Bendigo Weekly issue 745 Jan 13, 2011

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BendigoWeekly ISSUE 745 FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2012 Bendigo’s most-read newspaper

Remembering the war SALUTE: Harold H Harman, John Handley and Ivon Hutcheson prepare for the ceremony.

IT is often called the forgotten war, but to veterans of the Korean conflict of the early 1950s, memories will never leave. Next week sees the unveiling of a

special plaque to remember the fallen, and Kangaroo Flat RSL is hoping to attract veterans and their families to the event.

STORY Page 9



THE clock is ticking on Bendigo’s golf clubs. Rising costs, dwindling memberships and the burden of debts are fuelling an imminent crisis. Quarry Hill, one of the smaller volunteer-run clubs, is reportedly down to 49 members. While reports that Bendigo Golf Club was $1 million in debt were scotched this week by manager

Golf clubs bunker down for crisis

Bryan Wearne, who said the actual amount is “nowhere near” that, they are still facing a tough battle. Current membership of just over 500 is “not really sustainable”, Mr Wearne said, although he has added 70 members so far this financial year.

Eaglehawk, which has begun talks with other clubs about a merger, is in dire trouble. “Eaglehawk club has its back to the wall, and it will wither and die, if we all just keep sitting back and doing nothing – and they’re not the only ones,” acting secretary of the

Bendigo District Golf Association Mark Bamford said this week. “Bendigo Golf Club hasn’t got the cash flow so they will struggle to reduce their debt. “Neangar (Park) might be top dog, and things might be going well for them at the moment but they

have to look forward; they’ll have insurance restraints in the future. “I’m being candid here; there is a head-in-the-sand attitude at the moment, but something has to give, and it has to give fairly quickly.”

Continued Page 8 EDITORIAL Page 13 Tell us your thoughts Email: Write to: Letters to the Editor, PO Box 324, Bendigo 3552

Insurance deluge Page 3 ■ Significant Fortuna Page 5 ■ Pollies row over hospital Page 7

2 • NEWS

Bendigo Weekly – Friday, January 13, 2012

Guns on the rise


Contact us 172 McIvor Highway, Bendigo Postal PO Box 324, Bendigo, 3552 Fax 5442 5450 Phone 5442 5448 Editorial 5440 2544 Sales 5440 2566 Classifieds 5442 1646 Web General Manager Peter Kennedy Editor Anthony Radford Editor (Features) Steve Kendall

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21 Who’s new? 28 Sport GOING SWIMMINGLY: Lynne Waller with the injured reptile. Photo: ANDREW PERRYMAN

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Wayward turtle on home run By STEVE KENDALL

A MURRAY RIVER turtle was found a bit off track in Lake Weeroona on Tuesday. Unfortunately the reptile had taken a hook and was far from well. Bendigo Animal Hospital vet Lyndel Jeffrey was faced with the first turtle in her career. “It was out with the books and a quick ring round to colleagues with zoo medicine experience,” Dr Jeffrey said. “We put the anaesthetic into its tail and then went about removing the hook.

“It was quite a way down its throat, so we cut in and took the hook out the side of its neck.” A quick stitch later and the turtle was off to the Wildlife Rescue Information Network. Member Lynne Waller said they have had several Murray River turtles in the region. “They don’t like Bendigo water,” she said. “People bring them home but then they grow, so they dump them. This latest turtle weighs in at 3.6 kilograms, but Lynne has seen them up to 9.8kg.

There’s every likelihood there will be some weight gain with this newest arrival. “I feed them baby prawns and a special mince,” Lynne said. The long-necked turtle will be returned to New South Wales in eight or nine weeks. “The vet said we had to allow the stitch to dissolve first,” Lynne said. WRIN has been in action for about 15 years, with Lynne being a member for 11. “We operate 24 hours a day for wildlife,” she said. WRIN can be contacted on 0419 356 433.

THE outskirts of Bendigo have a new distinguishing feature: postcode 3551 has the highest number of registered guns in Australia. A year-long request for data gained under Freedom of Information by the Herald-Sun in Melbourne has revealed that within the outlying districts of Bendigo, there is a total of 7179 registered guns. The region includes Axedale, Strathfieldsaye, Huntly, Maiden Gully and Lockwood. Victoria has 642,176 firearms registered, which is 23 per cent of the national total. The investigation also revealed that the East Gippsland town of Swifts Creek has the highest ration of registered guns per resident: 278 firearms and 778 residents. French Island in Western Port Bay and Harrow in the Wimmera were also high in resident-to-firearm ratio. The report said Victoria Police are concerned at the increase in the number of firearms per capita. In the 18 months prior to June last year, 5000 people gained firearm licences but there were 39,000 more firearms registered.

Tell us your thoughts Email: letters@bendigoweekly. Write to: Letters to the Editor, PO Box 324, Bendigo 3552

Friday, January 13, 2012 – Bendigo Weekly

NEWS • 3

Consultants employed to determine impact of overland water in Bendigo

Flood risks in spotlight By ROSEMARY SORENSEN

THE biggest flood study in Victoria outside Melbourne is under way in Bendigo, to update risk information and assessments. “We received funding from local, state and federal governments a couple of years ago,” North Central Catchment Management Authority’s floodplain manager Camille White said this week. “Now we have employed consultants to undertake a study to determine what areas will be impacted from overland water flows. “This will help ensure that new development is built appropriately. “The last thing you want is to build a new house and have water

flowing through it.” The news of the study, the first of its kind to map comprehensively flood risk in the Bendigo region, comes on the back of residents’ alarm at rising insurance costs. Last week, the Bendigo Weekly reported blowouts in premiums for houses in areas deemed to be in high flood risk areas by insurance companies. The flood mapping on which those risks were assessed is not available publicly, and Ms White said the information to date has been sketchy. “There was a flood study in the 1980s but since then technology has improved,” she said. “We just didn’t have that map-

ping, and it’s something we have to do better.” Ms White said the mapping will look at rainfall figures as well as river levels. “The computers have only been good enough in the past two to three years to run these models,” she said. “Bendigo was a priority because of the amount of development that is happening. “This is definitely going to up the quality of information and give a lot of people surety about where they buy blocks of land. “It will also help council; they have spent a lot of money on planning but they haven’t been able to base it on the best science.”

Flood risk assessments Insurance for new developments are Bendigo residen bills delug areas have bee ts in flood-prone n slugged with currently undertaken by e huge rise in prem a ium advice is to ‘sho s – and the p around’ developers for new estates. Ms White said several developments in the Epsom-Huntly area have “been on hold” pending flood risk information. “This study might change that, so they Principals’ can go ahead,” she powers and drugs crackd own among new legisla said. tion The initial phase of the IN THE NEWS: Last week’s Bendigo floodplain study is exBendigo Weekly story. pected to be completed by July, when the information will be made publicly available for community consultation. Friday, Janua ry 6, 2012 – Bendigo Week ly




SEN insurance losses BENDIGO from events such prope ignated flood-p rties in des- Victoras the Queensland and being hit with rone areas are from ian floods increa sed $2.144 billion rises in insura astronomical to in 2010 $4.35 billion of up to 2000 nce premiums includ in per ing the Christ2011, not One reside cent. mas Day storms in Melbo lin Street was nt of Havurne. Mr shocke Fuller d to be told by her said that because each insurer, RACV, insure her house and conditions r’s policies and conten surance was ts in- it pays to “shop are different, set to rise from $300 to $7000 around”. He said to include flood insura government it is the role of nce. Another sure to naturato reduce expotral Bendig resident in cenl disaste “Unless govern rs. renewal by o was refused prove ments imher insurer, liden, becaus Cal- buildi land use planning and ng codes, remov postcode is e the Bendigo e some a flood-risk area. “The costs of natural disasters will Flood insurance an affect on inevitably have insurance miums as Federal Gove is not yet mandatory, thoug companies prernment has adjust their pricin h the g committed to of individual to take account of introducing it the risk cost levels impediment increasing and taking costs of reinsu s to ance,” Manag r- as state out insurance such taxes and levies, tions of the er Communica- build and Insurance Counthe physic cil of Austra IN FULL FLOW: lia Campbell to protect those al barriers The Bendigo Fuller said. Creek. Insuran munities will at risk, comce premiums Apia, which “Flood insura have soared for able,” Mr Fullerremain vulner- Sunco is part nce those in flood-pro is not of rather yet mandatory, rp, has always said. than postco ne areas. had nonFederal Gover though the agerCorporate affairs man- optional flood cover as part flood mapping fromde, using few years at Austra nment of their committed is forcin councils to assess risk. to introducing has ers Insurance lian Pension- policy home and conten focus on more g people to and he said. ts Agenc , while others it,” Aitchi “If you are price of insura than just the offer, see what’s behind son said the y Reuben RACV, are , such as the The ICA nce. ly higher risk,at a significantthe quality big price going throug rises and service “People need process of nual catastr released the an- creaseare not just due to introducing h the reflects that; the premium stand to under- provided. ophe figures ind payou if optional fl week, which ts from natura last “If it’s just ood cover non- in a flood area you are not $100, that if they save $80 or l price you go showed that disasters but also to all any something you don’t pay on, don’t the result of policies. has additional,” companies’ to whinge if out come (of their cover) he said. reinsurance Mr Aitchison your Insurance ,” Mr Mc- claim isn’t covered. costs. sesses said broker Tony Cormick said. by individual Apia as- McCormick “You need to carefu property said the increa “The reality in natural disaste se is people consider the insurance lly rs in the past need to take their that insurance suits you, and the services a lot backup and more seriou sly, with support that comes it.”

HATS OFF: Peter Ryan opens the workshop. Photo: ANDREW PERRYMAN

NEW IDEA: An artist’s impression.

Library set for new look Deputy Premier leads the way for workshop AFTER two years of renovations, the $3.2 million Bendigo Tramways Depot and Workshop was officially opened yesterday by Deputy Premier Peter Ryan. The State and Federal governments, as well as the City of Greater Bendigo council, funded the project. Bendigo Trust chairman Lloyd Cameron said the project had significantly improved the depot. “The Bendigo Tramways is not only important as a tourist attraction, but is also nationally

and internationally recognised as heritage tram restoration specialists,” he said. Tramways manager Jos Duivenvoorden said the renovation enabled the facility to attract larger contracts. “We see a lot of potential for our workshop to attract restoration work from all over Australia and even internationally, which is why we needed these upgrades to put us in a position to take on contracts, such as the restoration of Melbourne’s City Circle fleet

which we have already started and are hoping will really kick into action in 2012,” he said. “Although there is still some work to be done, such as the completion of a new souvenir shop, we already have an expanded tram workshop, new offices and other staff, volunteer and visitor amenities, a brand new surface in the depot yard and improved drainage, electrical wiring and lighting throughout the facility.” As well as the workshop improvements, the depot has also

become a more inviting place for tourists who can now enjoy a 45minute guided tour of this 108‐ year‐old building. “Visitors will be guided through the depot, dwarfed by the many trams which live here, each with their own story to tell,” Mr Duivenvoorden said. “They will see first‐hand the craftsmanship that is involved in restoring each tram to its former glory and will find out more about the unique characters of the Tramways.”

THE redevelopment of the Bendigo Library is set to begin in August. Deputy Premier Peter Ryan (currently Acting Premier) signed off on City of Greater Bendigo council’s decision to allocate their $2 million share of the $100m Local Government Infrastructure Project funding to the facility. Mr Ryan unveiled the concept plan of the facade for the $8m redevelopment, more details of which will be presented publicly next week. The new library will update the storage and meeting spaces, and provide access to new technologies. Acknowledging the need for the update, Mr Ryan said he is personally still not sold on the ebook revolution. “”I just don’t think it’s the same,” he said. “There’s nothing like the feel of a book in your hands.” He said his own reading tastes run to crime: “I prefer someone to be shot on the first page.”

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4 • NEWS

A special gift for Christmas

IT’S a typical story at St Luke’s Christmas Shop – a mother who’s far from festive, very down, who’s had a bad year with deaths in the family. The cupboard is nearly bare and the wallet is empty. “One of our workers brought her in and showed her the range of gifts,” Sue Tupper of the Christmas Shop said. “She was overwhelmed at what was being offered to her to take home – and she began to feel like it really was Christmas.” Ms Tupper, the team leader for the Children’s Services program at St Luke’s, has run this heart-warming venture for the seventh year, and it won’t be too long before she starts planning for Christmas 2012. Recipients in 2011 included the four boys whose mother died a week before Christmas; the dad in the caravan with his five kids after mum emptied the bank account and walked out; and the mum who burst into tears when she was able to choose bicycles – the only thing the kids wanted. Then there is the story of the grandmother who desperately wanted a skateboard for the teenager in her care and was overwhelmed when one of St Luke’s workers found what was probably the last skateboard in Bendigo. The 2011 Christmas Shop distributed 2000 gifts to more than 350 vulnerable families, thanks to the generosity of

about 30 donors, both workplaces and individuals. Most of them have been loyally supporting the initiative since it was launched 10 years ago. “Without our generous donors a lot of families would have nothing at Christmas,” Ms Tupper said. “Our targets are families with nothing; the family unit may have broken down, a parent may be sick in hospital, a grandparent on a pension may be caring for grandchildren.

Bendigo Weekly – Friday, January 13, 2012

ing range in the shop. Ms Tupper and the other workers who volunteer their time encourage them to think about their children’s personalities, ages, likes and interests, and provide guidance if required. The number of people accessing the shop is growing every year – a reflection of the increasing number of families in crisis in the region. Ms Tupper said the shop needed to expand, perhaps into two rooms this year.

It’s about making sure every child receives one good gift at Christmas “In these circumstances often the kids just get nothing. You can imagine what it’s like for them when their peers start talking about what they ‘got for Christmas’. “It’s about making sure every child receives one good gift at Christmas.” The Christmas Shop is so well-supported by donors that several gifts can be chosen for every child: a substantial present, two small items such as puzzles or craft, a soft toy and – always – a book. Donated gifts are not simply handed over to parents and carers. Instead, parents, grandparents, foster carers and sometimes even siblings choose the gifts themselves from the entic-

“It’s very busy, right from October when we start contacting our regular donors,” she said. “I collect donated gifts, buy more gifts with money that’s donated; I’m constantly in and out of the shop working with families, and re-arranging and re-stocking. But it’s so worthwhile. “I don’t worry about the hours. What I care about is helping the most vulnerable and touching people who are in crisis, and making sure these kids don’t wake up on Christmas morning with nothing. The stories keep me doing it.” The 2012 Christmas Shop campaign will start in October. To make a donation, contact Ms Tupper on 5442 8482.

MAKING THE DIFFERENCE: Sue Tupper is already planning for Christmas 2012. Photo: ANDREW PERRYMAN

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Friday, January 13, 2012 – Bendigo Weekly

news • 5

Preservation group aims to save Fortuna by focussing on national significance

Breaking the villa impasse By ROSEMARY SORENSEN

A NEW group will aim to break the impasse over the future of Bendigo’s Fortuna Villa by focussing on the national significance of the historic mansion. “We are creating an active support group which will pull out a big picture solution,” Rick Walduck said this week. “The big mistake of the feasibility study was that it wasn’t a phased approach, so people couldn’t see how it would be possible to make it work. “The concept of a public amenity is right, but it has been based on the wrong model. “The core model for such a facility is Werribee Mansion.” Mr Walduck, a vet and animal management expert, bought the Goldmines Hotel on Marong

Road almost a year ago. Restoring the site and, in the process, researching the history of the building, he has developed an interest in the neighbouring Fortuna. “I am passionate about the Goldmines and ensuring its future, and I will put some of that passion and commitment into the Fortuna site too,” Mr Walduck said. “Once we have created a basic structure, a mission and vision for the support group, we will proceed to work towards what kind of facility will work at Fortuna. “If the Federal Government is prepared to do the minimum remediation needed for work to start, then we believe it is absolutely possible to do it, in incremental steps.”

MAN WITH A PLAN: Goldmines owner Rick Walduck is creating a Fortuna Villa support group. The development model used in the contentious plan put to the Federal Government by the former State Government was based in part on Melbourne’s Abbotsford Convent, which runs as a community arts centre. Werribee Mansion is, accord-

ing to Mr Walduck, a more practical and suitable comparison. The 1877 house is situated in Werribee Park, which is known for its Open Range Zoo. “The mansion has that tourist attraction to support it, and we have the Goldfields Triangle,” Mr

Councillor back on deck after long illness CITY of Greater Bendigo Eppalock Ward Councillor Rod Campbell will return to council duties this month. Cr Campbell has been on official leave since December 1, 2010 with the rare GuillainBarre syndrome, Cr Campbell announced this week he was delighted to be returning. “I will do my utmost as a councillor to represent residents from the Eppalock Ward and indeed the whole of the city,” he said. “I plan to make myself available to ratepayers to discuss any issues that are of IN TOWN: Bruce Phillips, mayor Alec Sandner, Rod Campbell, acting CEO Prue Mansfield and Rod’s wife, Alison Photo: ANDREW PERRYMAN

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“I expect his return to be quite straightforward because he has kept himself informed with all council matters while on leave and has been a regular listener to council meetings on Phoenix FM. “It is recognised that Cr Campbell is still undergoing rehabilitation and recovering from an extremely serious illness, so he will naturally have to balance his work and recovery.” The councillors will hold their first forum of the year on Wednesday, January 18 and the first meeting of council open to the public is the Ordinary Meeting on January 25.


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concern to them. “I am very fortunate that my wife, Alison, is able to support me in this return and that fellow councillors accept her to provide assistance for me during meetings as well as transport. “I am available for residents to contact me by phone 5434 6203 or email r.campbell@ Mayor Alec Sandner said Cr Campbell was continuing to recover and will be returning in a wheelchair. “He does not have use of his hands or legs and has limited movement of his arms,” he said.

Walduck said. “What we need is to make people not just in Bendigo, but in Victoria and the rest of Australia, aware of this historic asset. “I believe it can be done – I wouldn’t put my name to it if I didn’t think it can be done.”

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6 • news

Bendigo Weekly – Friday, January 13, 2012

Soils the subject of gathering

Forum for the farmer

NO NINE: Dymocks owner Harry Hart is left wondering. Photo: ANDREW PERRYMAN

Book store numbered among city victims of shoplifting BENDIGO police are looking to throw the book at the people who committed the latest crime in the CBD. Police will have words with and read the riot act to the perpetrators of one of Bendigo’s most novel crimes, if they can catch them. A thief has stolen the number 9 from Dymocks Bendigo’s

Top 10 bestseller list display. The 18-centimetre diameter number sits about one metre from the counter. Shop owner Harry Hart said he was flummoxed with the theft. “I am all for helping people out, but this is ridiculous,” he said. “It was screwed on, so they have done well to get it off. They obviously showed a bit of spine.”

Mr Hart said the theft of the number was discovered about 1pm on Monday, but police believe it was probably lost between 8 and 10. Anyone who has any information can contact the Bendigo undercover police. “Once we find them, their number will be up,” a police source said.

IN the Year of the Farmer, more than 300 people are expected to attend the 2012 National Soils Forum at the Quality Resort All Seasons in Bendigo in March. The third forum of its kind being hosted by the North Central Catchment Management Authority is attracting interest from trade exhibitors, farmers and government agencies nationwide. The forum will tackle the large issue of farming sustainably in an ever-increasing population climate. North Central CMA chief executive officer Damian Wells said the forum has gained momentum from similar forums hosted by the authority over the past two years. “The forum is an integral part of our Farming for Sustainable Soils Program involving over 250 farmers in eight groups across the North Central CMA region,” he said. “The first day will include field tours and finish with a civic reception and gala dinner. “Trade show exhibitions from the agricultural sector will be on display over the two days.” Mr Wells said the second day will be an opportunity to hear from highly respected key note speakers including Julian Cribb, journalist, editor, science communicator and author of The Coming Famine, and debut guest speaker Peter Carberry, deputy director for the CSIRO Sustainable Agriculture Flagship program.

RETURN: Julian Cribb addresses delegates at the forum in 2011. “We encourage anyone interested or wanting to learn more about the challenges and opportunities in the coming agricultural revolution to register their attendance,” Mr Wells said. The forum is delivered under the North Central CMA’s Farming for Sustainable Soils project – an initiative supported by the Federal Government. The forum will be held on March 8 and 9. For more details go to

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Friday, January 13, 2012 – Bendigo Weekly

Pollies battle over hospital

THE State Government has hit back at claims a small delay has already hit the $630 million Bendigo hospital redevelopment. In a media release sent to some media outlets this week, Member for Bendigo East Jacinta Allan accused the government of delays. “Labor funded and started Bendigo’s New Hospital and locked in the completion date of 2016,” she said. “The Liberal National Government said after the 2010 election that they, too, would complete the new hospital by 2016. “In their document inviting expressions of interest from the building industry to build Bendigo’s New Hospital the Liberal

news • 7

Health Minister on the attack claiming Bendigo MP is selling her community short National Government committed to announcing the short list of successful bidders by November, 2011. “To complete the new hospital by 2016 the government needs to drive every single stage of the process. “Worryingly, the Liberal National Government have botched the start of the contract process by missing their own deadline.” Documents and public information from the beginning of the redevelopment process, in-

cluding under the former government, have cited the deadlines as indicative only, and subject to change. Health Minister David Davis immediately went on the attack. “Labor’s Jacinta Allan is possibly the only Member of Parliament to argue for less for their communities rather than more,” he said. “Labor continues to advocate for a smaller inferior hospital design for Bendigo. “The Coalition is building a

DELICATE WORK: Niomi finds Pears soap the ideal material for her creations. Photo: ANDREW PERRYMAN

bigger, better Bendigo hospital which will be the largest health infrastructure project in country Victoria’s history. “Jacinta Allan needs to stop selling her community short and get on board the Coalition’s bigger, better hospital.” Mr Davis said a decision on the short-listed bidders was expected soon. “An announcement regarding short-listed bidders is expected early in 2012.” In Bendigo yesterday, Acting

DECISION EXPECTED: Health Minister David Davis. Premier Peter Ryan said the hospital would be built on time.

