Aldwickbury Park Member News - November

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GM Report

The clocks have changed and while it is certainly a little warmer than we would normally expect, the winter is here and the drought of the summer is a distant memory. Thankfully the warmer temperatures are keeping the flower beds going for a little while longer, so we have an extended opportunity to enjoy the hard work of Gill Lee, ably supported this month by John Harris.

The coming months present a real challenge in protecting the golf course and we all play a part in doing so. Traffic management is in place to keep significant wear and tear well away from the playing surfaces and winter wheels are now mandatory for those Members who need to use a trolley. As always, we do ask that Members carry if they are able to do so as this is the best way to protect the course, limiting further restrictions and ensuring we go into next season in a good position.

Reduced daylight brings with it fewer tee times and we ask that Members are return any unwanted bookings at the earliest opportunity over the next couple of months, particularly at peak times, to allow others the opportunity to play where possible. Please also remember that with reduced light, its more important than ever to keep play moving and members should do everything possible to stay in touch with the group in front or let those behind them through as soon as possible.

Please remember that course status will now be updated by the Golf Shop every morning, allowing Members to check any restrictions or closures that may be in place at the earliest opportunity. Even if there is no change from the previous day, the team will still change the date and time displayed on the page so that you know it has been reviewed and the information is correct. You can view course status by visiting Course Status Page - Aldwickbury Park Golf Club or by selecting “Course Status” from the main menu of the website.

Members Newsletter – November 2022




sure Members will give all a warm welcome and we wish them all the very best in their new positions.

Finally, we have now completed work refurbishing the toilets in the men’s changing room which were in desperate need of an uplift. It’s been great to hear so much positive feedback on the new toilet facilities and I am very pleased with the end result!

I look forward to seeing you at the Club soon.

month saw new team members join here at the Club. A big welcome to Traci Twomey who will Temporary Sales Manager during Holly Lairds maternity leave (due to commence in December), Lisa Lloyd, our new Wedding and Events Co ordinator and Ben Campbell who joins the F&B team as Food and Beverage Supervisor. I am

A Message from the Captain

So, Autumn has set in, and the wet weather and leaves are with us. The course remains in fantastic condition with greens of which we can be proud of, I have noticed the bunkers being in much better condition with Craig’s team doing more spot checking (i.e. eye balling the bunkers as they drive around mowing greens and rake if they are in poor condition). Also, it is great to see members “encouraging” each other I did laugh a few Sundays back when an early starter had a hamlet moment on the 9th thinning it out to the other bunker across the green. After a token swish with the rake off he went to the other bunker. One fine lady waiting on the tee then went over and raked it properly for him (as it was her favourite bunker to visit) hopefully, having been suitably embarrassed, the bunkers he visits will now be raked properly in the future!

Here is a photo of a perfectly positioned rake unfortunately right next to a set of perfectly formed footprints. How disrespectful of that player to walk out without raking them. Please do make golf enjoyable for your playing partners and those following you and then it’s OK to expect those in front to have done likewise.

One other piece of news is that we are working on updating the Member’s Guide so that at least Gents and Mixed non draw sheet events (e.g. weekly/monthly medals/Stablefords and summer/winter league competitions) will never by cancelled following a suspension in play and only be cancelled if the course is closed all day. Acknowledging that some players will not be able to stay and finish their round, any not able to finish must still enter their scores on HDID or the PSI entering blank for any holes not played (Axel is checking the exact procedure with CV1/WHS and we will issue specific communication on this). Signing and submitting the scorecard noting not finished due to weather is still required Incomplete rounds will not be counted for competition purposes but equally will not be penalised as an NR for WHS handicap Rounds where less than 10 holes have been completed will not be counted for handicaps and where more than 10 holes have been played any non completed holes will be awarded net pars.

I forgot to mention this in last month’s busy newsletter. Max Warren had a surprise when playing on one Monday in August with a society a flock of sheep on the course he didn’t expect to see!

Luckily our South African members didn’t have a Braai planned that evening and, as neither Marlon nor, me nor other Welsh members were around the sheep were perfectly safe and quickly marshalled off the course by the farmer. I hear Craig was not amused!

