Quick Update
Hi Everyone, Winter is now definitely on its way, hea�ng is on, sofa comfy is out and for me the lovely winter foods will be had, homemade soup is my husband’s favourite with all the winter veg added. This is a short newsleter as I have some really great news, I could not wait un�l December’s newsleter to tell you about. New Spin Bikes We have finalised all the details for our brand-new spin bikes that hopefully fingers crossed should be here in the coming months. We have also increased the number from 16 to 21 bikes giving more opportunity for you to get onto your favourite class and the right �me for you. We have gone with Keiser M3i Bikes as we feel these bikes offer much more to the individual rider and to our group classes. Preferred by many of the top Sports Team across the world, they are one of the leading Spin Bike specialists.
Keiser are the first bikes to offer Bluetooth® allowing you to use your own phone or tablet to access your favourite training apps along with the M Series app that logs and analyses every detail of your rides and progress. The app also lets you access guided training programs developed by Keiser master trainers. The good news does not stop there we are also ge�ng brand new CV equipment and Swimsuit Dryers for the changing room I will have more informa�on on these products next month.
Outdoor Hydrotherapy Pool Update As many of you will already know the indoor and outdoor hydrotherapy pools are the same body of water with the same hea�ng, plant and filtra�on system. During the winter months, we have always struggled to maintain the temperature of the water in the outdoor pool due to heat loss based on the colder external air temperature. As the hydrotherapy pools are both connected, this also starts to affect the indoor hydrotherapy pool temperature as the rapid heat loss is at a rate the heat exchangers cannot recover. We have done everything we can over the past few years to try and find a way to maintain the hydrotherapy pools temperature during the winter months, this has included installing addi�onal
heat exchangers, adding a pool cover and controlling maintenance schedules that require us to add cold water to our pools. The most effec�ve way of managing the situa�on we have found is to close the pool cover on the outdoor hydrotherapy pool to reduce the rate of heat loss. This ensures we can keep the indoor hydrotherapy pool at the desired temperature range of 34-37 degrees. We realise that the hydrotherapy pools are an atrac�ve part of the club and as such we wanted to try and manage member expecta�ons. Recently we looked at closing the outdoor hydrotherapy pool during the coldest winter months, however since taking on board feedback from members we recognise this may not be the appropriate course of ac�on at this �me. As such we will now revert to a more pragma�c approach in managing the hydrotherapy pools. Moving forwards we will only close the outdoor hydrotherapy pool, if the indoor hydrotherapy pool temperature drops below 34 degrees. This is consistent with ac�ons we have taken previously. Pool tests are completed every 2 hours and the temperature is always assessed at this point.
Christmas is coming fast have you got all your presents yet!!! Why not see if we can help you. 25% OFF Myzone belts. Help your loved ones keep on track and join the Myzone community. Discounted Personal Training sessions when purchased as block booking. 20% OFF all Castore Fitness clothing range, please see recep�on for more designs.
Mobile phones We are s�ll seeing mobile phones being taken in the pool/spa area’s please leave your phones in your lockers, penal�es will apply to those who do not follow the club rules. We do not allow mobile phones to be used in the pool/spa area for any purpose. This rule also extends to tablets/kindles etc.
Thank you for reading the latest Members News. Please feel free to contact us on 01322 662038