Garden dirt march 2016 final

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M arch /A pril 2016 b b gard e n s . o r g

Spring Plant Sale | page 8 Good Things Growing | Page 3

ARC Stories at The Gardens | page 6


bOtaniCal GarDens

There is always something blooming at Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Plan your next visit soon! Visit & check out what’s new at The Gardens.

March Daffodils Forsythias Lenten Roses

Trillium Treasures 2016 Trilliums normally take from five to eight years to flower when propagated from seed, thus few nurseries carry them, and when they are sold they are frequently prohibitively expensive. If you ever find flowering-size trilliums that are not pricey, question if they were dug from the wild, something we strongly discourage. For the third time in six years, we again offer the rare opportunity to purchase plants that have already reached flowering size for a price that is much less than you would ever pay. This year we are offering more species than in the past. The price for these treasures range from $15 to $20 per plant, and we require a minimum order of five plants. To place an order visit by no later than Monday, March 28. Plants will be available for pickup on April 7, 8 and 9. Questions? Please contact John Manion, Kaul Wildflower Garden curator, at

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens 2016 B oard


D irectors

Brian Barr �������������������������������������������������������Chair Beverley Hoyt ���� Chair Elect & Operations Chair Hanson Slaughter ����������������� Immediate Past Chair Wally Evans ����������������������������������������������Treasurer Paul Jones ������������������������������������������������ Secretary John Miller ������������������������������Development Chair John Smith T ��������������������������������Education Chair Charles Goodrich ����������������������Governance Chair J. Turner Inscoe ����������������� Government Relations At Large: Cathy Adams Craig Beatty Chris Boles Emily Bowron Norm Davis Houston Gillespy Chris Hastings John Hudson John Hurst Bill Ireland Elizabeth Jernigan Natalie Kelly Peyton King Carl Jones Katie Baker Lasker Lee McLemore Randall Woodfin Laura McCraney, Junior Board Chair

Native Azaleas

O ur M ission


Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens promotes public knowledge of plants, gardens & the environment; & receives, raises & administers resources for these purposes.

Redbuds Tulips

O ur V ision

The vision of Birmingham Botanical Gardens is to be one of the nation’s preeminent botanical gardens.


S taff

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Fred Spicer ���������������������������������������������Chief Executive Officer Stephanie Banks ��������������������������������������Chief Financial Officer Dawn Coleman �������������������������� Education Activities Specialist Elizabeth Drewry �������������������������������������������������������������Librarian Blake Ells ����������������������������������� Public Relations Coordinator Ellen Hardy ��������������������������� Education Program Coordinator Penney Hartline ��������������������������Vice President of development Henry Hughes �������������������������������� Vice President of Education Jason Kirby ������������������������������������Library Assistant & Archivist Andrew B. Krebbs ���������� Director of Marketing & Membership Hope Long ��������������������������������������Director of Library Services John Manion ���������������������������Kaul Wildflower Garden Curator Pam McLeod ����������������������������������Donor Services Coordinator Brooke McMinn ������������� Plant Adventures Program Specialist Drew Rickel �����������������������������������������Donor Relations Officer Taylor Steele ��������������������������������������������Volunteer Coordinator Rona Walters �����������������������������������������������Membership Assistant

Azaleas Bigleaf Magnolias Cherries Dogwoods Ferns Flowering Shrubs Forsythia Herbs Irises Native Azaleas Redbuds Rhododendrons Tulips Wildflowers (peak)

On The Cover

Hundreds of members and patrons took part in the Members-only Sale at the 2015 Spring Plant Sale. The 2016 sale will be held April 14-17 at Brookwood Village and the Members-only Sale will be on April 14. Visit for more information.

The Garden Dirt is the newsletter of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The Garden Dirt is published six times a year to foster awareness & support events, services, & significant programs of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. We welcome your comments & address corrections. Please contact: Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Editor, Andrew B. Krebbs, director of marketing & membership 2612 Lane Park Road Birmingham, AL 35223 205.414.3959 or Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens practices a policy of equal opportunity & equal access to services for all persons regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, orientation or sex. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a facility of Birmingham Park & Recreation Board. The deadline for the May/June issue is March 15.

I hope you’ve taken advantage of our (so far) mild winter weather to get a little ahead of things in your garden. What? You haven’t? Well, you’d better get going because spring isn’t just around the corner, it’s coming at us full force! Truth be told, I’m a little behind, too. I had planned to have all of last year’s plants in the ground before now, but I’ve been delayed by a flurry of plant shuffling (transplanting, dividing, mind-changing and rearranging) in a few of my borders. Plus, there are always a few plants that prove irresistible, but for which I struggle to find their rightful place. To my (gardener’s) way of thinking, this planned procrastination is perfectly fine! Regardless whether or not your home nursery is empty, make plans to join us at the Spring Plant Sale at Brookwood Village on April 14-17. We’ll have everything you need, and we hope to have a few things you just can’t resist, too. See all the details on page 8. And don’t miss Earth Day at The Gardens on April 23, when we’ll celebrate the importance of trees (which too many people simply take for granted). We’ll soon wrap up the construction work in the Garden Center, funded through a city of Birmingham bond offering. We’re grateful for (and proud of) our 53-year partnership with Birmingham’s Park & Recreation Board, and can’t wait to unveil the numerous upgrades throughout the building. You’ll really appreciate the changes. And speaking of changes, last month we welcomed Penney Hartline as our Vice-President of Development. Many of you likely know Penney, who brings to us both deep and broad nonprofit fundraising skills. We’re honored to have her as part of our winning team. Penney’s coming on board is among a number of positive changes our organization has undertaken to strengthen our structure at the board and staff levels, and to set the stage for continued growth. You – as a member, a volunteer and a donor – are the most important part of that growth and I encourage you to dig a little deeper if you can to make that growth possible. Please go to our new, mobile-friendly website and learn about all that we do: I bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Making a donation to support our many activities and programs has never been easier (or more important). I’ll close with a nod of appreciation and a bow of respect to Board Chair Brian Barr, the leadership team of the board and all of our directors who give their time, expertise, passion and financial support freely to The Gardens. Most of them operate quietly behind-the-scenes but without them our organization – and more than 200 non-profits in the Birmingham area – could not function, and our community would be a far lesser place.

See you in The Gardens,

Me m b e rs hi p Du e s To I n c re as e Marc h 1

W e l c om e

Dear Friends:

The last time our basic rates were raised was in 2001. As of 2015, the economic realities have caught up with us. While The Gardens has done a good job of keeping our costs down internally and giving you the best services we can for your money, other factors are simply out of our control. Everyone’s costs have gone up in the last 14 years. For The Gardens, these include printing, postage and many others. We have done as much as we can to hold off an increase for over a decade, but now it is a necessity. This step allows us to continue giving you the level of service you have come to expect and will ensure that high-quality educational programs and services continue for all. When does the new rate take effect? March 1, 2016 How much are dues going up? Trillium “Individual” level will increase from $45 to $50 per year. Hydrangea “Family” level will increase from $60 to $70 per year. Magnolia level will increase from $125 to $145 per year. All other levels will not experience an increase at this time.