Niomi cleans up with fragrant soap art By ROSEMARY SORENSEN

IT’S not just the distinctive amber clarity that makes Pears soap the material of choice for artist Niomi Sands. It’s also the smell. It invades the main gallery at the La Trobe University Visual Arts Centre in View Street, strong but subtle. “Objects and memory – it’s where my work is centred,” Newcastle-based Niomi says. “This is an investigation into the smell of memory. Soap is also like glass, but it’s even more fragile because it might not last – like memory.” Niomi has worked with soap for many years, first the 20-kilogram blocks you can buy for soap-making kits, then moving on to vegetable and organic soaps, and, most recently, to the distinctive Pears brand, which she buys in packs of three and melts down. Her delicate carvings have, in the past, featured household objects such as plates and cups. For this installation, she has carved the patterns of hand-made lace which she found both in antique markets and in her grandmother’s


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linen cupboard. “I’ve scaled up the original, to make a kind of tablecloth that sits on the glass table – I’m also interested in the shadows underneath and the spaces between,” she says. Niomi is a curator at the Glasshouse, Port Macquarie’s controversial new gallery and theatre complex. (It’s construction, Niomi says, was the reason for the recent sacking of the entire Port Macquarie council.) Her soap installation is part of Intersection, which displays the work of five artists who all graduated at the University of Newcastle. “Each artist has made a sensitive response to the materials they work with,” she says. A first-time visitor to Bendigo, Niomi was in town for the installation of the show and the opening last weekend. “We knew about this gallery, and of course the Bendigo Art Gallery, and what good things they are doing there,” she says. “This show is an opportunity for each artist to expand their personal responses to the concept of memory.” Intersection is at La Trobe University Visual Arts Centre, View Street, until February 12.

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8 • news

Bendigo Weekly – Friday, January 13, 2012

Merger on the cards as golf clubs plan for future

There are seven clubs in the Bendigo area: Bendigo (the only privately-owned company), Neangar Park, Eaglehawk, Quarry Hill, Axedale, Belvoir Park and Marong. For a city the size of Bendigo, and given the national downturn in interest since golf’s Greg Norman-driven heyday, everyone agrees that’s too many. “Bendigo has the same percentage of people playing golf (as elsewhere in Australia), but we have more courses,” president of Neangar Park Phil DeAraugo said. “The demand is about right, but the supply is too high.” In October last year, the City of Greater Bendigo council began talks with representatives from the golf clubs about the future of the sport in the city, the first step towards the creation of a strategy as part of their

We wanted to do it in a way that all clubs can be involved, and be equitable HIGH SUPPLY: Phil DeAraugo at Neangar Park Golf Club. Photo: ANDREW PERRYMAN Recreation and Leisure Framework. Council Community Wellbeing rirector Pauline Gordon said council will not “implement” the strategy, but is seeking to provide a plan for a

more sustainable future for the clubs. “There have been queries from independent people over the years about whether a private development could go into the Big

planned. “We do think the golf strategy will help sort through some of the issues,” he said. “Right now, there are too many unknowns to begin talking about mergers.” Mr DeAraugo said the most important issue the strategy will address for Neangar Park will be how to attract and support younger players. “The district association does a pretty good job with elite junior golfers, but we just need more playing. We’ve said that 100 weekin-week-out is better than five at the elite level.” Mergers, however, are high on the agenda for Eaglehawk Golf Club long-time committee member Bruce Pagram, who said his club has already had “strong discussion” with both Neangar Park and Bendigo. “Eventually clubs will merge and properties will be sold off,” Mr Pagram said. “Council should be planning for a 36-hole championship course, designed by someone with a name.

Hill area,” Ms Gordon said. “How do we best inform people when they come looking for that information? “We wanted to do it in a way that all clubs can be involved, and be equitable.” Council plans to commission the $60,000 strategy study with the assistance of the Victorian Golf Foundation (and a grant they hope to acquire from the State Government). The study will recommend options, which may include mergers and also a proposal for a new competitionstandard resort-style course replacing some, or even all, of the existing courses. “The study will gather information from all the clubs and that will be used to form a strategy so council knows what it needs to do,” Mr Bamford said. “All options are on the table. “It’s important that the study is impartial.” Mr DeAraugo said his club, which has the luxury of access to water, but which has space limitations as more housing develoPtIoNS: An impartial study will represent all opments go in around clubs. Photo: ANDREW PERRYMAN it, is preparing to expand their facilities. “They should say to the clubs, “It’s a really interesting time do you want to be in it? If not, we for the club,” he said. “We’re looking at expanding will close you down in six years. “The council has to make the the clubhouse facilities, trying to move – they should say we are broaden our appeal.” Those facilities will not in- willing, who is going to go with clude pokies, which Mr DeAraugo us?” Mr Bamford said the creation said would be “incompatible with the club environment we want to of a strategy document is urgent. “Everyone is jumping at shadcreate”. Neangar Park has been carry- ows,” he said. “We hope to get this started ing a debt of about $250,000 but Mr DeAraugo said that would be this quarter and results in the next six months, then it’s up to reduced to $50,000 next week. He said it was still too early the clubs to agree or disagree. “There are so many things to talk about mergers, particularly with the strategy study now that can happen.”

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Friday, January 13, 2012 – Bendigo Weekly

NEWS • 9

Numbers to swell by 275, but Central Victoria allocated fewer

More police for the region

MISSING OUT: The Bendigo area is in line for fewer new officers than other regions. Photo: ANDREW PERRYMAN

crime and anti-social behaviour in our community. Mr Ryan said more police would be allocated to 21 divisions across four police regions.

“North West Metro will get 74 additional police, Southern Metro will get 63, Western region will be allocated 55 and Eastern region will get an ad-

ditional 47 police officers,” he said. “The biggest boost will go to the division covering Frankston and Mornington Peninsula with an allocation of 29; Western region’s Division 3 (Ballarat and Moorabool) will receive 22 and Southern Metro region’s Division 3 (Cardinia, Casey and Greater Dandenong) will get 21. “Divisional Superintendents will have responsibility for determining which areas and stations within their division will receive the additional resources. “Victoria Police is best placed to make decisions about where additional police should be allocated and this system allows them the flexibility within each division to move police to where they are needed most.”

Korean veterans to be honoured

SURVIVING A BUSHFIRE RESIDENTS in the Loddon Mallee region can receive help to develop their bushfire survival strategies. Topics covered include understanding local bushfire risk and bushfire behaviour, recognising local risks and understanding the actions you can take. Groups can take the CFA up on this free offer to discuss local risk to bushfire. Already in an existing group? Then call to organise a maintenance meeting on 5420 9286.


KOREAN War veterans will be honoured at a memorial service on Wednesday. A plaque will be unveiled at the Soldiers Memorial at the corner of High and View streets in Kangaroo Flat at 11.45am. The plaque is in memory of the Australian Defence Force personnel who died on active service in the Korean war. Kangaroo Flat RSL secretary John Handley said he hoped veterans would attend. “We know there are veterans in Bendigo, but a lot are not RSL members, and we would like to let them know about the event.” Members of the State Korean War Veterans Association from Melbourne will conduct the ceremony and all Korean veterans and their families are invited to attend.


VETERANS: Harold H Harman, John Handley and Ivon Hutcheson. Photo: ANDREW PERRYMAN





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THE operator of a Bendigo’s Hungry Jack’s fast food outlet has been penalised $46,200 after the Fair Work Ombudsman found it had been underpaying its 180-strong workforce for more than four years. The Federal Magistrates Court in Melbourne imposed the penalty against Chamdale Pty Ltd, which operates the Hungry Jack’s outlet on the corner of High and Thistle streets. Federal Magistrate Norah Hartnett found the company had underpaid 180 workers – mostly juniors, including some school-based apprentices – a total of $104,946 between July, 2005 and December, 2009. The largest individual underpayment was $8218. Twenty-nine employees were underpaid more than $1000.


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Mr Ryan said the allocation would also include four regional inspectors as well as supervisors and specialist roles such as highway patrol members. “The volume of recruits coming through the academy has enabled Victoria Police to create new supervisor and specialist positions across its policing regions that will support, mentor and guide police coming through the system,” he said. “The allocation of 275 extra police is another important step towards improving community safety and delivering on the government’s promise to provide 1700 additional frontline police by November 2014. “By mid 2012 an additional 850 frontline police will have been allocated across Victoria since the Coalition took office in November 2010.”

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CENTRAL Victoria will get fewer new police than two other regional Victoria divisions under plans released this week. The State Government has announced 275 more front line police will be allocated by June 30. Of those, only 12 will be at stations in the Bendigo, Campaspe, Central Goldfields and Macedon Ranges council areas. Ballarat and Moorabool municipalities will welcome 22 new police, and the Bass Coast, Baw Baw and La Trobe council areas 15. Benalla, Mitchell and Greater Shepparton council areas will receive 10 more police, and Geelong and the Surf Coast only four. Acting Premier and Police Minister Peter Ryan said the allocations would support the force’s ongoing efforts to fight

10 • LIFE


Bendigo Weekly – Friday, January 13, 2012


pick of the week Keeper Of The Light Diane Chamberlain Harlequin, $29.99

DON’T be fooled that this is your average love story. Dr Olivia Simon is a dedicated doctor with experience in a large and busy hospital. She has been persuaded to come to a smaller town by her husband, Paul, who is a journalist on the local newspaper. One night while she is on duty at the hospital, a woman is brought in with a gunshot wound. Olivia, realising that the woman will not survive the helicopter trip to a larger hospital, decides to operate to try to dislodge the bullet lodged in her heart. It is not until she is halfway through the procedure that she realises the woman whose life is dependent upon her skills is the same woman that her husband is in love with, Annie O’Neill. Unfortunately, Annie does not survive the procedure and it is left to Olivia to inform Annie’s husband, Alec, and

On the boardwalk her two children that their wife and mother has died. Meanwhile, Paul leaves Olivia to lick his wounds over Annie’s death. In the small community, it emerges that Annie is something of a saint and everywhere Olivia goes, she is confronted with her creative artistic skills or evidence of her good works and generosity. Olivia becomes immersed in Annie’s former life and even begins a friendship with her husband. But there are things Olivia discovers that affect the way she views her current life and is forced to make some hard decisions regarding her life and her husband. – John Morrow

RENOWNED as one of Bendigo’s best locations for a restaurant, The Boardwalk Bendigo is enjoying a new lease on life with new faces, new menu, new plans going ahead and a name tweak. New owner Andy Lawson took over six weeks ago and immediately went to work with paint and elbow grease. “There are many Boardwalk cafes nationwide and I wanted to set us apart so we’ve added Bendigo to the name. “It’s a world-class location and I want to make it something Bendigo can be proud of, somewhere to bring international and out-of town visitors,� Andy said. Andy has been in Bendigo hospitality arena for the past 18 years in various eateries including eight years as front-ofhouse at The Match. “I’ve been in food and hospitality all my working life.


LAKE VIEW: Andy Lawson and some of the team at The Boardwalk Bendigo. Story and photo: VICKI HARRINGTON

“I just love the restaurant scene and looking after people,� he said. Andy and head chef Rhiannon Hall have teamed up to design a fresh but simple menu using primarily local produce with many of their suppliers sourced from the local farmers’ market.

moment, but from February they will be offering full dinner service and there are plans for a fabulous outdoor bar area. “It will be a great place to relax on summer evenings with a drink overlooking the beautiful lake views,� Andy said.

Rumour has it...



New and improved contemporary Chinese cuisine If you are looking for a warm atmosphere for lunch or dinner without compromising quality or taste then come see us at Golden Star Chinese Restaurant (25 Years History). Thanks to ex Melbourne China Town five star restaurant great Chef, Yum Cha Chef and management team for providing their professional services to Bendigo residents.

� We caught up with entrepeneurial chef, Nick Anthony to check out his new venture in Queen Street. To be known as Mason’s of Bendigo, it will be another couple of months before we can kick back and relax in the casual dining restaurant but it promises to be something “a little different� to look forward to. Watch this space for opening details around early March.



� The Puddler restaurant in Williamson Street is also undergoing a makeover. Chef Paul Pitcher is aiming for a March 1 opening and will give Food Fossickers a preview next week. � The Bendigo Community Farmer’s Market kicks off with the first market for 2012 tomorrow, 9am to1pm at the Rosalind Park end of Williamson Street. All the usual producers


will be there plus local Junior Masterchef entrant Jimmy from Strathfieldsaye demonstrating his cooking skills at 10am. Three local restaurants have scored in the 2012 Australian Good Food and Travel Guide Chef Hat Awards. Whirrakee, Wine Bank on View and Castlemaine’s The Empyre received the nod from judges. VICKI HARRINGTON



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Friday, January 13, 2012 – Bendigo Weekly

NEWS • 11

Neighbours at loggerheads over industrial site

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DISPUTE: Val and Vaughan Murley, at the back of their Marong property in front of the cable reel company.

Fire highlights reel concerns in Marong By ROSEMARY SORENSEN

A FIRE at a Marong industrial site last week reignited a long-running dispute between landowners. “Our biggest concern is that it’s a fire hazard,” resident Sue McKeown said. “When it was only small it wasn’t an issue, but in the last few years it’s gone crazy, and expanded almost beyond the capacity of the block. “He does employ many people but we want to know why they are there.” The Australian Cable Reel Company, owned by real estate agent Graeme Stanford, makes, stores and recycles large wooden industrial reels on the Forest Drive property on the edge of Marong. Val and Vaughan Murley, whose property backs onto the industrial site, have waged a long-term campaign against the generator noise which, they

say, can be heard kilometres away. “There are three issues,” the Murleys said this week. “There is the noise, the rubbish and all the traffic coming and going from the property,” they said. “The noise goes on 10 hours a day, and it’s not just the noise, it’s a firetrap.

ance he would change his work practices”. “The owner has advised that the large cable reels would be disposed of, therefore improving the visual amenity of the property,” Council’s Planning and Development, director Prue Mansfield said in a letter to the Murleys in September, 2010. The fire last week, which destroyed 2000

cable reels, is “all legal and passed by the council. “I am amazed people have no tolerance and understanding,” he said. “I’ve been battling with council for a long time because of the complaints. “We purchased a machine to turn the waste reels into garden mulch, but then they (neigh-

reels, is still under investigation, but Marong CFA captain Gary Parlby said the source has now been traced to a smouldering angle-grinder. “We don’t see it as suspicious,” Mr Parlby said. “This is the first time we have been called to a fire on the property.” Mr Stanford said his business, which is only one of six in Australia which supply industrial

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There is the noise, the rubbish and all the traffic coming and going from the property “We just don’t trust what they do down there.” The City of Greater Bendigo council responded to a petition signed by 17 residents in 2010 by initiating an investigation which found “no noise issues emanating from the property”. Council and Environmental Protection Agency staff met with Mr Stanford, who “gave an assur-

‘I highly recommend Bendigo Myotherapy, they have always worked wonders for me.’ -R. Goldup, 37.


bouring residents) complained about the noise of that. “There isn’t much more we can do about it, but I am happy to meet with them and explain my long-term goals. “I’m not someone to say ‘up your bum’ to people who have a problem – I am happy to work with the community if they want to sit down and talk about it.”






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12 • news

Bendigo Weekly – Friday, January 13, 2012

l et te r s to the editor

Letters are not guaranteed to be included and may be edited for reasons of style or content. Letters will not be eligible for consideration if they contain defamatory material, or information of a personal nature which is not in the public domain.


Hotel not a bad thing I would like to know why it matters that there is alcohol served at the Victoria Hotel? Are people that blind that they can’t see the Camp Hotel across the road, not to mention the IGA supermarket that also sells liquor directly opposite? Should the re-development be approved and someone who resides upstairs would like a drink then all they have to do is walk across the road. Newsflash – road isn’t going to stop someone from having a bevvie. what an excuse for the real reasons why people don’t want this development – it’s the “not in my backyard” mentality. Every objector should spend a day at one of a number of housing agencies here in Bendigo, however should they not want to lower themselves that far then just speak to a real estate agent to find out how bad the housing problem really is. I personally own a number of properties which I rent out to low-income earners that need a break. Some of my best tenants over the years have been single mums, pensioners and young ones that need their first home, sometimes as young as 17. unfortunately, most property owners just look for the dollars and don’t care about the people in real need. In conclusion I would like to say that if Mr Hunt needs to sell liquor in order for this redevelopment to go ahead, then I wish him all the best. After all, we are talking about a derelict building in the middle of Eaglehawk that now has a purpose and will supply struggling businesses with more customers. How can that be a bad thing? Melissa Frost-Thomas, Bendigo

Regional students deserve credit THIS year more regional stu-

dents should qualify for independent youth allowance. This could only have happened through the persistent lobbying and determination by students, their parents, education stakeholders and the Coalition for the abolition of the unfair 30-hour work rule that the labor government introduced in 2010. Consequently, thousands of students from inner regional areas struggled to qualify for the allowance. Students had their day of victory last September when the government did a backflip and changed the criteria back to what it was originally. Interestingly the government is now enthusiastically spruiking the latest changes that came into effect on January 1 this year. Its enthusiasm for such change would have been welcome months ago when students and their families were at their wits end as to how they were going to afford a tertiary education. If anyone deserves credit for the fairer deal on independent youth allowance, it is the students who never gave up, not the government. Senator Fiona Nash, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Education

Drawing a long bow EVEN by stretching his very long bow to its greatest extent, Steve Gibbons cannot claim the design and development process for Bendigo’s new hospital is in anyway similar to the confused mess surrounding the future of Thales’ Hawkei. That the new hospital will be built in Bendigo on an already designated site with funds already committed to the project is without doubt. That the Hawkei will be built in Bendigo or at all is very much in question. Mr Gibbons is correct when he writes that “Thales is yet to sign a contract for the production of the Hawkei”. However, his hasty media blitz of early december was clearly designed to mislead the Bendigo public into believing the Hawkei was a done deal. In reality though, the only done deal is between his government and the uS gov-

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ernment. A deal done when labor signed an agreement with the uS government in 2009 to commit $40million towards the development of the Pentagon’s Joint light Tactical Vehicle (JlTV). A large sum of Australian taxpayer’s money not provided to Thales Bendigo to assist in the development of the Hawkei, but to its uS rival. To claim all is well with Hawkei because the uS government announced defence budget costs months after Mr Gibbons revealed the Thales non-agreement is another very long bow-shot. The JlTV background paper for the uS Congress published on January 3, 2012 does not indicate the project is in trouble, but instead reinforces renewed collaboration between the uS Army and Marine Corps, both of which are determined to proceed with the urgent replacement of their under-performing and worn out HMMwV fleets. The unit cost of JlTVs is estimated to be considerably less than the recapitalisation

of their old HMMwVs which is the only alternative being considered by Congress – a proposal flatly rejected by the Marine Corps. The complexities facing the Howard Government during the first stage of the Bushmaster contract it inherited from labor cannot be used as a smokescreen by Mr Gibbons to cover up the failure of his government to progress the long drawn out lANd 121 Phase 4 selection process. Various reports to Federal Parliament document the troubled genesis of Bushmaster which began with the 1991 defence Force Structure Review. labor does not face the sale or closure of Thales Bendigo yet, but in the absence of a timely contract to supply further Bushmasters or the Hawkei one can only wonder what the immediate future holds for the bulk of its workforce. who will be left in 2015 to make the vehicles should a contract be eventually awarded? Peter Wiseman, Mandurang

A need for housing

Backflip on Eppalock

wHAT many readers don’t understand is that Ivar Hunt is filling a need for accommodation in Bendigo. A lot of the people I come into contact with are sleeping in cars, tents, caravans, under bridges etc. They would all love to have a room somewhere safe and clean. It’s usually the do-gooders that complain about people like Ivar Hunt. They most likely have a nice house and income. As far as the alcohol problem is concerned, there won’t be one. A Newstart recipient gets close to $500 per fortnight, a room at Ivar’s will cost them $400 per fortnight. That leaves a resident $50 per week for food, clothes, petrol, scripts, phone cards, and any other bills that come along, like rego or car insurance. Now, Mr do-gooder, tell me what they are going to buy alcohol with? P Tharle, Bendigo

IS the article (Bendigo Weekly, January 6) about GoulburnMurray water for real? I seem to remember not long ago it seemed the policy of GMw was to get rid of foreshore operators. For example the Brolga Hotel and a certain boat maintenance operator that had been at the lake for many years. do I detect a certain backflip on policy for whatever underlying reasons all of a sudden? one thing is for sure, GMw must at least have sore shoulders from slapping themselves on the back for their latest selfpromotion and consultation with the public. Some of us do have a memory of the wrongs done in the not too distant past. Tom Lake, Bendigo Tell us your thoughts Email: letters@bendigoweekly. Write to: Letters to the Editor, PO Box 324, Bendigo 3552

Bendigo Weekly, PO Box 324, Bendigo 3552. email: Please include your name, address and a phone number.

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Friday, January 13, 2012 – Bendigo Weekly

NEWS • 13

V I E W P O I N T opinion


Window of golf opportunity THE tough times for Bendigo’s golf clubs could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. If the clubs were all doing well, the idea of closing any of them down would be shocking. Having so much space available for residents to enjoy a social hit, as well as for more serious golfers, has to be counted as a plus for a city this size. The abundance of courses is part of our green and gracious image. Part of our image, too, is the community spirit that keeps the clubs going. All of them, including Bendigo Golf Club, rely to varying degrees on the interest and commitment of their membership. City of Greater Bendigo council has made it clear they are not in the business of running golf clubs. What they are in the business of, however, is providing the environment and the support for activities that fit the lifestyle aspirations of the city’s residents. When the grand plan for a resortstyle competition-standard course at Big Hill fell over a few years back, that seemed to draw a line through any such scheme, for any time in the near to mid-future. But now, with all clubs admitting they are concerned about the future of the sport across the region, the topic of whether Bendigo could be the home of such a course is back on the agenda. The downside of that ambitious vision is that we would likely

PK with



Taking the big picture approach

Editorial Comment lose the cheap, easy accessibility to a range of courses, some with only scrape tees, that we have at present. While membership across all clubs has dwindled to around 2200 people, there is still the opportunity for any Bendigo resident to have a go and that is a real asset. The upside is that we would gain a potential tourist attraction, and an addition to the range of sporting and leisure facilities which would enhance the city’s image. One proposal is to site such a course at Epsom, in the floodplain region that is unsuitable for housing or other development, and which would also have access to the treated water from the sewage plant. It is a bold idea, and one which would probably require the merging of several of the bigger clubs and the closure of several of the struggling smaller clubs. The strategy paper which council is planning to commission will consider that option, because some of the clubs have already indicated support for such a big change. It is not the only option, of course, and many in the golfing com-

GREEN FUTURE: Discussion may be needed. munity will no doubt argue strongly against it. Whatever comes out of the council-organised discussions, right now, there is a window of opportunity opened up for the first and what may be the last time to think both strategically and optimistically about enhancing the city’s facilities. Good luck to all those about to begin the difficult process of finding an equitable way forward for the golfing fraternity and the wider community. They will need courage and goodwill, to find their way out of the rough, onto the green. A hole in one? We’ll settle for par.

