Abbey Hill Member News - March 24

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MEMBER NEWS MONTH 2023 In this Edition | GM, Course and Golf Update MARCH - APRIL 2024 In This Edition | GM, Course Update, Golf Update, Club Update, and Events


Hello all and welcome to our March Newsletter, the second newsletter of 2024!

Newsletters now go out every two months so you will also get May, July, September, and November editions this year. Spring is almost upon us, and the daylight is increasing. Unfortunately, February has been the wettest February on record! It has been a challenging month for us, with eight days of closure.

I must thank you all for your patience and understanding. We never want to close as it stops golfers from golfing, and costs us a lot of revenue from green fees and associated shop and coffee bar sales. We will only close if the course is unplayable and/or unsafe. Thanks also to everyone who has carried their clubs, it does help prevent damage to the course when it’s already wet and muddy.

Our membership renewal period is now upon us. You will have received your membership renewal emails on Friday 1st March. If you pay annually, please make your renewal payment on or before 31st March via our Elite Live app or our website. If you don’t have access to these, you can pay in the shop or by phoning the sales team on 01908 562566 option four for membership. If you pay monthly by direct debit then no action is needed - your payments will continue 1st April, but at the new rates. We did our best to minimise the price increases by around 5% despite the cost pressures on the business. Considering the excellent course condition in recent years and the prices of our competitors, I think we remain fantastic value for money at £1,195 annually / £109 monthly for a seven-day membership and £895 / £82 monthly for a five-day membership. Golf England recently reported the average membership prices for Buckinghamshire in 2023 as £1,412 and an average increase of over 8%, well above Abbey Hill.

I’m pleased that we have finally got our six new electric vehicle charge points working. To use them, simply download the BP Pulse app and set up an account with credit.

Our push for sustainability continues at pace and on the back of launching our electric vehicle charge points, I can announce another range of improvements. You may have seen our new crisps in the coffee bar. We have changed supplier to The British Crisp Company. The crisps are made locally in the UK and all packaging is fully recyclable. All the flavours are vegan and gluten-free.

Soon, we will change from single-use plastic water bottles sold in the pro shop and coffee bar to water in a fully recyclable box.

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It is natural spring water sourced from underground springs in the Mendip Hills in Somerset. It is sustainably sourced, has 90% plant-based packaging, a low carbon footprint and the lowest environmental impact vs competitors.

Our builders have just started the next phase of our clubhouse refurbishment. In the next 10 weeks, we will have brand new changing rooms with shower cubicles, a new door to the toilets from the path to the 11th tee, as well as new coffee bar flooring and brand-new coffee bar furniture! I am really happy with the continued investment in the site.

Ross details in his write-up our continued investment in the golf course with plans for more new tees, green drainage, and eight more fully refurbished bunkers!

We took delivery on Thursday 29th February of our new electric marshal buggy. This is a further investment of £7,000. The previous buggy had a petrol engine, so this is an improvement. The new red marshal buggy will do up to 20 miles on a single charge, plenty to get around the course to speed up slow golfers!

I hope to catch up with you all around the centre soon!


Greetings to you all, for what is my second course manager update of 2024 and what very much feels like “Groundhog Day” with the way the weather has been of late.

We have begun 2024 very much in the same vein as we finished 2023, with what seems like day after day of rain. Looking back at January, which coincidentally finished as being the warmest ever recorded, we finished with a quite conservative total of 58mm of rain, against a site average of 60.6 mm, although this doesn’t tell the full story due to the wet conditions at the back end of 2023, that left ground conditions at field capacity. Due to the nature of our course which sits on 60 metres of thick Milton Keynes clay, once we reach field capacity, it doesn’t then take too much rainfall to tip us over the edge. February though, has been another story, 107mm of rain so far (report written 26/2) and more to come has left us powerless. Surprisingly the greens, tees and to a certain degree, the fairways have remained in reasonable condition and playable. Unfortunately, the roughs, walk-offs, walkons and carries have been completely waterlogged. Driving out on the roads it’s clear for us all to see the situation the country has been in this winter. The last winter we had this much-prolonged rain was back in winter 2013/14. We averaged more rain back then during Oct – Feb (559mm) as opposed (445mm). However, unlike in 2013, the weather from last summer has had a significant impact on conditions this winter, as July, August and September 2023 were particularly wet, raising the water table levels.