Recent Mixed and Gents’ Competition Results

October has been our last busy month with 2 tournaments, winter league and winter knockouts starting.

24th Sept Summer League Final (Gents)

As announced last newsletter this was won by “The Duffers” Corin Superfine, Pete Laurance, Paul Beecher. Well played Paul with a fantastic 43 points on the day sadly not repeated last weekend with me in the Sunday swindle so it is obviously in there Paul! Here is the winning team receiving the trophy:

8th Oct Gents’ Autumn Cup

Congratulations to winners Ryan Neary and Pete Holman with an amazing 47 better ball points. Pete made me chuckle on his winners’ speech by referring Ryan to the handicap committee as Ryan had played out of his skin! Seriously though well played both regular players it is great to see good scores when it all comes together on the day.

1st Ryan Neary and Pete Holman 47pts

2nd Ed Laver and Duncan Perritt 44 pts (count back) 3rd Haroon and Ziad Ahmed 44pts

30th Oct – Fox Hunter Trophy

Many thanks to Jock Hunter, ex Captain and joint sponsor of the event (with Tim Fox) for helping on the day with the complex “Medalford” scoring but mainly for providing a tipple to help calm the nerves on the 1st My 5th shot off the tee landed on the fairway as a result (luckily I made par as the first ball had bounced off a tree onto the path!).

Winner for the second time for this event was James Miller with a truly “wow” round of golf. Playing off 9 he was 1 over gross playing the 18th a nervous double bogey didn’t affect a marvellous gross 74, net 65 and winner by some distance from many excellent scores on the day. Here are Jock and I awarding the distinctive trophy to James.

Full results with all net well below par were:

1st James Miller, 23 medalford points

2nd Mark Quigley, 28 medalford points (Mark told everyone before going out he is rubbish in medal rounds not true Mark!)

3rd Matt Brown with an excellent gross 70 and 29 medalford points

Best Net (outside the top 3) was Matt Phillips. Unlucky Ed Wilkinson for losing on countback both with Net 69’s (also for not winning best dressed again, Ed…. but you can make up for it in the Turkey Trott!)

2022 Knockout Competition – Mixed and Gents

Well done everyone for playing your rounds in timely fashion. Trophies will be presented at awards night (see below), congratulations to winners:-

Mixed Competitions

Summer Mixed Greensomes

Winners - Elaine Meagher and Pete Laurance Runners Up - Leah Fitzgerald and Ed Wilkinson

Family Foursomes

Winners - Linda Reeve and Elaine Meagher Runners Up - Matt & Max Warren

Gents Competitions

Gents Winter Foursomes

Winners - Tony Smith and Ed Laver Runners Up - Veronon Rodrigues and Adam Duke

Gents Summer Singles Div1

Winner - Matt Brown Runner Up - Andrew Davies

Gents Summer Singles Div2

Winner - Karl Bonney Runner Up - Scott Mumford

Pegasus Trophy (Overall singles winner of Div1/2 play off)

Winner - Matt Brown Runner Up - Karl Bonney

Gents Summer Pairs

Winners - Andrew Davies and Gary Fowler Runners Up - Gareth McNeill and Robert Botha

Congratulations all knock out winners and runners up, trophies and photos at awards night!

Forthcoming Events and Competitions

The draw for the Gents Winter Foursomes is up on the notice board in the Gents changing rooms. Please review it and arrange your matches before the due date.

Sun 13th Nov – Gents Daily Mail Foursomes

The winners are entered into the Daily Mail foursomes tournament. Entry is now closed. Please email if you would like to be added to the reserve list.

Dec – Turkey Trot (Mixed) (definitely one to look out for)

The final event of the year is a fun competition where we will have a shotgun start, nearest the pin on par 3’s and a special award for most festively dressed foursome (to be judged by Diana who has to shoot off to London after helping with meet and greet). We will also be doing a raffle for our charity, Parkinson’s UK (possibly a fine for anyone not with at least a Christmas hat or jumper on!) Here are a fun foursome from last year!

