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enhancing lif e with plants

www.bbg a r dens.o rg


M arch /A pril 2010

Glorious Gardens Set For Mother’s Day Weekend Page 3 Earth Day at The Gardens Celebrates 14 Years Page 8 Children’s Summer Camps Announced Page 9

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens 2010 B oard

enhancing lif e with plants

www.bb g ar dens.org


M arch /a pril 2010






Lenten Roses


Native Azaleas


Glorious Gardens Set For Moth er’s Day Weekend Page 3 Earth Day at The Gardens Celeb rates 14 Years Page 8 Children’s Summer Camps Anno unced Page 9

On The Cover Grethel Van Epps is a local photographer who loves coming to The Gardens to shoot on location with her clients. She enjoys the serenity and peacefulness The Gardens portray in her work. The Gardens also provides a diverse landscape and a richness of color every season of the year. It is one of her favorite places to work.

Viburnum x burkwoodii ‘Mohawk’ Curry Rhododendron Garden

April: Azaleas


Bigleaf Magnolias



Native Azaleas





Flowering Shrubs



Wildflowers (peak)

In this picture, Grethel captured a photo of a lovely family with two little girls who really enjoyed exploring Birmingham Botanical Gardens on a beautiful spring day. Grethel has had many photo sessions at Birmingham Botanical Gardens, however this one is one of her favorites because it reflects a special connection between the family and the beauty of The Gardens. It isn’t too late to submit your own photograph to be considered for an upcoming issue.

Rhododendron ‘Roblel’- Autumn Debutante™ Curry Rhododendron Garden


D irectors

Thomas G. Amason, Jr. ��������������������������������President Henry Ray ������������������������������������������� President-Elect Scott Walton ����������������������������������������������������Treasurer Lou Willie ��������������������������������������������������������Secretary Kimberly J. Rogers ����������������������������VP Development Fred Keith ���������������������������VP Facilities & Planning Morris C. Benners ������������� Immediate Past President Tricia Noble ���������������������������������������������������������Officer Janet Taylor ����������������������������������������������������������Officer

Please visit www.bbgardens.org for more information or email akrebbs@bbgardens.org.

Laurie Allen Shane Boatright Mena Brock Maggie Brooke Elizabeth Broughton Richard E. Davis Clarke Gillespy Margi Ingram Carl Jones Sheryl Kimerling Mike Malone Fred Murray Reese Murrary III Kathryn Porter Hanson Slaughter Louise A. Wrinkle

O ur M ission Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens promotes public knowledge of plants, gardens & the environment; & receives, raises & administers resources for these purposes. O ur V ision The vision of Birmingham Botanical Gardens is to be one of the nation’s preeminent botanical gardens.

S taff

M ain ��������������������������������������������205.414.3950 Fred Spicer �������������������������������������� Executive Director Olivia Alison ����������������������������� Development Director Stephanie Banks ����������������������������������Finance Director Elizabeth Drewry ����������������������������������������������� Librarian Susan Grimes ���������Horticulture Therapy Coordinator Ellen Hardy �����������Education Program Coordinator Michael Hansen ���������� Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator Henry Hughes �������������������������������Education Director George Jenkins ���������������������������� Development Officer Jason Kirby ��������������������Library Assistant & Archivist Andrew Krebbs ������������������������Director of Marketing & Membership Savannah Lanier �������������������Donor Relations Officer Hope Long ����������������������Director of Library Services Shelly McCarty �����������������Special Events Coordinator Carleen Mitchell �����������������������������������������Finance Clerk Phyllis Sutton ��������������Education Activities Specialist Mary-Bestor Tickle ����������������Volunteer Coordinator Rona Walters ���������������������������������Membership Assistant The Garden Dirt is the newsletter of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The Garden Dirt is published six times a year to foster awareness and support events, services, and significant programs of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. We welcome your comments and address corrections. Please contact: Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Editor, Andrew Krebbs 2612 Lane Park Road Birmingham, AL 35223 205.414.3959 or akrebbs@bbgardens.org www.bbgardens.org Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens practices a policy of equal opportunity and equal access to services for all persons regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, orientation or sex. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a facility of Birmingham Park and Recreation Board. The deadline for the May/June issue is March 15.

Want some great news? For all of 2009, more than 1,500 volunteers gave over 24,000 hours of service to Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. This represents 36% more people volunteering and 22% more total hours than what we reported for all of 2008. At the rate of $20.25, set by the nonprofit Independent Sector, the value of this community involvement is almost $500,000, and equates to about 12 full-time positions. It’s very simple: our volunteers make delivery of our mission possible. We’re profoundly grateful for each and every volunteer we have, and for their on-going dedication, season after season (our work is year-round), and year after year (we have some volunteers with over forty years of service). Everyone who works at The Gardens, whether they work for The Friends, the city of Birmingham, or Extension (ACES), knows many volunteers by name. Volunteers are involved, hands-on, and are woven tightly into everything from providing broad organizational strategies to providing specific gardening advice to the public, and from leading children’s science classes to leading special events. Many of our volunteers also provide two additional pillars of strength for our organization: membership and charitable donations. Membership offers numerous personal benefits, but also supports our print and web-based publications. Giving a gift of membership (www.bbgardens.org/ membership) is not only an easy way to support The Gardens but a terrifically nice gesture to a friend or relative. Making a charitable donation (including tributes, on line at www.bbgardens. org/donations) is a tax-deductible transaction and a gift that facilitates our mission. To all who those who supply this triad of support, we give a special thankyou. See you in The Gardens, Fred

FREE MEMBER CLASS “Seasonal Flower Bed Design”, Saturday, March 20 9 a.m. – Noon Visit www.bbgardens.org/membership for more information

Save t he Date

Virginia Beeland Spencer Lecture March 11 6:30 p.m.

Spring Plant Sale Public Sale April 16-18 Member Sale April 15 Cellar Stock April 8 Rotary Club of Shades Valley Botanical Bash April 9 Earth Day at The Gardens April 25 Glorious Gardens May 8 & 9


Dear Friends:

Your Membership Benefits

Membership: Great Cause. Great Value.

Member Class Benefit Program Upgraded We are improving our class offerings to members. As a current member, you will now have the exclusive opportunity to attend four members-only classes for FREE. Our first members-only class is listed below. Pre-registration is required. Future members-only classes will be posted in The Garden Dirt, our e-newsletter and on our website. Member classes are not available to the public.

