Garden Dirt January 2015

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J anuary /F ebruary 2015 b b gard e n s . o r g

Spencer Lecture presents Dan Hinkley | page 7

Annual Members Celebration | Page 8 Adult Classes |

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looking back




growing forward C e l e b r at i n g 5 0


Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens 2015 B oard


D irectors

Brian Barr ������������������������������������������������ President Beverley Hoyt �������������������������������� President-Elect Hanson Slaughter �����������������������������Past President Scott Walton ���������������������������������������������Treasurer Paul Jones ������������������������������������������������ Secretary Beverley Hoyt ������������������������������� VP Development Elizabeth Broughton �������� VP Gardens & Buildings Charles Goodrich ����������������������Governance Chair Wally Evans ������������������������������������������������� Officer Houston Gillespy ���������������������������������������� Officer

There is always something blooming at Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Plan your next visit soon!

At Large: Cathy Adams Craig Beatty Mary Boehm Chris Boles Emily Bowron Maggie Brooke Clarke Gillespy John Hudson John Hurst Turner Inscoe Bill Ireland Elizabeth Jernigan Natalie Kelly Carl Jones Katy Baker Lasker John Miller John Smith T Amanda Foshee, Junior Board President

Visit & check out what’s new at The Gardens.

January Camellias

O ur M ission

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens promotes public knowledge of plants, gardens & the environment; & receives, raises & administers resources for these purposes.

Hollies Orchids

O ur V ision


The vision of Birmingham Botanical Gardens is to be one of the nation’s preeminent botanical gardens.

Tea Olives Winter Annuals

S taff

Winter Hazels

M ain ������������������������������������������������������� 205.414.3950

Winter Honeysuckles

Fred Spicer ���������������������������������������� Executive Director & CEO Stephanie Banks ��������������������������������������������Director of Finance Dawn Coleman �������������������������� Education Activities Specialist Ragan Cox Stone ������������������������������Special Events Coordinator Elizabeth Drewry �������������������������������������������������������������Librarian Ellen Hardy ��������������������������� Education Program Coordinator Blake Ells ����������������������������������� Public Relations Coordinator Jean Frey ��������������������������������������������� Director of Development Henry Hughes ����������������������������������������� Director of Education Jason Kirby ������������������������������������Library Assistant & Archivist Andrew B. Krebbs ���������� Director of Marketing & Membership Hope Long ��������������������������������������Director of Library Services John Manion ���������������������������Kaul Wildflower Garden Curator Pam McLeod ����������������������������������Donor Services Coordinator Brooke McMinn ������������� Plant Adventures Program Specialist Drew Rickel �����������������������������������������Donor Relations Officer Taylor Steele ��������������������������������������������Volunteer Coordinator Rona Walters �����������������������������������������������Membership Assistant


February Asian Magnolias Camellias Fringe Flowers Lenten Roses Mahonias Pansies Quinces Winter Annuals

On The Cover

Servis1st Bank presented the Dirt Dash 5K Fun Run/ Family Walk at Birmingham Botanical Gardens on Saturday, November 15. More than 225 runners and casual walkers ran the scenic trails of Alabama’s most visited free attraction while supporting its educational mission. Funds raised benefit educational programs at The Gardens including its flagship, Discovery Field Trips, which has provided a free, curriculum-based science education to nearly 100,000 Birmingham children over the last decade.

The Garden Dirt is the newsletter of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The Garden Dirt is published six times a year to foster awareness & support events, services, & significant programs of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. We welcome your comments & address corrections. Please contact: Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Editor, Andrew B. Krebbs, director of marketing & membership 2612 Lane Park Road Birmingham, AL 35223 205.414.3959 or Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens practices a policy of equal opportunity & equal access to services for all persons regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, orientation or sex. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a facility of Birmingham Park & Recreation Board. The deadline for the Mar/Apr issue is January 15.

Happy New Year! After a full year of celebrating our 50th year in partnership with the City of Birmingham, all of us here are looking forward to kicking off our second half-century. As 2015 unfolds, please stay tuned to the Garden Dirt and watch your email’s inbox for the Dirt E-lert for...well...all the dirt on what’s happening. Change is coming to the Garden Center as part of the city’s recent bond referendum. We expect work to begin in late February or early March on renovations to eight restrooms, a full makeover for the Strange Auditorium, and improvements to the Ireland Room, truly the workhorses of our facility. While making these areas much more attractive was a major goal, sustainable materials and technologies (including bamboo flooring and LED lighting) are woven throughout and much of the work is related to universal access for all of our guests. If you’ve visited in the last year, you know change is also afoot outside our gates. Long-term work across Lane Park Road is continuing and we’ll have a new, elegant neighbor, the Grand Bohemian Hotel, opening up across the street later in the year. The Cahaba Road work should be completed in late winter. We envision both projects as positives for our area and opportunities to improve pedestrian access to The Gardens. You’ll also see internal improvements to enhance that connectivity, which ties in line to the long-term vision of the Red Rock Ridge & Valley Trail system. Finally, I’ll add a word of personal thanks to our outgoing and incoming board members. While often working quietly behind the scenes, our skilled, strategically-minded and all-volunteer board has provided me with unwavering support that has had a visible (and, to me, visceral) impact. As I begin my fourteenth year here – and those years have simply flown by – my appreciation and respect for all who have served has only deepened.

See you in The Gardens,

Fred Spicer Executive Director & CEO

Our Gardens, Your Gardens Message from Brian Barr, Board President Just over 50 years ago local community leaders had a vision for Birmingham Botanical Gardens. I’m glad they did. It started fairly simple – there were to be sectors of the 67 acres dedicated to different plant families and other features, all accessible by automobile! Many of the originally planned gardens and features still exist: The Fern Glade, Rose Gardens, native flora, the Japanese Gardens and, of course, the recently renovated Conservatory. A lecture hall was proposed, and we have several locations that are used for this purpose and other events and programs. It is safe to say that things have changed a great deal, though thankfully much is still the same.