Summing up competitions for the winter months, as well as winter leagues, please look out for regular monthly events and mid week Stablefords (just enter on the day).

Rules and Handicap Committee

Lots of recent new local rules to look out for. I remain surprised at the number of members who are not aware of our local rules. They are there for your benefit! Please take time when you next visit the club to have a look at the local rules board – you may find you get relief from that cut in the fairway!


Please put these events in your diary for January - which normally needs a bit of livening up following a quiet period after Christmas!


Thursday 26th Jan 2023

Awards for all Club Campions (Ladies, Gents, Seniors), Mixed events and Major Gents Trophies. This is followed by a thoroughly entertaining Race Night – our final Joint Captains charity event of our Captains season


Come and have your say on the running of the club and input into election of our officers.

Tuesday 31st Jan 2023

Come to hear our General Manager, Captains’ and officers’ reports, the election of club officers and an opportunity to support the running of the club Cheers, Graham Payne (Club Captain)


A Message from the Lady Captain

October has been a month of extreme weather so mixed results for golf but a rounding off of summer competitions and matches. We had a great win of 5 2 against Harpenden Golf Club, retaining the Wendy Harris Trophy and there has been a good start to the Pearson season. Well done ladies.

Stableford and medal winners this month were Elaine Meagher, Jan Southwood and Sue Hattam. The victors in our qualifying round for the Daily Mail Foursomes were Naz Ball and Chloe Saunders with a fantastic 38 points. Welcome to Chloe in her first external competition. Wishing them luck in the main event

Gold cup winner Elaine Meagher. Silver cup winner Eleanor Brooks

The Tin Cup was won by Margaret Benson and organised by Maggie Cartmell.

A good season for Naz Ball who also won the Autumn Cup. This was a happy Sunday competition followed by tea and cake in the clubhouse.

Congratulations to Elaine Meagher & Pete Laurence who won the final of the Herts County mixed greensomes knockout championship. The 5th round tie took place as part of the Herts County Finals Day at Porters Park and despite having to give 15 shots, Elaine and Pete won 5&3.

We are privileged to have such a wonderful golfer and lovely person as Elaine in our midst. Her winning record is second to none, she also won the Summer Eclectic, beat Margaret Chury in the final of the Summer singles knock out and Elaine and Linda Reeve were victorious in the Summer pairs knock out

Preparations are underway for a new style ladies’ section without a Captain in 2023. Everyone will need to help out to keep the section going. If you haven’t already volunteered, please let me know so that we can fit you in and thanks to those who have already signed up.

Meanwhile, there is a full schedule of ladies’ section events planned for the winter months and you can sign up for these on How Did I Do. The Christmas lunch sheet is up on the Notice Board for your signature too, and I look forward to seeing you all in your Xmas jumpers.

Don’t forget to enjoy yourselves whilst playing golf


A Message from the Senior Captain

During October we had the following events:

4th Seniors Singles Ian Kerr Memorial Trophy.

6th Charity Day.

13th Aldwicks vs The Hertfordshire (Away)

18th Ladies vs Gents (Singles).

20th Aldwicks vs Hartsbourne (Away)

25th Aldwicks vs Chesfield Downs (Home)

27th Winter Stableford

1st. Harry Bech. h/cap 24; Points 37.

2nd. Keith Greatbanks. h/cap 9; Points 36.

3rd. Mike Hughes. h/cap 19; Points 33.

as follows:

Congratulations to Harry.

The Charity Day took place on a glorious day of sun and blue skies. There was a shotgun start at 9am with a field of 96 players which included 9 guests and 10 visitors from The Hertfordshire and South Beds. We were joined by Ken Brown who spent some time with us and was accompanied around the course by Holly Laird.

The Seniors Singles Autumn Cup (Ian Kerr Memorial Trophy) Honours Board event was organised by Pat O’Higgins with a field of 29 players, The results were

The results of the competition were as follows:

Team prizes:

1st. Dave Habershon; Pay Hayward; Kate Bull; Kelvin Smith. 129 points.

2nd David Lodge; Marlon Gill; Andrew Godden; Diana Godden. 128 (on c/back).