“Seasonal Flower Bed Design” Saturday, March 20

9 a.m. – Noon

Instructor: James Horton, Director of Horticulture, Birmingham Botanical Gardens Pre-registration is required. Register online at www.bbgardens.org or call 205.414.3958. Have a friend that you want to bring to a member class? Members at the Magnolia level and above are given free passes for guests. Magnolia $125, One Guest Pass; Oak $250, Two Guest Passes; Ambassador $500, Three Guest Passes; President’s Circle $1,000, Four Guest Passes.

For more information about your membership visit www.bbgardens.org or call 205.414.3950.


D e ve l o p m e n t

A Few of My Favorite Things.... Accepting gifts and hearing the stories behind them is one of the best things about working at Birmingham Botanical Gardens. This place—its plants, people and programs—have touched so many lives! The reasons and the ways folks give are as individual as they are. Recently, we were surprised by a nice donation from a bio-engineering firm with no prior connections to The Gardens. Volunteer Mike Rushing had suggested that his client donate to The Gardens in lieu of paying him for his consulting services. When Mary Catherine and Les Adams wed, friends selected a native crabapple tree in the Kaul Wildflower Garden as a living tribute to their marriage. Suzanne Clisby ensured the care of her mother Sue’s beloved Fern Glade by establishing an endowment* for the maintenance of that garden. In the Thompson Enabling Garden and the Plant Adventure Zone, children in wheelchairs can now pot seedlings alongside their peers thanks to the lap boards funded by a contribution from the Gardens of Inverness Garden Club. A gift dear to my heart is the new railing along the Bamboo Walk in the Japanese Gardens. My nephew Parker's gift of "sweat equity" and materials for his Eagle Scout project was funded by 50 indirect donors to The Gardens. Thank you to all of you who help us keep The Gardens green and growing and planting for the future. Please call me at 205.414.3961 to discuss creative ways that you can make a gift, or check out the giving options on our website at www.bbgardens.org/donation.

Olivia Alison, Director of Development

Director of Development Olivia Alison and Eagle Scout Parker Alison

*Donors of endowment gifts, or donors who include The Gardens in their wills and estate plans are recognized in our Perennial Society. For more information contact George Jenkins at 205.879.2762 or gjenkins@bbgardens.org.

Private Gardens

of the

B r a n dy w i n e V a l l e y


B e yo n d

Thursday, May 20-Sunday, May 23, 2010 An exclusive tour offered by Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens, led by Executive Director Fred Spicer For more information, please contact Olivia Alison, director of development, at 205.414.3961 or oalison@bbgardens.org.


Saturday, May 8, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. | Sunday, May 9, Noon – 5 p.m. $25 All-Access Pass or $10 Individual Garden Pass Glorious Gardens returns to Birmingham on Mother's Day weekend, showcasing five residential homes and two public gardens. The biannual event allows ticket-holders intimate views of five private gardens from across the horticultural spectrum, from sprawling ranch-style estate to quaint English garden. Birmingham Southern College's awardwinning Southern Environmental Center (SEC) is also featured, as well as the annual Birmingham Rose Show at Birmingham Botanical Gardens, including the Dunn Formal Rose Garden, which will be at or near its peak bloom.

Featured Gardens Leslie & Elton Stephens | Shook Hill Road

E ve n t s

Featuring Seven Stunning Gardens

Kim & Peter Weinheimer | Stoningham Drive Catherine & Doug Coltharp | Abingdon Road Joy & Beau Grenier | Altamont Road Pam & Mike Hales | Baxter Circle Southern Environmental Center at Birmingham-Southern College Dunn Formal Rose Garden at Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Glorious Gardens not only educates visitors about plants, art, gardening and various aspects of landscape design but also benefits our mission to promote public knowledge and appreciation of plants, gardens and the environment. Tickets may be purchased online at www.bbgardens.org, at Leaf & Petal at The Gardens or at any of the gardens the day of the event. Please visit the website addresses, images and ads:Layout 1 1/19/10 5:08 PMforPage 1 complete details.



2009 V o l u n t e e r s Mary-Bestor Tickle, Volunteer Coordinator

Our 2009 Volunteer of the Year recipients are rooted in each area of The Garden’s mission: horticulture, education, and community enrichment. The Friends staff presented four awards at the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 in the Strange Auditorium. In this Spring Plant Sale season, we highlight our horticulture volunteers Plantsperson and Plant Partner of the Year. We will honor Bitsy Williams, Educator of the Year, and Thelma Stichweh, Ida C. Burns Volunteer of the Year, in the Summer edition of The Garden Dirt. Susan Colvin’s civic-minded passion for supporting Birmingham’s local businesses and organizations brought her to The Gardens ten years ago. Our Plantsperson of the Year describes her work with the Fay B. Ireland Perennial Group as “therapeutic” and gardening as “a way to give back”. Famous for making each tag for the plants sold at the Spring and Fall Plant Sales, Susan enjoys sharing her knowledge with the Sale’s patrons. She loves advising a gardening novice on which species to buy then welcoming their return the next year having “caught the fever”. Members of the Fay B. Ireland (FBI) Perennial Group received the Volunteer Partner of the Year for their tremendous dedication to The Gardens. In addition to potting a huge selection of perennials for the plant sales and The Gardens’ collection, they seed vegetables and mentor smaller plant groups such as the Hosta, Iris, Peony Group. In describing the over 500 plants potted during their weekly volunteer routine, six-year member Tricia Farris

of the


laughs, “If you want something done, ask a busy person”. With their leaders Fay Ireland and Janet Taylor, this group has been staying busy in service for over ten years. Join Susan and the FBI Perennial Group by volunteering at the 2010 Spring Plant Sale! We need volunteers to serve as Cashiers, Pre-Event Set-up, Plant loaders, Hospitality, Plant Sale Booth assistants, and Line Monitors during each day of the Sale-Thursday, April 15 through Sunday, April 18! Contact Mary-Bestor Tickle at 205.414.3962 or mtickle@bbgardens.org

Susan Colvin

Members of the FBI Perennial Group

H olly D ay M agic 2009 – Another Successful Year Phyllis Sutton, Education Activities Specialist

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens would sincerely like to thank all of those who made HollyDay Magic 2009 a memorable event for 200 children in and out of our area. This event could not have been successful without the help of so many volunteers, donors and staff. For many generous donations, we would like to thank Red Mountain Garden Club, Fairfield Fire Department, Barber’s Dairy and many others.