HEAR that zzzzzzz noise? It’s the buzzing of apathy from (most of) our politicians over the continuing saga that is Fortuna Villa. There she sits, surrounded in wire and costing $18,000 a week just in basic security and maintenance, while the State and Federal Governments bicker over who has to come up with the vision that will set in motion a plan for its future. Efforts by local groups have been well meaning. For one man, Patrick Thwaites, the effort has been magnificent, resulting in a huge document outlining a vision for a community-owned and run facility. So far, however, these efforts have created nothing but more excuses for government to do nothing. Enter Rick Walduck. As the relatively new owner of the glorious historic Goldmines Hotel, a stone’s throw from Fortuna Villa and over the road from the Victoria Hill herit-

It also requires bipartisan support age park, Mr Walduck has watched the saga over the past year and become increasingly frustrated at the situation. His decision to organise a new group, to start over and create a phased plan for the development of Fortuna, may just be what’s needed. Fortuna’s place in history makes it, as he points out, a national asset, not just a Bendigo one. It needs a big picture approach, because it will require resources beyond those of Bendigo. It also requires bipartisan support – which means politicians capable of seeing, and responding to, that big picture.

Dragged kicking and screaming into a political football WORKING through the Christmas period, it’s been a joy to share the road with so little traffic each morning, but there’s been a gradual increase in the number of vehicles stuck at the lights, waiting at the roundabouts and stuck in the right hand lane this week…. In other words, Bendigo is slowly shaking off its holiday slumber and life is returning to normal after another festive season. So after last week’s spray about how the not-so-cheap thrills of Twenty20 cricket are damaging the real game so many of us love and cherish, it’s time to return to a more serious topic, namely my wishes for 2012.

Firstly, I wish to place a ban on the term ‘political football’ in 2012. I am sure visitors to our part of the world would be amazed at our society’s ability to constantly turn what should

plied by those on the opposite side of the political fence. The collateral damage inflicted upon the rest of us whilst all this happens usually means that the ordinary people who

highest calibre prepared to serve their community for the betterment of us all. I hope the City of Greater Bendigo, VicRoads and the state government can resolve

The collateral damage inflicted upon the rest of us whilst all this happens usually means that the ordinary people... end up confused be a major positive for the community into an absolute bunfight. As soon as something becomes a political football, one side of politics inevitably has to be ‘dragged kicking and screaming’ to do something, seemingly as a result of pressure being ap-

the myriad of transport issues affecting Bendigo, and in particular the issue of access to the CBD and the need to balance the need for improved transport infrastructure with the need for a vastly more efficient public transport network. I hope our region gets to be


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matter most end up confused, frustrated and even fed up as our pollies battle it out via press release. I hope this year’s City of Greater Bendigo council elections and the move to a threeward system works out for the best, with candidates of the

part of the NBN sooner rather than later, so that the benefits associated with doing so can be realised by local businesses, hospitals, the education sector, households and students. I hope that everyone who uses social media does so for social purposes only. I hope the rural sector continues its recovery from a decade of drought, and that we might be spared the effects of floods, locusts, mice, fire, frosts and drought. And if it’s not too much to ask, I hope Collingwood can shake off the disappointment of 2011 and go one better in 2012.

No further discounts. Conditions Apply.


Open 7 Days 9am - 5pm 443 Tannery Lane, Strathfieldsaye

Holidays on the mind

14 • LIFE

Bendigo Weekly – Friday, January 13, 2012

As we drag ourselves into 2012, Steve seems to think some are taking advantage of the season of goodwill when it comes to days off GOODNESS me, what a tough time of year this is. Not so bad if you are off on your holidays with the boat or caravan, but if for reasons of your job you worked through the break it’s been tricky. I have been over-keen with my leave in 2011 and am now so in debt I had to work, not a bad thing, I honestly don’t mind working at Christmas ... trying to get things done is the problem. The whole of Bendigo seems to have closed down. Is it getting worse? Has it always been this bad at this special time of the year? The cafÊs are closed... only a brave few managed to fire up the coffee machines, the streets are empty, nobody answers their phone. The pollies are on such a long break I am sure they will forget how to do their jobs. All firms are running on skeleton staff, and those who are in are in holiday mode. There are still a few places bereft of workers until Monday. Thankfully, this Monday just gone the workers started to trudge back in to their offices and other workplaces.


Hollow-eyed from Christmas, and unenthusiastic about the days ahead until the next break on Australia Day. Please, I hope we don’t all close down again for an extra long weekend. Believe me, I’m all for holidays, but do we have to have them at the same time? My fellow raconteur and rabble-rouser columnist Ben Cameron has taken the holiday one step further. Following a huge break over Christmas and new year he staggered in with the remains of a party head and attempted to start the new year. At the best of times he is as much use as a chocolate teapot, but post Christmas he was even worse. My mother would call it sickening for something. Turns out she would have been right: he’s decided to go sick this week, extending the break way into the first month. His voice has gone he says.

That would be an absolute bonus for the workplace if you ask me. I can imagine him sitting in his penthouse apartment, a cool pint of cider in one hand. Probably his laptop with facebook open, tweeting to his heart’s content. It would go something like this: “I’m so terribly, terribly ill. Call the nurse.� Like all men he will be milking the illness.

Of course, while Ben the journo is at home with his nurse and cider, the rest of us have to try to decipher his notes and job list. On the up side, when he gets back the rest of us can take a wellearned break leaving Ben at the helm. Should be ready to start the year by February, surely Bendigo will be back to normal by then. I think I have a cunning plan. Rather than whingeing on about

lack of shops open and short staff, next year I should take leave for a month. I could hit the open road with my Winnebago, that’s not the longsuffering Mrs Kendall by the way, it’s a type of campervan. I could go to the beach, I could take the jet ski out on Eppalock. I suppose I’d have to buy a Winnebago and a jet ski, but I’m looking forward to it already. By the way Ben, get well soon, you scallywag.

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Dick Smith Powerhouse

Mitchell St Entrance

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Friday, January 13, 2012 – Bendigo Weekly

news • 15




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16 • LIFE

DISCOVER BENDIGO Security Doors and Maintenance


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e-Health a natural fit at New Bendigo Hospital The $630M New Bendigo Hospital is the largest regional health project in Victoria’s history. With the build commencing in 2012, provision for fast broadband must be integrated throughout the project. e-health strategies through the Loddon Mallee Health Alliance already link 15 hospitals through the Loddon Mallee region, providing ‘virtual’ specialist advice and remote diagnosis in emergency wards using high definition video conferencing. New e-health initiatives and telehealth projects such as teleradiology, telestroke, virtual critical care, hospital in the home, and remote patient monitoring will require high-speed broadband. These services are vital to ensure smaller communities and disadvantaged groups throughout the Loddon Mallee region receive the same level of care as their city counterparts.

The New Bendigo Hospital will benefit from NBN.

Help put Bendigo on the next NBN rollout list by registering your support now at:

Bruce Winzar Chairman NBN4Bendigo (Loddon Mallee) This column is generously supported by the Bendigo Weekly

Arrested and in court HEADMASTER James Henry of the North Sandhurst State School at Irishtown, received communication from the Education Department mentioning that the destroyed section of the school would be put back into order. The replacement section was not to be built in brick after all, the building was “to be ready soon”. What was meant by “soon” is not made clear. In the meantime a large number of the children from the school were to be accommodated at some of the other state schools, such as Gravel Hill and the Central School, now called Camp Hill. Gravel Hill, according to records from the Education Department, had a quantity of furniture listed as spare. This furniture was to be made available to Mr Henry for the use of his pupils. The records do not indicate what happened to the staff from the North Sandhurst School, but we can assume that they would have also gone to the other schools just mentioned. In July 1890, following the fire, the weather in Bendigo became very cold, the puddles of wa-


JAMES LERK ter in the streets had frozen over. The children on their way to their schools delighted in using stones to break the ice and then carry pieces of it to the school, where they competed in the playground to see who had found the thickest ice. Ice was a novelty at that time; with the advent of refrigeration it

Catherine, Helena and Henry Young all appeared at the court hearing. Henry, the youngest of the siblings, spilled the beans under intense questioning by the detectives. They were charged with house breaking into the North Sandhurst State School. The three were also charged with stealing and setting the school building on fire. Inspector O’Flaherty

... a number of children were charged with setting the North Sandhurst State School on fire. does not attract the same interest as it did over a century ago. It took the detectives considerable amount of investigative work to track down the culprits for the cause of the fire. At the police court towards the end of August a number of children were charged with setting the North Sandhurst State School on fire. The children in question were all from the Young family, which resided at Jackass Flat. Almost six weeks had elapsed from the time of the fire to the charges being laid.

prosecuted at the court, while the poor widower father of the three children had sought the legal representation of Mr Kirby to defend his brood. Mr Henry stated to the court that he had left the school building at about 4.30pm on Friday the 22nd. At the time everything was in good order. He mentioned that Mrs Mc Donough did the cleaning soon after the school was vacated. When he returned to the school, everything was in total confusion. Items had been taken from a locked cupboard

SCHOOL’S OUT: The type of building that was destroyed in the 1890 fire.

the blackboards had been scribbled over with chalk, obviously the work of children. Additionally, Mr Henry reported that there were obscenities written in various places. A window had been broken so that the latch could be undone and the sash opened. In that way the culprits gained access. A wall clock which had been locked away in the cupboard was missing. Mr Henry estimated the damage to the various items was about £2. This was more than the average weekly earnings in 1890.

Mr Henry mentioned that the school was enclosed by a picket fence which was about 1.6 metres high. There were gates which he had locked, as he did every night. An assistant teacher at the school, Jane Downes, stated to the court that she had locked away a quantity of the children’s needlework in the wall press or cupboard. This needlework was produced in the court. These items had been found by the police and detective hidden in the Young’s house.

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Friday, January 13, 2012 – Bendigo Weekly

news • 17









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Bendigo Weekly – Friday, January 13, 2012 ADVERTISING FEATURE

Backto School READY TO GO: Kai Humphrey of Mandurang is counting down the days to when he eventually starts at Strathfieldsaye Primary School next month. Photo: ANDREW PERRYMAN

Early days


HE support you give your child as they start school is very important. There are many practical ways you can make it an exciting time of discovery for your child. Below are some helpful hints compiled by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development that may help ease the anxiety. Some you may have already completed, while others can be done in the lead up to start of the school year. Ask your child what they think about starting school. Take your child to the library and read books about starting school. Visit the school with your child and show

them around, including showing them where the drink taps, toilets and their classrooms are located. Arrange a time with the prep teacher to discuss your child’s interests, experiences and strengths. Catch up with other parents and their children, so you and your child can get to know others in their class. Let your child practice dressing for school, and packing their school bag in readiness for their first day at school. And finally remember to adopt a low-key approach to the occasion by talking about your positive experiences and own memories of school.

The perfect fit The Athlete’s Foot offers the following shoe shopping tips for buying new school shoes. Fit after fitness – The best time to shop for new shoes is after playtime or at the end of the day when the foot tends to be more swollen. Trying on a new shoe while the foot is swollen will ensure the best fit for your child throughout the day.

Try on both – New pants are never purchased after trying on only one leg. The same rule should apply to shoes. Have your child try on both shoes and walk around in them to ensure comfort. The shoe should fit so that the heel does not slide up and down. Also, since one foot is usually longer than the other, be sure to fit the shoe to the larger foot.

ON TARGET: Dan Byrne takes aim with the help of, Bridget, Jessica, Alice, Joseph and Eli for the AFL 9s. Photo: GARRY PATERSON

A game for all skill levels


HE weather was certainly winter like when the Weekly caught up with Kelly Sports earlier this week in Hargreaves Mall promotingBendigo’s first AFL 9s season to start early next month. AFL 9s is the latest sporting trend to hit Australian parks and is a revised competition of the game formerly known as Rec Footy. This non contact game is a social fun and easy to play sport which incorporates all the fundamentals of AFL football in a simple modified format. “All the girls and the first 90 boys registered will receive a free offical AFL 9s football upon registration,” Kelly Sports

competition manager Kristi Coller said. “Also as an added incentive a Bendigo School with the most registrations will win an AFL player visit and a $100 worth of sports equipment.” Games will be held Friday evenings between February 10 and March 16 at Mason Oval, Reservoir Road Strathdale. The competition is divided into two age groups; Junior Mixed (11 years and under) and Senior Mixed (14 years and younger). Phone Kristi Coller on 0417 308 139 or go to and search for Kellys Sports Bendigo for more information.

No growing into it – Many parents buy shoes for their children that are a size or two larger than the proper measure. However it is unlikely that a child’s foot will grow to fit the shoes before wearing the shoes out. Too large a shoe can lead to slips, trips or falls, and can be just as bad as wearing too small a shoe.

Thumb it – When fitting your child’s foot, determine how much toe room they should have in the shoe by leaving space that is equal to the width of the child’s thumb – not your thumb – between the child’s longest toe and the end of the shoe while they are standing. Keep in mind that the longest toe isn’t always the big toe.

Wear them right away – Having to break-in a pair of shoes is a myth. Your child’s shoes should be comfortable the first time they try them on. All the staff at The Athlete’s Foot are highly trained and understand the importance of a good fit. Plus by using their exclusive “Fitprint” system to map the pressure on your child’s foot, they

are guaranteeing a great fitting shoe. For further information and other fit tips, call into The Athletes Foot in Hargreaves Mall and speak to one of their helpful staff.

Friday, January 13, 2012 – Bendigo Weekly

news • 19

Wearing school shoes that fit properly will make a big difference to your child’s feet now and in the future. Our exclusive range of formal school shoes is built with sports shoe technology for extra comfort and support. We are the one-stop shop for your kids’ sport and school shoe needs.

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Ask us about our school rewards program where your school will receive $5 for every school shoe purchase* Supporting these local schools

The Athlete’s Foot 274 Hargreaves Mall, Bendigo Ph: 5441 8064

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Bendigo Weekly – Friday, January 13, 2012



Beez in the house


JAMES WALKER NEWSTEAD for the most of the year is a small, vibrant country town. Around Australia Day, from January 26 to 29, it is hosting a smorgasbord of music, in the pubs, in the churches, at the footy ground and in the Community Centre. International artists and local talent combine to allow the audience to indulge to

their heart’s content. Organised by a local committee headed by that long-time promoter of Australian music, Andrew Pattison, Newstead Live is a favourite of the performers who play there. “Newstead is an ideal venue for a small festival,� he said. “All venues are within walking distance of each other

and return performers enjoy renewing acquaintance with return audience.� Singer songwriter Bruce Watson said, “Newstead Live is a real pleasure to do. It’s like playing to old friends every year.� See www.newsteadlive. com for artist line-up and times.$15. Details on 5442 2453.

MUSIC IN THE PARK Kristy Cox STEVE KENDALL Miles and Timezones is the BENDIGO bluegrass queen follow-up album to her debut Kristy Cox is launching her new acoustic record, Breaking New CD today, and she’s off on tour Ground which established Kristy too. on the Australian country scene. Kicking off with three dates The album was recorded in Tamworth, Kristy then heads on Music Row in the home of back to Victoria for the rest of country music, Nashville TN, and the tour. was produced by Jerry Salley. Bendigo fans are Thenot Photographer “Nashville really inspires missed, with a gig at the me,� Kristy said. Goldmines, Marong Road on “It’s really the home of February 3 launching the album bluegrass, and the musicians locally. really understand the genre. Known for her energy and “It also allows me to play infused acoustic country, she with the musicians I have been has been awarded with plenty listening to and really admire.� of airplay to go with her music The album features a stellar industry awards. line up of seasoned acoustic

musicians and comprises 11 songs, four written by Kristy including the title track, and album opener “If I Keep on Loving You�. “The album’s acoustic again,� Kristy said. “If anything it’s more bluegrass than Breaking New Ground. It has some contemporary tracks too. “It’s closer to the person I am.� Kristy Cox plays the Goldmines Hotel, 49-57 Marong Road, Bendigo – Friday, February 3, at 8.30pm with Jerry Salley. $15. Details on 5442 2453.

THE Summer in the Parks music series continues tonight in the Canterbury Gardens, Eaglehawk with performances by local upand-coming young artists. Luke Owens, Callum Wheeler, Cassie Ward, and local band Adalai will perform in the gardens from 7pm to 9pm. Local singer songwriter Luke Owens will kick off the evening followed by classical guitarist Callum Wheeler. Songstress and recent regional finalist in the Push competition Cassie Ward will also be performing on the night with young band Adalai concluding the evening with an acoustic set of their own songs. Take a picnic, comfy chair or blanket. Local community

Luke Owens group, The Social Little Butterflies will provide some refreshments available to buy on the evening. The Summer in the Parks music series is offered free of charge to the community courtesy of City of Greater Bendigo.

The Photographer

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The Summer in the Parks Program also includes community -run activities and events by local groups and organisations. The full program can be found online at www.

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Friday, January 13, 2012 — Bendigo Weekly


LocalClassifieds PHONE 1300 558 385



LOCKER - Mary Heartfelt sympathy to Mary's family. Mary will be missed by all at Eaglehawk Community House where she was a regular attendee and past committee member.


LOST AND FOUND LOST Charlie. 8 month old Tonkinese male cat, seal mink, Strathdale area. Reward Ph 0419872944


$2.70 per line



We have to find Toby Joe - REWARD

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Saturdays only - 9am to 4:30pm S Roses • Pittosporums • Lavenderss R Assorted 3 inch tube stock ALL PRICED TO CLEAR Felicia Park Nursery, 132 Dehnerts Road Daisy Hill (near Maryborough) 5461 4509

Separation and Divorce Recovery Program Our eight week program is designed to assist you through the experience of separation and divorce. It aims to find new ways for you to work through your situation and move on. When: Thursday 9th Feb – 29th March (8 weeks) Time: Thursday evenings 6:15 – 8:30pm Where: CentaCare Function Room 176 McCrae St, Bendigo Cost: $20 for entire program Facilitators: .Narelle and Amanda

Call 5438 1300 to register or for enquiries DASH WILLIAM RILEY

was born at

was born at

was born at

Bendigo Health

St John of God

St John of God

January 3, 2012

January 1, 2012

3628 grams

Son of Jennifer and Craig

Daughter of Naomi

Dawe of Eaglehawk.

Ferrari of Kangaroo Flat.

Brother for Jasmine

Son of Melanie and

Sister for Alice.

and Bailey.

Bradley Riley of Charlton.




January 1, 2012 3430 grams

was born at

was born at

was born at

was born at

Bendigo Heatlth

Bendigo Health

Bendigo Health

January 4, 2012

January 9, 2012

January 10, 2012

Daughter of Natalie

2857 grams

2812 grams

and Michael Banfield of

Son of Kerry Bonanno

Daughter of Emma

Simpkin-Johnson and


and Mark Verity of

Hollingworth of

Leigh Johnson of Bendigo.

Sister for Sophie.

Kangaroo Flat.


Sister for Marley.





was born at

was born at Bendigo Health

January 10, 2012

was born at Bendigo Health January 10, 2012

January 10, 2012 4380 grams Daughter of Jessica

was born at Bendigo Health

3300 grams

January 9, 2012

4260 grams

January 9, 2012

Son of Kylee Chalmers

3920 grams

Son of Elizabeth

3160 grams

and Mark Piper of

Semmems and Craig Son of Lisa and Julian

Bendigo. Brother for

Robinson of Junortoun.

Chloe, Dylan and Joel.

Pollard of Spring Gully.

Brother for Willow.




was born at

was born at

was born at

St John of God

St John of God

St John of God


January 10, 2012 3820 grams



St John of God

Bendigo Health



MUSIC TEACHING Toby is a 15 year old Kelpie Foxy X. He is black & white. He has been MISSING from his home in Shelbourne (Lockwood) since Wednesday 28 December @ 10:00pm. Toby needs insulin daily. He has cataracts in both eyes & has recently had some rapid weight loss. Owing to Toby’s age & serious medical condition he needs to come home so he can be properly cared for. His family miss him very much & a reward is offered for his return. If you have any idea where our little boy is, please call

bargains inside …

Daughter of Amanda

Boyd-Graham and Dustin


January 10, 2012 3460 grams Son of Kim and Scott Elkington of Strathdale.

January 8, 2012 Son of Erin Delahunty and Brad Cullen of

Lovell of Swan Hill. Sister

Brother for Julia, Ben,

Golden Square.

for Charli and Chloe.

Mitchell and Mack

Brother for Darcy.


Symphony Breast Pump Hire Now Available

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Daughter of Kirby Bell and Ben Hall of Barham.

o nt t Wa ise in ? er t adv s New g in o Wh advertis r on ou Call m today tea 2 5448 544

Bendigo Child Restraint Fitting Centre

CAPSULE AND CAR RESTRAINT HIRE Now Available Bendigo Child Restraint Fitting Centre with 15 years experience is dedicated to understanding child car restraints with an emphasis on the importance of ensuring our children are safe whilst travelling in cars. Costa will deliver a service that ensures the highest quality installation. Our service includes ensuring that you understand how to use your child restraint correctly.