W e l com e

Dear Friends,

One item that is unquestionably the same is our mission. Our mission then, as it is now, is simply to educate people about plants, gardens, and the environment. And fortunately for the many that share interest in this mission, we have one of the most beautiful places in Alabama to stage our show. Our accomplishments to this end are something about which you should be very proud. Last year we had over 350,000 visitors and every single one of them visited for free. Our five miles of paths and trails were open 365 days. These paths and trails offer access to over 30 gardens in both naturalistic and interpretative styles. These gardens coupled with our indoor facilities provided educational opportunities for over 15,000 school-age children. In today’s age of iPhones and Xbox, I believe you’ll agree this is a good thing. But this isn’t all. We’re quite serious about our mission. Through our Plant Adventures programs we provided appropriately-adapted botanical education to over a thousand participants from Children’s Hospital, United Cerebral Palsy and many other Birmingham community organizations that help people with special situations. This program is housed in its very own learning area near our library, which by the way is the only public horticulture library in the USA. Just upstairs from the library we maintain our plant information center and regional horticulture hotline, all staffed by the Alabama Cooperative Education System and by Master Gardeners. Got a question? Call, email or stop by. We’ve got a great thing going at your Gardens. I invite you to learn more. We have terrific events all year long, many ways to educate yourself, help educate others, volunteer for this or that…all of which are great ways to learn more. The best way, though, is just to be here. Please come take a stroll and you’ll see just what I mean.



A Legacy of Giving and Generosity

Jean Frey, development director

Fall transforms Birmingham Botanical Gardens into a rich palette of colors, and for Dr. John Durr Elmore, who walked frequently in The Gardens, it was his favorite season to enjoy long walks among the vibrant foliage. Even when his walks became more difficult over the years, Dr. Elmore would bring friends from Kirkwood for golf cart tours, and enjoy “showing off ” and sharing the beauty of The Gardens.

John Durr Elmore, M.D.

Dr. Elmore was born in Montgomery and completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Alabama before pursuing his doctorate at Tulane. A decorated Army veteran, Dr. Elmore eventually moved to Birmingham where he worked as a private practitioner of Psychiatry at Frank Kay Clinic of Birmingham from 1951 until his retirement in 1989. He also served part-time on the faculty at the University of Alabama-Birmingham in the Department of Psychiatry during his distinguished medical career. During his lifetime, Dr. Elmore was a generous supporter of The Gardens. He was a long-time member and donor since 2001, and made financial contributions that funded major improvements to the paths in the Hulsey Woods and the Arrington Plant Adventure Zone. However, it was Dr. Elmore’s foresight and inclusion of The Gardens in his estate planning that created his lasting legacy of giving and generosity. When Dr. Elmore died in February 2014 at the age of 91, The Gardens became the beneficiary of almost $70,000 in proceeds from his charitable trust. In accordance with Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens policy, these funds were placed in the endowment, where they will grow and help ensure the future of The Gardens, and the beautiful fall foliage Dr. Elmore enjoyed so much, for years to come. We are deeply honored that Dr. Elmore chose to remember The Gardens with a planned gift, and gratefully recognize his philanthropy and legacy of giving and generosity. Are you interested in including The Gardens in your will or estate planning? For more information about how you can create a legacy of giving, contact Jean Frey, director of development, at 205.414.3961 or

Membership Tax Information Your membership, less the fair market value of the benefits you receive, is deductible for income tax purposes. You can waive your benefits and receive full tax-deductibility. Please indicate this on your membership form. Under Internal Revenue Services guidelines, the tax-deductibility of the membership levels are listed to the right.


Visit to learn more about your benefits. Your thank-you letter that included your membership card at the time you joined or renewed is considered your tax receipt. If you need a replacement letter please contact Rona Walters, membership assistant, at 205.414.3950 or

Tax-deductibility of Memberships

Student ������������������������������������������������ $25 Young Professional ������������������������$40/$55 Individual ����������������������������������������������$45 Family ���������������������������������������������������$60 Magnolia ���������������������������������������������$100 Oak ���������������������������������������������������� $225 Ambassador �����������������������������������������$475 President’s Circle ��������������������������������� $875

Fred Spicer, executive director & CEO

Native to Japan and southwestern China, Rohdea japonica is tough, small in stature (<24” tall), well-behaved and, with bold texture and dark evergreen leaves, it adds a tidy architectural splash as a standalone plant or small-space groundcover. Commonly known as rohdea, Nippon lily or sacred lily, it’s currently placed in the asparagus family, Asparagaceae. Rohdea needs shade and it will thrive in the densest imaginable, under the droughtlike root competition of any tree [bottom left]. Dappled shade is fine but in locations with too much sun, leaves will yellow. Soils should be on the acid side, and not too moist. Although long-lived, large ones are very difficult (impossible) to find in garden shops because they are slow growing: mature clumps would be too pricey for the average retailer. Even small sizes (if found at all) are relatively expensive because you pay for the time it takes the grower to nurse the plant along until it reaches saleable size. Consider yourself fortunate, indeed, if a gardening friend has a bunch of rohdea and will let you divide and conquer!


Good Things Growing… In The Gardens

Flowers are small and yellow-green in color, borne in summer, clustered on a short (5-8”) stalk at the base of the plant, often concealed by the dense, arching leaves. Interesting, not ornamentally significant. The fruit is a shiny orange-red berry, maturing in fall and often persisting through the winter; they are attractive but also pretty well-hidden [top left]. Many cultivars have been developed in Japan, along the themes of dwarfness, leaf shape and variegation. Typically container grown and displayed at eye level for close appreciation, some are beautiful monsters, with leaves grotesquely twisted and curled, or oddly striped, streaked and splashed with cream, white or yellow. A few are available from specialty nurseries in the US, but may cause sticker shock. Rohdeas will not quickly outstrip their location like many other evergreen groundcovers. They essentially stay put, gradually expanding their dense clumps without running. They can also be used as accent plants, contrasting nicely with ferns, for instance, or combining well with hostas. You get winter interest too, when surrounding companions go dormant during the cold season. In my non-irrigated home garden, their form and texture echo throughout, creating strong visual repetition in all seasons [top right]. As a bonus, they also function as living hose guides along paths. (I told you they were tough.)