We are also grateful for the many hours these volunteers spent cutting, painting, collecting, gluing

and tying. Thanks to The Gardens’ staff, Samford University Work Study students, UAB students, numerous teen volunteers and countless Gardens volunteers including: Wayne Boldin, Rebecca Doremus, Danielle Files, Ann Galbraith, Cecily Graham-Chaney, Linda Herren, Gail Pless, Martha Picardy, Maurice Picardy, Glenn Peoples, Sr., Mary Alice Thurman, Ruth Varnell, Carol Washington and Janet White. Mr. Tennison Thomas, the Guidance Advisor of Fairfield High School, deserves a special thank you for helping secure plenty of teen volunteers who helped the children create their crafts and gifts. We look forward to working with everyone again this December!

Hope Long, Library Director

Fearless Color Gardens: The Creative Gardener’s Guide to Jumping Off the Color Wheel, by Keeyla Meadows When I saw this book I really did not think that it was going to be any different than most of the other ‘garden color palette’ books that we have. I thought, “What could Keeyla Meadows possibly show me that a zillion other books couldn’t?” Boy was I wrong, wrong, wrong. This book shows you a whole new way to look at color in your garden – and when I say color I mean COLOR: bright, bold, wild and wonderful! She doesn’t just show you how to use color in your garden with plants but also how to incorporate bold yard art. (And I love me some yard art. Being Southern I believe it is required that you have at least one piece in your yard.) The first part of the book teaches you about putting together color palettes and how to design with color; the second part focuses on the work of creating color gardens; and the third part shows you some gardens that have been adventurous in their use of color. Someone once asked Keeyla, “What gave you the courage to be so colorful?” and her answer was, “Flowers do it and if flowers do it, why shouldn’t you? Flowers provide all the permission you need to be colorful. I’ve been called a flower floozy. What inspires you to be a flower floozy?” Hmm, I think I want to be a “flower floozy” too!

Visit the Gerlach Plant Information Center inside the Garden Center during March and April for the exhibit

Water Problems: Too Much or Too Little

M ain L ibrary A rt G allery M arch /A pril S tray A rt S alon Deborah Ballog, Laura Brookhart, Nancy Burleson, Don Estes, Toby Klein, Warren Mullins, Beverly Owens, Deb Paradise, Jeanie Robertson, Hank Siegel, John Shadrick, Arthur Umlauf. Opening Reception Friday, March 5 5:30-7:30 p.m. The Library at Birmingham Botanical Gardens

The Big Read: Alabama Reads The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

Library Services

Book Review

The Big Read is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) in partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services designed to revitalize the role of literature in American culture and bring the transformative power of literature into the lives of its citizens. The Big Read brings together partners across the country to encourage citizens to read for pleasure and enlightenment. To learn more about The Big Read, please visit the www.NEABigRead.org. The Alabama Statewide Committee selected The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain for the first statewide Big Read because it is a title that everyone has at least heard about, if not read. The book will appeal to all ages and has a small town theme that makes it a perfect match for the Alabama Tourism initiative for the 2010 Year of the Alabama Small Town and Downtown. Each community’s Big Read includes a kick-off event to launch the program; activities devoted specifically to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (e.g., panel discussions, lectures, public readings); events using the selection as a point of departure (e.g., film screenings, theatrical readings, exhibits); and book discussions in diverse locations aimed at a wide range of audiences. Local communities should contact their local library (www.jclc.org) for programs planned during February – April 2010. www.AlabamaReads.org


G ardening

Good Things Growing… In The Gardens

Fred Spicer, Executive Director

From Korea, Disporum flavens [DIE-spoor-um FLAYvenz], yellow fairy bells, is a strong growing, fully deciduous, herbaceous perennial that is aptly named and a joy to grow. Happy in a woodland garden or in any location with shade (such as under a small tree), it grows best in good, well-drained, acid garden soil and, after establishment, competes well with all but the most egregiously aggressive tree roots. 2-5 bright yellow flowers are borne at the end of the stalks as they unfurl in spring, typically around late March. The 3” long ovate leaves partially clasp the stalks and provide a medium texture once fully formed. Plants are said to reach 30” tall, but the plants I see locally are more in the 18-20” range. Strongly upright as they emerge, curving at the top, yellow fairy bells gracefully arches as the seasons progress. Fruits are red-black, but after growing this species for ten years, I have yet to notice one. Clumps increase nicely and are noninvasive, blending well with sedges, ferns, hostas or even more delicate spring ephemerals. Disporopsis [DIE-spoor-opp-sis,“-opsis” means “looks like”] are known as evergreen Solomon’s seals and hail from Asia. Several species are cultivated – none widely – with Disporopsis pernyi [PURR-nee-i] being the most common. This is a stout plant preferring similar conditions to the above, p e r h a p s In the Jemison Lily Garden, Disporum tolerating a flavens, yellow fairy bells, boasts flowers at bit more sun. the tips of strong, arching stems, rising from Flowers are dense clumps. ¾-1” long, green-tipped white bells, borne in leaf axils as the plant emerges in April. Unlike Disporum flavens, this Slightly pleated leaves of Disporum flavens species emerges slowly and the flowers, although have pronounced parallel veins, unlike North small and partially beneath the leaves, open over American Prosartes (formerly Disporum) several weeks. A 2-quart plant grows into a tight which are heavily netted (reticulate). 24” wide clump in 4-5 years and provides an essentially flat form in the garden, 10-12” tall. Leaves are thick, glossy and the texture is finer than other evergreen herbaceous plants such as Lenten rose (Helleborus ×hybridus) and sacred lily (Rohdea japonica). Five nights with temperatures in the mid-teens this past January did no damage, but plants look tidier if old leaves are removed in spring before new growth emerges. The striking variegations of Disporum ‘Shina


no Tsuka’ remain strong as seen in this late July image.

For more information on these plants, please go to www.bbgardens.org.

Garde ning Tips for March/April Courtesy of


For more information, see www.aces.edu.

