B irmingham B otanical G ardens enhancing life with plants
w ww.bbgarde ns.or g
S eptember /O ctober 2010
Fall Plant Sale
Don’t Don’t Miss Miss A A Great Great Time Time To To Plant Plant page page 88
Antiques at The Gardens To To Celebrate Celebrate Five Five Years Years page page 33
The Gardens Launches Junior Board page page 44
Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens B irmin gham B otani cal g arden s
2010 B oard
enhan cing life with plants
www. bbgar dens.
S eptem ber /O ctObe
Fall Plant Sa le -
Fall Annuals
Tropicals (peak)
Don’t Miss A Gre at Time To Plant page ?
Don’t Miss Miles Redd & DeJuan Strou d
at Antiques at The Gardens page 3
The Garden Launches s Junior Boar d
page ?
On The Cover
Peppers- Bruno Vegetable Garden
Azaleas (rebloom)
Ornamental Grasses
Fall Annuals
Tea Olives
Fall Wildflowers
Carolyn Perkins, from Dora, Alabama, often visits The Gardens with her son Jase. Jase is two years old. “Our family visits The Gardens several times a year. This summer we made a Sunday afternoon trip to see the rose garden and water feature. However, we can’t leave without seeing the fish in the pond.” Jase loves the sunshine and making new friends, so Birmingham Botanical Gardens is the perfect place to spend the day. It’s one of the most beautiful spots in Birmingham to take photos. “Since he’s growing up so fast, I look forward to capturing these special moments in The Gardens.” It isn’t too late to submit your own photograph to be considered for an upcoming issue. Please visit www.bbgardens.org for more information or email akrebbs@bbgardens.org.
Purple okra- Bruno Vegetable Garden
D irectors
Thomas G. Amason, Jr. ��������������������������������President Henry Ray ������������������������������������������� President-Elect Scott Walton ����������������������������������������������������Treasurer Lou Willie ��������������������������������������������������������Secretary Kimberly J. Rogers ����������������������������VP Development Fred Keith ���������������������������VP Facilities & Planning Morris C. Benners ������������� Immediate Past President Tricia Noble ���������������������������������������������������������Officer Janet Taylor ����������������������������������������������������������Officer Laurie Allen Miller Allen, Junior Board President Shane Boatright Mena Brock Maggie Brooke Elizabeth Broughton Richard E. Davis Clarke Gillespy Margi Ingram Carl Jones Sheryl Kimerling Mike Malone Fred Murray Reese Murrary III Kathryn Porter Hanson Slaughter Louise A. Wrinkle
O ur M ission Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens promotes public knowledge of plants, gardens & the environment; & receives, raises & administers resources for these purposes. O ur V ision The vision of Birmingham Botanical Gardens is to be one of the nation’s preeminent botanical gardens.
S taff
M ain ��������������������������������������������205.414.3950 Fred Spicer �������������������������������������� Executive Director Olivia Alison ������������������������Director of Development Stephanie Banks ���������������������������� Director of Finance Elizabeth Drewry ����������������������������������������������� Librarian Ellen Hardy �����������Education Program Coordinator Michael Hansen ���������� Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator Henry Hughes ������������������������� Director of Education George Jenkins ���������������������������� Development Officer Jason Kirby ��������������������Library Assistant & Archivist Andrew Krebbs ������������������������Director of Marketing & Membership Savannah Lanier �������������������Donor Relations Officer Hope Long ����������������������Director of Library Services John Manion �����Curator of Kaul Wildflower Garden Shelly McCarty �����������������Special Events Coordinator Carleen Mitchell �����������������������������������������Finance Clerk Phyllis Sutton ��������������Education Activities Specialist Mary-Bestor Tickle ����������������Volunteer Coordinator Rona Walters ���������������������������������Membership Assistant © 2010 Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any material in this publication without written permission of FBBG is expressly prohibited. The Garden Dirt is the newsletter of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The Garden Dirt is published six times a year to foster awareness and support events, services, and significant programs of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. We welcome your comments and address corrections. Please contact: Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Editor, Andrew Krebbs 2612 Lane Park Road Birmingham, AL 35223 205.414.3959 or akrebbs@bbgardens.org www.bbgardens.org Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens practices a policy of equal opportunity and equal access to services for all persons regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, orientation or sex. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a facility of Birmingham Park and Recreation Board. The deadline for the November/December issue is September 15, 2010.
The kids are back in school and the days are getting irreversibly shorter. Autumn, our “second season” in the southeast, is on the way, and I find many reasons to be happy about that. For plants, this is a much kinder season than the long scorching brutal days and sultry nights of summer. Your plants may not look terrific (most of my hostas look like they’ve been through a shredder) but if they could feel, they would feel absolutely great. We’re getting into prime planting season: fall installation means that plants have all winter to acclimate to their new locations, begin root growth and establishment, and are better prepared for spring activity. For trees and shrubs, it’s the best time to plant. Our two-day Fall Plant Sale (page 8) will have a great selection of these to choose from, and will also include many other kinds of plants. Fall planting is a good investment. As it turns out, so is buying fine art, furniture and accessories. Not only will they last for generations (as in “heirlooms”) but they are emblems of your personal style, and they increase in value – seen “Antiques Roadshow” lately? So don’t miss your chance to add to your collection (or start one) at our fifth annual Antiques at The Gardens (page 3). You can increase your collection of friends, too, here at The Gardens, when you join us for Cocktails in The Gardens (page 8). Cool evenings, cooler music, signature drinks and food await. Make a new friend and increase your gardening knowledge by attending one of our adult classes (page 10). An investment in information multiplies your gardening efforts and ensures more success. Proceeds from all these events and activities support our mission of educating people about plants, gardens and the environment. This past year, we delivered more free, hands-on, science-based programming than in any previous year. Like a healthy plant, we’re growing. Our many supporters – members, donors, volunteers (and shoppers) – are our sunshine and rain. Thank you. See You in The Gardens,
Fred Spicer Executive Director
Save t he Date
Fall Plant Sale set for October 16-17. Fall is a great timeto plant trees and shrubs. See page 8.
