Jim Gordy Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Gross Judge and Mrs. James H. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hanson Ms. Paige Harkness Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Henderson Mrs. D.E. Hinshaw Mr. and Mrs. William Holman Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hughey, Jr. Mrs. Lynn B. Jackson Mr. Jerry Jones Mr. and Mrs. John Kearney Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr Col. and Mrs. Kenneth Key Coke & Maria Matthews Dr. Charles A. McCallum Ms. Sarah C. McClure Mr. and Mrs. Lee McLemore Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Meadows Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Monk, Jr. Ms. Jane W. Morris Mr. Brad Morton Dr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Mueninghoff Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. O’Donnell Ms. Cleo O’Neal Dr. and Mrs. Steven O’Sheal Mr. and Mrs. Guy Patterson Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Phillips Dr. Julie Price and Mr. Jay Price Mrs. Margaret G. Ragland

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Reich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Roberts Ms. Carol Rosenstiel and Ms. Fran Hogg Mr. and Mrs. John Saad Mr. and Mrs. Will Slaughter Mr. and Mrs. David M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Neal J. Spangler Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sylvester Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Taylor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Thigpen Mr. Steve Todd and Mr. Ben Henry Ms. Kate Tremblay and Mr. John LeMunyon Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Tullis Tinsley Van Durand Dr. Beverly VonDerPool and Dr. Phillip Smith Ms. Nancy Walburn and Ms. Meg Bashinsky Dr. Paul C. Weir and Mrs. Amanda Adams Ms. Lucile White Dr. and Mrs. James R. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wolff

Hydrangea $60-124 Mrs. Margaret Ahearn Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Armstrong Ms. Linda B. Arnold Dr. Jack M. Averett, Jr. Ms. Maggie Baggett Mr. and Mrs. John R. Baker, Jr. Ms. Joni Barnett Mr. and Mrs. James P. Barnhart Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bearden Bennett and Amy Bearden Mr. and Mrs. Michael Belford Mr. Brian L. Bellenger Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Benton Mr. Michael Berndt Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bethay Mr. and Mrs. Peyton D. Bibb, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Blackwell Dr. and Mrs. Kirby Bland Ms. Virginia Boliek Mr. and Mrs. Buford W. Braswell Mrs. Georgia Bullman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Butrus Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Cash Ms. Rebecca Castleberry Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cavender Mrs. Laura Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clemmons Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell B. Cohen Mr. William H. Cole Ms. Jennifer Cope Mr. and Mrs. Charley Cox Mr. and Mrs. Scott Crain Mrs. Lisa Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cruse Mrs. Judy Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Gene Davenport Mr. David E. Doggett Mrs. Rebecca A. Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Donnellan Mr. and Mrs. John Dorgan Mr. and Mrs. George Dreher Ms. Hillary Drummond Mrs. Marsha Duell Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Greg Echols Ms. Jeanne Eleazer Mrs. Clifford Emond Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Etheredge Mr. and Mrs. Brent Falkenhagen Dr. and Mrs. Gary Fenton Mrs. Nancy J. Ferrell Ms. Alberta Fields Mr. Jim Filler Mr. and Mrs. Todd Fredella Ms. Suzanne Graham Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Ron Froehlich Mrs. Sissy Galloway Tom and Anne Garrett Mrs. Lanier Gartland

