Garden Dirt November 2011

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enha ncing life with plants

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November /D ecember 2011

Life Under “Falling� Glass pg 2 Your Gardens. Redefining Beautiful. pg 3 The Gardens Reaches Education Milestone pg 9 All About Hydrangeas: Members-Only pg 10

Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens 2011 B oard

enhan cing life with plant s

www.bbga rdens




Novem ber /D ecemb



Fall Annuals

Japanese Maples

Fall Color

Ornamental Grasses





Life Under Fallin g Glass pg 2 Your Gardens. Re defining Beautifu l. pg 3 The Gardens Reach es Education Mil estone pg 9 All About Hydrang eas Member Only Class pg 10

On The Cover Students from Bessemer’s Westhills and C.F. Hard Elementary Schools attended the George Washington Carver Discovery Field Trip where they learned about the nitrogen cycle, dug sweet potatoes and peanuts from the ground and picked cotton.


December: Camellias

Fall Color




Winter Annuals

Camellia sinensis

The photo shows Wendy Sanders, volunteer for the Junior League of Birmingham, leading students through The Gardens. For more information, contact Ellen Hardy, education program coordinator, at 205.414.3953 or You can also visit fieldtrips.


D irectors

Henry Ray ����������������������������������������������� President Tricia Noble ����������������������������������� President-Elect Scott Walton ���������������������������������������������Treasurer Lou Willie ����������������������������������������������� Secretary Elizabeth Broughton ��������������������� VP Development Fred Murray ��������������������VP Facilities & Planning Thomas G. Amason, Jr. ��Immediate Past President Carl Jones ���������������������������������������������������� Officer Janet Taylor ������������������������������������������������� Officer Laurie Allen Shane Boatright Mena Brock Maggie Brooke Gary Burley Margi Ingram Clarke Gillespy Sheryl Kimerling Mike Malone Reese Murray, III Kathryn Porter Julie Price, Junior Board President Hanson Slaughter Lucy Tutwiler Mary Williamson Louise Wrinkle

O ur M ission Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens promotes public knowledge of plants, gardens & the environment; & receives, raises & administers resources for these purposes. O ur V ision The vision of Birmingham Botanical Gardens is to be one of the nation’s preeminent botanical gardens.

S taff

M ain ��������������������������������������������205.414.3950 Fred Spicer �������������������������������������� Executive Director Olivia Alison ������������������������ Director of Development Stephanie Banks ���������������������������� Director of Finance Elizabeth Drewry ����������������������������������������������� Librarian Ellen Hardy �����������Education Program Coordinator Blake Ells ����������������������Public Relations Coordinator Henry Hughes ������������������������� Director of Education George Jenkins ���������������������������� Development Officer Jason Kirby ��������������������Library Assistant & Archivist Andrew Krebbs ������������������������Director of Marketing & Membership Savannah Lanier �������������������Donor Relations Officer Hope Long ����������������������Director of Library Services John Manion �����Curator of Kaul Wildflower Garden Shelly McCarty �����������������Special Events Coordinator Carleen Mitchell �����������������������������������������Finance Clerk Phyllis Sutton ��������������Education Activities Specialist Taylor Steele ����������������������������Volunteer Coordinator Rona Walters ���������������������������������Membership Assistant The Garden Dirt is the newsletter of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The Garden Dirt is published six times a year to foster awareness and support events, services, and significant programs of Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. We welcome your comments and address corrections. Please contact: Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Editor, Andrew Krebbs 2612 Lane Park Road Birmingham, AL 35223 205.414.3959 or Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens practices a policy of equal opportunity and equal access to services for all persons regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, orientation or sex. Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a facility of Birmingham Park and Recreation Board. The deadline for the January/February issue is November 15.

As the saying goes, “I wasn’t born in the South, but I got here as fast as I could.” Later this month I will mark 10 years as Executive Director of your Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Far from being a farewell address, I’d like to tell you why I’ve found the last decade so rewarding and why I look forward to many more years in the Magic City. Change is Good: Since 2001 we’ve re-branded our organization: revamped our print and web publications, effectively branched out into social media, increased our professional staff threefold, increased education program participation by 254%, added 3,800 items to the Botanical Gardens Library’s collection and achieved goals set in two strategic plans (we adopted a third one last month). A Garden is Never Finished: Since 2001, we’ve completed a new education and sustainability focused site-wide master plan (and renovation plans for the Conservatory and Japanese Gardens), dedicated four new gardens (with another under construction), renovated 10 existing gardens (with plans for three more on the board), rebuilt 24 garden structures, conserved 90% of our outdoor art and sculpture (while adding seven new pieces) and added more than 7,000 new woody plants to the living collections. You Are Beautiful: Since 2001, I have become smitten with the natural beauty in Birmingham and the rich biodiversity throughout Alabama. But it is the inner beauty of our supporters that has won my heart. Without the collective commitment of our passionate and generous donors, members, volunteers and partners, none of this would have been possible. We are many things to many people - it’s part of our nature. And we have a long way to go to fully realize our potential. The citizens of Birmingham and our visitors deserve that. It’s been my pleasure and privilege to build on The Gardens’ solid past and, with your help, contribute to its future. Here’s to ten more years (at least)! See you in The Gardens,

Fred Spicer Executive Director

Save t he Date Central South Native Plant Conference November 4-5

Southern Tales December 4

Red Mountain Garden Club Greenery Sale December 7

Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon December 8

Annual Members Dinner January 19

Seated left to right: Elizabeth Broughton, Charlotte Moss, Frances Blount. Standing left to right: Keith Langham, Barbara Burton, Molly Clark and Cameron Crowe


Dear Friends:

Special thank you to the 2011 Antiques at The Gardens committee. Honorary Chair

Frances Blount Co-Chairs

Barbara Burton Elizabeth Broughton

Men’s Committee Chairs

Bo Grisham Philippe Lathrop Hanson Slaughter

Show Ambassador

Richard Keith Langham Committee

Tracey Anderson Steva Austill Julia Bevill Kaki Blanton Margaret Blount Shannon Blount Nancy Brock Maggie Brooke Nonie Brown Molly Clark Jeanne Clarke Cameron Crowe Francie Deaton Jan Dickerson Helen Drennen Susan Elliott Maura Goodwyn Joy Grenier Kay Grisham Helen Harmon Clarissa Harms Suzanne Hart

Leah Hazzard Lynda Hiller Sheryl Kimerling Joy Kloess Katie Baker Lasker Margaret Little Sue Ellen Lucas Kim McBride Mary Mellen Lee Nix Tricia Noble Allene Parnell Katharine Patton Murray Priester Kim Rogers Brenda Schuler Leslie Simpson Catherine Smith Carolyn Sparrow Jean Thompson Anne Tilson Varner Jeanna Westmoreland Boo Woodall

Please look in the January 2012 issue for a recap of the event and a complete listing of our supporters.


D e v e l o p m e nt

49 Years Young….The Conservatory:

Life Under (Falling) Glass Have you been peering in the doors to the Conservatory to see what’s going on inside? The icon of The Gardens has been closed since March 2011, due to unsafe glass. Opened in December 1962, the Conservatory is a tripartite structure (the Palm, Desert and Camellia houses) with internal spaces free of supporting pillars. This creative, modernist structure was designed by the Lord and Burnham Company as the centerpiece of Birmingham’s then proposed botanical garden. Mayor James W. Morgan (who served from 1953 to 1961) was called “a fighter and a fool” for advocating The Gardens’ creation. It’s easy to imagine that this was because he envisioned The Gardens as an enhancement for all citizens at a time when the city was struggling with civil rights issues. Mayor Morgan thought The Gardens and its Conservatory would be “the biggest attraction of this type in the Southeast.” This proved prophetic as The Gardens is the number one free attraction in Alabama.

Lord and Burnham was the foremost conservatory company in North America, and Birmingham Botanical Gardens’ Conservatory is a rare example in this style; it’s considered worthy of nomination for the National Register of Historic Places. Since 2005, the Conservatory has been monitored by Jim Smith of Montgomery Smith, Inc., Burlington, KY., the recognized authority on glass house architecture and preservation. In a 2006 formal evaluation, Smith found the historic steel structure sound, but the glazing and environmental systems antiquated. After detecting subtle changes earlier this year, both Smith and City officials recommended closure. Smith’s work and the 2010 master plan envision a fully renovated and expanded Conservatory with numerous technological upgrades emphasizing greater sustainability.


By Olivia Alison, Director of Development

Phase I of this long-term effort (which will permit reopening to the public) is now underway, and includes: •  Identifying and repairing minor structural damage •  Restoring the original sway-bar systems •  Removing original glass, which is not safety glass •  Preparing and painting the structure •  Re-glazing the roof with safety glass •  Automating ventilation sashes and upgrading the electrical system •  Repairing or replacing interior end walls and doors Future improvements include energy-efficient environmental control systems, refurbished exhibits, two additional houses (one at each end), activity terraces at the entrances, a grand staircase and stage in front and universal access.

The Daniel Foundation and Bill and Lyndra Daniel have pledged significant resources towards Phase I, while the City will cover the design development costs. The Friends have applied for several grants to help fund the renovation and are seeking private support also. Our goal is to reopen the Conservatory in time to celebrate its 50th birthday! If you would like to help with this effort, please contact Director of Development Olivia Alison at 205.414.3961 or For more information about the Conservatory and its history, see The Birmingham Botanical Society, A Brief History¸1999, by Carolyn Green Satterfield, available at The Gardens library, or for purchase at Leaf & Petal at The Gardens. For more about the Lord and Burnham Company and the impressive list of glasshouses restored or designed by Montgomery Smith, Incorporated, go to

Our New Master Plan:

Beautiful is a word long associated with Birmingham Botanical Gardens. But our beauty goes beyond thousands of blooming flowers and picturesque scenes. The Gardens’ new master plan respects the important history of Alabama’s most popular free cultural institution while creating a broader vision for its future. It achieves this by focusing on four key concepts that underscore The Gardens’ role as: •  A natural science-based educational institution; •  A role model for environmentally-sound best management practices; •  An important venue for events and activities; •  A plant collections-based living museum. Underscoring our long-standing mission to educate people about plants, gardens and the environment, the master plan creates numerous new places and opportunities to increase our capacity to meet this mission head-on. Hands-on, science-based educational programming with real examples and exhibits – for students ranging from elementary school to professionals – is emphasized.

D e v e l o p m e nt

Y our G ardens . R edefining B eautiful .

Technologies and practices both old and new will be utilized to restore our urban stream, minimize or eliminate erosion and stormwater runoff, promote percolation and biofiltration, reduce potable water usage, harvest rainwater for re-use, make our greenhouses energyefficient, and reduce and re-use organic waste. Several new buildings will replace outmoded ones and are envisioned as LEED buildings; a new maintenance building is partially earth-sheltered and has a green roof. Each is an educational opportunity as well. Important arrival and entrance spaces are re-imagined to better facilitate events and activities. The Formal Garden becomes an audience-friendly place for concerts with a grand stage. An event-based garden is created in an elegant Persian theme, with an adjoining catering/teaching kitchen. These areas and paths throughout The Gardens are seamlessly modified to be universally designed for barrier-free accessibility. To emphasize Alabama’s species-rich natural heritage, native plant collections will be expanded in a series of Alabama Habitat Gardens, highlighting and connecting visitors to the unique character of our beautiful state and the need for conservation. These dovetail with stream restoration and stormwater control measures to create scenes of natural beauty and educational importance. Food-based gardens triple in size, paving the way for more timely programs about what we eat, how we eat it, and how it affects our health. For more information visit www. or scan the tag on this page with your smartphone. You can also visit the Garden Center for a display of the plan.