Fred Spicer Chief Executive Officer

To renew your membership today: membership



The Gardens welcomes new Vice President of Development Penney Hartline Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens introduces Penney Hartline as its new Vice President of Development. Penney joins The Gardens after more than a decade of non-profit work, serving the Junior League of Birmingham, McWane Science Center, United Way of Central Alabama, Friends of Emmet O’Neil Library, STAIR (Start the Adventure in Reading), VOICES for Alabama Children, Mountain Brook Schools, Altamont School, Linly Heflin Unit and Independent Presbyterian Church among others. Penney will manage the many aspects of fund development for Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. She’ll oversee all events and associated fundraising efforts, including Antiques at The Gardens, Spring and Fall Plant Sale, Flicks Among the Flowers, Dirt Dash, Spencer Lecture. She’ll also be responsible for donations, individual and corporate giving, planned giving and membership opportunities. If you’re interested in learning more about ways that you can be a part of The Gardens, contact Penney at

Six New Members Elected to Board of Directors Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens has announced its 2016 Board of Directors. Brian Barr of Brasfield and Gorrie returns for his second year as chair, while Beverley Hoyt assumes the role of chair-elect while also serving as chair of operations. Wally Evans serves his first term as treasurer and Paul Jones returns for his second term as secretary. John Miller serves as chair of development, while Charles Goodrich serves as chair of governance and John Smith T serves as chair of education. J. Turner Inscoe is the chair of government relations and B. Hanson Slaughter continues to serve as past-chair. There are six new members for 2016: Norm Davis of Trufund Financial Services, Chris Hastings of Hot & Hot Fish Club, Peyton King formerly of Elegant Earth, Lee McLemore of Country Club of Birmingham, Randall Woodfin, Assistant City Attorney for the City of Birmingham, and Junior Board Chair Laura McCraney. Six 2015 board members will rotate off: Mary Boehm, Maggie Brooke, Elizabeth Broughton, 2015 Junior Board Chair Amanda Foshee, Clarke Gillespy and Scott Walton, who had served as treasurer for the Board of Directors since 2007.


Brian Barr Chair

Chris Hastings

Laura McCraney

Junior Board Chair

Lee McLemore

Randall Woodfin

Peyton King

Norm Davis


Good Things Growing… In The Gardens Fred Spicer, chief executive officer

Yaupon, Ilex vomitoria, and its cultivars are among the most common landscape plants in our area, and for very good reasons: utility, durability, flexibility, close nativity and beauty. The species is a large, dioecious multi-stemmed shrub or, over time, a larger-scaled small tree, with small, remotely toothed, spineless broadleaf evergreen leaves and gray twigs. Numerous (15+) male and female cultivars have been selected for varying degrees of dwarfness, narrowness, pendulousness, small tree-like stature, leaf shape and fruit color (red or yellow). These diverse forms make the plant useful in many cultivated situations: foundation plantings, hedges of assorted heights, specimens, accents and focal points, modest screens and human-scaled canopies [right], textural contrasts, and pops of winter fruit color. Yaupon (from yopun, a Catawban word roughly meaning “small tree”) is an easy plant to propagate and grow in the nursery, and once out-planted it establishes quickly and grows reliably for many decades with little to no care. These traits make it quite user-friendly – undemanding and inexpensive – at every stage in the marketplace and after. It abides heavy pruning, poor and compacted soils, urban sites [below, top], extreme drought and flooding. Insect and disease issues are virtually unknown. In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find a more tenacious yet generally amenable plant. Not historically native to the Birmingham area, yaupon is roughly concentrated in the coastal plain from east Texas along the Gulf Coast and through north-central Florida, then north in a thinning coastal band to Virginia (some sources say

Maryland, too, and dubious old records indicate eastern Long Island). Local plants in wild places in our area are gifts from the birds, who readily take the shiny fruit from cultivated female plants, expanding the species range northward. Weeping varieties appear to come (at least partially) true from seed, which is unusual. Both male and female flowers are excellent bee fodder. Yaupon is naturally found in acid, pine flatwoods, sandy uplands, even swampy habitats in sand or heavy clay, in higher pH soils (like in the Black Belt) [left, bottom], and even in thin, rocky soils. Exposed in full sun, it thrives, growing dense and twiggy; it also tolerates all but the darkest shade, but is progressively less dense with less light. Still, these broad tolerances make it challenging to find a location in which yaupon doesn’t grow handsomely, and cannot be successfully used. Interestingly, it’s the only native North American plant whose leaves and twigs contain caffeine. The specific epithet vomitoria was attached to this plant in error: the storied Black Drink consumed ceremonially by Native American men was composed of varied ingredients, some of which (but apparently not yaupon) are natural emetics.


V o lu n t e e r S p ot l i g h t


Annual Volunteer Appreciation and Awards Luncheon Taylor Steele, volunteer coordinator held to Celebrate Our Garden Heroes What defines a hero? Many people often talk about soldiers, firefighters and fictional characters with supernatural powers as heroes. But what is a hero really? Does heroism always involve physical strength, or are there other qualities that define being a hero? Our Garden heroes are volunteers with extraordinary physical or mental powers, far beyond the range of normal human ability, who use their powers to promote The Gardens’ mission of education. Behold, the power of The Gardens hero! From July 2014 to June 2015, Birmingham Botanical Gardens volunteers gave just over 30,000 hours to The Gardens. Based on the average hourly earnings of $23.07 for production and non-supervisory employees as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Independent Sector Model, The Gardens saved $692,100 in 2015. The Gardens’ volunteers were honored with a luncheon at West Oxmoor Community Center in December, with top volunteers recognized with fitting awards. Categories and recipients for 2015 volunteer awards: Ida C. Burns Volunteer of the Year: Chris Boles An overall outstanding individual whose continual volunteer service in many areas of the organization has had significant impact on Birmingham Botanical Gardens. “The Herb Army (Chris’s first volunteer experience at The Gardens, following her Master Gardener class many years ago) is so very proud to have her named the Volunteer of the Year. We see her amazing enthusiasm and dedication to the Gardens every week. She currently is involved in many diverse projects and activities at The Gardens, and strives to involve others in the tasks of supporting and maintaining an educational, beautiful and welcoming place for the Birmingham Community.” - Donna Taylor, The Herb Army Educator of the Year: Janet White and Carol Washington Given to a volunteer who does an outstanding job with educational efforts promoting public knowledge and appreciation of plants, gardens and the environment. “Always a smile and a brief moment to chat about travels or funny stories, then it’s on to being a Discovery Field Trip docents as they then bring smiles and opportunities to children.” – Ellen Hardy, education coordinator Plantsperson of the Year: Larry Stephens Given to an exceptionally talented volunteer who generously shares plant knowledge and skills with others who volunteer on a regular basis propagating, caring for, and/or maintaining plants for The Gardens. “Larry has volunteered in the Kaul Wildflower Garden almost every Tuesday and Thursday for nearly six years! He enjoys sharing his extensive plant knowledge with others, is diligent, conscientious and a hard worker. There’s no task Larry is unwilling to do!” - John Manion, Kaul Wildflower Garden curator Volunteer Partner of the Year: YouthServe, Inc. Given to an organization that has partnered with our volunteer organization to multiply our efforts and achieve our mission. “YouthServe, Inc. has been a key player in supporting The Gardens’ service-learning and student leadership initiatives for three years. YouthServe, Inc. has been instrumental for us to connect with youth in the Greater Birmingham Metropolitan area. They also continue to support The Gardens with many service learning projects over the past four years including our annual plant sales.” - Taylor Steele, volunteer coordinator Brand Walton, Jr. Unsung Hero of the Year: Federated Garden Clubs of Alabama, District III