3rd. Graham Payne; Trevor Pyne; John Russell; Anne Roche. 128.

4th. Keith Greatbank; Pete Holman; Paul Roebuck; Tricia Wyatt. 127.

5th. Nick Boardman; Richard Sullivan; Trevor Bull; Mike Ray. 126. Closest to pin; 3rd. Jim Grieves; 7th Dave Walker; 14th Keith Greatbanks; 17th Darrell Martin Nearest hole in 2 shots: 9th Graham Payne; 18th Pat O'Higgins ***********

There were a number of photographs taken during the day and I will arrange to send them out at some stage in November.

In the Aldwicks Golf email of 7th October I expressed my thanks to everyone who helped in ensuring that it was such a successful day. Since then, our Treasurer, Keith Cox, has finalised the amount raised for Parkinson’s UK by the Seniors and the total is a magnificent £11,597. Arrangements are in hand to arrange for the Club’s charity funds from the Gents; Ladies and Seniors Sections to be presented to Parkinson’s UK at the ‘Drive Out’ on Saturday 28th January 2023.

A special thanks to our General Manager, Ian McDowell, for his support of the day and for agreeing to waive the green fees of our visitors and guests so that their entry fees could benefit the Charity. Thanks are also due to him for volunteering to caddy for Colin Robinson on the day as long as a suitable amount was paid to Parkinson’s.

Before I leave the subject of the Charity Day, in my previous Newsletter I thanked the Wednesday Swindle for their much appreciated support of the Day. Robert Andlaw played regularly in their Swindle and I made reference to Robert in my closing remarks at the Charity Day by saying how much he supported our previous charity days and always with his cheerful demeanour. He is very sadly missed.

To set the record straight, I refer to the Wednesday Swindle’s Ryder Cup match that was played on 24th August in support of our charity and the following resume of their day was kindly provided by John Martin:

“A beautiful day, good friends, the gracious presence of Ros Andlaw and some cracking golf match ups. Once again this day proved to be probably the best in the Wednesday Swindle calendar. Above all else, great fun and £150 raised for the Captain's Charity. Many thanks to Chief Architect JC and Capt. Gus. Gus’s Red team won the morning 9 hole Gruesomes 4 to 3 but John Cullen’s Blue team won the 18 hole singles 8 to 7. The result a very fair 11 all draw


so honour’s even. The new renamed Robert Andlaw Trophy to be shared for 6 months. Some memorable moments such as Capt. Gus being dormy 3 down against Young Pat Oakes and pulling it back for a tie. Kelvin scoring a tremendous 48 Stableford points against his poor opponent who was giving away 29 shots - oh yeah, that was me. (John Martin)”

The annual Ladies vs Gents singles competition took place on 18th October. My thanks to Sid Sinclair for his work in organising the Gents entry whilst I was away. The result was a 13.5 to 4.5 win for the Gents. There follow a few photographs with Sid being presented with the Trophy from the Ladies Captain, Diana Godden.

The October Winter Stableford was played on 27th October. This included the inaugural 9 hole Stableford competition that I had sought everyone’s views on earlier this year. The Organiser of this competition was Tony Froud. Sadly, he didn’t play as he wasn’t feeling very well on the day. There were only 18 players and because of this there could only be one Division. The results were:

1st. Rajesh Panchal. 42 points (h/cap 11).

2nd. Alan Taylor. 39 points (h/cap 26).

3rd. David Phillips. 38 points (h/cap 15). Congratulations to Rajesh for a great round of golf (only 5 over par).




The results of this year’s Aldwicks matches are as follows:

We played 3 matches in October. We won the away match vs The Hertfordshire 4 2; we won the away match vs Hartsbourne 4½ 3½ and we won the home match vs Chesfield Downs 5 1.

In total this year, we have played 24 matches against other clubs (12 home and 12 away).

We have won our 11 home matches and halved 1, and have lost our away matches 3 9. *******

Events in November and December are:

Tues 8 Nov. Aldwicks Yellow Ball.

Tues 15 Nov. Winter Stableford (18 hole and 9 hole).

Thur 17 Nov. Aldwicks 2022 Captain vs Aldwicks 2023 Captain.