Memberships received between

9 .1 .1 5 -1 0 .3 1 .1 5

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gewin Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Weber Ms. Patricia Gill Mrs. Lee C. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wellman Mrs. Holly Goodbody Ms. Linda Sherk Ms. Nan B. White Virginia Graham Ms. Nancy Sloan Mrs. Kitty C. White and Mr. Tryg Hoff Mr. and Mrs. William M. Graves Ms. Sydney Sparkes Mr. and Mrs. William B. White, III Mrs. Lynn D. Grimsley Dr. Paul Spence Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Hanson, III Mrs. Margaret Summersell Ms. Linda F. Xia Ms. Frances Hash Mr. and Mrs. William A. Terry Mr. and Mrs. Dusty Yates Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Hayes Mr. Jason Turner Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hempstead Mr. Doug Unkenholz Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hiden Ms. Louise Vance Mrs. Barbara Hirschowitz Ms. Sara Vaughn $45-59 Mr. and Mrs. Elam P. Holley, Jr. Ms. Barbara Waltz Ms. Margie Argo Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hoomes Ms. Ann Wehby Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Armistead Mr. and Mrs. Randy Horton Ms. Christine Williams Ms. Linda C. Askey Ms. Marianne Huston and Mrs. Michele Baum Ms. Mary Huston Mrs. Joan Becker Ms. Barbara Ingram Ms. Barbara Bell Dr. and Mrs. David Jenkins Ms. Louise Billings Ms. Nancy Jennings Ms. Jane Bluestine Mr. James M. Johns Ms. Elaine Bretz Dr. and Mrs. James C. Johnson Mr. Taylor Anderson Mrs. Jean Bryan Mr. and Mrs. C. Guy Jones Mrs. Lauren Gentry Mr. Glenn Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Louis Josof Ms. Rona Harper Ms. Donna Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Keel Mr. Doug Klick and Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Keyes Mr. Greg McCormick Mrs. Nita Collinsworth Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Kilpatrick Mrs. Catherine Lucas Dr. Helen Kim and Dr. Stephen Barnes Mrs. Eleanor Connor Mr. and Mrs. Greg Pavela Ms. Janice Conway Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kincaid Mr Emmanuel Antwine Mr. Drake Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Land Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bragiel Ms. Judy Courington Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lemak Mrs. Mollie W. Cox Mr. Patrick Daniel Mr. Jimmy Light Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly IV Ms. Kay O. Davis Dr. Julie Locher Miss Amber Gray Dr. Eleanor M. DelBene Mr. and Mrs. Andy Lockhart Ms. Olive Harlan Mr. and Mrs. Albert DiMicco Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. London Mrs. Rebecca Katzman Ms. Joanne Dunn-Blyde Ms. Mila A. Luketic Mr. and Mrs. Alston Keith III Ms. Bobbie Epting Mr. and Mrs. Chris Mayer Mrs. Morgan Montiel Mrs. Rose M. Fahien Mrs. Dorothy H. McCue Miss Melanie Myers Mrs. Joann Fox Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. McNutt Ms. Lee Ann Petty Ms Mary Foy Mr. and Mrs. Ken W. Meyer Mr. Trey Tate and Mr. Samuel H. Frazier Dr. and Mrs. Fred Moses Ms. Emily Sarvis Ms. Jessica Germany Dr. Peter Nagi Katie White Mrs. Diane Gilbert-Gay Mr. and Mrs. Alex Newton Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Goldstein Mrs. Christy Perdue Ms. Mallory Gray Mr. and Mrs. David P. Phillips Ms. Francesca Gross Ms. Caroline Ponsford Dr. and Mrs. Griff Harsh Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Porter Mrs. Doris B. Hatch Ms. Martha Powell Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Hayslip Mr. Christpher Pugh Ms Karen K. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Conrad W. Rafield, III Ms. Sandra Holtzclaw Ms. Gloria Randolph Ms. Carolyn Hughes Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ratliff, III Ms. Karen Phillips Irons Dr. and Mrs. David Roberts, IV Ms. Margaret Jackson Mr. and Mrs. David Roden If we have inadvertently left your name Ms. Lydia R. Johnson Ms. Elizabeth Rodgers out or incorrectly listed you, please accept Rev. Thomas Joyner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Roth our apologies and contact Drew Rickel, Mrs. Susan H. Justice Ms. Betty Ruth and Mr. Larry Oliver donor relations officer, at 205.414.3955 or Ms. Carlisle Lampmann Mrs. Rebecca Satterfield Mr. and Mrs. James R. Land Mr. and Mrs. Ron Seitel Dr. and Mrs. William A. Leitner Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sellers Mrs. Jane Levy Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Serwitz Mrs. Virginia H. Lusk Mrs. Babs Simpson Mrs. George F. Maynard Donald Simpson Mrs. June Mays Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Smith Ms. Kirsten Means Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Smith Mrs. E.J. Meriwether Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sokol Mrs. Evelyn Merrick Mrs. Teresa G. Soto Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meyerson Mr. John St. Clair Mr. and Mrs. David M. Millhouse Mr. Arthur Stephens Ms. Bettie Morales Mr. and Mrs. Garry Stevens Ms. Ellen Murphree Mr. and Mrs. Larry Stone Ms. Barbara Newman Dr. and Mrs. Julian M. Thomas Ms. Bonnie O’Bannon Dr. Martha Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Osborn Mr. Richard Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Outlaw Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Trant Mrs. and Mr. Kimberly Parrish Mr. Thomas J. Tucker, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Tucker Ms. Susan Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Tucker Ms. Rebecca N. Posey Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tulloss Ms. Jayne Randolph Mr. and Mrs. Laurence D. Vinson, Jr. Ms. Marie Robertson Dr. Ann E. Wade and Ellen Dossett Mrs. Frances B. Robinson Ms. Jessica Wallace Reverend Melvin Rodgers Mrs. Carolyn G. Washington Mrs. Mary Rooney Ms. Diann Weatherly and Mr. Roger L. Salter Mr. Phillip Foster


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Birmingham, AL Permit No. 2513

2612 Lane Park Road Birmingham, Alabama 35223 205.414.3950 The Garden Dirt is printed using vegetable based inks. Please recycle.

S pr i n g Plant Sale P r e v i e w P a r t y : Thursday, April 14 | 5 - 6:30 p.m. M e m b e r s -O n l y S a l e : Thursday, April 14 | 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Public Plant Sale Friday, April 15 | 9 - 7 p.m. Saturday, April 16 | 9 - 5 p.m. Sunday, April 17 | 11 - 3 p.m.

Staffed by hundreds of volunteers ready to answer your plant & gardening questions

Location to be announced soon.



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