V o lu n t e e r s

Volunteer Spotlight Holiday Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon On Friday, December 5, Birmingham Botanical Gardens held its annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon, recognizing the time donated and achievements made by those who assist in The Gardens achievements. Close to 200 volunteers, community partners, Birmingham City staff, Alabama Cooperative Extension System staff and The Friends’ staff gathered in Strange Auditorium to celebrate the accomplishments of our volunteers and recall the group’s pasion about The Gardens’ mission. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is grateful for the committed effort of volunteer and community partners who make our work possible. This year, The Gardens honored a few of those people and partners, who are certainly representative of our larger collaborative. Janice Williams was presented the Ida C. Burns Volunteer of the Year award for her continual service in many areas of the organization and her significant impact on The Gardens. Cathy O’Sheal was awarded the A. Brand Walton, Jr. Unsung Hero of the Year for her independent and “behind the scenes” contributions. Fresh Air Family was recognized as the Birmingham Botanical Gardens Partner of the Year for helping The Gardens multiply its effort and achieve its mission. Martha Ellis was awarded Birmingham Botanical Gardens Plantperson of the Year for sharing her plant knowledge and skills with other individuals who volunteer. Dr. Marilyn Niemann was awarded Educator of the Year for her educational efforts promoting public knowledge and appreciation of plants, gardens and the environment.


Taylor Steele, volunteer coordinator

Martha Ellis, Janice Williams, Verna Gates (Fresh Air Family)

Cathy O’Sheal (center)

Dr. Marilyn Niemann

growing our legacy


Cl a s s e s events

classes classes


To register or to read class descriptions visit or call 205.414.3950.

PHOTO-TALK Instructor: Hank Siegel Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Every 3rd Sunday | 3 - 5 p.m. Free, $5 donation suggested Ages 12 and up A Few of My Favorite Things Instructor: Bradley Gilbert Location: Birmingham Botanical Garden – Adventure Classroom Sunday, January 11 | 2 – 4 p.m. $15 Members | $20 Non-Members Giving “Weeds” a Chance Instructor: Antonia Viteri & Cameron Strouss Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, January 10 | 2 - 4 p.m. $15 Members | $20 Non-Members Herbs: From the Ground to Medicine Cabinet - Part I Instructor: Antonia Viteri & Cameron Strouss Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, February 14 | 2 - 4 p.m. $15 Members | $20 Non-Members

Save t he Date

Annual Members Celebration January 22 Birmingham Camellia Show February 21-22 Spencer Lecture March 5, 6:30 p.m. Sakura Cherry Blossom Festival March 21

Early Bird Violet Club - Show & Sale April 11 Spring Plant Sale Preview Party & Members Sale April 9 Spring Plant Sale April 10-12

Library Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday | 9 - 4 p.m. Saturday | 10 - 4 p.m. Sunday | 2 - 5 p.m. 205.414.3920

Herbs: From the Ground to Medicine Cabinet -Part II Instructor: Antonia Viteri & Cameron Strouss Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, March 14 | 2 - 4 p.m. $15 Members | $20 Non-Members Pruning of the Dunn Formal Rose Garden Instructor: Birmingham Rose Society Location: Dunn Formal Rose Garden February 28 | 8 - noon FREE 205.414.3950


50 years



Classes & Events

A rti s t Di s p l ay M ain A rt G allery in G arden C enter J a n ua ry & F e b rua ry

Fran Nagy & Billie Dupree Children’s Summer Camps Coming Soon

Gerlach Plant Information Center Display inside the Garden Center for the months of January & February:

Backyard Beekeeping Discovery Field Trips: Field Notes Make The Gardens part of your child’s memorable, fun & educational summer. We will be announcing our summer camp schedule in February. Please visit summercamps for details & online registration.

You are invited to experience The Gardens’ flagship program, Discovery Field Trips, through our Field Notes. Free Discovery Field Trips are curriculumbased experiences, focused on science, for kindergarten-seventh grade. For more information, contact Education Program Coordinator Ellen Hardy at 205.414.3953 or

Thyme to Read ◄ February 3: Fifty Plants that Changed the Course of History by Bill Laws The gift shop at Birmingham Botanical Gardens features a great selection of décor and gifts for the home & garden. Selections include: stationery, jewelry, botanical arrangements, garden items, containers, children’s toys, furniture and home décor. All members of The Gardens receive a 10% discount off of purchases.

HOURS Monday –Saturday 9:30 - 5:30 p.m. Sunday 1 - 4 p.m.



March 3: ► Delicious! by Ruth Reichl

Join us in The Library at 6 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month to discuss a fun book pertaining to gardening, plants or the environment. Contact Director of Library Services Hope Long at 205.414.3931 or for more information or to get involved.


Dan Hinkley

“The Life and Times of a Modern Day Plant Hunter” Thursday, March 5 | 6:30 p.m.

Certificate in Native Plant Studies Classes, Field Trips & Volunteer Opportunities Registration & further information about the program, including course descriptions & certificate requirements, can be found at or call 205.414.3950. All are welcome to register for any of the classes. Introduction to Plant Taxonomy/Classification (core) Instructor: Tom Diggs, Ph.D. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, January 17 | 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. $80 Members | $90 Non-Members Plant-Soil Relationships (core) Instructor: Henry Hughes Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, February 7 | 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. $80 Member | $90 Non-Member

The annual Spencer Lecture will be held on Thursday, March 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the Linn-Henley Lecture Hall, it will feature a reception prior to the evening lecture from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. This free annual event brings noted botanist Dan Hinkley to Birmingham Botanical Gardens for an intriguing talk. Seattle-based horticulturist and plant explorer Dan Hinkley leads his audience into mountainous regions of the world in search of plants for the gardens of North America and beyond. From his experiences in China, Vietnam, Myanmar, New Zealand, Chile and others, Hinkley will illustrate the process of plant collection, the reasons why it remains important and the end product of good plants growing in his 6.5 acre, zone 8 garden. Hinkley works as a consultant, author, lecturer and is director of Heronswood Garden in Kingston, Washington. Learn more about Hinkley by visiting his site at www.danieljhinkley. com. The Spencer Lecture Series is made possible by the Virginia Beeland Spencer Lecture Fund at the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham. The fund was started by the late William M. Spencer, III in honor of his wife, the late Virginia Beeland Spencer. Visit or call 205.414.3950 for more information and to register.