8 Caradon Way, Eaglehawk Ph: 0419 371 586

From newborn to 7 years. Monday to Friday 10am-5pm Saturday by appointment


PUBLIC NOTICES Linking people, places and events Bendigo Newcomers hosts regular social activities as a way to meet new people & discover what the Bendigo Region has on offer.

Bendigo Newcomers: Ph 0418 582 531 E:




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DR ASHRAF MANSOUR General Practitioner Now practises full time at the

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PUBLIC NOTICES SOCIAL Dancing Rockn'Roll & Swing All Welcome St Andrew's Hall, Myers St, Bendigo. 16th & 23rd Jan at 7.30pm. Details call Frank 5446 2667


Enjoy a night of dancing each Saturday night at the Uniting Church Hall. Forest St, Bendigo. 8pm - 11.30pm. Entry $8. Great music and supper. Ph. Colin 5447 9783

PH 5441 3377 • WEDDINGS • PARTIES • CORPORATE The Window Cleaning Specialists

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BACK FOR 2012! WHATS YOUR EXCUSE? I’ve tried it before and didn’t ‘get it’! We’ll break down the moves in a fun, easy to learn way and have you Zumba-ing like a pro in no time! Once my wobbly bits start wobbling they won’t stop! So? If my size 18 wobbly bits can do it then so can yours! It costs too much! At $8 per class and cheaper with a 10 class pass we’re making it affordable. It’s summer and all the venues get too hot! With a modern, airconditioned venue, we’ve got that covered. Classes start back Tuesday 6pm 17th January 2012 at the Cycling Clubrooms, Tom Flood Sports Centre. Enter off Water St. Call Eryn on 0421 234 592 for more info





Fulltime Positions Vacant in Mildura, Vic (North West Corner of Victoria) Enquiries Phone Arthur 0418 502 243 Robinson Plumbing, Mildura, Victoria

PROPERTY MANAGER PH Property is currently seeking an experienced property manager to become an integral part of our team for the long term. We want an ambitious and enthusiastic person to take a senior role within our fast growing company. You will need to: • Be organised and have excellent time management skills • Have a strong work ethic • Have good presentation and communication skills • Be an Agents Representative or Licensed Estate Agent • Have a current driver’s license, reliable motor vehicle and clear police record We would prefer experience in: • Console (or general trust accounting experience) • VCAT representation • Senior property management duties The position will commence Monday 13 February, 2012 and is full time. Please send your CV by Wednesday 18 January at 4pm to: THE MANAGER, PH PROPERTY Shop 12 Fountain Court, BENDIGO 3550

PLANT OPERATOR We are an established and successful group involved in all aspects of road construction, rehabilitation and maintenance. We are seeking a Heavy Plant and Equipment Operator to join our busy team based in rural Victoria, on a full-time basis. We are seeking a motivated individual that has enthusiasm, is flexible and focuses on safety and quality control. Previous experience in the Road Construction Industry and in the operation of plant would be advantageous, but not essential, as full training will be provided to the successful applicant if required. Applicants must have a Current drivers licence and OHS Construction Induction Card. A Mechanical background and Heavy Rigid or Heavy Combination Licence will also be highly regarded. Works are carried out in regional areas of Victoria and interstate and as such applicants must be prepared to stay away when required. This is a fantastic opportunity to become involved in the Road Construction industry with great potential for training, development and promotion for the right candidate. Confidential applications in writing should be addressed to: HR Manager P.O Box 319 Lilydale Vic 3140 Or email to APPLICATIONS CLOSE : 27th January 2012


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Trade qualifications working in an underground mining environment Prior experience in a breakdown or trouble shooting environment Be self motivated and have a team orientated approach Demonstrated application of safe working procedures

These positions come with a competitive salary and an opportunity long term career development in the mining industry.


All enquiries can be directed to Ros Darcy, HR Superintendent on 02 6838 1121 or 0428 438 273. To secure your future within a growing resources team, please forward your application to $SSOLFDWLRQV FORVH )ULGD\ -DQXDU\ We are an Equal Opportunity Employer

0427 301 401 Statewide Wildlife Rescue Emergency Service




OUTLAW BOOTSCOOTERS Line dancing. Beginner classes starting Feb 8th 6.30 7.30pm at Lions Club Hall, cnr Hodgkins & Growler St E/hawk. Cost $7 per night or $36 for 6 week course. Contact Rhonda 5447 8223, Dot 5446 3882


Salary: Negotiable, Vehicle Supplied Experienced in commercial & domestic work

When: Day or night of your choice Where: Bendigo Pottery Function Centre What to Bring: 50 - 250 of your friends & family

1300 650 739

Phone Tully: 0417 386 346

Bendigo Weekly — Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012 — Bendigo Weekly


Experienced Concreter Required A leader in the concreting and construction market has an exciting opportunity for a suitably experienced concreter. The Position: • Variety of construction activities • Responsibility of site activities The primary purpose of this position is to encompass your concreting background and knowledge, to be part of a successful concreting and construction company.

HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION HOLIDAY house Ocean Grove, 4 bedroom, sleeps 11, avail from 23 Jan. Phone 0459 980 993 PHILLIP Island indulgent weekends or holidays. Available from 9th J a n u a r y . Phone 0420 875 633


Remuneration is dependent on qualifications and experience. To find out more information or to apply for this position, please email or call 0412846477

BendigoWeekly LocalClassifieds

OCEAN GROVE House available from Jan 17th Weekends, Weekdays, School Holidays. Ph 5255 1747


3 nights for only $220 (off peak) For 2 adults in a Deluxe Ensuite Cabin Upgrade to a spacious Luxury Villa for only $10 extra per night Includes Continental breakfast each day 2 x Meal Vouchers to Yarra Golf Club or Club Mulwala 5 & 7 night packages also available Cnr Corowa & Tocumwal Rd Mulwala

03 5743 1074


...get the market you’re missing...

1300 558 385 TRAVEL

Motel Accommodated Coach Tours KANGAROO ISLAND 6 days 12th March $2025 Highlights: Goolwa, Kangaroo Island Ferry, Cape Willoughby Light House, Honey Farm, Eucalyptus Distillery, Kingscote, Flinders Chase National Park, Seal Bay. BRIGHT IN AUTUMN 6 days 18th April $1795 Highlights: Autumn Leaves, Harrietville, Berry Farm, Buckland Valley, Beechworth, Beechworth Gaol, Yackandandah, Mt Buffalo, Mt Beauty, Lavender Farm. SAPPHIRE COAST 9 days 26th April $2760 Highlights: Lakes Entrance, Gippsland Lakes Cruise, Merimbula, Eden, Bega Cheese Factory, Mogo Town, Batemans Bay, Clyde River Cruise, Canberra City Tour. SYDNEY AND THE BLUE MOUNTAINS 8 days 7th May $2785 Highlights: Sydney Opera House, Harbour Bridge, Darling Harbour, Harbour Dinner Cruise, Sydney Tower, Kings Cross, Chinatown, Star City Casino, Blue Mountains, Katoomba, Bathurst, Cowra. DESERT TO THE SEA 24 days 23rd May $8595 Highlights: Roxby Downs Mine tour, Andamooka, Coober Pedy, Ayers Rock, Alice Springs, Airlie Beach, Whitsundays, Hamilton Island, Australia Zoo, Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Fraser Island, Australian Outback Spectacular, Surfers Paradise, Byron Bay, Coffs Harbour, Sydney Harbour Dinner Cruise. ROXBY DOWNS,COOBER PEDY, ALICE SPRINGS 10 days 23rd May $3835 Highlights: Woomera, Roxby Downs Mine tour, Andamooka, Coober Pedy, Ayers Rock, Camels Australia, Alice Springs, National Transport Museum. THE OUTBACK & EAST COAST SPECTACULAR 16 days 31st May $6370 Highlights: Alice Springs, Airlie Beach, Whitsundays, Hamilton Island, Australia Zoo, Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Fraser Island, Australian Outback Spectacular, Surfers Paradise, Byron Bay, Coffs Harbour, Sydney Harbour Dinner Cruise. CAIRNS AND THE GULF COUNTRY 25 days 5th July $8495 'Request the itinerary to see the many tour highlights' CAIRNS, LONGREACH & BARRIER REEF 12 days 5th July $4730 'Request the itinerary to see the many tour highlights' CAIRNS AND THE GULF COUNTRY 17 days 13th July $6520 'Request the itinerary to see the many tour highlights' NORTHWESTER & SOUTH WEST COAST 47 days 10th August $15850 'Request the itinerary to see the many tour highlights' DARWIN VIA CENTRAL AUSTRALIA 15 days 10th August $6095 'Request the itinerary to see the many tour highlights' COOBER PEDY, AYERS ROCK, ALICE SPRINGS 9 days 10th August $3840 'Request the itinerary to see the many tour highlights' WEST COAST, KIMBERLEY & SOUTH WEST COAST 35 days 22nd August $11990 'Request the itinerary to see the many tour highlights' WEST COAST AND THE KIMBERLEY 23 days 22nd August $8680 'Request the itinerary to see the many tour highlights' PERTH AND SOUTH WEST COAST 15 days 11th September $5590 'Request the itinerary to see the many tour highlights' CANBERRA “FLORIADE” 6 days 1st October $1995 'Request the itinerary to see the many tour highlights' YARRA VALLEY, HEALSVILLE & MELBOURNE 6 days 8th October $1980 'Request the itinerary to see the many tour highlights' FLINDERS RANGES AND ARKAROOLA 8 days 23rd October $2790 'Request the itinerary to see the many tour highlights' TASMANIA 10 days 7th November $3675 (pensioner) $3790 (adult) 'Request the itinerary to see the many tour highlights'

• Tour costs include: Luxury Coach Travel, Motel Accommodation twin share, Admissions, Meals and Air Fares as per itineraries. • Pick up and return to your home. • For bookings or to request a full itinerary that details the many tour highlights, please contact Brendan's Australian Tours, Ararat.

Brendan's Australian Tours Toll Free 1800 981 187 Or your local travel agent

Services Offered CLEANING & CARPET

The position will be located in Bendigo and surrounding areas. To be considered for this position you will need to demonstrate the following skills, attributes and qualifications: • Extensive concrete finishing experience • Be a self-motivated self-starter • Great communication skills and strong team orientation


2012 COACH TOURS BALLARAT – Blood on the Southern Cross 2 Days 11th March $295 t/s PHILLIP ISLAND 3 Days 19th March $475 t/s MERIMBULA – Sapphire Coast 6 Days 15th April $950 t/s KING ISLAND 4 Days 16th April $1795 t/s TASMANIA AUTUMN TOUR 12 Days 17th April Ad $3200 Pen $3100 t/s 7 Days 17th April Ad $1695Pen $1650 MT GAMBIER 5 Days 23rd April $750 t/s NORFOLK ISLAND 8 Days 4th May $2995 t/s WARRNAMBOOL- Great Ocean Road 4 Days 4th May $650 t/s VICTOR HARBOUR- Adelaide – KI 6 Days 20th May $1395 t/s LIGHTNING RIDGE-MOREE-DUBBO 7 Days 8th July $1450 t/s HERVEY BAY – Gold Coast 12 Days 15th August $2295 t/s KANGAROO ISLAND-VICTOR HARBOR 7 Days 10th Sept $1595 t/s TOOWOOMBA – Carnival of Flowers 12 Days 18th Sept $2350 t/s Trips in the making for 2012 Peterborough- Flinders Ranges – May Port Stephens- Port Macquarie – June Yamba Coffs Harbour - July Red Centre – Alice Springs – July Western Australia – Wildflowers- Sept

Pick Up in Bendigo Provided

Cleaning, Steam clean or Dry clean $50 first room, $10 per room after that Ph 0439 374 389



A1 - Paths, sheds, driveways, cross overs, small jobs + garden care. Free quotes. Insured. Ph. 0422 424 348.

Cheap Rates. PC Repairs or Training. Pens. Concession. Ph Allan 5447 2965, 0417 526 140



Ph. 0428 381 925

Slow start up? Internet buggy? Kids killed the computer again? On site tune up for that troublesome computer. Ph. 0415 036 568 Pensioner Disc. Avail.


Driveways Paths etc Free Quotes

CONCRETER Driveways, paths, shed floors, spray on patterns, free quotes, no job too small. Ph 0408 204 114




Garden maintenance, rose pruning, hedges, landscaping. Insured. Greg 0448 565 995 GARDENING, weeding, rubbish removed, odd jobs, all types mowing & general cleaning. $30 p /hr. Ph 0428 572 320

Reasonable Rates 7 days Extended hours Ph Shaun 0400 811 880

from $99 Sewer camera. 0427 507 685




Evaporative coolers should be serviced at least ONCE PER YEAR in order to work efficiently, so to make sure you stay COOL this summer

phone Nathan: 0407 972 717

Servicing all of Central Victoria • Pensioner discounts available Registered Licence No. 47315


YARRA’S TV TUNING • Digital TV Tuning • Digital Antenna Installation • TV Recording Ph Ed Yarrington 0416 452 626 or 5446 2238

LITTLE RIPPER Digger Service

BATHROOM RENOVATIONS Complete bathroom makeovers & alterations. 34 yrs exp by qual tradesman. Servicing Bendigo - Castlemaine & surrounding districts. FREE Quote phone Rod Cox 0419 267 672 or 4406 6019.

Affordable 7 Days.

5441 8336


MINI EXCAVATIONS COMBO Rock Breaker, Post Hole Borer, Spreader Bar. weekend work welcome. Ph 0424 731 777.

BRICKLAYERS all types of brick and block work, chimneys and fireplaces. Ph 5446 7057 or 0418 370 917.

CAR REMOVALS. Ph 0457 969 464

Skip Bin Hire • Domestic • Commercial

Trenching, Rotary Hoeing, Post Holes, Levelling 4 in one bucket,Tipper Hire. Ph: Glenn or Donna

5446 7163 or 0418 510 074

• Competitive rates • Loading available • Locally owned & operated


Bobcat & Tipper Hire Backhoe Trenching Post Hole Borer 200 - 600mm diameter

Site Clearing Driveways Excavation Laser Levelling Rubbish Removal

Call Ron 0438 569 385






Ph: 0400 936 738

Sherlock Soil Works Excavator Bobcat Tipper ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY


Post Holes Trenches Site Cleans Pools Driveways Site Cuts 5 ton Excavator with Post Hole Attachment and Rock Breaker

James Sherlock Ph: 0407 472 775

COM PET RATE ITIVE S • Trenching • Driveways• Site cuts • Retaining walls • Backyard clean-ups

Services Offered


7,*(5 %,1 +,5(

Ph 5821 3777

Service •Post Holes •Trenching •Ripping •Rotary Hoeing •Levelling •4 in 1 Bucket Phone: 0419 471 541



19 Wheeler St, Shepparton. 3630

ARNOLD'S Digger & Trenching


Carpentry, Decking, Pergolas, Wall & Floor Tiling, Painting, Paving. You name it I do it! 10 yrs exp. Ph Greg 0435 860 741


In Home

Office hours for Tour Bookings & Enquiries 8.30am - 5.00pm Monday - Friday

Bendigo at home hairdressing

ABN & Insured. Lawns, pruning, weeding, rubbish removal. 0427 772 610 5448 5292 AH

Qualified, insured, weeding, pruning, general gardening, Call Tony 0409 023 304


Dave O’Dea - Owner & Operator



0418 508 993

Licenced drainer 31741

Using our 5 ton excavator 4.5 ton skid steer & ten metre tipper After Hours Ph. 5448 8814

Call Clint 0427 349 549

• 10m Tip Truck • Superdog • 5T Excavator • Bobcat Hire GENERAL EARTHWORKS HWORKS K • SITE CUTS • POST HOLES Glen 0458 276 767 Nathan 0423 774 012


Bendigo Weekly — Friday, January 13, 2012

Services Offered LAWN mowing - Edges done, grass removed also rubbish loads to tip all $30 p.h. Ph Tony 0419 299 819

LAWN MOWING, whipper snipping $35 per hr / $30 pen (inc. take away clippings). Spraying $30 per hr/pen $25. Rubbish removal $65 per load / $60 pen. (incl tip fee of $26) 6' trailer. Ph. Michael 5448 5402 or 0407 448 249.

LAWN MOWING AVAILABLE NOW Whipper Snippering, Yard Tidy Up. Ph 0447 361 523 or 5443 5854

LAWNS MOWED FROM $20 Pruning, weeding, rubbish removal. Rowan 0423 082 916






James’ Lawn & Garden Care

BOB MILLER Mobile 0418 510 217.

Spray painting, rust repairs. 25 yrs experience, cheap rates. Ph 5443 1710 or 0401 915 906. OPEN CHRISTMAS

Free quotes. All roofs. Quality product. Experienced installer. Ph Joel 0417 093 410 or Mark 0405 318 710.

All types of plastering. • Home Maintenance •Tiling •Painting •Carpentry. Free quotes. Ph. Brian 0407 679 618




Kinross Canine Care

All aspects of Bookkeeping, including BAS preparation & lodgement. MYOB, Quickbooks, MoneyWorks & Excel Contact us today for your FREE CONSULTATION

Quality Dog Grooming Service Drop off on the way to work or shopping pick up on the way home. (Dogs play in a home environment until you arrive.) Big Dogs Welcome


HOME MAINTENANCE • Bathroom Renovations • Decks & Pergolas • Free Quotes PH NICK 0428 431 184


544 44 995 or 0427 424 933

Ph: 0409 526 449

Home Improvements CARPENTRY AND PLASTERING • Framing & Fit out • Hang, Stop & Cornice • Doors & Windows • Holes & Cracks Patched • Verandas & Decks • Replace Sunken Ceilings


Extensions Renos Alterations Bathrooms Outdoor Areas Repairs Quality work at reasonable rates



• Carpet & upholstery steam cleaning • Office cleaning • Contract cleaning

• General clean ups • Window cleaning • End of lease • cleaning

STEPHEN BOYES - 0435 954 331


PH 5446 3111



Daryl’s Gardening Service • Lawns • Weeding • Garden Rubbish Removal • Edge Trimming • Tree Pruning • Registered & Insured

Central Victoria 13 11 98 7 Miller Street, Bendigo

Reward Vouchers


Ph. 5447 8157 Mobile 0417 077 695


Rotary Hoe Service


0418 507 709 A/H 5448 3333

Jock Catto

REC 7821

(Shower, hand basin, toilet etc)

0418 590 121

Garden Care: mowing, pruning, trimming & weeding Property Maintenance: Gutters, windows, repairs & handyman Rubbish Removal: general, garden & green waste Fully Insured




• Instant Turf/Lawns • VVegie i GGardens d • Landscaping • Shade Sails • Trenching • Post Holes

Tired of Waiting for a Tradesman

Moving Central Victoria

Ph Craig: (03) 5443 0263 Mob: 0416 266 353

• Local/Interstate • QLD/NSW Regularly • Pre-Pack • House Cleaning • Storage


No job too big or small Free Boxes (conditions apply)

Phone: 5435 3148 or 0407 349 372

Phone Peter

5446 2507

Services Offered To advertise in this section please call

Leave your green waste with us! Bendigo’s largest sand, soil, gravel & decorative stone supplier are now offering green waste receival. Got some lawn clippings or prunings to get rid of and need something for your garden or yard?

Now you can do both at our depot 452 Epsom-Barnadown Rd

Or call 54 488 171 for more details


Ian Clements

0438 083 139


Sandhurst Painting and Decorating


Ph 0428 635 375

Luke & Phil Ph: 54471526 Mobile: 0422897575 Mobile: 0439914022

Over 12 years of combined experience

Quotation gladly given.

Call Phill Hutchings on



• General Carpentry • Door Hanging • House & Garden Maintenance • Painting • Paving • Tiling • Pergolas


Sanding & polishing of all timber & cork floors, new and old.

Call David/Bronwyn

Prompt efficient service at reasonable rates.

1300 558 385

Bendigo Weekly is published by Bendigo Publishing Pty Ltd, ACN 078 731 852, registered office 61 Bull Street Bendigo. Printed by Newsprinters, Shepparton. Letterbox distribution throughout suburban areas of Bendigo. Retailers may charge a fee. Bendigo Publishing Pty Ltd and all related companies (together the ‘Publisher’) hereby expressly disclaim, to the full extent permitted by the law, all and any liability whatsoever including any liability for damages, consequential damages, costs, expenses or the like (‘Liability’) to any person howsoever arising from or in connection with any copy, information advertising or other material contained in Bendigo Weekly (‘Copy’) including, but not limited to, any Liability arising from or in connection with any action or inaction by any person in reliance on any Copy, and each consequence of such action or inaction. The Publisher also expressly disclaims any and all Liability arising from or in connection with any negligence whatsoever of the Publisher. Inclusion of Copy must not be construed deemed or inferred by any person to constitute any endorsement of the same by the Publisher. The Publisher reserves the right to decline to publish any material including any advertisement. Copyright. All content of Bendigo Weekly is copyright, and must not be reproduced by any means without the written permission of the Publisher. Responsibility for electoral comment in this issue is accepted by Anthony Radford - 172 McIvor Road, Bendigo, 3550.

Suitable for • Renovations • Parties/Weddings • Sporting events and many more

35 years experience.


