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Tip of the Month: Acceptance!
I think we’d all agree that it’s been a frustrating start to the year from a golfing perspective. First, we had to contend with the wet and muddy conditions, and more recently the rock hard frozen ground. I’m sure the patience of those who did venture out was severely tested. Golf is a hard enough game as it is without having to contend with balls bouncing off at all angles, especially after what felt like a perfect strike.
Maybe we can learn something from this experience too. Maybe we can learn to accept things as they are and stop trying to control the uncontrollable. I am convinced that being able to accept the outcome of your shot will put you more at ease and allow you to keep your attention where it needs to be. If you can truly accept the outcome then you’re on your way to more enjoyable and fulfilling rounds. Give it a try, I know it will help.
Steve Barker PGA Professional
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Hole in one(s)
On 20th February, something extraordinary happened during the Monday Swindle – we had two holes in one on the same day – which we think is a unique occurrence at the club.
The first bull’s eye was on the 3rd and was achieved by Keith Sheffield who, as a higher handicapper, scored 1 for 6 stableford points! His playing partners were heard shouting “IT’S IN THE HOLE!!!”
The second ace was by John Maynard on the 14th which, for most players, is a difficult green to even stay on. This was John’s second hole in one.
I’m sure that you will all want to join me in congratulating Keith and John on these remarkable achievements. Keith immediately bought a round of drinks for all the swindlers, and John will buy his round next week when the hole in one fund has been topped up.
The Monday swindle is a full qualifying competition, and the scores were entered into the PSI and the WHS, so they should qualify as entries for the hole in one board at the club.
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