Get the free mobile app at

http:/ /


V o l u nt e e r s

Volunteer Spotlight:

Rene Germann By Mary-Bestor Grant

What does a successful family doctor do after 30 years healing patients? If that doctor is Rene Germann, he digs into The Gardens’ volunteer program. Born in Maysville, KY, and raised in Birmingham, Rene is a family man. He lives with wife, Mary, and daughter, Erin (his other daughter, Pat, no longer lives at home). When not working up a sweat in the Kaul Wildflower Garden or at the Plant Sales, this Master Gardener raises his adrenaline riding his new Wildfire motor scooter. Rene stopped by our office one Friday afternoon to answer a few questions from the infamous Proust Questionnaire: 1. What is your idea of perfect happiness? A house boat. Like Noah and the Ark. 2. What is your greatest fear? Injury. Period. 3. What is the historical figure that you most identify with? Joan of Arc because she was a great fighter. 4. Who is the living person you most admire? My father, Deacon Al Germann, who was a great farmer and teacher. (Rene spends Sunday afternoons with his 92 year-old father playing cards.) 5. What is your greatest extravagance? Eating ice cream at night. I do not have a favorite because it is too difficult to choose just one. 6. What is your greatest achievement? Completing my M.D. at UAB. 7. What is your most treasured possession? My family. 8. Where would you most like to live? High in the mountains. 9. What do you most value in a friend? Honesty. 10. Who are your heroes in real life? Gene Stallings because he made a big impression on my daughter and he had a son with Downs’ syndrome. He is a hero for working the way he does (for the special needs community) and for what he did in football and as a father. 11. What is your motto? Do your best and try to be on time. Rene then noted with a smile, “but I never make it on time”.


The Gardens thanks Rene for his spirit of service. Learn more about how to join Rene as a volunteer by contacting Volunteer Coordinator Taylor Steele at 205.414.3962 or

Newport In Flower! Thursday, June 21- Sunday, June 24, 2012 When we began planning our “Newport in Flower” tour, we had no idea how it would blossom! Thanks to some lovely Alabama natives who live in Newport, RI, our Birmingham Botanical Gardens travelers will be welcomed to private homes and gardens rarely seen. We will stay in the heart of the historic district at the Newport Marriott on America’s Cup Drive and will celebrate our Thursday arrival with a special evening. Friday, we will be among the first visitors to the stunning 2012 Newport Flower Show at Rosecliff Mansion and will then take in Ocean Drive and a Newport “cottage” or two. Saturday, thanks to Executive Director Fred Spicer’s connections, we will be at Blithewold Gardens and Arboretum on Narragansett Bay and at a splendid private property in Little Compton. Sunday, it’s more gorgeous gardens and a beautiful meal before our return. Hurry and reserve your spot for this amazing tour (deadline January 20, 2012). Only 16 lucky members, planning well ahead, can participate! Cost for the four day, three night trip, including all ground transportation, lunches and one dinner is $2,250 (double occupancy). The single supplement is $600. Airfare is not included: air transport from Birmingham to Providence, RI is estimated at around $400 based on prices at publication time. Tour goers must be Friends members at the Oak Level ($250) or above. (Participants may upgrade when they register.) A $400 deposit will reserve your place. The registration deadline is Friday, January 20, 2012. The balance is due by Friday, April 20th, 2012. For a full itinerary of this exclusive tour, see our website at www. For a registration form or hard copy of the itinerary, contact Director of Development Olivia Alison at 205.414.3961 or

Artists for November/December The Committee Shirley Barnes, Heike Covell, Sallie Estes, Mary Ellen Davidson, Dee Burt Holmes, Marcia Leonard, Joyce Lowery, Terri Shows, Carolyn Wheeling, Maria West

Opening Reception Friday, November 4 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Why Should You Use Native Plants?

News from

the Archives Room The Library Archives and Rare Book Room is looking for the following items to add to its collections. If you have any of these items and would like to donate them, please contact Archivist Jason Kirby at 205.414.3967 or •  The Gardens (pocket sized) Membership Rosters •  The Gardens Auxiliary Directories

Thyme to Read

Library Services

Visit the Gerlach Plant Information Center (GPIC) inside the Garden Center during November and December for the exhibit:

Join us in The Library at 6 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month to discuss a new, fun book pertaining to gardening, plants or the environment. Contact Director of Library Services, Hope Long at 205.414.3931 or for more information or to get involved.

November 1 Virgin Earth by Philippa Gregory

•  Old menus / items from Café de France •  Old Birmingham Botanical Gardens membership cards (pre-1990) •  Fiesta Booklets •  Invitations / flyers to past Annual Dinners, Sunday Strolls, Earth Day at The Gardens, Educational Classes, Glorious Gardens, Plant Sales, Ground breaking ceremonies / dedications, Antiques at The Gardens, Spencer Lectures, and Sakura Cherry Blossom Festival

December 6 The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl by Timothy Egan


G ardening

Good Things Growing… In The Gardens

Fred Spicer, Executive Director

Alabama has four native species of “sugar” maples. Acer nigrum, black maple, is the least common, occurring sporadically in three Alabama counties in the northeast. Acer saccharum, sugar maple, occurs primarily in the northwestern half of the state and can be found in relatively significant numbers there. Both are large trees and will yield maple sugar, but require a climate much colder than ours to do so.

The sugar maples most typically encountered in Alabama are Florida sugar maple, Acer floridanum (incorrectly, A. barbatum), and chalk maple, Acer leucoderme, whose specific epithet literally means “white bark.” Their cheerful, eye-popping red/orange/yellow fall color Multi-trunked specimens of chalk can be seen lighting up the understories of forests maple grace the entry of the Southern and woodland edges Living building. throughout the state. Mid to late November seems to be the peak around Birmingham. Both show good adaptability for general landscape use as small to medium-sized trees and are adapted to acid and alkaline pH in soils rocky, loamy and clayey. Both tolerate sunny and shady sites and show good to excellent drought tolerance once established. Of the two, Florida sugar maple (image, left) is the largergrowing: well-studied individuals in the northern part of its range, near Jamestown, VA, are simply massive, while individuals in Alabama can reach 60’, developing gray bark that is broken into large plates (like A. saccharum), frequently with black stains, a result of mold that grows Florida sugar maple glows burnt yellow on sap oozing out from sapsucker holes. These birds in the Kaul Wildflower Garden. eat both the sap and insects that feed on it. Chalk maple (image, above) is smaller (~30’), with smooth, pale gray bark. It is sometimes shrubby in appearance, with multiple trunks. While these two species are variable, there is more to separate them than size and stems.