Blount Plaza

March •  FRUITS AND NUTS - Continue strawberry and grape plantings. Bud apples and peaches. Start planting blackberries. Remember, if weather conditions prevent prompt planting, heel the plants in by placing the root system in a trench and covering the soil. •  SHRUBS - Fertilize shrubs (except azaleas and camellias) according to a soil test. Late plantings may be made, particularly if they are container-grown. Watch shrubs for harmful insects. •  LAWNS - Plant bermuda, zoysia, and centipede in South Alabama. Seed bluegrass and grass mixtures in North Alabama. Fertilize established lawns. •  ROSES - Watch new growth for aphids. Begin a spray or dust program. Begin fertilizing. •  ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS - Tender annuals may be planted in South Alabama. Check garden centers for bedding plants. •  BULBS - Plant gladiolus every two or three weeks if a long blooming season is desired. Plant tuberous begonias in pots. Plant dahlias. •  MISCELLANEOUS - Check and repair sprayers, dusters, and lawn mowers. Control lawn weeds with chemicals. Delay pruning of fruiting shrubs such as cotoneasters, pyracanthas, and hollies until after flowering. •  VEGETABLE SEEDS - Plant hardy crops recommended for January and February. After danger of frost is past, plant tender vegetables. •  VEGETABLE PLANTS – Plant cabbage, onions, lettuce, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts in North Alabama; plant tomatoes and peppers in lower South Alabama.

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•  SHRUBS - Prune spring flowering shrubs after flowering. Fertilize azaleas and camellias. When new growth is half completed, spray all shrubs with a fungicide.

Leaf & Petal

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•  LAWNS - Planting continues. New lawns may need supplementary watering. Also, fertilize at 3- to 6-week intervals. Keep ryegrass cut low, particularly if over planted on bermuda lawns.

E ve n t s

April •  FRUITS AND NUTS - Season for strawberry planting continues. Start spray program for all fruits. Plant raspberries and blackberries and continue budding apples and peaches.

•  ROSES - Watch for insects and diseases. Keep old flower heads removed. Plant container-grown plants from nurseries or garden centers. •  ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS - Plant early started annuals or bedding plants from nurseries or garden centers. Divide mums or root cuttings. Dig and divide dahlias.

The gift shop for all your holiday giving....

home decor . furniture . books . stationery . jewelry . lighting . children’s gifts •  BULBS - Plant gladiolus, fancy-leaved containers . garden items . floral designs caladiums, milk and wine lilies, Kathy G nov dec newsletter 9/23/08 7:56 AM Page 1 Located at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens and ginger and gloriosa lilies. Feed 2612 Lane Park Road, Mt. Brook bearded iris with superphosphate 205.877.3030 . leafnpetal.com and spray for borers. Avoid cutting foliage of narcissus or other bulbs until it has turned brown naturally.

The Art of Kathy G

•  MISCELLANEOUS - Spray camellias, hollies, etc., for scale insects. Carefully water new plantings of shrubs and trees. Pinching out tips of new shoots promotes more compact shrubs. •  VEGETABLE SEED - Plant tender vegetables such as beans, corn, squash, melons, and cucumbers. Plant heat-loving vegetables in lower South Alabama.

Jubilation™ Gardenia

A charming improvement on a Southern favorite, Jubilation grows compactly and reblooms through summer and fall.

Catering • Event Planning • Design

•  VEGETABLE PLANTS - Plant tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, sweet potatoes, and parsley Birmingham Botanical Gardens Members receive 10% discount on lunch at the cafe *please show member card when ordering

Wonderful Lunches • Extraordinary Events The Beauty of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens Box Lunches • Event Menus • Patio Seating

Lunch: Tuesday - Saturday, 11-2 • Host your next social or corporate event at The Gardens CafÊ 2612 Lane Park Road • Birmingham • 205.871.1000 • thegardenscafe@kathyg.com

The GardensCafe

Proud Supporter of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Visit our web site to view the entire collection and to find a retailer near you

by Kathy G

Fagus grandiflora


E art h

Sunday, April 25 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

d en s

E ve n t s

Earth Day at The Gardens 2010



At The G ay

This April, the world celebrates 40 years of Earth Day and The Gardens plans to be a part of the festivities. Recognizing that all people have a right to a healthy and sustainable Ap environment, Earth Day at The Gardens emphasizes Alabama’s biodiversity and the many ril 25, 2010 cultures represented by those from across the globe who now call Birmingham home. The day will be full of energy and movement, color and sound. It will be fun and kinetic, but also informative. Highlights include purposeful, relevant and interactive presentations from local environmental groups, who “think globally but act locally.” Kids definitely won’t want to miss the Roaming Dome, a traveling planetarium from Huntsville’s Sci-Quest Hands-on Science Center! The 12.5foot, inflatable mini-auditorium features digital presentations and movies, such as Earth’s Wild Ride, Secret of the Cardboard Rocket, Molecularium: Riding Snowflakes, Force 5, The Night Sky and Saturn, the Ring World. Visit www.bbgardens.org/earthday for more information.

Spring Plant Sale More than 85,000 plants

Former Bruno’s Supermarket at Colonial Brookwood Village Located on Lakeshore Drive in Homewood between Hwy 31 and 280

Public Plant Sale Friday, April 16, 2010 | 9-7 p.m. Saturday, April 17, 2010 | 9-5 p.m. Sunday, April 18, 2010 | 11-3 p.m. Members-Only Sale Thursday, April 15 6:30-8:30 p.m.


Preview Party Friday, April 16 5:30-6:30 p.m. $45 Advance/ $50 At Door

2010 Signature Plant: Sunpatien Thank you to our Sponsors:


T h e G a r d e n s 2010!

A family tradition!