Dear Friends:
An Evening with Vince Dooley Vince Dooley’s Garden: A Horticultural Journey of a Football Coach
Cocktails in The Gardens September 9
Orchid Society Show/Sale September 18-19 First Look Party September 30 Antiques at The Gardens October 1-3 Cocktails in The Gardens October 14 Fall Plant Sale October 16-17 Garden Club of America Horticulture Conference October 24-26 Southern Turkey Tales November 7 Fine Crafts Classic November 13-14
Friday, September 24 6 p.m. | Wine and Cheese 7 p.m. | Lecture 8 p.m. | Book Signing Tickets: $10
2010 Meneice Conference Garden Clubs of America will host their ninth annual GCA Horticulture Conference: 2010 Shirley Meneice at Birmingham Botanical Gardens on October 24-26, 2010. For more information contact Deane Cook at 205.871.2004 or dpcook@charter.net.
D e ve l o p m e n t
Green and Growing…
Here at The Gardens, fall is jam-packed with special events, many of which raise funds to help us fulfill our mission. When you purchase a ticket for Cocktails in The Gardens, Antiques at The Gardens or Southern Turkey Tales, you are helping to keep The Gardens green and growing. And when you make a purchase at the Fall Plant Sale, you get something green and growing to take home! Special events generate around one third of The Friends’ operating budget each year, and we thank all of you who attend or support our events. While membership and grants help, it is your personal donations that really keep Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens afloat. Whether it is a $25 tribute gift or a $5,000 Garden Sustainer Club contribution, every gift counts and makes an impact. One family makes a monthly gift to The Gardens “just because we love it.” Thanks to your generosity, we have not had to lay off staff or cut programs (many have actually seen growth!), even in these difficult times. Given the City’s tightened budget in 2010-11, support through The Friends is even more critical. Please help us out if you can, and keep The Gardens flourishing. Visit www.bbgardens.org/supportus or call Olivia at 205.414.3961 for more information on how you can help.
Happy travelers from the Brandywine Valley Donor Tour: (Left to Right)Jarry and Janet Taylor, Sallie Johnson, Executive Director Fred Spicer, Celia Alison, Tour Leader Tom Savage of Winterthur Museum & Country Estate, Kate DeGaris, Director of Development Olivia Alison, Alleen Cater, Beth Stukes and Lydia Pursell. Come and see the spectacular gardens you missed on September 18 at Fred’s Salon Talk on the Gardens of the Brandywine.
Olivia Alison, Director of Development
Bill Baskett of Connecticut relaxes on the bench in the Southern Living Garden honoring his late wife Clara Hall Baskett. Her new bench sits opposite one that the couple gave together in memory of her parents Glenn and Frances Hall. If you would like to give a bench or a tree to commemorate a loved one or a special occasion, please contact Donor Relations Officer Savannah Lanier at 205.414.3955 or slanier@bbgardens.org. Soon you will be able to view the tribute trees and benches available on our website.
On June 22, 55 guests joined us for a day trip to Nashville’s Cheekwood Museum and Gardens, enjoying striking glass installations by artist Dale Chihuly and the colorful canvases by American Impressionist painters. We are planning more member day trips for 2011, so stay tuned to the website and The Garden Dirt for more details!
Go Fish! Leo Kayser and his daughter Debbie Straus were joined by Executive Director, Fred Spicer and Central Alabama Koi and Water Garden Society members Buck Williams, Al and Nancy Stancil, and Barbara and Joe Maple at the Kayser Lily Pool in the Hill Garden for the July release of 14 white Comet goldfish into the pool. Thanks to Leo for funding the recent renovations to the pool, which he and his late wife Simmie gave in 1989, and to Tami and Mike Smith who raised and donated the fish for the Kayser Lily Pool, as well as other water features throughout The Gardens.
St e r ne Age e First Look Part y Thursday, September 30 | 7-10 p.m. Tickets: $125 (includes show admission) S how Hours Friday, October 1 | 10-5 p.m. Saturday, October 2 | 10-5 p.m. Sunday, October 3 | 1-5 p.m. General Admission: $10
flower Designer
Pre vie w
Friday, October 1 | 9-10 a.m. Tickets: $25 (includes up to two clients) Re d Di a mond Lectures Series Friday, October 1
DeJuan Stroud - 10:30 a.m. Miles Redd - 1 p.m. Tickets: $25 (includes show admission) Lecture Combo Tickets: $40 thru September 17 For tickets or more information contact Shelly McCarty, Special Events Coordinator, at smccarty@bbgardens.org, 205.414.3965 or visit www.bbgardens.org/antiques.
The fifth annual Antiques at The Gardens is slated for Friday, October 1 through Sunday, October 3. Continental and American furniture, antique silver, jewelry, paintings, lighting, china, oriental rugs and more will fill the Garden Center at Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The glamorous First Look Party, presented by Sterne Agee, commences the weekend’s events on Thursday, September 30 from 7-10 p.m. The exclusive black tie party gives guests a chance to shop before the sale opens to the public Friday morning.
D e ve l o p m e n t
Antiques at The Gardens: Heirlooms in Bloom Celebrating Five Years
Native Alabamian DeJuan Stroud takes the stage Friday, October 1 at 10:30 a.m. with a lecture titled “Fearless Flowers and Effortless Entertaining.” Born in Andalusia, Alabama, Stroud is a well-known floral arranger and event planner who now calls New York City home. His event design firm, DeJuan Stroud, Inc., is in Manhattan’s Tribeca district. His work has been the subject of articles published in The New York Times, Martha Stewart Weddings, Southern Accents, Modern Bride, House Beautiful, House & Garden, Grace Ormond Wedding Style, New York, Elegant Bride and People. Miles Redd, a rising star in interior design, follows DeJuan Stroud with a lecture at 1 p.m. His talk, “Decorating in a Cold Climate: A Field Guide for Showing Yankees How It’s Done,” draws on his Southern heritage and his design experiences in New York. Miles describes his style as “cozy grandeur,” a blend of traditional elements, Southern hospitality and modern flair. As a speaker, Redd is famous for his quick wit and charm. His work has been showcased in a plethora of publications that include New York, Vogue, House Beautiful, Elle Décor, House & Garden, W and Country Life.