Garde ning Tips for November/December Courtesy of

for more information, see

November SHRUBS– Plant Shrubs, trees, and vines. LAWNS– Some owners like lawn paints. Have you thought about having a green lawn this winter? Use proper herbicide to kill germinating winter weeds. ROSES – Get rose plantings underway. Use a soil test as a basis for fertilization. Look for new varieties. ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS – Plant hardy annuals such as larkspur, poppies, pansies, anchusa, and candytuft. Get sweet peas into the ground. BULBS – Continue spring bulb planting. Put lilies of the valley in a shady place. MISCELLANEOUS – Plant screen plantings for privacy on the patio. VEGETABLE SEED – Plant cabbage and lettuce in the coldframe.

December SHRUBS – Planting is still the main activity but delay in case of freezing weather. LAWNS – Control wild garlic, chickweed, Poa annua, dandelion, and other weeds. Read label on each can of weed killer used. ROSES – Add plants to rose garden. Mulch all plantings. ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS – Plant hardy annual seed without delay. Have you tried violas?

Leaves of Florida sugar maple (l) and chalk maple (r), showing the textbook differences in their shapes.


Look at the leaves, always checking several to get an “average.” On Florida sugar maple the edges of the center lobe are parallel or taper inward toward the leaf base. On chalk maple, they taper outward, sometimes making the center lobe appear broadly triangular. Leaves of both are densely hairy (pubescent) beneath, but the former is pale green to gray (silvery); the latter green to pale brown (yellowish). The latter also holds some crispy, tawny-colored leaves, like Fagus sylvatica, American beech, through the winter.

BULBS – Continue spring bulb planting. MISCELLANEOUS – Shrubs, trees, and indoor plants make excellent holiday gifts. For more information, see or call the Plant Hotline at 1-800-644-4458.

Classes/Field Trips/Volunteer Opportunities

Registration and further information about the program, including course descriptions, instructor bios and certificate requirements can be found at or call 205.414.3958. Digital Photography of Native Plants (elective) Instructor: Bob Farley Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Wednesday, November 9, 2011 | 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. $40 Members | $45 Non-Members

Winter Identification of Native Woody Plants (elective) Instructor: Fred Spicer Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, January 14, 2012 | 12:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. $40 Members | $45 Non-Members

Field Trip to Moss Rock Preserve (field trip) Saturday, November 12, 2011 | 12:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Trip Leaders: Fred Spicer & John Manion $20 Members | $25 Non-Members

Native Plant Conservation (core) Instructor: Wayne Barger Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, January 28, 2012 | 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. $80 Members | $90 Non-Members

Invasive Plant Volunteer Training (volunteer opportunity) Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Instructors: John Madsen and Victor Maddox Ecology of Alabama Native Plants (core) Instructor: Scot Duncan Location: Ruffner Mountain Nature Preserve Saturday, November 19, 2011 | 8:30-4:30 p.m.* $80 Members | $90 Non-Members

Understanding Botanical Names (elective) Instructor: John Manion Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Wednesday, February 15, 2012 | 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. $40 Members | $45 Non-Members Native Lichens, Mosses and Liverworts (elective) Instructor: Curtis Hansen Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, March 24, 2012 | 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $40 Members | $45 Non-Members Native Spring Wildflowers (elective) Instructor: John Manion Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Wednesday, April 11, 2012 | 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $40 Members | $45 Non-Members

Kaul Wildflower Garden (volunteer opportunity) Leader: John Manion Wednesday, November 30 | 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Ebenezer Swamp (volunteer opportunity) Leader: Mike Hardig & John Manion Sunday, December 4, 2011 | 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Location: Ebenezer Swamp (sign-up required)

Kaul Wildflower Garden Workday (volunteer opportunity) Leader: John Manion Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, December 10, 2011 | 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Central South Native Plant Conference Native Plants: The Bigger Picture How Native Plants Complete the Puzzle November 4-5, 2011

In addition to discussing many wonderful native plants and their related topics, this conference will focus on the numerous important roles they play in our ecosystems and how we can help keep those systems intact. We will address the interrelationships of native plants to the myriad of life forms‌birds, bees, butterflies, bugs – and humans!


Certificate in Native Plant Studies

For more information visit

or call 205.414.3965.

Calycanthus floridus, sweet-shrub

Bibb County Glades (field trip) Trip Leaders: Fred Spicer and John Manion Location: Bibb County Saturday, April 28, 2012 | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. $40 Members | $45 Non-Members Native Plant Propagation - Part II (elective) Instructor: Jan Midgley Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, May 12, 2012 | 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $40 Members | $45 Non-Members Native Grasses and Grass-Like Plants (elective) Instructor: Dan Spaulding Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens Saturday, June 9, 2012 | 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. $40 Members | $45 Non-Members *Bring your own lunch


E v e nt s

Save the Date Annual Members Dinner Featuring speaker

Red Mountain Greenery Sale Wednesday, December 7 9-1 p.m. Strange Auditorium at Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Mark your calendars for the annual Red Mountain Greenery Sale on Wednesday, December 7! Stop by and check out the variety of wreaths, garlands, pre-made mailbox decorations or kits to make your own that will be for sale. Centerpieces, boxwood topiaries, kissing balls and much more all using freshly cut greenery and fruit will also be available. This year, the Red Mountain Garden Club will offer “Mobile Mailboxes,” a new service where talented designers will come right to your home to create a personalized mailbox decoration!