Given to a volunteer who has benefited the organization by working independently and/or “behind the scenes” in an essentially non-public role for a number of years. “This award winner has been around for a very, very long time. Eighty six years to be exact! They were doing gardening and beautification well before most of our parents and grandparents were even born.”- Jason Kirby, library archivist


Cl a s s e s events

classes classes


To register or to read class descriptions visit or call 205.414.3950.


Instructor: Hank Siegel Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Every 3rd Sunday | 2-4 p.m. Free, $5 donation suggested Ages 12 and up

Yoga with Lindsey Every Wednesday | 11:30 a.m. only 1st, 3rd, and 4th Thursday | 8:30 & 11:30 a.m. 2nd Thursday | 8:30 a.m. only Members $5 | Non-members $7 Introduction to the Study of Native Plants Instructor: John Manion, Kaul Wildflower Garden Curator, Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, March 5| 8:30-4:30 p.m. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members $80 | Non-Members $90 Flora Photography Instructor: Hank Siegel Saturday, March 12 | 9-1 p.m. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members $60 | Non-Members $75 Growing Native Trees from Seed – Oaks, Hickories and Others – Part II Instructor: Henry Hughes, VP of Education, Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, March 12 | 12:30-4:30 p.m. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens $40 Members | $45 Non-Members Herbal Remedies for Gardeners Instructor: Antonia Viteri & Cameron Strouss Saturday, March 12 | 2-4 p.m. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members $15|Non-Members $20 Look for additional classes on the next few pages.

Save t he Date

M arch /A pril 2016

Sakura Cherry Blossom Festival March 19 Spring Plant Sale Preview Party & Members Sale April 14 Spring Plant Sale April 15-17 Earth Day at The Gardens April 23 Spencer Lecture May 3

Visit for more information.

Library Hours of Operation Monday - Friday | 9 - 4 p.m. Saturday | 10 - 4 p.m. Sunday | 2 - 5 p.m. 205.414.3920

use your library card here.

Hours of Operation Birmingham Botanical Gardens is open daily from dawn to dusk every day of the year.

Check out our new pedestrian entrance on Cahaba Road. Admission: Admission and parking are FREE.


bOtaniCal GarDens • 205.414.3950

C l a ss e s & E v e n t s


additional adult & family classes To register or to read class descriptions visit or call 205.414.3950.

Earth Day at

T he G ardens

Sushi with Kelly Viall Instructor: Kelly Viall Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Friday, March 18 | 6-8 p.m. Members $30 | Non-Members $35

Saturday, April 23, 2016 Free Admission • 11-4 p.m.

Introduction to Botany - Science of Plants Instructor: Tom Diggs, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor of Plant Biology, University of North Georgia, Gainesville Saturday, March 19 | 8:30-4:30 p.m. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members $80 | Non-Members $90

Grafting Native Fruit Trees – Part I (elective) Instructor: Pete Halupka, Harvest Roots Farm & Ferment Saturday, March 26 | 12:30-4:30 p.m. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members $40 | Non-members $45 A North Alabama Adventure: Cane Creek, the Dismalites and Trilliums! Trip Leader: John Manion, Kaul Wildflower Garden Curator, Birmingham Botanical Gardens Location: North AL Friday, April 1 & Saturday, April 2 Members $165 | Non-Members $185 Up Close & Personal: Macrophotography Instructor: Hank Siegel Saturday, April 2 | 9-1 p.m. & Saturday, April 9 | 9-1 p.m. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members $100 | Non-Members $120 Riparian Flora and Fauna (field trip/canoe paddle) Trip Leader: Randy Haddock, Ph.D., Field Director, Cahaba River Society Sunday, April 3 | 9:00 - 4:30 p.m. (Rain Date: Sunday, April 10) Location: Cahaba River near Montevallo, AL $70 Members | $80 Non-Members (includes canoe rental & associated equipment) Establishment and Aesthetics of the Traditional Japanese Garden (Members-Only) Instructor: Mickey J. Lollar, Curator and Education Programs Director, Berry Library & Museum April 7 | 6-8 p.m. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens FREE • Members-Only Class


Save The Date

For the full schedule visit

& The Library at Birmingham Botanical Gardens present

Roots: Stories about the Nature of the South Friday May 13 • 6:30 p.m. Formal Garden at Birmingham Botanical Gardens $10 per person Register online: Arc Stories features true, personal stories told live in front of an audience by the people who lived them. If you haven’t ever experienced an Arc event before, this is one you don’t want to miss. For more information on Arc Stories visit

Spencer Lect ure presents

Dr. William Welch

Spring Identification of Native Woody Plants Instructor: Fred Spicer, CEO, Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, April 9 | 8:30-12:30 p.m. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens $40 Members | $45 Non-Members

“Re-Designing the Landscape - Some Rosy Ideas.”

