ECO protests and police arbitrariness

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by Svilen OVCHAROV THEN... Do you remember how perestroika started in 1988? And what turn being a dissident took in 1989? Unlike other former socialist camp countries, ”glasnost” first announced the ecological problems at home. Of course, there were political goals in the centre relating to more freedom and change of the system hiding behind the seemingly harmless green cause, especially following Todor Zhivkov’s ”July concept”. But there was more - the environment and the health of Bulgarians were the most damaged during the socialist period. The totally militarised economy, the obsolete technologies in industry, the lack of any understanding or knowledge whatsoever on the part of those in power, their inhumane and inadequate response to health and environmental problems have led small Bulgaria to the severest ecological problems in the whole Eastern Block. Kremikovtsi, the Non-ferrous Metals Smelter in Plovdiv, the Maritza-East Complexes, and air pollution in Ruse and so on had fed intellectuals’ discontent. The last straw was the inadequate and inhumane behaviour of the ruling class following the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. The first dissident groups were some rudiments of green movements and ecologist organisations such as the Public Committee for Protection of Ruse, Ecoglasnost, ”Green Balkans”, etc. Toward the end of 1989, OSCE held an ecological conference in Sofia around which these organisations held protests, put up posters and slogans, and the police were up and running. People were arrested and spent several days locked up. Gradually the green idea began to be seen by the nomenclature as a serious threat for their power and influence. Meaning their economic power and influence following 1990... AND NOW... What is civil activity on ecological issues now, 18 years later? And what is the state’s response? Toward the end of


2006 serious tension was building up between environmentalists and the state. Back then it was obvious that there were three break points where the escalation of the conflict seemed inevitable. The first one were the laws, the quasi-laws*, or the totally illegal inert material quarries, and open mines, etc. I will just highlight the investment intentions for gold mining by means of cyanides in the village of Popintsi and Krumovgrad; the illegal quarry near the village of Studena (district of Pernik) without any concession whatsoever on the part of the state; the quarry near Malko Tarnovo within the territory of the Strandzha natural preserve; the Maritza-Iztok complexes, and, finally, the dry and dusty tailings pond poisoning the whole of Kardzhali, against which the regional Nov Zhivot (New Life) newspaper is campaigning fiercely with the help of the national media. The second neurotic point is the delay and swindles in determining the NATURA 2000 sites for Bulgaria. This is a commitment linked to our EU accession the deadline for which was 1 January 2007. Besides, the two EC directives - one for birds and the second for habitats, envisage a single criterion for the inclusion of any European area into the European Ecological Network NATURA 2000, and that is the scientific criterion. According to the directives, the presence of economic, social, or corrupt considerations is totally irrelevant and immaterial. The social and economic criteria may be taken into account at the further determining of the level of protection of the respective area from the national government. However, because of hotels, wind generators, water power plants, careers and the like of some political sponsors, the administration is delaying the procedure; the deadline was missed, and in the end only half the sites suggested by scientists got into the list of sites under the network. The third point of conflict is the illegal construction on the Black Sea coast and around the mountain resorts. This is chaotic, lacking planning or tourist strategy as well as aestheticism or consideration of the landscape; there is no sewerage system, and it is blocking people’s access to the tourist resources and endangering the natural environment. Some such sites are built at apparent economic loss which is a clear * With an EIA or following a doubtful EIA carried out by corrupt experts.

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