Native Woody Plants: The Basics and Beyond (elective) Instructor: Fred Spicer Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, February 14 | 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. $40 Members | $45 Non-Members Making New Plants - Plant Propagation (elective) Instructor: Gail Barton Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, February 28 | 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. $40 Members | $45 Non-Members

Classes & Events

Spencer Lect ure

Introduction to the Study of Native Plants (core) Instructor: John Manion Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, March 7 | 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. $80 Members | $90 Non-Members Solon Dixon & Splinter Hill (fieldtrip) Leaders: Curtis Hansen, Fred Nation, Fred Spicer, John Manion Location: Andalusia, AL Friday - Sunday, March 27- 29 $250 Members | $275 Non-Members Spring-flowering Native Plants (elective) Instructor: John Manion Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, April 4 | 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. $40 Members | $45 Non-Members Almond Rock - A Piedmont Granite Dome (field trip) Trip Leaders: Tom Diggs & John Manion Saturday, May 16 | 9 - 3 p.m. Location: Randolph County, AL $50 Members | $60 Non-Members


E d u c at i o n

Annual Members Celebration Thursday, January 22, 2015 5:30-7:30 p.m. The Garden Center at Birmingham Botanical Gardens $20 per person RSVP by January 16 at or call 205.414.3950

looking back

growing forward

The Junior Master Gardener(JMG) program is an international youth gardening program of the university Cooperative Extension network. JMG engages children in novel, hands-on group and individual learning experiences that provide a love of gardening, develop an appreciation for the environment and cultivate the mind. JMG also inspires youths to be of service to others through service learning and leadership development projects and rewards them with certification and recognition. Children can get involved in exploring their world through meaningful activities that encourage leadership development, personal pride and responsibility, and community involvement. Youth involved in the program develop critical thinking skills and the ability to identify community concerns and take action to address them through individual group projects. Classes may be purchased as a package for $320. Ages 6-12 years old.


Junior Master Gardener: Soils and Water Teacher: Julie Danley Saturday, January 24 | 9 - noon Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens-Exploration Classroom $45 per class

Junior Master Gardener 6: Insects & Diseases Teacher: Julie Danley Saturday, August 15 | 9 - noon Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens-Exploration Classroom $45 per class

Junior Master Gardener 2: Plant Growth and Development Teacher: Julie Danley Saturday, February 21 | 9 - noon Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens-Exploration Classroom $45 per class

Junior Master Gardener 7: Life Skills and Career Teacher: Julie Danley Saturday, September 19 | 9 - noon Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens-Exploration Classroom $45 per class

Junior Master Gardener 3: Ecology and Environment Teacher: Julie Danley Saturday, March 21 | 9 - noon Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens-Exploration Classroom $45 per class

Junior Master Gardener 8: Fruits & Nuts Teacher: Julie Danley Saturday, October 17 | 9 - noon Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens-Exploration Classroom $45 per class

Junior Master Gardener 4: Landscape Horticulture Teacher: Julie Danley Saturday, June 20 | 9 - noon Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens-Exploration Classroom $45 per class

Junior Master Gardener 9: Make-up session Teacher: Julie Danley Saturday, November 21 | 9 - noon Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens-Exploration Classroom $45 per class

Junior Master Gardener 5: Vegetables & Herbs Teacher: Julie Danley Saturday, July 18 | 9 - noon Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens-Exploration Classroom $45 per class

To register visit or call 205.414.3950.

January •

SHRUBS -- Plant shrubs and trees, including broadleaf, narrowleaf, and deciduous. Spray all deciduous shrubbery with a dormant spray to control diseases and insects. Spray when weather is on warming trend.

LAWNS -- Soil test before setting up fertility program.

ROSES -- Start planting.

ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS-Plant hardy annuals.

BULBS-Late plantings of Dutch bulbs will flower if planted now. Lilies of all types, except Madonna, may be planted. Check stored bulbs and discard rotten ones. Make indoor plantings of amaryllis, callas, and gloxinias.

Give houseplants a bath in lukewarm water to remove dust. To keep poinsettias that have finished flowering, turn pots on their sides and let them dry completely Cut them back lightly Keep in a temperature of 55 to 60 °.

VEGETABLE PLANTS-Set out cabbage plants.

February •

SHRUBS-Planting season continues. Visit camellia shows to learn of hardy varieties in your area. Graft camellias in Central Alabama. Spray all shrubs with a fungicide before new growth starts.

ROSES- Continue planting.

ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS- Prepare beds for summer annuals.

MISCELLANEOUS-Fertilize houseplants with liquid or soluble fertilizer according to manufacturer’s directions.

VEGETABLE SEED-Plant some vegetables listed for January in Central Alabama plus collards, salsify, and Swiss chard. Add tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts to coldframes.

VEGETABLE PLANTS-Plant cabbage, onions, lettuce, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.

Courtesy of

For more information, see or call the Plant Hotline at 800.644.4458.

Taylor Steele, volunteer coordinator

“Can You Dig It?” is a partnership between Junior League of Birmingham and Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens that began 15 years ago. This foundation has enabled The Gardens to build its flagship program, Free Discovery Field Trips. Can You Dig It provides trained volunteers and funding including free bus transportation for Birmingham’s youth and beyond. Did you know that Junior League of Birmingham awards each classroom with books related to their field trip topic, providing new books each year to Birmingham’s classrooms? For many, Junior League docents are students’ first connection with The Gardens. Schools are greeted by enthusiastic, trained volunteer teams who guide them on their science-based curriculum experience at The Gardens. Many teachers believe the experience that docents Beth Underwood greets Avondale Kindergarten provide is the most meaningful portion of the field trip. The welcoming nature and Junior League’s volunteer spirit travels miles and creates lasting memories. Opportunites for growth have made the project meaningful to returning volunteers. All returning volunteers become leader mentors to new volunteers while some will grow further in leadership positions such as project chair. The 2014-2015 welcomes volunteers Lucy Anderson (“Can You Dig It?” Project Chair), Rebecca Hanson, Staci Hatcher, Caroline Hottle, Courtney Kelly, Jobie Lynch, Amy McCoy, Tamara Sansbury, Sara Schilleci, Dory Serotsky, Kate Short, Graham Smith, Beth Underwood and Susan Weingarten The Gardens would like to thank Junior League of Birmingham for all that they have done, and all that they continue to do for Birmingham Botanical Gardens and our missions for education. We look forward to the new year and all we can accomplish together!


from the Archives & Rare Book Room

By Jason Kirby, library assistant & archivist

Attention all foodies! Sick of eating the same old meals for dinner? Tired of your family saying, “not that again” at the supper table? Need to spice up your repertoire? Recently, The Library acquired a very rare and old cookbook from the late Dr. Hughes Kennedy III. titled: New American cookery or, Female companion: 1805. Come see this and other cookbooks in The Archives and see how our ancestors cooked and conquered the kitchen, back in the old days.