PHONE: 0451 024 584


Are you just too busy? No problem


• Handymen & Odd Jobs • Carpenters • • Glazier • Fencing • Plastering • Painters • • Bathroom Renovations • Plumbers • Decking • • Electricians • Pruning • • Sheds & Pergolas • Lawns & Gardens •

Ph: 0423 852 291


FURNITURE REMOVALIST Local, Country & Interstate 7 days Melbourne Weekly Pensioner Discount Carton Sales 23 Years Experience

646 834 or 5443 6842 (after 5pm)

• Lawns • Gardening • Edges • Odd Jobs • Clean-ups


Nick Barker

• Garden Maintenance & Lawn Mowing • Painting • Repairs • Renovations • Carpentry • Fencing • Doors and Windows • Tiling • Locks and Screens • Plastering • and much more Call 0412

The Lawn and Garden Man

FURminator treatment (de shedding for all dogs) 8 Kinross St Bendigo 3550 Call Noelene

Email: Web:


Freecall 1800 152 637 Ph 0437 303 475

7am - 7pm

Phone: 0429 168 331 BUILDERS

• Lawns Mowed • Edges Trimmed • Weeding and Weed Spraying • Hedges Trimmed and Shaped • Rubbish Removed • Ride on Mowing


Big or small jobs 7 days a week Ph 5446 3206 or 0427 353 939


Carpentry and Painting, Large and Small Lawn Care, Gardening and Fences, Garden Shed and Garden Irrigation Installation, Pressure Cleaning of Paths and Driveways, Pre-Sale and Rental Cleanups, Rubbish Removal, FREE QUOTES

0438 271 896 Building & Property Maintenance R P

Our Services also include: • Carpentry & Concreting • Decking • Welding & Glazing • Garages / Carports • Electrical • Bobcat Hire • Plumbing • Painting & Renovations • Alfresco Dining Areas • Insurance Work • Plastering • Cleaning • Fencing • Licensed Asbestos Removalist • Bathrooms & Kitchens • Fully Insured Call Us Now!

0420 926 830 or 5448 5209 04

1 CALL 4 IT ALL...

Friday, January 13, 2012 — Bendigo Weekly


Services Offered PEST CONTROL


• Concrete tiles • Terracotta otta tiles • Slate tiles • Iron roofingg

The Risk

Darren 0400 936 738

De-mossing Sealing and painting Gutter replacement Re-roofing Pensioner discounts


Quality Plastering & Painting Service Plaster Repairs & Alterations Insurance & Water Damage Repairs Premium Customer Service Call Victor


516 542

Post Christmas Cleanup Green Waste


0429 999 864


Lic No: 50975


HOT WATER Supply and Installation of Gas, Electric, and Solar Hot Water Units

Ph Craig: (03) 5443 0263 Mob: 0416 266 353





License No. 32710

BRATZ scooter and elbow /knee pads $20. Ph 0400 745 454

CONCRETE vibrator, in a cage, petrol motor, $99 Ph 0428 572 320

BSEC boys rugby top size s $25. Ph 5443 6121

CRUSOE College dress GC size 8 $20. Ph 5449 6683

BED queen and base, VGC, $400 ono. Ph 5447 9609

CV Industrial Vacuum Services Reduce Fire Risk Spouts Vacuumed Spotlessly Pensioner Discounts Water Tanks Cleaned

Ph Paul 5439 3835 or 0428 395 429


Have your Subdivision completed now! Planning Permits Fulfilled ONE STOP SHOP Professional Project Management

0435 147 045 FOR SALE 18 speed mountain bike & helmet $30. Ph 0400 745 454

AIRCONDITIONER, convair portable, e.c, $150, Ph 0416 444 854


Tree Maintenance • Stump Mulching Hire Travel Tower • Tree Pruning and Stump Grinding • Tip Truck & Woodchipper Hire • Free Quotes (no job too BIG or SMALL for the Smith Family team)


All inner spring Aussie Made. Dbl $179, QS $199. Full range to suit. Ph 5443 3071.

BEDSIDE cupboards x 2 & bedhead $50 Ph 5447 7050


91 Wesley St, Kangaroo Flat

Quality tree and Stump Removal

BEDS - NEW Mattress Sale

BIKE Ricardo Rebel GC $45. Ph 5441 6142

80 grey pavers 40x20cm $20 lot Ph 5449 6759

0417 545 193 or 5447 7276

BEDROOM suite - 3 pce girl's "Punky Jo's" Alpine loft bed, 5 drawer Tallboy & writing desk. Lilac & ash wash colour, hand painted ceramic handles. $950 Ph 0418 506 987

BEDS, single x 2, Queen Anne, mahogany, GC $90 ono Ph 0417 054 046

Subdivision Management

BSEC Boys t-shirt & sports top s 16 & shorts s 32. $10 ea. 5443 6121 BSEC girls trousers x 2, s14 GC $15 ea Ph 5442 5552 BSE complete girls uniform size 10/12, EC, $150. Ph 5442 1248 BSEC rugby jumper, size M, GC $40 Ph 5442 5552

* Fully Insured

Phone Brian on

David Smith

Peter Carr Plumbing & Gasfitting Pty. Ltd.

• General & Garden Waste • Furniture and Appliances • Building & Renovator cleans • Pre/Post Sale Property Clean Up • Garage & Yard Clean Outs • Light Demolition • Fully Insured • We do all the sorting & loading & leave no mess

0427 506 160

Phone: 5447 0054

BABY bassinette $50 Ph 0418 370 572

BED elec lift, e.c, crown $700 Ph 5442 4015

Total Rubbish Removal

• Gasfitting, installation and service • Split system installations • Hot water changeovers • General plumbing • Evaporative cooler servicing • Seniors Discount

Jason Charles Jason Charles 0448 324 126 0448 324 126

t Yard clean ups t Whitegoods t DomesƟĐ t Builders t Renovators t Commercial

0423 402 474


Licence: 27838 ABN: 37 901 690 166

We load for you! No job too small or too big

...get the market you’re missing...



7 Days a Week



BBQ, gas. A BARGAIN at only $25. Ph 5447 8847


Call Jim 0429 866 630

A SKILLWORKS book yr10 $10, Math omat book, yr 10, $10, Ph 5439 6007

BABY/toddler Swing, fisher price, new, $60 Ph 5442 4015

Experts in all aspects of roofing


A fun, safe way for your cat to enjoy the outdoors. Free quotes to suit your budget.

APPLE iPad keyboard dock, as new. $50 Ph 5444 1894

Ph: 0438 632 219


Cat Enclosures

ANNEX poles, 5 x steel $5 Ph 5447 4903

FREE ROOF INSPECTIONS Re-bedding and flexible pointing High pressure cleaning Valley iron replacement Extensions Insurance claims


AIR Conditioner, Daikin inverter high wall split system, e.c, $400 ono Ph 0408 576 237


Mosquito Control


BLINDS, AWNINGS, ROLLER SHUTTERS & SECURITY DOORS. Free measure & quote. Southern Cross Blinds & Awnings, 141 High St K/Flat. Ph. 5447 9011 BLUETOOTH, handsfree, used once, e.c, $80 Ph 5442 4523 BOOTS, men's size 7. New. $50 Ph 5447 7050 BOYS 16" bike VGC $25 Ph 5446 7679

BSE s12 jumper, new, $40 Ph 5442 9742

CRUSOE College girls jumper GC size 14. $20. Ph 5449 6683

CRUSOE College girls polo tops x2 size 16 EC. $20 each Ph 0401 536 211

CRUSOE College polo top GC size 12 $5 Ph 5449 6683

CRUSOE college sports polo size C12 $20 Ph 0417 342 214

CRUSOE College sports shorts s16 $10 Ph 0417 342 214

CRUSOE College winter skirt size 16 EC. $40 Ph 0401 536 211 BUNDY bar & a full range of LED signs. Noble Pavilion Show Grounds Market, every Sunday or 0434 688 220 CAR remote control Traxx EC $6 Ph 5441 6142 CCB jumper size 14. $40. Ph 5442 9742 CCB new skirt size 12 $60. Ph 5442 9742 CHAIRS, 6 x kitchen black vinyl, EC $60 Ph 5443 1811 CHICKEN wire, roll. $15 Ph 5443 4701 CHILD'S assorted toys. $10 per bag Ph 5447 1656 CHAIR Elec lift, ec, mushroom velour, $700 o.n.o Ph 5442 4015

CRUSOE College Yr 10 rugby jumper EC $50. Ph 0401 536 211

CRYSTAL cabinet, dark stain, GC $35. Ph 4433 1493

CUBBY, 2.1m x 2.3m + verandah, vinyl w/board, C/Bond pitched roof, 2 windows, lined, carpet, some furniture. VGC. $500. Ph 5447 1189.

CULTIVATOR, 3 prongs, $10 Ph 5443 4701

CURTAINS x2 168cm drop 4m wide approx. $10 each or ono 5442 3134

DESK, L-shaped with shelves & drawers $35 Ph 5449 6974

COMPUTER monitor, EC $30 ONO Ph 5442 3136

DINING suite, Noblet teak setting. Table 1000mmx1700mm, extends to 2400mm. 6 padded fabric chairs. EC $295. Ph 5447 4903

COMPUTER, XP, Office 2007, internet. $90 Ph 5444 1894

DINING table, 6 seater, glass top, $100 Ph 0432 776 959

COMPUTER desk, $30 Ph 5439 5286


LocalClassifieds ADVERTISE FOR 4 WEEKS - ONLY $22* Phone, Fax, email or bring in this coupon with $22*, or $27.50* with photo, and your advertisement will be published in the next 4 editions. Categories included: Autos, Boats, Car Parts, Caravans & Trailers, Commercial Vehicles, For Sale, Four Wheel Drives, Livestock, Machinery, Motorbikes & Wrecking.

1300 558 385 PO Box 324 Bendigo 3552 Fax: 5442 1497

* All adverts must be pre-paid. For $22 you get 5 lines ONE ITEM ONLY per advert. Advert will run for four consecutive weeks. Sale price must be included. Alteration to PRICE ONLY. Not included in the offer are business adverts., rental hire etc., for the purpose of ongoing profit, or Real Estate Listings. The publisher reserves the right to decline any booking for the purpose of continuing gain.

Glass repair


and installers of 6 Star double glazed windows • Window Glass Replacement • Door Repairs

A friendly, reliable, local plumbing team fully qualified in all aspects of plumbing

544 33 999

• Locks, Cords & Rollers repaired • Safety Glass • Insulating Glass for Doors & Windows • Shower Doors Ph: 5444 5523 Mob: 0432 440 675

4 Nolan Street, Bendigo






Credit card number - (minimum credit card purchase $10)





NAME: ............................................... .......................................................... ADDRESS: ......................................... ......................................................... PH.: .................................................



• Organic • Improves soil health • Saves water and money • Natural bush aroma • Great value for money • Cover 20m2 •

Contact Tony on 0421 927 156

Restaurant clearance at “The Puddler” 101 Williamson Street Wednesday to Saturday, Anytime after 9am. Hanging Corrugated Iron Bar top w shelves & down lights, Crockery, glass wear, cutlery, table clothes, tables, padded chair,Wine buffet, kitchen equipment, s/s benches, Salamander, industrial toaster, 900 true heat hot plate, 3 door bench fridge, wok burner,Wood fire pot belly heaters small & large, Boehma Coffee machine & grinder, fish tanks. All Priced to sell.

Phone 0428 122 889

FOR SALE DINING table, dark brown wood with 6 chairs, bone seat covers. $250. Ph 0431 403 577 DISHWASHER, Vulcan Dishlex, VGC $100 Ph 5448 8068. DYSON bagless vacuum, EC $100 Ph 5443 1811 ELECTRIC bike GiaCarlo, no rego or licence reqd, g.c, $550 Ph 5441 7156 or 0400 093 331

EXERCISE pulse trainer machine, as new, $500 Ph 5443 7256

EXERCISE step machine, Pro Series $25. Ph 5449 6974

FOR SALE FILING cabinet, 4 draw, GC, $35. Ph 4433 1493 FILING cabinet, 4 drawers, $50 Ph 5442 5552 FOLDING bikes (2) as new $150 each Ph 5446 9947 FOOT Spa, Whirl, as new, $50 Ph 5442 4015 FOWLER preserving bottles,lids,clips,assorted sizes $20 Ph 5443 7256 FREEZER, Philips, upright, 320Lt GC $90. Ph 5446 9284


EXTENSION ladder, alum, VGC, 12ft plus, $35. Ph 4433 1493

and Freezers. Top brands from $195. Fully recond, 6 mths wty. 283 High St, G/Sq. Ph. 5441 1955

FILE cabinet, reasonable condition $30 Ph 5446 1284

FRIDGE, Kelvinator 390L, GC $100 ONO Ph 5442 3136

Bendigo Weekly — Friday, January 13, 2012





FUNK & Wagnalls new Encyclopedias, 29 in total. $50. 5442 1507

HAY For Horses. Lucerne hay $8.80 incl., Pasture hay $6.60 incl., Mulch $4.40 incl. Delivery Available. Phone 0400 271 434

LOUNGE suite, olive, micro suede, 3 + 2 pce $100. Ph 5443 4701

FISHER Price kitchen chair booster seat, $40 Ph 0417 150 981


SAFE n Sound Premier convertible car seat $80. Ph 0417 150 981

FUTON black frame with mattress $50. Ph 0437 558 381

HEADLIGHT covers, Honda CRV, $20. Ph 5443 8272

GARDEN manures. Cow, chook $8.80. Mixed, sheep $8.60. Pig, mushie mulch $8.40. Ph 0428 572 320.

HEAVY duty bench vice. 6" GC $65 Ph 5446 7679

GARDEN tools assorted x3. $40. Ph 0431 403 577

HELMET, new, adjustable. $10. Ph 5447 0397

GAS Oven Westinghouse freestyle, gas hotplates, elec ignition, e.c, $150 Ph 0408 576 237

GIANT cat trees, 3 styles. All $89 each.. Noble Pavilion Showgrounds Market every Sunday. Ph 0434 688 220 GIRTON dress x2 size 12C EC $35 Ph 5444 4922 GIRTON hike boots, kathmandu, size 7, vgc, $90 Ph 5442 9742 GIRTON jumper size 12 (85cm) EC $35 Ph 5444 4922 GIRTON winter skirt size 12 $50, shirt $10. Ph 5444 4922 GLASS top boardroom, 7ft 6x3ft10, oval, with chrome opera house base, inc 10 arm chairs, $500 Ph 0437 266 699 GLENLEE 11ft caravan, new QS mattress, ideal for camping or spare room, neat & tidy. $3000. Ph 0408 388 129 GYM Strider 5439 5286



Sml sq $6.60. Del avail. Phone 0428 373 194 or 5437 3194

42" H.D, LCD, T.V, like new, no further use. $289. Phone 5443 3071

MICROWAVE, GC, works $25 Ph 5446 1284

SCIENCE quest book yr10 $20 Ph 5439 6007

MOBILE ph cradle x2, suit Nokia N95 & 6120. $50 ea Ph 0419 131 833

SCIENCE Quest 4 3rd edition $25. Ph 5443 6121

HOMEMAKER dryer EC $80. Ph 5442 6696

MOBILE phone, 'Hip Top' Alcatel $99 Ph 0428 572 320

SINGLE bed and foam mattress never used $120 Ph 5446 8572

HOT water service Rheem 135L interior VGC $80 Ph 5441 6180

MOUNTAIN bike 26", new, $60. Ph 5447 0397

SINGLE bed & mattress $20 ono. Ph 5442 3134

MULTI purpose gym station $100 Ph 5439 5286

SINGLE bed, wood, walnut colour, includes mattress $55 Ph 0431 403 577

INSTANT TURF Lush lawn for Summer Locally grown, pick up or delivery. Axedale Turf Ph 5439 7216 or 0419 232 602

INSULATION R3.5 $21 per bag delivery avail. Ph 0428 143 078 JAM jars x70, unused, $12 the lot. Ph 5442 1507 KITCHEN chairs x 4, timber $25 ea. Free table. Ph 0438 591 063 LADYS or gents bike, 26", VGC $25 Ph 5446 7679 LED worklight, 91 LEDs, 12v, $50 Ph 0419 131 833 LOUNGE, leather couch 3 seater, navy blue, EC $250 ONO Ph 0400 819 079 LOUNGE Suite, G.C, 3 piece, $800 ono Ph 5442 4015 LOUNGE suite, genuine leather 3 seat lounge with 2 recliners in VGC $550 Ph 0408 443 006

Did you get an unwanted gift for Christmas?

MUSHROOM COMPOST SINGLE garage, buyer to AND TOP SOIL dismantle and remove.

$50 per metre. Minimum 4 metres. Free delivery to Bendigo area. Phone 0400 855 626.

Make an offer! Ph 0408 100 914 SLIDE $30 Ph 0418 370 572

NATIVE plants. Yearly Clearance Sale. Pots from $5 or multiple purchases discounted. Thurs - Sun weekly 9 am - 5pm. 426 Napier St W/Hills.

SOFA lounge that converts into double bed, fabric covering e.c, $200 Ph 5446 8572

NEST boxes for Princess parrots 4 for $30. Ph 5443 6775

SONY dual woofer speakers x 2. $30 Ph 5447 7050

NEST of 3 tables, light coloured pine $50. Ph 0431 403 577

STEREO plus turn table $10. Ph 5443 6775

NETBALL South Side body suit size M $50 Ph 0417 342 214 ORGAN, Technics, VGC, little use. $100 Ph 5442 3754 ORNATE antique fire surround $230 Ph 0437 266 699 OVERLOCKER, Brother 4 thread with manual. VGC $99 Ph 5447 2784 PANTS BSE, navy, g.c, $20, size 28, Ph 5439 6007

PEA STRAW $8 per bale. Free Delivery Bendigo Area. Ph 0407 500 983 PIANO Schiedmayer & Soehne Stuttgart, black. $500 Ph 5443 9537 or 0411 357 743 Lucy. North Bendigo PORTABLE iron press VGC $85. Ph 5442 6696 PORTA-COT & high chair, never used, EC, $95. Ph 5442 6696 PROFESSIONAL wax heater twin 1lt brand new $80 Ph 0422 277 368 QUEEN size mattress & base, GC, $50. Ph 0437 558 381

STUDENT wooden desk, as new. $20. Ph 5442 1507 TRAMPOLINE, 14ft, round with safety net, e.c, $200, Ph 5448 4968

I am a forthright little man and enjoy strutting my stuff. I quite enjoy the company of small female dogs, but other males and larger dogs feel the edge of my ego! I am best suited to a home with no cats. I will make a great companion for someone who is looking for a lovely dog who is not very demanding. JEB


Hey there my name is Jeb, I am a lovely boy who has such a great personality. I am very easy going and I would love to go to a home with someone who would spend some quality time with me. We can be each other’s companion. If you, or anyone you know, is looking for a companion, we have plenty of animals at our shelter. From January 13 to 15 we are having a cat free waiver for cats 4 months of age or older. Why not look at who we have available on our website at



Piper Lane, East Bendigo

5441 2209

Mon-Sat 10am-4pm, Sun & Pub Hols 10am-12pm


3000 lt $620. 5000 lt $820. 10,000 lt $1450. 2500 lt Slimline $660. Drums 200lt $25. 161 McIvor Hwy Ph 5443 6740 WHEELCHAIR Jet 3 Ultra Electric used twice, $3425 Ph 5446 1974 WHEELS plus tyres x 2, 16" split rims $99 Ph 0428 572 320

TV ent. unit, solid timber, EC, 150cmHx165cmW, $99. Ph 5447 4414

WHITE dinner set 6 setting plus spares. $8. Ph 5442 3134

T V u n i t , 125Wx132Hx45D Bargain. $95 Ph 5447 4903

WOODEN Furniture & toy templates + assort wood & glass $200 lot, Ph 0400 180 099

VCE unit 1&2 Maths Quest 11 standard gen. $25 Ph 0438 412 340

WOODEN table from India with 2 wooden chairs. $30. Ph 0437 558 381

VCE units 1&2 Biology textbook $30 Ph 0438 412 340

YR 9 text book variety $60 the lot. Ph 5446 7396

VCE units 1&2 Health & Human Devel. text $25 Ph 0438 412 340 VIDEO player, Samsung EC $50 ONO Ph 5442 3136 WASHING machine Maytag 8kg needs hub seal $80 Ph 5441 6180 WHEELCHAIR Jacaranda, Manual VGC, $500 Ph 5446 1974

BENDIGO ANTIQUE AND ESTATE AUCTIONS 177 View Street, Bendigo ENTRIES ARE INVITED For our next antique and collectables auction

Wednesday 25th January, 6pm Individual or estate lots accepted

Contact: Dennis 5443 8570 or Vernon 5441 4168 or 0407 485 333

Walkers Wanted

Call 1300 558 385


TRAMPOLINE, small, VGC $25 Ph 5443 1811


Sell it in the Bendigo Weekly




MEN'S Olympic 12 Rebel bike GC $35. Ph 5441 6142

HIGH sense TV LCD 48cm with set top box $65. Ph 5443 6775



5442 4495



For Fridges & Freezers, in GWO up to 25yrs. Washing Machines up to 7yrs old. Ph. 5441 1955 PRE 1980's jewellery & bric-a-brac. No obligation quote. Phone Jean 5446 2189 TRACTORS & farm machinery wanted. Going or not, cash paid, Ph 0429 393 221

GARAGE SALES 14 Soldatos Drive Golden Square, Budgies, welder, lots more. Sunday 8am. 18 Monreith Ave Flora Hill. Sat 8am-6pm. Kitchen table, baby items, bed, general household items.

GARAGE SALES HOUSEHOLD items, desk exercise bike, bric a brac Williams Rd Myers Flat Sat & Sun 8am


HORSE agistment, 6 mins from Bendigo CBD. Spring Gully / Mandurang area. Excellent facilities including menage. $30 per week per horse. Prefer 2 horses. Phone Robbie 0429 990 554

LIVESTOCK ALPACA Wethers, Female, Male, pregnant Female, Alpaca fleece, suitable for spinning, all colours. Ph 0418 564 815


Rising 2-yrs, mature, approx 14HH, fast learner, needs good home. $750. Ph 0409 439 307

FAT lambs, x2 males, 6 months old. Raveswood. Phone 5435 3930

FREE 3 x adult cats - 1M, 2F, (1 with 2 new kittens) must go this weekend. Ph 0439 819 955

HORSES wanted all types, good prices, cash money on pick up. Phone 0428 505 486

JACK Russell x Foxy pups, 3 Males, 8 weeks old $150 each Ph 5439 1373

MALTESE x Shih tzu x poodle, M, tri colour, 9 weeks, $350. Maltese x Pekinese, F, white & black, $500. Vet check, imm, worm, Ph 5484 1850 or 0402 226 723


PB Golden Lace Wyandotte, 12 w old, $50 a trio. Ph 5437 3101

Earn extra cash, keep fit and have some fun as a member of our Weekly Walkers Club. You won’t have to stand around folding advertising material for hours beforehand – just pick up and go! We offer a top payment rate and will keep you up-to-date via our regular newsletter with full support of our distribution team.