Volunteer Spotlight: Junior Board Earlier this year, Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens started its inaugural Junior Board. The group held a meet-andgreet with staff and the Board of Directors for their first meeting at Jackson’s Bistro in Homewood on February 23. More than 150 guests attended YPBirmingham’s Monthly Mingle on July 7 at The Gardens Café, billed as a Junior Board Launch Party. If you didn’t catch it, Over the Mountain Journal ran a story in their August 12 issue (you can still read it on their website at www. otmj.com). The Junior Board already has a Facebook© fan page for getting the word out about future events. (If you’re not a fan, it’s easy, just go to: www.facebook.com/JuniorBoard!). Members of the 2010 Junior Board are Miller Allen (President), Dionne Burks (Secretary), Jason Crunk, Michie Duke, Leah Fuller, Ashley Gassner (Vice-President), Courtney Green, Elizabeth Hard, Laurie Kramer, David Lorberbaum, Abe Odrezin, Doug O’Toole, Julie Price, Troy Rhone, and Jennifer Shelor. Since then, the group has been meeting on a monthly basis, getting acquainted with The Gardens’ events and programs, and planning for their future. The Junior Board is charged with the job of creating their own signature event to serve as a fundraiser for The Gardens and an awareness campaign for young professionals in the Birmingham area. The Junior Board is now seeking nominees for their 2011 board, so if you, or anyone you know, are interested in learning more, contact Public Relations Coordinator Michael Hansen at 205.414.3960 or mhansen@bbgardens.org.
YPBirmingham Board Members co-hosted their Monthly Mingle with The Gardens’ Junior Board Launch Party on July 7. From left to right: David Carn, Michael Hansen (BBG Public Relations Coordinator), Anna Nelson, Krista Conlin and Erin Melaney.
Current Volunteer News
Salvia leucanthaIreland Iris Garden
Service is an investment. All of our volunteers, from Junior Board members to Cocktails cashiers to plant loaders at the Fall Plant Sale, devote their time, energy, and enthusiasm to helping The Gardens fulfill its mission. The rewards of this investment can be seen in the wide eyes and smiles of our visitors each and every day of the year. Join this amazing group of diverse talents who keep The Gardens growing and reap the abundant rewards of giving back. Dive right in at any of our upcoming fall events! Cocktails in The Gardens is September 9 and October 14, and the Fall Plant Sale is October 16-17. Contact Volunteer Coordinator Mary-Bestor at 205.414.3962 or mtickle@bbgardens.org to get plugged in.
Please Accept our Apology:
On page 10 of the July/August issue, we listed supporters of Discovery Field Trips. We regret that The Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation was omitted and the Robert R. Meyer Foundation was misspelled. We would like to apologize to these foundation partners and again thank the supporters of our awardwinning Discovery Field Trips: Junior League of Birmingham, Vulcan Materials Foundation, Regions Financial Corporation, Robert R. Meyer Foundation, Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation, Susan Mott Webb Charitable Trust, Hugh Kaul Foundation, City of Mountain Brook and City of Vestavia Hills.
September/October Jamie Kirkell, Silk Painter ‘Orchids and Iris in the Garden’
T hyme to R ead : L ibrary B ook G roup Join us in The Library the first Tuesday of each month to discuss a new book! September 7 | 6 p.m.
Library Services
M ain L ibrary A rt G allery
The Orchid Thief: A true story of beauty and obsession by Susan Orlean October 5 | 6 p.m. Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard November 2 | 6 p.m.
Visit the Gerlach Plant Information Center inside the Garden Center during September and October for the exhibit
Great Trees for the Landscape
Tulipomania: The story of the world’s most coveted flower and the extraordinary passions it aroused by Mike Dash For more information or to get on the email list, contact Hope Long, Director of Library, at 205.414.3931 or hlong@bbgardens.org
G ardening
Good Things Growing… In The Gardens
Fred Spicer, Executive Director
At this time of year, many Alabama woodlands (including those here at The Gardens) offer a nifty purple treat: the fruit of Callicarpa americana, American beautyberry (right). Aside from other species of Callicarpa – the name means “beautiful fruit” – this is a color seldom glimpsed in the fruit of other hardy plants. These multi-stemmed deciduous shrubs are kind of quiet most of the year, but begin to shine as the glossy magenta-to-lavender berries ripen. For me, it’s a sign that autumn, and the promise of cooler weather, aren’t far off. Around here, the fruit starts coloring up in September but October is peak. Frost and animals (including Dense fruit set completely encircles the stems and can weigh down many birds, and mammals small and large) quickly take their branches. toll and by mid-November any remaining fruits will have lost their rich color. American beautyberry is also called French-mulberry, a name likely acquired during early French colonization of the West Indies, which is at the southern extreme of its native range. On the North American continent, it is native from Maryland south to Florida, west to east Texas and Oklahoma, and north to Missouri (barely) and Arkansas; with the greatest concentrations found in the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plains and Piedmont. Range maps indicate spotty nativity in Alabama, but I have seen it virtually everywhere in the state, especially in mesic (moist, not dry, definitely not wet), rocky soils regardless of the pH. Partial
American beautyberry at the edge of the Barber Alabama Woodlands at The Gardens.
shade is always a given (more sun=more flowers and fruit) and successful cultivation is very easy in these kinds of locations. It is seldom troubled by insect or disease pests.
The cultivar ‘Lactea’ (var. lactea) will brighten up shady locations with its white berries.
The sunlit side of the fruit of ‘Welch’s Pink’ are typically paler than the shaded side.
Callicarpa americana has the largest fruit of the hardy Callicarpa, and among the largest leaves. It can grow easily to 6-8’ (10’) tall and slightly less in width. I would call the texture medium-coarse in summer and coarse in winter; the habit is loose and rounded (above). Fall color is a weak green-yellow; I keep looking for strong yellow fall color but have not seen one contender (out of thousands). The small, pale purple flowers are borne in the axils of the leaves as new stems elongate. They start blooming in June and, if on a vigorous stem, continue through September, when the berries begin their show. ‘Lactea’ (var. lactea) has white flowers and fruit (top left); ‘Welch’s Pink’ has pinklavender flowers and fruit (below left).
Courtesy of
Leaf & Petal
for more information, see www.aces.edu
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S eptember
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SHRUBS-Study landscape to determine plant needs. Check early varieties of camellias. You may want to replace those damaged in spring by late freezes. After fall growth is completed, spray all shrubs with a fungicide. LAWNS-Plant seed of winter grasses where situation prevents planting permanent grasses. Winter seeds will appear soon. Stop fertilization three weeks before frost. ROSES--Protect fall crops of blossoms from aphids and thrips. Keep plants healthy. ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS-Last chance for planting perennials and biennials. Old clumps of perennials may be divided. Plant peonies. BULBS-Spring-flowering bulbs may be planted late this month in North Alabama. Delay planting in South Alabama. MISCELLANEOUS--Clean up infestations of insects on azaleas, camellias, boxwoods, gardenias, hollies, etc. If oil spray is needed, don’t use in freezing weather. Build compost bin or box;. leaves will be falling soon. Move houseplants indoors.
