Redbourn GC Newsletter - June 23

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In this Edition: • Club News • Course Update • Club Captain’s Updates MEMBER NEWS MONTH 2023 JUNE - JULY 2023


Renewals & Photos

As I write this, renewals are well under way and plenty of members taking advantage of the early renewal benefits of guest passes and re-usable mugs. A reminder to all members that the new membership year starts 1st June every year, and unless you pay on a monthly rolling basis then membership will be suspended. The irony of this section is that anyone who hasn’t re-joined, won’t be receiving this newsletter - but if anyone has a playing partner that was intending to re-join but may have forgotten, please remind them. All photos must be on the system when renewing as well.

Dear Redbourn Member, Giatinum nobitae eici officipicit ventur, conesequat quatur, quodist ruptat. Ecte verest qui necation natem cori sament officid quiatem facidusam ducid mi, odis eatus autas doluptae exeratium fugia dunt quam vellandit ipis con peligendel etur, odisciis doluptur, eum dolum repra am faccus expel iunt.

Customer Feedback

Dear Redbourn Member,

Welcome to the June edition of The Redbourn Member’s Newsletter. I started off my last piece by welcoming you all to Spring, which perhaps was a little bit premature. With Summer finally appearing to have started, it seems like the last couple of months have given us glimpses of sun and warmth in between the heavy downpours and high winds. Despite the variable weather, we have had some fantastic feedback regarding the course and with the 6 bunker renovations, the course will only go from strength to strength.

This month has seen some fantastic feedback of the club and some great mentions of members of staff who are making a difference. Thank you to all those who have taken the time to respond this month, whether that is letting us know what we have done well, or what we can do better at. The winner of May’s customer feedback will be announced via a different communication due to the month not having finished as I write this!

Rather than giving positive feedback this month, I would like to share with you some comments made about our staff:

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• “Charlie in the pro-shop, is so helpful to everyone and always has time for you.”

• “Sam in bar really friendly and professional”

• “Paula as always makes visitors feel at home”

• “Viv has been with Redbourn for nearly 30 years and not only knows most of the members names.”

• “Hayden & his team - as stated, the course is looking great!”

• “Hannah Morris - great customer focus! Great follow up calls. Extra mile stuff that makes a big difference.”

• “Ben - Whenever I am at Redbourn and he sees me, he makes the time to say hi”

Thanks all!

A couple of constructive areas brought up in the feedback are bunkers, which we are currently starting to work on, and the price of certain drinks in the bar. As mentioned, we are working on delivering value to all our members via members-only deals combined with their discounts.



Hopefully by the time this email comes out, the 6 bunkers under renovation will be complete, full of sand, and almost back in play after giving the turf a bit of time to take.

This is the start of Redbourn’s commitment to renovate all its bunkers, making them stone free, defined, and (dare I say it), a proper hazard! As mentioned previously we are using a system called capillary concrete whereby we install drains underneath a layer or crushed, compact, porous concrete that lead to a drainage pit nearby. The layer of compact concrete acts as a blinding layer that will prevent the stones coming through from the earth and hopefully keep the new sand uncontaminated. The edges will be riveted to give a sharp and defined look.


Course Manager Update

Haydn Drinkwater Course Manager


The Greens have been scarified and have subsequently undergone a light topdressing - a granular fertiliser was also applied to help push greens on and improve sward density. This was done on both the main course and short course.

Greens are at the summer height of 3.5mm and regular rolling will also continue throughout the season to help produce a true playing surface.

Light and frequent foliar fertiliser/and seaweed will be applied to greens as well to keep them healthy. Wetting agent also be applied to help water from irrigation to be used more efficiently.

Tees and Approaches

The Professional Shop

As you know, Steve Hunter, our Director of Golf for the past 27 years has officially left the business. He will be coaching every Monday for a short period of time so for those for haven’t managed to say goodbye, there will be a few more opportunities.

While the recruitment of a new Head Professional is underway, Charlie Turner will take interim responsibility of the team, so if anyone has any issues, please see Charlie.