We have remained busy though and are doing our utmost to get the course open despite the challenges. Back in early January, we borrowed an A2G2 machine from our sister course, Aldwickbury Park and aerated all greens. This machine works by injecting compressed air into the profile, breaking compacted soil pans allowing for improved drainage. Here is a picture of Darren aerating the 10th green.

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During February, we have also been busy continuing our program of levelling and where possible, enlarging tee boxes. The main tee on the 2nd is now turfed after being levelled and increased by 75 m2. The 6th competition tee has also been levelled. We’re hoping that by midApril we will be able to put both into use!

Our tree survey work is now complete, and all trees highlighted as a potential safety risk have been removed. Stumps have been ground down are we are currently levelling and seeding areas. These areas have been marked GUR.

We were thrilled to finally receive our new triple greens mower in January, which has been on back order for over a year. This new machine is a hybrid vehicle, highlighting our commitment to sustainability - with the units now being driven by electric motors, run by an onboard generator. The new greens mower has improved 14-blade specification, offering us a fine quality of cut.

We have also recently placed an order for a new 40 HP compact tractor and a new larger set of rough gangs. Again, this will continue our commitment to reducing our CO2 with a refined engine management system ensuring clean and reduced emissions.

The new trailed gangs are an upgraded version of the unit we have run for the past 10 years. The new gangs are 0.8 metres wider and fitted with a mulching kit to improve the presentation and operational time, saving us approximately four hours a week and of course less fuel use from the tractor unit.

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March and April will see us again verti drain and core all fine turf areas, followed by sanding heavily, with the aim again to apply 60 tonnes of sand. In recent years I have been able to get the volumes of sand reasonably high at around 180 tonnes applied per year, something that is significant, particularly on our site. The more sand we can get into our greens, the more it will help with our battle against organic matter build-up and improve the speed at which the greens can dry down during wet conditions. Overseeding will also be on the list of tasks to perform, and then fingers crossed the greens will be good to go.

Lots of other works are also planned leading into the spring. Topping up of bunkers and paths, spraying fairways, and tree bases, fertilising all areas. So, we will be busy, but it’s great to see the course changes as we come out of the winter months.

We will also be planning for further bunker rebuilds later this year, with work starting in early autumn. We have been supported heavily again this year by BGL with significant investment already in the clubhouse, machinery, planning for our reservoir and new greens compound, and now a further £65,000 on bunker rebuilds. Once I have agreed on the work with our chosen contractor, I will update you all further.

We will also be rope draining (PCD) the 9th green and approach later this year. this will leave us just two greens left to complete (3 and 10). This has seen the greens improve over the past few years and we very seldom have

had waterlogged greens.

Fingers crossed the weather gives us the break we need to complete our plan, and the course is shining by Easter.

Keep up the good work with repairing pitch marks, and please refrain from pulling down our post and rope around the greens. I know it can be a pain, but it is the best way to protect the important areas of the course.

Have a good month.

Ross and all the greens team.


Trying to sharpen your skills during practice sessions can be infuriating without the right driving range tips.

We’ve all been there. You spend over an hour hitting ball after ball, slowly adjusting your stance to build your power. You’ve made progress by the end of the session and head home, only to find you’ve reverted to old habits on your next visit.

If this sounds familiar, don’t worry. Here you’ll find everything you need to develop consistency in your training, including how to connect your practice to your performance on the green.

#1 – Master your grip

Even experienced golfers can pick up bad habits, so it’s important to get your grip right as an amateur.