G ardening
Garde ning Tips for September/October
The gift shop for all your holiday giving.... home decor . furniture . books . stationery . jewelry . lighting . children’s gifts containers . garden items . floral designs Located at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens 2612 Lane Park Road, Mt. Brook 205.877.3030 . leafnpetal.com
Kathy G nov dec newsletter
7:56 AM
Page 1
VEGETABLE SEED-Plant hardy vegetables and root crops. VEGETABLE PLANTS-Plant cabbage, collards, cauliflower, celery, Brussels sprouts, and onion sets.
The Art of Kathy G
October SHRUBS-Shrub plantings can be made. Water when needed. Note varieties of camellias in bloom. Start mulching all shrubs that do not have a mulch.
Catering • Event Planning • Design
LAWNS--Continue to mow lawns until no new growth is noticeable. ROSES-Continue insect and disease control practices. New rose catalogs will be coming in. Study closely; add some new varieties to your list. ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS-Visit flower shows and gardens. List desirable varieties of mums. Clean up flower beds immediately after first killing frost. BULBS--Plant tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses, Dutch irises, anemones, and ranunculuses. Watch planting depth. Dig caladiums; clean and store in warm place. MISCELLANEOUS-Renew mulch around shrubs and rose beds. Loosen mulches that have packed down. Spray with oils before freezing weather to kill scale, mites, etc. Remove all dead stems and trash from flower beds. Transplant into small pots any cuttings taken earlier. VEGETABLE SEED-Plant turnips, mustard, kale, rape, spinach, and onion sets.
Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members receive 10% discount on lunch at the cafe *please show member card when ordering
Wonderful Lunches • Extraordinary Events The Beauty of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens Box Lunches • Event Menus • Patio Seating
Lunch: Tuesday - Saturday, 11-2 • Host your next social or corporate event at The Gardens CafÊ 2612 Lane Park Road • Birmingham • 205.871.1000 • thegardenscafe@kathyg.com
The GardensCafe by Kathy G
E ve n t s
Fall Plant Sale Saturday, October 16 | 9-5 p.m.
Continues September 9 October 14 Join us for rounds two and three of Cocktails in The Gardens on the second Thursdays in September and October from 5:30-8:30 p.m. in the Hill Garden. Tickets are just $15, but members of The Gardens get in free! The series continues on September 9 with the theme “Down Home Delights,” with Southern rocker Hunter Lawley entertaining the crowd and Spiked Lemonade as the cocktail du jour. Hunter is renowned for his energetic stage presence and unmatched sense of humor. Whether it’s an original country song or an acoustic rap cover, Hunter will have you entertained from the moment he steps on stage. Jazzy Bonus Round and Black Cherry Rum Punch round out the year on October 14 for the “Autumn Harvest Feastival.” Their diverse set lists include everything from southern rock to hip-hop, making them one of Birmingham’s most popular local acts; they’ll surprise you with their off-beat set lists, jazz-inspired renditions and charisma. Nearly 500 guests filled the Hill Garden on August 12 to kick off the 2010 season of Cocktails. FisherGreen, a relatively new band made up of local music stars Chad Fisher and Heath Green, captivated the audience with their Southern soul and classic covers. Occasions by Wynfrey is catering all three events, offering an selection of complementary hors d’oeuvres for guests to enjoy along with the cocktails and entertainment. For more information, visit www.bbgardens.org/cocktails.
Sunday, October 17 | Noon-4 p.m. Admission: FREE Blount Plaza at Birmingham Botanical Gardens Fall is the best time to plant, so stock up on everything you need for your garden at our annual Fall Plant Sale! Hours are set for Saturday, October 16 from 9-5p.m. and Sunday, October 17 from noon-4p.m in Blount Plaza at The Gardens. You don’t want to miss out on our huge selections of annuals, biannuals, climbers, fall lettuces, bedding plants, camellias, herbs, hostas, irises, natives, perennials, trees, shrubs, ferns and more. And don’t forget about all the free expert advice you get from our wonderful volunteers! Admission is absolutely free, and proceeds from the sale help support the educational mission of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. For more information visit www.bbgardens.org or contact Special Events Coordinator, Shelly McCarty at 205.414.3965 or smccarty@bbgardens.org.
Alabama Orchid Society Show & Sale
Saturday, September 18 | 10-5 p.m. Sunday, September 19 | 10-4 p.m.
The Alabama Orchid Society hosts its annual show & sale September 18-19 in the Garden Center at Birmingham Botanical Gardens, featuring dozens of unique and beautiful orchids from local and national vendors. Orchids submitted by growers and orchid societies will be judged by the Alabama Orchid Society. The show/ sale is free and open to the public.
Henry Hughes , Director of Education
Native oak seedlings propagated and grown at Birmingham Botanical Gardens for planting in George Ward Park in October 2010 were displayed at the Garden Club of America’s (GCA’s) annual Zone VIII Flower Show in Atlanta, GA this past April. Member clubs were required to submit an entry in the class, “Urban Canopy… Root for Your City,” inspired by GCA’s 2013 Centennial theme, “Trees, Our Living Legacy.” Members of Red Mountain and Little Garden Club jointly submitted an entry of a native seedling hickory, grown from seed at The Gardens; they collected the seeds in George Ward Park in 2009 and propagated them at The Gardens in 2010. The hickory won first place! It will be planted in George Ward Park this fall, in the second year of a fiveyear program to reforest the park, the clubs’ joint project leading up to the GCA centennial. The clubs also jointly submitted a five-seedling entry in the class, “All in the Family… Kissing Cousins” (for the propagation of five tree species from one genus or family). This entry also brought home a blue ribbon and won the prestigious Clarissa Willemsen Horticulture Propagation Award, for an entry “distinguished by its prime condition, flawless grooming and difficulty of propagation.” Congratulations to both the Little Garden Club and Red Mountain Garden Club!
George Ward Park Seedlings Win Top Honors
Above: Members of the Little Garden Club (LGC) and Red Mountain Garden Club (RMGC) holding the five oak seedlings for which they won the Clarissa Willemsen Horticulture Propagation Award. Pictured are, from left to right are: Sally Worthen, LGC, with a blackjack oak; Hallie Rawls, RMGC, with a white oak; Trudy Evans, LGC, with a chestnut oak; Babbie Shelton, LGC, with a post oak and Mary Evelyn McKee, RMGC, with a black oak.