Photography Class: What’s This Button Do? Instructor: Hank Siegel Saturday, April 30, 2016 | 9-noon Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members $50 | Non-Members $60

For details and reserve your seat visit

Tuesday, May 3 | 6:30 p.m. Free Admission • Limited Seating

Programs are designed to actively promote your child’s natural sense of creativity and discovery with fun learning experiences in the unmatched setting at Birmingham Botanical Gardens! This summer, we are offering exciting opportunities to grow and discover through gardening, nature exploration, art, cooking, yoga, children’s literature and imagination while making new friendships. Each camp is limited to 20 children except preschool camps, which are limited to 15 children. Teachers are certified or otherwise qualified. For more information, contact Education Program Coordinator Ellen Hardy at 205.414.3953 or

Register online at summercamps or 205.414.3950. The Secret Life of Bugs Instructor: Lisa Dolensky June 6-10 | 9-1 p.m. $160 Members*| $200 Non-Members Ages 4-5 American Girl® Girls Just Like Me Instructors: Robin & Emmeline Geurs June 6-10 | 9-1 p.m. $160 Members*| $200 Non-Members For children entering grades 5K-2 Growing through Yoga Instructor: Annie Damsky June 6-10 | 9-1 p.m. $160 Members*| $200 Non-Members For children entering grades 5K-4 Junior Master Gardener Instructor: Julie Danley June 20-24 | 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. $280 Members* | $350 Non-Members For children ages 8-12 years Summer Garden Chefs Instructors: Jo Dale & Nancy B. Cadenhead Trucks June 27-July 1 | 9-1 p.m. $160 Members*| $200 Non-Members For children entering grades 5K-2 Summer Garden Chefs Instructors: Jo Dale & Nancy B. Cadenhead Trucks June 27-July 1 | 9-1 p.m. $160 Members*| $200 Non-Members For children entering grades 3-6 American Girl® Girls Just Like Me Instructors: Robin & Emmeline Geurs July 5-8 | 9-1 p.m. $128 Members* | $160 Non-Members For children entering grades 5K-2

Microworlds in The Gardens: Creepy Crawlers & Insects Instructor: Sharon Pollard July 5-8 | 9-1 p.m. $128 Members* | $160 Non-Members For children entering grades 5K-2 Young Artists in The Gardens Instructor: Shellye Lucas July 11-15 | 9-1 p.m. $160 Members*| $200 Non-Members For children entering grades 5K-2 Young Artists in The Gardens Instructor: Donna Long July 11-15 | 9-1 p.m. $160 Members*| $200 Non-Members For children entering grades 3-6 Dig it! Dinosaurs Rock! Instructor: Lisa Dolensky July 18-22 | 9-1 p.m. $160 Members*| $200 Non-Members For children ages 4-5 years Growing through Yoga Instructor: Annie Damsky July 18-22 | 9-1 p.m. $160 Members*| $200 Non-Members For children entering grades 5K-4 Get Growing: The Tiny Seed Instructor: Sheryl Lee July 25-29 | 9-1 p.m. $160 Members*| $200 Non-Members For children ages 4-5 years Gardening in Wonderland: Designing & Modeling Instructor: Mildred Henderson July 25-29 | 9-1 p.m. $160 Members*| $200 Non-Members

For children entering grades 3-6

Certificate in Native Plant Studies Classes, Field Trips & Volunteer Opportunities Registration & further information about the program, including course descriptions & certificate requirements, can be found at or call 205.414.3950. All classes held at Birmingham Botanical Gardens unless otherwise noted.

All are welcome to register for any of the classes.

Introduction to the Study of Native Plants Instructor: John Manion, Kaul Wildflower Garden Curator, Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, March 5| 8:30-4:30 p.m. Members $80 | Non-Members $90 Growing Native Trees from Seed – Oaks, Hickories and Others – Part II (ELECTIVE) Instructor: Henry Hughes, VP of Education, Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, March 12 | 12:30-4:30 p.m. $40 Members | $45 Non-Members Introduction to Botany - Science of Plants Instructor: Tom Diggs, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor of Plant Biology, University of North Georgia, Gainesville Saturday, March 19 | 8:30-4:30 p.m. Members $80 | Non-Members $90

C l a ss e s & E v e n t s

Children’s Summer Camps

Grafting Native Fruit Trees – Part I (elective) Instructor: Pete Halupka, Harvest Roots Farm & Ferment Saturday, March 26 | 12:30-4:30 p.m. Members $40 | Non-members $45 A North Alabama Adventure: Cane Creek, the Dismalites and Trilliums! Trip Leader: John Manion, Kaul Wildflower Garden Curator, Birmingham Botanical Gardens Location: North AL Friday, April 1 & Saturday, April 2 Members $165 | Non-Members $185 Riparian Flora and Fauna (field trip/canoe paddle) Trip Leader: Randy Haddock, Ph.D., Field Director, Cahaba River Society Sunday, April 3 | 9:00 - 4:30 p.m. (Rain Date: Sunday, April 10) Location: Cahaba River near Montevallo, AL $70 Members | $80 Non-Members (includes canoe rental & associated equipment) Spring Identification of Native Woody Plants Instructor: Fred Spicer, CEO, Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, April 9 | 8:30-12:30 p.m. $40 Members | $45 Non-Members


C l a ss e s & E v e n t s

Spring Plant Sale to be held April


Thyme to Read ◄ April 5: Lost Antarctica by James McClintock

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens’ largest annual plant sale fundraiser will be held at Brookwood Village in the Macy’s upper parking lot in Birmingham on April 14-17, 2016. Over 100,000 plants will be available for purchase, many of which have been nurtured by volunteers at The Gardens. More than 7,000 plant enthusiasts attended last year’s sale. The Spring Plant Sale furthers The Gardens’ mission of promoting public knowledge & appreciation of plants, gardens & the environment while providing consumers seasonally appropriate planting advice from experts & satisfaction from supporting a worthwhile cause with each purchase. The public sale will be held Friday from 9 – 7 p.m., Saturday from 9 – 5 p.m. & on Sunday from 11 – 3 p.m. Admission to the public sale is free. Numerous opportunities to volunteer are available & can be found at

May 3: ► Mister Owita’s Guide to Gardening by Carol Wall Join us in The Library at 6 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month to discuss a fun book pertaining to gardening, plants or the environment. Contact Director of Library Services Hope Long at 205.414.3931 or for more information or to get involved.

The annual Preview Party will kick things off on Thursday, April 14, at 5 p.m. Admission to the Preview Party is $45 in advance & $50 at the door. The Preview Party provides guests a chance to shop early & enjoy great food & wine. The Members-Only Sale is free to members from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Brookwood Village is located at 780 Brookwood Village Birmingham, Alabama 35209 For more information about the Spring Plant Sale or to purchase tickets to the Preview Party, call 205.414.3950 or visit www.

2016 Sponsors


March •

FRUITS & NUTS - Continue strawberry & grape plantings. Bud apples & peaches. Start planting blackberries. Remember, if weather conditions prevent prompt planting, heel the plants in by placing the root system in a trench & covering the soil. SHRUBS - Fertilize shrubs (except azaleas & camellias) according to a soil test. Late plantings may be made, particularly if they are container-grown. Watch shrubs for harmful insects. LAWNS - Plant bermuda, zoysia, & centipede in South Alabama. Seed bluegrass & grass mixtures in North Alabama. Fertilize established lawns.