The Tees and approaches have had a slowrelease fertiliser applied, which will provide nutrients over the next 5 to 6 months. This will be topped up with light and frequent applications off foliar fertiliser and seaweed.


The Fairways will be fed, and growth regulator applied to slow down grass growth in order to produce better quality off cut.



Dear Redbourn Member, Paul

The river is in good condition in terms of flow and depth, and at this time I believe we will see continuous flow into next year which is excellent news!

I’m sure you have seen that the 16th hole stretch has widened considerably and submerged the original banks and rye Grass, leading to a few aesthetic issues in terms of rye grass projecting out of the water and the appearance of ugly brown Algae on the submerged grass.

By the time this appears in the June newsletter I will have commenced and hopefully cleared most of the Rye grass clumps so you can all see the rather beautiful gravel bottom again. The Algae will have to be regularly raked with a Micro Net to scoop it up and away.

The 7th hole will need to have rye grass cut back or pulled from the bank sides to a width of approximately 2 feet to ensure you can see the Spring fed stream - this will allow Aquatic plants like the watercress to move in which are much easier to manage! With regard to the Ponds - there is a desire to remove the Green Algae but, as you can

appreciate, this would need a minimum of 2 people buddying up as there are health and safety issues here with deep water. Stay tuned on that front!

I do hope you all like the beauty of the wild banks and the variety of plants showing. It’s a great environment for our chalk stream species so we need to be conservative in our actions when cutting - we are certainly being good eco warriors at Redbourn at the moment, although I can only apologise for the lost golf balls!!


Men’s Captain’s Update

After England’s wettest March since 1981 and the third wettest on record, Dr Mark McCarthy concluded:

“March 2023 will be remembered for being a dull and wet month, especially for those in the south of the UK”. However, the weather has been improving and the greenkeepers have been able to cut the fairways and the greens making the course look splendid. Thank you, Hayden and team!

Redbourn Men had their first inter-club match of the season on 25th March against Batchwood Hall GC. The Redbourn team, comprising of Neil Marcus (VC), Peter Emery,Jim Manning & Matt McNamara,Piero Monastero & Carl Ingram, Matt Perry & Graham Tomlin, Lee Kavanagh & Rob Davies and Ian Rice (C) & Ben Warne had a resounding win at home 5½ - ½:

In our next match away against Abbey Hill, the team, consisting of Ian Rice (C) & Spencer Green, Jari Worsley & Peter Emery, Rob Davies & Steven Tuhey, Brett Richards & Graham Tomlin, Barry Cole & Gen Wilkes and Neil Marcus & Sean Smith, were not as successful losing ½: - 5½.

Saturday 15th April saw the Captain’s team take the spoils with a play-off chipping contest in the annual “grudge match” between the Captain’s team and the Vice Captain’s team.

It was a closely fought 4BBB match play contest with the Captain’s team winning two matches, the Vice Captain’s team winning


two matches, and the remaining two matches finishing all square. There were two special prizes for best team score, which went to Duncan Green and Vinnnie Bartrip for winning their match 5&4 for the Vice Captain’s team and also for the most notable achievement on the day which went to Don Smith for the Vice Captain’s team who recorded an eagle on the 9th hole. Alongside the very fun day in lovely weather, we managed to raise some money for The Essex & Herts Air Ambulance. Congrats to all involved.

The Mixed Trio Trophy was played on the 1st May. This is an enjoyable Texas scramble competition where the colour of tees for everyone to play off are marked on the cards and they change every three holes.

The winners were Jon Quick, Brett Richards, Sheryl Tye and Chris Lewin with a nett score of 58 for their round. The next mixed event is the Mixed Foursomes on the 29th May.


Captain’s Day

A big thank you to all those who have supported the new format for Captain’s Day on 10th June, which is now full. Hopefully the weather will be sunny, and it will be an enjoyable day. There will be a raffle and a silent auction with some excellent items. More details about the auction including items will be sent out nearer the date.