Left: Katie King, Birmingham Botanical Gardens’ Rotary Club of Shades Valley 2010 Summer Intern, inspects a red oak sapling planted in George Ward Park in 2009.
Adult & Family Classes For more information or to register visit www.bbgardens.org or call 205.414.3958 Floral Design 101 Instructor: Hank Ponder Thursdays: September 9, 16, 23 & October 7 | 6-8 p.m. $130 Members / $156 Non-members
Making a Down Under Pot II Instructor: Hope Long Saturday, September 11 | 10 a.m.-Noon $30 Members / $36 Non-members
Salon Talk: Brandywine Valley Tour Instructor: Fred Spicer Thursday, September 16 | 6-8 p.m. Free for Members / $15 Non-members
Glass Fused Jewelry You design it, we fire it Instructor: Deborah Ballog Saturday, September 25 | 9 a.m.-Noon $60 Members / $75 Non-members
Lawn Care: Fall Maintenance for Homeowners Instructor: Fred Kapp Thursday, October 7 | 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $12 Members / $15 Non-members
Growing Native Trees from Seed Instructor: Henry Hughes Saturday, October 9 | 9 a.m.-Noon Free Member Class
Grow, Create and Eat: Herbal Vinegars & Butters Instructor: Wendy Ulrich Saturday, October 9 | 10 a.m.-Noon $20 Members / $25 Non-members
From Plastic Wrap to Fabulous Creating floral arrangements from the grocery store Instructor: Hank Ponder Thursday, October 21 | 6-8 p.m. $20 Members / $25 Non-members
Raising Urban Chickens Instructor: Barbara Saurer Saturday, October 23 | 10 a.m.-Noon $15 Members / $18 Non-members
Come Again...What Was That? Translating botanical names for great results Instructor: John Manion Saturday, October 23 | 1-4 p.m. $25 Members / $32 Non-members
Class with Glass: Holiday Fused Ornaments Instructor: Deborah Ballog Saturday, November 6 | 9 a.m.-Noon $60 Members / $75 Non-members
Southern Turkey Tales
Kathryn Tucker Windham & Dolores Hydock Sunday, November 7 | 2-4 p.m. $25
Southern Institute of Photography Prepares Fall Slate of Classes
Birmingham Botanical Gardens will again host a full complement of photography classes this fall, as the Southern Institute of Photography offers popular favorites such as “Basic Digital Photography,” “Wedding and Bridal Photography,” Sports Photography,” “Introduction to Adobe Photoshop,” “Beyond the Basics (Intermediate Digital Photography), “The Art of Photographic Composition, “High Dynamic Range and Panoramic Photography,” “Infrared Photography,” “Build Your Own Photo Website, “Photo Editing with Photoshop Elements - Level 1,” and “Basic Studio Lighting Techniques.” Innovation has been a hallmark of the Institute since its inception, and the Fall term should be no exception. New titles include “Classic Hollywood Glamour Photography,” “Paint With Your Camera,” and “Movie-Making with Your DSLR.” Most classes will meet one weekday evening each week for 6 weeks, although we have several special courses that will be taught in a single weekend. The fees for the classes vary due to content and class length, but all are very affordable and offer great value. The full schedule is available online at www.bbgardens.org with full descriptions and registration. Contact Henry Hughes, Director of Education at 205.414.3951 or hhughes@bbgardens.org with questions or suggestions. Additionally, The Gardens anticipates the return of Birding classes this fall – a special treat for all those who love and appreciate nature and the outdoors. What better place to learn about the birds around us than here at the Gardens? Look for details at www.bbgardens.org.
HOLLYDAY MAGIC 2010 For children ages 5 – 11 years Thursday, December 9 or Friday, December 10 4-6 p.m. $25 Members/$30 Non-Members
HollyDay Magic is coming soon; mark your calendars for December 9 and 10. Young craftsmen, ages 5-11, will have the opportunity to fashion their own gifts and ornaments, many from natural materials. Children will decorate cookies for a light snack. Since all the crafts are hands-on, be sure your child wears play clothes for an afternoon of fun. Each day’s participation is limited to 100 children and is always a sell-out with a waiting list; make your reservations early. Advance registration is required. For reservations or more information please contact Phyllis Sutton, Education Activities Specialist, at psutton@bbgardens.org or 205.414.3958.
Patron Chairman Mr. & Mrs. W. Frank Cobb, III Mrs. Louise D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher Director Mr. & Mrs. James M. Johnson Mrs. Claire H. Fairley Mayer Electric Supply Company, Inc Advisor Mr. & Mrs.Guy K. Mitchell, Sr. Mrs. Fay B. Ireland Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Dr. James L. Newsome Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Pursell Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Northen III Mrs. William M. Spencer, III Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Ray, Jr. Benefactor Mrs. Dorothy L. Renneker Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Allison Mr. & Mrs. B. Hanson Slaughter Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor Mr. Stewart M. Dansby Mr. & Mrs. W. Hall Thompson Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Arant Stockham Mr. & Mrs. John N. Wrinkle Southern Progress Foundation Garden Sustainers are our top annual donors, who in the words of the late charter member Bill Spencer, “give more to support a garden that’s free for everyone else.”
Mrs. Ruby S. Ansley
Fran Lawlor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet
Dr. Michael E. Malone
Mrs. Lucille S. Beeson
Ms. Louise T. McAvoy
Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown
Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz
D. Joseph & Ida C. Burns
Mr. Philip Morris
Mrs. Suzanne Clisby
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr.
Mrs. Martha Stone Cobb Daniel
Dr. & Mrs. A. I. Perley
The Dunn-French Family
Steve & LeAnne Porter
Mr. F. Lewter Ferrell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Spencer, III
Mr. R.R. Herbst
Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr.
Mr. J. Ernest & Mrs. Ora Lee Hill
Mr. Douglas Arant Stockham
Mr. George L. Jenkins
Dr. Wendell H. Taylor
Hugh & Bobbe Kaul
Mrs. Carolyn D. Tynes
Members of The Perennial Society have made a planned gift, a bequest, or an endowment gift of $10,000 or more to The Gardens.