V o lu n t e e r s & G a r d e n i n g


Junior League of Birmingham Continues to Build a Volunteer Legacy at The Gardens

Sample Recipe: Diet Bread One pound sugar, 9 eggs, beat for an hour, add to 14 ounces flour, spoonful rose water, one do. cinnamon or coriander, bake quick.


G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s

As of October 31, 2014

Chairman Level Louise D. Johnson Advisor Level Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Benefactor Level

Mr. Richard M. Adams Ms. Elna R. Brendel Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor, III Mr. & Mrs. Murray W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. South, III Southern Progress Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stukes Mr. & Mrs. John A. Williamson, Jr.

Patron Level

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Barr Mr. & Mrs. John G. Brock Mrs. Camille H. Butrus Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Bob de Buys Mr. & Mrs. Houston Gillespy Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kimerling Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Northen, III Rucker & Margaret Agee Fund Mr. & Mrs. B. Hanson Slaughter Mr. & Mrs. John N. Wrinkle Anonymous

As of October 31, 2014 Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet Ms. Camille A. Becker Mrs. Lucille S. Beeson * Peggy Bonfield & Orrin Ford D. Joseph & Ida C. Burns * Mary Carolyn Gibbs Cleveland Suzanne G. Clisby Mrs. Martha Stone Cobb Daniel * The Daniel Foundation of Alabama The Dunn-French Family Dr. John D. Elmore* Mrs. Claire H. Fairley* Mr. F. Lewter Ferrell, Jr. * Mr. R.R. Herbst *


Mrs. Jimmie Hess * Mr. J. Ernest Hill & Mrs. Ora Lee Hill * Fay B. Ireland Mr. George L. Jenkins Hugh & Bobbe Kaul * Ms. Pamela Kaul * Andrew Krebbs Fran Lawlor Dr. Bodil Lindin-Lamon* Hope Long Dr. Michael E. Malone Ms. Louise T. McAvoy * Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz Mr. Philip Morris Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr.

James L. Newsome Dr. & Mrs. A. I. Perley * Steve & LeAnne Porter Mrs. Carol P. Poynor Mrs. Dorothy L. Renneker * Deborah & John Sellers Mr .& Mrs. William M. Spencer, III * Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Mr. Douglas Arant Stockham Dr. Wendell H. Taylor, Sr. * Mrs. Barbara D. Thorne * Mrs. Carolyn D. Tynes * Mrs. Ann H. “Nancy” Warren * Mrs. Robert Wells Anonymous *Deceased

Chappell Anderson Belle Meade Garden Club Mignon Arrington Ms. Bess McCrory Virginia Benton Horticulture Study Garden Club Axel Bolvig The Honorable & Mrs. Melford O. Cleveland Evelyn Boone Horticulture Study Garden Club Beatrice Boston The Herb Society of Alabama Mr. & Mrs. John M. Musgrave Jack V. Brown Hill & Dale Garden Club Dale J. Carruthers Mr. & Mrs. A. Jack Allison, Jr. Mrs. Katherine Avant Ms. Sidney R. Bagby Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet Mrs. Frances D. Blount Dr. & Mrs. Merrill Bradley Bradley, Arant, Boult, Cummings LLP Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Bridges Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. F. Dixon Brooke, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Peter D. Bunting, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley D. Bynum Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cabaniss, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James E. Cantrell, Jr. Judge & Mrs. Jack D. Carl Ms. Margaret W. Carruthers Ms. Virginia K. Carruthers Dr. & Mrs. Britton Carter Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Chazen Ms. Donna Christie The Honorable & Mrs. Melford O. Cleveland Ms. Kathleen H. Cole Mr. & Mrs. A. Philip Cook, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cook Mr. & Mrs. N. Lee L. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. John T. Cotton Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Couch Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Crockard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Crum Ms. Joanne Dearth Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Dray Dr. & Mrs. John T. Eagan, Sr. Mr. Robert D. Eckinger & Ms. Maibeth J. Porter Mike & Carolyn Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Bruce P. Ely Mrs. James H. Emack

The Honorable & Mrs. Benjamin Erdreich Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Erdreich, Jr. Mrs. William W. Featheringill Mr. & Mrs. David M. Fields Ms Susan Foran Mr. & Mrs. J.S.M. French Mr. Joseph G. Gamble Gateway Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Gertzman Mr. Lawrence Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. Hubert W. Goings, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. M. W. Goodwyn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Miller Gorrie Mr. & Mrs. Morris Hackney Ms. Mitzie Hall Judge & Mrs. James H. Hancock Mr. & Mrs. Victor H. Hanson, III Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Harmon Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence S. Hawley Ms. Ann B. Hicks Mr. Ben Ivey I. Jackson, Jr. Mr. Joseph H. Johnson, Jr. Mr. Robert Johnson Johnson Sterling, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James King, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Kracke Mr. & Mrs. Warren B. Lightfoot, Sr. The Little Garden Club Mr. George G. Lynn, Sr. Mr. Henry Sharpe Lynn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Edgar B. Marx Mr. & Mrs. William E. Matthews V Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Mays, Jr. Dr. Charles A. McCallum Mrs. Margaret H. McGowan Mr. & Mrs. Hobart A. McWhorter, Jr. Charles & Elizabeth Miller Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mills Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Morgan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Morrow Ms. Linda C. Moseley Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Albert S. Naughton Oak Street Garden Shop The Honorable & Mrs. Terry Oden Mr. & Mrs. James V. Park Mr. & Mrs. Fred Powell Mr. William S. Pritchard, III Mrs. Margaret G. Ragland Mrs. Elizabeth Ratliff Mrs. Elberta G. Reid Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Robinson, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Romaine S. Scott Mr. & Mrs. James W. Shepherd Mrs. Elna Shugerman Mr. Hatton C.V. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Mell G. Smith Mr. & Mrs. George Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. South, III Mr. Arnold L. Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Lee J. Styslinger, Jr.