Paulette Van Matre Executive Director of Magic City Harvest

January 19, 2012

Magic City Harvest is the recipient of nearly two tons of fresh produce each year from the Bruno Vegetable Garden

Age Has Its Privileges: IRA Gift Provisions Through the end of this year, if you are 70 ½ or older, you may make tax-free gifts to Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens and other charities directly from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). This provision, part of the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance

For more information, or to place a pre-sale order, contact Melissa Hagan at Order forms will also be available at Birmingham Botanical Gardens and online www.

Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010, allows you to make

Proceeds benefit Birmingham Museum of Art and Birmingham Botanical Gardens, as well as the Red Mountain Garden Club's other community projects.

Birmingham Botanical Society’s 501(c) 3 status letter to process your

charitable gift transfers from your IRA through December 31, 2011 without including the withdrawal in your taxable income (gifts may count toward your required minimum tax distribution for 2011). If you would like more information, or if you need a copy of The Friends/ IRA gift, please contact Director of Development Olivia Alison at 205.414.3961 or or go to and click on the donations tab.

On September 19th, Birmingham Botanical Gardens served its 85,000th student as part of the Discovery Field Trip program. First and second grade students from Hemphill Elementary were presented with certificates to commemorate the occassion before Junior League Docents guided groups through the Barber Alabama Woodlands and the George Washington Carver Garden. Crews from CBS 42 and the Birmingham News looked on as children watched birds with Audubon volunteers, searched for and dug sweet potatoes and peanuts from the ground. Based on the Alabama Course of Study in Science, Discovery Field Trips have given Birmingham students grades K-6 an opportunity to interact with nature for 13 years at no cost. The Junior League of Birmingham funds transportation for Birmingham City Schools, while Vulcan Materials Company funds transportation for Bessemer City Schools. The curriculum and its resources remain free through money raised by Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens, and grants from: Robert R. Meyer Foundation, Susan Mott Webb Charitable Trust, Hugh Kaul Foundation, Regions Financial Corporation, Wells Fargo Foundation, the City of Vestavia Hills and the City of Mountain Brook.


Birmingham Botanical Gardens welcomed its 85,000 student

Jennifer Cleveland(left) and Whitney Saunders(right), Junior League of Birmingham

Discovery Field Trips are open to anyone who wants to register. The programs take place Monday thru Friday, 9:30-11:30, and continue throughout the school year. Programs include Alabama Woodlands, Garden Gates (plant propagation), George Washington Carver, Native American Plants, The Secret Life of Trees, and Tropical Rainforest. They are based on the Alabama Course of Study, Science. More than 100,000 children have benefited from all educational programs at The Gardens during the past 13 years. For more information, contact Ellen Hardy, education program coordinator, at 205.414.3953 or, or visit www.



Adult & Family Classes

For more information or to register visit or call 205.414.3958.

Free Members-Only Class

Hydrangeas in Your Landscape with Eddie Aldridge Saturday, November 12 10-Noon FREE for current members

Renowned horticulturist Eddie Aldridge will share his knowledge of hydrangeas including proper planting and care, usage in your landscape, pruning and propagation. For more information and to register for the members-only class program visit or call 205.414.3958. This class is not open to the public. Join or renew today to take advantage of this benefit. Members can also pick up their free plant from 8:30-3 p.m. Visit for more information.

Melt and Pour Soapmaking – Part I and Part II Instructor: Elinor Burks November 13 & 20 | 2-4 p.m. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens for families or individuals $25 Members | $30 Non-Members


D ECEMBER 4, 2011 2- 4 p.m. $20 GENERAL ADMISSION To purchase your tickets please visit or call 205.414.3958


Library at Birmingham Botanical Gardens to the


Hope Long, Elizabeth Drewry & Jason Kirby – in memory of Albert S. “Bud” Reed Clarissa Harms & Susan Elliott – in honor of Barbara Burton & Elizabeth Broughton and their dedication to Antiques at The Gardens Gail Snyder – in memory of Cheryl Barnett Norman Kent Johnson – in memory of Virginia R. Brown

Winter Evegreen Explorers Instructors: Mary Marcoux & Fontaine Haskell Saturday, December 17 | 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens For children 4K-2nd grade $20 Members | $25 Non-Members


In memory of Virginia Bissell Spencer: Paula & Mike Rushing Birmingham Fern Society Karen Mitchell Jean Bryan Theresa Johanson

Hugh & Bobbe Kaul* Dr. Bodil Lindin-Lamon* Fran Lawlor Dr. Michael E. Malone Ms. Louise T. McAvoy* Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz Mr. Philip Morris Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. James L. Newsome Dr. & Mrs. A. I. Perley* Steve & LeAnne Porter Mrs. Carol P. Poynor Mr. & Mrs. William M. Spencer, III* Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Mr. Douglas Arant Stockham Dr. Wendell H. Taylor* Mrs. Carolyn D. Tynes* Mrs. Robert Wells

Members of The Perennial Society have made a planned gift, a bequest, or an endowment gift of $10,000 or more to The Gardens.

memorials 7.1.11- 8.31.11

Karen Brechin

Virginia B. Spencer

Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Allison, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Mr. Mike Ballard Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet Mr. & Mrs. John H. Beeler, Jr. Mrs. J. W. Bledsoe, Jr. Mrs. Frances Blount Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Brown,II Mr. & Mrs. A. Philip Cook, Jr. Dale Green Trane Residential Mrs. James H. Emack Evans Services HVAC & Plumbing Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Fletcher Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Mrs. John Forney Mr. & Mrs. Miller Gorrie Ms. Margy Hardy Mr. & Mrs. David S. Hassinger Mrs. Caroline M. Head Dr. & Mrs. James Isobe Mr. & Mrs. William A. Legg Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Lindstrom, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Long, Jr. Mr. Thomas H. Lowder Mr. & Mrs. Milton M. Magnus Mrs. Donie N. Martin Mrs. Lynette A. McCary Ms. Nancy McCollum Ms. Jane McGriff Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Albert S. Naughton Mr. J. Thomas Noojin Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Rawls Mr. & Mrs. William Silsbee, Jr. Mr. Hatton C. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Still The Thompson Foundation Scott & Cameron Vowell WAKM Companies, LLC Mr. Bob Weaver Ms. Emily Winburn

Zoe P. Bromberg Ms. Mary Carolyn Gibbs Cleveland Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffman

Virginia R. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr.