H onors Mr. & Mrs. John Adams Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Allen Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Allison Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Russell Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Stewart Larry Burgess Mr. Robert Waudby & Ms. Anne C. Waudby Lynn Burgess Mr. Robert Waudby & Ms. Anne C. Waudby Karen Chapman Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Stephen F. Cook Ms. Janet Sharpe Mr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Davis Win Miller Ella Kate Miller
Dr. Bodil Lindin-Lamon
5 . 1 . 1 0 - 6 . 3 0 . 1 0 James O. Finney Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet Mr. & Mrs. Harold Doss Mary P. Forman Mr. & Mrs. J. Ross Forman, III Mr. & Mrs. Key Foster, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jamie French Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Gewin Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Clarke Gillespy Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Carlie Beth Gipson Mr. David Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Harold Goings Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mike Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Will Goodwyn Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dismukes Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Joanna Gotlieb Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Espstein
Mr. & Mrs. Bitsy Doss, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Graham Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Virgie Elkourie Mrs. Wanda Elkourie
Mr. & Mrs. Wyatt Haskell Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mrs. Trudy Evans Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hinds Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
FBI Perennial Society Mr. & Mrs. Don Lowden
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hughey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Featheringill Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Don James Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Roberts Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Karpeles, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mabry Rogers Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Susan Kissel Mrs. Claude C. White
Julia Pope Mrs. Marian B. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. John Klyce Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Rachel Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Espstein
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Schleusner Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Art Malone Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Kay Shackelford Mr. Jason Turner
Mary Lowrey Mr. & Mrs. Vitaly Charny
Irma St. John Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Ruby L. McArdle Mrs. Anita Mazer Cord
Joan Thomas Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Miriam McClung Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bundy
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Thomasson Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mood Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Vann Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Murray, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Vann Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Drayton Nabers Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walthall Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nicrosi Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George Wheelock III Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Phelps Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Worthen Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kip Porter Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
Billy Wood Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Roth
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Renneker III Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr.
G arden S uppor ters
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge
G arden S uppor ters
5 . 1 . 1 0 - 6 . 3 0 . 1 0
Alice Addison Patrick Mawhinney
Ann Longshore Mr. & Mrs. Richard Latimer
Betty P. Spencer Dr. J. Terrell Spencer
Robert H. Blackshear Mrs. Martha B. Welch
Anne M. Magnus Mrs. Lexa L. Magnus & Dr. Jonathan Waddell
John Bradford Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gresham Mr. & Mrs. J. Fred Ingram
Christine E. Mathis Mrs. Mary Frances Wallace
William M. Spencer Dr. Yarlagadda Babu Mr. & Mrs. William F. Denson, III Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Dreher Mrs. Walter B. Evans Mr. Robert Fitts Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Staff Mr. Eddie Mac Hines Mr. & Mrs. J. Reese Murray Mr. & Mrs. Knud Nielsen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. & Ms. Kim McBride Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II Dr. & Mrs. James R. Williams Mr. & Mrs. James A. Woods, Sr.
Alice L. McCallum Dr. Charles A. McCallum
Edith Broughton Anonymous Betty F. Byars Mrs. John Forney
Ken McKenzie Ms. Sara R. Sistrunk
Nell Hurley,
devoted volunteer
Flos Cole Ms. Martha L. Riddle
Mrs. Fay B. Ireland Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II Ms. Jane Thomason
Mark Corr Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Walter W. Dismukes Ms. Carole Barton
Eva W. Gambrell Ms. Dianne Ellis
Irvin C. Kinney Mrs. Richard G. Bastar, Jr. Ms. Joan Bullock Mr. & Mrs. A. Philip Cook, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David S. Hassinger Ms. Nancy McCollum Mrs. Betty K. Poellnitz Mr. & Mrs. Lathrop W. Smith, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stuart X. Stephenson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alex Vare
Joshua E. Hadraba Mrs. Jenifer Hadraba
Ruth Knopf Mrs. Georgia Osborne
Scott Hadraba Mrs. Jenifer Hadraba
Alexander S. Lacy Mrs. John Forney
Helen Hagestratou Mrs. Toula Fulford
Mary Louise Lamkin Ms. Mary Carolyn G. Boothby Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Stockham
Ed Dixon Ms. Mary Carolyn G. Boothby Beverley W. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. William F. Denson, III
Alfred J. Harris Ms. Rosemary Strouss
Helen & Frank Lawlor Ms. Frances H. Lawlor
J. C. Hastings Mrs. Karla Vevle David D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. William F. Denson, III
Towana Lichty Mr. & Mrs. Jim A. Tucker
Tom McWilliams Mr. & Mrs. Gene McWilliams Jesse E. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Bean Mallie Morrison Ms. Martha L. Riddle Annie Mae B. Nickell Mr. & Mrs. Earl Trafton Mary Frances Peeples Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Molliston Alice E. Pigman Ms. Dorothea A. Klip Max Pope Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Laurel H. Porterfield Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Porterfield, Jr. Katherine B. Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor, III Walter G. Ruebeck Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. & Ms. Kim McBride Gertrude R. Sherrod Mr. & Mrs. J. Reese Murray Earle H. Shugerman Dr. & Mrs. Joe Hughes
Charles S. Spicer Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. & Ms. Kim McBride Frederick Spicer Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. & Ms. Kim McBride George Peach Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II Antoinette L. Tully Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gresham Dan Wagner Mr. Frank A. Wagner Louise Watkins Ms. Barbara Hyde Harriet L. Wax Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd E. Eckberg Louis H. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II Frances Wiygul Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kiell Dr. & Mrs. H. Evan Zeiger Mr. & Mrs. John T. Oliver, III