Gifts received between

9 .1 .1 4 -1 0 .3 1 .1 4

Mr. & Mrs. Crawford L. Taylor, Jr. The Smocking Bird, Inc. The Title Group Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Torrence The UAB Educational Foundation Ms. Frances Verstandig Mr. & Mrs. Jesse S. Vogtle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Macbeth Wagnon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Collum Walker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Weatherly, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George F. Wheelock, III Mr. & Mrs. Meade Whitaker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William B. White, III Dr. & Mrs. James R. Williams Mr. Robert C. Williams Mr. & Mrs. John Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A.S. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Woehle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Worthen Mr. Thomas K. Yardley Frank W. Davis Oak Street Garden Shop Ann E. Drew Ms. Jean S. Frey John D. Elmore The Honorable & Mrs. Melford O. Cleveland Joseph Harris Oak Street Garden Shop Milton W. Hodges Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr. Stan Hovater Herb Army The Herb Society of Alabama Wildflowers Garden Club Vivian A. Hutto The Honorable & Mrs. Melford O. Cleveland W. C. Ingram Creative Study Faye D. Kidd Dr. & Mrs. Guy M. Hicks, Jr. Gordon D. Martin Mr. & Mrs. William Jones Mrs. Tabetha Lemonds James L. North Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet The Honorable & Mrs. Melford O. Cleveland Mrs. A. Brand Walton Dorothy Roden Mr. & Mrs. Harold Doss Mrs. Suzanne Lucas

Eugenia G. Schanbacher Mr. & Mrs. N. Lee L. Cooper Oak Street Garden Shop Mrs. Michael H. Poe Ruth Schatz Horticulture Study Garden Club Mary A. Starke Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet Rebel Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Crook Allen J. Tutwiler The Honorable & Mrs. Melford O. Cleveland Carolyn D. Tynes Mr. & Mrs. William T. McDougald Doris Walton Mr. William Birchfield Mr. & Mrs. William D. Cannon Ms. Ann Carothers Ms. Shaun A. Chavis Ms. Kris Childs Mr. Todd Childs Ms. Karen Downs Ms. Donna Florio Get More Curb Appeal, LLC Mr. Joshua S. Gibson Ms. Julia S. Hamilton Mrs. Elizabeth D. Hargett Japanese Garden Society of Alabama Mr. John Jones Mr. Mike Jones Ms. Sylvia Martin Ms. Lynn Nesmith Mr. John O’Hagan Ms. Lori Oswald & Mr. Hans Paul Ms. Melissa Springer & Mr. David Morrison Ms. Deb Watts & Mr. John Ward Dr. & Mrs. Robert Wendorf Anonymous

G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s

memorials memorials

If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly listed you, please accept our apologies and contact Drew Rickel, donor relations officer, at 205.414.3955 or

Katherine Wickstrom Mrs. Anita Fowler Jane C. Wilson Mr. Ray Heath Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Mitchell Ms. Kathleen Moore & Mr. George Frank William L. Yeilding Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A.S. Wilson


G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s 12

honors honors

Helene Hunt Judge Richard Bentley

Virginia H. Lusk Horticulture Study Garden Club

Margi Ingram Mr. & Mrs. Troy Rhone

John Manion New Horizons - UAB

Jason Kirby Federated Garden Clubs, District 111 Gardens of Inverness Garden Club Lazy Daisy Garden Club Ms. Virginia G. Moore

Lois Mash Grapevine Garden Club June Mays Mr. & Mrs. Dylan Black

Kathryn B. Lasker Carolyn & Bill Satterfield

Patricia J. Noble Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cleage

Gifts received between

9. 1. 14- 10. 31. 14 13th Black & White Birthday Bash Ms. Ashley Powell Ms. Kate Rentz

Charles W. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Harold Doss Ms. Cynnie Shook Sproull

Barbara L. Burton Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. MacKenzie, III Mr. & Mrs. James L. Priester

Fletcher D. Harvey Sprig O’Holly Garden Club

donors donors Gifts received between

9. 1. 14- 10. 31.1 4 Mr. Richard M. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. MacKenzie, III Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Ms. Betsy Mackin Architectureworks, LLP Ms. Patricia McLean Lucille S. Beeson Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III Bradley, Arant, Boult, Cummings LLP Mr. & Mrs. G. Ruffner Page Mr. & Mrs. Joe H. Brady, Jr. Mrs. Allene P. Parnell Mr. & Mrs. John G. Brock Pennoyer Newman Distinctive Garden Pots Mr. Charles G. Brown III Mr. & Mrs. Richard I. Pigford, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James W. Porter, II Ms. Barbara L. Burton Portraits, Inc. Mrs. Paul R. Butrus Mr. & Mrs. James L. Priester Dr. & Mrs. James E. Cantrell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Conrad W. Rafield, III Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Clark Red Diamond Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cleage Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Rediker Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. N. Lee L. Cooper Mrs. Carolyn G. Satterfield Diamond Tours, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Satterfield Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Dreher Shades Valley Rotary Club Mr. Daniel E. Drennen III Mr. & Mrs. B. Hanson Slaughter Estate of Gene Addor Mrs. Ellen J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Clarke H. Gillespy Mr. Hatton C.V. Smith Mr. & Mrs. M. W. Goodwyn, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. J. Roger Smith Mrs. Stella K. Grenier Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. & Ms. Kim McBride Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence S. Hawley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Keeling Spotswood HealthSpring Mrs. Lucille R. Thompson Dr. & Mrs. Guy M. Hicks, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Albert J. Tully, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hulsey Tuscaloosa County Park & Recreation IBERIABANK Authority Mrs. William R. Ireland Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Vann Mr. & Mrs. William R. Ireland, Jr. Wells Fargo Foundation Japanese Garden Society of Alabama Mr. & Mrs. John N. Wrinkle Jim Cooper Construction Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kimerling Leaf & Petal Mr. & Mrs. William A. Legg, Jr. Little Garden Club of Birmingham If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly Lorol Roden Bowron Foundation listed you, please accept our apologies and contact Drew Rickel, donor relations officer, at 205.414.3955 Mr. & Mrs. John Lyon or

Carol P. Poynor Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Byars Mr. & Mrs. Harold Doss Diana R. Slaughter Ms. Carol Slaughter Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Blount County Master Gardeners Bayard S. Tynes In Honor of His 85th Birthday Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr.