Parents and children guide our children’s summer programs. Keeping your needs and requests first in mind, we have extended the hours of our traditional summer programs for your convenience. Beginning this summer, camps will be offered for children entering 5K-6th grades, MondayFriday, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Children choose from a variety of favorite topics including nature and the outdoors, plants and our environment, cooking, art, and more! Programs are designed to actively promote your child’s natural sense of creativity and discovery with fun learning experiences in the unmatched setting at Birmingham Botanical Gardens! All sessions are taught by certified or otherwise qualified teachers. Light snack provided. Bring your own lunch and June 1-4* Let’s Get Growing For children entering 5K-2 grades Jan Renfro, B.S. Elementary Education, M.A. Language Acquisition

water bottle. Registration begins March 1 for Members and March 15 for all others. Pre-registration is required. Register early! Limited spaces fill quickly. T-shirts will be available for purchase on the first day of camp! For more details or to register by phone, contact Ellen Hardy, Education Program Coordinator, at 205.414.3953 or ehardy@ bbgardens.org. For further information or to register online, please visit www. bbgardens.org. $160/$128 Members (Hydrangea level and above) Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. $128/$102 Members (Hydrangea level and above) *Four days, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Alabama: Nature and the Outdoors Camp For children entering 3-6 grades Amy Moore, M.Ed. Early Childhood Education

July 6-9*

Lavender and Lemonade For children entering 3-6 grades Donna Long, B.S. Elementary Education

Garden TECHniques

June 7-11

Bird Expeditions For children entering 3-6 grades Helena Uber-Wamble, Education Director, Audubon Society

Nature Artists in The Gardens For children entering 5K-2 grades Ashley Harper, B.S. Elementary Education, M.Ed. Elementary Education National Board Certification Painting in The Gardens For children entering 3-6 grades Mary Jane Coker, B.S. Art Education, National Board Certification

June 14-18 Exclusive Afternoon Art Camp, 1:00-4:00, $120/$96 Pastels in The Gardens For children entering 3-6 grades Mary Jane Coker, B.S. Art Education, National Board Certification

June 21-25 Monet’s Garden For children entering 5K-2 grades Donna Long, B.S. Elementary Education Hidden Garden Treasures For children entering 3-6 grades Sandy Swindall, BA Psychology, M.Ed. Elementary Education

June 28-July 2 Garden Adventures with “American Girl” For children entering 5K-2 grades Robin and Emmeline Geurs, Mother/Daughter team


S u mm e r C a m p

For children entering 5K-2 grades Jan Renfro, B.S. Elementary Education, M.A. Language Acquisition

Blush Pink™ Nandina

Unique blush pink new growth with spectacular red/pink hues in fall and winter.

July 12-16 Bird Buddies For children entering 5K-2 grades Helena Uber-Wamble, Education Director, Audubon Society Nature Artists in The Gardens For children entering 3-6 grades Ashley Harper, B.S. Elementary Education, M.Ed. Elementary Education, National Board Certification

July 19-23 Southern Summer Chefs For children entering 5K-2 grades Amy Moore, M.Ed. Early Childhood Education AND 3-6 grades Steph Munkachy, Instructor, McDowell Environmental Center

July 26-30 Scales and Tails For children entering 5K-2 grades Amy Moore, M.Ed. Early Childhood Education Art & Yoga Camp: For children entering 3-6 grades Hilary Moreno, Artist & Graphic Designer Susanna Whitsett, Group Fitness Instructor, certified in Yoga Ed.

Proud Supporter of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Visit our web site to view the entire collection and to find a retailer near you



A d u lt & F a m i ly C l a ss e s S p r i n g 2010 For more information or to register visit www.bbgardens.org or call 205.414.3958 Photographing Your Artwork Saturday, April 3 / 10 a.m. – Noon Instructor: McGinnis Leathers, Professional Photographer $35 General Admission

Cooking Demo with Chef Michael Murphree Saturday, March 13 / 1 – 3 p.m. Instructor: Michael Murphree, Chef $25 Members / $30 Non-Members Walking in this World Workshop – (12 Weeks) March 18 – June 3 / 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Instructor: Felicia DuBose, Artist $30 Members / $40 Non-Members Lunch n Learn – Living Flower Designs Thursday, March 18 / 10 a.m. – Noon Instructor: Michelle, Leaf n Petal $30 Members / $35 Non-Members

Mom-n-Me Art Class Saturday, April 10 / 10 a.m. – Noon Instructor: Laurie Ann Kramer, Artist $30 Members / $35 Non-Members Healing Properties of Herbs Saturday, April 17 / 9 a.m. – Noon Instructor: Phyllis Light $20 Members / $25 Non-Members

Organic Vegetable Gardening Saturday, March 27 / 9 a.m. – Noon Instructor: Tony Glover, Regional Extension Agent $10 Members / $15 Non-Members

Specialized Rain Gardening: Principles and Design of Small Rain Gardens April 24 / 9 a.m. – Noon Instructor: Tony Glover, Regional Extension Agent $10 Members / $15 Non-Members

Southern Institute of Photography Spring 2010 Classes Creative Digital Printing with Abbie Wiersma March 1 – April 5 (6 Mondays) / 6 p.m.


HDR Photography with Jeff Chambless March 3 – April 7 (6 Wednesdays) / 6 p.m.


Infrared Photography with Jeff Chambless April 5 – May 10 (6 Mondays) / 6 p.m. Basic Photoshop Techniques with Matt Sullivan April 7 – May 12 (6 Wednesdays) / 6 p.m. Photographing Young Adults with Mike Nelson April 8 – May 13 (6 Thursdays) / 6 p.m.


Olivia Alison

Ms. Mary Carolyn G. Boothby Mrs. Fay B. Ireland

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Amason Mr. & Mrs. James Hanigan

Leah R. Atkins

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Stockham

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bainbridge Mr. & Mrs. Evans Dunn, Jr.

Wallace R. Bunn Mrs. Minnie H. Rast

Susan Colvin Ms. Robin Burrell

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Clarke H. Gillespy Mr. & Mrs. Ehney Camp III

Mitzi Davis

Mrs. Annie Woodward

Joan Edmonds INSIDE-OUT

Linda Emerson Ms. Janet Sharpe

Jane J. Hagan

Mr. & Mrs. George Bargeron

Henry F. Hughes Home Garden Club

Butrus Family Advised Fund

Maria Matthews Mr. Coke Matthews

Mary Evelyn McKee The Little Garden Club

$150 $150 $150

Jane Mullins

Palmetto Garden Club Rockbrook Garden Club

The New Members of The Crepe Myrtle Garden Club The Crepe Myrtle Garden Club

Cassandra Riggins $150

Photo Retouching Techniques with Abbie Wiersma April 10 – Saturday Event / 9-4 p.m. $95

Dr. & Mrs. Courtenay Renneker

Kimberly J. Rogers Ms. Olivia Alison

Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock

Principles of Composition with Jeff Chambless April 13 – May 18 (6 Tuesdays) / 6 p.m.


Studio and Portrait Photography with Jack Bains April 14 – May 19 (6 Wednesdays) / 6 p.m.