Gifts to The Library May/July 2010
Flora Dora Garden Club in memory of Kathryn Latta Ron & Olive Harlan in memory of Dr. Earl Shugerman Caroline Smith in memory of Mrs. Jeanne M. Lollar Susan S. Elliott in honor of Clarissa Harms and Diana Slaughter
Camellia Garden Club John D. Bearden Barbara Simpson flower Magazine Virginia Barr John Floyd Terry A. Beckham Pat Dormuth Barbara Lampkin Stan Moss Linda Grissom
Capsicum spp - B runo V egetable G arden
R enewing
P R E S I D E N T ’ S C I R C L E $ 1 , 0 0 0
M. Clagett Collins Mr. & Mrs. James Delk Mrs. Shawn Dunaway Mr. & Mrs. Paul Elkourie Mrs. Ann R. Elliott The Thompson Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Richard Feist Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Clayton, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James O. Finney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. North Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Winston Gillum, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John C. Rives Mr. & Mrs. M. James Gorrie Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Shaia Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Gross Dr. & Mrs. Leland Hull, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Williamson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Elbert S. Jemison, Jr. A mbassador Ms. Patricia Johnson Mrs. Beverly Kimes $ 5 0 0 Mrs. Sandra Lawler Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Lindstrom, Jr. Ann & Angelo Bruno Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Wade A. Mahlke Mr. & Mrs. William H. Barnes Mr. John Manion Ms. Margi Ingram Mrs. Cindy Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGough Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mills O A K Mrs. Charlotte S. Murdock Dr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Nading, Jr. $ 2 5 0 Mr. & Mrs. Will Phillips, Jr. Collier’s Nursery Dr. Firoz Rahemtulla Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Crum Dr. & Mrs. Harry B. Register, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Daniel Dr. & Mrs. R. Waid Shelton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Glenn Mr. & Mrs. A. Wendall Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Harley Mrs. Kathy M. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Spotswood Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hughey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stitt Mr. Dan Hutchson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Strong Mr. George L. Jenkins Dr. & Mrs. Wendell H. Taylor, Jr. Mr. G.T. LaBorde Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Thomasson Ms. Lucy McCown Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Vitalis Mr. & Mrs. John L. Rhoads Dr. & Mrs. Peter Weinheimer Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Troy Rhone Mr. & Mrs. George F. Wheelock, III Dr. Merle M. Salter & Dr. Paul P. Salter Dr. & Mrs. James R. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Lathrop W. Smith, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. George L. Zorn, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Walton
M A G N O L I A $ 1 2 5 Interiorscapes, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Abele, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James F. Alison, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Morris C. Benners, Jr. Mrs. Glenda Boudreaux Mr. & Mrs. Barto L. Brown, III Dr. Loretta G. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. David Camp Mr. & Mrs. Ehney A. Camp, III Mrs. Augusta Cash
H Y D R A N G E A $ 6 0 Dr. Dennis A Goldsmith Ms. Terry P. Adams Ms. Marie Agee Ms. Janice Allen Ms. Lisa Altamirano Ms. Linda C. Askey Carol Ball Mrs. Becky Bashinsky Mr. & Mrs. Murray Beck Alison Belcher Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Belden, III Dr. & Mrs. Austen L. Bennett, III Mr. & Mrs. C. Adrian Bewley
members Mr. Robert Blach Mrs. Kathryn Boswell Mrs. Vicki Browder Mr. & Mrs. Wallace R. Bunn Mr. & Mrs. H. Denson Burnum, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Burrows Mr. & Mrs. William L. Camp Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Carruthers, III Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Cassimus Mr. & Mrs. Vitaly Charny Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Clark Ms. Paula C. Cosper Mrs. Mollie W. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Charley Cox Mrs. Lyn Davis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DiPiazza Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Drennen Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Dunbar, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John T. Eagan Ms. Terri Earnest Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Espstein Ms. Mary V. Farrar Dr. Edwin Fineberg & Dr. Naomi S. Fineberg Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Friend, III Mr. & Mrs. Jospeh G. Gamble Mr. Michael Geer & Mrs. Melanie Geer Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gewin Mr. & Mrs. James M. Gillespy, III Mrs. Lalie Given Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Glaze Rev. Elizabeth Cole Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. Mike Harfield Mrs. Shirley Haynesworth Mr. & Mrs. Garland W. Heare Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd L. Hefner Mr. & Mrs. Danny Herrin Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hill Mrs. Christine Hill Mr. & Mrs. William D. Holder Dr. & Mrs. James C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Johnston Dr. & Mrs. William H. Kessler Mrs. Patricia King Ms. Carol Kirkpatrick Mr. & Mrs. John Latham Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Lavender Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Lewis Ms. Elanie O. Lewis Ms. Linda Little Ms. Dorothy Lofton Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Long Ms. Annie Loo Mr. & Mrs. James R. Lowery
Mr. & Mrs. Truitt Luckie Ms. Maryann Manning Mrs. Virginia R. May Mrs. Amy McCain Mrs. Dorothy H. McCue Ms. Jeannine McElroy Mr. & Mrs. Hobart A. McWhorter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mendelsohn Mrs. Edwin Miller Mrs. Sandra Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Miller Mr. Brian Milster Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Dan Modak Ms. Amy Monroe Mr. & Mrs. M.E. Moor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Mouron Mr. Mark Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Bert Nettles Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. O’Donnell Dr. & Mrs. Lamar S. Osment Ms. Mary T. Pate Mrs. Becky Pate Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pearson Mr. Joey & Adele Peters Maureen Pezzementi Ms. Milner Phillips Ms. Laura D. Pointer Ms. Julie Price Mrs. Carol Reese Ms. Ruth Reichwein Ms. Leah Rice Mr. & Mrs. William E. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rogers Ms. S. Lane Rutledge Dr. & Mrs. Ed Rutsky Ms. Virginia Scruggs Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Shah Ms. Anne Shaughnessy Ms. Elaine Shealy Ms. Jennifer Shelor Dr. & Mrs. Robert Sherrill Mrs. Lynne O. Simmons Ms. Donna Slovensky Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Smith Mr. & Mrs. Steve Smith Mrs. Martha C. Snow Mary Frances Stayton Dr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Stokely Dr. & Mrs. John P. Strickland Ms. Rosemary Strouss Mrs. Betty J. Susina Dr. & Mrs. I. J. Tortorici Mr. & Mrs. Bayard S. Tynes, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Marshall Urist Mrs. Libba Vaughan