Friday, January 13, 2012 — Bendigo Weekly




A.M. Hyett Motorcycles

FORD Courier Ute, 8x6 alloy tray, 5 speed, runs well as is $850 FRJ324 Ph 5443 1710 or 0401 915 906

Bikes sold, traded & recycled. Spares and accessories. See Michael and Ian 67-69 Bridge Street, Bendigo 3550 Open 9.00am-5.30pm Mon-Sat / 10.00am-5.30pm Sun

Supplier of quality new and used automotive parts, panels and accessories CURRENTLY DISMANTLING - BA XR6 Sedan - AU 5 litre Ute - XC Combo Van - 03 RA Rodeo V6 - 02 Kia Carnival

- 98 Hilux 2WD petrol - 98 Subaru Forester GT - 89 E30 BMW 32SI - 00 AU Fairmont Sedan - 85 NB Pajero

And Many More

Wanted to buy

late model damaged vehicles

320 Station St, Epsom

Ph 5448 8444 CAR PARTS BRIDGESTONE tyres x 4, ER300, 195/65R 15" plus rims and wheel trims, off an '09 Ford Focus. Only done 300km $300 Ph 0408 424 752

SCRAP metal wanted. Cars, trucks, tractors, tin, wire, white goods etc. Phone 5474 3237 or 0427 312 146. VE SV6 18" wheels & Bridgestone tyres x4, GC, $750. Ph 0417 884 436


QUINTREX HORNET 4.3 metres with 40hp Honda 4/stroke with travel cover on registered trailer. Fully fitted out with floor incl casting decks, nav lights, rod holders, fish-finder, gps, am/fm & 27MHz radios. $9500 ono. Ph 5439 5143 or 0447 395 143

AAAAAAAAA WANTED All old cars and


Barrel & Flight, all sizes. Also Header Barrel & Ribbon. Spiral Duct Aust formerly Chapmans (03) 9587 4185

scrap metal. Ph 0427 436 744.


picked up and scrap iron. Will pay cash. Ph 0428 599 359.



AUTO WRECKERS Wrecking all Makes & Models Cars bought and Sold

5474 2432 LMCT 10769

o Readies 4x4 Bendig y 714 Barnadown Rd, Huntl

$$$ UNDER $15,000 WITH WARRANTY $$$

MITSUBISHI Lancer SX 1990 3-Dr hatch, 5-spd, a/c, p/s, Sept rego, CD, VGC, RVD-675, $3250. Ph 5442 7031


FORD Fairlane ZF 351 auto, 9", no reg or RWC, unfinished project. JG37ME22358K, $2950 Ph 5441 5152

MITSUBISHI Magna 1986, auto, Reco motor, no RWC or rego, $300 ono. TM2P41TC1301. Ph 5432 2444

TRAILER 6'x4' with 600mm cage sides, checker-plate, spare wheel, virtually unused, reg. Feb 2012, $1250. Ph. 0434 858 425

FORD Fiesta 2005, 137,500kms, 5 sp man, Rego TNV-141 til 01.06.12, e.c, RWC, $6650 o.n.o Ph 5449 6985 or 0417 553 122

88' Harley Softail, immaculate., low, loud, raked. A real hog. Ring for details. RWC & reg. $15,500 ono. TC-081. Ph 0438 352 541

VISCOUNT 20x8ft, full annex, 2 fridges, vgc, no leaks, unreg, $5950 ono Ph 0431 010 009 or 5444 1578

FORD Telstar, t-bar auto, runs & drives great, 181,000 kms, $880 ono. n o R W C . UG48CD63433B Ph 0487 000 145

HUSQVARNA 2009 WR 300 2 stroke, full reg, $5,500 Ph 0408 146 439


FORD ute, 85 model XF auto, reg, dual fuel, near RWC $1050 RJK-377 Phone 0428 572 320

Ph: 5442 2523 SMS: 0411 627 348 Email



YAMAHA '09, XVS650, 2350 kms, EC, LED indicators, saddle bags, reg till Feb 2012 $8300 Ph 0407 246 487 YAMAHA motor scooter, 125cc sports, 2011 model, perfect condition, 7 mths reg, 1C9XK $3000 ono 5441 4867 YAMAHA Virago 250cc, 1400 km's, yr 2006, Cherry Blossom, Sept 2012 reg. $4800. FW 373. Ph. 0409 020 999.


1995 Nissan mobile home, dbl bed, shower /toilet, 2 burner stove, sink, fridge, 6 cyl diesel, new tyres, full reg, plus tools. All in good order. $45,000 or offer. Ph 5443 0127 JAYCO 2004 expanda caravan, 16ft, single axle, D&Q beds, full annexe, bed flys, a/c, 3 way fridge & gas elec stove, $26,000ono 5432 2332 or 0417 667 746 ROMA pop-top, 1991, 14 ft 6 in, 3 way fridge, island bed, roll out awning, VGC $8500 ONO Phone 5439 5661


6 x 4 $590. 8 x 5 tandem $2,190. 161 McIvor Hwy


Mitsubishi Pajero GLS, low kms, V6, 5-spd, very clean, fully optioned, NHM-130, RWC & rego, $7,500 ono. 0438 352 541


09, Dual cab, 3.0ltr t /diesel, auto, t/bar, tint, top of range lots of extras, low 27,800kms, like new. XPC-983. $35,990 ono. Phone 0429 402 669

FAIRMONT 97, 6 cyl, dual fuel, alarm, air, cruise, CD stacker, wind. tint., alloy wheels, new exhaust, Regency Red, $4000 ONO Ph 0419 599 344

HOLDEN blue SS, auto, air, steer, fully optioned, vgc, 220,000ks, very original, WIH277, $7500 ono Ph 0423 277 429

FALCON 1983 XE Ute, duel fuel, ladder racks, tbar, auto, runs well as is $850, PDL401, Ph 5443 1710

HOLDEN Calais 2006 sedan VE silver with black trim, full service history, EC, XWP-160 $16,500 Ph 5443 3201 or 0407 506 551 HOLDEN Gemini 1977 TD, near complete as is $485 Eng No. ATD3579B Ph 5443 1710 or 0401 915 906

FORD 1997 longreach ute, exc body, v.g mech, gas, auto, 6mths rego, tub liner, OHE905 $3000 Ph 0438397133

FORD AU 2000 SEDAN 6 cyl, 4-spd auto, cruise cont., CD, dual a/bags, t /bar. Great car and priced to sell. RWC, reg to Mar 2012. SCH-979 $3,500 Ph Chris 0400 569 251 FORD Cortina TC 250, 6cyl, auto, complete, no reg or RWC, mechanically sound CK57MT39088C, $500. Ph 5441 5152


No Bull $&%@ Just Fair Dinkum Driveaway Prices 12 month National Warranty Co. Drive Plus Warranty plus 12 month Roadside Assistance Stamp Duty & Registration Included. RWC Supplied


2005 Ford Falcon Front Elec Windows Cruise Control ABS Tow Pack 80,000kms New Tyres Service Books

TOYOTA Celica ZR 1994, auto, new tyres, low kms, 6 months rego, RWC, THS407, cruise control, $6,500 Ph 0437123716

$12,490 Driveaway

UON 140

2002 Holden VX Berlina TOYOTA Prado '07, auto, silver, 1 owner, 86,400km, extras, GC, new tyres, serv. hist., 5 mths rego, 250-KQB, $44,575. Ph. 0434 858 425

Auto Air Con P/Steering Full Electrics Comfort Features

RUP 799


2002 Mitsubishi Magna

Hatch, 4 speed auto, power steering, a/c, 6 stack CD, factory alloys, 44,000km, RWC, 1 owner, like brand new. WQQ-245 $14,800 Ph 0419 337 667 VN Holden Commodore Wagon, good first car, 17" mags, $850. Ph 0434 015 956 6H8VNK35HKL357549

$8,990 Driveaway Auto V6 Air Con P/Steering Dual Fuel Full Leather Interior Alloys

$8,999 Driveaway

SGT 953

2003 Volkswagen Golf

VT Commodore, blue, mags, lowered, tint, no reg or rwc, $2000 Ph 0422 563 187 VIN 6H8VTK69HWL302420

Low 77,000kms Auto Air Con P/Steering Economical, Safe Little Car Hard to Fault



$12,999 Driveaway

XGT 420



2000 Daewoo Tacuma

$22 HYUNDAI Excel 1993, 2 door, 5 spd, EFI engine, EC, no reg or RWC, $800. G4DJP152950. Ph 5438 7275

• Now selling full range of • We also have a full range Pro comp Tyres. of reco parts that we can • New and used lift kits fit on site to suit your 4x4 needs • New and used turbo kits for the extreme 4WD or to give your diesel that towing your caravan. • With a full time workshop extra push we now cater for all your • With a full range of motors and gearboxs on 4WD needs iser site we will get you back • Patrol • Landcru on the road fast. • Hilux • Suzuki Mon to Fri 8:30am to 5:30pm (03) Sat 8:30am to 2:00pm



FORD EF sedan, 1997 model, auto, 9 mths reg, RTT-758. $1595 near RWC. Phone 0428 572 320

LMCT 4761. Licenced second hand dealer.




JEEP Grande Cherokee 1997 full elec, leather, 4.0L, 6 cyl, 4WD, t/bar, plenty of extras, reg plus RWC, QTV-517 EC $8,990 ONO, Ph 0417 719 197. LEXUS RX350 Sports Luxury 2008, black, 76,000, XHF 400. $42,990. Ph 0407 812 667

Station Wagon 5 Speed Manual Air Con P/Steering Electrics Plenty of Room


$27.50 with photo

QVK 748

$6,999 Driveaway 1998 Kia Sportage 5 Speed Manual Air Con P/Steering Full Electrics Go Anywhere Cheaper than Rav4

1300 558 385 classifieds @bendigoweekly * Conditions apply. For private use only.


$5,990 Driveaway

PIK 973

As Traded Specials - No reg, No RWC 2000 Ford AU Falcon Series II Sedan Auto Air Con P/Steering Front Elec Windows

$2,999 Driveaway

QPJ 075

1997 Holden VS Commodore Station Wagon Dual Fuel Tank in Date Good Interior

5448 8153


Specialising In • Holdens • Commodores • Fords • Light Commercials Call 5446 1384 Wayne on 0413 774 717 Kayne on 0459 652 963 Address: 222 Upper Rd, Eaglehawk, 3556

Established 75 Years in Bendigo • Automotive paints • Polishes • Car care products • Panel beater supplies • Timber furniture finishes • Spray packs made on-site

Phone 5443-4933 47 Breen Street, Bendigo

PPU 408

$1,999 Driveaway 1991 Ford Laser Auto Air Con P/Steering

EKY 948

77 Midland Hwy, Epsom PH: 03 5448 3325

$1,499 Driveaway Offers end 03/02/12

Open Monday-Friday 8.30-5.00 • Sat by appt.

132 Creek Street, Bendigo Ph: 5441 8490 Mob: 0418 171 624

LMCT 8404

Finance Available - T.A.P.

28 • SPORT

Bendigo Weekly – Friday, January 13, 2012


Cycling club gets in gear The race is on as new summer series presents riders with a new challenge

THE Bendigo Cycling Club is gearing up for the launch of a major summer criterium series, to be known as the Symes Motors Summer Series. Co-organiser Scott McGrory, a two-time Bendigo International winner and Olympic gold medallist, said the Symes Motors Summer Series was a new event for cycling and for Bendigo, which organisers hoped would help re-invent the sport in Bendigo. ‘’We have got some great local riders,’’ he said. ‘’And we want to get some good riders from out of town involved as well.’’ He said the Bendigo Cycling clubrooms at the Tom Flood Sports Centre would be open each Sunday before and after racing to enable visiting riders the chance to prepare for racing, ride out to the Mayfair Park circuit, then return for a shower prior to travelling home. Cycling is in the midst

of a major boom, thanks to successes such as Cadel Evans, the Green Edge Cycling team and last week’s National Road Championships in Ballarat. ‘’Bendigo has for a long time been seen as a real cycling hub outside of Melbourne,’’ McGrory said. It’s hoped local riders including Zak Dempster and Darren Lapthorne will take part in the series.

HOPES: Darren Lapthorne at the 2011 Rob Vernon Memorial Handicap. Photo courtesy Porsche Drapac.

day, and leading up to the March 11 Bendigo International Madison. McGrory said series co-sponsors Symes Motors and Spencers Café would help promote a carnival atmosphere during racing, with music pumping out of speakers from a Symes Motors recreational vehicle, and good coffee available onsite. Racing will take place

Bendigo has for a long time been seen as a real cycling hub outside of Melbourne McGrory said the summer series would offer about $5,000 in prizes, including a $1000 Hume & Iser Home Hardware voucher to the overall series winner. Weekly winners will receive quality Ronde socks and gloves. The series will run across eight Sunday mornings on the tight and challenging Mayfair Park circuit, starting this Sun-

in A, B and C Grades, with points being awarded in all grades and the series winner to be determined on an aggregate basis. Points earned in handicap races at the regular Thursday night track races would count towards the Symes Motors Summer Series as well. Racing starts at 9am at Mayfair Park, Sunday, January 15.

Would you believe it? ON THE ROAD: Riders have amazing stories to tell.

EDDIE BARKLA EVER had one of those moments where things happen that make you wonder what is behind our being? I find more and more people sharing the “what are the odds of this?” moments in life. Take them as you will, I enjoy hearing the encounters of others. Like the local rider preparing for a ride across Canada and getting the right contacts to advise on the conditions and environment likely to be encountered. There are a number of internet sites across the world for backpacking tourists to find places to get a hot shower and access a sofa to sleep on. People register their

availability, allowing travellers these small comforts away from home. Seeking to find out more about the ride across Canada, a plea was made on the network for the route chosen for this ride. A response came back from a Canadian that an Australian friend of theirs had undertaken this ride, and sent their contact details. The Australian was a very meticulous lady who lives in Melbourne, and she had taken notes of the road names and details in a diary. After the explanation of the purpose for crossing Canada by bike as a research project, a copy of the diary was made available. This took a lot of stress out of the planning process. In another case, while riding recently with a lady

cyclist, I was taken aback by the amazing bike she was riding and asked about the components. The bike is a very special time trial bike and for racing has a set of 404 ZIP singles. The bike had been bought at an ironman event in Hawaii. I asked about getting punctures and how they coped while being out on the road in competition, and the following story came out. In a recent iron man competition a puncture did happen in a brand-new set of tyres just glued onto the rim. After much struggling, the punctured tyre was rolled off the rim breaking the seal of the new glue. A spare tyre was rolled on and there was enough tacky glue to seal it onto the rim, making this her first time ever having to

change a tyre in competition and use a CO2 gas bottle to re-inflate the tyre. But for some unknown reason a little way down the road this tyre also went flat. An attempt was made to insert a repairing agent but this was not effective. A mechanic came along and offered assistance and, cutting the story short, got the bike back on the road. This mechanic just happened to come from the bike shop where the bike had been purchased in Hawaii! He was in Australia helping out at the event and was excited to be able to lend a hand in such a way. Life is enriched when we help others, as these two stories have affirmed. Looking forward to seeing you on the road soon, God willing.

Your horoscope Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 19):

New Year’s resolutions concerning health and fitness are going well. Keep it up! Your reflexes are on target, too. You will prevail in almost any competition. This is a good time to make adjustments in your life routines so that they will reflect what you really want to accomplish. You can easily stay on target with your goals now.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 19):

Social and romantic life is favored this week. You may be mixing business and pleasure in a pleasant combination. This is a good time to discuss issues within a relationship because you are steady of mind and likely to be realistic, in relation to yourself as well as others. You intend to keep your promises.

Gemini (May 20 - June 20):

You are experiencing a major change in the areas of shared resources, investments, alimony, or inheritance. At this time you are mentally quarreling with yourself or with others over finding a solution to the problem. You want things as they were and that is not possible. Ask your supervising self for a perspective change.

Cancer (June 21 - July 21):


Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22): You are bringing a creative work to a favorable conclusion now. It may be symbolic of all the work you have done on yourself in the last three years. For some Libras, this may be a time of positive culmination for one of your children. You have several aspects that favor romance, the arts, and things of beauty.

Capricorn (Dec 21 - Jan 19): Mercury travels rapidly through your sign until Jan 27. During this period there likely will be greater emphasis on communications, errands, and other short distance travels. Your mind will be quick and your attitude persuasive. Your mind is loaded to the brim with intensity of purpose.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21):

You have a sense of physical strength at this time that will be especially beneficial if you are exercising or in any type of competition. This is also a particularly good time to organize your desk, closets, drawers or files. Eliminating waste of any kind will give you a sense of refreshment.

It is of paramount importance that you control your mouth this week. Although you have an opinion about whatever is happening, let it go and say nothing unless asked for it. Being “right” is not as important as maintaining human relations. Later you can take action to correct what you perceive is wrong, but now you will be challenged to a fight.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 17): That which has been a joy in the past is coming to a close during this period. You recognize that it’s time is over and you are accepting about it, but a bit sad. This could be a person departing your life, or a last fling with an artistic pursuit. It might even be a special treasure which you feel the need to give away.

Virgo (Aug 22 - Sep 22): You want answers and you may insist on having them right now, in spite of the fact that you are irritating the person who has the answer. Alternatively, you may be brooding over a child or a lover. There is an element of obsession here that may be beyond the norm. Do not let it take over your good sense.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 20): You are in an especially cordial frame of mind at this time, and likely to invite people to your home, or to share whatever you have to offer. Your spirits are high and you have a need to be social. You are interested in whatever feels luxurious, looks beautiful, or tickles the senses. Going overboard would be all too easy!

Pisces (Feb 18 - Mar 19):

It is possible you will feel a sense of fatigue this week. Maybe something has caused you to be disappointed with yourself. Don’t take the blues seriously or worry about yourself. In a few days you will feel much better. It is a temporary mood swing. Get some extra rest. Stay in touch with good friends.

Leo (July 22 - Aug 21):

Your attitude about yourself is not altogether accurate right now. You may think way too much of your ideas, or alternately, you may see yourself as lower than scum. Neither is accurate and you should probably not make decisions of any importance this week. Spiritual pursuits are given a “go” signal.

Friday, January 13, 2012 – Bendigo Weekly

SPORT • 29

Emu Valley Cricket Association – Division 1

Players are on the ball THE first game back after the Christmas break threw up some very interesting results with all teams in the top four except Mandurang beaten. Have we seen the beginning of the march up the ladder for our reigning premiers Spring Gully after they recorded their first victory of the season over ladder leaders United? Ricky Mannix (81 not out) and Shaun Makepeace (59) led the way as Spring Gully compiled 6/199. Brad Gillett was the chief destroyer with the ball, returning figures of 4/21. United could only manage 152 in reply, thanks mainly to Tom Hartney (47) and Tim Gleeson (43*). Cain Ladiges starred with the bat (87) and ball (3/17) alongside Leigh Haw (72) as Mandurang notched up a comfortable win against West Bendigo. Mandurang scored 240 in its innings, with West Bendigo only managing 182 in reply. Ken Bell hit 42 for the Redbacks, with Travis O’Connell (33 and 5/34) having a great match. Axe Creek secured their second win of the season, defeating Emu Creek as they defended 170. Travis Nolan hit 35 for Axe Creek, and Charles Ready scored 31. Axe Creek restricted Emu Creek to just 118 in reply with only Brad Rowe (31) show-

ing any resistance with the bat. Ben Harris did the damage, taking an impressive 4/9, with Travis Nolan picking up a welldeserved 3/14. It was the Rick Ladson show at Sedgwick as he scored 103 not out of the Sedgwick total of 176. That proved to be enough to defeat Golden Gully who scored 154, with Shaun O’Shea leading the way with 37. In the final game it was a very dismal batting display by Maiden Gully who could only set Marong 118 for victory. Rick Poulter scored 46 not out for Maiden Gully as Marong easily passed the target with Scott Ross (80) and Zac Samuel (61*) leading the way. This weekend, we will find out if Spring Gully’s good form last round was more than just a flash in the pan. The Gully takes on Mandurang away, in what could be the match of the round. In other games, Emu Creek hosts Sedgwick in a match that pits two even sides against each other. Axe Creek is at home to Maiden Gully in what should also be a close match, and Golden Gully hosts Marong at California Gully Oval. West Bendigo and United is the final game for the round, with the first-place United looking to defeat the third-placed Redbacks.

