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I am honoured to be taking over as the Ladies Captain for this year. My aim is to continue to achieve a balance of golf and social, fun games and qualifiers, so that over the year all our ladies get what they want from the ladies section.
Thank you all so much for the wonderful reception you gave at my drive-in on February 15th. I was overawed by the tremendous amount of effort you have put in on the displays and the costumes, and blown away by the cycling reception committee, the welcome and the badminton arch of honour.
Thank you to Sue Hickman-Jameson who stood in for me to do the drive, as I had just had an operation. The drive was 105 yards, and the winner of the prediction was Lionel Galiozzie from the Friars, who won a bottle of wine.
Congratulations to the winners of the drivein’s Friendship Quaiche Trophy: June White, Annette Brooks, Anne Williams and Diane Riddy.
And of course, thank you to Shirley Deudon for organising the drive in. As Captain, she is a hard act to follow.
these holes! In first place with a stunning 43 points were Sue Hickman-Jameson and Jean Large.
On Feb 26th and March 1st, 26 pairs battled it out playing 4BBB for the Deudon Crystal Charity Trophy. In first place with 38 points were Di Ritson-Hall and Sue HickmanJameson.
On March 7th our Pearson Ladies beat Harpenden Golf Club at home by 5 games to 2 under the new captaincy of Sue HickmanJameson. Fabulous result for the team consisting of Sam Daniels (in her first Pearson match), Anne Williams, Shirley Deudon, Annette Brooks, Lorraine Hull, Bernie Marcus, and Sue HJ.

This now makes Redbourn winning 5 games out of 5 this year!
Linda Hill has come forward to be Ladies Captain for next year, and hence will become Vice Captain for this coming year. I am sure you are all as delighted as I am to welcome Linda to her new role.
The first 18 hole competition of the year, on Feb 22nd, was Greensomes, so at least we had fewer shots to make round all
Please do take part in our monthly charity draw to support EHAAT. Entry is £10 for the year, to enter 10 monthly draws to win one of three monetary prizes. Please ask Paula at the bar or email your committee members for more details.
At the end of this month the Charity Hazard will move from the 13th bunker to the lake on the 9th.
Charity Fundraising
The Friars have donated £600 to the Rennie Grove Captain’s Charity fund. Most of which was raised during a raffle organised by Chris Dyble at the Friars Annual Presentation Dinner.
The Friars have also donated £700 to the Royal British Legion, raised during a ‘Remembrance Day’ golf event organised by Martin Prechner and assisted by Kevin Hamer.
The University College London Hospital Cancer Charity benefited in excess of £1,500 (£665 from Friars contributions) from the publication of a beautiful and poignant poetry book, illustrated by Friar, Dave Jacques and written by his daughter, Emily while attending her radiotherapy treatment.
Other Friars contributions to the Captain’s Charity included £340 to the monthly draw, and in excess of £200 to the Lady Captain’s Day raffle.
This photo shows Friars 2022 Captain, Peter Whitlock presenting a cheque for £600 to Ladies and Mens Captains, Shirley Deudon and Matt Perry.