Restoring Old Photos with Abbie Wiersma May 8 – Saturday Event / 9-4 p.m.

November 1- December 31, 2009

George L. Jenkins

Photographing Infants and Children with Susanne King March 16 – April 20 (6 Tuesdays) / 6 p.m. $150 Wildlife Photography with Paul Franklin March 18 – April 22 (6 Thursdays) / 6:30 p.m.

In Honor

Mr. & Mrs. Alan T. Begley

Hansell Smith Dr. G. Hampton Smith

Louise G. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rushing


Bitsy Williams Ms. Susan C. Prutzman

Louise Abernathy Birmingham Fern Society

Charles W. Ashby Mrs. Clifford Emond

John H. Aycock

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr.

Dodie B. Bowron Mrs. J. M. Morgan, Jr.

Barbara F. Boyd Ms. Mary O. Mason

Edith Broughton Ms. Cheryl Boessow

Freda L. Casey

Ms. Mary Carolyn G. Boothby

Sara Criss

Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr.

Mason Donovan

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr.

Beverley W. Dunn Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Shepard

Nell Duquette

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Bennett Ms. Anne Garrett Mr. & Mrs. Tom Jannett

Mildred Hard

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr.

Jane Hawley Mr. Alan K. Zeigler

Katherine L. Herring Ms. Mary Carolyn G. Boothby

November 1- December 31, 2009

Marquis M. Hunt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge Judge Richard Bentley Landscape Services, Inc. Ms. Anita Miller Mr. & Mrs. Billy Muffuletto

William R. Ireland Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Shepard

Betty Kent

Ms. Mary Carolyn G. Boothby

Barbara Krause

Thomas A. Noble Mr. & Mrs. Ree Sherer Mrs. Brand Walton

Mark Ponder

Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Shepard

Lily Rushton

Ms. Mary Carolyn G. Boothby Mr. & Mrs. G. Edward Cassady, III Holiday Assembly

Barrow G. Ryding

Ms. Lisa Beatty

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr. Oak Street Garden Shop

Louis Mason

Jane A. Smith

Queen of Spades Garden Club Mart B. Wood

Christine E. Mathis Mrs. Anne G. Carey

Pauline H. McGill

Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Byrne Mountain Park Garden Club Dr. G. Hampton Smith

Bigsby Snow

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Levin Ms. Becky Moore Mr. Jason Isenberg

Frederick Spicer

Douglas Moore

Ms. Mary Carolyn G. Boothby

Chizuru S. Elliott Sonoko Fukagawa Yasusi & Kaoru Ito Japanese Children Club Japanese Garden Society of Alabama Miki Jinno Yasuo & Hisami Kameoka Mikako Kawai Yoshiki Kubagawa Mr. & Mrs. Sachiko Kubo Mitsuko Miyagawa Yukiko Orange Tsunenobu & Atsuko Tamura Dr. & Mrs. Robert Wendorf Ms. Cherry Parmer

William K. Murray

Ms. Mary Carolyn G. Boothby

Elsie W. Traweek Faye Triplett

Bud N’ Bloom Garden Club

Carolyn Tynes

Mr. & Mrs. John Forney Ms. Dorothy B. Sage Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Shepard

James Wagstaff

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr.

G arden S uppor ters

In Memory

Emerald Snow™ Loropetalum

Snow white blooms cover the limegreen foliage in spring and rebloom in summer and fall.

Brand Walton Ms. Carol A. McCoy

Joe B. Zarzaur

Ms. Mary Carolyn G. Boothby

Ms. Mary Carolyn G. Boothby

Proud Supporter of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Visit our web site to view the entire collection and to find a retailer near you

View from Dunn Formal Rose Garden, Prunus x yedoensis

southernlivingplants.com 11

G arden S uppor ters

Chairman Mrs. Louise D. Johnson Director Mrs. Claire H. Fairley Advisor Mrs. Fay B. Ireland Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Pursell Mr. and Mrs. William M. Spencer, III

Paeonia, Viola and Dianthus, Forman Garden

Gifts to the Library

at Birmingham Botanical Gardens November 2009 thru January 2010 Birmingham Fern Society – in memory of Louise Abernathy Oak Street Garden Shop Employees – in memory of Mildred Holloway Hard Jane Anderson Smith Carolyn Dickinson Tynes Frances Elizabeth F. Matthews Jane Ware Kirkland Hawley Lily Price Rushton Barrow Gore Hiden Ryding John Hudson Holcomb Jr. Mountain Park Garden Club – in memory of Mrs. Henley (Jane) Smith


Jan Holliday Despina Vodantis Edgewood Garden Club Dr. Thomas G. Amason Jr. Amy Crews Louise Wrinkle Christine G. Underwood Joanne Pillion Mark C. Langston Jeremy Turner Ray & Anita Clark Fred Spicer

Paeonia sp. Asian Glade

Benefactor Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Allison Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown Mr. Stewart M. Dansby Dr. and Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Mrs. Crawford T. Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Arant Stockham Southern Progress Foundation Patron Mrs. Ann Bruno Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Cobb, III Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher Mrs. Jane H. Head Mr. and Mrs. James M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jon Kimerling Mr. and Mrs.Guy K. Mitchell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Dr. James L. Newsome Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Northen III Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Ray, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy L. Renneker Mr. and Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John N. Wrinkle Cercis reniformis ‘Oklahoma’

Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge Mrs. Ruby S. Ansley Mrs. Lucille S. Beeson Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown D. Joseph & Ida C. Burns Mrs. Martha Stone Cobb Daniel The Dunn French Family Mr. F. Lewter Ferrell, Jr. Mr. R..R Herbst Mr. J. Ernest & Mrs. Ora Lee Hill Mr. George L. Jenkins Hugh & Bobbe Kaul Dr. Bodil Lindin-Lamon Fran Lawlor Dr. Michael E. Malone Ms. Louise T. McAvoy Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz Mr. Philip Morris Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. A. I. Perley Steve & LeAnne Porter Mr. & Mrs. William M. Spencer, III Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Mr. Douglas Arant Stockham Dr. Wendell H. Taylor

President’s Circle $1,000

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gene Davenport Mr. & Mrs. C. Hartwell Davis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carter S. Kennedy Mr. Philip Morris Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor, III Mrs. Minnie H. Rast Mr. & Mrs. E. Frank Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. David L. Silverstein Mrs. Brand Walton