ROSES - Watch new growth for aphids. Begin a spray or dust program. Begin fertilizing.

ANNUALS & PERENNIALS - Tender annuals may be planted in South Alabama. Check garden centers for bedding plants.

BULBS - Plant gladiolus every two or three weeks if a long blooming season is desired. Plant tuberous begonias in pots. Plant dahlias.

April •

FRUITS & NUTS - Season for strawberry planting continues. Start spray program for all fruits. Plant raspberries & blackberries & continue budding apples & peaches.

SHRUBS - Prune spring flowering shrubs after flowering. Fertilize azaleas & camellias. When new growth is half completed, spray all shrubs with a fungicide.

LAWNS - Planting continues. New lawns may need supplementary watering. Also, fertilize at 3- to 6-week intervals. Keep ryegrass cut low, particularly if over planted on bermuda lawns.

ROSES - Watch for insects & diseases. Keep old flower heads removed. Plant containergrown plants from nurseries or garden centers.

ANNUALS & PERENNIALS - Plant early started annuals or bedding plants from nurseries or garden centers. Divide mums or root cuttings. Dig & divide dahlias.

BULBS - Plant gladiolus, fancy-leaved caladiums, milk & wine lilies, & ginger & gloriosa lilies. Feed bearded iris with superphosphate & spray for borers. Avoid cutting foliage of narcissus or other bulbs until it has turned brown naturally.

VEGETABLE SEEDS - Plant hardy crops recommended for January & February. After danger of frost is past, plant tender vegetables.

MISCELLANEOUS - Spray camellias, hollies, etc., for scale insects. Carefully water new plantings of shrubs & trees. Pinching out tips of new shoots promotes more compact shrubs.

VEGETABLE PLANTS – Plant cabbage, onions, lettuce, broccoli, & Brussels sprouts in North Alabama; plant tomatoes & peppers in lower South Alabama.

VEGETABLE SEED - Plant tender vegetables such as beans, corn, squash, melons, & cucumbers. Plant heat-loving vegetables in lower South Alabama.

VEGETABLE PLANTS - Plant tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, sweet potatoes, & parsley

MISCELLANEOUS - Check & repair sprayers, dusters, & lawn mowers. Control lawn weeds with chemicals. Delay pruning of fruiting shrubs such as cotoneasters, pyracanthas, & hollies until after flowering.

Art Gallery



at The Gardens March/April

Pat Carroll Reception Friday, March 4 5:30-6:30 p.m. For more information, contact Hope Long, director of library at or 205.414.3931.

Courtesy of

For more information, see or call the Plant Hotline at 800.644.4458.


G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s

Advisor Level

The Forman Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William R. Ireland, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr.

Benefactor Level

As of December 31, 2015

grantors grantors

As of December 31, 2015

Thank you to the Individuals, Foundations, Companies & Cities who awarded us grants in 2015 Birmingham Kiwanis Foundation Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Alabama/The Caring Foundation Brooke Family Foundation City of Birmingham City of Mountain Brook City of Vestavia Hills The Comer Foundation Dunn-French Foundation Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. The Goodrich Foundation Hill Crest Foundation, Inc. The Hugh Kaul Foundation Independent Presbyterian Church Foundation The James Milton & Sallie R. Johnson Foundation Jemison Investment Company Inc.

Mrs. Sarah R. Johnston Joseph S. Bruno Charitable Foundation Junior League of Birmingham Kinder Morgan Foundation The Little Garden Club Lorol Roden Bowron Foundation Mike & Gillian Goodrich Foundation Nancy & John Poynor Protective Life Corporation & Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Ltd. Redmont Neighborhood Association Regions Financial Corporation Shades Valley Rotary Club Vulcan Materials Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Anonymous

Ms. Elna R. Brendel Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Jones Family Fund Ms. Lori Oswald & Mr. Hans Paul Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor, III Mr. & Mrs. Murray W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. South, III Southern Progress Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stukes Mr. & Mrs. John A. Williamson, Jr. Anonymous

Patron Level Mr. & Mrs. Brian Barr Mrs. Camille H. Butrus C. Eugene Ireland Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Coleman C.S. Beatty Construction, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Bob de Buys Dunn-French Foundation Mrs. Trudy R. Evans Wally & Janie Evans Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Fennell Mr. & Mrs. J.S.M. French Mr. & Mrs. Houston Gillespy

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Grinney Mr. & Mrs. Guy K. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Dr. James L. Newsome Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Northen, III Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Ray, Jr. Rucker & Margaret Agee Fund Mr. & Mrs. William J. Rushton, III Mrs. Lucille R. Thompson

As of December 31, 2015


Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet Ms. Camille A. Becker Mrs. Lucille S. Beeson * Peggy Bonfield & Orrin Ford D. Joseph & Ida C. Burns * Mary Carolyn Gibbs Cleveland Suzanne G. Clisby Mrs. Martha Stone Cobb Daniel * The Daniel Foundation of Alabama Aubrey* & Elizabeth Drewry The Dunn-French Family Dr. John D. Elmore* Mrs. Claire H. Fairley* Mr. F. Lewter Ferrell, Jr. *

Dr.* & Mrs. Charles P. Grant Mr. R.R. Herbst * Mrs. Jimmie Hess * Mr. J. Ernest Hill & Mrs. Ora Lee Hill * Mrs. Jane Hinds Fay B. Ireland Mr. George L. Jenkins Hugh & Bobbe Kaul * Ms. Pamela Kaul * Mr. Jason C. Kirby & Mr. Benjamin J. Faucher Andrew B. Krebbs Fran Lawlor Dr. Bodil Lindin-Lamon* Hope Long Dr. Michael E. Malone

Ms. Louise T. McAvoy * Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz Mr. Philip Morris Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. James L. Newsome Dr. & Mrs. A. I. Perley * Steve & LeAnne Porter Mrs. Carol P. Poynor Mrs. Dorothy L. Renneker * Deborah & John Sellers Mr .& Mrs. William M. Spencer, III * Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Mr. Douglas Arant Stockham Dr. Wendell H. Taylor, Sr. * Mrs. Barbara D. Thorne * Mrs. Carolyn D. Tynes * Mrs. Ann H. “Nancy” Warren * Mrs. Robert Wells *Deceased Anonymous

Cathy C. Adams Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock

Alleen Cater Mrs. Susan W. Stockham

Laurie Allen Mr. & Mrs. Hobart A. McWhorter, Jr.