Radiance S. Early Ms. Juanita Colbert Terry A. Douglas Mr. & Mrs. James M. Gillespy, III

Utyless Gholston Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr.

Lucile Gilbert Garden Sustainers are our top annual donors, who in the words of the late charter member Bill Spencer, “give more to support a garden that’s free for everyone else.”

Chairman Mrs. Fay B. Ireland Louise D. Johnson Director Mrs. Claire H. Fairley Advisor Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Pursell Benefactor Southern Progress Corporation The Hill-Allison Charitable Lead Trust Mr. R. Shane Boatright Mrs. Virginia R. Brown* Mr. Stewart M. Dansby Dr. & Mrs. John A. Floyd, Jr. Royal Cup, Inc. Stephens Foundation as of October 20, 2011

Patron Ms. Elna R. Brendel Brasfield & Gorrie Mr. & Mrs. W. Frank Cobb, III The Goodrich Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kimerling Mayer Electric Supply Company, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Guy K. Mitchell, Jr Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. James L. Newsome Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Northen III Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Ray, Jr. Rucker & Margaret Agee Fund Mr. & Mrs. B. Hanson Slaughter Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Arant Stockham Mr. & Mrs. Jarred O. Taylor, II Mr.* & Mrs. W. Hall Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd R. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. John N. Wrinkle *deceased

Mr. & Mrs. Terry Allums Mr. Daniel Bradley

Peggy Hammond AT&T Ms. Jeanie A. Gundersen Ms. Jane Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wise

Judy J. Hinton Ms. Mary Carolyn Gibbs Cleveland

Roy Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bundy Ms. Mary Carolyn Gibbs Cleveland

Laurie Howle Mr. & Mrs. John G. Brock

Dr. Charles Lokey Mr. Jack S. Allison Ms. Mary Virginia Brown Dr. & Mrs. Leland Hull, Jr. Dr. Charles A. McCallum Mr. & Mrs. Allyn Thames

G arden S uppor ters

Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge Mrs. Ruby S. Ansley Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balliet Mrs. Camille A. Becker Mrs. Lucille S. Beeson* Peggy Bonfield and Orrin Ford Mary Carolyn Gibbs Cleveland Mrs. Tom Tartt Brown* D. Joseph & Ida C. Burns Ms. Suzanne G. Clisby Mrs. Martha Stone Cobb Daniel* The Daniel Foundation of Alabama The Dunn-French Family Mr. F. Lewter Ferrell, Jr.* Mr. R.R. Herbst* Mr. J. Ernest & Mrs. Ora Lee Hill* Mrs. Fay B. Ireland Mr. George L. Jenkins


G arden S uppor ters 12


7.1.11- 8.31.11

Samuel E. Conyers

Ren Fortier

Charles Maloy Love Mr. Leonard Roy

Frederick R. Spicer, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr.

Cameron Crowe

Donna Gallivan

Louise G. Smith

Cameron Strouss

Mrs. Thomas E. Jernigan Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor, III

donors AT&T Brasfield & Gorrie City of Birmingham The Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham Daniel Foundation of Alabama First Commercial Bank The James Milton & Sallie R. Johnson Foundation Le Jardin Club Leaf & Petal Liza & Laughlin Ashe Fund McWane Foundation Oasis Design Group Protective Life Corporation Regions Financial Corporation ServisFirst Bank Yogurt Mountain Mr. & Mrs. Harold Abroms Mr. Scott Adams Mr. & Mrs. Rex Alexander Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Leon Ashford Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Barze Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Bean Mr. & Mrs. Stan Blanton Mr. Thomas Blount Ms. Kay Blount

Ms. Julie Quick

Paula & Mike Rushing

Ms. Susan Spicer-McGarry Dr. & Mrs. Michael E. Malone

7.1.11- 8.31.11 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Brock Mr. & Mrs. William Brooke Ms. Laura J. Brookhart Dr. & Mrs. Tom T. Brown, Jr. Mr. James A. Bruno Dr. James Bryant Mr. & Mrs. John Buchanan Mr Brian Burgess Mr. James R. Bussian Mr. & Mrs. Ehney A. Camp, III Mr. & Mrs. John D. Carney, III Judge & Mrs. John L. Carroll Mr. Thomas N. Carruthers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Carter, Sr. Mr. John W. Chambliss Mr. & Mrs. Lange Clark Ms. Mary Carolyn Gibbs Cleveland Mrs. Hope Cooper Mr. Ernest Cory Mr. & Mrs. Philip Crane Mr. & Mrs. Ogden S. Deaton Mr. Forrest DeBuys III Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DiPiazza Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Dreher Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Drennen Mr. & Mrs. Dave Driscoll Mrs. Claire H. Fairley Mr. Albert G. Folcher, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Goings

Mr. & Mrs. Williams Goodwyn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. M. James Gorrie Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goyer, III Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Greer Mr. & Mrs. Beau Grenier Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Harmon Mrs. Clarissa Harms Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence S. Hawley Mr. & Mrs. Meredyth R. Hazzard, Jr. Mrs. Jane H. Head Ms. Mary L. Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. George S. Hiller, III Mr. John T. Hoff Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffman Ms. Peggy Horne Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hughey, Jr. Ms. Margi Ingram Mrs. Fay B. Ireland Mrs. Thomas E. Jernigan Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Johanson III Mrs. Louise D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kansteiner Dr. & Mrs. Price Kloess Dr. & Mrs. James C. Lasker Mr. & Mrs. William D. Lineberry Mr. & Mrs. James B. Little, III Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Long, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Yank Lovelace Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Lucas