If you golf regularly and have issues with shot consistency out on the green, there’s no shame in going back to basics to polish your technique.

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Your grip is likely the culprit behind slicing or poor ball striking and altering it will improve your game.

Gripping a golf club correctly will:

• Give your left hand more control over the club

• Improve the position of the club’s face at impact

• Give you a deeper wrist hinge when needed

• Give your swing more power

• Make it easier to hit a draw

• Massively improve your shot consistency

#2 – Work on your stance when using a driver

Stance is everything when it comes to driving distance. You could miss out on reaching your full potential if you don’t nail this early on or adjust it when it’s affecting your game.

Your power is determined by how far you turn your shoulders on the backswing. Keeping your spine straight will boost your driving distance and allow you to hit more consistently.

For the best results, you should follow these steps:

• Grip – keep it relaxed to allow the club to turn over in your hands

• Feet – place them shoulder-width apart, the ball in line with the inside of your left heel

• Alignment – pick a target, and make sure you’re aligned ‘square’ to it

• Posture – ensure the balls of your feet, knees and upper spine are lined up with each other

#3 – Check your ball distance during set-up

Standing too far from or close to the ball will harm your shot consistency.

If your ball distance is off, you’ll have to sacrifice your stance and adapt your movements to accommodate this, leading to more issues in your technique.

Standing too far from the ball can cause:

• Hook shots

• toe shots

• An altered swing path to stay balanced

• A poor posture that places additional pressure on your back and shoulders

Standing too close can cause:

• Slices

• Shanks

• Heel shots

• Swings that place additional pressure on your arms

Both scenarios involve compromising the stance you’ve worked hard to master and adding in additional movements to get the ball back on the right path. Not only does this wear you out, but it overcomplicates the process.

#4 – Give every shot a purpose

Progression is the main goal of practising, so one of our top driving range tips is to know the purpose of every shot you take.

Decide on the elements you want to practice during your session and then in each shot during your preshot routine.

It would help if you determined your target before each shot. Select a yard marker or specific target area and commit to it. Take time to think about what parts of your technique you’ll need to adjust to hit it, as this is what you’ll be doing during an actual round.

You should then align yourself properly with the target. Don’t be afraid to use alignment sticks, as the driving range is the perfect environment to practice with them!

Finally, you need to decide the elements of your swing and the ball flight you wish to practice. I recommend aiming to hit a straight golf shot if you’re a beginner.

#5 – Use training aids

There’s no shame in using golf training aids to improve your game. This is one of my top driving range practice tips, especially since PGA professionals frequently use them.

Using a swing trainer to warm up or an impact ball to perfect your stance could prove more useful than you expect.

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Training aids are a great way of getting settled into your driving range session, especially if you’ve had a week off.

At the very least, I’d recommend always having a set of alignment sticks to hand. Ideally, you’ll have:

• One signalling your target

• One aligning your feet, knees, and upper spine

• One on your target line

#6 – Diversify your training

Once you’ve mastered the basics and a few block sessions under your belt, moving on to randomised practice can work wonders for your performance on the course.

Not only does it emulate the experience of playing an actual game, but it trains your body and mind to switch into the position and pre-shot routine required for different shots.

Think of it this way if you were training for a marathon, would you practice by jogging around your garden and then expect the skills you gain to transfer into a 42km race over a route with endless variables?

Instead, you’d use practice routes of a similar distance or even jog along the exact route used on race day.

It works the same way with golf. You may get great results during training sessions if you only utilise blocked practice, but this won’t necessarily transfer onto the course. Here’s an example of a randomised drill, ‘The Nine Shots,’ to sharpen your skills:

• High Fade

• Regular Fade

• Low Fade

• High Straight

• Regular Straight

• Low Straight

• High Draw

• Regular Draw

• Low Draw

#7 – Hit the putting and chipping greens before you leave

Following our last point, why not get the most out of your practice sessions by sharpening your skills in every area?