Susan Colvin Ms. Robin Burrell

Brian Barr Dr. & Mrs. James R. Williams Mary Boehm Mr. & Mrs. Alan T. Drennen Christina Boles Mr. & Mrs. John M. Musgrave Emily W. Bowron Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Maggie Brooke Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Elizabeth Broughton Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Nan Broughton Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Barbara L. Burton Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock

Jason C. Kirby Armed Forces Officers Wives Club Gardens of Inverness Garden Club Rockridge Garden Club Kathryn B. Lasker Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock

Jean Condrey Dr. & Mrs. G. William Cole Cameron Crowe Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Charles W. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Harold Doss Thomas T. Donald Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock John A. Floyd Dr. & Mrs. Mike Rushing

Sue Ellen Lucas Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Cathy Luckie Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Linda G. Massey

In honor of her career with Daniel Homes/Ingram & Associates Ms. Margi Ingram

Ellen Hardy Dr. & Mrs. James R. Williams

Margaret H. McGowan Mr. & Mrs. Mark McColl Mr. John McGowan

Fletcher D. Harvey Valley Off-Shoots Garden Club

J. Reese Murray Mr. Stephen Shaw

Henry F. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Bob de Buys Gardendale Garden Club

Will Netwon Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr.

Robert E. Newton Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Patricia J. Noble Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Henry B. Ray Mr. & Mrs. Hobart A. McWhorter, Jr. O. Gordon Robinson Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock Kimberly J. Rogers Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock

Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Mike Rushing Wildflowers Garden Club Leah M. Taylor Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock William N. Viar Mr. & Mrs. Hobart A. McWhorter, Jr. Howard P. Walthall In Honor of His Birthday Mr. Elliott Walthall

Mike Rushing Connie & C. Michael Buchanan

Robert Wendorf Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Mike Rushing

Paul Sauer Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock

Lyda S. White Mr. & Mrs. Hobart A. McWhorter, Jr.

William A. Schoel, Jr. In Honor of His Birthday Mr. & Mrs. William A. Schoel, III

Kate Newton Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr.

Ragan Cain Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock

Gifts to The Library at Birmingham Botanical Gardens

1 1 .1 .1 5 -1 2 .3 1 .1 5

Louise A. Wrinkle Mr. & Mrs. James V. Park, III

Neal Schooley Dr. & Mrs. Mike Rushing Margot R. Shaw Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock

If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly listed you, please accept our apologies and contact Drew Rickel, donor relations officer, at 205.414.3955 or

in honor of

Fletcher Harvey Valley Offshoots Garden Club Stay-at-Home Shindig Library Fund Raiser Vasha Rosenblum Thelma Stichweh

Pat Cosgrove Helen Titus

G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s

honors honors

Gifts received between

Phase I Conservatory Improvements Leading Lights Campaign Donors Platinum Level

City of Birmingham Brooke Family Foundation The Daniel Foundation of Alabama Bill & Lyndra Daniel

Gold Level

Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham Lorol Roden Bowron Rediker Rucker Foundation

Bronze Level

Anonymous (2) The Lucille S. Beeson Charitable Trust Butrus Family Advised Fund Holly Oak Garden Club Valley Off-Shoots Garden Club

All members of The Gardens receive a 10% discount off of purchases. Hours Monday-Saturday: 9:30-5:30 p.m. Sunday: 1-4 p.m.



G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s

donors donors

Mr. Edmund R. Agee, II Mr. Rogers Alley Betty & Walt Anderson Anonymous (7) Arlington Trust Company AT&T Employee Giving Campaign Mr. William Baskett Mr. & Mrs. Craig Beatty Lucille S. Beeson Charitable Trust Dr. & Mrs. Austen L. Bennett, III Mr. & Mrs. C. Eugene Boles Dr. James Bonner Kelly & Bobby Boone Mr. & Mrs. William A. Bowron, Jr. Ms. Elna R. Brendel Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr. Mr. Nelson Brooke Brooke Family Foundation Ms. Robin Burrell C. S. Beatty Construction, Inc Cahaba Media Group, Inc. Caldwell-MacKay Co., Inc. Capital Strategies Group, Inc. Mrs. Anne G. Carey Mr. & Mrs. John D. Carney, III Dr. Chenbei Chang City of Vestavia Hills The Honorable & Mrs. Melford O. Cleveland Dr. & Mrs. G. William Cole Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Coleman The Comer Foundation Mrs. Hope Cooper Cathy Crapet Mr. & Mrs. C. Coleman Daniel, II

Mrs. Susan G. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Harold Deason Mr. & Mrs. Bob de Buys D. Joseph & Ida C. Burns Designated Fund Mr. & Mrs. Harold Doss Mr. & Mrs. Alan T. Drennen Dunn-French Foundation Mrs. Mary S. Durant Mr. & Mrs. George S. Eastwood, II Wally & Janie Evans Dr. & Mrs. Robert N. Finchum Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Ross Forman, III The Forman Foundation Mrs. John Forney Sam & Betty Franklin The Dunn-French Family Friends of the Cahaba River National Wildlife Refuge Mrs. Sula Gillespie Ms. Frances Givhan Mr. & Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Mrs. Cecily Graham-Chaney & Mr. Arthur Chaney Timothy & Allison Gregg Ms. Margaret W. Grubb Ms. Jo Gunter Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hagedorn Mr. Mike Hardig Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hill Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Hoyt C. Eugene Ireland Foundation

Gifts received between

1 1. 1. 15- 12. 31. 15 Clara H. Baskett Mr. William Baskett

Mary V. Dillard Ms. Olivia Alison

W. W. Belser Mr. & Mrs. C. Coleman Daniel, II

James O. Finney Mrs. Catherine P. Smith

Jeannine Burge Oak Street Garden Shop

Martin Flannigan Mr. Robert Newton & Ms. Cynthia D. Woods Oak Street Garden Shop

Tracy Cartwright Gift Directed to Little Ones Memory Garden Mrs. Sula Gillespie


Charles S. Frazer Mrs. Mary Marcoux

Mary Frances Cason Mrs. Sandra Mann & Mr. Merrill Mann

Dorrie Fuchs Dr. Steven Hodges & Ms. Janice H. Williams

Arthur P. Cusick Mrs. Susan G. Davis

Nancy Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr.