Ambassador $500

Mr. Richard M. Adams Mr. & Mrs. T. Barr Linton Mr. & Mrs. Earl Trafton Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. Von Herrmann

Oak $250

Mr. & Mrs. William Brooke Dr. & Mrs. Mark Clark Mr. Joseph P. Costa Mrs. Karen Costa Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Durham Mr. & Mrs. Jim Furr Mr. & Mrs. William T. Graves Mr. & Mrs. William Horton Mrs. Charles W. Ireland Ms. Terri D. Lyon Dr. & Mrs. Jay M. McDonald Ms. Eugenia McWilliams Ms. Becky Moore Mrs. Ruth B. Ozment Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Pless Mrs. James K.V. Ratliff Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Mrs. Louis H. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Melvin M. Zivitz

Magnolia $125

Mrs. John F. Abele Mr. & Mrs. William F. Angell Mrs. Ann Bibb Mr. & Mrs. John M. Birmingham Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Clark Dr. & Mrs. H. Cecil Coghlan Mrs. Anita Mazer Cord Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Crockard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Daniels

Donors Southern Progress Corporation Myosotis Garden Club Leaf & Petal Wachovia Foundation Mountain Park Garden Club Japanese Garden Society of Alabama Garlandia Garden Club James Avery Precision Graphics, Inc. The Hill-Allison Charitable Lead Trust The Hugh Kaul Foundation Lucille S. Beeson Charitable Trust Susan Mott Webb Charitable Trust Rucker & Margaret Agee Fund Three S. Advised Fund Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama Stephens Foundation C. Eugene Ireland Foundation Daniel Foundation of Alabama Regions Financial Corporation The Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.

Dr. & Mrs. Larry J. Davenport Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Dreher Mrs. Betsy Faucette Dr. & Mrs. Winfield S. Fisher, III Mr. Frank Fleming Ms. Dorrie Fuchs & Mr. Gareth Vaughn Mrs. Yvonne J. Hardy Mrs. & Mr. Clarissa Harms Rev. & Mrs. John Harris Harper Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hartman, III Dr. & Mrs. Basil Hirschowitz Mr.& Mrs Stewart A. Jackson Mrs. Lynn B. Jackson Ms. Carolyn M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Karpeles, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kaslow Dr. B. H. Kennedy, III Mrs. & Mr. Jane Killian Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lemons Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Long, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John M. Lyons Mrs. Lexa L. Magnus & Dr. Jonathan Waddell Mr. & Mrs. Gerson May Dr. & Mrs. Charles A. McCallum Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Monk, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Newton Dr. & Mrs. Steven O’Sheal Mr. Ralph W. Quinn III Ms. Susan W. Reeves Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Roberts Ms. Starr Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smithwick Mr. Steve Todd & Mr. Ben Henry Dr. & Mrs. Albert J. Tully, Jr. Mrs. & Mr. & Mrs. Dawn Tynes Mr. Elbert S. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Lee Walthall Mr. Robert Waudby & Ms. Anne C. Waudby

Hydrangea $60 Morning Glories Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. Leon Ashford Dr. & Mrs. Stuart K. Bean Ms. Ann Benton Mr. & Mrs. Victor Bey Mrs. Jenny Blackmon Mrs. Lula Rose Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. Al Blanchard Mrs. Patricia H. Blinn Mr. & Mrs. Charles Boswell, Jr. Ms. Hana Burwinkle Mr. & Mrs. Casey The Honorable Betty F. Collins

Ms. Barbara Crowe Ms. Dolores Crumly Ms. Mary Kay Culpepper & Mr. Cullen Clark Dr. & Mrs. Jeffery B. Cutler Mr. & Mrs. C. Coleman Daniel, II Ms. Susan E. Davenport Mr. & Mrs. Harold Deason Mrs. Patricia Dice Mrs. Suzanne Dickinson Christopher Doucet Ms. Dorothy Drake Dr. & Mrs. Robert N. Finchum Mrs. John Forney Mr. & Mrs. D.N. Franklin, III Mrs. Maye Frei Mr. & Mrs. William French, III Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Friend, III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Germann Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Giattina Dr. & Mrs. G. Y. Gillespie Mr. & Mrs. Sharp Gillespy, IV Ms. Catherine Gross Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Hambaugh Mr. & Mrs. Victor H. Hanson, III Mr. & Mrs. James Harris Dr. & Mrs. William K. Hawley Dr. Terry Bierd & Mr. Ben F. Hayley Mr. & Mrs. M. Stan Herring Mrs. Becky Hickel Ms. Lida I. Hill Mrs. Louise P. Hodges Mr. & Mrs. Elam Holley Marilyn & Jim Isaminger Mr. & Mrs. Louis Josof Ms. Ginny Karle & Mr. Lou Bridges Mr. & Mrs. Whit Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Klyce Mr. Robert A. Kreisberg Mrs. Dorothy G. Krusen Mr. David Lee & Dr. Mari Bonnin Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Lee Ms. Susan Levine Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. James Lockhart Mrs. Kathy Lounsbury Mrs. Suzanne Lucas Mrs. S. Hassel Marcus, Jr. Dr. & Dr. Laili Markert Mr. & Mrs. John H. Martin Mr. & Mrs. William F. Martin Mrs. Linda P. McCullough Ms. Dorothy McDaniel Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. McFadden Mr. & Mrs. George McMillan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. McPhillips Dr. & Mrs. Edward R. Meadows

November 1- December 31, 2009 Ms. Elisa Mejia Mr. & Mrs. Ira C. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. J. Perry Morgan Dr. & Mrs. Leonard M. Mueninghoff Mrs. Joan M. Newell Mr. Steve Northcutt Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Olson, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Owens Mrs. Jennifer Patterson Ms. Dorothy M. Perry Dr. & Mrs. Paul G. Petznick Mrs. Donna B. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. David P. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Carlton P. Pinkerton Mr. & Mrs. Conrad W. Rafield, III Mr. & Mrs. John Randolph Ms. Adrienne Retief & Mr. Hank Cason Mrs. Allen W. Ritchie Dr. & Mrs. David Roberts, IV Mr. & Mrs. John M. Robinson Mr. Lawrence Rosen Dr. & Mrs. George F. Scofield Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Shaia Dr. & Mrs. Alan Siegal Mr. Henry E. Simpson Ms. M. Ann Skipper Mr. Kenneth Sloan Mr. Jonathan R. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Smith Mrs. Catherine P. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Smith Mrs. James Smith Mr. & Mrs. Neal J. Spangler Miss Anne Lanier Stanfield Ms. Rose H. Steiner Mr. & Mrs. David Stewart Ms. Mary Stockard Mr. & Mrs. George Thompson Mr. & Mrs. William N. Thurman, III Ms. Margaret Tucker Ms. Marcia G. Unger Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Vann Dr. Loy Vaughan & Dr. Suzanne Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. Robin A. Wade, III Ms. Kitty C. White & Mr. Tryg Hoff Mr. Steven Hodges & Ms. Janice H. Williams Murray & Wayne Williamson Dr. & Mrs. William C. Woodall, III Gage Woods Martha Yount