D onors Alabama Nursery Co. Alabama Power Company Blonde Salon and Spa Bradley, Arant, Boult, Cummings LLP Brasfield & Gorrie Covenant Woods of Gardendale Haskell, Slaughter, Young & Rediker LLC Johnson Sterling, Inc. Junior League of Birmingham KPMG LLP Lucille S. Beeson Charitable Trust New Horizons - UAB RealtySouth Young Realtor’s Council Regions Financial Corporation Robert R. Meyer Foundation ServisFirst Bank Sprig O’Holly Garden Club Sulligent First Baptist Church Thomas E. Jernigan Foundation Tremont Garden Club Whole Foods Market Mr. Carl W. Albright III Mr. J.R. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet Ms. Carole Barton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Bean Mr. & Mrs. Morris C. Benners, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Victor Bey Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Bissell Ms. Rebecca J. Blair
5 . 1 . 1 0 - 6 . 3 0 . 1 0 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Waldrop Ms. Rhonda Walters Ms. Carol G. Washington Ms. Lynn M. Watson Mr. & Mrs. Martin C. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Wilson Mrs. Bess O. Yeilding
T R I L L I U M $ 4 5 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. Aldridge, Jr. Mrs. Pamela Alling Ms Carol L. Alston Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Baker, Jr. Michael Baker Mrs. Betsy B. Bancroft Ms. Lynn Bledsoe Mr. & Ms. John Bolland Ms. Mimi Boston Mrs. Jocelyn Bradley Dr. Kathy Buchan Mrs. Tiffany Bunt Ms. Mary Beth Burner Mrs. Joanne Carnes Ms. Joy Carter Dr. Deborah Chargois Mr. William H. Cole Mrs. Robert Crumbaugh, Jr. Mrs. Denise Drace Ms. Lynn Dunn Mrs. Helen Dunn Ms. Lauren Eszes Mr. & Mrs. Hugh S. Gainer Ms. Ann Garrett Ms. Jeanne Gibbs Mr. Leon Godchaux Mr. & Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Dr. & Mrs. John S. Gould Ms. Debbie Graves Ms. Gaines Grelier Susan Hall Mr. Tom Hart Nancy Hartsfield Ms. Sharon Harville Mrs. Patricia Hawkins Ms. Jeremy B. Hayden Mr. & Mrs. William B. Hays Mrs. Caroline M. Head Mrs. Emil C. Hess Mrs. Sharon Hixon Ms. Beth Holland & Griffin Holland Ms. Benita Hollis Ms. Sandra Holtzclaw Ms. Mary S. Hooper
G arden S uppor ters
N ew
Ms. Susan Isbill Mrs. Laurie Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Luther B. Lanier Ms. Joanna Liverant Mr. Don B. Long & Dr. Marianna Long Mr. David Lorberbaum Mrs. Evelyn Lucas Mr. & Mrs. James May Mr. & Mrs. A. Stephen Meadows Mrs. Nell S. Metz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moore Mrs. Natasha Morris Ms. Marcia Mouron Mrs. Dona Musgrave Mr. William Nicholas Ms. Brenda Oakley Mr. Abraham Odrezin Ms. Carol Ogle Mrs. Sondra S. Olmsted Ms. Judith A. O’Quinn Mrs. Susan Orr Mrs. Peggy Parker Ponya Parks Mrs. Gail Parrish Mrs. Kay Parsons Ms. Mary Ann Pass, M.D. Mrs. Anita Powell Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Quintana Ms. Gloria Randolph Mr. T. Tydings Robin, Jr. Ms. Linda Sanders Terry Schilder Dr. Kim Schmitt Mr. John Schoppert, Jr. Ms. Kandis Scudder Ms. Linda Sherk Ms. Charlotte Smith Ms. Jenny L. Smith Rebecca Smith Mr. & Mrs. John H. Stack Dr. & Mrs. Philip Stalker, M.D. Mrs. Mary S. Steiner Mrs. Ruby R. Struck Mrs. Sidney Thompson Mrs. Pam Tran Mrs. & Mr. Ann Vrocher Mrs. Edith Waldrop Mrs. Sidney Q. Weatherly Ms. Alice Wilbanks Johnson Ms. Lee Woehle Mrs. Suzanne H. Woodall Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ziegler Ms. Dorothy Ziff
5 . 1 . 1 0 - 6 . 3 0 . 1 0 Mr. William Broughton Mr. & Mrs. Tom Broughton III Dr. James Bryant Mr. & Mrs. John Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bundy Mr. & Mrs. Catlin Cade, IV Mr. & Mrs. Ehney A. Camp, III Mr. & Mrs. John D. Carney, III Judge & Mrs. John L. Carroll Dr. Deborah Chargois Mr. & Mrs. Vitaly Charny Dr. & Mrs. Orville W. Clayton Ms. Carole H. Cobb Mr. & Mrs. Brian Coffee Mrs. Elizabeth Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cooper Mr. Ernest Cory Mr. & Mrs. Charley Cox Ms. Elizabeth Crawford Mr. & Mrs. C. Hartwell Davis, Jr. Ms. Margaret Davis Ms. Susan Dominick Mr. & Mrs. Harold Doss Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Doss Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Dreher Mrs. Wanda Elkourie Ms. Dianne Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Alvin V. Filer Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Mrs. James R. Forman, Jr.
Mrs. John Forney Mr. Samuel H. Franklin Mrs. Toula Fulford Mr. & Mrs. Clarke H. Gillespy Mr. & Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Jay Grinney Mrs. Jenifer Hadraba Mrs. Clarissa Harms Mr. Gregory H. Hawley Dr. & Mrs. Joe Hughes Ms. Barbara Hyde Mr. & Mrs. J. Fred Ingram Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Mr. David Jordan Mr. Leo Kayser, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Wayne W. Killion, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Price Kloess Mr. & Mrs. Richard Latimer Ms. Frances H. Lawlor Mrs. Marian B. Lewis Mr. Dennis Limbaugh Mr. & Mrs. Walter Little Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Lucas Mr. & Mrs. Michael Luce Mr. George G. Lynn Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Rick Mackay Mrs. Lexa L. Magnus & Dr. Jonathan Waddell
Dr. Charles A. McCallum Mr. Mark Rosse & Mrs. Kaye McWane-Rosse Mr. & Mrs. Gene McWilliams Win Miller Mr. William Miller Mr. Edward F. Minner Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Molliston Mr. John D. Moore Mr. Mac M. Moorer Mr. & Mrs. Drayton Nabers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Noble, III Mrs. Jane Ogles Mr. & Mrs. John T. Oliver, III Mr. & Mrs. William C. Patterson Mrs. Tonya Payne Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Perry, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John R. Phillips, III Mr. & Mrs. Gray Plosser, Jr. Mrs. Betty K. Poellnitz Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Porterfield, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harlan I. Prater, IV Mr. & Mrs. Milton C. Ragsdale, IV Mr. & Mrs. William T. Ratliff, III Ms. Martha L. Riddle Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Roberts Mr. Gene Robinson Mr. E. Mabry Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Rogers Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Roth
Mrs. William J. Rushton, III Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Shepard Mr. Allen Small Mr. & Mrs. Roland B. Smith Mr. Sperry Snow Dr. W. D. Sockwell & Ms. Deborah J. Long Dr. J. Terrell Spencer The Late Mr. William M. Spencer, III Mrs. Virginia B. Spencer Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. & Ms. Kim McBride Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Stanley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Stancil Starnes Mary Frances Stayton Mr. Michael Sterling Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Stockham Ms. Rosemary Strouss Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II Mr. Dennis Trammell Mr. Jason Turner Mrs. Karla Vevle Mr. Frank A. Wagner Mrs. Mary Frances Wallace Mrs. Martha B. Welch Mrs. Claude C. White Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd R. Wilson Mr William C. Wood Mr. & Mrs. John N. Wrinkle
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