Thur 24 Nov. 3 Clubs and a Putter.

Thur 1 Dec. Winter Stableford (18 hole and 9 hole).

Thur 8 Dec. Turkey Trot.

Tues 20 Dec. Christmas Golf, lunch and Prize giving.

David Phillips.

Seniors Captain 2022.

the hole event there were only 2 players: Mike Swain and Sue Phillips. Sue won with 12 points and Mike had 10.

Course Report


During October we still had some very good growing conditions but also very wet days. This brings significant disease pressure, but we will continue to apply preventative treatments over the coming weeks / months to keep the greens healthy and strong over the winter.

We have been running our Air2g2 machine over the greens and this will continue to be done on a monthly basis over the winter months. The Air2g2 works by blasting compressed air down to 12 inches in the soil profile which fractures the sub layer, creating air channels, relieving compaction, aiding root development, and helping move water through the profile all of which promote health and condition.

In my opinion, this is a far better practice than the traditional verti draining which involves running a large heavy tractor over the playing surfaces, punching hundreds of big holes. The air2g2 leaves only a very small impression on the green which doesn’t affect ball roll and play ability and is proving to be a great investment.

Tees, Approaches, and Fairways

We have now completed our renovation work to the tees and approaches. All tees have been cored, scarified, top dressed and double passed with an overseeder. We have also applied a winter granular feed to keep them strong over the winter months.

Approaches have had the same treatment without being hollow cored.

Fairways continue to recover very well after the heat of the summer, weaker fairways have been deep scarified with the debris blown and cleared. These have done better than expected without the need to overseed. Any remaining patches will be tidied and seeded.


You will have seen at the back end of October we started the process of traffic management around the golf course. There has been a lot of post and rope put out to keep traffic well away from the greens and approaches - thank you to all obeying these. Where hoops or posts need removing to play a shot, please remember to replace them afterwards.

A few people have asked why we have got both hoops, post and rope on the 7th for example. This is to stop golfers walking trolleys around behind the bunkers then cutting in front of the green to then get to the tee on the 8th. I know it’s a pain and you have to walk further but for the protection of the course it is a necessity.

I know that many of you elect to carry where possible at this time of year and I really do appreciate you doing this, it goes a long way to help protect the golf course and ensures that by the start of the season we will be in the best position we can be – thank you!


Now that the greens are getting softer, pitch marks are more prevalent, please if you see a pitch mark even if it isn’t yours can this be repaired. When repairing a pitch mark can the turf be folded into the centre of the pitch mark and not prized up from the middle as this weakens the turf and we end up with brown spots of dead turf everywhere which takes weeks to recover

See you on the course!

Pro Tip of The Month

Winter Bunker Conditions

We’d all like to avoid the bunkers out on the course as must as possible but I think this is doubly so during the winter months. Hard, compacted sand presents a whole new challenge, but it doesn’t have to be card wrecker. Follow these simple steps and with a little bit of practice you’ll be able to escape easily and save the day!

First, we need to remember that the clubs bounce is no longer your friend. This is a shot where we need to engage the digging edge of the clubhead. Instead of selecting your sand wedge consider using a club with less bounce angle like your lob wedge, gap wedge or pitching wedge if the lip allows. Play the ball back a little more than normal with the hands ahead of the clubhead. It’s vital that you don’t hang back, lean your upper and lower body more forward to ensure a steeper angle of attack into the ball. A slightly open stance will have the effect of steepening the clubs decent into the ball even further. Setting up in this way will encourage you to pick the club up earlier in the takeaway but resist the tendency to move your weight or upper body back. You won’t need to make such a big swing as there will be less resistance from the sand. Allow the club to swing down into the sand, close to the ball, with a digging type motion. The follow through will be short and the ball will generally fly lower. When played correctly you’ll notice that the ball will take a big first skip before stopping quickly. Give that a go. I’m sure it will help.

Enjoy the challenge of your winter rounds.

Please remember to replace all divots and rake bunkers raked as best as possible. With wetter conditions can golfers please enter the bunker from the lowest point and no walk down the step faces.

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