For full ladders and fixtures see

ON A ROLL: Some interesting results came out of the first game back after Christmas. Photo: ANDREW PERRYMAN

Division 1 ladder RANK


P W2 W1 D





















West Bendigo


















Emu Creek


















Maiden Gully









Golden Gully









Spring Gully









Axe Creek













JG Edwards Oval

Round 8 Jan 14, 1.00pm

Emu Creek

Jan 14, 1.00pm

Axe Creek


Maiden Gully

Longlea Oval

Jan 14, 1.00pm

Golden Gully



Cal Gully Oval

Jan 14, 1.00pm

West Bendigo v


Ken Wust Oval

Spring Gully

Mandurang Oval

Jan 14, 1.00pm





Triathlon’s a winner TRIATHLON continues to grow in popularity in Bendigo, and last weekend’s instalment of the Bendigo Triathlon Club’s Summer Series program was no different. The course around Eaglehawk’s YMCA pool and Lake Neangar proved popular, with 64 children taking part in the club’s mini races, and about 80 senior athletes competing in the short and long course events. Nick Walsh of the club said the amount of participants this season had been strong. “Last year, if we had 20 kids for a race we were lucky,” he said. “This year we are averaging about 50 a race, which is fantastic.” The club races once a month from September to March, culminating in a club championship. Its next race, the penultimate for the season, will be held at Lake Neangar on February 11. To find out more, go to POPULAR: Geoffery Graham, far left, Jason Stewart and youngsters take part in the triathlon. Photos: ANDREW PERRYMAN

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With Window Tinting

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Bendigo Weekly – Friday, January 13, 2012



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Friday 13th

Saturday 14th

Sunday 15th

Monday 16th

Tuesday 17th

Wednesday 18th

Thursday 19th


4.00 Football: W-League 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10.00 Time Team 11.00 Chopper Rescue 11.30 One Plus One 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Schools Spectacular 2011 3.00 Children’s Programs 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 My Family: Susan has a school reunion, but she is not feeling at her most confident. 8.30 Midsomer Murders 10.05 The Graham Norton Show 10.55 ABC News 11.05 Adam Hills In Gordon St Tonight 12.05 rage

4.00 rage 11.00 Dan Cruickshank's Adventures In Architecture 12.00 My Family 12.30 Unlikely Travellers 1.00 Basketball: WNBL: Bendigo v Dandenong 3.00 Football: WLeague: Brisbane Roar v Sydney FC 5.00 Clever Monkeys 5.55 The Great Rift: Africa's Wild Heart: The Great Rift Valley channels a huge diversity of waterways spanning from Egypt to Mozambique. Some of the lakes and oceans harbour previously unseen life forms. 6.45 Inside the Great Rift 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Hogfather 9.10 Single-Handed 10.45 The Jonathan Ross Show 11.30 rage

4.00 rage 6.30 Children’s Programs 9.00 ABC News 24 Mornings 9.30 The World This Week 10.00 ABC News 24 Mornings 10.40 Christianity 11.30 Songs Of Praise 12.00 Britain From Above 1.00 7.30 Select 1.30 Message Stick 2.00 The Story Of India 3.00 Let Freedom Sing 4.35 Cutting It At The Fringe 5.05 The South Bank Show 6.00 Last Chance To See 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Grand Designs 8.20 Uptown Downstairs Abbey 8.30 Movie: Balibo: Anthony LaPaglia 10.20 Shifting Shelter 11.15 Eye On The Storm 11.45 Movie: The Pink Panther 1.40 Grand Designs 2.30 Star Stories 2.55 rage

4.00 The Chaser's War On Everything 4.30 Can We Help? 5.00 Gardening Australia 5.30 State To State 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10.00 Time Team 11.00 Landline 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Uptown Downstairs Abbey 12.40 Monarch Of The Glen 1.30 Annabel Langbein 2.00 Waterloo Road 3.00 Children’s Programs 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Who's Been Sleeping In My House? 8.30 Harry's Arctic Heroes 9.30 Secret Pakistan 10.20 ABC News 10.30 Silent Witness 11.30 Place Of Execution

4.00 The Chaser's War On Everything 4.30 Can We Help? 5.00 Gardening Australia 5.30 State To State 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10.00 Time Team 11.00 Battlefield Mysteries 11.45 Picture Perfect Homes 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Seven Ages Of Britain 1.30 Meerkat Manor 2.00 Waterloo Road 3.00 Children’s Programs 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Nigella Kitchen 8.30 Nature's Miracle Babies 9.25 Gareth Malone's Extraordinary School For Boys 10.25 ABC News 10.35 Spooks

4.00 The Chaser's War On Everything 4.30 Can We Help? 5.00 Gardening Australia 5.30 State To State 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10.00 Time Team 11.00 Ideal World 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Mapping The World 1.30 The Trophy Room 2.00 Waterloo Road 3.00 Children’s Programs 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Outnumbered 8.30 QI 9.00 The Thick Of It 9.35 Absolutely Fabulous 10.05 The Trip 10.35 ABC News 10.45 Raw Comedy 2011

4.00 Basketball: WNBL 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 ABC News 24 Mornings 10.00 Time Team 11.00 Rivers And Life 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes 1.25 My Family 2.00 Waterloo Road 3.00 Children’s Programs 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Jimmy's Food Factory 8.30 The People's Supermarket 9.25 Greatest Cities Of The World With Griff Rhys Jones 10.15 ABC News 10.25 Stephen Fry In America 11.25 More Than This... 12.20 Hungry Beast 12.50 The Clinic


5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne Summer Series 10.00 Children's Programs 11.00 Nine News 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 1.00 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day One 3.30 The Cricket Show 4.00 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day One 6.00 Nine News 6.10 Win News 6.30 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day One 8.30 Movie: US Marshals: Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes, Robert Downey Jnr, Kate Nelligan 11.15 The New Adventures Of Old Christine 11.45 Win News 12.15 Movie: The Deer Hunter 3.35 Spyforce 4.30 GMA

6.00 Children's Programs 7.00 Weekend Today Saturday 9.00 Children's Programs 12.00 Sweet Success In The Sun 1.00 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day Two 3.30 Magic Millions 4.00 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day Two 6.00 Nine News 6.30 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day Two 8.30 CSI 9.30 Movie: Beautiful Kate: Sophie Lowe, Rachel Griffiths 11.35 Movie: Simpatico: Jeff Bridges, Sharon Stone , Nick Nolte 1.40 Movie: That’ll Be The Day 3.30 Til Death 4.00 Danoz 4.30 ET 5.00 Creflo A Dollar 5.30 Skippy: The Bush Kangaroo

6.00 Children's Programs 7.00 Weekend Today Sunday 10.00 Surfsport: Billabong Pro 11.00 Australian Fishing Championships 11.30 The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air 12.00 Wildlife Man Featuring David Ireland 1.00 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day Three 3.30 The Cricket Show 4.00 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day Three 6.00 Nine News 6.30 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day Three 8.30 The Mentalist 9.30 CSI 10.30 Cycling: 2012 Santos Tour Down Under: Highlights 12.00 Flashpoint 1.00 Memphis Beat

6.00 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne Summer Series 10.00 Children's Programs 11.00 Nine News 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 1.00 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day Four 3.30 The Cricket Show: Presented by Michael Slater and Brett Lee 4.00 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day Four 6.00 Nine News 6.10 Win News 6.30 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day Four 8.30 The Mentalist 9.30 Harry's Law 10.30 Big 11.30 The Unusuals 12.30 Win News 1.00 The Avengers 2.00 ET 2.30 Til Death 3.00 Danoz

6.00 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne Summer Series 10.00 Children's Programs 11.00 Nine News 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 1.00 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day Five 3.30 The Cricket Show 4.00 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day Five 6.00 Nine News 6.10 Win News 6.30 Cricket: Third Test: Australia v India: Day Five 8.30 Two And A Half Men 9.30 Person Of Interest 10.30 Nothing Trivial 11.30 Cycling: 2012 Santos Tour Down Under: Highlights 12.30 Win News 1.00 The Unusuals 2.00 Matlock Police 3.00 Danoz 3.30 GMA 5.00 Early Morning News

6.00 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne Summer Series 10.30 Children’s Programs 11.00 Nine News 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.30 Children's Programs 4.30 F Troop 5.00 ET 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 Nine News 6.30 Win News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 RBT 8.30 Underbelly Files 10.20 True CSI: Cold Blood 11.20 Cycling: 2012 Santos Tour Down Under: Highlights 12.20 Win News 12.50 Memphis Beat 1.50 Win Presents 2.00 ET 2.30 Danoz 3.30 GMA 5.00 Early Morning News

6.00 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne Summer Series 10.30 Children's Programs 11.00 Nine News 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.30 Children's Programs 4.30 F Troop 5.00 ET 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 Nine News 6.30 Win News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 Getaway 8.30 Unforgettable 9.30 CSI: NY 10.30 To Be Announced 11.30 Cycling: 2012 Santos Tour Down Under: Highlights 12.30 Win News 1.00 Southland 2.00 20/20 3.00 Danoz 3.30 GMA 5.00 Early Morning News


6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 10.00 Style By Jury 10.30 Dr Oz 11.30 Seven News 12.00 Movie: Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior: Brenda Song 2.00 Children’s Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 Seven News 6.30 Today Tonight 7.00 Highway Patrol 7.30 Better Homes And Gardens Summer 8.30 Wallander 10.30 Movie: Red Dragon: Anthony Hopkins, Edward Norton, Ralph Fiennes, Harvey Keitel 1.00 Movie: Asunder: Blair Underwood, Debbi Morgan, Michael Beach, Marva Hicks 3.05 Home Shopping

6.00 Children’s Programs 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 9.00 Children’s Programs 12.00 Beat The Star 1.00 That '70s Show 1.30 Movie: Hercules: Tate Donovan, Danny DeVito, James Woods, Susan Egan, Josh Keaton, Charlton Heston, Rip Torn, Bob Goldthwait 3.30 Movie: Saved! Mandy Moore, Jena Malone, Heather Matarazzo 5.30 Destination New Zealand 6.00 Seven News 6.30 No Leave No Life 7.00 Movie: Eight Below: Paul Walker, Bruce Greenwood 9.30 Movie: Duplicity: Clive Owen, Julia Roberts 12.00 Movie: Roll Bounce 2.20 Home Shopping

6.00 Garner Ted Armstrong 6.30 Creflo Dollar 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 10.00 Kochie's Business Builders 10.30 Under The Hammer 11.00 Children’s Programs 1.00 That '70s Show 1.30 Movie: The Hunchback Of Notre Dame: Jason Alexander, Tom Hulce, Kevin Kline, Demi Moore 5.30 New Zealand On A Plate 6.00 Seven News 6.30 Classified: Marine One 7.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line 8.00 Coastwatch 8.30 Bones 9.30 Castle 11.30 Royal Pains 12.30 Love Bites 1.30 Home Shopping 5.30 Seven Early News

6.00 Sunrise 9.00 Children’s Programs 10.00 That '70s Show: When Eric wishes that he and Donna had never gotten together, an angel appears and shows Eric what life would have been like. 10.30 Seven News: The latest news from around Australia and overseas. Presented by Ann Sanders 11.00 Tennis: 2012 Australian Open: Day One: Presented by Matt White and Hamish McLachlan 6.00 Seven News 6.30 Today Tonight 7.00 Tennis: 2012 Australian Open: Night One: Presented by Johanna Griggs 12.30 Home Shopping 5.30 Seven Early News

6.00 Sunrise 9.00 Children’s Programs 10.00 That '70s Show: Eric is so depressed over the break-up with Donna that he spends all his time curled up in bed. 10.30 Seven News: The latest news from around Australia and overseas. Presented by Ann Sanders 11.00 Tennis: 2012 Australian Open: Day Two: Presented by Matt White and Hamish McLachlan 6.00 Seven News 6.30 Today Tonight: Presented by Matt White 7.00 Tennis: 2012 Australian Open: Night Two: Presented by Johanna Griggs 12.30 Home Shopping 5.30 Seven Early News

6.00 Sunrise: Presented by Melissa Doyle and David Koch 9.00 Children’s Programs 10.00 That '70s Show: Both still hurting from their break-up, Eric and Donna fight over custody of their friends. 10.30 Seven News 11.00 Tennis: 2012 Australian Open: Day Three: Presented by Matt White and Hamish McLachlan 6.00 Seven News: Peter Mitchell presents today's news, with David Brown updating the weather. Sport is with Sandy Roberts. 6.30 Today Tonight 7.00 Tennis: 2012 Australian Open: Night Three: Presented by Johanna Griggs 12.30 Home Shopping 5.30 Seven Early News

6.00 Sunrise 9.00 Children’s Programs 10.00 That '70s Show: Hyde is upset when he discovers that the gang has thrown a party for the sole purpose of finding him a girlfriend. 10.30 Seven News 11.00 Tennis: 2012 Australian Open: Day Four: Presented by Matt White and Hamish McLachlan 6.00 Seven News: Peter Mitchell presents today's news, with David Brown updating the weather. Sport is with Sandy Roberts. 6.30 Today Tonight 7.00 Tennis: 2012 Australian Open: Night Four: Presented by Johanna Griggs 12.30 Home Shopping 5.30 Seven Early News


Junior rates apply

6.00 Ten News 7.00 Children’s Programs 9.00 The Circle Summertime Series 11.00 Ten News 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 6.30 The Project: Presented by Charlie Pickering, Carrie Bickmore and Dave Hughes 7.30 Jamie’s Great Britain 8.30 Movie: The Devil Wears Prada: Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway 10.55 Medium 11.55 The Late Show With David Letterman 12.55 Valentine 1.55 Infomercials 5.30 Bayless Conley

6.00 Children’s Programs 10.00 The Hot30 Countdown 12.00 Radar: Featuring regional Australia's best new music talent. 12.30 The Hit Rater.Com 1.00 Life Unexpected 2.00 Good Chef Bad Chef 2.30 Venom 3.30 Making Tracks 4.00 Escape With ET 5.00 Ten News 6.30 Movie: Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs 8.30 The Graham Norton Show 9.35 Movie: Mercury Rising: Bruce Willis, Alec Baldwin, Miko Hughes 11.55 Movie: A Good Year: Russell Crowe, Albert Finney, Abbie Cornish, Freddie Highmore, Rafe Spall 2.00 Infomercials 4.00 Bayless Conley 4.30 It Is Written 5.00 Hour Of Power

6.00 Mass For You At Home 6.30 Hillsong 7.00 Children’s Programs 8.00 Living Fossils 9.00 The Hot30 Countdown 12.00 Pat Callinan's 4x4 Adventures 1.00 Cycling: Jayco Bay 2012: Highlights 3.00 The Biggest Loser 4.00 All 4 Adventure 4.30 Ozzie Holiday 5.00 Ten News 6.30 Merlin 7.30 It’s A Knockout 8.30 Terra Nova 9.30 NCIS 10.30 Medium: Allison gains the ability to know when people are lying. 11.30 Movie: To Be Announced 1.30 Infomercials 4.00 Everyday Life 4.30 Copeland 5.00 Life Today 5.30 Benny Hinn

6.00 Ten News 7.00 Children’s Programs 9.00 The Circle 11.30 Jamie's Thirty Minute Meals 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 6.30 The Project 7.30 Modern Family 8.00 Rules Of Engagement 8.30 NCIS: Los Angeles 9.30 The Glades 10.30 Medium: A standard missingperson's case becomes complicated. 11.30 The Late Show With David Letterman 12.30 Infomercials 4.00 Everyday Life 4.30 Copeland 5.00 Life Today

6.00 Ten News 7.00 Children’s Programs 9.00 The Circle 11.30 Jamie's Thirty Minute Meals 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 6.30 The Project 7.30 Modern Family: Jay and Phil try to bond over model planes, but it ends in disaster. 8.00 Rules Of Engagement 8.30 NCIS 10.30 Medium 11.30 The Late Show With David Letterman 12.30 Infomercials 4.00 Everyday Life 4.30 Copeland 5.00 Life Today

6.00 Ten News 7.00 Children’s Programs 9.00 The Circle 11.30 Jamie's Thirty Minute Meals 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 6.30 The Project 7.30 Modern Family 8.00 Rules Of Engagement 8.30 The Good Wife 10.30 Medium: Allison comes face-toface with her stalker. 11.30 The Late Show With David Letterman 12.30 Infomercials 4.00 Everyday Life 4.30 Copeland 5.00 Life Today 5.30 Benny Hinn

6.00 Ten News 7.00 Children’s Programs 9.00 The Circle 11.30 Jamie's Thirty Minute Meals 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady Cook: Presented by Colin Lane 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 6.30 The Project 7.30 Modern Family 8.00 Rules Of Engagement 8.30 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 10.30 Medium 11.30 The Late Show With David Letterman 12.30 Infomercials 4.00 Everyday Life 4.30 Copeland 5.00 Life Today 5.30 Benny Hinn


Staff Wanted

5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World Watch 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia 1.30 Inspector Rex 2.30 The Squiz 3.00 Letters And Numbers 3.30 World Watch 4.30 PBS Newshour 5.30 Dakar Rally 2012: Highlights 6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News 7.30 Coast 8.30 Empire Of The Seas 9.30 Chronicle Of The Third Reich 10.30 World News 11.05 Movie: Novo (France): Eduardo Noriega, Anna Mouglalis, Nathalie Richard 12.50 Movie: Head Under Water (Germany): Frederick Lau, Devid Striesow, August Diehl 2.55 Weatherwatch

5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World Watch 1.00 Who Is Harry Nilsson And Why Is Everybody Talkin’ About Him? 2.20 Lin Hwai-Min And The Cloud Gate Dance Theatre 3.20 Looking For Truffaut 3.50 The Chopin Etudes 3.55 The Beauty Of Books 4.30 PBS Newshour 5.30 Dakar Rally 2012: Highlights 6.00 Oz And James Drink To Britain 6.30 World News 7.35 Big, Bigger, Biggest 8.35 Rockwiz 9.30 Movie: Vicky Cristina Barcelona (The US): Penélope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson, Javier Bardem 11.15 Movie: Empire Of The Wolves (France): Jean Reno, Arly Jover 1.30 Weatherwatch

5.00 World Watch 8.30 Popasia 10.30 Football Asia 11.00 Les Murray’s Football Feature 12.00 FIFA Futbol Mundial 12.30 Speedweek 2.00 World Watch 3.00 Ethnic Business Awards 2011 5.00 Cycling Central: Presented by Michael Tomalaris 5.30 Dakar Rally 2012: Highlights 6.00 Thalassa 6.30 World News 7.30 Lost Worlds 8.30 Once Upon A Time In Cabramatta 9.30 Movie: Venus (The UK): Jodie Whittaker, Leslie Phillips, Vanessa Redgrave 11.15 Movie: Parineeta (India): Saif Ali Khan, Sanjay Dutt, Vidya Balan 1.35 Weatherwatch

5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World Watch 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia 1.30 Prototype This 2.30 ADbc 3.00 Letters And Numbers 3.30 World Watch 4.30 FIFA Futbol Mundial 5.00 The Crew 5.30 Dakar Rally 2012: Highlights 6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News 7.35 Mythbusters 8.35 Freddie Flintoff Versus The World 9.30 Wilfred 10.00 South Park 10.30 World News 11.05 The World Game 12.05 SOS 1.05 Movie: Vares: Private Eye (Finland): Juha Veijonen 2.50 Weatherwatch

5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World Watch 1.00 Into The Deep: America, Whaling And The World 3.00 Letters And Numbers 3.30 World Watch 4.30 PBS Newshour 5.30 Global Village: Presented by Silvio Rivier 6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? 8.30 Pleasure And Pain: Pleasure is vital for our survival, but how does it work, and what gives us the most pleasure in life? 9.30 Cutting Edge: Terror Island 10.30 World News 11.05 Movie: Stella (France): Léora Barbara, Mélissa Rodriguès, Guillaume Depardieu 12.55 Mad Men 2.50 Weatherwatch

5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World Watch 1.00 Jump! 2.40 Spacefiles 3.00 Letters And Numbers 3.30 World Watch 4.30 PBS Newshour 5.30 Global Village 6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News 7.30 Luke Gamble’s Vet Adventures 8.30 From Sydney To Tokyo By Any Means 9.30 The Chinese Are Coming 10.30 World News 11.05 Movie: Coffee And Cigarettes (The US): Bill Murray, Tom Waits, Roberto Benigni 12.50 Movie: Towards Zero (France): François Morel, Danielle Darrieux, Melville Poupaud 2.45 Weatherwatch

5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World Watch 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia 1.30 Inspector Rex 2.30 The Squiz 3.00 Letters And Numbers: Presented by Richard Morecroft 3.30 World Watch 4.30 PBS Newshour 5.30 Global Village: Presented by Silvio Rivier 6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News 7.30 Zumbo 8.00 One Man And His Campervan 8.30 Oz And Hugh Raise The Bar 9.35 24 Hours In Emergency 10.30 World News 11.00 Sex: An Unnatural History 11.30 Erotic Tales 12.05 Kill Arman 12.35 The Fixer2.25 Weatherwatch

Friday, January 13, 2012 – Bendigo Weekly


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6am Children’s Programs 7pm Spicks And Specks 7.30 Doctor Who: A Zombie army is on the march as plague spreads through wartime London. 8.30 The Last Man Standing 9.30 Top Boy: Drug dealers Dushane and Sully find themselves in huge debt after their drugs are stolen. Meanwhile Ra'Nell helps his mum's friend grow cannabis in order to give her and her baby a good life. 10.20 The Trials of Phoebe Prince: The tragic story behind the most controversial bullying prosecution case in US legal history. 11.15 Being Human 1.10 Lewis Black's 'Root of All Evil' 1.35 ABC News

6am Children’s Programs 7pm Whites 7.30 Change Of Heart: A highlycharged, emotional film that captures what could be the final few months of Hannah Jones' life. 8.30 Movie: We're No Angels: Humphrey Bogart, Aldo Ray: Three escaped convicts help a storekeeper and his family to outwit a scheming relative. 10.10 Movie: Airport: Burt Lancaster: Mel Bakersfeld is the manager of Lincoln International Airport. He struggles to keep his airport open — despite a raging Midwestern snowstorm, and an angry wife. 12.25 Top Boy 1.15 Scrapheap Challenge

6am Children’s Programs 7pm Video Killed The Radio Star 7.30 Dragon's Den: Entrepreneurs are given the chance of a lifetime when they pitch an idea, a dream, or backing for a company to five successful business leaders in order to secure financial investment from them. 8.30 Sunday Best: In early 1994, knives were being sharpened at Leichhardt Council in this classic study of ambition and betrayal in politics. 10.10 The Jonathan Ross Show 10.40 London Live 11.05 BBC Electric Proms 8 12.05 Beautiful Noise 1.00 Scrapheap Challenge 1.45 ABC News

6am Children’s Programs 7pm Spicks And Specks 7.30 Doctor Who: The Doctor, Rose and Jack travel to Cardiff, and encounter an old enemy the Doctor thought he had destroyed. 8.30 Haven 9.30 The Runaway: Cathy reinvents herself under the care of a transvestite in Soho. 10.15 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 10.45 Dragon's Den 11.50 Sanctuary: With Adam under tight security back at the Sanctuary, Magnus starts to process the events of the past 24 hours. 12.35 Zoo Days 1.00 Scrapheap Challenge: Grand Final 1.45 ABC News