Mr. George G. Lynn Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Joshua McCarty Mr. John D. Moore Mr. Mac M. Moorer Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dean Nix Mrs. Jane Ogles Mr. & Mrs. James Outland Mr. & Mrs. Leighton C. Parnell, III Dr. & Mrs. Paul G. Petznick Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer S. Poynor, III Ms. Julie Quick Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Roberts Mr. E. Mabry Rogers Paula & Mike Rushing Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Shaia Mr. Frederick R. Spicer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Elton B. Stephens, Jr. Mr. Rusty Stewart Tsunenobu & Atsuko Tamura Mr. & Mrs. Temple W. Tutwiler, III Mr. & Mrs. Steve Varner Dr. & Mrs. William N. Viar Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Walton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watson Mrs. Charles B. Webb, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. N. Thomas Williams Mr. & Mrs. Louis Willie, III Mr. & Mrs. John N. Wrinkle

7.1.11- 8.31.11

President’s Circle $1,000 Red Mountain Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Ausbeck Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Beck Mr. & Mrs. John G. Brock Jim & Nancy Price Mr. & Mrs. C. Dowd Ritter Paula & Mike Rushing Mr. & Mrs. William E. Smith Jr. Mr. Arnold L. Steiner Beth Thorne Stukes Mr. James A. Thompson

Ambassador $500 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Denson, III Dr. & Mrs. Wade Lamberth Mr. & Mrs. C. Phillip McWane Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Walton Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd R. Wilson

Oak $250 Collier’s Nursery Groupon Dr. Kathy Buchan Ms. Carole H. Cobb Catherine Coltharp Mr. & Mrs. Russell M. Cunningham, III Dr. & Mrs. William H. Dodson Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hulsey Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ireland, II Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Johanson, III Ms. Becky Moore Mr. & Mrs. John M. Musgrave Ms. Virginia Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Pryor Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Rostand Dr. & Mrs. R. Waid Shelton, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Shepard Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Stockham

Magnolia $125

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Aland Dr. & Mrs. James F. Alison, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Arnold Mr. & Mrs. John R. Baker, Jr. Mrs. Beverly Baum Mrs. Irene Blalock Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Bloomer Bobby & Kelly Boone Ms. Marcia C. Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cox, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Max Davis Mr. & Mrs. James Delk Ms. Susan Dominick Mrs. Shawn Dunaway Mr. & Mrs. James Ehl

Mrs. Ann R. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. E. Q. Faust Dr. & Mrs. Richard Feist Mr. & Mrs. J. Ross Forman, III Mrs. Toula Fulford Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Goettge Mr. & Mrs. M. James Gorrie Mrs. Barbara S. Grant Mrs. Mary Rose Gray Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Gross Dr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Henderson Mrs. Linda S. Herren Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hess Mrs. Richard C. Hillhouse Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hinds, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hughey, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Leland Hull, Jr. Mr. George L. Jenkins Mrs. Jenelle Jones Dr. & Mrs. Jim Kamplain Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Key Mr. & Mrs. Wayne W. Killion, Sr. Mrs. Beverly Kimes Miss Lisa Law Mr. & Mrs. Wade A. Mahlke Mr. & Mrs. Willard McCall, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGough Mr. & Mrs. Steve P. Morton Mr. & Mrs. John T. Oliver, III Mr. & Mrs. James R. Overstreet Mrs. Carol Prater Mr. Goode Price, III Mrs. Margaret G. Ragland Dr. & Mrs. Harry B. Register, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. Mabry Rogers Dr. Loring Rue III Dr. & Mrs. Howard Schiele Bev & Bill Schoel Dr. & Mrs. Harold Settle Mr. Jeff Shimizu & Mr. Lamar Jeffries Mr. & Mrs. A. Wendall Simmons James Sokol & Lydia Cheney Mr. & Mrs. W. Stancil Starnes Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Strong Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tucker Mr. & Mrs. William B. Wahlheim Ms. Lucile White

Hydrangea $60 Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Abernethy Mrs. Margaret Ahearn Ms. Linda C. Askey Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Bailey Mr. David Baker Mr. & Mrs. Bob Baxley Mr. & Mrs. Murray Beck Mr. & Mrs. Jack Becker Mrs. Michelle J. Belcher Mrs. Lula Rose Blackwell Ms. Shannon Blount Ms. Virginia Boliek Dr. James Bonner Char Bonsack Mr. & Mrs. Ashby Boulware Mrs. Suzanne Bowness

Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Boyd Mrs. Betty F. Brice Ms. Nancy Brower Ms. Myra Brown Mrs. Sandie Brown Forsyth Paul & Ina Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Burrows Ms. Kaye M. Carlisle Mr. & Mrs. John D. Carney, III Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Cassimus Dr. & Ms. Robert B. Chadband Mrs. Norma F. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Vitaly Charny Mr. & Mrs. Sorrell Chew Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Chitwood Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Clark, Jr. Mr. Gregg Clark Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Clarkson Ms. Martha M. Cobb Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Colvin, III Ms. Michelle Conn Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cooper Mrs. Mollie W. Cox Mrs. Renee Cox Ms. Jennie Craft Dr. Myra Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Daniel Tom Davis Ms. Leonarda DiChiara Mrs. John E. Dorsett Dr. & Mrs. John T. Eagan Ms. Jo Ann Eberlein & Mr. Mark Widener Mr. & Mrs. George B. Elliott, Jr. Mr. Bruce Ely Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Eskew Mrs. Lynne Faulstich Dr. Rosemary & Mr. Charles Faust Mrs. Nancy J. Ferrell Mr. Marlon Files Dr. Edwin Fineberg & Dr. Naomi S. Fineberg Margaret Fritsma Vicki Garrard Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Gerald Mr. Hise Gibson Dr. & Mrs. Walter D. Glass Mrs. Betsy Godwin Mrs. Alexandra Goodrich Rev. Elizabeth Cole Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. William M. Graves Ms. Anne Grimes Dr. & Mrs. Juan F. Gutierrez Mr. & Mrs. James Hard Mrs. Beth Hardwick Ms. Nancy C. Hayley Mrs. Paula S. Haynes Mrs. Howard J. Helzberg Mr. & Mrs. Danny Herrin Dr. & Mrs. John B. Hodo Mr. & Mrs. William D. Holder Bob & Margariette Hoomes Mr. & Mrs. John S. Hornsby Dr. & Mrs. P. Reginald Hug Mr. & Mrs. J. Fred Ingram Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jackson