If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly listed you, please accept our apologies and contact Drew Rickel, donor relations officer, at 205.414.3955 or

Gifts received between

1 1 .1 .1 5 -1 2 .3 1 .1 5

Iris Garden Club Harriet Isbell Dr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Jackson Dr. Susan Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Sim S. W. Johnson Mrs. Sarah R. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Jones Jones Family Fund Mr. Jacob B. Joyner Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Judd Patsy Kelley Kinder Morgan Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Peyton King Mrs. Ingrid Kraus-Tiller Mr. & Mrs. George Ladd Dr. & Mrs. James C. Lasker Leaf & Petal Wayne & Jane Lewis Cookie Logan Lorol Roden Bowron Foundation Ms. Elena A. Lovoy & Mr. Jerry Bearden Ms. Janet Lyman & Mr. Hank Siegel Rick & Barrett Brock MacKay Jane Mantooth Ms. Carol A. McCoy Mr. Daniel McHan Mr. & Mrs. Hobart A. McWhorter, Jr. Ms. Eugenia McWilliams Mike & Gillian Goodrich Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. The National Christian Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John T. Natter

Mrs. Sarah B. Neal Mr. & Mrs. Claude B. Nielsen Nimrod Long & Associates, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III Kathy Norden Ms. Adrienne L. O’Brien Ms. Charlotte Painter Padma Patel Mr. Harold Peterson Mr. & Mrs. William M. Phillips Mr. Jonathan Pillinger-Cork Mr. & Mrs. James W. Porter, II Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Kathy Ranelli Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Ray, Jr. Redmont Neighborhood Association Mr. & Mrs. James L. Richardson Evelyn Ringer Mr. Thomas W. Roberts Dr. Fred Rock & Dr. Karin Rock Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Rowe Rucker & Margaret Agee Fund Ruffner Mountain Nature Coalition, Inc. Paula & Mike Rushing William & LaVona Rushton Dr. & Mrs. B. Chandra Sekar Ms. Kaneshia Sims Mr. & Mrs. Hanson Slaughter Mr. & Mrs. William M. Slaughter Mrs. Catherine P. Smith Mrs. Lamar Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William E. Smith, Jr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr.

& Kim McBride Stephens Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Stichweh Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stukes Mr. & Mrs. Edward Taub Mr. & Mrs. Jesse R. Taylor, III Carolyn Terry The Billygoat Fund The Home Garden Club The James Milton & Sallie R. Johnson Foundation Ms. Katherine Tipton Ms. Dorothy H. Vines & Ms. Deon Neighbors Virginia Beeland Spencer Lecture Fund Virginia Stockham Ladd Family Foundation Vulcan Materials Company Aletha Watley Mrs. Charles B. Webb, Jr. Ms. Anne Wheeler & Mr. Richard A. Berliner Dr. & Mrs. James R. Williams Dr. Steven Hodges & Ms. Janice H. Williams Mr. & Mrs. John A. Williamson, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A.S. Wilson Mrs. W. W. Winfree, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Melvin M. Zivitz

memorials memorials F. Donald Hamre The Honorable & Mrs. Melford O. Cleveland Mr. & Mrs. Randy Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Bob de Buys Mrs. John Forney Mr. & Mrs. Victor H. Hanson, III Ledbetter Family Mrs. Elberta G. Reid Dr. & Mrs. Paul Sauer Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. & Kim McBride Joan C. Harrison Mrs. Ruth Pitts Ralph Johnston Ms. Mary V. Farrar Frederick W. Kraus Mrs. Ingrid Kraus-Tiller

Annie P. Lester Ms. Anne Wheeler & Mr. Richard A. Berliner Gloria T. McWilliams Ms. Eugenia McWilliams

Elizabeth Mills Anonymous Ms. Michelle Blackwood Mr. & Mrs. James S. Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Vitaly Charny Mr. Matthew Hunter Ms. Rebecca Martin Mr. Richard Mills Ms. Lori Oswald & Mr. Hans Paul Ruffner Mountain Nature Coalition, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Wills

John F. Robb Mrs. Sula Gillespie

Everette T. Taylor Mrs. Mary Marcoux Abbott Williams Mrs. Lamar Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Trafton Darden Williams Mr. & Mrs. Peyton King If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly listed you, please accept our apologies and contact Drew Rickel, donor relations officer, at 205.414.3955 or drickel@

President’s Circle $1,000 Mr. Richard M. Adams Mrs. Frances D. Blount Mrs. Alleen Cater and Dr. Lyle A. Hohnke Dr. and Mrs. Derrill Crowe Ms. Peggy Hill Mr. Philip A. Morris Mr. and Mrs. William C. Patterson Mrs. Minnie H. Rast Mr. John W. Smith T Mr. Arnold L. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. von Herrmann Mrs. A. Brand Walton

Ambassador $500-999 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Denson, III Dr. and Mrs. Winfield S. Fisher, III Drs. Alan and Doris Gertler Dr. and Mrs. G. Y. Gillespie Ms. Lida I. Hill Cliff and Cindy Martin Mrs. Louise G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Walton

Oak $250-499

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Barclift, III Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Carroll Mr. Charles A. Collat, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Doody Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Dreher Mr. and Ms. Virgil Edwards Ms. Linda Emerson Ms. Patricia Frederick Dr. and Mrs. Juan F. Gutierrez Dr. and Mrs. Jimmie H. Harvey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Lee Ms. Eugenia McWilliams Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Mitchell Mrs. John L. Rhoads Ms. Jane Russell Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Michael Straus Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sullivan Ms. Carol Anne A. Sutfin Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trafton Mr. and Mrs. Ingram D. Tynes

Magnolia $125-249

Mr. William F. Angell Mr. and Mrs. David Ballard Dr. and Mrs. Frank Benesh Ms. Irene Blalock Ms. Karin Callahan Ms. Janet Cash Mr. and Mrs. William N. Clark Dr. and Mrs. Walter D. Clark Mrs. Robert S. Clayton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Crockard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dake Mr. and Mrs. George Daniels Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Davenport Mrs. Bonnie Davis Mr. Stephen Dennis Ms. Dorothy Drake Ms. Barbara Fant Mr. and Mrs. William D. French

Mrs. C. William Gladden, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Morton Goldfarb Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt R. Haskell Mrs. Gretchen Holcomb Mr. Tyler Hooper Mr. and Mrs. Kent Keyser Dr. Robert A. Kreisberg Mr. and Mrs Jerome K. Lanning Dr. and Mrs. Peter Mannon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Markstein III Mr. and Mrs. Gerson May Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. McBride, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stan McClellan Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mills Mr. Michael J. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Morris Mr. and Mrs. John T. Oliver, III Ms. Rebecca F. Parsons The Very Reverend and Mrs. Andrew C. Pearson, Jr. Dr. Paul Samuelson Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shannon Mr. Jeff Shimizu and Mr. Tommy Robinson Mrs. Deborah K. Strauss Mr. and Mrs. William N. Thurman, III Dr. Bayard S. Tynes Ms. Wendy G. Ulrich Mr. Elbert S. Walker Mrs. Alecia Warnock Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waudby Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wood