Gifts to The Library at

Birmingham Botanical Gardens October-November 2014 Oak Street Garden Shop Employees in memory of Frank Wesley Davies Jr. in memory of Dale Jones Carruthers Mitzie Hall in memory of Dale Jones Carruthers Billy Angell – Eugenia G. Schanbacher in memory of Joseph Harrison Conzelman III

in memory of

Jefferson County Master Gardener Association in honor of Fred Spicer, Kerry Smith and Mayor William Bell Gardens of Inverness Kirby The Lazy Daisy Garden Club in honor of Jason Kirby Federated Garden Clubs District 3 in honor of Jason Kirby East End Council of Garden Clubs in honor of Jason Kirby in honor of Jason

Mary Evans Elizabeth Drewry Joe W. Andrews Fay Brandon

President’s Circle $1,000 Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon Mr. and Mrs. C. Dowd Ritter Mr. Arnold L. Steiner

Ambassador $500-999 Dr. and Mrs. M. Clagett Collins, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Denson, III Mr. and Mrs. James W. Porter, II Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Rushton Mr. and Mrs. John S. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Walton

Oak $250-499

Ms. Ann Ash Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brockman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Broughton Dr. Kathy Buchan Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Chambliss Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Cockfield Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Cosby Mr. T. Randolph Gray, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hillhouse Mr. and Mrs. William T. Killian Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Rollins, Jr. Ms. Marian Schoel Dr. and Mrs. R. Waid Shelton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Thomasson Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Weber, Jr.

Magnolia $125-249

Tammy Connor Interior Design Dr. and Mrs. James F. Alison, Jr. Ms. Anna Altz-Stamm David Baker & Lois A. Gaeta Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balliet Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bean Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buck Judge and Mrs. John L. Carroll LaRue Carter Ms. Angie Chastain Dr. and Mrs. Walter D. Clark Mrs. Robert S. Clayton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Crockard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Douglas Ms. Helen Dunn Mrs. Clifford Emond Dr. and Mrs. Richard Feist Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ford Mrs. Romaine Gaffney Ali and Charles Goodrich Mr. Jim Gordy Timothy and Allison Gregg Mrs. Stella K. Grenier Judge and Mrs. James H. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Robin Harbin Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hartman, III Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Hinshaw Mrs. Elizabeth C. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hughey, Jr. Mrs. Lynn B. Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Peter Jander Mr. Jerry Jones Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Kassouf Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Keel Dr. and Mrs. Peter Mannon Dr. Charles A. McCallum Mr. and Mrs. Ron McCoy Dr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Mueninghoff

Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Newton Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. O’Donnell Dr. and Mrs. Steven O’Sheal Ms. Rebecca F. Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Guy Patterson Mrs. Margaret G. Ragland Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Roberts Dr. and Mrs. O. Gordon Robinson, Jr. Ms. Carol Rosenstiel and Ms. Fran Hogg Dr. and Mrs. Howard Schiele Mr. Jeff Shimizu and Mr. Tommy Robinson Mrs. Sandra S. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Neal J. Spangler Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Sweeney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sylvester Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Taylor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Terry Mr. and Mrs. William A. Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Ray Thweatt Ms. Wendy G. Ulrich Tinsley Van Durand Dr. Beverly VonDerPool and Dr. Phillip Smith Mr. Elbert S. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Collum Walker, Jr. Ms. Lucile White

Hydrangea $60-124 Ms. Terry P. Adams Mrs. Margaret Ahearn Mr. and Mrs. James F. Alison III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Mr. and Mrs. David Anthony Ms. Linda B. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ash Mr. and Mrs. Paul Aucoin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Baker Mr. and Mrs. John R. Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Barnhart Ms. Ann Batum Mr. and Mrs. Allen Baynes Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bearden Mr. and Mrs. Murray Beck Mr. and Mrs. Michael Belford Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Benton Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bethay Mr. and Mrs. Peyton D. Bibb, Jr. Ms. Sally Blackerby Mr. and Mrs. Archie L. Blackmon Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Blackwell Mr. and Mrs. J. William Blair Dr. and Mrs. Kirby Bland Ms. Jane Bluestine Mrs. Rebecca Brayman Ms. Myra Brown Mrs. Georgia Bullman Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Burks Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Byars Ms. Karin Callahan Bill and Lynn Carter Mrs. Laura Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Clark, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Clark Dr. Orville W. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coats Mr. Brad Cook Ms. Jennifer Cope Mr. and Mrs. John K. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Scott Crain Dr. Myra Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Roy Custred Mrs. Judy Daniel Mr. and Mrs. William A. Davis, III