6am Children’s Programs 7pm Spicks And Specks 7.30 Doctor Who: The Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack are trapped on the Game Station in the year 202,005 — where game shows and reality television have run wild. 8.30 PhoneShop: The arrival of area manager Razz Prince sets everyone on edge. 9.00 Commercial Kings 9.30 Green Wing: Caroline is broody and confused. 10.25 Lewis Black's 'Root of All Evil' 10.45 Arrested Development 11.10 Torchwood 12.00 No Way San Jose 12.30 Planet Rock Profiles 12.55 Green Wing 1.50 ABC News

6am Children’s Programs 7pm Spicks And Specks 7.30 Doctor Who 8.30 Misbehaving Mums To Be: Mums to be Amy and Lisa are puffing their way through pregnancy, while Sophie is binge eating on junk food. All three are given wake-up calls by straighttalking midwives. 9.30 Laura Hall: My Battle With Booze: Follow one woman's attempts to turn her troubled life around. 10.25 Sunday Best 12.00 The Baby Borrowers 12.55 How Do They Do It? Presented by Robert Llewellyn 1.20 Animal Cops 2.10 ABC News

6am Children’s Programs 7pm Spicks And Specks: Presented by Adam Hills 7.30 Doctor Who 8.30 Arrested Development 9.00 Psychoville: Return to the mysterious cottage in the woods to see what Kerry and Robert are up to. The search for the locket continues. 9.30 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 10.00 Ideal 10.30 Peep Show: Mark discovers Jeremy's girlfriend has a guilty secret. 11.00 Misbehaving Mums To Be 12.00 Commercial Kings 12.25 PhoneShop 12.50 Junkyard Wars 1.40 ABC News


6:35:16 PM

Sunday 15th

6.00 Children’s Programs 9.00 Flintstones 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie 10.00 Dukes Of Hazzard 11.00 Total Wipeout UK 12.00 Bewitched 12.30 Spin City 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 ET 2.00 TMZ 2.30 Married With Children 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Children’s Programs 4.30 Spin City 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie 5.30 Bewitched 6.00 Movie: Scooby Doo In Arabian Nights 7.30 Movie: Chasing Liberty: Mandy Moore, Stark Sands, Mark Harmon 10.00 Movie: Life Or Something Like It: Angelina Jolie, Edward Burns, Tony Shalhoub, Stockard Channing 12.00 South Park 12.30 Undercovers 1.30 Rubicon 2.30 Reno 911 5.00 Children’s Programs

6.00 Thunderbirds 7.00 Flintstones 7.30 Children’s Programs 12.00 The City 12.30 I Dream Of Jeannie 1.30 Bewitched 2.00 Bewitched 2.30 Married With Children 3.30 Spin City 4.30 2012 Youth Olympic Games 5.30 Total Wipeout UK 6.30 Top Gear USA 7.30 Movie: National Lampoon's Vacation: Chevy Chase, Randy Quaid, Beverly D'Angelo, Anthony Michael Hall, Imogene Coca 9.30 Movie: Sgt Bilko: Steve Martin, Dan Aykroyd, Phil Hartman, Glenne Headly 11.30 South Park 12.00 Total Wipeout UK 1.00 Top Gear USA 2.00 V 5.00 Children’s Programs

6.00 Thunderbirds 7.00 Flintstones 7.30 2012 Youth Olympic Games 8.30 Children’s Programs 12.00 The City 12.30 I Dream Of Jeannie 1.00 I Dream Of Jeannie 1.30 Bewitched 2.30 The Bachelor 4.30 2012 Youth Olympic Games 5.30 Total Wipeout UK 6.30 Teen Mum 7.30 Two And A Half Men 8.30 The Big Bang Theory 9.30 Movie: The Last Boy Scout: Bruce Willis, Damon Wayans, Chelsea Field, Noble Willingham 11.40 Gossip Girl 12.40 The Hills 1.30 Reno 911 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 Flintstones

6.00 Children’s Programs 7.30 2012 Youth Olympic Games 8.30 Children’s Programs 9.00 Flintstones 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie 10.00 Dukes Of Hazzard 11.00 Wipeout 12.00 Bewitched 12.30 Spin City 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 ET 2.00 TMZ 2.30 Married With Children 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Children’s Programs 4.30 2012 Youth Olympic Games 5.30 Bewitched 6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 Wipeout USA 7.30 Top Gear 8.30 The Big Bang Theory 9.00 The Inbetweeners 9.30 Movie: Passenger 57 11.00 South Park 12.30 Fur TV 1.30 Reno 911 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me

6.00 Children’s Programs 7.30 2012 Youth Olympic Games 8.30 Children’s Programs 9.00 Flintstones 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie 10.00 Dukes Of Hazzard 11.00 Charlie's Angels 12.00 Bewitched 12.30 Spin City 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 ET 2.00 TMZ 2.30 Married With Children 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Children’s Programs 4.30 2012 Youth Olympic Games 5.30 Bewitched 6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 Wipeout USA 7.30 Movie: Daddy Day Camp 9.30 Movie: Constantine 12.00 Spin City 12.30 Watchmen: The Complete Motion Comic 1.30 Reno 911 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 Flintstones

6.00 Children’s Programs 7.30 2012 Youth Olympic Games 8.30 Children’s Programs 9.00 Flintstones 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie 10.00 Dukes Of Hazzard 11.00 Charlie's Angels 12.00 Bewitched 12.30 Spin City 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 ET 2.00 TMZ 2.30 Married With Children 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Children’s Programs 4.30 2012 Youth Olympic Games 5.30 Bewitched 6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 Wipeout USA 7.30 Two And A Half Men 8.30 Mike & Molly 9.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.30 Movie: Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story: John C. Reilly 11.30 South Park 12.00 Spin City 12.30 Howie Do It

6.00 Children’s Programs 7.30 2012 Youth Olympic Games 8.30 Children’s Programs 9.00 Flintstones 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie 10.00 Dukes Of Hazzard 11.00 Charlie's Angels 12.00 Bewitched 12.30 Spin City 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 ET 2.00 TMZ 2.30 Married With Children 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Children’s Programs 4.30 2012 Youth Olympic Games 5.30 Bewitched 6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 Wipeout USA 7.30 The Middle 8.30 Two And A Half Men 9.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.30 Movie: Vertical Limit 12.00 Spin City 12.30 Howie Do It 1.30 Reno 911 2.00 Home Shopping 2.30 Howie Do It 1.30 Reno 911


Monday 16th


Saturday 14th

6.00 Home Shopping 6.30 Martha Stewart 7.30 Dr Oz 8.30 Step By Step 9.00 Hogan Family 9.30 Growing Pains 10.00 Night Court 10.30 Murphy Brown 11.00 Tennis: 2012 APIA International Sydney: Day Six/ AAMI Kooyong Classic: Day Three: Presented by Johanna Griggs and Todd Woodbridge 6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 On The Buses 7.30 Tennis: 2012 APIA International Sydney: Women's Singles Final: Presented by Johanna Griggs and Todd Woodbridge 10.30 Escape To The Country 12.30 60 Minute Makeover 1.30 Australian Open Tennis Classic 5.30 Home Shopping

6.00 Home Shopping 6.30 Queensland Weekender 7.00 Great South East 7.30 Creek To Coast 8.00 Better Homes And Gardens Catch-Up 9.00 The Great Outdoors 10.00 Step By Step 10.30 Growing Pains 11.00 Head Of The Class 11.30 Night Court 12.00 Murphy Brown 12.30 Welcome Back Kotter 1.00 Tennis: 2012 AAMI Kooyong Classic: Finals 5.00 Rising Damp 5.30 On The Buses 6.00 Dad's Army 6.30 Heartbeat 7.30 Tennis: 2012 APIA International Sydney: Men's Singles Final 10.30 Rome 11.40 Taggart 1.40 Bargain Hunt 2.30 On The Buses 3.00 Australian Open Tennis Classic

6.00 Home Shopping 6.30 Step By Step 7.00 Growing Pains 7.30 Head Of The Class 8.00 Ugly Betty 9.00 Route 66 10.00 Naked City 10.40 Night Court 11.10 Welcome Back Kotter 11.40 Movie: Decision At Sundown 1.20 Movie: How To Save A Marriage And Ruin Your Life 3.40 Movie: The Bounty: Mel Gibson 6.30 Dad's Army 7.00 The Worst Week Of My Life 7.40 The Thin Blue Line 8.20 Country Calendar 8.50 Escape To The Country 9.50 To The Manor Bowen 10.50 Homes Under The Hammer 12.00 The World At War 1.00 Movie: Broken Lizard's Club Dread 3.10 Movie: Bombardier

6.00 Home Shopping 6.30 Martha Stewart 7.30 Dr Oz 8.30 Sons And Daughters 9.00 Home And Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Beautiful Homes 12.00 Young Ramsay 1.00 Five Mile Creek 2.00 Emeril 3.00 Murphy Brown 3.30 Growing Pains 4.00 Mad About You 4.30 Who’s The Boss? 5.00 Doctor Finlay 6.00 Tennis: 2012 Australian Open: Day One 7.00 On The Buses 7.30 Heartbeat 8.30 Ruth Rendell Mysteries 10.45 The Bill 11.50 Six Feet Under 1.05 Emeril 2.00 Room For Improvement 2.30 Leyland Brothers

6.00 Home Shopping 6.30 Martha Stewart 7.30 Dr Oz 8.30 Sons And Daughters 9.00 Home And Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Beautiful Homes 12.00 Young Ramsay 1.00 Five Mile Creek 2.00 Emeril 3.00 Murphy Brown 3.30 Growing Pains 4.00 Mad About You 4.30 Who’s The Boss? 5.00 Doctor Finlay 6.00 Tennis: 2012 Australian Open: Day Two 7.00 On The Buses 7.30 The Vicar Of Dibley 8.10 Father Ted 8.40 Bless Me Father 9.15 Dad's Army 9.50 House Doctor 10.50 The Bill

6.00 Home Shopping 6.30 Martha Stewart 7.30 Dr Oz 8.30 Sons And Daughters 9.00 Home And Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Beautiful Homes 12.00 Young Ramsay 1.00 Five Mile Creek 2.00 Emeril 3.00 Murphy Brown 3.30 Growing Pains 4.00 Mad About You 4.30 Who’s The Boss? 5.00 Doctor Finlay 6.00 Tennis: 2012 Australian Open: Day Three 7.00 On The Buses 7.30 Heartbeat 8.30 Life Begins 9.30 Hetty Wainthropp Investigates 10.30 The Bill 11.30 Six Feet Under 12.30 Who’s The Boss? 1.00 Emeril

6.00 Home Shopping 6.30 Martha Stewart 7.30 Dr Oz 8.30 Sons And Daughters 9.00 Home And Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Night Court 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Beautiful Homes 12.00 Young Ramsay 1.00 Five Mile Creek 2.00 Emeril 3.00 Murphy Brown 3.30 Growing Pains 4.00 Mad About You 4.30 Who’s The Boss? 5.00 Doctor Finlay 6.00 Tennis: 2012 Australian Open: Day Four 7.00 On The Buses 7.30 The Royal 8.30 Unlikely Animal Friends 9.30 Battle At Kruger Park 10.30 The Bill 11.30 Six Feet Under 12.35 Who’s The Boss? 1.05 Emeril



Friday 13th

6.00 Football: Serie A 10.00 NFL: America's Game 11.00 NFL: Road To The Super Bowl 12.00 Omnisport 12.30 Orangutan Diary 1.00 Guerrilla Gardeners 1.30 Airline 2.00 Beach Patrol 2.30 Big Fish 3.00 True Heroes 3.30 Airline 4.00 Jeopardy! 4.30 Beach Patrol 5.00 Pat Callinan's 4x4 Adventures 6.00 M*A*S*H 6.30 Get Smart 7.00 Cops 7.30 Bridges Of New York 8.30 An Idiot Abroad 9.30 Miami Swat 10.30 Basketball: NBL 12.30 The Ultimate Fighter 1.30 Australian Superboat Championship 2.00 Omnisport 2.30 Basketball: NBL

6.00 The Storming 7.00 Triathlon: Challenge Cairns 8.00 Ironman: Kellogg’s Nutri Grain Series 11.00 X Venture Corporate Games 12.00 The WWE Experience: Presented by Jack Korpela 1.00 Basketball: NBL 3.00 True Heroes 4.00 Places We Go 5.00 M*A*S*H 5.30 I Fish 6.30 The WWE Experience 7.30 Fear Factor: Contestants must decide if they have the determination to confront a series of challenging stunts. 8.30 Cops: Adults Only 9.30 48 Hours 10.30 Basketball: NBL 12.30 UFC 119 2.30 NFL: America's Game 3.30 Football: Serie A 5.30 500 Great Goals

6.00 Omnisport6.30 Australian Superboat Championship 7.00 Volvo Ocean Race: Highlights 8.00 World Of Free Sports 8.30 National Football League 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Places We Go: Presented by Jennifer Adams and Clint Bizzell 5.30 I Fish: Presented by Paul Worsteling 6.00 Big Fish 6.30 Nature's Power Revealed 7.30 Ice Road Truckers 8.30 Movie: The Comebacks: David Koechner, Carl Weathers 10.25 Basketball: NBL 12.25 UFC 142: Prelims 2.25 The Ultimate Fighter 3.25 RPM Moment 3.30 Omnisport 4.00 Football: The Serie A Highlights 4.30 World Of Free Sports 5.00 National Football League

6.00 National Football League 12.00 World Of Free Sports 12.30 Omnisport: A comprehensive roundup of sports news and highlights from the past 24 hours. 1.00 Beach Patrol 2.00 Fear Factor 3.00 True Heroes 3.30 Airline 4.00 Jeopardy! Presented by Alex Trebek 4.30 Beach Patrol 5.00 I Fish 6.00 M*A*S*H 6.30 Get Smart 7.00 Cops 7.30 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 8.30 2011 Melbourne International Comedy Festival All Star Supershow 10.30 Blue Bloods 11.30 M*A*S*H 12.00 The Ultimate Fighter 1.00 National Football League

6.00 Pro Bull Riding 7.00 Omnisport 7.30 Football: The Serie A Highlights Show 8.00 World Of Free Sports 8.30 Australian Superboat Championship 9.00 NFL: America's Game 10.00 Basketball: NBL 12.00 Omnisport 12.30 Guerrilla Gardeners 1.00 Airline 1.30 Beach Patrol 2.00 Crash Test Humans 3.00 True Heroes 3.30 Airline 4.00 Jeopardy! 4.30 Beach Patrol 5.00 I Fish 6.00 M*A*S*H 6.30 Get Smart 7.00 Cops 7.30 Expedition Impossible 8.30 Cops: Adults Only 9.30 Rush 11.30 M*A*S*H 12.00 24 1.00 The League

6.00 Pro Bull Riding 7.00 Storming 8.00 Fiberglass & Megapixels 9.00 NFL: America's Game 10.00 Basketball: NBL 12.00 Omnisport 12.30 Guerrilla Gardeners 1.00 Airline 1.30 Beach Patrol 2.00 NFL Total Access 3.00 True Heroes 3.30 Airline 4.00 Jeopardy! 4.30 Beach Patrol 5.00 I Fish 6.00 M*A*S*H 6.30 Get Smart 7.00 Cops 7.30 Ice Road Truckers 8.30 Burn Notice 9.30 The Killing 10.30 M*A*S*H 11.00 RPM: Best Of 2011 11.30 NFL Total Access 12.30 National Football League 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Football: Serie A

6.00 Pro Bull Riding 7.00 National Football League 9.30 World Of Free Sports 10.00 Basketball: NBL 12.00 Omnisport 12.30 Orangutan Diary 1.00 Guerrilla Gardeners 1.30 Airline 2.30 Beach Patrol 3.00 True Heroes 3.30 Airline 4.00 Jeopardy! 4.30 Beach Patrol 5.00 I Fish 6.00 M*A*S*H 6.30 Get Smart 7.00 Cops 7.30 Extreme Fishing With Robson Green 8.30 Movie: Four Brothers 10.50 M*A*S*H 11.20 The Ultimate Fighter 12.20 Omnisport 12.30 Football: The Serie A Highlights Show 1.00 Australian Superboat Championship



Tuesday 17th

Wednesday 18th

Thursday 19th

5.00 Weatherwatch 6am World Watch 6pm China 216.30 Sarah Wiener’s Culinary Adventures 7.00 Eating Art 7.35 Brick City: The shooting death of a young filmmaker at a notorious apartment project sparks a massive response. 8.30 The Staircase 9.30 Movie: The Truck (South Korea): Yu Hae-Jin: A truck driver takes on an unusual delivery job to raise money for his daughter's operation. 11.15 Movie: Crows: 0 (Japan): The son of a yakuza boss transfers to the toughest school in town in order to prove himself to his father. 1.40 Weatherwatch

5.00 Weatherwatch 6am World Watch 6pm A Fork In The Road: Pria continues his tour of Ireland. 6.30 Neil Morrissey’s Risky Business: After snubbing the scepticism of both the breweries and their brand manager, Neil and Richard are ploughing on with their beer-fuelled dream. 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? 8.30 The Trouble With Tolstoy 9.40 Movie: The Wolf (Spain): Eduardo Noriega, Patrick Bruel, Silvia Abascal 11.50 Movie: Exit (Sweden): Mads Mikkelsen, Alexander Skarsgard, Samuel Froler 1.40 Weatherwatch

5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05am World Watch 6pm More Than A Fiesta 6.40 Iron Chef 7.30 Ninja Warrior 8.00 Unbeatable Banzuke 8.30 Once Upon A Time In Cabramatta 9.30 Movie: Inspector Montalbano: The Wings Of The Sphinx (Italy): Luca Zingaretti, Cesare Bocci, Peppino Mazzotta: A beautiful girl's body is found on a deserted beach, and the only clue to her identity is a butterfly tattoo on her shoulder. 11.30 Movie: Ferpect Crime (Spain): Guillermo Toledo, Monica Cervera, Luis Varela 1.20 Weatherwatch

5.00 Weatherwatch 6am World Watch 6pm China 21 6.30 Sarah Wiener’s Culinary Adventures 7.00 Eating Art 7.30 How To Live To 101 Without Trying 8.30 Judgment Day: Intelligent Design On Trial 9.30 The World Game 10.30 Movie: The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter (Hong Kong): Gordon Liu Chia Hui, Alexander Fu Sheng, Wai Ying Hung: Trained by Shaolin masters, an invincible pole fighter must come out of hiding and avenge his family honour. 12.15 Weatherwatch

5.00 Weatherwatch 6am World Watch 6pm China 21 6.30 Sarah Wiener’s Culinary Adventures: Sarah travels to Brittany to meet chef Christophe Audic, who will show her how he prepares Sea Bass en Croûte de Sel. 7.00 Eating Art: Oliver Peyton journeys throughout Europe investigating how food is depicted in landmark works of art. 7.30 China’s Great Wall 8.30 The Gold Rush 9.30 Movie: The Banquet (China): Ziyi Zhang, Daniel Wu, Ge You 11.45 Movie: A Friend Of Mine (Germany): Daniel Brühl 1.15 Weatherwatch

5.00 Weatherwatch 6am World Watch 6pm China 21 6.30 Sarah Wiener’s Culinary Adventures 7.00 Eating Art 7.35 Rex In Rome: After the sudden death of Inspector Fabbri, Inspector Davide Rivera is called in to replace him. 8.30 The Killing 9.35 Movie: 3 Prayers, 3 Loves (Indonesia): Nicholas Saputra, Dian Sastrowardoyo, Yoga Pratama 11.40 Movie: The Clay Bird (Bangladesh): Nurul Islam Bablu, Russell Farazi, Jayanto Chattopadhyay 1.25 Weatherwatch

5.00 Weatherwatch 6am World Watch 6pm China 21 6.30 Sarah Wiener’s Culinary Adventures: Sarah travels to the Basque Country in the south-west of France, where the owner of a farminn teaches her how to make calamari in a Basquaise sauce. 7.00 Eating Art 7.30 A History Of Scotland 8.40 Wikisecrets 9.40 Movie: Hidden Diary (France): Catherine Deneuve, Marina Hands, Marie-Josée Croze 11.30 Movie: Once You’re Born You Can No Longer Hide (Italy): Matteo Gadola, Alessio Boni 1.40 Weatherwatch

WeeklySport Friday, January 13, 2012



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City a hub for sport By ANTHONY RADFORD

BENDIGO’S sporting scene will come alive with three major sporting championships held in the city over the next three weekends. The events will kick off from today, with almost 2000 people, including about 450 athletes, taking part in the three-day Victorian Country Athletics Championships at the Flora Hill track. Next weekend, more than 700 swimmers will take part in the 2010 Victorian Country Long Course Swimming Championships at the Bendigo Aquatic Centre. The swimming carnival runs from January 20 to 23, and is expected to attract more than

3000 people to Bendigo. The annual Bendigo Junior Classic basketball tournament will be held from January 26 to 28 at the Bendigo Stadium. The event attracts more than 2600 basketballers, and more than 4500 people. City of Greater Bendigo council City Futures director Stan Liacos said the events would provide an economic boon for the city, in what was traditionally a quiet time. “We have certainly worked hard to separate the events to spread the economic gain,” he said. “We try, where possible, to avoid having monster events on the same weekend. “These three are perfect

examples of when we have a delightful spread of major events.” Mr Liacos said a lot of the participants in the events were young, which also attracted their parents to the event, and to Bendigo for a mini holiday. “Combined, we expect more than 8000 people to spend several days each in our great city,” he said. “This is genuine economic development and it is great for the promotion of our city.” Mr Liacos said Bendigo was cementing its reputation as a strong host of sporting events. “We are finding we are developing a terrific niche in the area of sporting events,” he said.

SWIM TIME: Olivia Wright of the Bendigo Hawks trains for next weekend’s Victorian long-course championships. Photo: ANDREW PERRYMAN. More photos at




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