Hydrangea $60-124

Mr. and Mrs. L.R. Addison Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ash Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Baker Mr. and Mrs. John Barnacastle Ms. Cason Benton Ms. Ann Benton Mr. and Mrs. Tom Berres Mrs. and Mr. Elizabeth Bishop Mrs. Jenny Blackmon Dr. and Mrs. Jon J. Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bradford Ms. Annette Brady Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bruner Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Burks Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. Burnham Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Burrows Ms. Susan Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carlton Bill and Lynn Carter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Casey Mr. and Mrs. Vitaly Charny Mr. and Mrs. Corvin Clark Dr. Orville W. Clayton Dr. David Clews Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Cobbs Mrs. Linda Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Don Cole Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Crawford Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery B. Cutler Ms. Susan E. Davenport Mr. Stewart F. Davis and Ms. Marilyn Lantz Mr. and Mrs. A. Fox deFuniak, III Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dodge Mr. and Mrs. Todd Dorlon Mrs. Evelyn Dunbar Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Durham Mr. Sam Erwin Mr. and Mrs. Hayven Evans Mr. and Mrs. D. Lawrence Faulkner Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Finchum Mr. Frank Fleming Mrs. John Forney Mr. and Mrs. William French, III Mr. and Mrs. James Frost Dr. Gerald M. Fuller Jason, Carrie, and Christopher Garrette Mr. and Mrs. J. Sharp Gillespy, IV Dr. and Mrs. R. David Glasgow

Memberships received between

1 1 .1 .1 5 -1 2 .3 1 .1 5

Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Gordon Ms. Carol Slaughter Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William Grimmett Dr. Jane Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. James E. Grisham Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taub Ms. Despina Vodantis Ms. Catherine Gross Mrs. Sidney Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Robin A. Wade, III Ms. Faye Hallman Ms. Cheryl Todd Ms. Peggy Wallace Mr. and Mrs. James Harris Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Walthaw, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wallace Dr. and Mrs. William K. Hawley Ms. Lynn Wilmoth Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ward Dr. Terry Bierd and Mr. Ben F. Hayley Mrs. Barbara J. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Welden Ms. Christine Heckemeyer Ms. Gage F. Woods Dr. Steven Hodges and Mrs. Mary L. Holt Ms. Janice H. Williams Becky and Bill Hutto Murray & Wayne Williamson Mr. and Mrs. James Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Wood III Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Ideker Ivey and Peter Young Dr. and Mrs. James Isobe $45-59 Ms. Ashley Archer Jones Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Janowski Ms. E. Bryding Adams Mr. Eddie Kim and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Jensen Mr. Edmund R. Agee,II Ms. Jessica Starr Ms Tina Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Allen Dr. Tori Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Whit Kennedy Ms. Deborah Baker Ms. Holly Carlisle Ms. Kay Kinnear Mrs. Margaret H. Bish Lama Tenaim Deshek Ms. Jacqueline Klima Mr. and Mrs. Van Blankenship The Reverend Stephen Mrs. William Krusen Ms. Allison Boone J. McCarthy, Jr. Ms. Charlotte E. Lackey Ms. Lela Anne Brewer Mr. Johnston Moore and Mr. Donald Barnett Mrs. Virgina B. Burnum Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Rawls Ms. Janet Lauer Mrs. Bess C. Constantine Mr. and Mrs. William A. Legg, Jr. Mrs. Shirley G. Dawson Dr. and Mrs. Robert Levin Mr. Nathan Dreger Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Lewis Dr. John A. Long and Dr. Sheri S. Long Mrs. George Bondurant Elliott Ms. Martha Faesi Mr. and Mrs. James H. Lott, Jr. Mr. Godfrey J. Fies Mr. and Mrs. Don Lowden Mr. Gregory J. Harber Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Mackey Mr. Jim A. Head, III Mrs. Lucie Magnus Mrs. Mary Hooks Mrs. Anne S. Martin Ms. Charlotte King Mr. and Mrs. John H. Martin Ms. Kitty Lineberry Mr. and Mrs. Paul McClelland Mrs. Kit MacLeod Mrs. Karen Miller Mrs. Sandra Marbutt Mrs. Billy R. Mills Ms. Linda G. Massey Claude and Janie Morris Mrs. Inez McCollum Ms. Jane Murphy Ms. Bess McCrory Mr. and Mrs. W. Donald Myers Mr. and Mrs. Emmett E. McLean Jack & Jackie Nesmith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Monk Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, Jr. Ms. Kimberly Moore Joey, Jenny, and John Parker Ms. Mary Nancy Moore Dr. Donald Patterson Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz Mr. and Mrs. Jackson M. Payne Ms. Jean B. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Perry, Jr. Mrs. Marty Mullins Dr. and Mrs. Banks Petrey Ms. Donnie G. Olis Dr. and Mrs. Paul G. Petznick Miriam Omura Hal and Donna Phillips Ms. Sherilyn Osborne Ms. Patty A. Pilkerton Mrs. and Mr. Sandra Parker Mr. and Mrs. Bill Prewitt Ms. Sarah Pass Ms. Margaret Ray Ms. Ann S. Pierce Ms. Nancy Richmond Ms. Laura Prim and Mr. Brian Bennett Ms. Joyce C. Ratliff Mr. and Mrs. James B. Riddle Ms. Emily Richardson Mr. Thomas Russell Mrs. Annette Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russell Mr. and Mrs. Greg Schumann Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Shaia Ms. Janet Sharpe Ms. Trinket Shaw Mrs. Carole Simpson Mrs. Kathy Sherrer Mr. and Mrs. William Silsbee, Jr. If we have inadvertently left your name out or incorrectly listed Mrs. Donald H. Slappey, Sr. you, please accept our apologies and contact Drew Rickel, donor Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Smith,II relations officer, at 205.414.3955 or Mrs. Catherine P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Marc Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stewart T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Snoddy Dr. W. D. Sockwell and Ms. Deborah J. Long Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliott Speake Mr. and Mrs. Bert Spence Mrs. Camille Spratling Mr. Calvin C. Crowder and Dr. Martha Strange Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Tate


Young Professional

G a r d e n S u p p o rt e r s

new&renewing new&renewing members



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2612 Lane Park Road Birmingham, Alabama 35223 205.414.3950 The Garden Dirt is printed using vegetable based inks. Please recycle.

S p rin g Pl ant Sal e More Than 100,000 plants

P r e v i e w P a r t y : Thursday, April 14 | 5 - 6:30 p.m. M e m b e r s -O n l y S a l e : Thursday, April 14 | 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Public Plant Sale Friday, April 15 | 9 - 7 p.m. Saturday, April 16 | 9 - 5 p.m. Sunday, April 17 | 11 - 3 p.m.

2016 Sponsors

L OCAT ION : B r o o k wo o d Villa ge (located in the Macy's upper parking lot) 780 Brookwood Village • Birmingham, Alabama 35209

Staffed by hundreds of volunteers ready to answer your plant & gardening questions


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