Ms. Nancy DeVaney and Mr. Pete Maena Ms. Lynne Devor Dr. and Mrs. William Dismukes Mr. David E. Doggett Mrs. Rebecca A. Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. George Dreher Ms. Mary J. Dudley Ms. Marsha Duell Ms. Jeanne Eleazer Mr. and Mrs. George B. Elliott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brent Falkenhagen Mrs. Nancy J. Ferrell Ms. Alberta Fields Mr. and Mrs. Ron Froehlich Mr. and Mrs. James Frost Ms. Tish Fuller Tom & Anne Garrett Mrs. Lanier Gartland Ms. Rhea Gary Dr. Mia Geisinger Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gewin Ms. Patricia Gill Dr. and Mrs. Walter D. Glass Mrs. Holly Goodbody Mrs. Eve Graham Mr. and Mrs. William M. Graves Ms. Catherine Gross Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Hanson, III Ms. Rona Harper Mr. and Mrs. James I. Harrison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Hays Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heavilin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hempstead Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hiden Dr. Cynthia Holmes Mrs. Mary L. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Hughes Dr. and Mrs. Leland Hull, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David Jenkins Ms. Nancy Jennings Ms Tina Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Louis Josof Mr. and Mrs. John Killian Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kincaid Mrs. Dorothy G. Krusen Ms. Charlotte E. Lackey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lakin Mr. Jimmy Light Mr. and Mrs. Don Lowden Ms. Mila A. Luketic Dr. and Mrs. John M. Lyons Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Malone Dr. Stevan Marcus Mr. and Mrs. Mike Martin Ms. Sarah C. McClure Mrs. Dorothy H. McCue Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D. McKinnon Mr. and Mrs. David McLaughlin Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. McNutt Ms. Cynthia L. Millican Ms. Bettie Morales Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morgan Mr. Scott Barnum and Mrs. Meg Mosteller-Barnum Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Naughton Sandra & Jackie Nesmith Mrs. Marjorie K. Nix Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perrine Mr. and Mrs. Bill Perry Ms. Betty Pewitt Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. David P. Phillips Ms. Pat Poer and Ms. Renee Sims Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Porter

Memberships received between

9 .1 .1 4 -1 0 .3 1 .1 4 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Porter Mr. and Mrs. Bill Prewitt Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Quinn III Mr. Mike Randolph Ms. Anna Roberson Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Shay Samples Mr. and Mrs. McRoy Sauls Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sellers Mrs. Elna Shugerman Mrs. Babs Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Smith Mrs. Patricia Snow Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sokol Ms. Bari Sokol Mr. John St Clair Mr. and Mrs. John Stadtlander Mr. and Mrs. Larry Stone Dr. Martha Thompson and Mr. Richard Thompson Mr. and Mrs. John Tingley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tulloss Dr. and Mrs. Scott Tully Ms. Carolyn Van Laare and Mr. John Quenelle Mr. and Mrs. Laurence D. Vinson, Jr. Ms. Despina Vodantis Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Waddelow Dr. Ann E. Wade and Ellen Dossett Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wallace Ms. Jill Walton Ms. Catherine Wilson Warren Mr. and Mrs. William T. Warren, III Mr. and Mrs. Terry Weber Ms. Nan B. White Mr. and Mrs. William B. White, III Mrs. Claude White Mrs. Kitty C. White and Mr. Tryg Hoff Ms. Lynn Wilmoth Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wolff Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodward Mr. and Mrs. William Wright Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Wurst Mr. and Mrs. Dusty Yates Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ziegler

Trillium $45-59

Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Armistead Mrs. Michele Baum Ms. Barbara Bell Ms. Ann Benton Mr. Michael Berndt Ms. Elise Bodenheimer Mrs. Virgina B. Burnum Ms. Donna Byrne Mr. Ross Callaway Ms. Rebecca Castleberry Mrs. Eleanor Connor Mr. and Mrs. Wil Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Martin Crawford Ms. Carol J. Dashiff Mr. and Mrs. Whitney DeBardeleben Mrs. Margaret DeBardeleben Ms. Janet Eary Mrs. Vivian Anne Bryson Easterling Ms. Bobbie Epting Ms. Martha Faesi Mr. and Mrs. Gil Ferguson Mrs. Sissy Galloway Ms. Jessica Germany Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Goldstein Ms. Mallory Gray Mrs. Lynn D. Grimsley Mr. Gregory J. Harber

Ms. Olive Harlan Mrs. John G. Harrell Dr. and Mrs. Griff Harsh Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Hayslip Mr. Jim A. Head, III Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Holder II Ms. Barbara Ingram Ms. Karen Phillips Irons Ms. Lydia R. Johnson Rev. Thomas Joyner Mrs. Susan H. Justice Mrs. Leo M. Karpeles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Kearney Ms. Kay Kinnear Ms. Carlisle Lampmann Mr. and Mrs. James R. Land Mrs. Jane Levy Mr. and Mrs. James D. Long Mrs. Kit MacLeod Ms. Louise Mahon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Mays, Jr. Mrs. E.J. Meriwether Mrs. Evelyn Merrick Mr. and Mrs. David M. Millhouse Ms. Andrea Mullins Ms. Barbara Newman Ms. Bonnie O’Bannon Dr. Mary Ann Pass Mr. and Mrs. T. Andy Rector Mr. and Mrs. Troy Rhone Mrs. Betsy Rietz Mrs. Frances B. Robinson Ms. Elizabeth Rodgers Mrs. Mary Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Salberg Mr. Roger L. Salter Mrs. Henry G. Seibels Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Seton Mr. and Mrs. Clay Simmons Ms. Ann Smith Mrs. Rita A. Springer Mr. Arthur Stephens Ms. Frances Stevenson Ms. Mary Stockard Ms. Thuan Tan Mr. and Mrs. David Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taub Mrs. Sidney Thompson Mrs. Mary K. Tomas Ms. JoAnn Turner Mr. Jason Turner Ms. Sara Vaughn Ms. Barbara Waltz Ms. Melanie Watts Ms. Ann Wehby Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wellman Mrs. Jere F. White, Jr. Ms. Madelyn Wilson Mark Wood

G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s

new&renewing new&renewing members

Young Professional

Mr. Blackman Mrs. Lauren Gentry Mrs. Christy Perdue Mr. and Mrs. William Pritchard Mr. Christian Rogers Mrs. Mollie W. Cox Ms Karen K. Holmes Dr. Caroline Jones Mr. and Mrs. Alston Keith III Ms. Joanne Lessman Mr. Stephen J. McCarthy Ms. Ralene Richards


Mrs. Roula Hakim Ms. Laura Ratliff


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Spring Plant Sale M ore T han 100,000

P r e v i e w P a r t y : Thursday, April 9 | 5 - 6:30 p.m.



M e m b e r s -O n l y S a l e : Thursday, April 9 | 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Public Plant Sale

Friday, April 10 | 9 - 7 p.m. Saturday, April 11 | 9 - 5 p.m. Sunday, April 12 | 11 - 3 p.m. Location to be annouced soon.

Staffed by hundreds of volunteers ready to answer your plant & gardening questions


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