Member News
November newsletter Hi Everyone, Where has this year gone! My beautiful granddaughter turned recently and is walking around causing chaos and destruction and I would not have it any other way. Over the last few months, I have been jumping in to cover classes and have really enjoyed teaching again I must apologise to those that have participated and been subjected to my singing, I guess we can’t have it all. It has been great seeing so many members and having chat that I may otherwise miss sitting in my office, so please the office door is always open if you need to talk to me or Mike. Christmas is nearly upon us, and I am one of those super organised people and have all my present brought and ready to wrap Go Serina! A quick update on where we are with the new gym equipment, we are unfortunately still waiting on the new equipment; matrix have informed me it’s now in the country and will be delivered as soon as possible, let’s hope it’s this year.
We have now installed all the electrical points for myzone, and TVs are bought and ready to go up. We are just waiting for the software package to be delivered along with the new matrix equipment. Once all this is installed, we will be ready to launch our new training zone area on the gym floor.
Well done to everyone who entered and completed our First Swimtag Challenge of the Birmingham canals, we had two lucky winners Paul Fisher and Peter Cornwell who received two free guest passes each. The Challenge is still running up until 27th November if anyone wants to complete it for fun. Our next competition will start in December, more information on this in next months newsletter.
Winter is Here The winter months can be difficult for many of us and our mental health. With dropping temperatures and shorter days, we might feel the need to sleep for longer, notice a change in our appetite, or find it difficult to do things we normally enjoy. Looking after your physical health can make a difference to how you feel emotionally. Keping up with the gym and classes during the winter is important. Physical activity can be very effective in lifting mood and increasing energy levels. It doesn’t have to be anything too strenuous. It could be yoga, walking, or swimming. Eating well, getting enough Vitamin D and getting a good night sleep can all help lift your mood during the winter.
What is Vitamin D? Vitamin D or the “sunshine vitamin” is the only nutrient that is produced by your body, when exposed to sunlight. It is an essential vitamin that plays a crucial role in supporting your bone health by absorbing calcium from your diet and boosts your immunity to flu.
Foods Rich in Vit D: • • • • • •
Oily fish like salmon, sardines, herring, and maceral Red meat Egg yolks Mushrooms Soy products Fortified food like, fat spreads and breakfast cereals. Lisa Dicketts Studio Co-Ordinator I would like to give an update on how the class timetable and how the classes are performing, but first I would like to thank you for the feedback and suggestions I receive in person and through email. Whilst we cannot always implement all suggestions that are received, these are kept for future possibilities.
The timetable has been updated for November and there have been several changes, including four new classes. Core Conditioning - Tuesday at 9:00 - 09:25 BodyCombat - Wednesday at 09:00 – 09:40 Kettlebells - Wednesday at 19:00 – 19:45 BodyAttack - Sunday at 09:00 – 09:55 Class No Shows In October there where 429 no shows, this is the overall number of members who booked on a class but did not attend on the day. If you are unable to make your class, please cancel your space as soon as possible, this will help give members who have booked onto the waiting list an opportunity to attend a class. You can cancel a class up to an hour before the class starts on the Elite Live app, to do this you’ll need to go into booking history, find the class and then click on the ‘bin’ icon to delete your booking. Alternatively you can call reception to cancel the booking, the lines are open from 6 am on weekdays and 7 am on weekends / Bank Holidays. Double Bookings We have a several classes of the same discipline on the timetable due to popularity of these classes. Please can I ask members not to booked back-to-back classes of the same discipline, to allow other members the opportunity to attend. Those who have doubled booked will be contacted to choose one class to attend on that day. Supporting Classes The timetable is monitored on a regular basis; this allows us to see which classes are doing well and those that are not based on a traffic light system. Classes that are in the red, are at risk of potentially being removed from the timetable. Please show your support to the instructor by attending these classes. The following classes that need your support and which will be a fantastic addition to your workout routine are: BodyAttack - Monday at 09:30 HIIT - Tuesday at 17:15
Spin - Wednesday at 19:00 BodyCombat - Friday at 08:15
Final Note I would like to thank you for your support and if you have any questions or suggestions, you can find me in the gym or contact me via email Have a great month and I will catch up with you all soon.