April Medal winners

Saturday: Cancelled

Sunday Division 1: Martin Pearce - 70, Division 2: Carl Ingram - 68

Tuesday Division 1: Graham Walker – 75

Social Salver winners

Friday - Jim Walker 34pts

Saturday - Chris Yates 39 pts

Sunday - Sean Smith 39 pts

May Medal winners

Saturday Division 1 - Phil Ralfe 70

Division 2 - Bob Taylor 73

Sunday Division 1 - James Mitchell 69

Division 2- Mike Pembroke 72

Tuesday Division 1 - Graham Walker 76

Division 2 - John Smith 71

Men’s Stewards Plate

Friday Division 1 – Din Bhumgara 40pts


Saturday Division 1 – Adarsh Shah 39pts

Sunday Division 1 – Martin Todd 35pts

Easter Bowl winners

Friday – Sam Chapple 37pts

Saturday Phil Ralfe 36pts

Sunday - Kevin Knight 37pts

Hall of Fame – Captains Charity winners

Friday - Andy Roberts 30pts

Saturday - Russel Field 43 pts

Sunday - Jim Manning 39pts

Charles Rance Trophy

Friday Division 1 – Jeremy Tatham gross 90/nett 74

Saturday Division 1 – Ben Warne gross 80/nett 73

Sunday Division 1 – Barry Cole gross 77/nett 68



The weather is now really picking up, the course is in great condition hence the golf conditions generally are on the up.

We wish a warm welcome to the new members of the Ladies section who have just graduated from Steve’s group and are attaining handicaps, and a sad goodbye to Steve, who has been the reason many of us joined the club. We wish him all the very best at Woodbridge, and are delighted that he will make time once a week for a couple of months to continue some coaching.


To our Pearson team for getting to the quarterfinals, having won the first round against 4 other clubs. This match was played in 2 legs –we played away against Brickenden Grange on May 5th where we Brickenden won 5 games to 2. At the home match on May 16th Brickenden won 4 games to our 3. Sadly this is where our journey ends, but a great effort nonetheless!

The quarter-final squad consisted of: Captain Sue Hickman-Jameson, Sam Daniels, Sally Burrowes, Bernie Marcus, Annette Brooks, Pauline Byrne, Lorraine Hull, Lin Taylor, Sheryl Tye and Lisa Taylor, and in the 1st round were joined by Anne Williams, Shirley Deudon, Mary Bromfield, Nicky Holmes, Di Ritson-Hall, Debbie Goldthorpe and Paula Craddock.

We are through to the second round of the Annodata Knockout Competition. Wish us luck for the forthcoming match against Aldwickbury on Sat May 27th!

The winners were:

1st prize - £40 to Catherine Kay

2nd prize - £25 to Matt Perry

3rd prize - £15 to Jon Barber.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you for taking part in the draw!

Wed 17th May - Ladies vs Friars Four ball better ball.

We had a great day playing against the Friars, with the Ladies winning 6 games to 4! Due to injuries we were short of players, so thank you to Robin Cheng, Jeff Carter, Ben Gray and Subhash Patel who all were kind enough to play for the Ladies team.

A massive thank you to Alan Everett, Paula Craddock and Linda Hill for organising the event.

Thank you to Alison Minns for selling the Sweepstake scratch card, which raised £88 for Charity.

Nearest the Pin on the 4th for the Ladies was won by Pip Lawrenson, and on the 16th for the Friars was won by Jim Walker. Nearest the Line was won by myself and Peter Whitlock. 2nd best Ladies score was won by Denise Woodland and Ben Gray, and 2nd best Friars score by Alan Payne and Les Hull. Best Ladies score was won by Catherine Kay and Robin Cheng, and for the Friars Jim Walker and Cliff Knott. Well done to all the winners.

Monthly Charity Draw

The second of 10 draws for this year took place on 3rd May at the club. All profits go to EHAAT

A big thank you to the Friars for making this such an enjoyable day, and for funding the prizes.

Thank you for reading the latest Members News. Please feel free to contact us on 01582 7934393 REDBOURN GOLF CLUB Kinsbourne Green Lane Redbourn Hertfordshire AL3 7QA

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