Mr. Larry Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Janowski Mr. & Mrs. W. Richard Johns Mr. Joseph H. Johnson, Jr. Mr. Brian Johnson Mr. & Mrs. C. Guy Jones Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Judd Mr. & Mrs. James King, Jr. Ms. Carlisle Lampmann Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Lewis LaRue Lockhart Mrs. Lucy Loflin Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. London Mr. & Mrs. Don Lowden Mr. & Mrs. James R. Lowery George Lyon Vicki Marion Ms. Sylvia Martin Mr. & Mrs. Gene E. Martin Mrs. Laura Massengill Mr. & Mrs. Coke S. Matthews III Mrs. Sharon McKeone Mr. & Mrs. David McLeod Mr. & Mrs. Hobart A. McWhorter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ken L. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Michalove Mrs. Edwin Miller Julie C. Miller Sidney L. Mitchell Ms. Denise Monti Bettie Morales Mr. & Mrs. William S. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Albert S. Naughton Mr. & Mrs. William Norman Dr. Emily Omura Mrs. Sandra Parker Alton Parker Mr. & Mrs. Tunstall B. Perry, III Mr. & Ms. Charles E. Person Mr. & Mrs. Carl Pettijohn Mr. & Mrs. David R. Pittman Ms. Laura D. Pointer Jim Poore Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Radecke Ms. Ruth Reichwein Mrs. Jo Ann Reilly Mrs. Martha A. Rich Mr. & Mrs. James L. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Roy Rizzo Ms. Anna Roberson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Russell Dr. & Mrs. Ed Rutsky Carl & Surget Sanders, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Schultz Mr. James Sellars Mr. John Sellers Jennifer & Todd Shuemaker Mr. Allen Small Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Smith Mrs. Caroline Smith Mr. & Mrs. David M. Smith Mr. Ted Snow Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Sokol Dr. Hughes Evans & Dr. Eric Sorscher Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Stein

Mrs. Linda Stone Mrs. Evelyn Stutts Steven & Valerie Thomas Barbara A. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Jim Tulloss Mr. Dale & Patty Vann Mr. & Mrs. Alex Vare Mr. & Mrs. Tom Walker Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Warren, Sr. Mrs. Warner S. Watkins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Warren E. Weed Mrs. Leonard J. Weil Mr. & Mrs. J. Emory Wheat Amy White Mr. Johnny White Ms Teresa Williams Drs. Williams S. Craig IV & Martha Rich Ms. Pamela G. Winfield Mr. & Mrs Jeffrey Wurst Ms. Linda F. Xia Dr. & Mrs. John Young Mr. George J. Zary Mr. Alan K. Zeigler

Trillium $45 Stoney Ridge Garden Club Mrs. Pamela Alling Ms Carol L. Alston Mrs. Mary Babbit Mrs. Walter L. Baker, Jr. Betsy Barber Bancroft Jerri Barnhill Beverly Bishop Dr. & Mrs. William M. Bishop Mr. Charles Brown Ms. Joann Cary Mrs. Lee B. Chapman Debbi Dixon Clarke Mr. Wallace Cohen Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Cohn Mr. & Mrs. Ed Colvin Caroline Couch Ms. Sahra S. Coxe Mr. John A. Cross Ms. Margaret Denson Mr. & Mrs. Albert DiMicco Ms. Sue Dixon Mrs. Jerri Dorrough Mr. William Duffey Helen Dunn Mrs. Lucie G. Ellard Becky Ellis Ms. Lisa Ennis Mrs. Carolyn O. Erhardt Ms. Janice Fleming Mrs. Beverly Fleming Dr. Karen Gardiner Ms. Marie Garner Ms. Rose Gaston Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gaston Ms. Jessica Germany Ms. Jeanne Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Goldstein Mr. T. Randolph Gray, Sr. Ms. Beverly Gregory

Drs. Bama & Jeff Hager Mrs. Louise Hairston Ms. Mitzie Hall Ms. Willie M. Hampton Nancy Hartsfield Ms. Kathryn F. Harwell Ms. Carol A. Hobby Ms. Teresa Howell Ms. Jean Jarrell Mr. & Mrs. Carl Johnson Mrs. Georgia Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Leland Keller Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. King Ms. Dorothea A. Klip Mr. & Mrs. James R. Land Ms. Ann J Lemon Myiesha Lesure Mr. & Mrs. Warren Lightfoot, Sr. Donald M. Marzella Ms. Karen McCaffery Col. Earl C. McCrary Ms. Jane McKinnon Ms. Sara A. McVay Georgia Miller Mr. & Mrs. David M. Millhouse Nicole Mitchell Mrs. Lucy Ann Nichols Dr. & Mrs. Paul Obert Ann Omura Ms. Loyer A. Osbun Mrs. Dinah O’Sullivan Mrs. Gail Parrish Ms. Rhonda Pruitt Ms. Julie Quick Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Quintana Mr. & Mrs. T. Andy Rector Mrs. Betsy Rietz Ms. Helen Robinson Mr. Roger L. Salter Ms. Leah F. Scalise Ms. Linda Sherk Ms. Dotti Smith Ms. Jenny L. Smith Ms. Kelly Smith Jeannnie Sosebee Ms. Janet C. Spear Col. Rita Springer Ms. Mary Cynthia St. John Mrs. Mary S. Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Stichweh Ms. Judy Thomas Mrs. Sidney Thompson Ms. Louise Vance Pamela S. Weathers Mr. John Weathers Ms. Ann Wehby Ms. Trina White Mrs. Janet J. White Mrs. Jere F. White, Jr. Dianne Williams Mrs. Barbara J. Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Wilson Ms Gail Wood Mrs. Jaquline Wynn Ms. Dorothy Ziff

G arden S uppor ters

new and renewing members


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