Hitting the putting green at the end of your training sessions means that you’ll be prepared for the shots that occur here during an actual game. After all, there’s no use in mastering your drives to find your putting skills are seriously lacking.

Getting a feel for tricky short chips is crucial if you want to become a better golfer, and the chipping green can help you in this department.

One of my biggest driving range tips is to focus on connecting the gaps in your skillset and learning transferable skills that can be taken onto the course.

New Season / New Products!!

There’s a clear message from the brands this season, Hit More Fairways! When you’ve spent years improving, ball speed, spin and launch conditions and building equipment which borders on the legal limit, you start to ask the question “How do we improve?”

The answer is to increase the Drivers MOI (moment of inertia)

This measurement (grams per centimetre squared) shows how much resistance a clubhead has to twisting. The higher the MOI reading, the more resistance it has, and the more forgiving the club will play. Taylormade has launched their New Qi10 Range, which returns their highest-ever MOI results.

PING has launched their New G430 Max 10K Driver, Straighter Flies Farther.


Both are available to buy in-store or demo on the driving range today, please contact a member of the team for more information at 01908 803340

PING Fitting Event – Monday 15th April 2024 14:00-18:00

Taylomade Fitting Event – Tuesday 23rd April 14:00-18:30

To book onto these custom-fitting events, please contact a team member in the Pro Shop.

Course Status Updates

Another reminder that we will keep the course status page of our website updated regularly. You will be able to see if the course is open, if buggies are allowed, if trolleys are allowed, and if there are any temporary greens or tees. Here is the link to save as a shortcut on your desktop/ phone:

Members Reciprocal Golf!

Don’t forget a fantastic benefit of membership at Abbey Hill is one free round per month at one of the other nine BGL Golf sites around England. The options are:

Aldwickbury Park – Harpenden

Burhill – Surrey

Birchwood Park – Kent

Hoebridge – Woking, Surrey

Redbourn – Redbourn

Ramsdale – Nottingham/Derby

The Shropshire – Telford

Thornbury - Bristol

Wycombe Heights – High Wycombe

You can book your round a maximum of seven days in advance by speaking to the team in our sales office by calling them on 01908 562566 (option four). You can also take non-member guests at members’ guest rates!

Birchwood Park in Kent (pictured above), is a very scenic course and well worth a day visit.

New Lager on Draught!

We have installed a lovely new Spanish lager called Cruzcampo on draught. Why not have a pint!?

Prostate Cancer Testing at Abbey Hill

We are proud to be hosting PSA testing for prostate cancer at Abbey Hill in May. All males over 40 should get tested regularly.

All the details are on the following page.

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In conjunction with Graham Fulford Charitable Trust. A team of clinicians will carry out the tests. Results are shared within 7-10 days and are completely confidential

For detecting early signs of Prostate Cancer

SUNDAY 12th MAY 2024



Click on Find a Testing Event and follow the registration instructions for 12th May event, book your time slot and PRINT out the form

You must BRING the form with you

MKPCS pay 50% of the cost of the test – you pay £12.50

You MUST have a time slot booked – No walk in appointments

Charity No: 1199745

01908 110763

Scan QR code to register

Easter Sunday at Abbey Hill

Just over three weeks to go until Easter…. Yes, it is early this year!! We still have availability for our Easter Sunday Event: Enjoy a Three-course meal,18 holes of Family fun on the Mr Mulligan’s Pirate Golf in Milton Keynes - PLUS an Easter egg surprise for the kids!!!

Adults £34.95pp, Child £19.95pp

Book online today for a funfilled day out:

Easter Egg Collection For Local Food Banks

We are collecting Easter Eggs to donate to local food banks. Please drop them into the coffee bar counter.


Thank you for reading the latest Members News.

Please feel free to contact us on 01908 562566


H3 Monks Way, Two Mile Ash, Milton Keynes


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