Trillium $45

Mr. & Mrs. L.R. Addison Mr. Rucker Agee Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Allen Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Allison, Jr. Dr. Margot E. Andison Mrs. Carole Armistead Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ash Dr. & Mrs. William C. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. F. Holden Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Benjamin Mrs. Brenda Betts Ms. Cheryl Boessow Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bowness Ms. Annette Brady Mr. & Mrs. Stratton H. Brock Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Broughton, III Ms. Pat Brown Teresa Callaway Mr. & Mrs. Hunt Cochrane Ms. Mary Coigin Mrs. Bess Constantine Ms. Judy Courington Mrs. Warren B. Crow, III Ms. Margaret Davis Mrs. Rachel K. Drennen Ms. Annette H. Drummonds Ms. Felicia DuBose Ms. Geraldine P. Dunham Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Elliot, II Mrs. Clifford Emond Mr. & Mrs. Sam Faires Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher Ms. Rachel S. Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Nick Gaede Mrs. Willis C. Hagan, Jr. Ms. Tracy Hale Ms. Catherine Hall Ms. Katie Hartley Ms. Christine Heckemeyer Ms. Mary L. Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. D.E. Hinshaw Ms. Mary A. Hokanson Ms. Debra Honea Mrs. Mary Hooks Maura Horton Nancy Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Rev. Thomas Joyner Mrs. Jane W. Lamar Mrs. Monro B. Lanier II Mr. & Mrs. Henry Laws Ms. Pamela Ledbetter Mrs. Samuel S. Levine

November 1- December 31, 2009 Lloyd R. Wilson & Associates Dr. & Mrs. Richard Abernathy Mr. Rucker Agee Ms. Diane P. Alessio & Mr. Otello A. Alessio Ms. Olivia Alison Mr. James Alison Dr. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Anderson Mrs. John P. Ansley Ms. Linda C. Askey Mr. George Bargeron Judge Richard Bentley Ms. Cheryl Boessow Ms. Robin Burrell Mr. & Mrs. G. Edward Cassady, III Mr. & Mrs. W. Frank Cobb, III Mr. & Mrs. Brian Coffee Mr. & Mrs. Charles Collat Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Curtin, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Davis Mrs. Wanda Elkourie Mrs. Clifford Emond

Mr. & Mrs. Alvin V. Filer Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Mrs. James R. Forman, Jr. Mrs. John Forney Ms. Frances Givhan Mr. & Mrs. Mike Harfield Ms. Kathy Horton Dr. & Mrs. David Jackson Ms. Teresa Jang Mrs. Samuel C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Ms. Polly Kratt Mr. Thomas H. Lowder Mrs. Anne Martin Ms. Cecile L. Mason Stanford & Nicole Massie Mr & Mrs. John McBride Mr. Daniel McCabe Mrs. Dorothy H. McCue Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Dr. James L. Newsome

Mr. & Mrs. Knud Nielsen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Northen III Melissa Peters Mr. & Mrs. S.B. Pinkerton Ms. Susan C. Prutzman Mrs. Minnie H. Rast Mrs. Dorothy L. Renneker Mr. Fred & Karin Rock Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rushing Dr. & Mrs. B. Chandra Sekar Ms. Janet Sharpe Dr. G. Hampton Smith Mrs. Martha C. Snow Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Ms. Susan Spicer-Andrews Ms. Sarah Stubbs Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II Mr. George M. Thompson Dr. Bayard S. Tynes Dr. & Mrs. Robert Wendorf Drs. Andrew & Jeanna Westmoreland Mr. & Mrs. Harold Yoder

Mary M. Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Markstein, III Ms. Linda G. Massey Ms. Bess McCrory Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. McElroy Ms. Jane McKenzie Mr. Emett McLean Ms. Sarah K. McNeill Win Miller Mr. & Mrs. J.T. Murfee, IV Ms. Sarah Pass Mr. Virgil Pelon Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Perry Ms. Martha Pezrow Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Pharo Ms. Ann S. Pierce Ms. JoAnn Pillion Mrs. Judy Pinson Mr. Lawrence E. Quick Mrs. Hallie Rawls Mrs. Dorothy L. Renneker Mrs. Mary Rooney Mrs. Peggy Sandlin Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Seibels, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Shackelford Mrs. Jan Shannon Ms. Janet Sharpe Mrs. Elna Shugerman & Family Mr. & Mrs. Shurett Ms. Susie Sikes Mr. & Mrs. A. Page Sloss, Jr. Mr. Bryan Smith Ms. Torrey Smitherman Mr. Melvin Sokol Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Stewart Mrs. Deborah K. Strauss Ms. Anne Townsend Ms. Wendy Ulrich Ms. Christine Underwood Mr. Doug Unkenholz Mrs. Homer J. Urquhart Mrs. Sue H. Vance Mr. Ethel Wade Ms. Vicki Walker Ms. Barbara Waltz Mrs. Betty Warnock Ms. Janet K. Waters Ms. Elizabeth Whitt Ms. June Wiggins Mr. & Mrs. C. Melborn Wilcox Mrs. Carol Wood

G arden S uppor ters

New and Renewing Members

Paeonia sp. Asian Glade


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Master Plan Final Presentation Thursday, March 25 5:30-6:30 p.m. Linn-Henley Lecture Hall Birmingham Botanical Gardens’ Master Plan will be presented Thursday, March 25 at 5:30 p.m. at The Gardens. Executive Director, Fred Spicer, and Scott Scarfone from Oasis Design Group, a landscape architecture firm based in Baltimore, MD, will present the plans and answer questions. Everyone interested in The Gardens’ past, present or future are encouraged to attend; the presentation is free and open to the public. For more information visit www. bbgardens.org/news or call 205.414.3950.

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